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Wicca #2

The Coven

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I am not who I thought I was. I am not a regular sixteen-year-old girl. I am a witch. A real, ancestral witch. My parents are not my biological parents. My sister and I share no blood.

Even in the coven, I am too powerful now, too different to belong.

I am alone except for Cal. Cal tells me he loves me, and I need to believe him.

185 pages, Paperback

First published January 29, 2001

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About the author

Cate Tiernan

87 books3,753 followers
"was born in New Orleans, LA, in 1961. New Orleans is one of the most interesting American cities, and it has an incredibly rich and exotic culture that had a profound influence on me. Kids in other cities have lemonade stands; we sold voodoo gris-gris and made wax dolls in the likenesses of our enemies. It's a very beautiful city, and the constant heat and humidity make gardens grow out of control. There's an air of lassitude there, a general acceptance of eccentic or flamboyant behavior--the heat simply makes people do crazy things.

I went to school in New York, and after school went back to New Orleans. Then I went back to New York (Manhattan) and got a job in publishing and started writing. My first book, a young, middle-grade chapter book, was published in 1990.

Living in Manhattan was incredible, even though I didn't have a lot of money. There was so much to do and see, and so many interesting people to watch. There was a lot of frenetic energy there, and sometimes that felt very wearing and hard to live with. After eight years I was ready for a change, and my husband and I moved back to New Orleans. (Are you seeing a pattern here?)

(While I was in NY, I helped edit "The Secret Circle" by L.J. Smith. I thought it was great.)

We stayed in New Orleans five years. By the time we had two small children we knew we had to find someplace safer to live. I was glad my children were born in New Orleans--I had been born there, and my father had, and his father had, and his father had and so on. There was something about the connection of generations of blood coming from one place that I found very primal and important.

Now I live in a cohousing community in Durham, NC. This is the most suburban place I've ever lived, and it's very different from living right in the middle of a city. For one thing, there aren't enough coffee shops. However, it's incredibly safe, and the community is very important to me. There are a lot of strong women here, and I find them inspiring.

Am I a witch? Well, no. Even Wicca is too organized a religion for me. I'm much more idiosyncratic and just need to do my own thing, which is kind of new-agey and pantheistic. It's not that I don't work or play well with others, but I need to decide for myself when I do a certain thing, and how I do it. However, I can really relate to Wicca, and I so appreciate its woman-centeredness and its essentially female identity. I love those aspects, among others.

I have several favorite writers. Barbara Hambly has been the biggest influence on how I describe magic. She's an incredibly imaginative and empathetic writer with a gift for creating a rich, sensual world. I love Barbara Pym, an English writer whose books came out mostly in the fifties. She was a master at describing the thousand tiny moments that make up a woman's day; how the seemingly small and inconsequential thing can suddenly take on a huge emotional importance. I greatly admire P.D. James. She's one of the very few writers who makes me actually look up words in the dictionary. She has a beautiful, precise, educated command of the language that leaves me in awe. I love Philip Larkin's poetry. I read a lot of nonfiction and also have some favorite romance writers. Before anyone groans, let me say that these women write really well about women trying to achieve emotional fulfillment, and that's kind of what we're all doing, right? I also just like reading about sex. Anyway, Jennifer Crusie, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and early Linda Howard are my faves.

And then of course there's my dark side, but more on that later.

" -Source

Cate Tiernan is a pseudonym for Gabrielle Charbonnet

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 644 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,905 reviews1,373 followers
January 4, 2016
This was an enjoyable story, and I liked finding out more about Morgan and who her ancestors were. Bree continued to be awful, and Morgan had to deal with quite a bit of jealousy. It did end on a bit of a cliff-hanger though.

6.5 out of 10
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,041 reviews72 followers
January 3, 2020
SPOILER WARNING!!! Although there are no spoilers for this book. There are spoilers in this review for those who haven't read the previous book. So if you haven't already read the first of the series then you may not want to read my review.

I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler free way. If you feel anything in my review is a spoiler and is not already hidden in spoiler brackets please let me know. Thank you.

Morgan and Cal are now an 'item' and that means that Bree and Morgan are on the outs. As it becomes apparent that Morgan is a very powerful witch, she turns to the past to get answers about herself. The coven loses a few members and the mention of another blood witch comes up. Cal seems worried and warns Morgan that not all witches are benign.

Loved it. It was just as engaging and interesting as the first in its series, but now it has some real danger lurking on the horizon. I love the relationship that are developing with more and more depth between the characters. Bree is seriously ticking me off. I mean she has got to be the most spoiled, bratty, crappy friend ever. I just had to get that out. I love how caring and devoted Cal is to Morgan though. The book was short and easy to read. I guess that could be seen as either a good or bad thing. It was nice that it went by so easily, but its one of those books that you hate to have end. I'll soon be on to the next in this series.

How I choose my rating:
1* Did not finish, or hated it but forced myself to finish.
2** Didn't really like it. Didn't hate it but not sure why I finished it other then for some closure.
3*** I liked it. I had some issues with it, but as a whole it was good. I probably won't reread again ever, but there is a chance I might finish the series. (If part of one) But if not it's not a huge loss.
4**** I really liked this book. Maybe not a work of genius, but highly entertaining. I might reread this again, and I will finish the series. (If part of one) I would recommend to those I know hold interest in this books content.
5***** I loved this book. I found little to no issues with it at all. I will definitely be rereading this and probably more than once. I will finish the series and reread it multiple times. (If part of one) I will recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!

Profile Image for Dana Al-Basha |  دانة الباشا.
2,274 reviews929 followers
February 23, 2021
So Cal finally kissed Morgan, his intentions and those of his mother are obviously not pure especially that we learn that Morgan is adopted, a Blood Witch and is descended from a very powerful clan.

Bree and Raven and many other girls hate Morgan who they view as less than them and wonder how she caught Cal, Morgan wonders about that as well, but her emotions blind her judgment.

The spell she worked on Robbie turns out to be amazing and her magick too powerful; her family doesn't accept that and don't want any part of it. Morgan learns more about her birth mother Maeve.
Profile Image for Librarian   Bee.
224 reviews12 followers
September 23, 2022
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

This series is getting interesting, I'm in for the long ride now folks. I think there are 15 books in this series and now I know I'm going to have to read them all. I can only imagine the adventures and things that may happen within the plot line. There are so many possibilities!

Oh and don't get me started on the romance and jealousy tropes!

"You know", he said again, sounding almost shy. "Murirn betatha dan. "You read about it, right?"
I shook my head. "What is it?"
"Um, soul mate," said Cal. "Life partner. Predestined mate."
My heart almost stopped beating, and my breath froze in my throat, I couldn't speak.

Profile Image for Whitney.
123 reviews14 followers
December 20, 2015
Morgan gets deeper into the world of Wicca and begins to discover more about herself. With a shocking revelation about her family, Morgan's life is headed for a quick change.


There’s a tiny, little, itty-bitty making of an actual story in The Coven. Basically, Morgan’s found out some stuff about her family. Around eighty percent of the book is her angsting and generally being a giant brat to her parents. Eighteen percent is about more regurgitated, and probably false, information about Wicca. And the other two percent is about creating some ground for an actual plot to stand on, which I believe will happen in the next book. Still, this is book two and nothing has really happened yet that makes this series worthwhile.


The writing is the same as in Book of Shadows. It’s dull, boring, and flat. It’s easy to get used to but it lacks that oomph! that other books are able to deliver. Things are written, I believe, completely unconvincingly. People aren’t reacting like normal humans would. Maybe better writing could have saved this book from such a low rating.


If I felt neutral about Cal and Morgan before, I downright hate them now. Morgan is a little, whiny brat who has a near perfect life, yet she still manages to gripe and moan about it. She reacts like such a little child and does whatever she wants without thinking about the consequences, or even facing them! I don’t see how anybody could like her as a protagonist.

Cal, on the other hand, is more annoying than anything. The whole “soul mates” thing is irritating and just makes me hate him all the more. The rest of the characters are just there.

Things I Liked

Same as the last book, I didn’t like anything except how short this one was as well.

Things I Didn't Like

The soulmate plotline I already know I hate. I don’t like the idea of soulmates with regards to how authors write them. I have nothing against the trope when it’s done correctly. It is not done correctly here. Morgan does not love Cal, and he does not love her. Love requires time and depth, both of which is not seen between these two. Infatuation, yes, obsession, in the case of Morgan, also yes. But love? I don’t think so.

The other thing I didn’t like was Morgan and her attitude this entire book. She walked around with this sense of entitlement. She acted like she was entitled to what she believed to be hers without thought to how it affected others. I wish she wasn’t the protagonist, but alas…


Once again, there are mentions of diverse characters, but they’re mostly in the background. That’s it.


I finished this in a few hours and I hated every second of it. We got more blathering about Wicca and how it’s “a very old religion” (which is bull, a Google search will tell you that). Tiernan is trying to sell Wicca to me as a reader but it’s just not happening. There was a bit of plot but it was overshadowed by my hate of Morgan. The worst thing is I’m stuck with her for thirteen more books.

Here is a link to my notes.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,890 reviews392 followers
October 4, 2020
The amount of instalove in this is!!! a lot!!! And still with the girl hate, but now with a pinch of bullying and sexual assault to boot. It's still a pretty interesting read with how fast big plot points develop and the huge cliffhanger at the end lol
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
January 4, 2016
Morgan was an okay character in this, but most of the other characters annoyed me.

This was an alright read, but there were points where I felt quite bored. The length of the book stopped it from dragging too much though, thankfully.
Profile Image for Greta is Erikasbuddy.
852 reviews27 followers
April 2, 2012

I can't believe it ended like that! It makes me want to squee, sceam, and gasp!

Can I get at "tre' awesome" in the house?

"COVEN" picks up where "Book of Shadows" left off.

Morgan passed out, Cal picks her up, smoochy boochy, you're a blood witch.

But how is Morgan a blood witch? And what is a blood witch?

A blood witch is a person who is born with witch parents.

But Morgan's parents are like Dagwood and Blondie. Totally not very witchy. There is totally no Samantha or Endora going on in that bloodline.

And that's when she learns the truth. Morgan brings it up to Mom and Daddy and they are like "ummm... what you talkin' 'bout?"

And Morgan jokes, "What? Am I adopted or something?"

And the cat is let out of the bag. I mean... the black cat is let out of the cauldren!

Morgan is totally adopted! Mom and Dad adopted her when she was just an infant.

In the book "Coven" we learn about Morgan's real mom, glimpse into her Book of Shadows, and discover just how strong a witch Morgan is going to be.

We also have a bit more sexual tension between her and Cal, a fight between Morgan and her parents (which I kind of thought was off the wall but I guess it makes for a good storyline), a couple of boob touches (so parents beware!), and Bree and Raven are getting closer together.

OH! And then we get introduced to a new person. Who is she? It is yet to be revealed but I can already tell she's going to be bad news.

At just 184 pages this book totally kept my attention. Even though Morgan sometimes seems like a bit of a whiner I am still fascinated by what is going on and am able to look past her little fits.

These are definitely my cup of bat tea!
Profile Image for Sarah .
166 reviews529 followers
April 11, 2015
I am in love with this series! This book was so great and I sped through it! The action picked up right where BOS ended and it got crazy and I love where the plot and character development is going.
Profile Image for Jessica Di Salvio.
Author 8 books64 followers
July 8, 2024

Au niveau du texte, il y a une amélioration, légère, mais présente. La Wicca est de plus en plus présente et c’est ce que j’aime le plus de cette histoire. J’ai apprécié en découvrir plus sur Morgan, sa famille, ses pouvoirs.

Cal est une grosse marde et c’est évident depuis le tome 1. Je ne le sens pas du tout. Quant à Bree, elle était chiante depuis le début, mais est-ce sa personnalité de grosse épaisse ou bien un sort lui a été jeté ? À voir… (car oui, j’ai dis que c’était addictif, c’est pas pour rien)
Profile Image for Jared (jareadforfilth).
90 reviews91 followers
January 31, 2023
This book reeeeaally took off pretty much from the gate with tons of drama and it got me all the way together. I love seeing Morgan grow into herself and she is GOING THROUGH IT in this one. This is a reread but dang I forgot how much happens in this book, I’m so hype to keep trucking along!

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
117 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2020
Een hele fijne jeugdserie over wicca. Tijdens het verhaal over liefde, zoektocht leer je veel over natuurlijk wijzen van leven. Leest heel vlot en is moeilijk weg te leggen. Na Harry Potter is dit de tweede serie die ik al verschillende malen heb gelezen.
Profile Image for Alby Scout.
409 reviews8 followers
September 19, 2021
The base story is mediocre at best, the story is easy to figure out. However... these cliff hangers are getting to me.
Profile Image for Wren .
382 reviews96 followers
December 6, 2016
This review can also be found at http://fortheloveofbooksreviews.blogs...

Morgan is a blood witch with strong magickal powers and a personal tie to witchcraft. After Samhain, she and Cal become a couple and, as a result, she finds herself targeted by her former friend, Bree. Aside from all the drama between current and former coven members, Morgan has to deal with a startling revelation, a revelation that may change her life forever: she's adopted. But who were her biological parents? And are the ex-coven members planning something against her and Cal?

I can confidently say that this book was a disappointment. I enjoyed the first book so much, but all of the things that I liked from the first book weren't enough to redeem the second. Unfortunately, I won't be continuing the series.

Any previous connection I felt to the characters was gone. Instead of seeing Morgan as curious, brave and likeable, I found her rather irritating. Her narration seemed almost whiny at times, and I was always counting the pages left until I could finish the book. Cal seemed empty, like a shadow as opposed to an actual character. I lost any sense of who Cal was as a person. Also, all this drama with Bree being angry that Cal went out with Morgan....Couldn't Cal have stood up for Morgan? He really didn't do much to help the situation, while as the whole reason for the issue between the two girls in the first place, he probably could've done a lot.

My hatred for Morgan's parents grew. I didn't like that they kept her past from her, that they continued being stuck-up and close minded to Morgan's beliefs and that they almost seemed to play the victim at times. The author seems to try to redeem them near the end of the book, where they explain all to Morgan and try to convey why they kept secrets from her, but I couldn't feel any positivity towards them. I just hate them, plain and simple. As with Morgan, they irritated me, just in a different way.

I also feel like this book was super slow compared to the first one. I feel like this was less of a novel and more of an introduction to a larger book. It seemed incomplete. Of course, as part of a series, cliffhangers, questions, and other things are to be expected. But the way that The Coven was written seemed less like an installment in a series and more like a group of chapters plucked out of a larger book.

I did enjoy a few things about this book. Firstly, there is the more "realistic" portrayal of magic. Unlike the fantasy magic of other books, this one contains more of a contemporary witchcraft, as the characters are Wiccan witches as opposed to creatures living alongside vampires and werewolves and any other number of paranormal beings found in young adult witch stories. However, this installment of the Sweep series did take on a bit more of a fantasy element than the first book.

I did like the discussion of religious intolerance, that is, people who judge religious minorities or don't allow others around them to practice their religious beliefs freely. As somebody who has personal experience with this issue, I greatly appreciated that this subject was approached.

While I liked the idea of the book overall, I really do think that it could have been better. I don't feel the need to continue the series, so, as mentioned, I probably won't be.

Those who like non-fantasy portrayals of witchcraft in fiction may enjoy this novel. Readers looking for books which explore issues such as religious intolerance, friendship and romance, and adoption might want to give this one a try.
Profile Image for Jess - The Hexed Library.
976 reviews127 followers
August 16, 2024
*Re-read in 2024*

Still like Morgan and this history we're getting. Still miffed at those cliffhangers!


Firstly let me say that if I had been reading these as they were published and getting these ridiculous cliffhangers I'd have been sooooo angry! As it is, I'm going to start the next book tomorrow so it's not all that bad.

I do really love Morgan and I enjoy getting to read more about her and her past and what being a blood witch means for her. I do think a lot of the other characters fall pretty flat. I'm about 900% sure Cal and his mom are the evil villains of this world and I have this insane theory

Overall in this one the plot was pretty lackluster but I did enjoy the writing and Morgan. It's definitely one of those series that's just fun to read more so than "the best story ever told."

Characters 3; Cover 3; Plot 2; Pace 4; Writing 4; Enjoyment 4.
Profile Image for Wendy.
445 reviews39 followers
June 30, 2010
This book was a clear improvement over the first one. In this, Morgan confronts her parents about her status as a blood witch, or a genetic witch, and quickly finds out that she was adopted. Her search for information on her birth mother becomes an obsession just as her relationship with Cal is heating up. She is also feeling very conflicted about what happened with Bree but when she finds out that Bree and Raven are asking another witch for a "withering of love" spell, hse is shocked to find that the other witch is part of Cal's mother's coven. Cal's coven, Cirrus, becomes smaller as Beth, Raven, and Bree leave it, but it grows closer together. Somehow Morgan has also cured Robbie's bad eyesight along with his bad acne and she is able to cure Jessica's asthma as well with just a touch.
There was a lot of foreshadowing in this book so I am getting an idea of where the story is going to go. Also, each chapter started off with an entry from Morgan's birthmother's Book of Shadows (which was used primarily as a journal) so you get an idea of how Morgan ended up with the Rowland family.
Profile Image for Gina.
477 reviews9 followers
December 4, 2011
I'm really enjoying this series.

In this book we find out the truth about Morgan's parents. She demands the truth from her adoptive parents and rightfully so. However it takes them a while to tell her the truth.

After finding out the truth she can now start to heal her broken relationship with her parents. I think they will end up being closer now.

We also see how far Bree with go with revenge. Cal is the first boy to ever reject Bree. It's very obvious she doesn't know how to deal with rejection and is use to getting what she wants always.

What I love about this series is the way the author rights the story. At the end of each book has you on the edge of your seat wanting to see what happens next. She does the backstory in one book and then the meat of the story in the next book. Brilliant!

I can't wait to see what happens with Morgan and Cal romantically. Are they really blood witch soul mates? How far will Bree go with her revenge? Who were Sky and Hunter exactly? Do they mean to harm or help Morgan and Cal?
Profile Image for Suzie.
499 reviews6 followers
November 11, 2015
Just as I had anticipated, these books are being spread out into little novellas where they could easily and better served, to have been set up as one or two novels. But such is the curse of young adult fiction and the attention span of their target readers.

I am also finding that the plot is really thinning out substantially to be a witchy version of Twilight, and getting annoyed with Cal's preachy, constant "let me explain the wicky teachings of that" blah blah blah.

I will try just one more volume as it's hardly a brain stretch before giving up for good. And I'm only doing so because the audiobooks are available in the library. I would not waste money on purchasing them.
October 5, 2020
Very solid sequel.

While this series is dated, and definitely has it's petty moments, I find that Cate Tiernan has a strong talent for making a 185 story feel like a fully flushed out novel. Yes, they tend to end on cliff hangers, so there is definitely an element of incompleteness, but for the most part, I never feel the story is rushed.

The only portion of this series I have found rushed so far, is the VERY insta-love relationship between Cal and Morgan. But overall, I really enjoy this series and am excited to continue
Profile Image for Katrina.
675 reviews37 followers
December 17, 2015
I didn't like this one as much as I did the first one. Nothing really happened here except for finding out Morgan was adopted, and there were too many moments focused on Morgan asking her parents about it only to be told "we aren't ready to give you any answers." It was okay, but I'm hoping the next book is better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ray.
859 reviews60 followers
August 29, 2021

Another great installment in this series. I am really excited to see what happens next. I find this series to be very enjoyable to my surprise. I like discovering a gem like this! I really like the path the main character is on and the challenges she faces. Good stuff.
Profile Image for Caroline.
330 reviews33 followers
May 26, 2022
Very engaging! Couldn't put it down from beginning to end! 😊

Just a heads up, there will be Spoilers!

I give this book a 5 star rating!!
Profile Image for Amber.
43 reviews7 followers
April 28, 2017
This book was not as good as the first book. I had a few problems with it, but i still enjoyed reading it.

The thing that I didn't like were the beginning of each chapter which all start with a part of the book of shadow from Morgans mother. I didn't find the little part interesting and most of them didn't really add much too the story.
I also didn't like the relationship between Cal and Morgan it just didn't feel real. They barely knew each other but they already started talking about being each other mùirn beatha dàn.
Another thing that really frustrated me were her parents. I can understand they didn't tell her about being adopted, but after she knew that she was adopted they should have immediately told her the story. I mean there is no point in not telling her the whole story eventually she will find out either way. Why wait more than a week? This only caused drama.

So even though this book was a bit of a disappointment. The ending left me with a lot of question. So I will definitely give the next book a try. Hopefully it will be more like the first book which I loved
Profile Image for Lydia.
108 reviews9 followers
March 9, 2018
Pretty much all the same criticism as I gave for the Book of Shadows.

The only thing that makes this book at all interesting is the magic stuff. The Bree/Morgan feud is still extremely annoying. Mary Sue...I mean Morgan is still the the walking embodiment of the plain girl who becomes beautiful AFTER she takes off her glasses.

At least Cal listened to her when she said stop this time. Good job on character growth, Cal. Still think you're probably going to end up a bad guy, but we'll see.

Again, I'd recommend this to people who sincerely liked Twilight and masochists.
October 11, 2022
We find out Morgan is adopted in this book. A lot of the book is Morgan being angry with her adopted parents for not telling her sooner, her yelling at them constantly; this is mostly what brought it down to a 4 star.
We get to hear a lot of history of Morgan's birth mother, where she came from, and what happened to her by reading little snippets from her Book of Shadows at the beginning of every chapter.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 644 reviews

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