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The Lie: Evolution

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Ken Ham once again takes the lead in pointing out the looming precipice too many church leaders are rushing towards: a denial of the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse.

In addition, Ken powerfully shows how the ideas of evolution and millions of years are driving young people away from the Christian faith, and provides solid, biblical solutions to turn things around.

Published in 1987, this book took a bold stand which became prophetic. Ken warned the church about the destructive effects of compromise with evolutionary/millions of years ideas. He warned that compromise in Genesis would undermine Scriptural authority in the culture and erode confidence in the infallibility of God's Word. Today, Christians (and those considering the Christian faith) increasingly doubt the Bible's reliability.

168 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 1987

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About the author

Ken Ham

215 books323 followers
Dr. Ken Ham is the president of Answers in Genesis USA and is a well-known speaker and author on the subject of Young-Earth Creationism. He received a bachelor degree in applied science (emphasis on environmental biology) from the Queensland Institute of Technology, and a Diploma of Education from the University of Queensland. He has also received two honorary doctorates: a Doctor of Divinity from Temple Baptist College, and a Doctor of Literature from Baptist Liberty University.

He was a director of Creation Science Foundation (CSF) in Australia, an organization which he jointly founded with John Mackay. In 1987 he moved to the United States, still maintaining his links with CSF.

From 1987 to 1993, Ham worked for the Institute for Creation Research, and in 1994 set up what in 1995 became Answers in Genesis (AiG), a creation ministry dedicated to "upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse."

In 2008 Ham was described by well known atheist and evolutionary biologist PZ Myers as a "Wackaloon" for carrying out a prayer session with members of the Pentagon. Ham responded regarding the validity of that prayer breakfastand that PZ Myers and other critics were intolerant of his position.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for Brian Williams.
Author 1 book22 followers
July 13, 2013
May the Lord continue to bless Ken Ham and the Answers in Genesis ministry. What an important book this is! In this day and age when people are venerating and idolizing the unprovable words of mere men (i.e. humanism/evolution), how refreshing it is to spiritually feed on the soul-stirring, bible-based creation apologetics contained in this powerful book. I highly recommend THE LIE: EVOLUTION. 5 stars is not nearly enough!!!

"I am often asked how people change their biases. This is a good question. As a Christian, the only way I can answer is to say that in this area it has to be a work of the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that we walk in either the light or in darkness (Acts 26:18), gather or scatter, are for Christ or against Him (Matthew 12:30). The Bible clearly declares that no person is neutral and that each one does have a bias. We are all dead in trespasses and sin. Our very nature is that we are against God. Since it is the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of sin (John 16:8) and convinces people of the truth through the proclamation of the Word of God, then it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that our biases can change." - Ken Ham in THE LIE: EVOLUTION
10 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2013
25 years later, this book still rings true and is even more important to read today as evolution and millions of years is taught as "fact". Over the last several decades, schools and society in general have been steering people to look within themselves for some type of enlightenment. Accepting that there truly is a God who is Creator of all means accepting individual responsibility for our sinful lives. It would mean acknowledging that God really did set beneficial rules in the beginning. Our choice to not obey and follow His guidelines means eternal separation from the most High Lord of all life. Ken Ham brings lies we are told to light and stresses the additional concerns we should have over Christians buying into these lies.

While I didn't read the original The Lie book, it seems that one of the most important additions to this book is found in addressing Christians who are compromising the Truth; those trying to make evolution fit into the Scriptures. There is no possible way for evolution and Biblical Creation to mesh. The most pointed fact is found on the 6th day of creation, when God created man in His own image (not in the image of an ape or pond scum). There was no death before sin, thus no death before Adam disobeyed God. Trying to fit millions of years into 6 days just doesn't work because there was no sin/death before Adam and Eve's devastating choice. In addition, God ended each day commenting that His creation was "good", culminating in it was "very good." God would never call sin or any of it's horrific after-affects good; thus there was no sin/no death/no millions of years.

Differentiating between OBSERVABLE science and HISTORICAL science is something that is left severely understated (or missing completely) in many circles (Christian and secular). How many times have I heard or read the argument that someone is "all about science" so to them that is the end-all to the Creation vs evolution debate! Just being able to give someone the definition of what observable and historical science mean is a huge first step to understanding how "science" itself is defined and how it relates to the past. I love that this is explained and expanded on in this book. It's something we need to not only know for ourselves but is of utmost importance to teach this differentiation to our children so they understand and will know how to defend the Bible/Biblical Creation against attacks to God's truths.

One quote that stood out is, "The public has genuinely been misled into thinking that evolution is only scientific and belief in God is only religious." (pg 72/73) Ken Ham explains this in much more detail than I could. Even secular museums displaying fossils, plants, and animal specimens are merely displaying evidences that they are interpreting based on "evolutionary beliefs"; a hypothesis of what could have happened. The same fossils, plants, and animal specimens could be on display in a Creation museum with interpretations based on the Biblical details of Creation, the sinful fall of mankind and and resulting corruption of everything in this world, the worldwide flood of Noah's day (with resulting upheavals/carving-out of the global surface and laying down of massive amounts of rocks layers/fossil-creation), etc. Interpretation is all relative to the glasses you are looking through. No one is here now to tell us all about the beginning of creation/time itself, but God was there and as Creator He has left us with THE record of the history of the world.

This is an excellent book to begin with or to read in addition to other Biblical-creation based books. Expand your knowledge on the subject and don't be the one to shrug your shoulders or walk away the next time someone throws the "well, I just believe in science" card on the table. Evolution and millions of years isn't observable, testable science. It's a theory that has no proof; just many voices that try to fit pieces together in an effort to push the one true God they don't want to acknowledge out of the picture. If you look at the same 'evidences' through the light of what God tells us happened in the last 6,000 years, there is ample proof (using the same 'evidences') that what God said happened did happen.

Psalm 11:3 "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Our battle today isn't just evolution/millions of years versus Creation. The Christians who are trying to fit evolution into the Bible are ultimately destroying the foundations of God's Word. His Word is infallible. What He says is truth and when you mess with God's Word you are causing people to question that anything in the Bible is true. Don't be the one to corrupt His Word with lies or you could be the one to lead others on a wide path away from the God who created and loves them.
Profile Image for Robert.
12 reviews
November 19, 2012
Ken Ham first wrote “The Lie” twenty-five years ago. This is an updated edition of that book. Mr. Ham is head of ‘Answers in Genesis’, a group of people dedicated to the truth of the Word of God, particularly the first eleven chapters of it. The title of the book “The Lie” refers to the theory of evolution and/or the idea that it took millions or billions of years to get where we are today.

Mr. Ham writes that Christianity is under attack. If non-believers can foster doubt about the first book of the Bible, it is easier then for them to call into question the rest of God’s Word. “The Lie” says that most every conflict between believers and non-believers stems from a question of authority. It is a case of ‘man’s word vs. God’s Word”.

Much of our society’s thinking today is based on relative morality, “…that is, a person can do what he likes and is answerable to no one but himself as long as the majority of people can be persuaded that their interests are not being threatened” (p. 34). God has placed a set of standards into our hands in the form of the Bible, therefore, we see the idea of ‘man’s word vs. God’s Word’ played out daily in our culture.

Mr. Ham believes, rightly so, that there is a religion (a belief system), called evolution, being taught in our public schools today. It is a religion whose faith is in the belief that the universe did not need a creator. They believe that the universe somehow created itself; and it is with this presupposition that they evaluate the universe. Granted, Christians begin with the presupposition that God created the universe; but Christians have a record of our origins written by the only one who was there, the Creator.

Mr. Ham cautions believers never to give up their presuppositions when debating or discussing with non-believers or skeptics. He says that there is no neutral ground; everyone comes to the discussion with presuppositions based on whatever he or she holds to be authoritative.

Mr. Ham believes that much of Christianity’s energy is being squandered in addressing the symptoms of godless worldviews (i.e. same sex marriage, abortion, permissiveness, moral relativism, racism) when we should be challenging the foundations of their worldview, and the basis of their authority. One major lesson presented in “The Lie” is that Christians, young and old, need to be taught why they believe what they believe and how to defend that belief. “…always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” (I Peter 3:15 ESV).

The reasons and reasoning in this book are sound. I encourage every Christian to read it, it will strengthen the Christian’s faith in the historicity of the Bible by showing that the first chapters of Genesis, which concern the origins of the universe, can be taken as written and do not have to be altered to fit a secular-naturalistic-humanistic concept of evolution.

[I was given a copy of this book to review. The opinions stated here are expressly mine unless otherwise note.]
Profile Image for Ancient Weaver.
71 reviews44 followers
December 30, 2017
Rated 1 star for fear-mongering, conspiracy theorizing, repetitiveness, naivete, and disturbing authoritarian overtones.

This was a terrible book, a book which is little more than an extended rant where the author regurgitates the same set of ideas over and over again. While the presentation of the ideas is bad, the content of these ideas is far worse. Nevertheless, this book provides a valuable little window into the mind of Ken Ham, one of the leaders of the "Creation Science" movement... a scary little window.

After reading the kind of arguments made in this book, it would seem that Ham is a deeply credulous and inconsistent thinker. When it comes to any scientific hypothesis (what fundamentalists like to call "a theory of men") where there is room for any doubt and uncertainty (which is the case with many, if not most, scientific theories), Ham approaches it with a fierce, radical, and uncompromising skepticism. Any room for doubt and that theory must be thrown right out! Yet, at the same time, this almost Hume-like skeptic in regards to all matters scientific and philosophical clings to an inflexible and laughably simplistic understanding of his own Christian religion and it's Bible. His is a belief that takes no cultural, historical, or interpretive issues into account when trying to understand and evaluate the Bible or his own Christian dogmas. The bumper sticker, "God said it. I believe it. That settles it," was created for people like him.

The Lie has it's share of other random and bizarre ideas. According to Ham, people only wear clothes because it is a practice mandated in the biblical book of Genesis. Ham goes on to claim that that if one were to invalidate the Book of Genesis as a record of literal history and fact, the practice of wearing clothes would thereby be called into question which could lead to some sort of anarchy of nakedness. (Presumably the ancient natives of Asia, the Americas, Australia, etc. who all developed their own customs of clothing themselves had a copy of the Bible?) For some reason Ham also makes the claim that all fathers are biblically appointed to be the priests of their families. Make of that whatever you will. (Dad's duty to offer up sacrificial animals on the grill?)

Taken as a whole The Lie fails to make a coherent, logical argument. The book opens with a rambling tirade on the growing evils of society where the author would have us believe that all of these growing evils stem from a single cause - the scientific theory of evolution, the supposed root of all evil. Following this is more rambling on about how true Christianity and the Bible are. This is a given we are supposed to take for granted without any proof. Around and around we are led in the same loops of absurd illogic. There is a term for people who reason and argue like this - cranks. (Cranks always want to oversimplify things down to a singular evil that threatens society which can be defeated with a silver-bullet solution. For prohibitionists booze was the singular evil destroying society, for Scientologists psychology is the one, true evil, for the Cold Warriors, it was Communism, etc., etc.)

The Lie makes it clear that Ken Ham is one of those black-and-white thinkers with no room in his brain for either ambiguity or nuance. Conservative, right wing, authoritarian types like him reduce everything to a simplistic morality tale of Good and Evil. Ham's mind is made up, and he and his like-minded compatriots will not abide any other members of society deviating from their own narrow-minded ideas of proper belief, thought, and behavior. What makes this all the more clear are Ham's favorite words (or the variant forms thereof) popping-up frequently throughout this text: "lawlessness", "right and wrong", "dogmatic", and "authority". The single word (and it's variants) which Ham uses most frequently is "absolutes". (Out of curiosity, I went back and counted it as having been used 24 times throughout this short text.)

Given his deeply conservative, authoritarian outlook, it's not surprising that Ken Ham's religion is one of rigid discipline and law. He pictures God first and foremost as being the Absolute Authority - God the Divine Cop. What distresses Ham is that the world is no longer the squeaky clean, never-never land he imagines it once was back in those glorious, moral days of yore that never were. In order to save the world from itself, Ham believes he must sally forth and lead a crusade against, in his own words, "the Satanically backed religion of evolution."

Make no mistake, the "Creation Science" and "Intelligent Design" movements are the groups with the truly evil agendas no matter how innocent they might try to pass themselves off as being. To paraphrase Ham's stated views in this book, Creation Scientists view themselves as Christian soldiers fighting to take back control of society in the name of Absolute Authority. "The Lie" isn't evolution, it's all of Ham and company's talk about bringing balance and fairness to science classrooms. The real goal these people (or at least their leaders) have is to take over the public schools, the courts, the government, and any other seats of power in order to foist their fundamentalist brand of right wing Christianity onto us all.

As individuals members of the Creation Science movement can be nice, well-meaning people, but as a collective their ideas and goals (insofar as they follow the social and political agenda Ham has outlined in The Lie) are on par with that of the Taliban.
Profile Image for Kristina.
21 reviews3 followers
November 9, 2012
Ken Ham has done it again. He wrote an awesome book about the lie of evolution/million of years. The Lie: Evolution/Million of Years is an eye opener to say the least.

This book was an eye opener for me. I have struggled with the idea of Evolution/Millions of years. Since I became a Christian about 12 years ago and began to understand that what the Bible said was the truth and what I learned in school about evolution was a lie. I knew that we weren't from Apes and when I would question my science teachers they never had a response. I used to just shake my head and say okay.

I think everyone should read this book. I was shocked to learn that some pastors didn't think that Genesis was the truth and the start of our history. Some believe that its either poetry or just a cute story. I would love to meet Ken Ham in person because I would love to discuss this book with him and thank him for writing it.

Creation the way the Bible says is how it happened and when the time comes I hope more people believe that cause I think they will have to answer to the maker why they don't. I personally believe in the whole Bible and I don't try to question it but pray that I can understand it fully one day.

I pray that more people take the time to read this profound book and understand it and then go to their Bible and read Genesis and believe.

*Disclaimer: I was given this book for my honest review from Master Books division of New Leaf Publishing Group
Profile Image for Harold Cameron.
142 reviews20 followers
December 17, 2012
“The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years”

"Revised & Expanded for this special 25th anniversary edition, Ken Ham once again takes the lead in pointing out the looming precipice too many church leaders are rushing towards: a denial of the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse.

In addition, Ken powerfully shows how the ideas of evolution and millions of years are driving young people away from the Christian faith, and provides solid, biblical solutions to turn things around.

Published in 1987, this book took a bold stand which became prophetic. Ken warned the church about the destructive effects of compromise with evolutionary/millions of years ideas. He warned that compromise in Genesis would undermine Scriptural authority in the culture and erode confidence in the infallibility of God’s Word. Today, Christians (and those considering the Christian faith) increasingly doubt the Bible’s reliability.

• Compromising Genesis has led to a generational loss of an acceptance of the absolute authority of the Word of God, and leading to an exodus of young people from the church
• Why Genesis remains critically important in presenting the Gospel
• This slippery slope of reinterpreting Scripture to redefining biblical doctrine
• Discover how your handling of the biblical account of creation impacts your understanding of all of Scripture and your worldview

The issues are of critical importance when you realize that today we have Christians not only confused when it comes to Genesis and the age of the earth, but now even the reality of Hell, Adam as a real person, and Christ’s own words about creation, marriage and more are debated in the pulpits across the world. One compromise just leads to another – and it has to end if we want to leave a legacy of faith to future generations.” (From the New Leaf Press/Master Books Website)

About the Author: Ken Ham is the president/CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis - U.S. and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum. Ken Ham is one of the most in-demand Christian speakers in North America. Ken's emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view biblical authority. His Australian accent, keen sense of humor, captivating stories, and exceptional PowerPoint illustrations have made him one of North America's most effective Christian communicators.

My Thoughts About The Book: The revised and expanded edition of The Lie is a book that is the end result of over 30 years of research and study by author Ken Ham regarding the issue of Authority of the Scriptures and Creation versus the Theory of Evolution. And it is truly a masterpiece when it comes to books on those subjects as far as I am concerned.

In the 17 Chapters of his book author Ken Ham writes regarding what The Bible states about Evolution and Religion, Creation, the importance of the Book of Genesis, Death, Evangelism, future historical events prophesied in the Scriptures and much more. And although he writes the book as a Biblical scholar and it is rich in Biblical, Historical and Scientific content, the good news is that the average lay person like me can read it, understand it and enjoy it.

Author Ham rightly states in his book that Biblical Christianity is under attack, that the foundations of Biblical truth and the faith once delivered to the saints are crumbling and that there are problems abundant in our nation and world as a result. But his book is not just a bleak picture at the problem…and it is a serious one because of Sin. Rather, he does write it like it is but is clear in his position that for those of us who are Biblical Christians, remain strong and true in their faith the outcome is a good one – even though our experience while living on this fallen planet among sinful people may not always be so pleasant or good.

For anyone who wants to know the facts about Creation and Evolution and gain a more solid understanding of the Authority of the Scriptures in several key areas of life, author Ham’s book is a book well worth purchasing and reading. I highly recommend it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher, New Leaf Publishing Group, for reviewing it. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Profile Image for Mary-ann.
163 reviews2 followers
November 18, 2012
This is a book I highly recommend to everyone! Ken Ham has thoroughly and giftedly explained his view on why Evolution is not a science but a belief system in which scientists who were not even there when the world began came up with. He then compared Evolution to Creation which is a fact that is known through the Bible, a book that has been written my men but inspired by God who has always existed, knows everything and created the world. This is a brilliant tool to counter evolution with the truths of the Bible.
Ken Ham's main thesis is that evolution is just another religion in competition with the traditional Christian viewpoint based on the Bible. He is a scientist as well which adds some depth to his arguments, but mostly he deals with the general concept of what constitutes a religion and then proves that evolution is just that. He mostly seeks to expose the underlying bias that the world has today towards evolution to explain our origins and how this bias is unfounded. He's not a polished writer, but his book reads very direct, probably the same way he gives his presentations in schools across the English speaking world.
Profile Image for Jeff Randleman.
49 reviews42 followers
January 11, 2013
If you've been around my blog for very long at all, you may know that I love the first few chapters of Genesis, including the creation account, Noah's flood, and the tower of Babel. I believe that a proper understanding of these foundational chapters provide the structure needed to correctly understand the rest of Scripture.

My wife and I were very close to joining a creation-based ministry a few years ago, in fact. So this area is one that I am pretty passionate about.

If you were to look at my library in my office, you would see dozens of books and other resources on the topics of Genesis and creation. But somehow, The Lie: Evolution/Millions Of Years by Ken Ham is a book I missed along the way. When I was asked to review the 25th Anniversary edition, I jumped at the chance to add this work to my shelf.

And I was not disappointed. Ken Ham, of Answers In Genesis, has done a great job presenting the deep deception that we are operating under when we accept the idea of evolution and millions of years of earth history.

Originally written in 1987, the new edition is revised, updated and expanded to keep it relevant to readers a quarter of a century later.

Ken Ham starts off explaining the conflict. Christianity and the authority of God is under attack by humanism, and the essence of the conflict is simply God's Word versus man's word. In today's world, tolerance is key, unless it's Christianity were talking about. At that point, tolerance goes out the window and Christians are accused of being bigoted, uneducated, and backwards.

The Bible is under attack. Here's why I think that is: If man was not created, if we evolved, then there is no God in the picture. Without God, then there is no need for the Bible, which is his Word. Without that authoritative Word, then I can accept anything I want to accept, without guilt or consequence. If we reject the very foundations of God's Word, and push it aside as myth and claim that it can't be true, then there is nothing to hold up my faith in any other area of life.

If part of God's Word isn't true, then none of it can be trusted.

And that's exactly where we are in the 21st century. We have accepted the authority of fallen, fallible man over the truth of God and his Word.

While most of what I enjoy reading when it comes to creation is more evidence based, such as fossils, astronomy and much more, Ken Ham doesn't even broach those types of topics in The Lie. He has correctly identified the very root of the issue, and has clearly detailed where we are and where we're headed.

Ken Ham even included chapters discussing how to include the foundational issue of creation into evangelistic efforts, and pastoral care, wrapping up the book with a glimpse of what is to come when Christ returns. God's Word is comprehensive from beginning to end, and it all ties together incredibly well.

With my passion for creation, there wasn't a whole lot here that I didn't already know, or that I haven't already read in other books, articles and blogs. However, The Lie is very well written, and the logic of creation over the idea of evolution is clearly presented.

It's about time I added this to my library. I think you should pick up a copy as well.

Have you read The Lie? If so, what did you think? If not, what is your favorite book on the foundational topic of creation? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
Profile Image for Kristine.
564 reviews26 followers
May 6, 2013
As Ken Ham so eloquently points out, "Whatever you believe about your origins affects your whole worldview, the meaning of life, and so on" (69).

This is the main point driven home in this updated and expanded version of The Lie that first hit shelves 25 years ago. I have not read the original, though it was often easy to point out newer stories and examples that work nicely into the text. No punches are pulled as he makes his argument for a strict interpretation of Genesis and highlights the dangers of Christians compromising on this passage.

I found chapters 5, 7, and 9 particularly poignant, as some of the others had a slight tendency to repeat information. While I believe this is a good book for provoking discussions in both atheist and Christian circles, I walked away understanding the dangers of Christians accepting anything but complete biblical authority on this issue. Ken is a great teacher when it comes to explaining complex scientific principles so everyone can understand him. Regardless of what you believe, his point about observational versus historical science is one that must be understood.

I do wish he had gone into even more detail about the arguments used to mesh evolution and creation. It seems like a simple enough argument to me that if you believe (as the Bible states) that death did not enter the world until Adam sinned, then how can a fossil record that is nothing but death prove that millions of years have gone by? The first few chapters of Genesis are very clear about the ages and timelines that follow Adam and his descendents. But clearly there are many, many preachers and teachers bent on holding on to unbiblical ideas that complicate the issue.

Overall, I recommend this one for both believers and non-believers. At the very least, it is thought-provoking. Both sides should be aware of all aspects of their beliefs and be prepared to defend them.
Profile Image for Ola.
12 reviews1 follower
January 13, 2012
Wow! This is a book I highly recommend to everyone! Ken Ham has thoroughly and brilliantly explained his view on why Evolution is not a science but a belief system in which scientists who were not even there when the world began came up with. He then compared Evolution to Creation which is a fact that is known through the Bible, a book that has been written my men but inspired by God who has always existed, knows everything and created the world. Simply a must-read!
Profile Image for Melissa.
54 reviews75 followers
November 4, 2012
Many Christians today view the issue of recent creation as a side issue. Whether or not they believe that God created the world in six literal 24-hour days, many believe this to be a minor doctrinal issue. More people argue about whether the rapture will occur before or after the tribulation, or whether the gift of tongues is something God still uses today. At least, in my church, they do.

But Ken Ham has a different view. He believes that our society's rejection of the biblical account of creation and our acceptance of The Lie of the theory of evolution is the fundamental reason behind the decline in morals and the general decline in the church's influence over society.

His point is this: people are concluding that if they can't trust the words in the first few chapters of the first book of the Bible, then they probably don't have to worry too much about following what the rest of the book says either. Furthermore, sinful people have a motivation to reject the Bible, because they believe doing so frees them from accountability to God's laws. The lie of evolution gives them another scenario for the origin of the universe and of life, a scenario that doesn't require them to follow and obey.

The Lie is for you if you

Believe in creation but don't think it's important whether a Christian believes the days of Genesis 1 are literal 24-hour days.

Aren't sure if evolution is true or not.

Think evolution and the Bible don't necessarily contradict each other.

Worry about the moral decline in the world but don't know what to do about it.

Are a pastor or teacher or are in a leadership position in your church and you don't see the importance of preaching about creation.

Are a pastor who doesn't preach about creation because you know there are both young-earth and old-earth creationists in your congregation and you don't want to offend anyone.

Believe in young-earth creation but need to read clearly-written arguments to help you make a better case for your position.

The Lie was first published in 1987. This month they are releasing a 25th anniversary edition, which is revised and expanded. I never read the original book so I can’t make a comparison, but if you are at all confused about whether Christians can believe in evolution, the appendix that lists 20 reasons why not is probably worth the price of the book. But there are 11 chapters and a 2nd appendix full of information and arguments to help you understand why this is an important issue for every Christian to know more about.

The Lie is published by Master Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group. I received a free copy of the book in return for my review, but my opinion is my own and not influenced by the receipt of free product.
187 reviews5 followers
July 19, 2012
This is a great book to understand the Biblical Creation worldview. Mr. Ham effectively communicates "science involves observing using our five senses to gain knowledge about the world and to be able to repeat these observations." (p.32)

Both Biblical creationist and evolutionist have the same facts available; however, it is the interpretation of these facts which causes disagreement between the two worldviews. Mr. Ham wants people to realize that the creation vs evolution debate is about worldviews, not science.
Profile Image for Tony Breeden.
Author 13 books40 followers
March 12, 2013
The Lie is one of those books that helped me navigate a crossroads in my life. It helped me to iron out a long-standing argument I had with myself. You see, I grew up in church, but like a lot of folks of my generation [Children of the 80s, X, Busters, whatever else the statisticians call us] I kind of graduated from church when I graduated from high school. One of the primary reasons for that was that I was taught millions of years of microbes to man evolution as scientific fact in high school. It was taught as immutable dogma; I even had one science teacher mock me early for my creationist beliefs, telling me I only believed what my parents told me to.

Now, I’m a fairly smart guy. In fact, I was a grade A nerd [until I turned into a rather foul-mouthed, chain smoking metal head], so being perceived as smart was very important to me. I accepted evolution because they told me that only an idiot would doubt science [and by that, they meant millions of years of evolution]. A decade later, I returned to the fold, but my views on the age of the earth and this evolution thing were decidedly vague. When she asked, I told my wife that I supposed God could have used evolution, and when folks in church started debating the age of the earth I insisted that they had to allow for long ages in the days of Genesis lest we cast a stumbling block on people like me.

I had an inconsistent and unexamined faith. I was avoiding the issue like the plague, precisely because it had unseated my faith before. Meanwhile intellectual integrity was demanding that I address the issue and settle it one way or another. I remember picking up a book called The Lie: Evolution, thinking my views on the age of the earth and evolution made me rather open-minded, and reading the following:

“The idea of open-mindedness comes from the notion that there is no such thing as absolute truth, or that truth cannot absolutely be known” [p. 4 *1987]

That shook me up a bit. Then Mr. Ham boldly addressed the reason I held such a contradiction:

“The secular humanists… fight to have prayer, Bible readings and the teaching of creation forced out of the public school curriculum. They have deceived the public into thinking this is eliminating religion from school and leaving a neutral situation. This is simply not true! They haven’t eliminated religion from the public school. They have eliminated Christianity and have replaced it with an anti-God religion – humanism.” [p. 36 *1987]

I had been indoctrinated by a well-meaning society that believed itself neutral into accepting the tenets of humanism: a causeless mechanistic universe, evolution over millions of years, the autonomy of man, pure naturalism, etc. But was it true? And how did I reconcile a purely naturalistic view of history with a supernatural revelation and the Gospel itself?

To make a long story short, Ken Ham’s book addressed many of these issues for me personally. The book’s primary argument is that we ought to hold the Word of God [the Bible] as our ultimate authority in whatever it speaks. His secondary argument is that acceptance of the all-natural history we are taught in the name of secular neutrality in fact undermines the authority of the Bible and the foundational basis of the Gospel, because “if death and bloodshed existed before Adam’s sinned, the basis for atonement is destroyed.” [p. 73 *1987]. Without a literal, historical Adam and Eve, there was no original sin resulting in the entrance of death into the world, and without original sin, no need for a Savior, for death was ever a necessary condition of the world.

Up to now, I have quoted from the original version [seventh printing] of the book. There are a few differences between the original 1987 version and the 2012 revised version. The most obvious changes are the cover design, some changes in the appendices, the size of the books and the addition of Millions of years to the subtitle. The latter change represents a subtle shift in focus in the book, reflective of the change Answers in Genesis’ message has undergone over the years. In essence, the message has matured. If anything, Ham’s message is bolder. He doesn’t pull any punches with the hot button issues of our day. In part, this is because he can draw on the research conducted with America’s Research Group for Already Gone and Already Compromised; what had to be said with caution 25 years ago can now be proclaimed with confidence because statistics have confirmed our worst fears!

I personally think that the book’s added focus on the age of the earth is quite necessary. Many pastors, teachers and religious personalities rightly reject microbes-to-man evolution as antithetical to supernatural creation, but arbitrarily accept millions of years of death before the Fall, unwittingly undermining the Gospel. An appendix aptly entitled, Millions of Years or Evolution: Which is the Greater Threat? Lists three major problems with imposing an old earth on the Bible. There are also two more appendices on other “interpretations” of Genesis and on how and why Answers in Genesis’ message has matured over the past 25 years. These replace two appendices [“Twenty Reasons Why Genesis and Evolution Don't Mix” and “Why Did God Take Six Days?”] found in the original. These original appendices were included in the 1987 edition because of a lack of creationist materials at the time; the three replacement appendices are supplied to “help detail the reasoning behind the considerable changes made throughout [this new edition” [p. 22 *2013]. Just for fun, there’s also a “Ken Ham Time-line” at the end of the book, which is unexpectedly intriguing.

I’ve always wondered why they changed the cover. I finally got my answer in the Introduction to the 2012 edition:

“A few years after the first printing, the publisher decided to change the cover but still have an illustration that represented [the] Genesis 3 attack. Even though I loved the original cover (and personally still think its the best), I understood the change because certain people felt the cover was a bit too scary looking.” [p. 24 *2012]

Well, as an artist, I agree with Ken Ham on this one. That first cover [at left] did a much better job of conveying both the threat and the root of the Genesis 3 attack. Bring back the “scary looking” cover! Seriously, guys, the first time I glanced at the cover, I had to look again to see whether I was looking at a snake or a really angry toad; it’s not that scary. But it is cool. On the flipside, I do approve of the updated the interior illustrations [Steve Cardno's work was great, but they look a little dated when compared to AiG's contemporary graphics], so thank you, Dan Lietha!

You can find out more about The Lie [including book trailers and related videos] at: http://nlpgblogs.com/ken-hams-25th-an....

-Rev Tony Breeden, from the Bookwyrm’s Lair

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the New Leaf Publishing Group Book review program on CreationConversations.com . I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Profile Image for Eugene.
20 reviews
March 13, 2013
I was about half way done with the book Why Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne when I decided to read this book. At the point where I was in it, Why Evolution Is True had gone through things like how geometric dating can be used to accurately measure things as millions or billions of years old and how it can be independently verified, how the analysis of our DNA proves time and time again the reality of natural selection, how vestigial organs such as the tiny leg bones in whales are evolutionary remnants of ancestor species, and how the fossil record proves exactly what we'd expect from evolution: that land based organisms evolved from a water based land one, and how water based mammals (whales, dolphins) evolved from land based ones, among other things.

So when I started reading "The Lie: Evolution," I expected a scientific attack on evolution. I expected fact-based attacks on the fossil record as evidence of evolution, the reliability of radiometric dating, the potential implausibility organs as complicated as the eye or the heart to be the result of randomly generated genetic mutations, etc. After all, evolution is "The Lie," right?

What I got instead was one hundred and seventy-two pages of this conservative Christian Ken Ham whining about how bad it would be if evolution were true because it causes Holocausts. He spends the first chapter whining about how Christianity is under attack in society (relevance=none). The next two chapters are about how both evolution and creation are religions because scientists are rebellious against God because the bible says so. Then he spends the next few chapters talking about how you're going to hell if you don't believe Noah stuck billions of animals in a wooden boat in precisely the year 2348 BC until he gets to chapter eight, where he talks about how evolution is definitely responsible for nazism, racism, drugs (?!), abortion, capitalism (I'm not kidding), and of course, sexism. Even though earlier, he cries about how evolution is leading to more pastors that are female in churches. In earlier chapters he also talks about how evolution is making people take off their clothes in public.

Then he spends a few chapters talking about how Christians have to fight evolution because Genesis is definitely right. Even though it takes the infinitely powerful God who invented time six whole days to make a planet. Shut up.

At one point, he argues that to get more people on your side, you should replace evidence with propaganda. I'm honestly not kidding. On page 48, he complains that when he uses an "evidentialist approach" to teach students about creationism, he keeps getting pesky quesitons like "What about carbon 14 dating?" But he gets "excited" to hear questions like "Where did God come from?" when he uses the "presuppositional approach," which entails, instead of using evidence to try to prove the Great Flood, declaring that anyone who tells them that evolution is true (ie other teachers in the school) has a "belief system that determined the way in which he looked at evidence." So he must be lying.

Probably the saddest thing about this book is that I'm pretty sure that Ken Ham is actually genuine, because he has the absolute worst understanding of the theory of evolution. Just to name one thing, one of the very first things you'd learn in an Intro to Biology class is that the earth is estimated to be 4.54 billion years old and that life originated at least 3.5 billion years ago. That's billion. Not million. But this very fundamental claim seems not to have imprinted itself into Ken Ham's head. On page 140, he claims that "Evolutionists tell us that the earth has been in existence for millions of years and that life started evolving on this earth millions of years ago." The age of earth being at least 4 billion years had been established for decades before this book was published in 1987, yet Ken Ham, who has a degree in biology, seems to have no idea, even while someone young like me without any kind of professional background in anything knows the general age of the earth off the top of my head. Perhaps he made frequent use of ear plugs as a student.

Lastly, I find it depressing that Ken Ham doesn't think there is any evidence for evolution. He literally claims there is NO evidence: "You will notice in humanist opposition to the creation ministries that they very rarely identify any evidence for evolution. The main reason is, of course, that there is none" (page 53). I just might send him Why Evolution Is True.

I had really hoped that I would be making this review to provide counter evidence to Ham's evidence-based arguments against evolution. But he has only one argument: evolution doesn't have evidence. He just fills up the rest of those 172 pages with how you must interperate Genesis literally or you're going to hell, and how atheistic evolution kills Jews. Even though the official platform of the Nazi party promoted Christianity.
Profile Image for Glenn Wilson.
Author 5 books11 followers
June 13, 2011
This book is a life changer! For the first time I realized that the reason I could not believe everything in the Bible was my low level of faith - not because it was not true. Ken tears back the veil that keeps men's minds in captivity to futility. A must read for anyone that wonders if there is more to this 'being a Christian' and servant of an All-Mighty Creator God!
Profile Image for Mel.
11 reviews3 followers
October 21, 2009
When I started reading this book, I was expecting to get answers. I was wrong, this book pointed my where I should be getting answers, the Bible. Awesome book. I recommend that all Christians should read this.
8 reviews2 followers
September 11, 2013
This book presented fantastic and new evidence for the truth in Genesis. His argument are very valid and reasonable. I would definitely suggest this book
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,672 reviews43 followers
November 14, 2012
Title: The Lie 25th Anniversary
Author: Ken Ham
Pages: 220
Year: 2012
Publisher: Master Books
Apologetics…what an interesting word don’t you think? What does it mean anyway? Defining apologetics begins with a definition of apologetic, which according to Collins English Dictionary is “defending by speech or writing”. Ken Ham has been in this field for many years. His speeches and writings have been under scrutiny for just as long. He is the founder of Answers in Genesis, an organization on the frontline in defense of the book of Genesis as well as defending the Gospel and more. There are other ministries that also are bringing materials along with a message that focus on Genesis being taken literally.
As a homeschooling parent for almost 17 years, with my final year culminating in December 2013, the Answers in Genesis Ministry has helped encourage, exhort, and bring to attention the fact that future generations need to be biblically equipped. Many, who don’t believe the Bible to be the final authority or don’t believe in God, rage a continuous battle against Christ followers. The Body is equipped through media, books, and various other materials to learn how to defend the Gospel, staying strong against contrary ideologies. The Lie has been updated and expanded to help bring to the forefront the latest information as well as understanding the times in which we live.
The author begins the defense with understanding: “The origins debate is not, therefore, one of the science versus religion but one of religion (belief or starting point) versus religion (belief or starting point).” (pg. 46) Right from the start we see how the author has, through the years, learned that the debate is no longer of evolution as a science, but as a religion. With logic and reasoning, Ken Ham presents his arguments along with examples of those who neglect to ground their beliefs with the Word of God as their foundation, replacing it with man’s opinions.
As I was reading this book, I was greatly disturbed to find that those who claim to be Christians don’t hold to the Word of God as absolute authority, but instead seem to add or subtract parts they don’t agree with. While examples from books showing the results and reasons as to why people have left the church are uncomfortable to read, they also exhort us to train ourselves and others to present a defense against the onslaughts attacking the Bible. We all must heed the call to be trained, self-taught, to read, to share, and to engage others in order to grow. We are called to mature and run our race to the finish. The examples of people who never stopped learning compel us to learn in order to teach. Above all, if we don’t continue to dig into the Bible for answers and learn what we can from other biblical people, how can we grow, share Christ, mature, and teach others?
I am thankful for this book, Answers in Genesis, and other ministries that have put so much effort into producing materials so we can be prepared to give an answer for our faith to those who ask. Sometimes we forget that it is okay to say, “I don’t know. Can I get back to you?” if we don’t have the knowledge right then to answer. Just make time to locate the answer and go back to the person with what you learned. God is the only One who knows all, so go to the Word first. After that, go to ministries whose foundations are built first with the Bible as the infallible authority, and look at what they offer to help you grow. Above all, remember that one day we have to give an account for our actions or lack thereof to Jesus, so don’t be found wanting. Seek Him and He promises you will find Him when you look for Him with all your heart. To God alone be all the glory, so continue to run your race until it is over.
My rating of this book is 5 stars.
Note: I received a complimentary copy for an honest review of this book. The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. Other reviews can be read at http://seekingwithallyurheart.blogspo... . Also follow me on Twitter @lcjohnson1988, FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/lisa.johnson...
Profile Image for Sharon.
23 reviews8 followers
June 27, 2012
Fantastic well-written book bought for my husband but I read it first!!!
Profile Image for Patrick.
123 reviews6 followers
May 28, 2009
This was given to me by a friend years back, and is pretty much a waste of time. Circular reasoning, claims that the fossil record was implanted by God to test our faith (yes, this is that kind of book).
Profile Image for Heidi.
244 reviews1 follower
October 29, 2017
This should be required reading for all Christians, in every seminary. Instead, seminaries mostly are teaching compromised views of Scripture. As a result many well-meaning Christians, including ministers and other leaders, say that God created through evolution or somehow otherwise put evolution into the Creation account. Some just downplay teachings in Genesis by saying they are "New Testament" Christians. It may surprise them to realize that Genesis 1-11 has been quoted or referred to over 100 times in the New Testament, 6 times by Jesus Himself. Understanding Genesis 1-11 is foundational to understanding the rest of Scripture. In total opposition to evolutionary teaching, death came about through sin and that sin was through the First Adam. The Bible is clear, there was no death before sin. That is why we needed the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, who conquered sin and death at the cross. This is the Gospel. Without Genesis 1-11, it is meaningless. Jesus spoke of the Creation and Flood as fact, so why should we do differently? If we don't believe the words of Moses, even if someone came back from the dead, we wouldn't believe Him. It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the door of the Catholic Church calling for reform. Now it is time for us to "nail" Genesis 1-11 on the door of the seminaries for reform. It is time to get back to "Sola Scriptura." It is an authority issue. Do we believe the inerrant Word of God, or do we believe the word of men, that is full of errors? (BTW... there has NEVER been any proof that evolution is true, in case you wanted to know. :-)! ) I strongly urge all Christians out there who believe in evolution to PLEASE read this book, with the Bible alongside, and pray that God will reveal to you the Truth. And if you are in Kentucky, don't miss the amazing Creation Museum (near Cincinnati) and Ark Encounter (about an hour south of there)!
Profile Image for Jared.
20 reviews69 followers
August 28, 2014
This book describes not the evidence of creation vs. evolution, but rather, why the topic is important to begin with. Many Christians believe that it isn't an important issue. "It isn't a salvation issue," is something that I've heard many times. Ken Ham would disagree. Christ is the Chief Corner Stone, but Genesis is the foundation, and if we can't trust His word to be 100% accurate, 100% of the time, then our faith is going down the drain. I would strongly recommend this book to Christians everywhere. Whatever you believe about Genesis, even, nay, especially, if you think that Genesis and the creation account isn't important, I would beg you to read this book.
Profile Image for Fiver.
134 reviews7 followers
December 4, 2013
I almost never rate a book without finishing it, but I'm happy to make an exception in this case.

I can respect religious views, even if I don't agree with them.
I can judge rational arguments, based on their logic and premises.
But I can't support raw statements of self-admitted staunch ideology.

Mr. Ken Ham spends most of the book trying to set up the issue of Creation vs. Evolution as both being based on bias and unforgiving absolutes. Every single aspect of this idea revolts against a truth that most people are aware of: There are plenty of pious Christians who believe in evolution. Mr. Ham's goal is to convince the reader that this group doesn't exist.

An example of Mr. Ham's logic? It's alright to be close-minded, because if you're open-minded, then you have closed your mind off to being closed-minded. Get it?

A waste of time, a pain to read, neither well supported nor well presented, and at worst... blatantly dishonest.
Profile Image for David.
1 review
December 18, 2008
Incredibly simple-minded and, in my opinion, not worth the read. The same old creationist arguments you've heard before, except now this book puts child-like drawings next to them. A prime example of lying for Jesus.
Profile Image for Craig Dyson.
54 reviews9 followers
July 20, 2014
I could spend a great deal of time here but I will do my best to keep it a simple review. I will state that I came to this book as one who believes in the fact that God created the world as Genesis teaches us in six literal days. Without hesitation your believe as a Christian in the book of Genesis is vital to your overall believe in who Jesus Christ is.

The truth is that if one believes in creationism or evolution, there is faith that is involved. While evolutionist might not want to admit this, it nonetheless very true. Whatever one believes in or doesn't believe in, faith is involved.

An evolutionist will take what he sees (Observational Science) and interpret in in regards to Historical Science. However, one can easily look at the same information and come away with a belief in creationism and the young earth.

Regardless, I struggle with how someone can walk outside and look up at the stars at night or see the birth of a baby and actually believe that it is due to randomness and evolution. I think the answer to this lies in the idea that man does not want to think or admit that there is someone greater then he. The idea that there is a God causes us to realize how small we are compared to Him.

I thought that Ken Ham did a great job on this book and did it in a very grace filled way. He also shared many other resources on subjects that were not focused on in the book.

I feel sad for those who are so hateful in their review of this book. You can certainly disagree with someone and do so in a respectful way. I have a feeling though that those who lowered themselves to name calling and anger must have had a nerve touched by Ken Ham and this book, which I suppose is a good thing.

My absolute belief in creation and my trust in Jesus Christ shapes my life in a great way. I fail often and make many mistakes, but I am grateful that my hope is found in something (or should I say someone) that is far greater than the trinkets that this world has to offer.
Profile Image for L.S..
589 reviews51 followers
May 10, 2009
Ken Ham a scris aceasta carte intr-o perioada foarte buna pentru propagarea creationismului stiintific, in anul 1987. In viziunea lui Ken Ham societatea in care traieste renunta la valorile crestine, ba chiar devine anti-crestina. Pacatul homosexualitatii, crimele avorturilor, renuntarea la institutia casatoriei, cresterea imoralitatii prin propagarea pornografiei si prin vestimentatia provocatoare sunt argumente clare pentru acest lucru. Care este insa cauza acestei degradari a societatii? Ken Ham a identificat aceasta cauza ca fiind renuntarea (si intoleranta) la absoluturile crestinismului. Daca Biblia nu mai este privita ca fiind Cuvantul inspirat al Celui care a creat universul si omul atunci inseamna ca omul poate decide ce e bine si ce e rau (religia umanista). Daca Biblia nu mai este Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu (si s-ar putea foarte bine ca nici Dumnezeu sa nu existe) atunci ceea ce scrie Geneza sunt doar legende pe care nu trebuie sa le mai credem. Autorul sustine ca evolutia este o religie ai carei aderenti cred ca timpul, sansa si lupta pentru existenta sunt cele raspunzatoare pentru aparitia vietii si nu Dumnezeu. [Trebuie precizat aici ca aparitia propriu-zisa a vietii este o necunoscuta in lumea stiitifica de azi. Exista doar speculatii, nu exista dovezi pentru o origine natural-spontana a vietii. Evolutia insa este cea razpunzatoare pentru dezvoltarea si diversificarea vietii:].

Restul pe http://liftingshadows.wordpress.com/2...
6 reviews
January 11, 2016
Honestly, I have to just smile and laugh at many of the reviews. This book is an amazing book for true Christians to read. For those who are not Christians I can honestly see why people would be upset and not like the book. Ken Ham writes from a Christian worldview and attacks today's "science" that is pushed on everyone in society as fact instead of theory. For anyone who truly follows Jesus Christ and wants to make a difference in this world for Christ, this book is a must read. It gives some areas that we need to truly think about if we want to stand strong for our beliefs. I give this book 5 stars and recommend it to every Christian out there to follow Christ more faithfully.
Profile Image for Justin.
131 reviews28 followers
October 14, 2016
This is a book defending the literal interpretation of Genesis. Nearly all of the essential Christian doctrines have their origin in Genesis. Why is there sin in the world? Death? Why are we here? Why do we need a savior? What's the purpose of marriage? Why are human beings special?

The author is exactly right Genesis and the Gospel go hand in hand. We dilute the Gospel when we morph Genesis 1-11 into an analogy or poetry. Jesus himself affirmed Genesis. I appreciate the ministry of Answers in Genesis. This is an overall easy and good read, designed for the layperson.

This book is designed to make a case for the plain reading of Genesis and it does so really well. I would've liked to see a more apologetic bent towards the events recorded in Genesis 1-11. But you can seek those out elsewhere. Evidence for Noah's flood, the Tower of Babel, Table of Nations etc.
Profile Image for Susan.
36 reviews
May 24, 2011
An excellent tool to counter evolution with the truths of the Bible. It helped me to realize Christianity and evolution are both religions, one with an infinite omniscient God and one with a finite fallible man minus God. It also helps you to realize you can mix science and the Bible. the Bible supports observational science very well.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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