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Over the Moon #1

Watch Your Orbit

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Omi Shaw is hitting her stride, carving out a space for herself on Yaspur. The only colonist with any experience cutting and braiding hair, she finds herself in high demand from the get-go. In truth, though, the work is monotonous. Until a new shilpakaari refugee named Siatesh moves in, anyway. Brooding and as handsome as an ebony god, he quickly becomes her muse. She has to get her hands on his mane. Now, if she can just convince him to let her touch it...

The Over the Moon series takes place in the Intersolar Union universe, in the human colony on Yaspur. These are light-hearted standalones and can be read in any order, separate from the ISU series.

Features explicit adult scenes - mature readers only. A slow-burn romance with an HEA.

256 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 31, 2022

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About the author

Etta Pierce

14 books207 followers
I'm a hopeless academic and science fiction romance author. I write intelligent women, complicated men, and slow burn steam! My first series, the Intersolar Union Series, is ongoing with many more series and books planned for the future. Strap in for the long haul, guys, I'm here to stay and crank out some good romantic fiction!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Emms.
827 reviews39 followers
February 11, 2024
3.5 ⭐️

I really enjoy the world the author has created. This book is more alien romance than space opera. I enjoyed the slower build up but felt the romance was rushed at the end. I really liked both characters and will continue the series.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,252 reviews1,495 followers
January 7, 2023
Untitled design-High-Quality
My Review

This latest instalment certainly didn’t disappoint and I managed to race through this in record time. This is an offshoot from the main series and focuses on the human colony and all of its diverse inhabitants, it’s here we get to catch up with a previous character one who definitely has a lot to prove and also some serious personal internal trauma to overcome. This can definitely be read as a stand-alone but I would recommend reading previous books in this world as it will enhance and enrich your whole experience.

Siatesh is a male Shilpakaari, we were previously introduced to him as one of the main antagonists in Bree and Aavar’s story. He’s a bit of a morally grey individual that was under the coil and control of his mistress but he still desperately wanted a way to escape her clutches so much so he actually schemed to stack the odds against her it’s this behaviour and Bree’s endorsement that granted him a free pass to the human colony as a refugee. Now under probation, he’s hopeful but also disbelieving of this place being actually what it proclaims itself to be and Siatesh is naturally suspicious and equally wary of his apparent good fortune.

Omi Shaw is a female of Jamaican origin, hair and styling are her ultimate passion she is a talented artist and is one of the human women who was initially kidnapped from Earth. Omi has tried to rebuild and reinvent herself to the best of her abilities losing her family has impacted her significantly and is something she struggles with daily initially she hires Siatesh to assist her with work fortifying her shop and as an extra pair of hands before the rainy season descends. Instantly she feels a deep connection to the wary damaged male and as the two get to know each other a fragile trust begins to develop. But with their burgeoning union being ultimately forbidden what consequences will Siatesh now face for allowing himself to coil for Omi.

This was again very well written and this is definitely one of the better sci-fi series currently out there. The world-building is fabulous and all of the wider explanations don’t feel like an excessive info dump this acclimatises you so well. This managed to easily draw me in, investing me in the unfolding dramas and though this one has no real dangers attached it’s the simplicity of the story that sells it and it just worked.

Siatesh and Omi had so much chemistry together and I adored the slow burn build of their relationship. The tension between these two when they finally snapped was totally delicious. I also definitely liked that Omi was a POC and that this had plenty of character diversity included.

If well constructed authentic sci-fi that manages to combine equal romance with a great plot and some intense world immersion is your thing then this is definitely the series for you. Told in dual POV this delivers on all fronts and is the series that keeps on giving. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of Watch your orbit.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for RLbooks (in and out).
830 reviews316 followers
January 6, 2023
To start, this is the first book in a spinoff series of Etta Pierce's Intersolar Union series, which I've only read book 1 because of triggers/darkness levels. I really liked that book though so I was excited to see she was releasing a series of lighter standalone books in the same universe. This is meant to standalone, however she provides a "The World So Far" section and an exhaustive list of characters (including descriptions of the various alien species) to help.

Personally, I was still a little lost with the vocabulary at times, but I still really enjoyed Omi (h) and Siatesh's (H) story. It started out slow and sometimes overly descriptive, but once the main characters were getting their footing, I started to genuinely care about them and their slice of life since this had no danger, just romance and a bit of angst. Siatesh is a refugee who was a complicated character in the prior series, made to do awful things, but is trying to be accepted into the human refugee colony that's been set up on this planet. Omi is introduced in the prologue right before she's abducted and in the present, she's establishing a hair stylist business, trying to move on since she's unable to return to Earth. Written in first person, dual POV. No ow/om drama and neither are virgins (H has a past history of abuse by a female but the mentions aren't super detailed).

Most of this romance focuses on Omi and Siatesh meeting and slowly connecting. Siatesh is on probation so is limited in what he's allowed to do and he has to meet certain requirements, including working. Omi "hires" him to assist in her shop, mainly with construction and manual labor, but she's also curious about him. However, Siatesh has to be approached delicately because of his past and so they don't accidentally "coil" (mating) which is something that can happen between humans and the type of alien he is. As they're learning about each other, the tension just simmers away due to a strong attraction, Omi being amazing, and Siatesh being treated well for the first time in forever, which relaxes him enough to be open with Omi. Both have to be vulnerable, which is esp hard for Siatesh. Still, there are lighter scenes and lots of adorable moments esp talking about hair styles. The steamy scenes at first are exploratory for each of them with the other's alien-to-them body and they were hot. Siatesh has some very interesting anatomy. There's also a bit of exhibitionist flavor happening (but not too much). Beyond the physical though, these two just fit and were really sweet together.

I do think some readers may dislike that Omi's dialogue is often written with an accent because she's Jamaican. The author mentions that she had a reader who helped with character development and I loved the cultural aspects included. Sometimes I did need to read dialogue a second time to figure out what was being said. Some of the alien cultural components were also a bit confusing at times. Side character-wise, humans and aliens surrounding the main characters are very important because of the community nature of the colony. Omi's BFF was adorable and hilarious. There were other side characters who'd been in the prior series and were sweetly in love.

Of course there is some angst because of Siatesh's past and needing to be careful about boundaries and his probation. Many in the colony start out not trusting Siatesh and it's not just his relationship with Omi that grows, he finds more acceptance in general. Then his probation is violated and the real angst hits the fan. What happens was painful for both of them, but the resolution of it left me feeling very mushy in my heart. The story does end in a HFN/HEA (coiling doesn't have to be forever, but it's set that these two are forever) with a bit of a jump ahead that's sweet and steamy. I ultimately was so satisfied with their relationship development, their intimacy, and the growth. The author included an idea of some of the other characters that will be featured and I'm not sure if all of them interest me, but I do think it's great that there's diversity in the heroines and I am very interested in the next book!
Profile Image for ❀ Jess ( Semi hiatus ).
700 reviews63 followers
January 6, 2023

I love the world that this author has created, especially her aliens, it’s left me craving a lot more of them. This was a lot more in terms of what I enjoy than the original series this is a spin off from. The world building was great and I enjoyed most of the characters, I felt like I was transported into their planet and was watching their day-to-day interactions.

Now, this is where it gets a little tricky. The story itself is great, and the writing isn’t bad, it just didn’t feel very satisfying? For me, at least. Maybe it was the way the spicy scenes were described, and the MC’s spicy thoughts felt like an indicator of what was to come but it never happened like it was teased in their minds, and when things did get intimate it didn’t feel very completed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The pace also felt a little weird, it was pretty slow going but the ending felt abrupt.

I understand the author wanted to include a lot of cultural stuff in this story and she seems to have done a great job with it but in some scenes it felt really jarring. Especially during the FMC’s dialogue, my immersion was gone because it looked so out of place with the rest of the writing on-page.

All in all I consider this a great read for the world alone.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Charde Jackson.
544 reviews18 followers
January 5, 2023
Soo doggone good!!

Epic world building and such diverse characters!! Love Omi and her roots and how it’s soo tied into her braiding. Love the links and closer look into the alien culture and how a male alien that’s been trafficked would feel. This book had all the feels and all the angst.🔥🔥🔥
262 reviews
November 2, 2023
Okay I'm usually not an epilogue girly but after finishing this I needed MORE!! More epilogue. More story. Another 100 pages of Siatesh and Omi 😭 This was so perfect and I loved it. My first read of 2023 and how do you top this? I highly recommend reading Etta Pierce's other series first to get some background for this one but you can read this one as a standalone if you'd like. Just know that we see side characters from the other books and you'll have to kind of extrapolate for yourselves what has happened. Personally I have the memory of a goldfish so I could not remember who was who at first 😬
I loved Siatesh's back story. I like that he is kind of a reformed villain but not really because he had to do some terrible stuff to survive. And I loved Sizzle! And another favorite character of mine is Hunar of course. The longing from Siatesh was perfection. The sexual tension! The spicy scenes were amazing and just the right balance. I'm literally the pickiest person on earth(I think my average goodreads rating is like a 3.4?) so just know I don't give out praise/5 stars lightly. Highly recommend. Slow burn. Touching that should be not sexual but is. A bit of a forbidden romance aspect as well. I can't wait to read the next book as well!!

Read number 2:
I appreciated this more after actually finishing Bree and Aavars story! I love all the sneak peaks about Hunar and Tinsley, super excited to see where their story goes. Also this book is so 🔥hot🔥 omg. The public sex scenes, good lord. Not only in front of Aavar when they first coil, but when Siatesh touches her in the salon chair and Bleddyn (I believe?) walks in. Whew.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Poppy || Monster Lover.
1,287 reviews246 followers
November 27, 2023
Etta just kills it with every book in this universe.
This book was unique because the MMC was the more traumatized AND had experienced abuse at the hands of a partner. I loved the role reversal of Omi helping him understand he has the ability to set boundaries and own his own body.
The world building and prose was as rich as ever. I love the messiness of picking up the pieces in a strange place. No character has been perfect, although I would say Omi probably came closest.

Spice: 2/5

Triggers: references to past SA and abuse, mention of child enslavement, abduction
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews62 followers
June 9, 2024
When the baddy of the last book becomes the love interest of this book and it’s so amaze-balls that it starts it’s own spin-off series? Yes. Directly into my veins, please.

These. Freaking. Characters.

The way that this author writes aliens has ruined me for all other alien romances. These guys are ALIENS. And this author never lets you forget it—no, that’s not true, she lets you forget it and then she smacks you across the face with how completely weird these aliens are. Their minds just work in completely different ways and it puts me on the edge of my seat.

And this alien hero was just.. ugh 🥹🥹🥹 He was kinda a baddy? But such a goody? Definitely some intense assassin/stalker vibes but also so sweet? It’s hard to explain, you just have to read it! 😅

And then our heroine felt so real I feel like I know her��I’ve now mentally added her to the irl members of my acquaintance. Yes, the concept of her character was cool (she spoke Jamaican Patois and braiding hair fulfilled her both socially and creatively). But.. how can I explain? She wasn’t a one-note character—she wasn’t even a few-notes character. She was a fully realized person… it was kinda spooky tbh.

And these two were so compatible. So many little things about their personalities, lived experience, and interactions were plugging into each other. And my heart was exploding 🥰

I’m so excited for this spin-off of the main series!
Profile Image for Lisa Blackwood.
Author 47 books303 followers
December 31, 2022
I’ll start out by saying I love all the books in the Intersolar Union Universe and if you haven’t yet read Convergence, Resilience, Vigilance or Persistence (my favorite of the series—I’ve never wanted to hug a hero and tell him everything will be okay as much as the hero in Persistence and his heroine is just the most awesome Bad@ss) you’re missing out on some great action-packed, slow burn (but steamy) adventure Sci-fi Romances. Seriously. Go grab them now.

They are that good.


They kind of reminded me of Regine Abel’s Xian Warrior series (the high action, drama, tension, epic adventure vibes) and yet the Intersolar Union series by Etta Pierce is completely a unique and fascinating universe.

Now that brings me to Watch Your Orbit.

This new book is part of the same universe but is a side series of lighter standalone novels, so you can hop into the Intersolar Universe here and sit back and enjoy an endearing romance between two wounded souls.

Omni Shaw is a human woman who was rescued with around 1000 other humans from a human trafficking ring and relocated to Yaspur, a moon that’s home to the Shilpakaari, an alien species with four arms and a mane of tendrils on their heads. (Envision something like a gorgon, but without snake mouths or getting turned to stone.)

Omni has been settling into her new home on Yaspur (none of the humans can return home because humanity doesn’t yet know about the other alien species or the Intersolar Union) but she misses her family and her career. She was a very high-end hair stylist and has lost her muse.

Enter Siatesh. A Shilpakaari.

He is also an ex-assassin who only wants peace. He has been a slave for most of his life and only recently was rescued from his ‘lost souls’ contract that forced him to serve others and do their dirty work for them. He’s had a traumatic childhood and a traumatic life and doesn’t think he’s worth loving, but Omni sees him and sees the wounded heart he tries to hide. But more than anything he fears being owned again.

In anyway.

He fears a relationship with Omni might turn into a kind of ownership, but he still wants her and her kindness.

Their romance is so sweet but there is also loads of steam too. I’m Ace so I read for the romance, but I’ve gotten pretty good at identifying what people would consider super-hot steam and I think this fits because of the level of high emotion during the smexy times.

This is a 4.5 out of 5 stars only because Persistence was a 5 out of 5 star book.

Heck, I change my mind. Watch Your Orbit gets 5 stars and Persistence gets 6 out of 5 stars for bonus awesomeness.
Profile Image for Archives of Jina.
529 reviews197 followers
January 6, 2023
Thank you so much to Etta for the Arc copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

Watch Your Orbit is like slice of life on an Alien planet. Compared to Etta’s other series this one is very low stakes and focuses more on emotional healing. You still get to see past characters from the Intersolar Union so I personally loved that. Omi and Siatesh were such a lovely couple to read about and I love how patient Omi was. Siatesh has been through a lot of trauma and Omi really let Siatesh lead the way throughout their relationship. Consent was so at the forefront of this book and I adored it

One of my favorite things about this book is the representation and representation done with care. I’m going to directly quote Etta here from the book under “Note to the Readers”.

[There's trauma recovery, anxiety, and diversity that I'm not familiar with myself, including Black women's hair and a character in the middle of a gender transition (Mikaela, who was written as Mikael in Convergence).

Why such culturally specific diversity? This series is all about lifting up human cultures in the ISU world. I want to highlight their strength and unique beauty. That means not all of my characters can be American! I love and appreciate American characters of diverse backgrounds, but I wanted to present women who are proud of their cultural roots and truly live them. Future women in this series include Marcella, an Italian woman in her 60s, Naitee, an Indian girl in her late teens, Tinsley, an Indigenous Cree baker, and Mikaela, a trans woman from Russia.

I'm committed to having consultants for each of these books. My ideal is to consult with a fellow romance author of that community, so I can lift up their work as well. I also plan to have a secondary consultant outside of the romance genre. In the case of this book, I spoke with a woman in transition that doesn't have access to medications, a braider from Jamaica, and the mother of a transitioning teen.
In particular, I'd like to thank Raven Rage, a Jamaican dark contemporary romance author. She was so generous with her time. ]

I think that section of the book truly speaks for itself. While I’m not black, and I’m not trans but you can truly feel the love that went into proper research. The scene where Siatesh is taking care of Omi’s hair and he follows her direction step by step? Took me out. I truly love that and I feel that any black woman would hold these scenes dear.

PS: Etta if you see this and ever want to write about a Latine, I’m here!!
Profile Image for Grey Story.
351 reviews17 followers
February 24, 2023
Also much better!!

This book features the first woman of color main character in the series. I appreciate the efforts taken to include her and try to stay true to her Jamaican roots but it felt a little weird to sometimes have the accent and most of the time not having it. Code switching in language is a totally real thing but I'm not sure how much it impacts a natural accent, especially when Omi has only been living outside of Jamaica for like a year or two, not counting some occasional travel for work prior to abduction.

(This kind of happened with Dr Ahlberg's book, where she wasn't speaking with an accent in her book but did during Olivia's. I figured it was because from Dr Ahlberg's point of view, she's NOT speaking with an accent so it made sense that reading from her perspective we wouldn't feel one.)

Etta Pierce must be into ass play as much as she's into exhibitionism because she includes it in every story lmao. I'd personally enjoy the sex scenes better if those weren't involved but I wasn't reading this for the sex scenes anyway and really enjoyed everything else. That said, the sex scenes are boringly repetitive as it's the same recipe every time so that could stand to use some variety.

The only other complaint is that the book felt kinda short. Maybe this is because the previous book I read, Persistence, has another 120 pages over this one and definitely mastered more of a slow burn than this one. Omi and Siatesh's interactions only happen over the course of a few weeks(? - to be honest, the passage of time isn't entirely clear).

Things I really enjoyed about this book:
* Meeting more colonists
* Getting a tiny bit of a better idea of what day to day life in the colony is like and how the colony is coming along
* A little more Sizzle
* Getting more background on Siatesh and seeing him come into his own on learning he deserves autonomy, freewill, love, and happiness
* Seeing Omi's attempts at offering something "normal" for the colony through her hair shop
* Omi's attempts at making the best of the alien colony while still paying homage to her roots
* Seeing human culture start to interact with and influence alien choices - e.g. Omi wanting to "style" Shilpakaari manes like she does hair
* More worldbuilding about the less than savory parts of this universe
* Space chicken
* I really really want to see the products of that photoshoot!!
Profile Image for OneDayI'll.
1,492 reviews35 followers
April 13, 2023
Well planned

Omi was kidnapped and rescued. She's now on an alien moon trying to live her new life. She has her hair studio...sort of. It's a pergola but, hey, it works. She has new friends and those she can call family. She has food and clothes and everything she could possibly need. Well, except a piece of home, like a chicken. Or what passes for a chicken on this moon. But first she needs a coop, and for that she needs someone to help build it. That means one of the probation aliens who's in the new work program to find their place in this settlement. Little did she know just who she picked, though.

Spoilers ahead.
I hadn't read the original series. Some of the triggers mentioned are not in my comfort zone and for my peace of mind I try to avoid them. Authors that show this kindness by warning readers get my praise because it shows they truly care about their readers. This series does mention the 2 outcomes humans faced in captivity: brothel or butcher. It does not dwell on that part of their lives. This is them moving forward and having lived on this moon for several months. Omi is sweet, strong and treats everyone with respect. Siatesh has suffered at another female's hands and she respects his boundaries. No matter her feelings she never pushes him for more. I thought her being sure of using gloves and no perfume and all was amazing. She ensured his first experience as a free person was all about him. They both used open communication which is a huge thing for me. I can't stand the torturously contrived scenes some authors insist on just to not have characters talk about what they need to. Finding an author who promotes consent AND communication?? Huge win. I really did enjoy how this story progressed. I would have loved to see more of the reunion, and see her tending her new acquisition at the end. My only thing I wonder about is the phot shoot. Maybe it's tied into the original series? But the whole no clothes for it was unusual. Outside of that? Not a thing I didn't like in the story.
Profile Image for Nero.
103 reviews5 followers
January 3, 2023
You have other disembodied heads like this one?
- Siatesh (one of my favorites quots from the book)

As much as I liked the previous book from Etta Pierce this new Over the Moon series is probably going to end up being my favorite. Where the Intersolar Union series keeps you on your toes, because of all the action and suspense, the Over the Moon series is a lot cozier and definitely more up my alley.

In this book we meet the Jamaican MC Omi before she ends up getting abducted by aliens. When we meet her again it's after the events that have taken place in the Intersolar Union series and she's trying to make a new home for herself in the human colony. She ends up hiring Siatesh to help her with her shop, while Omi is also planning to build a coop for a space chicken with her friend Tinsley.

Siatesh, a returning character from Persistence (Intersolar Union series), is placed on probation and not allowed to coil with any human. He and Omi really seem to hit it off and she's able to help him heal from his past. As they grow closer and closer Siatesh' probation and future are on the line. Will he risk punishment to be with his priya Omi and risk losing everything he's gained?

I love that Etta used consultants to respectfully include diverse characters into her book, this is something a lot more authors should do!
Profile Image for Carole.
1,313 reviews12 followers
December 22, 2022
Watch your Orbit was to me a more than your average Sci-Fi Romance as it pulled me into its engaging narrative and kept me emotionally invested within its finely executed embrace.
MFC Omi Shaw is a refugee from Earth abducted from her Jamaican home and now trying to build a new life for herself on the alien moon of Yaspur along with hundreds of other human and non human displaced residents. Realizing she will never be able to return to the family she loves has been difficult but something she has come to accept.
With a cast of expertly conceived characters some of whom the reader has met in previous books a wonderfully heartfelt story soon unfolds.
MMC Siatesh a Shilpakaari male who has suffered past and present torments before coming to Yaspur through a work integration program will find himself intrigued by the Jamaican hair stylist when they meet but his emotional scars keep him wary of the vibrant Omi Shaw.
These two souls will soon find their way to each other and regardless of the obstacles that will impede their path I enthusiastically held firm to my belief they would WIN!
This was such a profound and immersive read whose writing was exquisite and world building imaginative and bold.
There is nothing a reader enjoys more than to become a part of a mesmerizingly told tale and this
excellent story surpassed all my expectations.
Highly Recommended!

I received an ARC copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for jennifer | offmyredcarpet.
463 reviews28 followers
December 31, 2022
Another great installment from Etta Pierce. This is the first book in the companion series to InterSolar Union series. I recommend reading books 1-4 of that series before reading this one if you want the full experience as the MMC in this book is a side character in book 4.

I am an Etta Pierce fan through and through. Not only does she write high stakes and deeply layered plots, she also builds culturally rich societies and has a profound dedication to diversity in characters.

This book is no exception. I’m excited that we are getting to see the rescued humans eek out an existence in their colony as they work thru their loss of never seeing Earth again.

Etta is brilliant at the slow burn + tension in her romances and she did not disappoint. The way the protagonists danced around one another…

Siatesh’s life experience is that someone is always angling to use him as a stepping stone to power for themselves. As such he is wary of everyone. Omi recognizes Siatesh’s hesitation and discomfort around women and gives him the space he needs to feel he has control —it’s something most of us women can relate to in real life. Their romance slowly blossoms while Omi works towards a sense of normalcy in a situation that is anything but as Siatesh learns to trust and be vulnerable with a female who only wants to love him and be in relationship as equals. Etta navigates the complexity of all this beautifully.

If you like alien + human romances that are slow burn with spicy rewards, complex alien social structures, and deeply layered plots, you’ll want to read this series and the InterSolar Union series.
Profile Image for LizKat.
603 reviews4 followers
March 24, 2023
This might be an amazing book, but not for me. The writing style was painful for me to read and I felt bored. Since I read for entertainment, I returned it to KU and moved on.
Profile Image for Aggis.
870 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2022
An excellent addition to the Renata colony and our first look into the sister series for the ISU world. Pierce is really becoming a superstar with her worldbuilding, and I would highly recommend this book be read after reading at minimum ISU #4 to really understand where we are and what's happening.

This installment was much lighter than our previous ISU books (on purpose) and I loved the slice-of-life feeling. It feels fresh in the sense that we don't see many trapped on an alien planet books that aren't only about war/survival. In this the human refugees are safe and we get to explore some very interesting and real issues about how to transform this planet into a home.

I really empathized with Omi. She is a woman who loved what she did back on Earth and it was a real cornerstone of her identity. Without it, she is feeling lost. Enter Siatesh our equally lost and lonely "shil" who is also looking for a place to learn who he is for the first time and once they meet these two were a match made in heaven.

Omi was very perceptive, noticing Siatesh's limits without him having to explain and really coaxing their relationship along. Siatesh for his part was the most surprising to me, once he got going he really got going if you know what I mean...

My only critique was that I wanted more - there were a few dangling story threads (a certain family being one) that felt open-ended, and spice wise for some reason this felt lighter to me? Maybe I'm greedy, but I wanted to explore this more. I felt we jumped quickly along for the slower pace of the novels start and page wise this felt shorter than the others.

All in all a great read and I'm now impatiently awaiting Tinsley's book.

Bonus points for a certain couples spicy photoshoot.

I voluntarily read this ARC.
Profile Image for Demi.
25 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2022
I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving this honest review.

Ms Etta Pierce really has done it again and caused me to become even more obessessed with her writing. I swear the obsession gets worse with each book! The world building and the way she is able to evoke feelings with her writing is mind blowing to me. I could feel my heart speed up, the lust, and the heartbreak for each of the characters. I just know as soon as I open one of her books I'm falling into a world that completely captures my attention and doesn't let up until I'm done with it.

Siatesh and Omi's story was wonderful to watch unfold. Seeing how Siatesh was able to come back from a lost soul contract and integrate into the human colony after helping Aavar and Bree was interesting. Siatesh's role in Aavar and Bree's story was a bit more involved than I realized, and I loved learning more about his role.

I loved how patient, kind, and compassionate Omi was with Siatesh. I honestly fell a little in love with her myself!! Siatesh's background and his trouble with trusting others and being taken away from his family at such a young age breaks your heart. Once I knew his background, I loved watching him learn how to trust.

I KNEW the probation Siatesh was put on was going to lead to problems and it did, but I'm happy with the way it worked out. Bringing in Siatesh's family and Hunar's role with it, oh man I am liking Hunar a bit more!

Its not just the main characters that you love but all of the side characters as well! I LOVED Tinsely and can't wait for her book! I also enjoyed seeing Sizzle again and Vin.....I need Vin's book already!

If you haven't read any of Ms Pierce's books please start with the first one Convergence. You will enjoy this book so much more starting from the beginning!
42 reviews
January 10, 2023
Redemption for Siatesh!

If you haven’t read the InterSolar Union series before this book, you will be missing out on the whole backstory of the colony and The reasoning for Siatesh being there. You would technically only need to have read book 4 to have interaction with Siatesh though.
My review of this book:
This entire series is unique in the sense that the author spends much detail refining her characters. I especially thought that Omni’s character was expressed well. I think she might be one of my favorite fmc’s.
My biggest critique of the series I have is that I think the women in the colony have handled their circumstances/abuse too well. I think most women wouldn’t have adapted that quickly.
Also, I think the fact that Siatesh was a vicious murderer was glossed over. I don’t think that it would have made any sense for the colony to take in these “refugees “.
I Love the way the author includes various races/cultures from earth! Obviously, if these abductions happened on earth, the victims would be diverse.
I think the best compliment that I can give the author and this book is the fact that despite all my grievances, I still love this series! Also, I was rooting for Siatesh the whole way thru.
I will note that while this is a story that revolves around abduction and torture, the author keeps scenes mainly in the past as reflections, etc. for those readers worried about that.
There are no other women/men involved in any of the relationships, no reverse harem, and no abuse towards the heroine from the mc.
There is an intimate scene with the mc’s that might be read as exhibitionism . (Not overtly) besides that, the reader will need to wait for the sexy times, which happens towards the end of all Pierce’s books, it seems. Great writing.📚🌹
Profile Image for Ingrid Spera.
894 reviews27 followers
December 21, 2022
I love this series so I knew I'd love this book, but I was so worried because Omi has never been a favored character of mine and Siatesh was such an intriguing one...

Psht, I shouldn't have worried! I absolutely adored this book! I think it was a very interesting take on the male main character having the issues as badly as he did. There wasn't the same type of action suspense that are normally in this series and it was a nice change of pace, dealing with all the internal struggles and drama instead.

Two characters, both far from home against their will, both struggling with trying to belong somewhere...and somehow finding eachother. I won't admit how many times this book made my eyes well in emotion (no joke) and how my heart swelled through the entire thing. Sure, I got angry and annoyed plenty of times as well, but that's half the fun of this roller coaster of a book.

Omi is a woman of color surrounded by those who aren't. Not only is she dealing with the whole "alien abduction" thing, but a loss of identity as well. Then there's Siatesh who has done some horrible things in order to survive and now just wants to live a simple life. But what if the two of them together can find that peace and happiness... and maybe even forgiveness?

Overall, totally loved it and am now chomping at the bit for the next!
Profile Image for Sue.
17 reviews
December 31, 2022
Another super satisfying alien/human romance by Etta Pierce. Watch Your Orbit can be read as a standalone, but Siatesh’s role in Persistence- and witnessing his trauma and past life- makes this story richer. Delicious slow burn, serious spice, and HFN are Etta’s specialties, and she delivers with the story of Omi and Siatesh.

My favorite thing about Etta’s writing is her commitment to respectfully representing the different human and alien cultures. The human characters are from many different countries and cultures on Earth. The alien characters are actually aliens with unique cultures- not humanoid beings with just different colored skin and fangs. In Watch Your Orbit, Omi is a human who was a Jamaican hairstylist on Earth, and Siatesh is a shilpakaari, which is an alien with a mane of tentacles. Siatesh’s beautiful onyx mane is actually what ignites the desire between these two, and their connection is built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and serious sexual tension.

I will warn you- once you read Watch Your Orbit, you’ll want to read the entire Intersolar Union series. And you will become obsessed!
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,937 reviews
January 3, 2023
This book is a direct spin off of book 4 Persistence. A lot of events that happen in that book are referenced here. Basically one of the bad guys in book 4 helps the good guys. As a reward, the good guys offer the bad guys "sanctuary" in the human colony.

So hero is on probation for the bad things he did in book 4. All he wants is to fit in and have a peaceful life. In book 4 the hero was raped multiple times by the bad aliens.

So the hero spends a lot of time with the heroine figuring out their boundaries and falling in love. It was a beautiful love story.

I really felt like we saw them fall in love. And the steamy scenes were very steamy.

The heroine is black and a hair stylist and braids hair. There are a few scenes with her and the heroine helping each other with their hair.


The grand gesture of love at the end was great. Heroine's dad used to keep chickens on earth. She has been trying to catch a "space chicken" that lives in the forest to put it in a coop so they can have fresh eggs. Hero catches it and builds her a chicken coop.
Profile Image for Toni.
92 reviews
August 19, 2024
Etta Pierce is my auto-read author now for sure.

This spinoff was shorter than her main series but was also more light-hearted too. Omi was going to make it big in fashion when she was abducted, and she settled into running a hair salon on Renata. Shes Jamaican and I thoroughly enjoyed when her Patois came through, particularly because I read this on a beach in Barbados.

When she needs help with her salon and preparing for basically monsoon season, she enlists the help of Siatesh who is trying to make a new life for himself after a tough life and the shenanigans that went down in book 4 with Bree and Aavar.

Obvs there’s attraction, but he holds himself back because he was manipulated and abused in the past. Omi is super aware of it and lets him make the first moves. And once she ensures him he’s in control, he decides that he likes it ;)

This was such a cute story. From Siatesh lowering his walls and finding his fresh start and new home in Bri, to Bri finally getting that space chicken! God, what a wholesome way to bring together the beginning and the end of the novel - with the gifting of a chicken to someone you love. This story had me smiling like a total doof.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
978 reviews30 followers
January 1, 2023
This book was lush with interesting world building. The details about the braiding art form were lovely, and opened a whole new art form to my eyes that I did not know existed prior to reading this novel. The world building of the human colony was also vibrant and lovely, and I got some details about the desert world the hero grew up on that were also interesting. The characterization was nuanced and deft, with the hero coming across as alpha, wounded, and deeply sympathetic and the heroine coming across as strong, caring, wounded, and deeply sympathetic. Their relationship sizzled with romantic chemistry and deep caring for each other’s triggers and boundaries. I loved how healthy their relationship was and how that health was shown through the characters actions, instead of the author telling us. I highly recommend this novel, and I look forward to reading the next book in this series when it releases.

I received a free copy of this novel, and I am voluntarily writing this review.
Profile Image for Maaren.
1,025 reviews4 followers
November 10, 2023
This was absolutely amazing story.

I haven’t read the series that this is a spin-off of, but there was a good “the story so far” recap and background info given which greatly helped with understanding the world. So I had no trouble getting into the story.

I love Omi. I love her passion about hair, in fact I adored each and every hair moment in this book and there are many. The intimacy, the pride, the way it was described is absolutely gorgeously made. And I really enjoyed how her native accent was added to the writing, that was so good and added a very good layer to the story.

It’s a slow burn romance and I think had it been any faster, it wouldn’t have felt as good. Omi and Siatesh truly worked to overcome their pasts and especially in his case, the insecurities and worries he carried with him. The HEA felt earned and appreciated. They are so good together!

The story is more a slice of life instead of heavy action, but I found myself really enjoying it in this book. I’m very curious to check the original series and the other books in this one too.
Profile Image for Megan .
167 reviews22 followers
January 1, 2023
A big thank you to the author for giving me an ARC of this book!

This is the book format of a warm hug

Both of our main characters, Omi and Saitesh, have been through the wringer. Their healing, especially Saitesh’s, was very cathartic and heartwarming.

Omi was a fantastic main character, and the integration of Jamaican culture was beautifully done. She is caring and patient, her passion for braiding (and, of course, space chickens) and honouring her family, even a galaxy away, was really emotional. To add, Saitesh’s journey of healing from his past abuse was also very moving. I was curious about Saitesh when we met him back in Persistence, and the poor guy deserves the world.

This is a perfect low drama, fluffy (and spicy) alien romance that will draw you in and not let you go.

Words cannot express how much I love this world that Etta has created and all the characters in it. I’ll be counting the days until the next one!
Profile Image for Michelle.
428 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2023
Sometimes we hold onto the things that means the most to us in order to survive. But sometimes we have to let go of those things in order to make it through. Life isn't fair, and fate doesn't always give us what we want in life. This is how Omi and Siatesh meet because fate decided they needed one another. But will they be able to overcome what fate has dealt them? Would they be able to overcome those challenges?

I really enjoyed this book. Being newer to this author, I am glad I took a chance on this book. I know it's a standalone but I saw it was recommended that you may need to read book 4 from the Intersolar Union Series since it will include characters from that book. However, I didn't have any issue with it since I felt like the author did a pretty good job in noting how the characters know each other. At least it wasn't an issue for me. I really enjoy the side characters as well so I am glad this is a series and there will be more.
1 review1 follower
April 4, 2023
So you have an idea of who I am and what means something to me. I read; SJ Sanders, Poppy Rhys, George RR Martin (of course Tolkien- but that was years ago) Opal Reyne. I am female, married and 40's.
Love the previous series. Gasped when I saw this. Love this series too. You get to revisit some of the original characters.
Synopsis, without spoilers, humans end up on a planet, along with some other refugee types. These types change and expand as time goes by. Such as, more humans, more aliens. Everyone has issues. There is action, angst - although not too much?- misunderstandings (lets face it, everyone is an alien) and strong characters.
For me a bonus is any time and author does a predator type that is freaking hot!
Interesting to me, was the black hair aspect, really enjoyed that.
Well written, fun, sexy, hot adult only...
IDK about triggers, seems like we all have them. No triggers for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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