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The Magic Finger

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What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?

To the Gregg family, hunting is just plain fun. To the girl who lives next door, it's just plain horrible. She tries to be polite. She tries to talk them out of it, but the Greggs only laugh at her. Then one day the Greggs go too far, and the little girl turns her Magic Finger on them. When she's very, very angry, the little girl's Magic Finger takes over. She really can’t control it, and now it's turned the Greggs into birds! Before they know it, the Greggs are living in a nest, and that's just the beginning of their problems…

67 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1966

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About the author

Roald Dahl

1,398 books25.3k followers
Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short story writer and screenwriter of Norwegian descent, who rose to prominence in the 1940's with works for both children and adults, and became one of the world's bestselling authors.

Dahl's first published work, inspired by a meeting with C. S. Forester, was Shot Down Over Libya. Today the story is published as A Piece of Cake. The story, about his wartime adventures, was bought by the Saturday Evening Post for $900, and propelled him into a career as a writer. Its title was inspired by a highly inaccurate and sensationalized article about the crash that blinded him, which claimed he had been shot down instead of simply having to land because of low fuel.

His first children's book was The Gremlins, about mischievous little creatures that were part of RAF folklore. The book was commissioned by Walt Disney for a film that was never made, and published in 1943. Dahl went on to create some of the best-loved children's stories of the 20th century, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and James and the Giant Peach.

He also had a successful parallel career as the writer of macabre adult short stories, usually with a dark sense of humour and a surprise ending. Many were originally written for American magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Harper's, Playboy and The New Yorker, then subsequently collected by Dahl into anthologies, gaining world-wide acclaim. Dahl wrote more than 60 short stories and they have appeared in numerous collections, some only being published in book form after his death. His stories also brought him three Edgar Awards: in 1954, for the collection Someone Like You; in 1959, for the story "The Landlady"; and in 1980, for the episode of Tales of the Unexpected based on "Skin".

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,589 reviews
Profile Image for Lily .
90 reviews16k followers
July 23, 2017
Lol, 1st book for the Booktube-A-Thon complete!
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
November 8, 2021
The Magic Finger, Roald Dahl

The Magic Finger is a fantasy story written by Roald Dahl in 1962.

The Magic Finger is narrated by an eight-year-old girl, growing up on a farm, in the English countryside, next door to the Gregg family, who have a passion for hunting.

The titular "Magic Finger" is an ability she has that activates inadvertently whenever she gets intensely angry: the finger, shoots out a beam of energy, that apparently seeks out whoever has angered the girl, with unpredictable consequences.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و دوم ماه ژوئن سال2000میلادی

عنوان: انگشت جادویی؛ اثر: رولد دال؛ تصویرگر کوئنتین بلیک؛ برگردان گیتا گرگانی؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، نشر چشمه، کتاب ونوشه، سال1378، در66ص، مصور، کتابهای کودکان و نوجوانان، شابک9645571324، چاپ سوم زمستان سال1386، موضوع ادبیات نوجوان، داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیا، سده 20م

ماجرای دختر هشت ساله ‌ای است، که هرگاه از کاری؛ یا کسی ناراحت ‌شود، به گفته ی خودش، خون جلوی چشم‌هایش را می‌گیرد، اگر انگشتش را به سوی آنها، که اذیتش کرده ‌اند، بگیرد، رخداد غریبی رخ می‌دهد؛ یکروز، وقتیکه او، در کلاس درس، نتوانست کلمه ی گربه را درست هجی کند، و معلمش، خانم «وینتر»، به او گفت «تو دختر کوچولوی خنگی هستی!»؛ و او را مجبور کرد، گوشه ی کلاس بایستد، یکی از همان اتفاق‌ها افتاد؛ روز دیگری هم، وقتی آقای «گرِگ»، و دو پسر هشت، و یازده ساله ‌اش، از شکار برمی‌گشتند، و گوزن زیبایی، شکار شده، و دست و پا بسته، روی شانه‌ های آنها بود، دخترک خیلی تلاش کرد، به آنها بفهماند، که آنکار صحیح نیست، و حیوانات هم حق زندگی دارند، آنها هم خانواده دارند، او گفت «الان بچه ‌های این گوزن، چشم انتظارش هستند...»؛ ولی آن سه نفر، به او توجه نکردند، حتی آقای «گرِگ»، مانند اینکه او را ندیده، راه خود را گرفت، و رفت، آنروز هم، باز خون جلوی چشم‌هایش را گرفت، و انگشتش، ...؛ بله، باز هم رخداد عجیبی رخ داد؛ عجیبتر از آنکه فکرش را بکنید؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 03/09/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 16/08/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
June 28, 2019
You can also read my review @https://readrantrockandroll.wordpress...

The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl is a story about a girl with a magic finger. She lives next door to the Gregg family who like to hunt for fun and this makes her very angry. She doesn’t think it’s right for people to hunt animals for fun and when she gets angry, her finger takes control. Her magic finger has a special lesson in store, but the big problem is not knowing exactly what will happen when she uses it.

The story teaches a huge lesson to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I read this with two of my younger children and we all enjoyed it. It’s certainly thought-provoking and inspired an entire conversation with my family about eating meat and how we should be responsible and care for the animals we have. It will also get you thinking about why it’s important to control your disposition because actions always have consequences.

Profile Image for Dream.M.
782 reviews213 followers
August 18, 2021
همه‌ی بچه ها یه قدرت جادویی دارن.
اگر بچه ای رو میبینی که از قدرتش استفاده نمیکنه، به این خاطره که هنوز کشفش نکرده
Profile Image for Starjustin.
91 reviews271 followers
February 15, 2018
Written in 1964 Roald Dahl's 'The Magic Finger' is a lesson well taught through a little girls magical finger. This lovely children's book is illustrated throughout by Quentin Blake.
This was my second Roald Dahl book and I am looking forward to reading many more. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
December 10, 2020
Remind me not to piss off this girl

The Girl with the Magic Finger often lashes out. She can't help it - if she gets mad at an injustice, her finger does something...magical. She did it once to a terrible teacher - with disastrous consequences. She tries her best to avoid using it but sometimes, it just happens.

The Gregg family loves to hunt - oftentimes for sport rather than need - and the poor girl has to watch them bring in all these dead animals every week. She witnesses the Gregg family kill bird after bird (bringing home sixteen of them one day) and in her anger, she points at them with that magic finger. And thus begins the Gregg family's harrowing journey and path to redemption.

The plot felt more than a little heavy-handed - with the Gregg family painted as complete and utterly evil. I do agree that over-hunting for fun should always be avoided but to paint the family as that bad? And the plight they are forced to suffer seemed more than a little extreme.

Overall, not Dahl's best but certainly better than the worst.

Narrated by Kate Winslet, this story was delightful to listen to. She does an excellent job with tone and characterization!

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Profile Image for Ahmed  Ejaz.
549 reviews365 followers
August 5, 2017
There is a girl who has a magical finger. We don't know her name. Anyway, it doesn't matter because she is just a narrator of the book.
This book is about Mr. Gregg and his family. They hunt for pleasure. The Girl, our narrator, forbids them but they don't listen. And by accident, her finger magically turns them into the bird.
After that they face hardships of bird's life and get to know that how it feels to face a gun.

This is a children book. I read it for my younger cousin for his school's work. I liked it. But there were very obvious plot holes. Of course it's a children book. So it doesn't feel that bad.

August 4, 2017
Profile Image for Mir.
4,915 reviews5,233 followers
October 12, 2011
No hunting! It is mean! Plus, you never know when your psycho neighbor is going to flip out and and punish you with her "Magic Finger" (does that sound dirty to anyone else?). Better to stay inside where it's safe. Don't answer the door to any kids, or ducks.

This seems preachier than is the norm for Dahl. The magic isn't developed, and we don't spend enough time with the narrator to know her or care about her. The way in which the narrator characterized her magic finger as something outside herself and not under her control, while Dahl makes it clear that her feelings direct what happens, could have led to a really interesting psychological examination of anger and action and valuable points about responsibility and self-control. I would rather have had a longer book that dealt with those issues.
Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
911 reviews472 followers
February 23, 2020

This story wasn't bad, but unfortunately the whole narrative of a girl hating on a bunch of hunters didn't quite agree with me, since I read this book right after Danny the Champion of the World which spent more than 200 pages to explain how cool poaching is. This wasn't as bad as the other one; the story was actually kinda cute, but I am so disappointed at Roald Dhal right now for disliking all his works I recently read that I might just rate this book lower for that reason. So yeah, don't listen to me, I am just angry at my childhood's favourite author for not actually being as good as I remembered. It happens! :(
Profile Image for Shainlock.
794 reviews
March 13, 2020
This was hilarious, wackadoodle, and carried a great message from the author. I have nothing against those people hunting animals for food; or doing so to keep animal populations in check, etc. but the Gregg family in this story, seemed to be doing it just to shoot things for fun. This is where the “magic finger” comes in.
It seems a bit tricky.
I love Dahl. Dahl seems to be sending a message that he doesn’t condone the shooting and hunting of animals for no good reason.
Especially not our clever feathered friends in this story!
This edition also features substance after the story that I really liked. There are quotes from Dahl, a picture of things he kept on his desk, facts, trivia, & a lot of other neat stuff that made it really interesting. I really loved the quirky things he kept on his desk !
To hear his beginning, one would never expect to hear of his career going like it did. It’s inspirational!

It also talks of the illustrator and Dahl. I love that this stuff was added in. It added length and depth for me. So, ...

Duck down and read this for a good message and some laughs.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,960 followers
April 5, 2017
Stay out of her way - or she'll zap you! The book The Magic Finger is a wonderful story about controlling your temper from the ever-exuberant and humorous Roald Dahl. Up there in the second tier of my favourite Dahl books!
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,671 reviews13.2k followers
January 10, 2019
I remember not liking The Magic Finger as a kid despite being a huge Roald Dahl fan but I couldn’t quite put my finger (ahhh!) on why, so I thought I’d re-read it to see if maybe my view on it has changed - and it hasn’t!

A girl - who’s such a non-character she doesn’t even have a name; if she did it’d be “Plot Contrivance”! - has a magic finger that does magic when she gets angry and points it at people. She points it at a local family who enjoy duck hunting, turning them into ducks to be hunted by ducks with guns.

Hmm. Ok. This is just an aside but I feel like it’s worth mentioning. Hunters have been given a really bad rap this past hundred years or so in the West and that really needs to stop. I think a large part of that is down to Disney, not just for that notorious scene from Bambi but for their many lovable talking animal characters. And that’s what turns some people to vegetarianism or veganism.

The truth about hunting is more complicated. Hunters keep animal populations down, ensuring their environment continues to thrive through balance. It’s a skilful sport, the meat is often healthier to eat than shop-bought meat and it connects us to our deepest roots as a species. It’s a better alternative to factory farming if you’re going to eat meat, not least as it’s more humane - and I’m certain Dahl was a meat eater too. What a hypocritical stance to take - hunting your own meat is wrong but eating meat killed by others Far Away is better??

Even that infamous photo of an American dentist standing over a lion he shot is more nuanced than the narrative pushed of some rich asshole wanting to prove he’s a “real man” by killing a “noble creature”. The fact is that the local rangers cull lions to keep the human population safe as well as allow the remaining lions enough food to keep from preying on local children. That they were paid to let someone else cull that particular lion only meant that they got much-needed funds to improve their community. But online outrage culture doesn’t allow for nuance so people on Twitter went crazy and came up with their own silly narrative.

I could go on but I’ll just leave it at this: hunting is vastly more complex than simply seeing it as a sadistic activity for psychos.

Not that this simplistic portrayal of hunters is why I continue to dislike The Magic Finger. The book is just not very interesting. The story is very one-note, unengaging and oddly unimaginative by Dahl’s standards. The characters aren’t particularly memorable either, though the large humanoid ducks were amusing. It’s not his worst book but The Magic Finger is definitely down there as among Roald Dahl’s lesser efforts.
Profile Image for Ken.
2,391 reviews1,363 followers
June 13, 2020
A classic Dahl tale that past me by as a kid, it never seems to be mentioned alongside his other best sellers.
This very short story makes for a perfect bedtime story, the same level of surrealism and a strong anti hunting message to boot.

The young eight year old narrator is so enraged with her neighbour's hunting habits, that she turns the whole of the Gregg family into birds by the use of her magic finger.
Thus the hunters become the hunted.

Like all Dahl's books its Blake's illustrations that adds an extra layer of enjoyment, seeing the Gregg's trying to build a nest was so funny.

A very quick but satisfying read.
Profile Image for emma.
2,253 reviews74.5k followers
August 16, 2021
this book contains a very important lesson: even Roald Dahl can't win them all.

yes, he is the mind behind Matilda, and The BFG, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and a soldier memoir that launched me on a dad-like lifelong mild interest in World War II, and the criminally underrated Fantastic Mr. Fox, but he also wrote this, a moral/didactic misfire that is also boring.

i also think, like the protagonist, that hunting for fun is bad, but so does Fantastic Mr. Fox, and that book is whimsical enough to warrant a Wes Anderson adaptation.

this one does not even warrant mention in anyone's naming of Roald Dahl's works off the top of their head.

remember that old series where i review books i read forever ago? this is that
Profile Image for Paula Mota.
1,285 reviews432 followers
February 1, 2021

Ter um dedo mágico que entra em acção quando uma pessoa se irrita parece-me um poder muito útil e, nesta história de Roald Dahl, a jovem protagonista usa-o para dar uma lição a uma família de caçadores. Dahl é meu pedagogo preferido, com a sua ética duvidosa e métodos radicais, mas esta história é a mais óbvia e simplista de todas as que já li dele.

“Fiquei tão zangada que comecei a gritar com eles. Os rapazes riram-se e fizeram-me caretas, e o Sr. Gregg disse-me para ir para casa e me meter nos meus assuntos. Pois foi exactamente o que fiz! Fiquei furiosa. E antes de conseguir conter-me, fiz uma coisa que nunca tivera intenção de fazer. Apontei o dedo mágico a todos eles!
Profile Image for Maede.
415 reviews563 followers
March 15, 2020
وقتی رولد دال از کسایی که برای تفریح شکار می کنند خوشش نمیاد چیکار می کنه؟
یک داستان می نویسه و با کارمای رولد دالی پدرشون رو درمیاره

پ.ن: همونطور که هزاربار فرندز دیدن زندگی رو کمی قابل تحمل تر می کنه، رولد دال خوانی و بازخوانی هم همینطوره

Profile Image for James.
448 reviews
October 19, 2017
Not Roald Dahl at his finest - nevertheless a good short entertaining book with the usual great illustrations by Quentin Blake.

For anyone who doesn't agree with hunting birds for 'sport'.......

For anyone who ever got angry and wanted revenge.......
Profile Image for Mariah Roze.
1,056 reviews1,059 followers
March 15, 2017
I really enjoyed this story! It was a fast, easy read that was very entertaining.

This story would be a perfect fantasy story about animal rights. The main character lives next door to a family that loves to hunt birds. She doesn't like that they are hurting animals, so she tries to talk them out of it, but they only laugh at her. Then one day the family goes too far and kills a ton of birds. This makes the main character angry and when she is angry her finger starts to tingle. She didn't mean to turn her magic finger on the family, but when the little girl is angry her Magic Finger takes over. It turned the family into birds! This forces them to live in a nest, eat nonhuman food and more. Then more problems keep arising...

I suggest this book to anyone that likes short stories and Roald Dahl's amazing writing :)
Profile Image for Fahim.
256 reviews108 followers
May 7, 2023
دوسش داشتم، نقطه اوجش جایی بود که اردکها تفنگهاشون رو به سمت خانواده گرِگ نشانه رفته بودن و گفتن ما هم از این به بعد این اجازه رو به همدیگه میدیم که به انسانها شلیک کنیم!
Profile Image for Agir(آگِر).
437 reviews574 followers
November 26, 2017
سرانجام صبح شد و گرمای خورشید را با خود آورد...خانم گِرِگ گفت: «خب، خدا را شکر که به خیر گذشت! اصلا دلم نمی خواهد دوباره توی لانه بخوابم!» او نگاهش به پایین انداخت و فریاد زد: وای! نگاه کنید! پایین را نگاه کنید
آن پایین، چهار اردک تفنگ ایستاده بودند و سه تای آنها تفنگ داشتند. یکی از آنها تفنگ آقای گرگ، یکی تفنگ فیلیپ و یکی تفنگ ویلیام را به دست گرفته بودند. تفنگ ها درست لانه را نشانه رفته بودند
آقا و خانم گرگ هردو باهم فریاد زدند: نه! نه! نه! شلیک نکنید! خواهش میکنم شلیک نکنید
یکی از اردگ ها گفت: چرا شلیک نکنیم؟ شما همیشه به ما شلیک می کنید
آقای گرگ گفت: اما فرق می کند! ما اجازه داریم به اردک ها شلیک کنیم
اردک پرسید: کی این اجازه را به شما می دهد؟
آقای گر�� گفت: ما به هم اجازه می دهیم
اردک گفت: خیلی خوب است. و حالا ما خیال داریم به همدیگر اجازه بدهیم که به شما شلیک کنیم
خانم گرگ فریاد زد: وای، خواهش می کنم! دو بچه کوچکم این بالا پیش ما هستند! شما نباید به بچه های ما شلیک کنید
اردک گفت: دیروز شما به بچه های من شلیک کردید و هر شش تای آنها را کشتید
Profile Image for Steph.
680 reviews421 followers
March 22, 2023
mi primero libro leí completamente en español 🥺 y fue una buena elección. que cuento tan divertido! yo empecé a aprender español hace uno año, y finalmente puedo leer unos libros para niños!

desafortunadamente ya leí la mayoría de los libros de roald dahl. but i wish there were more new dahl stories for me to devour, because reading this one en español brought a childlike joy to my experience of the story. his absurdist humor is so entertaining. making my way through the words slowly, i often laughed out loud at the sheer ridiculousness, probably much like a child reading a new dahl tale for the first time.

the story itself is a blast, though i wish we spent more time with our scrappy protagonist. she has the gift of a magic finger that can stir things up, and she despises hunting, and her neighbors are duck hunters... you can imagine what hijinks might ensue. my only complaint is that after the finger does its transformative work, she is largely absent from the story. we just follow what happens to the neighbors, and she only comes back in the end to hear the story. but i love the absurdism and the overall message of the story. larga vida a los patos!
Profile Image for Matt.
4,204 reviews13k followers
May 26, 2017
On this mini-binge of Dahl writing, I came across this short story that speaks volumes to the younger generation. Our young narrator speaks about the Gregg family, known for their hunting trips that scare much of the wildlife in the area. The reader learns of a secret power possessed by the narrator, whereby an itching feeling from the tip of the finger leads to a small white flash and then all is changed for the better. During one of their hunts, the Greggs are unknowingly zapped by this 'magic' finger while the narrator watches, which turn the hunted ducks into a small flock of pests that chase the Gregg family back to their cottage. After a night of fitful rest, all four members of the family arise to find that their hands have been replaced with wings and they are banished outside, forced to fend for themselves. For the following day, the Greggs must fly around and try to find food, while a family of four human-sized ducks inhabit their home. Having learned their lesson, the Greggs try to regain some sense of normalcy in their lives, while also seeking to make a change for the better. Dahl impresses with this story that teeters on the edge of silliness, while also instilling some valuable lessons for the reader. Perfect for a coffee break or a snuggle up with some younger ones before bed.

Dahl knows how to pull on all aspects of story writing to keep children interested while also bringing forth important lessons. The reader will see some of the humour and silliness within this story, but also sense a serious side that Dahl wants to express, in this case the importance of respecting all that lives in the community, be it other humans, flora, or even fauna. If memory serves, this was one story that earned Dahl a significant amount of money when he was still getting into the children's genre (before Charlie Bucket and The BFG). It shows in the writing, as he was still more serious in his delivery. Life lessons abound in this story and the reader is left to hope for more pieces with powerful moral undertones. An entertaining piece that should not be missed by readers young and old.
Kudos, Mr. Dahl for all your delightful work. Children of many generations can surely rely on being entertained and educated with these wonderful pieces.

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Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
January 8, 2015
Not my favourite Roald Dahl, it wasn't quite as magical or memorable as Matilda or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, nevertheless it was still a quick, fun story about talking ducks and a girl with a magic finger.
Profile Image for B Schrodinger.
212 reviews701 followers
June 19, 2017
I never got around to reading this one as a kid - the library didn't have a copy and it looks like I never found it in a second-hand bookstore. Did I miss out on anything? No.

The Magic Finger is the story of an unnamed girl. The girl has a magic finger which blasts people for being asses. There's a little backstory, how she got her teacher, and then it's onto the main event - a hunter and his boys who shoot ducks. This makes the girl angry!

Simple, moral, a touch of Dahl. But, despite the title, no magic - no Dahl magic. It amused me for about 20 minutes, and the baby was quiet for 20 minutes. But it's no Matilda or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Profile Image for Repellent Boy.
552 reviews577 followers
November 16, 2019
Pequeño cuentito de la mano de Dahl, donde nuevamente vemos sus mismos ingredientes: adultos malos, algún niño o niña que hace justicia y un grupo de animalitos que ayudan.

Aún no sea de sus mejores relatos, se lee de un tirón y siempre es un gusto ver las mismas críticas en las novelas de Roald Dahl. Un mundo adulto egoísta y avasallador con todo lo que les rodea, ya sean niños, animales, naturaleza... Y es el caso de esta novela, que crítica la caza y el placer del ser humano de matar animales por entretenimiento. Genial, como de costumbre.
Profile Image for Hasti Amirian .
19 reviews
June 28, 2024
این دومین اثری هست که از رولد دال می‌خونم.
توی ژانر ادبیات کودک، رولد دال یکی از نویسنده‌های مورد علاقه‌ی منه.

داستانِ فانتزیِ زیبایی بود که همدلی و دوست‌داشتن حیوانات رو به کودکان یاد میده.
Profile Image for Jules.
1,056 reviews221 followers
March 30, 2018
The Magic Finger was another long distance buddy read with my seven year old niece, Daisy. We both enjoyed this, but not as much as Esio Trot. Daisy loved that Mr and Mrs Gregg changed their surname to Egg. We both thought it was a shame that Girl didn’t have a proper name of her own, so we decided to call her Maddy Finkley, as it sounds a little bit like magic finger. I can certainly think of a few occasions in the past when a magic finger would have come in useful. Overall, this was a 4 star read for both of us.
Profile Image for Harun Ahmed.
1,285 reviews270 followers
February 3, 2022
রোয়াল ডাল মানেই অনাবিল আনন্দ আর নিটোল গল্প। তার লেখা গল্প উপন্যাসের সাথে "শিক্ষণীয়" "উপদেশমূলক" শব্দগুলো ঠিক মানায় না।ম্যাজিক ফিঙ্গার লেখকের দলছুট ফ্যান্টাসি গল্প। এ গল্পটিতে লেখকের চিরাচরিত হাস্যরসের সাথে "শিক্ষণীয়" ব্যাপারও আছে। খুবই উপভোগ্য গল্প,সংলাপ বিশেষভাবে মনে রাখার মতো।
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259 reviews61 followers
March 20, 2023
سیصدمین کتاب رو قبل از پایان سال خوندم :)
راضیم :)
و رولد دال هرگز ناامید نمی‌کنه، جادویی، بامزه و خلاقانه مثل همیشه :)
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