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Miss Marple #2

The Body in the Library

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The iconic Miss Marple must investigate the case of a girl found dead in Agatha Christie’s classic mystery, The Body in the Library

It’s seven in the morning. The Bantrys wake to find the body of a young woman in their library. She is wearing an evening dress and heavy makeup, which is now smeared across her cheeks. But who is she? How did she get there? And what is the connection with another dead girl, whose charred remains are later discovered in an abandoned quarry?

The respectable Bantrys invite Miss Marple into their home to investigate. Amid rumors of scandal, she baits a clever trap to catch a ruthless killer.

272 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 1942

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About the author

Agatha Christie

4,572 books68.1k followers
Agatha Christie also wrote romance novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott, and was occasionally published under the name Agatha Christie Mallowan.

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE (née Miller) was an English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world's longest-running play, the murder mystery The Mousetrap, which has been performed in the West End of London since 1952. A writer during the "Golden Age of Detective Fiction", Christie has been called the "Queen of Crime". She also wrote six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.

This best-selling author of all time wrote 66 crime novels and story collections, fourteen plays, and six novels under a pseudonym in romance. Her books sold more than a billion copies in the English language and a billion in translation. According to Index Translationum, people translated her works into 103 languages at least, the most for an individual author. Of the most enduring figures in crime literature, she created Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple. She atuhored The Mousetrap, the longest-running play in the history of modern theater.

Associated Names:
Agata Christie
Agata Kristi
Агата Кристи (Russian)
Агата Крісті (Ukrainian)
Αγκάθα Κρίστι (Greek)
アガサ クリスティ (Japanese)
阿嘉莎·克莉絲蒂 (Chinese)

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews385 followers
January 10, 2022
The Body in the Library (Miss Marple #3), Agatha Christie

Original Publication Year 1942.

Characters: Miss Jane Marple, Inspector Slack, Colonel Arthur and Dolly Bantry, and …

Abstract: Bleached blonde girl clad in not-new spangled evening gown is found strangled in the library of old Colonel Arthur and Dolly Bantry, best friends to Miss Jane Marple. The village spinster, expert in human nature and motivations for murder, notes closely clipped nails, commonly bitten at that age, unlike talons usual to Josie's job of professional Hotel dancer.

عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «راز خ‍ان‍م مارپل»، «جسدی در کتابخانه»؛ «جنازه‌ ای در کتابخانه»؛ «سرقت در گراند مترو»، نویسنده: آگاتا کریستی؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و پنجم ماه نوامبر سال2011میلادی

عنوان یک: راز خ‍ان‍م مارپل، نویسنده: آگاتا کریستی؛ مترجم: پروین‌ عظی‍می ‌(قاسم‌ زاده) نشر: ‏تهران، نشر دنیای‌ نو‏‫، سال1371، ادبیات پلیسی و جنایی در‏‫224ص؛ شابک: ندارد؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 20م

عنوان دو: جسدی در کتابخانه (عنوان روی جلد) یا جنازه‌ ای در کتابخانه (عنوان همین کتاب در اسناد کتابخانه ملی)؛ نویسنده: آگاتا کریستی؛ مترجم مجتبی عبد‌الله نژاد، ‏نشر تهران، کتاب هرمس‏‫، سال1388، ادبیات پلیسی و جنایی در220ص؛ ‏شابک9789643635817؛

عنوان سه: تصویر جلد ندارد؛ سرقت در گراند مترو، مترجم بهرام افراسیابی، نشر تهران، مهرفام‏‫، سال1389، ادبیات پلیسی و جنایی در‏‫334ص، شابک9789649915364؛

یادداشت: کتاب حاضر با سه عنوان: «راز خانم مارپل»؛ با ترجمه­ ی بانو «پروین عظیمی»؛ و توسط «انتشارات دنیای نو» در سال1371هجری خورشیدی، و با عنوان «جسدی در کتابخانه»، با ترجمه ­ی جناب «مجتبی عبد‌الله نژاد»، توسط «نشر کتاب هرمس» در سال1388هجری خورشیدی، و با عنوان: «سرقت در گراند مترو»، با ترجمه­ ی جناب «بهرام افراسیابی»، توسط «نشر مهرفام»،در سال1389هجری خورشیدی، منتشر شده است

سومین داستان، از ماجراهای «دوشیزه مارپل»: صبح اول وقت خدمتکار «گوسینگتون هال»، در «سنت‌ماری مید» وارد اتاق «کلنل بانتری»، و همسرش می‌شود، و به آنها خبر می‌دهد، که در کتابخانه، یک جنازه پیدا شده است؛ زن و شوهر، نخست باورشان نمی‌شود، اما پس از آنکه کلنل، از پله‌ها پایین می‌رود، می‌بیند که جلوی شومینه­ ی کتابخانه، جسد زن جوانی، با موهای بور؛ به نام «روبر(روبی) کین» رقاصه ی معروف، با لباس شب، بر روی زمین افتاده؛ «خانم بانتری»، با بهترین کسی که برای رسیدگی به مسئله قتل می‌شناسد، یعنی «دوشیزه مارپل»، تماس می‌گیرد؛ «دوشیزه مارپل»، که «در کار جنازه، و این جور چیزها» خیلی وارد است، به «گوسینگتون هال» می‌آید، و با شیوه ی آرام و پیگیر خود، ماجرا را دنبال می‌کند؛ سرهنگ «ملچت» رئیس پلیس، سرهنگ «کلیترینگ»، و بازرس «اسلاک» افسر پلیس، مامور رسیدگی به این پرونده هستند؛ ستوان «اسلاک»، از «دوشیزه مارپل»، خوشش نمی‌آید؛ در طول تحقیقات، آنها، جنازه­ ی دیگری را، کشف می‌کنند، که موضوع قتل پیشین را، پیچیده تر می‌کند، و ماجراهایی در طول داستان، برای کشف قاتل، رخ می‌دهد، که در ادامه ی داستان بازگو می‌شوند...؛

شخصیتهای دیگری که در این ماجرا هستند: «بیسیل بلیک»، و دوست دخترش، که متهم به قتل هستند؛ «ریمون استر» مربی تنیس، «جوزفین ترنر»، رقاص حرفه­ ای، و مادر تعمیدی «روبی کین»، و بالاخره «جین مارپل» دوشیزه ی پیری، که تمام قطعات پازل را، در کنار هم می­چیند، تا معماها را، حل کند؛ در کتاب «جسدی در کتابخانه»، «دوشیزه مارپل»، پس از دوازده سال از گشودن راز «قتل در خانه کشیش»، دوباره وارد داستانی دیگر می‌شود؛ بانو «کریستی»؛ در مصاحبه‌ ای با مجله «لایف»، اعلام کرده، که بخش آغازین «جسدی در کتابخانه»؛ جزو بهترین نوشته‌ های ایشانست؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 30/11/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 19/10/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,129 followers
March 28, 2018
It had been a while since I read an Agatha Christie novel. I combed through the list of her work and thought to myself... I'm not actually sure if I ever read this one. And it turned out, I hadn't! Now I want to watch a TV version to see how they interpret it.

Great story. So much has been re-done from this early on work. It's a must read for Christie fans and truly any mystery buff! When you are rich, and you have people who take care of things... and it's nearly 100 years ago... what does one do when a body shows up in the library -- and you're not sure who it is? How confusing. But even more so when there's another girl who is missing... and they look alike. Which is which? And you know someone's lying. But you can't quite tell. Marple can tho!

I think this is one of the better Marple mysteries... it's less about Marple and more about the story. And how the body got there. Nothing is as it seems, but that's where Christie shows her strength. The writing leads you to one conclusion based on how the facts are shown. But it's not trickery. The info is there, you just have to weed thru it.

The only issue here: I'm just sorry I waited so long to read this one.

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For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by. Note: All written content is my original creation and copyrighted to me, but the graphics and images were linked from other sites and belong to them. Many thanks to their original creators.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brina.
1,107 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2018
Last year the reading the detectives group read through Agatha Christie's Miss Marple mysteries as a yearly challenge. Having joined the group late, I did not have a chance to read all of the Queen of Crime's cases featuring her famous spinster sleuth. As I participated in the challenge when I could, I came to appreciate Miss Marple as an everyday detective who is a champion for the average person. Using her quality of reading human nature to solve cases, Miss Marple became a favorite crime fighter of mine as the year drew on. When this year's classic bingo board in the group catching up on classics featured a classic mystery square, I used this as an opportunity to once again catch up with the Queen of Crime and the village of St Mary Mead's resident detective.

Dolly Bantry is woken by what she thinks is a bad dream but is really one of her maids alerting her and her husband Arthur to the presence of a dead body in their library. Immediately, the older couple notifies the local police, who are just as baffled by the young woman as the Bantrys are. In a village as small as St Mary Mead, gossip spreads like wildfire, and Dolly fears that people would start to believe that her husband murdered the woman himself. Immediately, she calls her close friend who happens to have a penchant for solving murders, Miss Jane Marple. Not giving a choice in the matter, Miss Marple is dispatched to Gossington Hall to assist the Bantrys in solving this heinous crime.

The cast of possible suspects expands at once to include local film star Basil Blake as well as the younger set of people vacationing at the nearby Majestic Hotel. The police discover that the body is that of Majestic dancer Ruby Keene yet are addle brained as to suspect and motive. Dolly Bantry and Miss Marple head to the Majestic in order to solve this mystery before the entire village suspects Arthur of wrongdoing. As with previous cases that I have read, Miss Marple has put her facts together and pieces together the crime while the police are still shaking their heads. She finds out that Conway Jefferson, a close friend of the Bantrys, is spending the season at the Majestic, alone with his son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and her son. Jefferson is shaken by the death of Ruby Keene, who he had recently decided to adopt as a daughter, and phones his friend retired Inspector Henry Clithering to help solve this case. Clithering has always had respect for Miss Marple, and the two join forces to work out the mystery, especially as they see the police stuck for ideas.

As in many Christie mysteries, murders happen in threes. Halfway through the book, another young woman is found murdered in a burning car. At once, Miss Marple knows the identity of the murderer but has to verify the cause and alibi with the guests at the hotel as well as some residents in her village before the third murder occurs. Miss Marple is indeed a shrewd judge of human nature whereas she notes that the police believe everything they hear at face value. As a result, she is the detective who is left explaining the entire case to the police force time after time. With all of Marple's cases, Christie has developed an older woman who is overlooked as a spinster and close to the scrap pile yet is still sound in mind and other body faculties. Time and time again Miss Marple has proven to the police and readers alike that age is just a number and should not be used to inhibit living one's life to the fullest.

I often read mysteries in between denser reads or when I feel that I might be going into a reading rut as a means of cleansing my mind in anticipation of more involved books ahead. With the enduring reputation as the Queen of Crime, Dame Christie's mysteries remain enjoyable to me as I often have to read an entire book to discover whodunit. Even after completing this bingo square, I have a feeling that I will be reading through more cases featuring both Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot throughout the year, most likely alternating between the two each month. These quick whodunits sharpen my deductive reasoning skills and put me in a better frame of mind to accomplish reading a wide variety of books that I have on tap. Palette cleansed.

3.75 stars
Profile Image for Mansuriah Hassan.
87 reviews66 followers
February 19, 2017
I confess to absolutely loving Dame Agatha Christie's books. I find the coziness of them very soothing. Miss Marple's character becomes more rounded as we see her interact with her friends. Even though there were less action in this book, but I don't think that dooms it to being a bad book, it's just a change of pace, which is often refreshing.

In the author's foreword Christie writes: "I laid down for myself certain conditions. The library in question must be a highly orthodox and conventional library. The body, on the other hand, must be a wildly improbably and highly sensational body."

Christie kept to her conditions, and the results were excellent. Her writing is timeless. She keeps you guessing right up to the very end. The characters are well developed and detailed. The Bantrys are warm and funny, but still have their own depth. Conway Jefferson who seemed to be permanently in mourning, is one of the most interesting characters. It was humorous when the author portrays the village's people and their gossip. Very tongue-in-cheek :P

The best thing about Agatha Christie is that she writes with typical British wit and humour, and also wry observations appearing here and there. The skill of observation and drawing similarities between unrelated events of Miss Marple are unparalleled. One of the most intricate of plots. The Body In The Library is certainly a splendid read for cozy mystery fans!
Profile Image for Anne.
4,395 reviews70.2k followers
June 26, 2024
I figured it out! I knew whodunnit!
I was smugly chuckling and congratulating myself on finally beating Agatha Christie at her own game as I listened to the end of the book drawing near, knowing that I had beaten the Queen of Mystery.


She fooled me again.
I was all like, wait...whatthefuckjusthappened?! - as I listened to the actual murderer get hauled off to the pokey.


The gist is that Miss Marple's friend, Dolly, finds a body in her library. <--I know, right?
Yeah, some random chick (a dancer, no less) pops up all dead and sprawled out in her house, and if she doesn't figure out the who, what, & why, everyone will just assume that it was some floozy her husband was banging on the side.
There are a whole lotta extra characters (several with something to hide), a fat inheritance, and another dead girl (this one a gullible teenager) that gets thrown into the mix to make this an interesting story.

Stephanie Cole was the narrator of the version I listened to and (as always) she did an admirable job.

Recommended for fans of Agatha Christie mysteries.
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,834 reviews553 followers
December 28, 2022
Ich bin ein Fan von Miss Marple und lese diese Krimis immer wieder gerne. In diesem Buch kam mir fast zu wenig von Miss Marple vor; sie hätte gerne mehr präsent sein dürfen :) Ich mag ihren Scharfsinn.
Die Geschichte ist trotz Mordfall eher ruhig, gemütlich. Ich habe diese Ruhe genossen; dafür hat die Auflösung mich dann noch mal so richtig überraschen können. Es ist so verwickelt, aber wenn Miss Marple ihre Schlüsse zieht, erscheint alles ganz logisch und einfach. Ich liebe es!
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.7k followers
March 24, 2024
The Body in the Library is the second full-length novel in Agatha Christie's beloved, Miss Marple series.

One of my 2023-reading goals, is to read all of the novels in this series in order. This is actually one of the ones I have previously read, but I was still so excited to pick it up again.

It has been a decade since I last read it, so I was due for a reread. It's so funny, too, because somehow in the interim, I had totally rearranged the plot of this novel in my mind.

For example, I was thinking the body was found in the library at the tail-end of a dinner party, but that isn't the case at all. I'm like, where the heck did I come up with that?

This story actually kicks off with Mrs. Bantry being awoken by her maid, Mary, letting her know, through sobs, that a dead body of a girl has been discovered in their library.

At first, Mrs. Bantry thinks she is dreaming. How the heck would a dead body have ended up in her home? She alerts her husband, Colonel Arthur Bantry, of the news. From that moment on, it's off to the races.

Seriously, Christie wastes zero time with this one. The discovery of the body is announced on page 2.

Colonel and Mrs. Bantry have no idea who the young woman is. She certainly wasn't an invited guest. From first glance, she doesn't appear the type of girl who would be privy to their same social circle.

The authorities are notified, of course, but Mrs. Bantry also calls on her friend, Miss Jane Marple, who knows a lot about this sort of thing. A swift and vigorous investigation begins.

I really enjoyed getting to know the players involved in this one. There was such a great mix of people and getting to the bottom of the mystery was a wild ride.

Again, Miss Marple is sort of a side character at this point, but her reputation definitely proceeds her. She is known for being quite observant and knowing a lot about these types of things; crime and psychology.

I liked having Inspector Slack around again for the investigation and getting to know even more individuals in the greater-St. Mary Mead area.

This is such a classic. The vibe is just quintessential Murder Mystery set in a small village. It exudes what we've come to know as, Cozy Mystery.

Finally, I loved Miss Marple's explanation of the hows/whys of this crime, and getting to that point was equally as fun.

Overall, I am certainly glad I reread this. It was fun to read hot on the heels of my read of The Murder at the Vicarage: A Miss Marple Mystery.

I am really looking forward to continuing on with this series and completing it all this year!!
Profile Image for Phoenix  Perpetuale.
230 reviews74 followers
March 27, 2022
The body in the Library by Agatha Christie is one fantastic detective book that I have read in my youngest years. I still remember it so vividly. It shows the time between two wars in England. Miss Marple is a lovely old lady with tremendous observation skills where she finally connects clueless situations revealing the murderer.
Profile Image for Barry Pierce.
597 reviews8,491 followers
June 28, 2015
There's a small note to the reader at the very beginning of this novel in which Agatha Christie basically writes, "the trope of the body in the library is very common throughout detective fiction so I wrote this novel to fuck shit up". Good old Agatha. This is a Miss Marple story... well... I think it is, because our beloved Miss Jane Marple is in fact missing from quite a lot of this novel. Thankfully the crime is exciting enough for us to overlook that minor setback. It's a classic Christie, foolproof and sturdy plot with a cast of both memorable and useless characters. However there are scenes in this that I did find rather... graphic... for your typical Christie novel. I won't spoil it but there is a scene set in a quarry and it is quite out there for Agatha.

Overall, I enjoyed this, like I do with most of Christie's books. She really can't do any wrong!
Profile Image for Piyangie.
544 reviews656 followers
January 3, 2023
When I read the first book of the Marple series, two years ago, I wasn't much impressed. It was, of course, entertaining, as any Agatha Christie would, but for some reason, it wasn't compelling enough to go through with the rest of the series. Perhaps, it was my fault, for, at that time, I was much engaged with the Poirot series to look anywhere else. But when my Poirot journey ended, I thought I should return to the Marple series and see if I can form a connection with it. And The Body in the Library, being the second novel of the series, sounded like a good place to start with.

The murder-mystery of the book was quite intriguing. I've read many Agatha Christie mysteries, so it's difficult for me not to compare. This one undoubtedly is one of the best mysteries by her, for she managed to keep my interest and suspense until the very last chapter. I guessed who'd done it and why; I can take some pride in knowing a bit of Christie's mind. :) But, the "how it was done" was beyond me. Agatha Christie still beats me there. When the truth was revealed, I couldn't believe the ingenuity of it. What a criminal brain she has had! :)

As to our lady detective Miss Marple, we see only a little of her. But her valuable assistance was felt throughout, strongly. I was a little shocked to realize that I've underestimated the importance of her sleuthing skills when I first read her. I felt that I've not given enough importance and weight to her skills, which are more or less based on her knowledge of life and people in general. But this reading made me appreciate Miss Marple and her skills. Also, I was quite impressed with her motto - not to believe in anything that is said to you but to form one's own opinion of its truth - something which I myself live by. :)

I needn't say that I'll continue with the series, for it is pretty obvious. Now that I'm quite warmed to Miss Marple, I certainly want to know how she fares in her next adventure. :)
Profile Image for Gabriel.
550 reviews975 followers
March 24, 2023
El cadáver de una chica joven aparece en la biblioteca de los Bantry, el cómo y el por qué será revelado más adelante. Un caso sin duda muy extraño y que arroja la sospecha sobre los dueños de la casa.

Este es definitivamente hasta ahora el libro que menos me ha gustado de miss Marple y no por ser malo, sino porque me cansé de ella no haga casi acto de presencia en todo el libro. Y es que necesito ver más inmiscuida a mi querida anciana curiosa, metiche, chismosa y sabelotodo en los casos de asesinatos donde no la han llamado (aunque aquí si que la invitan a averiguar). No me interesa para nadar seguir el hilo de la historia si va a estar en manos de inspectores cuando se supone que la protagonista debería ser ella.

Ahora, hay una larga lista de personajes sospechosos, algunos muy obvios, otros libres de sospecha, pero me temo que aquí sí que me pude oler parte del móvil del asesinato, el porqué y a la personx que lo hizo (aunque un poco a medias). No digo más porque soy muy bruto y hago spoiler. No me sorprendió, creo que fue algo evidente y no tuvo un giro de tuerca potente en mi caso, pero solo habla alguien que ya ha ido cogiendo experiencia con la reina del crimen. Y otro punto es que el humor también se perdió, no hubo casi, y lo eché en falta tal y como hubo en Muerte en la vicaría.

Eso sí, que gracioso que miss Marple solo toma protagonismo al inicio para participar como oyente y vidente de lo que ocurre. Y solo al final tomar una postura activa y desenredar todo el caso. No supero cómo sabe hasta lo mínimo (me parece demasiado surrealista), pero lo perdono porque me cae bien la señora. Y definitivamente quiero de lo que se fuma, su técnica y método para conocer la naturaleza humana es envidiable, ya que le permite saber punto por punto todos los detalles. Ya quisiera y me gustaría a mí tener sus dotes deductivos y detectivescos.
Profile Image for Rodrigo Unda.
Author 1 book6,229 followers
September 18, 2022
Híjole, amo a Agatha Christie, los casos que escribe y la forma en la que se resuelven, ya que siempre son intrigantes, intensos e increíbles.

Pero las dos ocasiones en las que he leído los casos de Miss Marple, siempre quedo decepcionado por la poca aparición que tiene la detective :(

Tal vez es el estilo que usa Agatha para sus narrativas, pero me encantaría ver más entrevistas y deducciones de Miss Marple.
Profile Image for Kwoomac.
867 reviews40 followers
June 26, 2012
Someone here on Goodreads has a shelf called "cozy mysteries" and I think this is a perfect description of Agatha Christie's Miss Marple series.You can't get much cozier than a tea-drinking elderly spinster in a tiny English village. The Body in the Library is a clever little book. Miss Marple is called in to investigate when her friend finds a dead body (in the library). What I enjoy about Christie is she doesn't take her mysteries too seriously. There's lots of room for humorous little bits. I loved the way she describes the relationship between Mrs. Bantry and her husband, Colonel Bantry.They are pure upperclass silliness personified. There's a brief little chapter when the news of the murder runs through St Mary Mead, gaining momentum and inventiveness with every repetition. And when young Peter approaches the detective saying he's collected some famous autographs including Dorothy Sayers and Agatha Christie, I couldn't help smiling.

Plus, I really want this library.The library was a room very typical of its owners. It was large and shabby and untidy. It had big, sagging armchairs, and pipes and books and estate papers laid out on the big table. There were one or two good old family portraits on the walls, and some bad Victorian water colors, and some would-be-funny hunting scenes. There was a big vase of flowers in the corner. The whole room was dim and mellow and casual. It spoke of long occupation and familiar use and of links with tradition.
Profile Image for Salamon.
118 reviews55 followers
March 10, 2023
اگه طرفدار کارای آگاتا کریستی باشین، این داستان خانم مارپل هم ناامیدتون نمیکنه. داستان مثل عنوانش از جایی شروع میشه که خدمتکاران در کتابخانه‌ی یک خونه‌ی اعیانی جسد دختر جوانی رو پیدا میکنن. ادامه هم جست‌وجو برای پیدا کردن قاتل یا قاتلینه. شما باید حدس بزنید که چه کسی هم ان��یزه، هم موقعیت و هم وسیله‌ی قتل رو داشته. راستش من سال‌ها پیش این کتاب رو خونده بودم. با این حال تا پایان بخشی از راه‌حل برام گنگ بود.
Profile Image for Adrian.
618 reviews245 followers
December 10, 2022
December 2022 - Lunchtime Listen
(New edition narrated Stephanie Cole)
So with all the house renovations coming to a halt for the holidays (we are almost finished anyway) this lunchtime listen extended into a couple of afternoons after long walks in the frosty countryside.
As stated below this is an enjoyable read, an enjoyable watch (with Joan Hickson) and now an enjoyable listen with the wonderful actress Stephanie Cole.
The story , a familiar one to Miss Marple fans is a complex one and takes some expert unravelling by Miss Marple. I have to say the TV show makes more of Ispector Slack than the book , but both "versions" are fun.
If you don't know the story then rectify that and read watch or listen to it, you will not be disappointed,

February 2017 - Miss Marple Group Read
An excellent and very enjoyable read. Despite reading the book many moons ago and seeing at least one version on TV I still didn't guess who did it. (SPOILER alert sort of " although I did get the clue about the fingernails eventually")

And so it's onto the next which I think is The Moving Finger which I believe is a quote from the Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation. I must admit I don't know why, but I'm sure I shall find out.

Anyway 3 down and 11 to go, and if they are all as good as this (and I have a feeling they will be) then it's gonna be a fun year.
Profile Image for Piyush Bhatia.
110 reviews177 followers
March 23, 2023
Murder was invented by Agatha Christie to sell more books:)

Ingenious, like any other detective novel by Agatha, this one had rather diffused interests. The red herrings present throughout the novel make the plot less phosphorescent.

3/5 from my side
Profile Image for PorshaJo.
501 reviews706 followers
May 25, 2021
Is it too early for me to declare this is my summer of Agatha Christie? Last year it was Steinbeck I gorged on and think now it will be Agatha Christie. Honestly, neither is a bad thing. So while looking for a buddy read with Dana I threw in The Body in the Library. We grabbed the audio and it was quite the ride.

The Body in the Library starts with just that.....a body in the Bantrys library. But you see, no one knows who the poor girl is and how she got there. Oh the travesty. Mrs. Bantry just beside herself calls on none other than Miss Jane Marple to help her figure all of this out. As the local inspector starts to try and figure out who this poor girl is, you get introduced to a cast of characters, some a bit comical. Naturally, Ms. Christie throws in her trademark 'and another body appeared, another murder' twist to the story.

Oh this was a fun read. The narration was great, a bit over the top and slightly melodramatic at times but I loved it. It added to this story. It was fun trying to figure out who this dead girl was and how she ended up in the library. I did guess whodunit but I couldn't figure out why. We both enjoyed this story but the biggest issue was the 'cast of characters', so many to keep track of and it's especially hard in audio. I almost jumped right into another Christie but figure....better pace myself. But looking forward to bouncing around her various stories.
Profile Image for mark monday.
1,785 reviews5,760 followers
May 25, 2024
Choose Your Own Adventure!

You are an English village, and as one of your elderly residents is keen to say: "One does see so much evil in a village". She is far from wrong! Indeed, all the myriad examples of evil can be found in your snug and cozy confines. The soft evil of sloth. The hungry evil of lust. The tangy evil of pride. The righteous evil of wrath. The time-consuming evil of waiting for some geezer to kick the bucket so that cash can be distributed. And the evil fun of framing some very annoying innocents for a couple dastardly murders. How can a sleepy little English village like yourself keep track of all this evilness? These evils should be alphabetized and categorized in some sort of Library of Evil - but who has the time! Especially if there are bodies taking up space in this hypothetical library. Fortunately, that old dear has kept careful track - and she has a list. She will use your quaint villagers as evil exemplars, and so will solve an evil mystery. As the saying goes: It takes a village!

If you'd like to further discuss the ins & outs of village life, and taking life, choose this path.

If all this talk of evil has made you sleepy, so sleepy that it may be time to take a nice long nap, choose this path.
Profile Image for Richard Derus.
3,343 reviews2,132 followers
August 4, 2018
Rating: 4 solid stars of five

The novel, surprisingly, holds up well to a 21st century re-read. I was so pleased not to find anything shouting at me, "oh dear gawd please don't say that!" Slut-shaming, a huge component of the novel, isn't something unique to the times it is set in. It was a pleasure not having anything other than that and class snobbery to overlook!

But goodness me, what a lot of it there was. The "film people" were ever so louche, my dear, just Not Our Sort, so...American, you know. The dead girl? A Platinum Blonde, one of...Those Girls *chicken's-ass face* and doubtless not one smidgen better than she should be. (Later it is revealed she was a virgin, you old cow.)

But what divine fun! An actual (fictional) Body In The Library! Cliche central, send up a cheap one. Then Dame Agatha does her magic, the sort that turns things inside out, and it's the library that's the red herring, the body that's the clue, and the mystery itself isn't about ANY of those things.

Divine fun.

In 1983, ITV's Miss Marple turned the book into a good, faithful adaptation starring Joan Hickson *headache face*. It was a bit grave-dusty for me, as were the other Hickson Marple outings. I simply don't get the lady's appeal in the role. In 2004, Agatha Christie's Marple did it over and made significant character changes to the evergreen plot. I won't spoiler them for you because I think you should watch it. The changes are fun, I'll say that. What a lark, and pace you Hicksonians, I think Geraldine McEwan makes a damned good Marple. But the biggest and best casting delight is the ever joyous to watch Joanna Lumley as Dolly Bantry. Delicious.
Profile Image for Lata.
4,308 reviews233 followers
February 6, 2017
What a pleasure it was to reread this book. The first time I read a Miss Marple mystery story,l I was in my early teens and did not appreciate just how smart the woman is. She's very observant, and remembers little things about people, and draws parallels between different people to figure out who could have done it (the murder, that is.)
And I don't remember Agatha Christie being quite so funny the first time I read this; I found myself laughing out loud at the dialogue between Mrs. and Mr. Bantry at the beginning of the book. There are also little descriptions as the story progresses that are amusing.
Though I figured out who one of the murderers was and suspected the other, I had fun reading as the story unfolded and Miss Marple did her thing, quietly watching everyone involved, and figuring out who was responsible.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,864 reviews583 followers
February 7, 2017
When a peroxide blonde is found dead in the library at Gossington Hall, Colonel and Mrs Bantry are perplexed. However, Mrs Bantry is determined that the crime should be solved, aware that suspicion will fall on her husband ("no smoke without fire...") and wisely calls in Miss Marple. When the body is identified as Ruby Keene, a dance hostess at the Hotel Majestic in Danemouth, Dolly Bantry and Miss Marple head off for a short break to do a spot of sleuthing.

This is a classic Christie novel and the second, full length, Miss Marple mystery, after The Murder at the Vicarage. It sees Miss Marple in fine form, making her usual comparisons between the various suspects and locals she has known - there is, she says shrewdly, so much "evil" in a village. As always, Christie utilises the setting expertly, with the hotel housing a great array of suspects, including a rich invalid, professional dancers and tennis coaches. There is also local Basil Blake, who works in the film industry and causes a great deal of gossip in St Mary Mead. Miss Marple manages to solve the crime and put all to rights with her shrewd judgement and common sense - great fun.

Profile Image for Hamad.
1,187 reviews1,531 followers
March 19, 2021
Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

“No innocent person ever has an alibi.”

I keep mentioning that Christie��s books are my comfort reads. I was feeling a slump on the horizon and so I immediately picked up this book and voila, the slump went away.

After reading more than 15 books by Agatha, I just know that I prefer Poitot’s books to her other detectives; he is not only the smartest, the most bizarre and the funniest but he’s actually a detective! My problem with Marple’s books is that the narrative is separated between a detective or two in addition to Miss Marple so that does not give her the chance to shine as Poirot does!

This is a shorter novel and the story begins with the death of a young lady in a library and then the story rolls from there. I prefer how Poirot approaches the death scene and how he interviews all the people involves because not only it makes the story more intriguing and harder to guess but it also gives me as a reader an idea about those characters and how they think and what could be their motives!

The writing is still good and I love how cheeky Agatha can be, she self inserted herself into the story when one of the characters mentioned loving detective novels mentioning herself in the authors he read and loved! Miss Marple is also always making comparisons to the weirdest events in her hometown which I find sarcastic too!

Summary: I am more sure than ever that i prefer Poirot’s novels but Marple also has her own shine. I think you should try both to find out who you prefer but at the end of the day both have a murder and are intriguing stories! I did not discuss the plot because it is a short one and I don’t want to go into spoilers, it was such Christie’s own take on the body in the library trope!
Profile Image for Obied Alahmed.
246 reviews156 followers
April 14, 2019
بمقارنة الرواية مع روايات غير أغاثا تستحق ثلاث نجوم
ولكن بمقارنتها بما نعرفه عن أغاثا فتستحق نجمتين فقط
ولذا أعطيها ثلاث نجوم فقط

أصابني الملل حقيقة خلال الرواية رغم أنها عوضت الملل الطويل في البدايات مع حركة الأحداث أخيرا إلا أن التقييم عندي يخجل أن يرتفع أعلى من ثلاث

لا أدري ربما السبب أنني سبقتها برواية جريمة في قطار الشرق التي كانت مفعمة وحيوية

عكل حال لا يمل من أغاثا على المدى البعيد و لابد أن نجد في طريقنا منخفضات كما هناك مرتفعات
Profile Image for María.
177 reviews30 followers
January 27, 2019
Este libro me ha terminado gustando, pero no me ha llegado a enganchar como otros libros que he leído de Ágatha Christie y el final no me ha llegado a convencer del todo.
Normalmente el final de los libros de AC me suele sorprender un montón y suelo llegar a entenderlo, pero en esta novela el final no me ha sorprendido del todo y ha habido cosas que no me han cuadrado, por lo que "un cadáver en la biblioteca" no me ha llegado a convencer.
El principio parecía muy prometedor, ya que se presentaba un caso bastante díficil y que a mí me atraía mucho, pero a medida que iba avanzando, veía cosas que no me gustaban. Por ejemplo, se sospecha de varios personajes y lo más normal sería que la policía los investigara, pero no xD. Aquí lo dejan todo en el aire. Me dio la sensación de que la policía se pone a pensar mucho sobre quien puede ser el asesino, pero no se dedica mucho a investigar a nadie. Además, más o menos a la mitad de la novela, el coronel Melchett desaparece sin ningún motivo y no vuelve a aparecer hasta el final que es cuando Miss Marple les revela a todos la solución de este caso.
También me he perdido un montón con los nombres del director, policía y coronel (creo que aparecen demasiado personajes) y me ha parecido todo muy caótico en esta novela. Todo muy caótico porque nada sigue un orden, porque no investigan a fondo a nadie y porque ERA IMPOSIBLE que Miss Marple adivinara quien era el asesino con tan pocos datos.
Abro spoilers.

¿Cómo pudo sospechar Miss Marple que Josie y Mark estaban casados si no se ve ningún indicio en toda la novela?
¿Como llegó a la conclusión de que no se había identificado correctamente el cuerpo que se había encontrado en la biblioteca de Mr Bantry?
Es que no me cuadra nada, la verdad...

Así que este libro me ha gustado, pero no tanto como otros libros de esta escritora. Le voy a dar 3 estrellas y espero que los siguientes libros que lea de AC me lleguen a gustar un poquito más.
Profile Image for Axl Oswaldo.
393 reviews225 followers
January 11, 2022
“De la verdosa penumbra surgió la voz de María, fatigada, histérica:
—¡Oh, señora, señora! ¡Hay un cadáver en la biblioteca!
Luego, estallando en histéricos sollozos, salió corriendo de la alcoba.”

¡Cómo no disfrutar de las historias de nuestra querida Ágatha Christie! Siempre un misterio que resolver, muchos sospechosos que podrían estar involucrados o no, y un final que, en la mayoría de los casos, no ves venir y te hace preguntarte: ¿cómo no me di cuenta de esto en primer lugar?

En el caso de Un cadáver en la biblioteca no es una excepción, desde que ya en el primer capítulo el coronel y la señora Bantry descubren en la biblioteca de su casa un cadáver, del que no tienen aparentemente idea de quién se podría tratar.
Con la ayuda de miss Marple, la policía del apacible pueblo donde se dan los hechos, tratará de resolver el misterio, y descubrir al culpable de dicho crimen.

Este es uno de los libros que más rápido he leído de la autora, quizá por su habilidad de ir hilando la historia, e ir mostrándonos a un grupo de personajes que podrían confundirnos en varios puntos de la novela. Pienso que igual ha sido el caso de miss Marple que más he disfrutado, junto con Se anuncia un asesinato, y por ende lo recomiendo.

Solo por decir algo más, si hay algo que no podemos negar es el hecho de que miss Marple y Hércules Poirot no se parecen al momento de darle solución al crimen que tienen delante. En el caso de miss Marple, ella es muy observadora, su fuerte se basa en entender el comportamiento humano y el cómo de ahí obtiene las piezas que le hacen falta para armar el rompecabezas. Simplemente impresionante.
Profile Image for Anna.
604 reviews115 followers
November 22, 2017
Το πρώτο βιβλίο της Αγκάθα Κρίστι που διαβάζω με αφορμή το Όριεντ Εξπρές που είδα στο σινεμά (και επίσης το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα!) Το διάλεξα αποκλειστικά για τον τίτλο (γιατί έχω βιβλιοθήκη και ίσως με βρουν κι εμένα κάποτε εκεί να έχω πεθάνει από αφυδάτωση και ασιτία - ΟΧΙ ποτέ, πάντα καφές δίπλα μου όταν διαβάζω και για το φαγητό δεν κάνω μ@λ@κίες!!)

Τελοσπάντων, το πτώμα ανήκε σε μια νεαρή κοπέλα και είναι σαφές ότι οι ένοικοι δεν είχαν ιδέα, με διαλόγους όπως "Η Μάρθα λέει ότι υπάρχει ένα πτώμα στη βιβλιοθήκη", "Τι λέει η Μάρθα ότι υπάρχει στη βιβλιοθήκη;" "Ένα πτώμα", "Υπάρχει ένα πτώμα στη βιβλιοθήκη;", "Ναι, έτσι λέει η Μάρθα", "Είπε η Μάρθα ότι υπάρχει ένα πτώμα στη βιβλιοθήκη" που μας θυμίζουν Λάμψη (είναι αξιαγάπητα παππούδια οι ένοικοι, δικαιολογούνται) και όταν - με το καλό - έρχεται η συνειδητοποίηση της μοίρας τους, αναλαμβάνει δράση η αστυνομία και η Μις Μαρπλ.

Ναι, η Μις Μαρπλ. Δεν είναι ένα βιβλίο με τον Ηρακλή Πουαρώ, αλλά και η Μις Μαρπλ είναι αξιολάτρευτη!! Ο δολοφόνος αποδεικνύεται στις τελευταίες σελίδες, ενώ ως τότε η ροή κυλάει πολύ ευχάριστα!
Profile Image for Alex.andthebooks.
513 reviews2,433 followers
December 5, 2021

Moje pierwsze spotkanie z Christie po latach - było bardzo przyjemnie! Wciąż nie mogę wyjść z podziwu jak prosty język występuje w jej książkach 😂 ale to jest dla mnie typowa literatura do odpoczynku, oderwania myśli. W tym przypadku się sprawdziła, ale nie porwała - wkrótce biorę się za kolejną!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 7,613 reviews

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