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The Russians #2

A House Divided

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The Russians book 2. The soldiers have returned, but the turmoil grows for the nation.

352 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1992

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About the author

Michael R. Phillips

221 books581 followers
Librarian Note: there is more than one author with this name in the Goodreads database.

Michael Phillips has been writing in the Christian marketplace for 30 years. All told, he has written, co-written, and edited some 110 books. Phillips and his wife live in the U.S., and make their second home in Scotland.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews
Profile Image for Erin.
3,368 reviews473 followers
May 13, 2018
3.5 stars

Since all the principal characters had been introduced in The Crown and the Crucible , book 2 definitely had a bit more meat as rebels continue to try and assassinate their Tsar and Anna's brother, Paul is in the mix. Anna and Sergei find themselves parted, Katrina is being courted by a controversial figure, and Anna and Paul's father, Yevno battles a failing heart.

I enjoyed this slightly more than the first book, but this is a fairly clean description of the conflict between the Romanov leader and his subjects. However, this is a Christian historical romance which is light on the history and heavy on the romance. Again it is the curiousity of seeing everything play out and the short chapters that pushes me to keep on going.
Profile Image for Tirzah Eleora.
173 reviews38 followers
February 7, 2018
Enjoyable, although certain plot lines were terribly cliché and cheesy. Not as well written as the first book, but there is a lot more action.
Profile Image for Whitney White.
71 reviews
January 14, 2017
I love this series. I could not put this book down. One thing I really liked about it is the fact that it is in a time period neglected by historical fiction, and history in general. It is always passed up for the more exciting Bolshevik Revolution 30-odd years later, so I found the historical tidbits quite interesting, and it helped me understand better the volatile state of Russia under the Tsar Liberator. The characters are quite well developed, too, and I liked that a significant portion of the story happens in Anna's home village, which was not the case in the first book.
Profile Image for Becky.
5,815 reviews261 followers
April 16, 2019
First sentence: The garden was once again still.

A House Divided is the second book in the series, The Russians by Michael R. Phillips and Judith Pella. Some series books are capable of standing alone, however, I'm not sure this is the case with A House Divided. All the characters--perhaps with the exception of a few minor characters, mostly rebels--were first introduced in the first book The Crown and the Crucible.

Anna, our heroine, is still a loyal maid to Katrina. Katrina is still head over heels in love with her brother's best friend, but when she can't have him...she starts to look elsewhere for love and attention. And the consequences to her poor judgment may be long-lasting. Anna's brother, Paul, is mixed up with a REALLY bad set--the rebels who think nothing of sacrificing innocent lives--civilians--in their ongoing quest to kill royalty and nobles. If their father knew, oh, the heartbreak that it would cause. Speaking of which, Anna does have to go home to help care for her father in his illness...and she's joined by another....one who wants her father's blessing on their marriage. She'll return to her post as maid, but, her situation may be changing. Katrina will be wanting to bring her along to her new household...

The Russians is like a soap opera in book form. It has dozens of characters, differing points of view, conflict and tension, and above all else DRAMA. But it's not all drama all the time. Anna and her father are deeply devoted to God. They have testifying to do...let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

I really am loving this series so far. Sometimes I want to yell at the characters--probably why it reminded me of a soap opera. But overall, it's just an enjoyable treat and a good reminder of why I love historical fiction.
Profile Image for Talia.
143 reviews8 followers
September 7, 2018
This book features a lot of people doing dumb/dangerous things. I wanted to continue reading the book to find out what would happen next, but the more I read, the worse things became and I wasn't sure I wanted to keep reading.

People were plotting murders and there were several assassination attempts, a woman accepted a marriage proposal from a psychopath (I really was not into that at all), and there was quite a bit of violence.

There is a rape attempt in one scene that was semi-detailed. There are quite a few gory things in this book as well--a detailed hanging execution, multiple horrific deaths.

Once I got to the last third of the book, things finally started to look up. Anna is able to go back to her hometown to see her family again, & I liked reading about her family & their lives again.

We were able to see more of Dmitri, and not just his usual drunken escapades. I don't want to give away too much but the authors give us a peek into his heart and mind, which helped me to understand him a little more.

I liked how Sergei was able to meet Anna's parents too. Those scenes with him and her parents were some of favorites in the book.

The end of the book was perfect. A lovely happy ending :)

3 stars.
Profile Image for Ekaterina.
141 reviews48 followers
July 18, 2017
Ok, so I really liked the book, but there was some things that made me not want to give a 4 star rating.

First of all, the second book didn't really compare to the first book. I don't know why I didn't like the second book as much. The book was still really good. There were some inaccuracies that I didn't like. In Russia, they don't celebrate mass. Instead of mass, it's called a liturgy, which is a big difference because mass gives the connotation that Russia is Catholic, when it is actually an Orthodox Christian nation. I also felt like some of the story line was extremely unrealistic, especially for the time period. I half disliked it, and half didn't mind it because I was looking for an easy read anyways.

I loved reading about the rest of the characters. I liked Katrina's change in character, and watching the relationship between Anna and Sergei grow. I loved those parts. :-)
Profile Image for Melissa.
26 reviews
August 21, 2016
I thought this book was better than the first in the series. It was less political and more character and events driven. While there is still little mystery as to the events that will happen or how those events will occur, the book is compelling and keeps the reader invested in the character's lives. I greatly preferred the events surrounding Anna and Katrina to those involving Paul. His character is not developed enough to feel the conflict I should towards him and his associates are equally lacking in compelling characteristics. As a result, Paul's parts in the story were not nearly as interested has Anna's. Overall, I've enjoyed this series and look forward to its conclusion.
Profile Image for Wendy.
649 reviews
February 23, 2018
3.5 stars for this one! Book 2 in the series was entertaining and picked right up where book 1 left off.
I love reading the Russian history and found it very interesting.
Katrina and Anna are grown women now and each has someone they love and hoping to plan a future with.
I don't mind a little bit of romance in the books I read, but there was much more in this book than the last and it had some cheesy moments.
What I most enjoyed reading about were the conflicts between the aristocratic Romanov family and the peasant rebels who fight against them.
Good book and well written, but I liked the first one better!
Profile Image for Jeni Enjaian.
2,698 reviews45 followers
August 3, 2017
I read this book many years ago as either a middle schooler or underclassman in high school. I adored the book and entire series then. This remembered adoration helped me make the decision to skip these books when reading through my collection four years ago. I read many books by both of these authors since then and gradually became aware of the glaringly obvious shortcomings of their authorship. These shortcomings infected every book I read by them. I had no hope that these books would survive a second read. As I supposed, they did not.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
1,182 reviews4 followers
August 12, 2015
The plot moved between Anna and Katrina and what was happening in their lives. Anna's father getting sick and her brother Paul coming to the city. Katrina with the news that Dmitri was engaged, finding a "boyfriend" and her brother Sergei leaving the home to "find himself." I would have liked to see more of Sergei...but there was a more concrete villain in this book then the last. Lots more political undercurrents and upheaval.

Favorite quote: How lovely and vibrant it all looks, thought Sergei as he stood watching.
Profile Image for Sara.
148 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2009
I really enjoyed this book. Paul really comes into his own in this book and several issues in the first book are worked out. Katrina has grown up tremendously and is forced to make a hard decision of the heart. Anna must face more difficulty in her personal life but the book ends with hope for her future.
844 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2009
Simple fare, but entertaining. It got rather trite when the Prince goes to work in the peasant village and extoles how much he loves physical labor, and the the happiness of the peasant life. Somehow, I don't think peasant life was really very pleasant at all. Reminded me of the flower children of the 60's return to nature.
Profile Image for Adelein.
678 reviews6 followers
March 13, 2016
Ehkä hieman parempi kuin ensimmäinen osa. Mielestäni Anna ja Katarina ovat mielenkiintoisimmat henkilöt, joten olisin halunnut lukea heistä enemmän kuin Pavelista. Toisaalta oli hieman haittaa siitä, että tuntee historiaa tarinan takana: arvasin nimittäin, että yritykset tsaarin murhaamiseksi epäonnistuvat.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
662 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2017
A lovely sequel! Anna continues to be the servant of Princess Katrina. Katrina is in love with Demetri, but another man is trying to have her heart. I'm glad that Anna got to go home for a while for her ill father. When her father fainted in the field, I was so worried that he was going to die, but he didn't. The wedding at the end of the book was beautiful.
May 26, 2017
Another great book in this series. I can't wait to start the next book. This book gave us more insight into the main characters' lives. As they are growing up and learning who they are and what they believe, it makes us think about what we would do and which character we would hope to become. Great writing and great series.
Profile Image for Christine.
175 reviews
December 30, 2017
This book was just as satisfying as the first, and I am looking forward to continuing the series. I am not sure if I was just reading too quickly, but it seemed to me that many big details about some of the characters were left out and I had to fill in the blanks myself. Nonetheless, the story is sweet and this book seemed much shorter than it actually was.
Profile Image for Beth Given.
1,382 reviews47 followers
February 20, 2008
This is a follow-up to The Crown and the Crucible by the same authors. As interested as I am in the characters and the story, I just can’t get past the writing style — flowery and wordy, in my opinion.
Profile Image for Marie.
52 reviews5 followers
April 8, 2009
This is the second book in the Russian series. I found it an enjoyable book. I love reading about Russian History. Prince Sergei returns to Anna after being in the army and at war. Anna and Sergei have to make many decisions that will affect both of them.

This is one of my favorite series.
Profile Image for Kristelle.
183 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2009
At first I was afraid the book was going to move to far away from Katrina and Anna but while the author brought in Paul's story along with Sergi's a bit more the girls were still a big part of the story. I am feeling more and more connected with each book.
Profile Image for Rachel.
3,517 reviews56 followers
June 30, 2015
This was a well-written and truly interesting historical subtly Christian novel, which is part of a series set in Russia in the 1870s and 80s. All of the characters are well drawn, and most of them are also likeable. I really enjoyed the novel and am looking forward to reading more of the series.
Profile Image for Norma.
276 reviews
May 22, 2016
The saga continues

As the political intrigues escalate, Anna and Katrina continue to grow together toward their futures. Who will Katrina marry? What will become of Anna? Must read!

5 reviews
February 2, 2018
Love wins

I love the writing of these wonderful author's! They bring you into the world of the characters. In your minds eye you experience the life of the peasants, the loved of their country,and the heart of Anna!
392 reviews8 followers
August 26, 2018
This is an excellent continuation of this series. Relationships are rekindled and families are broken by decisions that are made. I found this book to be a little easier reading O think because of familiarity with the characters.

I definitely enjoyed it and recommend this book and series.
Profile Image for Mandy.
15 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2007
Historical/Religious Fiction about the Russian Revolution (Book 2).
Profile Image for Ann.
18 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2008
2nd in the historical fiction set in Russia. Read right through it quickly
Profile Image for Kristen.
35 reviews4 followers
May 14, 2008
a continuation of the first, great book. If you like historical fictions, check this out! A quick easy read...
Profile Image for Karen.
61 reviews
November 20, 2009
I had not read much about nihilism. The author does a great job showing how someone could be deceived by this thinking and do the unthinkable.
Profile Image for Aurora.
91 reviews9 followers
December 1, 2010
The second in the series was not boring at all! I loved how invested I became in the characters and their lives. A wonderful, worthwhile read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 58 reviews

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