Just because temperatures drop during the winter months does not mean you can't find fresh fruits and veggies. Among those that are in season, are pears. In fact, the USDA recognizes December as National Pear Month.
In many countries, poached, baked or caramelized pears are a Christmas Holiday treat. Certain companies offer mail order pears as gift boxes to send to friends and family.
Pears can be used in soups, salads, preserves, jellies and dressings.
This cookbook contains a wide variety of delicious pear recipes for the cold winter months or for all year long.
She lives on a small farm in Baltimore County, Maryland and has a passion for food. She has taken cooking classes in Memphis, New Orleans and Washington DC. She has been a taste tester for a large spice company in Baltimore and written food reviews for several local papers. She loves writing cookbooks with the most delicious recipes to share her knowledge and love of cooking with the world.