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I’m out for revenge.
After careful planning, I gave the man who messed with my family a taste of his own medicine.
I thought it’d end there.
It didn’t.
Landon King is a genius artist, a posh rich boy, and my worst nightmare.
He’s decided that I’m the new addition to his chess game.
Too bad for him, I’m no pawn.
If he hits, I hit back, twice as hard and with the same hostility.
He says he’ll ruin me.
Little does he know that ruination goes both ways.

This book is a dark unconventional romance and contains themes that aren't to everyone's liking. Please check the author's note for content warnings before reading.

430 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 31, 2023

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About the author

Rina Kent

49 books40.5k followers
Rina Kent is a USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of everything enemies to lovers romance.
She's known to write unapologetic anti-heroes and villains because she often fell in love with men no one roots for. Her books are sprinkled with a touch of darkness, a pinch of angst, and an unhealthy dose of intensity.
She spends her private days in London laughing like an evil mastermind about adding mayhem to her expanding universe. When she's not writing, Rina travels, hikes, and spoils cats in a pure Cat Lady fashion.

You can find her below!

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Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,232 followers
September 25, 2023
i shouldn’t even bother wiping off my clown makeup, you know, when it comes to reading Rina Kent books.

it’s actually embarrassing how excited for this book i was— i was even reading an AMAZING potentially five star book and paused it so i could excitedly devour this, since Landon and Mia have been serving so hard in the previous three books.


im truly tired of expecting good books from this author. she needs to take a long ass break from writing and maybe take a writing class or two to hone in on her craft, that’s not even me being a condescending bitch, either. she truly needs to nurture her writing skills because it’s clear she doesn’t and just regurgitates the same characters, plots, storylines and phraseology over and over with each new release.

i think some authors believe because they’re published and successful that it means they’re above nurturing their craft and imo that’s truly not the case. if anything, you should be getting better and better with each release, not this unprofessionally lazy.

everyone always wonders “omg another Rina Kent book? again? omgggg how does she do it??? she’s churned out ANOTHER one???”

i shall tell you.

she just writes the same fucking book over and over again. changes the title and the cover, changes the main characters names, adjusts their ages and appearances to fit the characters she’s currently writing about (although, she doesn’t need to change the heroines since she seems to only ever write blondes… other than Kim, Aspen and Lia😭), changes the animal pet name accordingly to whatever animal she saw at the farm that day. and bob’s your uncle :)

you cannot tell me this isn’t just the previous books combined? the (boring) primal kink of God of War. Mia sneaking onto the property so mess with Landon just as Cecily and Glyndon did with their respective heroes. the needless stalking and harassment. someone kidnapping someone else’s sibling and torturing them to heighten conflict. the club fight scenes. Landon getting shot like Creigh was. the needless gang rivalry that’s losing its momentum because half of the characters are now in relationships with people from the opposing “side” so for the rivalry to still continue holds zero merit.

like Landon being tortured by Niko, Jeremy and Killian, when Jeremy is in a relationship with Cecily who cares about Landon and Killian who’s “in love” with Glyndon but is out here torturing her brother. and saying she’ll forgive him or won’t believe Landon when he tells her what happened. just none of it worked😭 RK tries so hard to make conflicts in her books but doesn’t seem to know how to beyond family drama (that backfires more often than not) or really random plots about being kidnapped :/

having all four of them in a room (Landon, Niko, Jeremy and Killian) was like i was on acid, because why is the same person copy pasted four times having a conversation with himself pls ???? you can’t tell me they weren’t all in that cellar like


the characters are all exactly the same like sorry no matter how much everyone simps over “ohhh Jeremy 🫦” “yesss Landon wow” “yummy Killian”, i must be the one to break it to you that you’re simping over the same carbon copy version of what Rina Kent thinks is a sociopath, but is not, over and over again. she just made Landon say big ass words in this book in the hopes he’d sound kinda smart.

which leads me to one of my major issues with this book: the writing style.

my first initial reaction to starting the book was just how physically difficult this was to read. Rina’s writing style here was so different— she attempted this high prose style, trying to echo Landon’s artistic talents and his psychotic tendencies, to make him sound highly intelligent and terrifying. we get a long ass monologue from his POV about the colour of Mia’s eyes.

”The muted blue is worlds apart from mine, nearly explosive in its color. Fierce, too, like a volcano that’s buried in the depths of the ocean.
While it might remain dormant for years, it’ll bring on a deadly tsunami the moment it erupts.
Or maybe they’re the color of deep-blue wildflowers. Crushed by harsh nature but defiant. Proud and pretty yet temporary.

they’re blue, bro.

i get it, he’s an artist. but he didn’t feel like one, he didn’t feel like this raging psychotic genius everyone raved about in the previous books. mia is his muse? where? where do we see that? feeeel that? he sculpts a little here and there, but if he didn’t remind me so often that he was a prodigal genius (while shitting on Brandon) then i wouldn’t have really guessed he was an artist. we were told in previous books he’d lock himself inside his studio for days upon days and wouldn’t let anyone come inside, wouldn’t eat nor sleep, too caught up in his newest obsession. he bled art, he used it as a conduit to control his sadistic tendencies and it was so boring to see just how… simple Rina Kent made him here. and we’re also supposed to believe he learnt ASL that quickly? we didn’t even see him try? one day he doesn’t know it, the next he’s completely fluent in everything Mia says. it was embarrassing, truly.

Landon is boring. he is not a psychopath or whatever RK wanted him to be. he’s not the sexual deviant, the master of mayhem… he truly did not live up the reputation Rina wrote for him in the previous books. he used to go to a sex club every chance he got because his sexual cravings were so debauched and nasty that he had to get women to sign wavers… then we see him fuck Mia and id much rather watch the clay from his sculptures dry. where was that sexual deviancy that was previously shoved down our throats??? pls be serious.

Mia even snarls at him ”You’re so emotionally stunted that anarchy has become the soul of all your relationships.” anarchy, where? there was none? he literally doesn’t cause any havoc, he wasn’t scary or intimidating. he was about as exciting as the big lumps of clay he tries to mould into sculptures.

god, even Astrid and Glyndon did more art in their respective books and you could actually feel their passion. Landon is supposed to be obsessed? he puts the boy obsessed trope to shame, truly. the trope only works when the relationship has substance beyond boring sex :) the closest Landon got to doing anything remotely artistic was fucking Mia on a white canvas and using her hymen as paint.

and the rambling prose of whenever Landon tried to be poetic didn’t even make sense. and i have to say, this type of language isn’t BAD, you can still make it elegant and poetic… and coherent. you don’t need to sacrifice fluidity just so you can cram as many synonyms for the word “blue” into a few lines. im not saying RK needs to “dumb it down” but it just didn’t work in this setting. everything he said was so inauthentic and forced, it had no fluidity or genuineness about it. listening to him speak was like nails on a chalk board, honestly.

Rina Kent wrote this with a thesaurus and a dream.

it was like she whacked out every polysyllabic word she knew and made sure Landon said it so that he’d sound smart. saying things like “pretentiousness laced with a sense of victimization, perhaps?” did not work when he didn’t feel startlingly intelligent— if Connor Cobalt said stuff like this, maybe it would work but not Landon’s dumb ass. and there were times where the metaphors and the things both MCs said truly didn’t make any sense to me… id have to reread lines over and over and admit defeat when i still didn’t have a clue about what RK was aiming to say.

”The Frappuccino falls and splashes on the ground, the cream and coffee forming a gruesome murder scene. The ominous image lingers in my head as he drags me behind him with blinding strength.”

… it’s just coffee, pls😭 this pseudo-deep language was getting so out of hand. she was reaching so bad to make everything edgy and deep, but it was just stifling the whole book. my eyes were glazing over by the 25% mark because everything was so repetitive— their conversations and “banter” lacked wit and a spark, Mia kept threatening to “slice Landon’s throat in his sleep” or something adjacent to this (then never followed through with any of the bad girl grit we were told continuously she had).

their conversations had no chemistry. they said nothing of value or interest. they had no substance. everything between them was embarrassingly underwhelming, my god. they both thought so highly of themselves when in reality, they’re probably Rina Kent’s WORST couple she’s ever written. you cannot convince me Landon loves her. there was truly nothing to indicate he loved her— the only person he loves is himself :/

honestly couple’s who i hate more than these two, like Astrid and Levi, or Jeremy and Cecily, have way more chemistry than Landon and Mia😭 it pains me to even admit that, but it’s true. that’s ultimately where the root issue with this book is— you cannot convince me he loved her, nor that they had a relationship with any substance or value, anything meaningful and real. a few times they implied that no one knew them like they other did, Landon admits they’re both “cut from the same cloth”… i sorely beg to differ.

they had nothing in common other than being inherently boring individuals. in the end when he tells her he loves her, i did not believe a word. there was no love. no obsession. she was not his muse. he isn’t the genius artist of his generation. and Mia????


Mia, externally: “im gonna slice you up in your sleep and curse your bloodline! your throat? i will slit it, then i will bathe in your blood while repeatedly punching you in the FACE!”

Mia, internally: “oh naurrr he’s so scary 🥺 and big and tall, oh god he’s going to kill me :( im never gonna see my family again. help help help pleaaseeeee someone, anyone, save me. im gonna die 😫”

she was truly an embarrassment. like it was mortifying to read how she’d tell him she’d slit his throat and attempt to punch him (she succeeded once in the first chapter and it all went downhill from there). but in reality she was a cowering, quivering mess the whole time. it was so infuriating to read her pretending she was a quirky emo bad bitch when in reality it was alarming to see her being able to physically stand up and walk around since she didn’t back a spine whatsoever.

Landon had the upper hand in every scenario. every single one. Mia couldn’t even beat him in a game of chess :/ id much rather she own the fact she was always the prey, especially since the synopsis of this whole fucking book is her hellbent on revenge against Landon for hurting her brother.

is the revenge in the room with us right now???????

i honestly want to tear my hair out at how Rina Kent managed to write nearly 500 pages of absolutely fuck all.

it’s so disappointing too because RK set these two up to be phenomenal. they felt like they were going to be unique and unlike anything Rina has written before with how they were presented in the previous books. the psychotic artist obsessed with his muse, and the mute emo girl hiding from the world.

Rina Kent has such a skill when it comes to writing riveting, exciting side characters and then when you finally get to their book, they’re the most bland, boring people on the planet and it’s just a copy-paste of her previous books. she truly has no versatility whatsoever. like she doesn’t even TRY. but it’s a bummer because if she did, her books would actually be so much better than what the finished product is.

every book in this series has seen these characters be so interesting and you can’t wait for their book, and then when you get to their book you realise you’ve read this before, and the time before that… and the time before that…

and honestly, i was tempted to give this two stars up until a certain point towards the end of the book when the big reveal as to why Mia is mute was unveiled— 1) the person who kidnapped Mia was actually the funniest shit ive read in a long ass time, Rina didn’t even try to make it something more interesting or logical.


but the thing that actually made me lose my will to live, to the point i was tempted to bang my head against a wall in the hopes id get concussion and hopefully amnesia so i could forget every detail about this god awful book. and it was the treatment of Mia’s twin sister, Maya.

can we all finally acknowledge RK’s internalised misogyny that she continuously projects onto her characters? this book was truly the final straw for me and it was actually such a sad, gross move on her part to ruin Mia and Maya’s beautiful sister bond. as you can tell… i didn’t like the book for many many reasons, but the one thing i could say for the majority of the book was how i adored their twin bond. they were essentially the antithesis of Brandon and Landon, and i really enjoyed watching how protective they were over each other. Mia had no friends and Maya was her greatest confidante, ally and protector, and for Rina Kent to throw it all away for a cheap plot twist that was so embarrassingly bad, is such a low blow.

the way Maya was treated in this book was nasty af, i saw some reviews say they hope she gets a book to see her “redemption arc”…


she was a CHILD! she was 8 years old and everyone is holding something completely out of her control against her? but not the fully grown bitch with the fuck ass bob who actually kidnapped Mia???? Mia blaming Maya for losing her voice was baffling. i did not understand whatsoever how that, in any way, was Maya’s fault?? the trauma was never inflicted upon Mia by Maya, it was caused by Mrs Pratt??? this was when i truly opened my eyes to how RK thrives on writing women who hate each other.

like when Mia said this, i truly lost my shit because what the fuck???

I always thought Maya was the closest to me, but she didn’t care for me unconditionally, Landon did.

…you can’t be serious? your twin sister who’s literally been at your side for nearly 19 years doesn’t love you unconditionally?? but the man you’ve know for about two months who called you a “cum bucket” does??? i– welp, okay then if that will make yourself feel better and convince you Landon actually loves you and won’t drop you the moment something else tickles his fancy, then by all means Mia! it’s your loss… and notice how Rina Kent didn’t do anything of the sort to Landon and Bran?

i truly don’t see Maya as the villain Mia wanted her to be— it was baffling to read, tbh. just a weak excuse to cause more conflict and then, in the end, the only reason Mia oh so generously makes the first steps in making amends with her twin is because so much shit occurs to Maya that she has a literally mental breakdown…


and this is when i could finally reflect on the pattern of RK’s misogyny in regards to how women treat each other in her books, especially women who are supposed to be “friends”.

⟡ Mia and Maya
⟡ Elsa beating Silver
⟡ Gwen (and King’s) treatment of Aspen
⟡ Reina and Rai’s relationship
⟡ the treatment of Nicole and her rape
⟡ pitting Aurora vs Alicia

there are no solid, beautiful female friendships in any of her books. Elsa and Kim friendship is so weak, like sorry to break it to y’all but they’re not best friends. Elsa was always too caught up with Aiden to truly give a fuck about Kim and her mental health.

Cecily, Glyn and Ava??? weak af again. Glyndon doesn’t even like those girls, it’s kinda sad. and i hated the way they treated Annika in God of Pain— ive noticed since their book she’s never around them anymore and it’s the one good choice RK did, tbh. she deserves better friends :(

Gwen never had any female friends, and when she met Anastasia they kinda become friends, but again it’s very weak with no value. Nicole???? god, don’t get me started on his all these characters have treated that poor girl. Nicole will always be loved by me 🫶🏻

and now Maya will, too.

if Maya Sokolov has a million fans, then i am one of them. if Maya Sokolov has ten fans, then i am one of them. if Maya Sokolov has only one fan then that is me. if Maya Sokolov has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against Maya Sokolov, then i am against the world.

live footage of me defending Maya Sokolov with my whole life:


im sick of the “mean” girl characters she writes getting shit on over and over again. Silver, Nicole and Maya aren’t the villains y’all think they are and it’s truly so frustrating to see so many readers be so easily led astray by Rina Kent’s blatant, nasty misogyny. i even had to unfriend someone on here because reading her review where she just has zero self awareness and shat all over Maya was wild to read.

all of this nastiness to elevate the men?? just so Mia could be closest to Landon rather than her own twin? truly foul, ew.

hope some of y’all gain reading comprehension skills in the future 🫶🏻 and i hope Rina Kent can heal from whatever caused her to hate women. praying for her recovery <3333

but in the meantime, im throwing tomatoes at her instead.


and Mrs Pratt??? PLEASE THAT KILLED ME OFF LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS THAT??? the nanny? the one we don’t even know about? she’s the kidnapper??? her name is literally first mentioned in the final chapters when the reveal occurs… what’s the point in making the kidnapper someone we’d never guess? it’s giving Spencer Hastings’ evil British twin vibes.

Mia reveals it in this grand cinematic way, too. like we should know: “The person who kidnapped me? It was her. [Mrs Pratt]”. idk what she wanted from me??? to react like


BITCH? idk who the fuck that lady is????

it was so fake, grounded in absolutely nothing. it’s the worst plot twist RK has ever written and i read KirillSasha’s books and the Doll Maker plot line. and it was sooo funny too, like her being spanked with a ruler ???? 😭😭😭

the way Mia gets spanked more by Mrs Pratt and her fuck ass bob than she does by Landon.

Rina Kent doesn’t even care at this point and long as she gets her coin, her best seller stamp and the Twitter cult girlies foaming at the mouth, she’s collecting her cheque and moving onto the next mediocre book.

gotta give a sis her props. and since she still manages to rein me in each time? Rina Kent 1, ellie nil.

because im gonna be sat for NikoBran im so sorry, i have to see how she writes MM like we have another straight white lady throwing her two cents into the MM writing ring and i gotta see how she fights. i need to see if she makes Niko call Brandon’s butthole a pussy— it’s a rite of passage all white ladies who write MM do :)

exciting times for the jobless community let’s go💃🏻

im dead inside now.
Profile Image for aleksandra.
663 reviews2,912 followers
June 6, 2024

The review contains spoilers!

Rina Kent needs to take a break — that was my first thought after finishing this book, because if Landon is Rina's favorite character, I don't think even prayer, manifestation or anything else that could help will save Nikolai and Brandon, and Eli and Ava.

I don't even have the energy to write a longer introduction, so let's get to the point — my thoughts. At the beginning, I would like to point out that these are my thoughts, so not everyone will agree with them.

Landon King – honestly, I had a good laugh reading about him. I mean, this guy was pretty funny. He was an insane, genius psychopath, or at least that's how Rina tried to portray him. A few interesting facts about him:

one He was able to master ASL perfectly in less than a month. Is it possible? I'm pretty sure that not, but he was a "genius" right? I don't know where he got these genius genes, but it definitely wasn't from Levi, Astrid or Jonathan.

two He called women or his former, multiple sexual partners 'holes' or 'desperate holes'. What a gentleman right?

three He'll smear your "V*rginal blood" on his canvas and blow cigarette smoke in your face while you sleep, but at least he'll record your first word while you're in bed, which will make him hard and end up with him f*cking you. Such a cutie.

four In addition to you being 'his thing' he will support your gardening hobby and buy you your favorite food!

five He has a "beast" inside him. I'm pretty sure he secretly dresses up as a werewolf and is fan of Jacob from Twilight.

"My beast has been scratching and clawing at the walls of my sanity, demanding a purging outlet."

"If there’s any time I refuse to put my beast on a leash, this is it. In fact, on my way here, I smashed the shackles that kept him in place, so he’s out in his full glory."

"My beast roars to life as if it was never dormant."

He was acting like he was about to shift into a wolf or something. I was scared he will go with the

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ description

six He has a black soul. Obviously.

“How come you’re not smoking and making your lungs as black as your soul?”

"One corner is occupied by a tall platform bed with a leather headboard that’s as black as his soul."

He has a soul as black as the leather headboard. Quite poetic actually.

seven He could find information about Mia's past that even the mafia couldn't find. How is that possible you think? He is THE Landon King obviously. THE King.

"the King family. As in, the one that owns the UK and half of the world. My grandfather, Jonathan King, is a ruthless monarch with an iron fist and a sharp sense of business."

The one who owns half of the world.

I’m not laughing here.

Moving on to our second main character — Mia Sokolov, a gothic Barbie who plays chess, meditates, is obsessed with plants and naming them, and who is "a match" with the psychopath Landon. Or she was supposed to be, because while she had some great moments, I honestly thought she'd be more badass. I forgot it’s a book by Rina Kent and anything other than a submissive girl and a dominant man won’t pass.

She was also mute, until she wasn’t, because "The power of Love and S*x and THE Landon King" saved her. I’m not saying she didn’t become stronger by herself and blah blah blah, but I couldn’t believe that only when Landon King came into her life she started talking again — after some time, but again.

I liked her friendship with Brandon though. It’s not that they were best friends forever, but I enjoyed their moments. Landon and Niko being future brothers-in-law will never cease to be fun for me. The interactions between the Sokolov siblings were pretty entertaining too and I enjoyed them a lot. Especially with Niko who, despite being an overprotective brother, had a sweet side to his sisters. Also, I’m pretty sure Maya won’t get a book now, when she was in a relationship with Jeremy’s bodyguard. Rina did her so dirty here, she deserves better.

Let's get to the funniest part though — the smut. I think Rina should reconsider renaming the series name to "The Legacy of V*rgins", as Mia obviously was the one. At this point I’m fully convinced that with Eli’s stalker, possessive and jealous tendencies Ava will be one too.

I thought the intimate scenes would hit different in this story, but there was literally nothing new here. Landon chasing Mia in an abandoned house? It was literally in the God of Wrath. I don’t even want to elaborate on the fact that he didn’t use any lube on Mia’s first back action, and during one of their scenes he splashed Mia with some "oily liquid" (definitely used to his art) and it definitely got into her kitty. Ah, the future infection.

The college rivalry trope — I’m sorry but, where? These people weren’t even studying, because when? Most importantly, Mia and Landon had completely different majors.

"He's been getting some competition from a girl in the American university, but she's yet to push him off from his first spot"

Rina seems to have completely forgotten about that sentence.

Finally moving to the side characters. One of the reasons I decided to read this book was because of Niko and Bran's crumbs. My rating being two stars instead of one is probably because they had a lot of appearances here. I highlighted every possible moment with them. I think I will go crazy before I read their book, but after this one I have to stop having high expectations. As for the rest of the characters — Jeremy and Cecily nothing new here, Glyn and Kill nothing new, Annika and Creigh nothing new, Remi was annoying as always, I’m so sorry but Lan was so real for saying this.

“Which is why your lordship is such a good sport,” I say with a straight face, despite internally cringing at how he calls himself that."

We still don’t know who the "White Mask' is. At this point, I think it will be revealed at the end of the series.

My final thought about this book? Disappointed but not surprised.
Profile Image for annie &#x1f1f5;&#x1f1f8;.
283 reviews642 followers
July 22, 2024
3 stars

Rina should really— and I mean really— stop self-plagiarizing. Why is this book a mixture of GlynKill and JerCes' entire relationship?!

• Glyndon and Cecily sneaking into the heathens' territory by a mysterious invitation — Mia sneaking into Elites' territory!
• Killian threatening to hit Creighton so that Glyn agrees to go with him — Landon threatening Maya so Mia would walk with him.
• Jeremy and Cecily's chasing fuck fest — Landon chasing Mia through the house, gardens.
• Jeremy crawling through the window and forcing BJ on Cecy — Landon doing the same and getting BJ.
• Killian forcing BJ at the end of the cliff — Landon getting BJ at the end of the railing.
• Niko, Jer, and Kill beating Landon — Eli, Lan, and Creighton beating Killian.

YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK THAT! It was VaughnLenora's cheap ass copy. Vaughn is the best sculptor, rival, obsessed asshole with a blood kink and he was a PROUD VIRGIN you manhoe LANDON. And Lenora is what Mia wanted to be but could never be! (from Angry God) I'M SAD THAT I DIDN'T NOTICE IT AT FIRST THAT RINA COPIED MY FAV PSYCHO !😭

Rina's formula for writing the LOG series:

- 5 tablespoons of virgin girls
- 10 tablespoons of manwhore psychos with numerous kinks
- 2 tablespoons of kidnapping for no reason
- A dash of Zade Meadows' entire career
- A pinch of parents' pov, where they whine about their doormat daughters being too precious for their psycho boyfriends and then profess their undying love for their wives.

I think Rina genuinely believes that her books are so forgettable that she doesn't need to write new material and can just COPY-PASTE. 🤡



❝I have ninety-nine problems, but popularity isn’t one of them.❞

I mean, who needs originality when you can just throw in a mishmash of toxic traits from other characters?
Okay, don't get me wrong, Landon was actually slightly different because he was the only one who didn't SA Mia, and even she acknowledged that. HE WAS FOR GOD'S SAKE SO FREAKING NARCISSISTIC, AND I NEVER EVER ENCOUNTERED A CHARACTER LIKE HIM. It wasn't even about confidence, he was just so into his own that each and every one of his sentences starts with his PAINSTAKINGLY GORGEOUS FACE and ends with his IMPECCABLE PERSONALITY. 😂

❝I’d have to give a fuck about you to allow you access to my subconscious, and I’m not known to do that.❞

Landon was actually funny though, and despite his antisocial tendencies and his similar personality with Killian, he was seriously so much better. He wasn't obsessed with taking the virginity thing and actually did a lot of effort for Mia — even started taking classes from Bran to learn empathy for her. His character was actually not that bad, and even though he was always ruining and doing destruction, he didn't get off on that unlike others. He wasn't happy hurting the others — it was just because they were obstacles in his path — or that's what he said. There are few likable traits though. To seriously give my opinion about his character, his behavioral disorders were actually explained so well, his reasoning was good, and nothing felt cringy at all except.....

❝Did she just say I’m not worth it? Me? Landon fucking King?❞

What's cringe, however, were the words that Rina threw so much: Monster, godly looks, dangerous, darkness, and you know all the cringy things to show how DARK the hero actually is! And what the fuck is HOLE? Landon keeps on calling everyone a warm hole, desperate hole, like shut the fuck up, your dick isn't a magical rod either, bitch. 😒


❝I love being cute and deadly. It’s my strength.❞

I was not liking her at all until the 50% because all the STRONG FEMALE shit was just revolving around her throwing a few punches and giving middle fingers to Landon, but thank fuck that changed. I'm so so glad that she actually took a stand for herself and didn't let lust or her emotions get in her way and actually ended things with Landon for her family and for good. She literally made him her bitch 💀, and that was a power move though! She's selectively mute because of a traumatic event that happened when she was 8 years old and is afraid of the dark and gets panic attacks most of the time. Her personality, um, was okay; like she was good and wasn't a doormat, but her character wasn't that intriguing too.

She wasn't all bark and no bite; her responses were actually good, and she didn't take the bait easily, even while making bets, so she actually got a brain and has tons of attitude since she ghosted Landon for half of the book 😂. Her dressing style is actually good too but babe, YOU'RE NOT LENORE FUCKING ASTALIS! ✋🏻


❝Well, well. I’m officially turned on by the little troublemaker.❞

Now, that's the main topic. So this book started with Mia pulling Vincenzo's stunt of bathing the enemy — Landon — in pig's blood while they're on stage. Mia wanted revenge because Lan kidnapped her brother Nikolai, which resulted in her injury (events from God of Pain). She caught Landon's attention with this stunt. He wasn't really interested in her and just wanted to scare her until she became his muse — when she was frozen by a panic attack, and he got some feelings inside of him, which were inspirations for his sculptures — that he developed a need for her. A little bit threatening here and there with a lot of punches, middle fingers, finding out kinks, bets that Landon Mia started fucking. NOW THE LUST THING STARTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER CHAPTER 5, and this was all that happened until 50%. I still think that Mia gave in too easily.

Landon being a gentleman, as he called himself again and again,

1. renovated his whole haunted creepy house for Mia's comfort.
2. lit up so many candles because she's afraid of the dark.
3. got her her favorite Italian and Turkish food and made sure she was hydrated.
4. Aftercare — which was just told 😭 — and massages.

❝Run, little muse and run as fast you can.❞

Even ZADE MEADOWS must be shedding tears by seeing the amount of people inspired by him! 💀


❝You’re anarchy in fancy clothing and will eventually ruin me and my relationship with the people closest to me.❞

Landon doesn't know emotions and just ruins everything that comes in his path. He hurts Nikolai in a fighting match when Mia chose to have dinner with her siblings instead of him, and Niko's mental health took a big hit after the whole fight — which I know is because of something between him and Brandon — but his state is getting worse. Mia broke up with Landon because he doesn't care about the people she loves. Landon finally lets her go, or she thought, and I'm so happy that he didn't force her or do anything sexual, BUT 🤡 HE CAME TO HER BIRTHDAY PARTY AND ANNOUNCED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE THAT HE'S COURTING HER AND OFFERS A TRUCE. He also followed Mia every day, brought her her favorite drink, gave her space, took her out on a date, and cooked for her and LEARNED EMPATHY FROM BRAN AND TRIED TO DO ANYTHING TO GET MIA BACK. He cared for her and promised her that he wouldn't hurt anyone she loves. So that was all; everything went great till the epilogue.


She was kidnapped when she was 8 and was tortured and starved and was threatened by the kidnapper to not speak about anything, or they'll kill the people she loves in front of her, so she completely stopped talking. And guess who turned out to be the kidnapper? the freaking nanny! 🤡

But you know what this plot twist actually remind me of?

"Johnny has 3 apples, and Linda has 2 chocolates. Calculate the mass of the sun?"


Rina.... are we a joke to you? 🤡


— The relationship between the siblings was by far one of the best. Niko wasn't fully like Landon or Jeremy and didn't control his sisters, and he was actually so good to them! I loved, loved, loved Maya; how she was so good and protective of Mia and was the best sister ever! 🥺 OK NOW THE STUNT RINA PULLED IN THE END AND DID MAYA SO SOOO DIRTY I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HER. Please, WTF, I don't hate her at all, and I don't care. She was so guilty, and It's not her fault for what happened; she was fucking 8 years old herself, and I know she never meant to harm Mia at all, fuck everything! I'M MAYA SOKOLOV'S FAN. NIKOLAI IS THE CUTEST UNHINGED PERSON.

— NOT Niko sleeping on a chair on the balcony with his legs hanging over the railing!💀

— Killian was being involved for no reason at all, and his presence felt like a joke!

— The amount of time Landon said, 'I, the great, LANDON KING' was making me cringe.

— Parents' POV in every book is literally the same! Them being super overprotective and being rude to the bfs and just swooning over their wife. I JUST WANT COLE'S POV THAT'S IT.

— Mia got her voice back at around 96% of the book, 😒 and even then, she was talking, and everyone was so chill. I swear this does not do justice to selective mutism. Rina, just get some pointers on this topic by reading "BROKEN KNIGHT" BY LJ SHEN because the topic is dealt with so amazingly in that book!

— NIKOBRAN CRUMBS WOHOO. ELIAVA CRUMBS WERE NON-EXISTENT 😭 AND WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN MAYA AND ILYA. GIVE US THE BOOK RINA, SHE'S THE OG IN THIS SERIES. You can't not give us her book 🔪 (update: she's not getting her book, un-fucking-fortunate).

I can't believe that Rina's not adding Vaughn to this series. Please, what the heck, he deserves his book, and I WANT HIS BOOK. He's going to be a pakhan, just give us his book! I really, really hope he's the SERPENT'S LEADER like yaaass, that's my boy! OR MAKE HIM THE WHITE MASK, but he's just too good to be on that side. 😭

I just remembered that something mischievous was going on between Aiden and Landon regarding some 'info' in 'God of Pain' when Creighton was shot! Where is that scene, Rina? And it was something that Landon wanted badly

❝Not to mention, we used to bathe together as children. Fucking naked. You must really hate that you’ll always be second choice to me.❞ — I'm dead 💀 NOT LANDON STILL PROVOKING JEREMY LIKE THAT! 😭

❝Here’s another deal for you. Drop your weapon or I blow your head off.❞ — LANDON MF KING SAVE THE DAY.

❝Remington: You jealous bitches can go die. The fact remains that I’m besties with all of your girls and always will be. Muahahaha.❞ — that was enough to shut them all up 🙌🏻😂

❝I do have taste. It just doesn’t include your ugly art.❞ — ELI KING IS THE BEST KING. (tbh I'm taking all my expectations back after Lan's book)

That's it. Now I can peacefully forget about this book. 🚶‍♀️


God Of Malice – 3 stars
God Of Pain – 1 star
God Of Wrath – 4 stars
• God Of Ruin – 3 stars
God Of Fury – 3 stars
God Of War – 5 stars
Profile Image for Iqra.
520 reviews4,502 followers
June 28, 2024
I DID IT IM OUT IM FREE 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

If I ever get asked what do I have to show for myself, I’ll present them with my freedom from this book. My proudest achievement yet ☝️

This book was the WORST, most tasteless, most sleep inducing book I’ve ever read of RK. Lan was insufferable to the point where his inner monologue was cringy as fuck. Mia was ok till she wasn’t, every time she’d be like ‘I’ll kick his balls if he does anything bad to me, whose daughter am I?” i wanted PROOF. All bark no bite. Also where did the hinted academic rivals plot go to die? So much missed potential it hurts.

Let’s not get started on how this was a ripoff of malice and wrath. LanMia tried and failed epically to be the it couple of this series.

The Maya and kidnapper plot line was so..?????? Made no sense to blame Maya when she clearly was a victim of abuse as much as Mia. Absolute bullshit to make Maya the villain. Also the Ilya thing? Why did u add it if ur not giving them a book argh so frustrating.

GoR would’ve been one star if it wasn’t for the last 20%. When lan gained a personality, thanks to bran and glyn, his povs became more tolerable. I even ended up liking him towards the end.

Anyway, I’ll be celebrating my freedom from this book for the foreseeable future 👹

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Last chance, don’t make me regret it 👺


DNF’ing again…


Picking it back up in prep for NikoBran’s book


Softly DNF’ing @ 50%

I want the GoW ghostwriter back !!

I’m bored of this world and the characters rn. I cbfaaa w Rina’s writing anymore. Plus the eerie similarities between books 1&3 isn’t helping.

I’ll try to pick it back up closer to the release of NikoBran’s book…🤞
Profile Image for youssra.
111 reviews834 followers
September 24, 2024
– 4.25 stars ★

“The muse who filled up the emptiness so thoroughly, it’s become impossible to picture a world whose center she doesn’t occupy”


Landon and Mia have become one of my favorite couples in legacy of gods, reading about them was a literal breath of fresh air. I loved everything about them, the banter, the push and pull and especially their love for each other. They match each other so well and I love how they're both so crazy.


Landon: I’m so obsessed with landon it’s not even funny anymore. The way he carried this book series on his back, is king behavior. He learned sign language for Mia, watered her plants, brought her favorite coffee and did so much more for her, even though it’s not in his nature to do things like that for others.

Mia: Mia is such a baddie and it was so refreshing to finally read about a strong headed fmc again. She stood her ground and didn’t let anyone walk over her. If they hit she hits harder if they pull she pulls even harder. I was kind of over the helpless doormat act that some of the other fmc´s had, so reading about Mia was so good.

“Everything is always okay whenever she’s in my sight. Not even my demons could interfere with this sense of peace. She’s managed to tame them by merely existing. And I’ll make sure to bring her demons to their knees before they hurt her, even if it’s the last thing I do.”


I really enjoyed this book and I wish it was longer so I could get all the crumbs I so desperately wanted. Landon and Mia have easily become one of my favorite log couples. Something I wish we would've gotten more off is Glyn trying to understand Landon instead of shaming him and acting all disgusted. I don’t like that she was mean when she loved someone so similar to him. You can't possibly hate someone when you're in love with someone the same as him, that's just so hypocritical. I’m glad they at least communicated a bit more with each other at the end.

"After all, only a monster can crush another monster."

𖥔 ࣪ ˖🍓Pre-read ᯓᡣ𐭩

Finally! I’ve been counting down the books to finally get to this one. Landon has to be the most dramatic and chaotic man i know and i trust him to deliver😋🙂‍↕️
Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
672 reviews8,112 followers
September 4, 2023
Me and Rina Kent books we have a very weird relationship, cause I never know when I will like one of her books or not. The only indicator for my RK ratings is how much the book entertained me and made me laugh and I can tell you the count on how many times landonmia made me laugh: -5

Most of the one and two star reviews for God of Ruin already mentioned the recycled characters, bad & recycled plot, horrendous plot twist and blatant misogyny, so I’m not going to go into details. All I need to say that God of Ruin has been the most boring shit Rina Kent has ever written. Even annikacreighton had more chemisty than landonmia and that says a lot since that book is my least fav RK book until now. 🧍🏽‍♀️

landonmia are truly the embodiment of the “go guys, give us nothing” movement. no chemistry, no entertainment, no laughter, no good smut, only cringe & the ruination of a decent sibling bond.

God of Ruin was a very very cheap knockoff not only from RK other books, but especially L.J. Shen’s Angry God. There were so many similarities, not in specific scenes, but more from the characters and the book as a whole. But landonmia could never be on vaughnlenora’s level. it wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card to say something good about L.J. Shen’s writing or books, but here we are.

P.S. jeremycecily still hold the place as king and queen of this 2nd generation series so far and I doubt that even eliava won’t be able to dethrone them for me at least. I’ve never doubted their excellence since God of Malice. 💃🏽

┍━━━━━━━━»•» «•«━┑

#1 God of Malice – 3.5 stars
#2 God of Pain – 2.25 stars
#3 God of Wrath – 4 stars
#4 God of Ruin – 1.5 stars
#5 God of Fury – tbr
#6 God of War – tbr
┕━»•» «•«━━━━━━━━┙
Profile Image for Gry ☾ (Semi-Hiatus).
118 reviews176 followers
August 10, 2024
4 ★s
“Don’t underestimate the role of a muse. Some say it’s inseparable from our souls.”

I am obsessed. Landon and Mia might be my favourite couple of this series so far - possibly tied in first place with Killian and Glyndon.

Landon is a completely unhinged, chaotic, narcissistic psycho, and I love him a lot.
He always kept me guessing, he is so unintentionally funny and I had such a great time reading from his perspective. It's so entertaining reading from someone's perspective that is actually insane. I loved everything about his obsession with Mia.

He learned sign language for her, memorised her coffee order(and brought it every time they met up), learned to cook for her, bought her gardening supplies and is learning empathy for her. He was fucking jealous of the flowers for spending time with her, and this is how down bad I am for this man. 😩

Another favourite was seeing Glyndon, Brandon and Landon actually try to build on their relationship in this. It warmed my heart, and seeing as Glyn & Landon's books have been my favourites so far I am very eager to get to Brandon's book. 💛

I thoroughly enjoyed myself reading this book. Sure, there is still similarities to the other books - but here I think the difference is that the main characters truly captured my interest and the plot twist at the end truly had me chocked. A part of me wished they would've gone deeper into the subplot in relation to mental wellbeing and trauma etc, but I am a sucker for that sort of stuff so I will always wish for more haha. And I didn't mind how it was done in the end as the ending truly surprised me.

“Everything is always okay whenever she’s in my sight. Not even my demons could interfere with this sense of peace.
She’s managed to tame them by merely existing. And I’ll make sure to bring her demons to their knees before they hurt her, even if it’s the last thing I do.”

God of Malice Review
God of Pain Review
God of Wrath Review
God of Fury Review
God of War Review
I wanted something familiar, but I am unsure what I will think about this one bc Landon is highkey sketch. I have really liked what we've seen of Mia in previous books though...🤭
Profile Image for Flor ❁ (HIATUS).
236 reviews58 followers
September 5, 2023
Edit: since maya isn't getting a book (100% confirmed) I don't understand what was the point of creating drama around her/mia/Ilya and now you're telling they're fine behind the scenes? 🤡 someone has been reading the reviews🌚

Zero stars.

don't read if you don't want spoilers!

First of all thanks to my besties for the buddy read, I couldn't have done it without them 🙏🏼🖤

I think I'm more annoyed at the idea of what this book could have been. I always felt reluctant about this second generation series (yes, I was excited too🤡) but the more I read the more sad I feel. I've been reading this authors book since the beginning of her writing career, it's depressing to see how every book she releases is worse than the previous one. Rina you're ruining not only every character from this second generation but the OGs, at this point just take a break. The whole royal elite x mafia was a big mistake. I have to admit, I'm glad she's not writing books for Remi/Ariella/Gareth/Maya.

LandoMia's story lacks everything, no romance, no smut, no build up, no nothing. Sometimes the lack of romance in RK's books is balanced with some good smut, but here, it was awful. There isn't a good memorable thing about this book, it was a repetition of the previous books.

Mia wasn't the badass woman that I was expecting she in fact was an annoying brat. I'm glad she was a mute, nothing good could come out of her mouth.

Mia to Landon: I'll ruin you
Mia three seconds later: let him finger her, gave him a blowjob, the jealousy scene.....

the whole revenge storyline didn't makes sense tbh, revenge for what? none of them are decent people. The only thing that Mia did was fuck Landon, beautiful revenge 😍 someone give her a dictionary so she can learn the definition of "revenge".

I liked Landon, he was so funny sometimes.....as side character, also everything said in the previous book? Landon this? Landon that? Landon is deranged, Landon going to sex clubs? Well I don't see it cause the sex scenes where dry ass hell, the fingering, the blowjob, the first time, all of them, I feel nothing but indifference.
I don't even understand why he was obsessed with Mia, was he actually? to me Mia is just another average girl, sorry, she wasn't special jsjhdd. The only thing that I liked about Landon is his hate for his ugly ass family cause I hate them too.

Landon wasn't a psychopath, he was many things but not that one.

dear rina you're not writing psychopaths you're writing about a bunch of incels having p**** for the first time!!

and the "plot twist" about the reason why Mia is a mute, I never laughed so much in my life. We need to thanks Mrs Pratt and to Rina for writing the most ridiculous scene. The fact that Kyle and Rai being part of the MAFIA, they have the connections/sources and still couldn't find her ✋🏼

now for the side characters I'm actually concerned about eliava, I don't want to read about an attempt of badass saying the word bitch every two seconds and the incel guy. Take your time or stay away from them xx

brandonglyn (landons siblings) I hate them, I hate their ugly judgy snobby asses. Specially that weirdo Glyn, something thats been pissing me of is the fact there isn't much difference between her boyfriend Killian and her brother, the same for Nikolai to Brandon, they are not saints 😭😭. I'm also annoyed because there is not some kind of closure about Landon's relationship with his family.

Killian: I'll quote my friend Ellie “Not Killian coming for Maya for being an “airhead” when that little cunt stinks so bad he doesn’t even know how to brush his teeth”

Remi: Can rina stop writing these annoying characters. He's a nugly copy of his father Ronan. You're not royalty you're a walking STD.

Jeremycecily: second hand embarrassment.

Nikolai: you're ugly.

Ilya: He's Jeremy's bodyguard, I don't need to add more.

Maya: I don't hate her, after finishing this book I have to admit she was the only decent character and I really feel sorry for her. The whole drama around her was so unnecessary. They way RK ruined MiaMayaNiko relationship 😭 I'll never forgive her.

also I have to agree with some of my friends about the boyfriends meeting the parents. All of the scenes are the same, even the parents povs.

last but not less important I hated the instagram mentions, all these psychos having insta accounts with not thousand but MILLIONS of followers? 😭😭

Feel like hating every character after reading this book.
I'm not even disappointed cause at this point this whole series is a joke.
glyndon king you're an ugly ass bitch!!
Profile Image for maria (semi-hiatus) .
161 reviews274 followers
August 26, 2024
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 4.5

⋆𐙚₊˚⊹“You’re not only my muse, but also the sole reason I create anymore. You don’t complete me, you fill me up with your hope, determination, and constant nagging” ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

my thoughts:

Is this book a repetition from the previous ones? Yes. Did I still enjoyed it? Yes.

Rina clearly has a problem with being original because this whole log series is just the same with different characters, honestly I’m not even annoyed because I still give most of them a good rating🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ve been wanting to read Landon and Mia’s book since their scene together in GOM and I have to admit that I really enjoyed this one. I took my time reading this and I’m glad I didn’t rushed through it; I had so much fun while reading this. surprisingly the book doesn’t have that much drama and action, although some people found it boring because of that, I think that’s one of the reasons why I liked it so much.
Now the plot is kind of meh but I stopped reading Rina’s book for the plot a long time ago.


.ೃ࿐ Landon ꒰ devil lord🫐 ꒱

⭑.ᐟ “I don’t cause trouble; trouble caused me”

Landon is truly a narcissist and psychopath, so full of himself, that he thinks of everyone else as pawns in his life. While that would be cringe and would give me the ick for other characters and even irl, I couldn’t hate him, he’s just too hilarious and even a softie deep inside. Rina did a good job with his character, most people hated him since the beginning of the series but every of his scenes in the previous book just made me like him more.

Being inside his mind was so interesting and funny, the way his thought process worked and how he was just looking to create more chaos was really good. You never catch a break with him cause he’s always up to something.

He’s sooo cute, I never thought Landon could be as sweet as he was, his reputation in the previous books really didn’t help him but I loved seeing this side of him.

Say whatever you want to say about Landon but he’s one of the best boyfriend in the whole series. 【spoilers maybe‼️】 He learned ASL, cooked her favorite meal, decided to learn how to be more empathetic (when he literally doesn’t know the meaning of that word), took her on a date even when he couldn’t care less about it but knew that Mia would like it, helped with her presentations, had a frappuccino the way she likes every time they met, renovated his house and started to light candles when they were there because she’s scared of the darkness, took care of her garden in HIS house THE LANDON KING, in the dirt, taking care of plants??? And the bare minimum: (none of Rina’s guys does the bare minimum) he waited for her (didn’t forced her) and gave her space when she wanted it, he AN ARTIST was willing to break his wrist to be with her. Landon is the best.

: ̗̀➛“I don’t really get the hype about emotions, but I’m trying.”
“Trying to what? Have them?”
“Nonsense.” His lips lift in clear disgust and he drowns it with a sip of wine. “I’m trying not to use my understanding of emotions in a destructive manner. At least, not with the people who matter.”

ೃ࿐ Mia ꒰ his muse🫐 ꒱

⭑.ᐟ “Someone stole not only her voice—her beautiful, melodic voice—but also her peace of mind”

The only one who can control Landon, I like how she wasn’t a doormat, she would constantly ignore his messages and even blocked him in all socials🤣 Landon didn’t have it easy with her, she kept him on his toes💅🏻I liked her, Cecily is still my #1 log girl but Mia is close to be my 2nd fav girl.

She has selective mutism after going through a traumatic experience in her childhood but even though she can’t talk she still expressed herself perfectly. One thing that I love about her is how she tried to understand Landon and didn’t want him to change.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚✿ °. Mia & Landon
꒰ goth barbie & her sculptor₊⊹ ꒱

They are a perfect match for each other, her personality works with his craziness. I love them together so much😭 I might or might not have cried last night watching edits of them and how their wedding could look like.

I loved their epilogue😩 it was the sweetest, how Landon introduced Mia to his family. Ughhh, I think they are now my favorite couple.

“We look at each other, pause, and then burst out in laughter. It’s one of the few genuine laughs I’ve ever had, and it’s only because she’s by my side” THISSSS❤️‍🩹

other characters:

𐙚 I loved the friendship between Eli & Landon, those two together are a menace to society. Also Aiden and Landon were the cutest, how Aiden understood Lan because he has the same personality.

𐙚 Liked how Lan tried to fix the relationship between Glyndon and Brandon, and how he realized that the way he was treating Glyndon specifically wasn’t the best.

spoilers kinda‼️now, I hated what Rina decided to do with Maya at the end😐. Why she had to ruin the perfect sisterhood that Mia and Maya had😪

🎧ྀི Landon & Mia mini playlistᰔ

⤷ him & I ⟡ g-easy & halsey
⤷ chaotic ⟡ tate mcrae
⤷ die first ⟡ nessa barrett
⤷ rude boy ⟡ rihanna
⤷ helium ⟡ sia
⤷ i wanna die ⟡ nessa barrett
⤷ easier ⟡ 5sos
⤷ bring me to life ⟡ evanescence

-‘๑’- my favorite quotes ( a lot of them ) -‘๑’-

ᡣ𐭩 “Thank you for letting me into your world.”
“Thank you for being my world.”
“Thank you for helping me get my voice back.”
“Thank you for letting me hear it.”

ᡣ𐭩“The muse who filled up the emptiness so thoroughly, it’s become impossible to picture a world whose center she doesn’t occupy”

ᡣ𐭩“I’ve never believed in fate, but I’m so sure this little muse was made for me”

ᡣ𐭩“Happy Birthday, little muse. Remember, a future where you don’t belong to me doesn’t exist”😭🫶🏻💓💗🤞🏻😽

ᡣ𐭩“she makes me see sides of me I didn’t know existed before”

ᡣ𐭩“That’s when I realized that before him, I was only living, never truly alive”

ᡣ𐭩“I’ve become categorically obsessed with Mia Sokolov. My mind has filtered the whole world out and all I see is her defiant face”

ᡣ𐭩“The risks I’m willing to take for the sake of my muse are irritatingly stunning”

ᡣ𐭩“A burst of creative energy rips through me every time I touch Mia. It’s strange, powerful, and, to my dismay, unexplainable”

ᡣ𐭩“You look like my new possible addiction”

ᡣ𐭩“For the first time in my life, I’m prioritizing someone else over my own schemes. Maybe, just maybe, I’m irrevocably bewitched by that soft voice and I refuse to believe that was the last time I’ll hear it”

ᡣ𐭩“You were always mine, Mia. We just hadn’t met yet”

ᡣ𐭩“Unfortunately, I’ve become so irrevocably obsessed with the little muse that I’m surviving on the mere hope of being able to see her”

ᡣ𐭩“It’s like we belonged together several lives ago and we’re just reuniting. Or maybe we’re doomed lovers who finally found our way back to each other again”

ᡣ𐭩“Everything is always okay whenever she’s in my sight. Not even my demons could interfere with this sense of peace. She’s managed to tame them by merely existing. And I’ll make sure to bring her demons to their knees before they hurt her, even if it’s the last thing I do”

ᡣ𐭩“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being there for me. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”
“I will always be here”🥹

ᡣ𐭩“Because I don’t like to label what I feel for you as love. This”—he points between us—“is much more potent and twisted than mere love. If loving someone means letting them go and wishing them happiness with someone else, then I don’t subscribe to that definition. But if love means protecting and wanting to take care of you till my dying day, then I love you more than anyone has ever loved another human being”

ᡣ𐭩“I’m open to anything, including relearning the entire world fucking history and seeing it in rosy colors instead of human greed, but letting her go is not an option. Not in this lifetime or the next, or the twenty after”

ᡣ𐭩“A soft hand touches mine and I lift my head to meet the eyes of my own Greek goddess. The muse I didn’t know I needed until she stood in front of me in the darkness like a perfect imitation of a statue”

˗ˏˋmy review from the previous books in the series´ˎ˗

God Of Pain

God Of Wrath


ᯓ★ pre-read: ★ᯓ

I’m so excited to read Landon & Mia’s story but the reviews are making me second guess if this is going to be good 👀
Profile Image for Yana.
92 reviews6,646 followers
June 16, 2024
LANDON KING DID NOT DISAPPOINT. I honestly didn’t think I was gonna like him much, BUT I take it back, I devoured this book in literally 24hrs
Profile Image for buket.
851 reviews1,265 followers
July 23, 2024
me defending landon king:

i don’t know why you guys tried to brainwash me into thinking landon was going to be the worst but jokes on you he’s my favorite 😔💔

NIKOLAI SOKOLOV WHEN I CATCH YOU👊🏻 this dumb fuckboy caused a lot of problems and i’m gonna be hating him while reading his book😡 not enough his lordship in this book and that made me sad💔 again with judgemental shit glyndon?! she was not only missing brain when god gave it she also missed the good relationship with brother part😖 killian, jeremy i’m disappointed but it was expected😕

also the kidnapping drama🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

💌“Happy Birthday, little muse. Remember, a future where you don’t belong to me doesn’t exist.”

going in with zero expectations so you can’t disappoint me landon king
Profile Image for ~839 book boyfriends~.
97 reviews164 followers
September 1, 2023
someone get our environment friendly ♻️reduce-reuse-recycle♻️ queen👑🙌🏼 some new ideas bc obviously she’s run out of them and is unfortunately having to resort to writing this bs

✨tHe pLoT✨
manhoe hero, who’s a MASTER of every kink known to man damnn getting butterflies alreadyyy 😩🦋🦋
out for “revenge” heroine😤
who’s fiery and has lots of attitude but ofc is a pure virgin😁
she hates him, he’s “obsessed”, they fuck, fall in love, third act break up, fuck, hea

istg, the virgin-manwhore trope is sooo overused at this point
and the way ppl were hyping this book up as if it was some type of ✨masterpiece✨ only for it fall flat on its face🙄🙄🙄

where tf is the author who wrote books like gow, the deception trilogy & the my monster trilogy huh!?????

the worst part is that this book had sooo much potential i mean the boy obsessed trope🤌🏼🤌🏼
but at the end it was like reading a book i’ve read before, not quite memorable or unique🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

also PRAYINGGG eli doesn’t turn out to be a hoe as well, i still have hope🥲😩😩
Profile Image for simra&#x1f940;.
183 reviews68 followers
February 14, 2024
its not a rina kent book without the heroine being a virgin and the the guy being the biggest whore to exist. someone tell this woman to switch it up for the love of god.

cock was mentioned 99 times 🤣🤣🤣help??😭

i have to tag my favourite reviews so far on this book😭😭😭took me the fuck out





Profile Image for Ayesha.
36 reviews62 followers
July 18, 2022
Pretty sure that this book is Landon×Mia because Landon seems to ruin everthing(?) Also Mia is so precious and Landon better learn every word of sign language for her.
Profile Image for Larissa Cambusano.
530 reviews4,476 followers
June 13, 2024

these spot the differences games are getting hard!!!!

no but seriously it felt like i was reading the same book w different names. but i still had a good time because i love this universe.

sidenote: psychopath where?????

*changing my rating from a 4 to a 3.5* ⭐️
Profile Image for Mel&#x1f33b;.
85 reviews27 followers
October 6, 2024
4.5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Thank you for letting me into your world.” “Thank you for being my world.” “Thank you for helping me get my voice back.” “Thank you for letting me hear it.” 🥺😭🥺

wow wow wow! I was so excited for Lan's book and this did not disappoint. Lan is an absolute psycho and I'm utterly obsessed with him and Mia 😭 The way Lan is with Mia is just everything and I am so so so obsessed with both of them. I absolutely loved their story and the development of them both, Mia matches Lan so perfectly 😭 also loved that we saw more of the sibling relationship with Lan, Bran and Glyn 🥺 Lan is so misunderstood and I wish Glyn would understand her brother abit more but it was baby steps 🫶🏼

The way Mia hasn't spoken since she was a child after she went through an insane trauma and the first time she speaks is when Lan is shot and she streams his name😭😭😭 And what's his response?! When he's literally just been shot and on the floor dying "Say my name again" THIS MAN IS EVERYTHING 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨✋🏻✋🏻

My fave quotes:

Better close your windows at night. You never know what might crawl through them.”

The devil works fast, but Landon King works faster.

“Go to hell, you fucking bastard.” “Only if you come along. I’d appreciate the company.”

“I’m over here, muse. You should know by now that I don’t appreciate not being the center of your attention.”

Because she makes me see sides of me I didn’t know existed before.

Then I, Landon King, the legendary genius of contemporary art, help water the little flower fuckers.

“As much as I would like to take the credit, I can’t. Mia is the one who worked on herself and is fighting to find her voice. And I’ll be there every step of the way until she manages to do so.”

Why would you care about me if…if you’re unable to feel love toward me?” “Who says I’m unable to love you?” “You couldn’t say it earlier.” “Because I don’t like to label what I feel for you as love. This”—he points between us—“is much more potent and twisted than mere love. If loving someone means letting them go and wishing them happiness with someone else, then I don’t subscribe to that definition. But if love means protecting and wanting to take care of you till my dying day, then I love you more than anyone has ever loved another human being.”

I’ll always see your perspective before mine, not because I have to, but because I want to. I’m in for the long haul.”

“Thank you for letting me into your world.” “Thank you for being my world.” “Thank you for helping me get my voice back.” “Thank you for letting me hear it.”

Reading Updates ࿐ ࿔*:・

“You might want to stop calling me names and provoking me for sport, because you’re starting to look very much like a challenge, and that’s the last thing anyone wants to be when facing me.” - I’m obsessed with Lan already guys
Profile Image for Matilda.
269 reviews2,637 followers
September 3, 2023
2 stars 🩵

i think i’ve accepted that RK has given us everything she possibly could in the nearly 50 novels she’s written, so yes, things are going to be recycled. BUT, this was more than just recycled, it felt like a carbon copy of every book in this series. like i sat there thinking…i swear i’ve read this before

the bad

between the the primal kink, enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, stalking, the kidnapping of a certain character, the parents/siblings/friends that don’t approve of their relationship, pointless plot twist that makes no sense, etc. WE’VE READ IT ALREADY


also, this was even worse than just recycled material by RK…this felt veryyy similar to a book a lot of us have read...

stalker ✔️
alphahole ✔️
“little mouse” “mouse” pet name ✔️
cat and mouse game ✔️
H is a psychopath ✔️

landon tried desperately to give us what made did but he fell miserably flat

My smirk widens the closer my feet lead me to where she’s scurrying around like a literal mouse.
Again, I give her a bit of a head start, igniting her hope that if she runs fast enough and gives in to the adrenaline, she’ll be able to escape me.

landon (H) chasing mia (h) around the house whilst calling her mouse was a little too similar for comfort 🤨 i'm not necessarily saying RK copied h.d. carlton or anything but it was worth noting.

the writing, especially in the beginning, had me laughing. mia was described as if she’s “not like other girls” but in the most uncomfortable way possible

Many call this a goth look, but, really, it’s not. Nor is it my Satan worshiper look—I’m out of that loser’s league. I also don’t wear black makeup. In fact, my only makeup is pink lipstick and mascara. If I’m in the mood for mayhem, like that day in the Elites’ mansion, I add bold eyeliner.
I love being cute and deadly. It’s my strength.

let me just go gouge my eyes out 🤩

spoilers below

although i somewhat hated the amount of conversations between the MCs and the side characters in the previous 3 books of this series, i found myself missing them??? it felt odd to me that we got like...one and a half scenes of nikobran when their book is next 🧍🏻‍♀️ the most we saw of niko was when he was beating up landon and it barely took up a chapter. I EVEN WAS MISSING REMI.

i think that perfectly explains my mindset while reading this because remi is without a doubt one of the most irritating, worthless side characters ever written in the history of books (not being dramatic in saying that). when RK confirmed he wasn’t getting a worthless book, (because RK having yet another below average novel would be a tragedy) i jumped for joy 🥲

the twist was positively horrific. i didn’t expect it but only because it made absolutely no sense. i was also conflicted on who to side with, mia or maya. although maya was stupid af for what she did, she was also just a child when it all happened, so i found it hard to really judge her when she contributed in mia’s kidnapping. but her actions afterwards to cover the whole thing up were very stupid and immature. overall, it was dumb to ruin their sisterhood.

i mean it hasn’t even been confirmed maya will get a book, soooo it feels like the story is incomplete.


RK wrote, “Maya is with Ilya behind the scenes. They got back together after her mental breakdown that was mentioned in the epilogue. Both Ilya and Mia stood by her side which is how she was able to stand on her feet again.”


*end of the update turned rant*

should i also bring up the fact that landon learned sign language in 5 seconds? i understand he’s “gifted” but it just felt too unrealistic. he was just like “i watched 12 videos and now i’m fluent”

the good

i realized as i was writing this review that i was finding less and less to like about this book. i quite honestly not sure why this book deserves two whole stars, but i actually finished a book for the first time in months 😍

in all honesty, there were some good lines said by landon, which i found myself highlighting because they were worthy enough

“I’ll teach you the valuable lesson that, as long as I breathe, you are only mine to chase. Mine to own. Mine to fuck.”

mind you, the lines weren’t anything new or original, but i can appreciate the attempt 👍🏼

overall, i’m not mad i read this because it did help break me out of my slump. honestly it would have been closer to 3 stars till the whole maya thing happened🤷🏻‍♀️

note: i truly believe my breaking point will be reached if RK screws up nikobran. the set up to their story is so perfectly laid out 😭

legacy of gods
↠ #1 god of malice3 stars
↠ #2 god of pain4.25 stars
↠ #3 god of wrath2.5 stars
↠ #4 god of ruin — 2 stars
Profile Image for Samantha (bookgramsaga reviews).
745 reviews901 followers
September 1, 2023

''Make me your one and only''

Safety warnings:
- No cheating
- No OM drama
- Meaningless OW drama
- PTSD/trauma
- Violence/d*ath
- Somnophilia
- Stalking
- Selective mutism
- Attempted assault









That should just be the end of my review, but I can't let it be.

Let's first discuss the fact that most of the theories concerning Mia and the reason for her selective mutism had something to do childhood trauma most likely kidnapping and we were right, but it goes beyond that which was I think the real twist.

To be within Landon's mind was pure insanity. The way he thinks and plots was intense, the way he views himself as truly god’s gift should be a turn off (and in real life it would be) but it made him even more intriguing because you just could not wait to have him on his knees, and he was. I think despite the fact that throughout the book Mia fell in love with him so obviously her feelings were growing and serious, but it was HIS feelings and his desperation for her that made this book amazing.

Her feeling for him was what you expected but it was his feelings and emotional attachment to her that made this so much better. He is the one who is by his own words ''empty''. He uses his knowledge of emotions and makes it his own for the external world but in reality, he is cold and unfeeling/unhinged. Having Landon be utterly confused by his emotions was too funny at times, the fact he was obsessed and desperate for her attention and presence was the highlight. We all now know the length he would go for her and despite the ''I love you'' words being meaningless to him in the grand scheme of things, what he feels for her is beyond those three words and emotions. He makes it known and expresses it to her fully.

The boy literally told Bran he would CUT his wrists (basically mutilate them) to prove to her that she meant more than anything, even more than the art he worshipped. (All of this is because of Niko and the Heathens’ attempt to get them to break up and break his wrist if he didn't leave her) in which she refused to allow because she believed his art was his everything.

Honestly, there are a lot of elements in this book that cannot be all placed into a simple review, you have to read it and understand the progression of both their relationship and insanity.

One of the things I really was NOT looking forward to in this book was a scene containing Landon with OW or at the sex club like we got in GOP, but I should have known and trusted Rina to never do that to us, she might let us know about his past conquests, but never would her MC's actually do anything with another woman.

Once Landon meets Mia, he admits he never visited another sex club or another woman again and he refuses to even think of them as it makes him sick and repulsed. We also find out that he has never been fully satisfied by anyone until Mia as she also gives him mental satisfaction which to him is much more important because he sees everyone as pawns so to him, she is his match.

We get that infamous scene is GOW where Landon is alone with Cecily before he is found by Jeremy and Mia, and she kicks him in the balls. This whole thing happened because Mia ignores him after she initially thinks he is messing with other girls. He hates being ignored so hence his plot to get her attention.

Landon obviously knows how to push everyone’s buttons, we get to see it firsthand, and I have to say the fact he tries to STOP ruining everything and everyone showed growth to me (well as much as growth as Landon can go). He realized via his own revelations and from others that if he hurts Mia by hurting the people, she loves then he will lose her and that is not something that can ever happen.

The scene where Landon goes to Mia's birthday party at the Heathen's mansion and lets everyone know they are together, and he is COURTING her was just too funny. Niko lost his shit, and I can see why as Landon was the reason, he was kidnapped in the first place back in the previous books and everyone basically hates Landon so him finding out that his younger sister Mia is sleeping and together with Landon is too much to bear so he plans to hurt him back which he does later on (kidnapping/wrist scene).

There is also a moment in the Landon beatdown scene where he turns his back on Mia so he cannot read her signs, and this hurts her deeply and you can see it hurt him even more to have done that to her.

After that whole incident, Mia leaves to NYC to see her parents but of course Landon is not far behind and shows up with his messed up bruised face but plays the role of dotting boyfriend oh so well. I know I say ''plays the role'' but in reality, he will do anything for her. He spends time with her family members more than her to get to know them as he knows they are important people to her, and he then even gets EXTREMELY confused when she tells him he has been spending all his time with her extended family and he gets worried he is doing the wrong thing lol.

Let's discuss Mia now though. Her trauma stems from her being kidnapped and held for days (beaten/starved) when she was 8 years old. She refuses to speak and not because of the actual kidnapping but because the kidnapper threatened to KILL anyone she told and since they were never found Mia fears the worst and refuses to speak to anyone. Everyone believed that it's the kidnapping that she won't speak but in reality, it's her fear of anyone’s death.

I will say the reveal of the truth behind the kidnapping happened a bit later than I thought, and I was a bit stunned by the ACTUAL truth. You see, we find out the kidnapper is a woman named Mrs. Pratt and she was the girls’ nannies and left when they were 7 to be with her husband on his farm.
Mrs. Pratt and her husband were the ones who kidnapped Mia and killed her bodyguard, we also know from prior information that both Maya and Mia were about to be taken but Maya got away, and Mia was the one kept for days until 25 million dollars were paid and she was found.

NOW comes to part that Landon found out through his snooping, instinct, and tricks (which I will ignore the fact that the mafia could not find out any information about the kidnapper etc but anyways):
Maya knew. She knew who it was all along but never uttered a word because on the other end she was also being threatened to never expose the culprits. She kept it all to herself out of fear, but this of course broke Mia's heart, and she cannot believe what's happening.

You see prior to the incident it was Mia who was the golden child, loved by everyone and outgoing while Maya was the introvert. The nanny having liked Maya more heard her once say she wished Mia would go away for a few days so she could get some attention and so a year after Mrs. Pratt left she makes Maya's dream come true (a dream of a 8 year old might I add) and takes Mia but Maya sees the husband and this prompts them to threatened her for YEARS to keep her mouth shut because she will be exposed for wishing it. Maya is just as traumatized by it all but keeps it inside out of guilt, but Mia is devastated by it all. Thankfully we find out they are slowly patching things up in the epilogue.

There are a lot more elements to this but that's the gist. Mrs. Pratt is around once again to kill Landon as he knows more about what’s happened, but Landon kills her first and this ends Mia's mutism. She screams Landon's name when he is shot in the shoulder and from that moment on speaks once again.

We get an epilogue two years later where Landon shows off to the world his secret collection of every statue he has made (all of Mia in different moments). This is also where he proposes to her.

A few moments to discuss outside of the Landon/Mia plot:

MVP of appearances: Aiden shows up and reminds us why he is loved.

1) Landon being a genius learns sign language for her.
2) We get Kyle's POV, and he is just as unhinged as Niko and is actually going to call Niko to thank him for beating up Landon lol
3) We got nothing for Eli and Ava.
4) We get a lot of crumbs about Niko and Bran - I do not read MM books just like I don't read RH, FF, MFM etc. no other reason than it's of any interest to me but I know the world is a better place with them existing so this will be exception as I am invested.
5) Mia is NOT white mask, nor do we know who it is as they do not make an appearance at all or even spoken about.
6) Kirill nor his child make an appearance or mention.
7) We find out WHY Annika is not friends with the twins and it's because she was Maya's friend once, but they had a fallout and Mia/Annika never clicked.
8) Gareth and Maya are NOT happening with people we initially suspected as Maya is interested and dated Ilya (Jeremy's bodyguard) but he left her after the whole truth comes out (or before that -it's a bit vague). Look at number 17 for Gareth's potential love interest.
9) Niko is admired and loved by his sisters, and despite his crazy demeanor he is described as loving and protective of his sisters and truly loves them beyond anything. They all grew up close.
10) Mia was a virgin as she never went too far with guys since they bored her, and she felt nothing.
11) We get no appearance from Creighton (group text message only) or Annika.
12) It is most likely true that Rai’s granduncle Sergei is no longer alive as we only get mentions of Kyle’s father Mikhail and how he has had a massive presence in the children’s lives all along and loves them more than his other grandchildren.
13) Landon never slept with the same girl twice in his entire life and he always used a condom but forgets with Mia and even actually imagines her pregnant with his child which freaks him out.
14 Niko was definitely jealous when he realized his sister and Bran are hanging out.
15 Landon can tell Mia and Maya apart from the second he sees them.
16) Rai's original bodyguards we have met in her books are still her guards!
17)We meet a new Professor - Kayden. It’s the professor Rina plans to put Gareth in a relationship with as she mentioned in her QA’s. The book she would have written would have been a forbidden teacher/student trope. There is a scene where Gareth is mentioned and Kayden has a moment that’s a bit suspicious. I hope we get a conclusion for them at the end of the series since he won’t get his own book!

Meaningless OW drama:
An ex-hookup from years ago tries to get with Landon but he has NO interest in her and belittles her. Basically, tells her multiple times to fuck off - she attempts to create a small rift, but it backfires, and he knows the truth and confronts her.

Attempted assault:
Connected to the OW's attempt to cause the rift, she gets one of the guys in Landon's group to get with Mia and cause issues, but he attempts to assault her by sucking on her neck but thankfully Mia kicks him in the balls and her guards get there. Landon later DESTROYS him and does it with a smile on his face aka sadistic one.

I am missing so much info in this review so do not assume you know everything after finishing it.

Quotes I loved:

''A vessel for uncharacteristically violent tendences and artistic genius''

''She was the inner sadism of my outward charm''

''I've become categorically obsessed with Mia Sokolov''

''You're anarchy in fancy clothing and will eventually ruin me and my relationship with the people closest to me''

''I raised my son right. He was born for destruction and has no limits regarding his sisters''
Profile Image for Noa.
520 reviews508 followers
December 5, 2023
"Every artist has a muse - or so they say."

Landon King is a genius.
A psychopathic and sociopathic genius.
He is known worldwide for his artistic masterpieces.
He creates and the people eat it up one piece at a time.
He is charming, suave, and attractive. Everyone loves him.
At least what they think is him.
He wears a mask.
And Mia Sokolov is not so easily fooled.
Especially, when she is out for revenge.
But Mia Sokolov needs to know.
Never underestimate Landon King.

"You really shouldn't have caught my interest. Now, I'll have to swallow you alive, little muse."

Mia Sokolov has one goal.
Ruin Landon King.
Ever since he messed with her brother, he has been her target.
No one messes with family.
She will do everything to ruin him.
But what happens when he starts to ruin her?
And why does she want him to?

"This is the first time I've believed he's a lethal danger whose path I shouldn't cross. Unless I'm in the mood to be drowned in his ocean so fast that no one will find a trace of me. Too bad for him, I'm the type who likes swimming in open water."

I have said it once, I have said it multiple times, and I will say it again.
And this book is no exception

"You really shouldn't have caught my interest. Now, I'll have to swallow you alive, little muse."

Since the beginning of the "Legacy of Gods" series, Landon was always there. He quite literally had a hand in everything. He was "the villain you loved to hate." So when I saw he was getting a book, I was like "yes! Sign me up! I am ready!" Because if there is one thing Rina Kent knows how to do, it's to make you love the bad guy.
And Landon King is the best example.

"Don't turn your back on me, Mia. You know perfectly well what I'll do if you run."

This book legit made me cry because I felt so bad for Landon. As someone who doesn't feel like everyone does and doesn't express feelings like everyone does, this book hit hard.
Landon is legitimately one of my favorite characters in the RKU (Rina Kent Universe) and that is saying a lot people!!

"Lan would never care or try to. He sees everyone as pawns or possessions."

And then we have Mia. I mean talk about a badass!! Am I right or am I right?
I'm right aren't I?
I mean she is determined, out for revenge, and our very own badass barbie. And we stan.
And being mute did not stop her one bit.
The amount of times I screamed out loud - "Yes Girl! Period!" was a lot people. It was a lot.

"After all, only a monster can crush another monster."

And Landon and Mia together???? I mean talk about cat and mouse. Talk about push and pull. Talk about a legit game of chess which I love (not chess but their relationship (saying as someone that played chess in a club for one year and gave up)).

"Mia doesn't know this yet, but she's playing a dangerous game. The more I'm tempted, the more drastic the reaction."

And this one has an amazing playlist that Rina Kent put together but this is mine, which includes a couple of songs she also put in the OG playlist:
Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0wj...

🎧 "Rich Kids" - Bea Miller
🎧 "Kamikaze" - MISSIO
🎧 "A Little Party Never Killed Nobody" - Fergie, GoonRock, Q-Tip
🎧 "That's How You Make a Villain" - Emelyn
🎧 "Buzzkill" - Mothica
🎧 "Vigilante Shit" - Taylor Swift
🎧 "Psycho" - Taylor Acorn
🎧 "RUNRUNRUN" - Dutch Melrose
🎧 "Sociopath" - Stay Loose, Bryce Fox
🎧 "You Don't Own Me" - SAYGRACE, G-eazy
🎧 "The Devil is a Gentleman" - Merci Raines
🎧 "All Eyes On Me (Song Only)" - Bo Burnham
🎧 "Mount Everest" - Labrinth
🎧 "Monster" - dodie
🎧 "Fallin' (Adrenaline)" - Why Don't We
🎧 "Colors (stripped)" - Halsey
🎧 "Who I am" - Saint Chaos
🎧 "JEKYLL & HIDE" - Bishop Briggs
🎧 "Pray For Me" - The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar
🎧 "Turn" - The Wombats

And we all know that Rina Kent writes top tier dirty talk people. It's not even a question at this point…

"Now, you'll shatter on my fingers all over again while looking at me."

"You're going to come for me again and then you'll use this same energy choke on my cock, little muse."

"You'll take every last inch, won’t you?"

♟️ Tropes ♟️

🖌️ Dark Romance
🖌️ Enemies-to-Lovers
🖌️ Forbidden Love
🖌️ Primal Play
🖌️ Revenge
🖌️ Stalking
🖌️ Psychopath/Sociopath X His Match
🖌️ Touch her and Die
Profile Image for Ana (Hiatus).
85 reviews345 followers
December 7, 2023
I liked this book much better than the previous ones. Why? Because Landon was so melodramatic and rude, it made this book very funny. Here, I'll add some quotes.

Landon says these nice things about Mia.

"She’s not short, but she’s not that tall either. A height that can comfortably fit in a casket.

Crikey. I’ve done it again.

Imagining people dead. If I get to witness her funeral, I vote for her eyes to be kept open. So what if it creeps everyone else out? As long as I get to enjoy it, the world can piss off."

"Her handwriting, if that’s what it can be called, is tiny and messy, like a drunk ant that’s trying to find its way home after a wild night out."

It was repeatedly told many times in the previous books that Landon is horrible and cruel. He sucks and blah and blah. But he is the best hero in the series so far. His pov is just so funny. Also, the way he calls out people is so funny. I totally agree with his assessment of Remi. Remi is so embarrassing. He's not funny at all.

I actually enjoyed his relationship with his brother Brandon. His sister, Glydon is very hypocritical. She's happily dating Killian, who is just as bad as Landon ( but not funny at all). She has no problem with Killian but keeps whining about how bad Landon is. Look at those double standards.

I have no idea why every character hates Landon when all the male characters are essentially the same 'bad boys'. So why target Landon? Because he is more upfront about it.

Mia was just as same as the previous characters. She is supposed to be a goth barbie. She really isn't as badass and smart as she thinks she is. She's kinda embarrassing at times. But she is tolerable most of the time.

The plot is the same as the previous books. Nothing has changed at all. The hero is a 'psychopath' and heroine is an innocent darling. The hero gets beat up by the other side. They meet the parents. Twist happens. And a happy ending.

The writing is just as terrible as the previous books. It's so melodramatic and edgy. It ruins the book.

Also, can I just say that Maya deserves better? Everyone hates her because she is girly and a bit mean. So? That is a bit sexist if you ask me. Since all the male characters are terrible and cruel but that's okay because they are male. Maya is hated because she likes dressing up. Right. Very nice to see that.

And her role in the end twist and the consequences did not make any sense. She is being punished for the mistakes she made when she was a literal child. She did not have any bad intentions and made an innocent mistake, so everyone hates her even more now. Throughout the whole book, she supports and cares for Mia but who cares, right? Can I just say Maya deserves better?

Also, I hated the stupid plot twist. It was just added to create conflict.

I have to say that the side characters are much more enjoyable when they are just the side characters because they are instantly ruined when they are made the main characters. I hope this doesn't happen in the next two books since they are about my two most anticipated couples. I just know that she'll destroy Eli and Ava's relationship after so much build-up.

The cover is terrible just like all the other covers.

I know this will be terrible but at least please be entertaining.

Fingers crossed!
Profile Image for Vivian Diaz (semi hiatus).
624 reviews112 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 20, 2024
DNF at 52%. I tried reading this twice and I still can’t seem to find any interest in it. I loved the first two books in this series but this one was just not it for me.

Landon and Mia’s romance is not believable at all. It felt so forced and all he ever wanted was to stick his cock down her throat all the time. Every conversation they had was about his cock! And the chasing kink is getting old 🙄. It is literally in almost every book RK writes.

I hope the next book is a much better experience for me 🤞🏻
Profile Image for siff ♡.
127 reviews1,071 followers
October 20, 2023
☆ 𝟥.𝟤𝟧 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗌

“𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙠𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. 𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙚.”

I love the characters in this series, but the storylines are basically the same. Which is why my rating is based on the characters and not the storyline <33

“𝙄’𝙢 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙮 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛.”

“𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙄 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙧.”

𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗴 is son of Levi and and Astrid. He’s always been different from her siblings Glyndon and Brandon. Landon and Brandon are twins, they look identical except they aren’t. Brandon feels too much and Landon feels nothing. Landon doesn’t really have that many emotions, and takes pride in that. He’s definitely arrogant and his ego is as high as Mount Everest 😭

“𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝—𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨. 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙖 𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚.”

“𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙚𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙖𝙠𝙚. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙄 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚.”

𝗠𝗶𝗮 𝗦𝗼𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘃 is daughter of Kyle and Rai. She has two siblings, her twin Maya and big brother Nikolai. Mia also “lost” her voice when she was little, you’ll have to find out why yourself tho ;) Mia is a living, breathing icon, I love her and her violent side. She’s a total girlboss.

“𝘾𝙖𝙣’𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚?”
“𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙨𝙤 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙. 𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙤𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪.”

“𝙆𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙖𝙥.”
“𝙄 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙’𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣’𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨.”

I have mixed feeling about this book. I did enjoyed it, but that was probably because I read it for the characters and not the storyline. If I read this book/series for the storylines I’d be heavily disappointed. It’s always the same, they hate each other in some way, they start having some sort of sexual relationship, something happens between the rival friend groups, they start developing deeper feelings for each other, something from the past gets involved, and then they declare their love for each other (that sounded very Romeo and Juliette like😭) anyway and then the end.

“𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚.”

“𝘿𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚. 𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚.”

“𝙎𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙚, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙩.”

If you want to get into the Rina Kent universe, I’d say you should do it because of the characters and not the storylines.

𝗔 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗜 𝗱𝗶𝗱𝗻’𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲;
↳ Landon always talking about how many woman that would beg to be Mia. And how many woman that would do everything to be with him. Like then stfu and go get them 🔪🔪
↳ EVERYTHING Mia did was suddenly Landon’s kink. She breathes he’s hard, she blinks he’s hard. At this point he should get his thing checked 😭

𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀;

“𝙎𝙖𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣.”

“𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙪𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙨 𝙄’𝙫𝙚 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙙, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚.”

“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙.”
“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙.”
“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙫𝙤𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠.”
“𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙞𝙩.”

“𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙇𝙖𝙣.”
“𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠. 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙢𝙚, 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚.”

“𝙄𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨𝙣’𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙣. 𝙃𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙝𝙚’𝙨 𝙢𝙮 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮.”

⋘ Tropes ➺ psychopath x his match, enemies to lovers, boy obsessed and college rivalry ⋙
Profile Image for Gretchen.
193 reviews17 followers
August 31, 2023
1.5 Stars
I think this book may have broken a little piece inside me I may never get back... I'm really not sure where to even begin with this review so it may just be a stream of consciousness. I have so many thoughts and not many are good. We're going to start with the bad because it's a lot longer list, and well it might be nice to end this review on a good note.

I will admit I was not Landon's biggest fan going into this book, but I tried my best to keep an open mind. Landon just made it so hard to like him. He was arrogant, full of himself, and over all not a good person. This wouldn't be an issue, if it wasn't written so poorly. Landon couldn't go two pages without mentioning his cock or saying the cringiest line known to man. This is not the Landon from gom/gop/gow who wanted chaos but looked good doing it. If I had to read the phrase "I, Landon King" one more time I was going to explode.

"A hugger. A blasphemous, absolutely distasteful habit with no practical meaning whatsoever. It's not needed for sex and, when used, can lead to an awkward angle"

He's a weirdo Your Honor!

He had half the POVs Mia did but yet he consumed so much in this book and it was a disservice to my brain. Every time his POV came, I braced myself for a cringefest.

"I'm dreadfully, exceptionally, and categorically bored out of my fucking mind" Who said it? Landon or me when I saw his name at the beginning of the chapter??? We may never know.

I can't put into words just how annoying and aggravating I found Landon. This book would've been 2 stars higher for me if he would've just SHUT UP!

His chapters were so superficial too. He didn't change from the beginning except now he shows affection to Mia and occasionally his siblings. It's not like I was expecting a big character redemption arc for Landon, but I was expecting some depth, and we got so little. With Killian, we had his daddy issues. With Creigh we had his story about his birth parents (as much as I didn't like that storyline at least it gave his character something!!) And with Jeremy we had him opening up about his childhood. With Landon we got none of that. We had him opening up in one scene and the rest of his "growth" came from Brandon telling Mia the nice things he's done over the years. Landon could've been a shell and the story would've been the same. But anyway I could go on for hours about this.


Again I wasn't expecting a whole lot here, but I felt no connection to Landon and Mia's romance. They had some cute lines, but I can barely remember them. Their relationship revolved around sex and they lacked the emotional connection for me to believe at the end that Landon truly loved her. I believed it from Mia's side, because we actually got to see into her head! Anyway I think they are my least favorite couple from LOG...

The Plot

There was zero plot in this book. Absolutely nothing happened, like Mia wanted revenge and Landon was just there. He did nothing but talk about how amazing he was. Mia had a little more of a side story but it wasn't built up enough for me and it got drowned out by Landon's ramblings about nothing.

I don't even mind zero plot books. Some of my favorites are low plot (God of Wrath for example), but because we had no emotional journey from Landon, and Mia wasn't given enough room we were left with 470 pages of nothing. And it makes me sad because of all the books I think Mia and Landon had the most potential when it came to storylines.

Copying other books

My bias will come out here, but I was so annoyed at the amount of copying that happened in this book. I mentioned earlier that God of Wrath is one of my favorite books, so I'm very inclined to remember specific details from their book and notice when they come again. I'm not even saying jeremy and cecily were that original of a couple! But for this book to follow them chronological is lazy when its almost the same story over again.

Mia sneaking into the elites party = Cecily sneaking into the Heathen's initiation

The scene of him relaying her favorite color/movie/hobbies = Jeremy doing the exact same thing when Ava asked him

The running around the woods/primal kink = JeremyCecily kink (also SebNaomi of course!)

The most egregious in my opinion was Landon having a run down mansion that he and Mia would hook up in AKA the JeremyCecily Cabin copy like?? We did this in the book immediately after?? Why??

I don't go to Rina for originality but I do expect a little more than this... I need NikoBran to be different so badly!

Maya Subplot

Going to make this the last of my long list of issues that I'm talking about. And truthfully this is where the book passed the point of no return for me. Without this I might've been able to enjoy parts but God this whole storyline soured the book so much for me I couldn't even care about the scenes in the epilogue.

This is major spoilers to skip if you don't want to know!!!

I found this to be one of the laziest and most ridiculous "twists" I've read from a Rina Kent. None of the twists in Legacy of Gods have been very good (other than Annika shooting Creigh! I was gagged!), but this was just so unnecessary. Mia and Maya had a really nice sibling bond, and for that to be ruined the way it was just upsets me so much... Maya was just a kid when all this happened, so I don't blame her at all. I also don't blame her for keeping quiet because she was scared and I understand that. I also don't blame Mia for being upset about the revelation. I blame Rina for wanting to create a rift between the sisters that didn't need to be there. Why does no girl in this universe have a good friendship. Rina wants the mmc to be the only constant in her girls' lives and I am so tired of it. The boys are off having solid friendships while maintaining their relationships. Why cant the girls??? I hate that Mia/Maya had to lose their best friend over a plot point that wasn't needed. What's worse is that reveal happened in the last chapter so we didn't even get to see the fallout and impact this had on Mia. I'm just so upset and disappointed. I truly lost my motivation to read after this. I didn't even want to read the epilogues after this I was just so... done. For the sake of journalistic integrity I did read both epilogues and felt next to nothing about them... What a let down.

I don't want this review to be fully negative and there were some things I liked so I'll get into them now...


I really liked Mia! She did the best she could with the material she was given. I wish we could've delved into her head more, and that there was more of a buildup to the reveals surrounding her silence and trauma, but overall I really enjoyed her character and if Landon would've shut up just a little bit more she would've earned a higher rating for this book!

Crumbs/King Siblings

If there's one thing Rina does well, it's crumbs, especially for future couples (nikobran will be getting their own highlight!)

I loved seeing all the past couples. Although where were CreighAnnika??? I missed them :(

KillGlyn were super cute in this book, and all you Glyn haters will have to FIGHT ME, because that is my girl forever and ever. I loved her so much and I was so glad we got to see her and Landon interact. That scene with him teaching her to draw when they were kids?? I teared up reading it!!

JeremyCecily are my beloveds!! I loved their little crumbs and I hope we see some more of them in NikoBran's book!

I loved that we got to dive just a little into Bran and Lan's relationship. Seeing Bran take a punch for Lan and seeing his friendship with Mia was so sweet.


THE STARS OF THE SHOW!!!! I highlighted every single one of their scenes they were soooo good. I was trying to keep my expectations low for their book so I wouldn't get disappointed, but I fear those crumbs are just too good! I beg the beta teams to let Rina do this couple justice!! I could talk about them forever, but this review is so long lol.

Overall this is my least favorite book in the series. A little plot, more Mia, and a lot less Landon might've been enough to save it. Alas we'll never know...Will be seated for nikobran

Post Reading Reaction:
Well… I’m going to need to sit on this one a bit
Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,298 reviews3,566 followers
April 20, 2024
Reread in 2024 for Patreon and leading up to God of War. I bumped this one up to a 5 star. Really liked it.

Well, I liked this quite a bit. I loved watch Landon go crazy over Mia, and I love that Mia didn't make it easy for one second.

The suspense element fell a tad flat for me, but I'm not really here for that anyway!

Very dark and sexy. Loved all the kinks. Even if I DO wish he had brought her to the sex club to show her around... their haunted house was a beautiful escape in which to explore each other.

I can't wait for Niko and Bran! That's gonna be wild!

4.5 stars
4.5 on my spice scale
Profile Image for S.
Author 1 book433 followers
June 21, 2024
Rina Kent hates people of the female variety.

Seriously, misogyny is sprinkled, like a treat, throughout her entire catalog lmao.

Seriously, as someone who's listened to her whole catalog, trust me, it's incredibly hard to miss.

In this book, Mia was supposed to be all badass, throwing a ranch at Landon's well-made plans, and giving him a run for his psychotic money.

But Rina Kent gave that up in about 2 chapters in.

Rina Kent much prefers writing a heroine who simply cannot stand up, and be a challenge in any way.

She MUST be a slave to his dick from the first chapter or it's not a Rina Kent book...

In this book, Mia called Landon "more important" than her own flesh and blood twin sister.

Mind you, Landon, who is a strange boy she's known for 2 weeks, whom she has no romantic chemistry with, and barely any sexual chemistry with.

A boy who calls her his "favorite cum bucket" all romantic-like.

I am swooning, really.

Every time I listen to a new Rina Kent gem, I unlock a new variant of misogyny. It's unreal.

Maya acted like a little brat when she was an 8 year old child, and adults around her chose to do bad things to Mia, using Maya as a dumb excuse, and then made Maya put blame on herself for what happened to her twin sister.

And yet, Mia didn't hesitate to kick Maya out of her life.

But a strange dude with some mental issues who, for some reason, has a magical dick who cures Mia's selective mutism, gives her body-betraying syndrome, and lets her forget she can have self-esteem, is suddenly the end all be all she has been waiting for, all her life, apparently.

I get being mad at Maya, it's warranted since she kept the truth from Mia, but acting like Landon is her savior and all that and Landon is her "god",

just doesn't sit right with me

Also, yes, you guessed it right, Mia was a virgin.

Rina Kent is deathly allergic to writing heroines with any type of sexual agency or backbone. Or a personality not resembling a limp mop.

God help her.

(The more I read Rina Kent, the more I am convinced she couldn't have written the Deception trilogy. Seriously, a ghostwriter MUST have written that decent ass book...)
Profile Image for sash.
264 reviews36 followers
September 2, 2023
rk always writes unserious books but at least they are entertaining but this one... was horrendous. and boring. this man is a JOKE. he acts arrogant and psychotic but in reality, he's the corniest mf loser I've ever read about. you'd think he'd get better bc character development is a thing. its not tho. bc he stays the same in the epilogue. all his pov chapters are just him talking about his dick, bragging about his (nonexistent) personality, his dick, begging for a blowjob every 10 pages, and his dick again and this continues till the end of the book. all rk men are horny but this one definitely has a medical problem. all the sexual things he said about her (“you're my favorite cum bucket” being one of them).....if i didn't know landon was rk's favourite, i would think she HATES this man.

mia's pov on the other hand revolves all around landon. because she got more chapters than him, you'd think we'll learn more about her. but no, all she talks about is him. who is mia? i don't know. rk certainly doesn't know either. she is described as a bad bitch but she is neither bad nor a bitch so don't know where that came from.

this book was so fucking boring. i felt like i was reading it for ages but i'd only reached 30% mark. i feel like i have aged a decade after finishing it. the plot twist at the 96% mark was just...unnecessary and meaningless. i also skipped the epilogue bc i genuinely dgaf about these two losers. i wish i had dnfed it early on but i am an idiot!

the only saving grace of this book was nikobran scenes which is why rk needs to quit writing altogether before she gets to them bc this career is not doing it for her
Profile Image for Rose.
442 reviews1,129 followers
October 1, 2023
4.75⭐️ I just LOVE this series so much. I couldn’t put this book down, I was just so obsessed with Landon and Mia.

Also I was eating up the Nikolai/Bran and Eli/Ava crumbs!!!! I can’t wait for their books!

“You look like my favorite masterpiece. 😫💙
September 1, 2023
Sizzling hot!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙💚💜❤️💖
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 😟🙁☺️😍🥰

The heroine: Mia Sokolov - she is daughter to Rai Sokolov and Kyle Hunter who are heads of the New York Bratva. She attends college at Kings U along with her identical twin sister Maya and her older brother Nikolai, who is the head of the Heathens at Kings U. The college is on an island with another college, Royal Elite University which is home to a bunch of British aristocrats and old money types. While Kings U is filled with American students and mostly new money types. Mia is mute and only speaks via sign language.

The Hero: Landon King - He is the son of Levi and Astrid King and he attends Royal Elite University (REU) along with his twin brother Brandon and sister Glyndon. Landon is much like his grandfather Jonathan King and uncle Aiden King in that something is missing in him. He is basically a sociopath, with no empathy and he doesn’t feel things the way others do, though he has learned to fake it. Even his family is a bit afraid of him at times.

The Story: Mia plans to get revenge on Landon King for something he did to injure her brother Nikolai since he hasn’t gotten revenge yet. Mia hates Landon with a vengeance and wants nothing more than to give Landon what he deserves. Though she suffers from a panic disorder due to something that happened to her when she was just eight years old and it nearly stops her plans.

I won’t tell you if Mia gets her revenge or not, but I will tell you that she does get the attention on Landon King, and that is definitely something she was not prepared for. I don’t want to give away more of the story, but I will say that I really liked Mia from the start. And Rina Kent is terrific at writing sociopath’s, psychopath’s and people with neurodiversity. Landon is a prime example, and he is often spouting off inner commentary which shows how the things that most people really care about don’t affect him at all and how so much of the things most people enjoy, he can easily take or leave without a thought.

“It all comes down to wearing the appropriate mask in the right situation and with the right people.
It still bores me to tears, though.
People as a concept have only one merit—the ability to be used. Other than that, they’re a brainless, rotten species that I like to pretend I don’t belong to.”

The characters in this book are fascinating, the intimate scenes are sizzling hot and the story held my attention from the very start. I have been in a reading slump for the last few days, not finding anything worth my time and being bored to tears with the last few books I have tried to read. However, this one kept me engrossed throughout. I tend to love most of Rina Kent’s dark and steamy tales, but this is one I will definitely read again at some point, I will probably pick up the audiobook and check that out.

I loved that Landon was a genius and a sculpting prodigy, it made him that much more dangerous and interesting. Mia was the perfect girl for him as well, she was a study in contradictions; innocent and kinky, scared yet fiercely brave, and submissive but able to stand up for herself. I can’t wait for the next book, Nikolai and Brandon’s tale should be explosive.

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