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Drowning in Lies

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My husband died two days ago.

He was my college sweetheart. When we recited our wedding vows three years ago, he called me the love of his life and I called him my soulmate.

Now I'm listening as a police detective tells me they've discovered evidence that my husband betrayed me. He was cheating on me. He was stealing from me. He was drugging me. He was gaslighting me.

The pain is almost too much to bear.

I must call on my inner strength - and a darkness I never knew I had - to deal with his shocking web of lies and get revenge on those who wronged me. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and I need to unleash my fury so I can move on with my life.

Author's This book is not a traditional romance. This is a dark psychological suspense story with a non-traditional Happy For Now ending. Please read the trigger warnings inside the book, as some material may not be suitable for more sensitive readers.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 29, 2022

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About the author

E.K. Hart

5 books39 followers
I've been an avid reader since I was a little girl. When I was nine years old, I cried buckets after reading Bridge to Terabithia, which led to an intense love of books that rip my heart out before putting me back together again.

I can vividly remember 12-year-old me discovering my grandmother's Harlequin Romances, which I snuck out of her room to read. I also vividly remember getting caught by my mother, who had already told 12-year-old me that I was too young to read those books. I was grounded for a month, but my love of romance books was born.

Since then, I've gone on to devour books from many genres but I always come back to romances. Whether they are sweet and funny, or dark and angsty, I love them all.

Born and raised in the Midwestern US, I've been married for over thirty years, and am the mother of two incredible people. When I'm not reading or writing, you can most likely find me browsing through antique stores or eating chocolate.

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Happy reading!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,339 reviews358 followers
June 3, 2024
This was alright. The blurb sets it up, and I don’t want to give more away because it could ruin the twist. But IMO the prologue made it super clear what was going on. I actually made a note at 3% in with my guess, and I was right.

I felt like this was more of a mystery than a thriller. It was ok but predictable. I liked the h and love comeuppance; my only complaint is that I hated the guilt at the end. Own your psycho. 😂

Bottom Line- I didn’t love it because I knew where it was heading, but I read a lot and have watched MANY MANY hours of ID television, so I’m hard to surprise… especially with these “domestic thrillers” that IMHO are less shocking than regular thrillers. There really isn’t a developed romance subplot (that you see often in the genre), so if that is something you must have… you might want to skip.
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,611 reviews590 followers
January 15, 2023
Welp, not sure what to say. Reviewing suspense/thrillers is always hard due to the nature of the book and any potential twists and turns.

Four stars for me for keeping me on the edge of my seat, occasionally glancing over my shoulder when I got creeped out, and for writing a KU that is not filled with crappy grammar and idiotic people. The forensic accounting business dragged a little, but I could appreciate the author has actually thought this through although I'm skeptical on a couple of issues.

Keep this one for when you're tired of doormats and the H's that are forgiven at the drop of a hat.
Profile Image for Soma Ezz.
383 reviews46 followers
August 9, 2024
4.5 ⭐

First time reading this author. The book was a surprise. Definitely didn’t expect some of the twists, the main one being the biggest I didn’t see coming.
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,576 reviews159 followers
March 26, 2024
I read this first on Wattpad and it was so freaking good it gave me chills! My heart broke for the FMC but her revenge was sweet.
Profile Image for Becky .
244 reviews307 followers
March 13, 2024
I read this after my last read to make me feel better. Palate cleanser.

This is fucking amazing. I will add details later, but the cheater gets what he deserves. The new man is awesome and the heroine is strong as fuck and doesn't apologize for anything.

A very good book, it is not really focused on the romance, it is more like a thriller and I love it.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,789 reviews51 followers
January 16, 2023
Be careful who you cross

Lila's world turns upside down. Or dies it really. She finds out that everything about her relationship was fake. David just had a chip on his shoulder for being poor when he was growing up.

Lila does prevail and gets away with the ultimate. However, I really didn't see this as a psychological Suspense. I wasn't biting my nails waiting to see what happened next. Or was I so eager to read the next page, tbh I actually skimmed through sections trying not to lose interest.
Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,386 reviews18 followers
April 2, 2024
The author knows how to write an edgy dom thriller murder mystery.
But I am certain most readers knew what had happened, if not the how of it.
And I always looooovvve it when the bad guys get their due, and if you do too then this book will show you how it is properly done.
Although I ended up feeling bad for the ow and the brother - their punishment was worse than being dead.

My only quibble is how the book flattens out towards the end, and the hfn is a copout of sorts as if they don't deserve a hea - - or children.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,401 reviews61 followers
March 19, 2024
I’m not going to say much because you should go in blind on this one but wowsa did I love it!

Huge plot twists and an ending that left me with a huge smile on my face.
Profile Image for A-reader.
1,525 reviews41 followers
August 1, 2024
My reviews always contain spoilers, I write them so I can remember the story.

The books prologue starts at the funeral service for a man named David, he died by accidentally drowning in the lake behind their home, after hitting his head on the dock. His widow, Lila has let her brother in law, Scott give the eulogy and his close coworker, Vanessa sing a hymn. Then she gets up to say a few words. She thanks both Scott and Vanessa for everything they have done for her and David. Then she tells the mourners that Scott was blackmailing David and David had stolen money from her to pay Scott $3 million dollars, oh and also, David was having an affair with Vanessa. Everyone is stunned and the police and two detectives are there to arrest Scott and Vanessa for bank fraud, extortion, and a long list of other crimes.
To give you the backstory the first chapter starts 6 days prior to the funeral, Lila is getting ready for a spa day with her long time best friend Sherry and her husband, David’s coworker Vanessa. The ladies have lunch and shop before their spa appointments. During lunch Lila talks about how attentive David has been lately and how much fun they are having in the bedroom. This upsets Vanessa. She’s further upset when Lila buys sexy lingerie for David. By the end of the day she begs off coming to David and Lila’s house for a cookout. During this time she has been leaving David angry voicemail and texts about him still sleeping with Lila. When Sherry and Lila get home Lila can’t find David. Chris, Sherry’s husband and good friend of Lila and David comes over they all go looking for David on their large property. Chris finds David’s phone on his boat and the rope half untied from the mooring cleat. Worried something very bad has happened he asks her to call 911. Lila is in shock, in the last year she has miscarried and lost her mother she can’t lose her husband too. But it is confirmed David hit his head while uniting the boat and fell in the water and drowned.
Lila is very lucky to have Sherry and Chris as friends, these two are her rock, they take her to their house for a few days and are with her every step through the investigation of David’s death and subsequent findings of all his crimes.
The detectives assigned to the case question Lila about the large insurance policy on David’s life. That’s when we find out the Lila is very wealthy, she’s worth millions, way more than David. You also find out that on her mother’s side she is a mob princess, from the Flanagan crime family. David never knew that.
As the police investigate more they find things that raise flags regarding money. Lila looks into her investments and realizes that their joint accounts are hinky as well as some of the property that she owned. As things unravel it becomes clear that her brother in law is involved as well as his coworker Vanessa. Lila keeps getting knocked down with hit after hit. She finds out David has been drugging her to get her to sign mortgage documents on houses she owns and that the drugs possibly lead to her miscarriage. She finds out David has been cheating on her since they were dating in college. When she was miscarrying their baby David was with Vanessa. Scott has been helping David commit mortgage fraud and has been supplying David with recreational drugs. Every new discovery is worse that the previous one. The police find all this evidence from home security footage in David’s office that he kept on a hard drive.

“Hello Princess” - beautiful words uttered by the equally beautiful Liam. He is her uncle, the mob boss, Patrick’s head of security.
You meet Liam when he comes to see Lila at her deceased mother’s house, she is packing it up and getting it ready to sell.

"It's good to see you, Liam," I said, gazing into the eyes of the man who had murdered my husband for me.

I was so shocked by this!! I almost jumped out of my chair, I did shout YES!!! There was no way a mob princess was going to let her cheating, embezzling scumbag husband get away with treating her that way.

You are now told that Lila had come home from Chicago where she had rushed off to when her mother had fallen and been in the hospital. She needed to pack some more things for an extended stay. Needing to get some work done she digs up her old laptop. There she found the incriminating videos from David’s office. She called Liam and told him everything. Her uncle and cousin said they should kill David for her but she was going to divorce him. Until she can’t stand how he is acting and decides he needs to go. Liam tells he will take care of it.
The rest of the book is her playing the part of grieving widow and then horribly wronged widow. The police don’t suspect a thing, but Chris figures it out. He’s known her a long time and is a defense attorney so he reads her body language. He tells her that as far as he’s concerned it was self defense and he will never tell anyone as her attorney it’s privileged information.
I loved that she and Liam get together, it’s casual at first but both are loyal to one another And over time they become a couple.
Scott gets shanked in prison and dies, Vanessa has a total mental breakdown and is moved to the mental health wing of the prison.
I really enjoyed the book and was not expecting the shocking twist of her giving the green light to take David out. Loved Sherry and Chris, glad they had two sweet little ones and Lila got be a kickass aunt.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lady Lauren Explorer.
829 reviews36 followers
May 21, 2024
unexpectedly GOOD

For how short this was and how cringe the blur was, I thought this was going to be a very quick and bad read.

I was pleasantly surprised when I was really enthralled with what was going on in the story.

By no means is it believable in reality, but I was trying to figure out what was going to happen next and why certain things were happening.

Also having the romance be the back burner of the story was really good for me and it wasn’t a traditional happy ever after.

It did make sense with what the FMC was going through and how she felt after everything, but I am glad that she got her happy ever after.
Profile Image for Tmstprc.
1,183 reviews133 followers
September 8, 2024
Entertaining, but not overly suspenseful. Based on the blurb, you know where it’s going, but you’re not sure how it’s going to get there.
473 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2023
Not my cup

It started interesting but somehow deteriorated for me. I suspected that it would go that way still it left a bad taste in my mouth in the end.
There were other issues. I could understand someone else, maybe from the mob saving incriminating films but the husband did it himself. In what purpose? I didn’t buy the explanation- supposedly he was narcissistic enough. It didn’t make sense to me besides that author did it only for the readers to have a full disclosure. The police seemed clueless. The story was dragging sometimes. I hoped for a more refine revenge but not to such extreme.
27 reviews
September 17, 2023
Amazing read

The best revenge on a cheating husband book i have ever read. "Hello, Princess" will forever make me smile from now on. That's huge, considering the pet name "princess" used to be one of my biggest pet peeves. Well written book, loved the entire story. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Aaliyah Hunt.
61 reviews
June 11, 2024
I loved loved loved the twist that shows up. Not a traditional romantic story where we are rooting for the couple to win or the scorned wife to move on, but rather just seeing the outcome of a situation. Watching the story unfold due to the decisions three people decided to make.

Profile Image for Raffaella.
1,564 reviews199 followers
February 5, 2024
Finally a book I enjoyed reading and that didn’t leave me a bad taste in my mouth. I won’t be spoiling it because it is more suspense than romance, and actually the hero in this book enters quite late. It’s not the usual love story, but more a thriller where the heroine finds out her husband, the man she’s been with since she was at college, cheated, stole and gaslighted her with the help of his mistress and his brother. But don’t worry! No doormat heroine here. She definitely won’t take him back! Ha! And the two who helped him will have their karma served on a silver plate. Mmmmm… this is how a story should go. And then there will be a happy ending, not conventional but definitely satisfying because it’s right for her. I liked the book very much, it’s very well done and there is a lot of angst and suspense in it, that I don’t want to spoil. The husband is really really deserving of what he got, and so are his partners in crime. Safe for me.
Profile Image for Paula Thompson.
511 reviews
September 15, 2024
Oh this guy is a total zero!

Drowning in Lies is the first thing I’ve read from this author, but I need to see what else is in the catalog. I loved this, and it would have been a 5 star if the editor had done a decent job. It’s not everywhere, but there are a number of errors that should have been corrected.

Story-wise, this FMC named Lila is married to David, and they have been together roughly 5 years while married for 3 years. It turns out that she has a huge trust fund, and you’ll learn that he married her for her money. She married him for love.

That’s about all I really want to reveal because you will want to read this for yourself. Yes, it may likely unfold in the way that you suspect, but the writing will hopefully be enough for you to enjoy this. As I said, I loved this and with a little more work, this would be stellar.

KU read and I highly recommend this one. It was a bit predictable, but I loved it.
70 reviews
March 11, 2024
So many things

Great quick read. I am a romanceaholic. Every book I read is in that genre. It can be dark, romance, or light. I don't care. The more spice, the better. This book didn't need the"romance" at all least of all at the very, very end. It was a great book without it. My only complaint would be if the author wanted romance as part of the book, maybe if they had started it a little sooner, it would have been better. As is. I almost skipped that part. Again, all I read is romance, so for me to say that, you know the book stood up really well on its own without it.
This is my second book from this author. I'm definitely going for a third.
479 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2024
The plot is pretty good overall, but there’s SO much boring filler I had to skim.

This is not a quote but an example of the boring filler:

“I had a cup of coffee, then placed a grocery order, then I packed up my things in a box while making a mental checklist of all the errands I would need to run this afternoon. After soaking in a bubble bath I put in my comfiest pajamas and shopped online for new furniture.”

Pages and pages of this kind of stuff… so boring and does nothing to move the story along.

I appreciated that you get a lot of answers, but I just didn’t really care about the characters.
1,305 reviews98 followers
March 2, 2024
Great twisted thriller, in which suspense ,greed,infidelity and betrayal abound! Absolutely must go in sans spoiler!
I'd like to give an assurance though...
Often cheat aficionados find they are disappointed when the husband dies(revealed in blurb) before discovery of infidelity and or betrayal and thus confrontation is not possible and many questions linger .Readers will not suffer that dearth of fulfillment here!
130 reviews
April 26, 2024

I have never read anything by this author I really wasn’t sure I wanted to read this. I am so glad I did. This is an amazing book. The author did a fantastic job fleshing it the characters. The plot is unbelievable. Just when I hit half way in the book I wondering what is there left to read, let me tell you, this author threw in another twist I didn’t see coming. If you like mysteries this is for you.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,098 reviews22 followers
January 17, 2023
Three and 1/2 stars rounded up. Maybe it was just me but I could not really warm up to the h even though the husband was a total loser. The writing was good, the timing good. I had guessed the twist and perhaps that spoiled the suspense. It was not so much 'if' but only 'when' this waste of protoplasm would meet his just reward and that took away any feelings of shock or remorse.
Profile Image for Diedre.
499 reviews9 followers
March 27, 2024
Excellent story. The deets involving the whole mystery were written like lawyer that made everything so plausible. The unfolding of the story was amazing. Yes, there was a plot twist that was delicious. You have to be brave enough not to put your moral spin on things if you want to enjoy a read like this. Loved it!
Profile Image for Kerry.
530 reviews24 followers
June 1, 2024
After weeks of reading poor book choices.... I found this one and it's chuffing brilliant. I'm not going to say anything about it, due to not wanting to give anything away. Yes, I guessed the twist, but who cares, I loved the characters and how they were portrayed. This for me was more of a 4.5 than a 4. Deducted half a star because I wanted to know more about Scott.
31 reviews
July 20, 2024
DROWNING IN LIES is an Amazing Story!

Well written, excellent character development, and a story line so creative that it marvels the mind. I had to read this story in one sitting; it really is that good. One of the aspects I enjoyed the most is it has a HEA, but it stays true to the strong, independent nature of the main character.
17 reviews
August 4, 2024
Great read

Loved the book. Definitely didn’t expect some of the twists, the main one being the biggest I didn’t see coming. Definitely a mind F, but in the best way! Supporting characters were well written. I wish there was a slightly better ending with a little more romance added, but given the characters it was believable. Ultimately it was a great read.
1 review
September 23, 2024
intriguing & unexpected

Excellent story that developed brilliantly. I thought the ‘villain’ of the story got off too easily to begin with however I should have trusted in the author.
This book is definitely worth a read especially if you like betrayed heroines that have a backbone of steel.
September 29, 2024
I love this book, it was so many twists and turns in this book.I couldn't put it down , a fast reading book, finished less a than day. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoy the thrill, suspense .
I was surprised because I thought it would be romantic novel, but it wasn't and the ending was very unexpectful so give the book a try
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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