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Simon's Cat #1

Simon's Cat

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Simon Tofield's animations have taken YouTube by storm. Now, the feline Internet phenomenon makes his way onto the page in this first-ever book based on the popular animated series. Simon's Cat depicts and exaggerates the hilarious relationship between a man and his cat. The daily escapades of this adorable pet, which always involve demanding more food, and his exasperated but doting owner come to life through Tofield's charming and hilarious illustrations.

240 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2009

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About the author

Simon Tofield

36 books231 followers
Simon started drawing cartoons at an early age and went to study Graphics and Animation at De Montfort University. He has a great interest in British wildlife, painting, the great outdoors and of course cats. He now works in London as an animator and director at Tandem Films.
Simon lives in Bedfordshire with this three cats: Hugh, Maisie, Jess and Teddy.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews
Profile Image for Bionic Jean.
1,341 reviews1,397 followers
June 19, 2023
OK I admit it. I bought this book for someone else, and then read it myself! Have you never done that?

I plead … well, I have no excuse really. The temptation was just too great.

You may well have come across Simon’s Cat on YouTube. It is an animated cartoon series by the British animator Simon Tofield (the “Simon” of the title), and features an ever-hungry pet cat, who uses more and more absurd tactics to get his owner to feed him. Each episode lasts between one and three minutes. These videos became so popular that they led to this book in 2009, which was followed by additional titles. This book has a few single cartoons, but mostly comprises strips and sequential blocks telling the stories. Three years later, the Walt Disney Studios began releasing short films of Simon’s Cat, and a cartoon strip of the series ran in a national newspaper, the “Daily Mirror” between 2011 and 2013.

In real life, Simon Tofield has four cats, called Teddy, Hugh, Jess and Maisie, all of whose behaviour provide the basis of his inspiration. The cartoon cat has never been officially named, although writer Simon Tofield says that he is mostly based on Hugh.

Simon’s Cat is essentially a greedy-puss. All the episodes are based either around getting more food, or getting more creature comforts. He particularly enjoys birds and mice, and hooking fish out of his owner’s Koi carp pond. Although Simon himself is the only (long-suffering) human, other characters pop in and out of the series. These include Simon’s sister’s dog, a rather stupid-looking mutt with a daft, lolling expression, whom Simon’s cat always gets the better of. The dog loves to play fetch, and often does not realise that the cat is making him look a fool. There is also a bird, whom Simon’s cat instinctively chases. (However in this case, the bird usually outsmarts him.)

Simon’s cat loves to annoy a hedgehog who lives in Simon’s back garden. He deliberately impales objects such as apples, leaves, and tennis balls onto the hedgehog’s prickles. (This derives from English folklore, where hedgehogs steal windfall apples by rolling along the ground so that the apples attach themselves to their prickles.) The hedgehog’s many children also sometimes feature in the episodes.

The garden gnome is Simon’s cat’s best friend, or so he fondly believes. The garden gnome is usually depicted holding either a fishing rod or a net. Simon’s cat often tries to recruit his pal in his grand schemes to catch food – specifically the swimming or flying kind of food. It seems particularly humorous that Simon’s cat considers the gnome to be a friend, and does not realise that that it is an inanimate object. The birds, and a rabbit, who are both more intelligent than him, craftily use this to their advantage and make Simon’s cat look ridiculous. They occasionally run rings round Simon’s cat by holding the garden gnome to ransom. A toad, and also a frog both live in the garden, and Simon’s cat would love to catch either of them, but never does so. The outdoor stories sometimes feature a squirrel, who lives in a tree in Simon’s back yard. Simon’s cat chases the squirrel whenever he sees him, but the squirrel gets his own back by pelting Simon’s cat with acorns from a safe place.

One day, Simon brings home a new kitten, and this member of the family seems to be considerably smarter than Simon’s cat, who is rather disgruntled by him, but does not question the kitten’s right to be there. Another uncertain relationship Simon’s cat has, is with a mouse. Instinctively he chases the mouse on sight, but the mouse is very clever. He knows that Simon’s cat is smitten by a female cat, “Chloe”, and will sometimes aid his attempts to impress this demure, snobbish and rather finicky feline, who turns her nose up even at the delicacy of a fresh mouse, when presented as an offering by her fervent admirer.

There is no dialogue in the shorts, except for an occasional inarticulate background mumble from Simon, and a cultured “miaow” from his cat. As such, it should in theory transfer well to the page. Just as in the films, Simon himself is shown as a happy man, content to spoil his pet, but one who is who is permanently vexed, and occasionally put into dangerous situations by his cat’s antics, which usually end up with this image:

The cartoons are very funny, but it has to be said that the moving images - the animated cartoons - work better.

If you are a slave to a cat in your home, you will instantly recognise much of the behaviour exhibited here. Whether cute, dangerous, destructive or downright disgusting, it is totally authentic. I recommend all cat-lovers to watch one or two if you have never done so. Here is a link to the YouTube page:

link here

Oh, and by the way ... I did give the book to the intended recipient - and confessed that I had read it myself first!
Profile Image for Alice-Elizabeth (Prolific Reader Alice).
1,162 reviews165 followers
July 28, 2019
If you haven't seen Simon's Cat on YouTube, then you really need to. This collection of illustrations made me chuckle from start to finish. A fun, relaxing read that did bring back some personal nostalgic moments, since my old high school tutor used to put SC videos on each morning before class!
Profile Image for Heidi.
1,396 reviews1,541 followers
June 25, 2016
I had, perhaps, unrealistically high hopes for this graphic novel after the mammoth success with my kid that was I am Pusheen the Cat, but, sadly, we are back to where we started with my reluctant reader. She wouldn't even open Simon's Cat. The graphic novels are alike in that both feature kitties, but their approach is very different. Pusheen is about how cute and colorful Pusheen is. Simon's Cat is more about the cat's behavior and interaction with his human. Pusheen had a few words in it. Simon's Cat is told entirely through pictures.

I enjoyed this book because I have a bunch of cats and I know exactly what its like to be awakened in the middle of the night, forced off the bed, and have my luggage pirated by a strong-willed feline. For the under ten set, they may get some of the more obvious jokes- like any of the hunting or "want food" moments, but otherwise, this comic may not appeal. I suspect that she didn't open this one because it is completely in black and white and she's drawn to the bright and colorful. I actually rather liked it myself, "read" through it with my husband, and got a few chuckles out of the misadventures of Simon's cat. Oh well.

Recommended for anyone with a cat who enjoys funny situations and simple pictures. If your reluctant reader doesn't enjoy this one, pick up I am Pusheen the Cat by Claire Belton.
Profile Image for Shainlock.
794 reviews
February 23, 2023
I have found a new favorite! Simon’s Cat! He cheers me up, makes me laugh, and raises the hilarity levels. For that… I cannot thank him enough.
The cat himself can be a bit of a dingleberry; but he gets what’s coming to him. I like all the series I have read so far. I see now it started out as a YT sensation. I would like to see the originals someday. This is the first volume so I wanna say: Keep ‘em coming Simon!
Profile Image for Skip.
3,538 reviews535 followers
January 29, 2018
I just could not get that interested in this one. While there are a few sketches that are unique and funny, many are repetitious in different contexts. I mean how many times can Simon pose as a birdhouse, for example? I hope the YouTube videos are more worthwhile.
Profile Image for Adriana Scarpin.
1,523 reviews
February 6, 2018

Sigo as aventuras de Simon’s Cat há anos no youtube e no The Guardian, sempre divertido, mas muito me espanta a cara de desolado que o Simon faz toda vez que seu gato apronta, onde está a alegria de conviver com gatos? Este também é um ótimo presente para gatófilos de toda espécie, numa linguagem universal que se atêm apenas aos traços do desenho sem legendas, é divertidíssimo porque realmente faz um resumo do comportamentos dos gatos em geral.
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,386 reviews
August 9, 2022
I have to say that Simon's cat is a bit of a phenomenon and I thoroughly enjoy it - I have read all his books so I will admit that I am surprised that while sorting out my books I decided to re-read this book I discover it was never added to my Goodreads library

So here it is and what fun it is too - this was the first and the original and even though Simons cat has gone on to take over every media it appears to have been brought to the original comic strips I think are the best.

There is so much character here and even though I have yet to be attached by my cats with a bat (not the winged kind either) their constant reminding me to feed them does strike a chord.

You can tell with all the madness and mayhem that this is an artist who loves his cat and all the little presents he is brought. A great laugh and to me at least a reminder not to take things too seriously.
Profile Image for eris.
182 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2023
mam ogromny sentyment do animacji, bo oglądałxm je za dzieciaka. ta książka to czysta radość
Profile Image for Dane Cobain.
Author 19 books324 followers
March 18, 2018
If you’ve ever watched Simon’s Cat on YouTube then you should know what to expect here. It’s basically a collection of different drawings of Simon’s Cat getting up to no good, but because there are no words and no dialogue, sometimes it takes you a while to figure out what’s actually being depicted.

I actually didn’t enjoy this as much as I thought I would, which is kind of a shame. A lot of the cartoons didn’t really relate to my own cat and so it wasn’t always relatable, and by the time I reached the end of it there were only two of the cartoons that I took photos of because they reminded me of Biggie. Still, it was cute enough, despite the fact that it’s kind of pricey for what it is. I don’t think I’d recommend buying a brand new copy, especially at today’s prices, but if you can pick it up second hand then why not?

Really, though, I would have liked to have seen some sort of dialogue, some words that I could read instead of just pictures to look at. As it is, it’s really something that you just flick through in twenty minutes or so and then you’re done with it. And to be honest, it was kinda dull after the first five. So yeah.
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,209 reviews181 followers
September 8, 2022
На вниманието на всички коткофили (и всички поробени от котките си)! На вниманието на всички комикс почитатели и любители на британския хумор! Една YouTube сензация, която вече забавлява света повече от десетилетие прави своя книжен дебют и в България. Негово величество Котката на Саймън е тук, в две нови издания с логото на изд. „Сиела“. Прочутият карикатурен персонаж на Саймън Тофийлд е готов да ви разсмее… и просвет(л)и! Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле“: https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
December 14, 2010
I've been a massive fan of the Simon's Cat videos on YouTube for several years now so when I found out a book was being released last year it was the top of my Christmas list & I was very excited to receive a copy from my friend.  This is a book I've dipped in and out of regularly throughout the year & it always manages to make me laugh, even if I'm having a bad day.  Simon Tofield has perfectly captured the mischievous nature of every cat I've ever known and nearly all of the antics his cat gets up to are based on a behaviour I have seen in one of my 2 cats.

If you're a cat fan or just in need of a pick me up you can't fail to laugh at the Simon's Cat videos and the book is just the same. I'd recommend this to anyone, it makes a great coffee table book and is something you will return to again and again. The second book Simon's Cat: Beyond the Fence was released in October and once again it is at the top of my Christmas wish list!  If you've not come across this series before check out the Simon's Cat website and if the videos make you laugh you can't go wrong with this book.

I couldn't resist including a couple of pictures in my review, these all struck a particular cord with me reminding me of my own cats.

My youngest cat has an obsession with climbing the curtains, she hasn't quite made it to the ceiling yet but I wouldn't be too surprised if she makes it one day

There are several pages devoted to the difficult task of getting a cat into a basket for a trip to the dreaded vets that I'm sure any cat owner will be able to relate to, I have numerous scars from scenes much like the one above!

Yes my cats do have an expensive climbing frame.  Do they use it?  Of course not - they'd much rather play with an empty box!
Profile Image for Bonnie.
1,416 reviews1,090 followers
November 15, 2015
Being a huge fan of the Simon's Cat videos that are posted on youtube, I had to see if this book was just as good. It was FUNNY... but... I did love the videos so much more. Still worth taking a look at though. :)
Profile Image for Ana Lacuesta.
313 reviews107 followers
October 15, 2019
Alguna vez les conté que amo los cortos y las caricaturas de Simon? haber comprado este libro es de las mejores compras que hice este año, el primero encima, fue todo un hallazgo y adoré leer las primeras caricaturas, de muchas recordaba sus animaciones, y le tengo mucho cariño.

Imperdible para los amantes de los gatos, en especial a los fans de Simon's Cat.
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,508 reviews514 followers
January 29, 2022

Betsy Bird's review goes into rich detail. I'm content to say I loved it.


2022 January 29

It's odd that I am so fond of this book, and yet have never acquired another. Really need to remedy that.

We're at our record high for the pandemic, or just coming down off it. My cousin is one of 18 positive cases at her assisted living facility (despite be vaccinated and boosted), people from my department are sick, with their kids, the grocery store shelves have random weird blank spots every time I visit, and my few items cost way more than seems right: frozen pizza costs more than carryout. It's winter and January has been cold for us, whereas December was hot. We've had snowstorms three weekends in a row, but not enough to be really satisfying (because apparently I am not in a mood to be satisfied). So, yeah, I am really enjoying the break from my everything-is-horrible perception of reality for a bit. Cat cartoons are one of the eternal verities: no doubt one would find them in cave paintings.

Anyway, it's good to own books that make me smile. Kondo is right: keep the things that spark joy.

Personal copy
Profile Image for Natacha Cunha.
101 reviews17 followers
November 17, 2015
O Gato do Simon é um conjunto de ilustrações que nos levam nas mais variadas aventuras felinas.
É impossível que alguém que tenha um gato em casa não reveja o seu patudo nas traquinices e tropelias do gato do Simon. Desde a eterna paixão por caixas, à amizade com pássaros, à necessidade de ser alimentado o tempo todo, ser capaz de tudo para captar a atenção do dono mas descartá-lo quando este o quer beijar. Arranjos de flores? Esqueçam a ideia de ter isso em casa! Não há dúvidas: os gatos têm muita personalidade.

Não conhecia o trabalho de Simon Tofield enquanto Youtuber, por isso não tenho termo de comparação com a componente vídeo, mas acho incrível como consegue passar a mensagem sem recorrer uma única vez a palavras. Este livro é composto exclusivamente por ilustrações que nos fazem passar um bom momento a sorrir e a pensar que... os gatos são mesmo assim!

Um livro que qualquer amante de gatos vai adorar!

Opinião: http://pbpretonobranco.blogspot.pt/20...
Profile Image for Chalchihut.
220 reviews47 followers
June 13, 2018
I think we love Simon's Cat, because his observation on cats are so close to reality. Even though the way to interpret the cats in his videos have changed during time, it's still so lovely to experience his views on cats while we witness ours at home.

The drawings in this book are basically like the videos, but the book doesn't give the same taste. It lacks the small yet important details in cats' behaviours. Still, how can someone not like the Simon's Cat?

[Read in Turkish]
Profile Image for Inka.
269 reviews8 followers
October 31, 2022
Simonin kissa on ollut ennestään tuttu animaatioista ja sarjakuvastripeistä. Ihmettelen suuresti, jos löytyy kissaihminen joka ei pidä Simonin kissasta lainkaan, onhan nämä sarjakuvat aivan ihania ja tavoittavat paljon olennaista kissan omistamisesta viihdyttävällä tavalla. Kokonaista kirjaa lukiessa tuli kuitenkin hetkittäin olo, että stripit toistavat samoja perusajatuksia joiden ympärille on rakennettu useammanlaisia tilanteita vitsin oikeastaan muuttumatta. Tästä syystä vähensin yhden tähden, ja totesin, että Simonin kissa toimii pienempänä kerta-annoksena paremmin kuin kirjamuodossa.
Profile Image for Hanna.
118 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2018
Kissat on parhaita. Piirrustustyyli on aivan mahtava.
683 reviews74 followers
April 27, 2020
Cute but dull at times. But mostly cute.
Profile Image for Sikata.
215 reviews67 followers
August 8, 2018
“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
― James Herriot

I read this comics while having meals. It's a light read and very funny. Moody, ever hungry, wrecking kitty action illustrated beautifully.

This book is for all the cat lovers out there. You can't help but relate to every page as a cat owner. I happened to relate because we had cats when I was quite small (they weren't a big fan of my hugs. But still they got it everyday 😁)
Profile Image for JG (Introverted Reader).
1,141 reviews506 followers
October 2, 2009
This is apparently based on some popular YouTube videos of the same name. I've never heard of it, but since I almost never go to YouTube, that's not saying much. Still, I saw the title on the Goodreads giveaways list and decided to enter to win a free book. I have a cat, and who doesn't love a good cartoon about cats? I was lucky enough to win a copy.

This was cute. I think every cat owner will recognize their cat in these pages. The way he's always begging for food, plotting to catch the local wildlife, ripping off his bell-collar, and just generally being a lovable, annoying furball are spot on. There's one section about the ordeal of getting the cat into the pet carrier and to the vet that I am going to show my aunt. She will love it! And does she have a story about that! Some things seemed a little familiar from Garfield (mostly the cat-as-birdhouse routines), but mostly this was original and funny. With his best friend the garden gnome and his arch-nemesis the porcupine in tow, Simon's cat will charm your socks off.

One thing that bothered me was that I wasn't sure where one little storyline ended and where another started. They weren't consistently the same length, sometimes there were several on a page, and sometimes one little story went on for pages. Maybe it was just me. But still--that's what knocked this down a star.

Overall, though, I recommend this for cat lovers. I'll be checking out the YouTube videos soon myself.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 358 reviews

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