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FBI zwraca sie do Darci z prosba o pomoc w znalezieniu zaginionego ojca tajnego agenta. Darci angazuje sie w tajna akcje, nie wiedzac, ze znajdzie sie w smiertelnym niebezpieczenstwie i... W dawno minionych czasach.

392 pages, Mass Market Paperback

Published November 1, 2004

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About the author

Jude Deveraux

174 books6,729 followers
Jude Gilliam was born September 20, 1947 in Fairdale, Kentucky. She has a large extended family and is the elder sister of four brothers. She attended Murray State University and received a degree in Art. In 1967, Jude married and took her husband's surname of White, but four years later they divorced. For years, she worked as 5th-grade teacher.

She began writing in 1976, and published her first book, The Enchanted Land (1977) under the name Jude Deveraux. Following the publication of her first novel, she resigned her teaching position. Now, she is the author of 31 New York Times bestsellers.

Jude won readers' hearts with the epic Velvet series, which revolves around the lives of the Montgomery family's irresistible men. Jude's early books are set largely in 15th- and 16th-century England; in them her fierce, impassioned protagonists find themselves in the midst of blood feuds and wars. Her heroines are equally scrappy -- medieval Scarlett O'Haras who often have a low regard for the men who eventually win them over. They're fighters, certainly, but they're also beauties who are preoccupied with survival and family preservation.

Jude has also stepped outside her milieu, with mixed results. Her James River trilogy (River Lady, Lost Lady, and Counterfeit Lady) is set mostly in post-Revolution America; the popular, softer-edged Twin of Fire/Twin of Ice moves to 19th-century Colorado and introduces another hunky-man clan, the Taggerts.

Deveraux manages to evoke a strong and convincing atmosphere for each of her books, but her dialogue and characters are as familiar as a modern-day soap opera's. "Historicals seem to be all I'm capable of," Jude once said in an interview, referring to a now out-of-print attempt at contemporary fiction, 1982's Casa Grande. "I don't want to write family sagas or occult books, and I have no intention of again trying to ruin the contemporary market." Still, Jude did later attempt modern-day romances, such as the lighthearted High Tide (her first murder caper), the contemporary female friendship story The Summerhouse, and the time-traveling Knight in Shining Armor. In fact, with 2002's The Mulberry Tree, Deveraux seems to be getting more comfortable setting stories in the present, which is a good thing, since the fans she won with her historical books are eager to follow her into the future.

Jude married Claude White, who she later divorced in 1993. Around the same time she met Mohammed Montassir with whom she had a son, Sam Alexander Montassir, in 1997. On Oct. 6th, 2005, Sam died at the age of eight in a motorcycle accident.

Jude has lived in several countries and all over the United States. She currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina and has an additional home in the medieval city of Badolato, Italy.

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138 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews
Profile Image for Maria Sanigan.
161 reviews
July 14, 2013
With all honesty, Paranormal Romance is my very last option. If I would read romance novels, I would definitely argue with someone who would recommend a novel with Paranormal Elements in it. But what really is amazing is that the feeling I get from "Forever" until the last of the trilogy which is "Always" is priceless! The feeling is completely alien to me! I feel this excitement, tension, suspense, mystery, exuding from the novels so well that I could jump inside the book! I never thought it would be possible but I am now starting to like Paranormal Romance and time travelling as revealed in the book!

There were many elements that worked for me throughout the whole trilogy. One is that the astonishing lack of passionate love-making -as prominent in Miss Jude's books -never made the story boring. A lot of sense came out of the book and even there are no physical intercourse between the heroine and the hero, the story still exudes passion and power! Second is that I was amazed by how Miss Jude made the story retain its meaning even after the hero's, Adam Montgomery's, disappearance. I almost wept and brooded over his temporary loss in the story but then just as Miss Jude said, I trusted her more. With that, I am pleased and grateful that I did trust her and will indeed give her all the trust that I can give. Lastly, Darci's continuous acceptance and realization that her powers were given by God brings out a very inspirational and omnipotent touch through the story.

Thus, in all these things, I truly wanted to extend my congratulations and gratefulness to Miss Jude Deveraux for her wonderful masterpieces! This trilogy doesn't deserve only five stars. It deserves much more than any reader can give.

Profile Image for Kristen.
2,404 reviews76 followers
June 28, 2013
This was really more of a 2.5 stars for me, but you can't give half-stars, and two-star means "I didn't like it" which isn't really accurate, hence the 2.5.

I picked up book two in this series without realizing it was part of a series. I really enjoyed book two (Forever and Always) and but I couldn't find book 1 after I read it, so instead I decided to read book 3 and cut to the chase. It was okay, but I liked book 2 a lot better.

Darci is an interesting character and the approach to paranormal in her continuing quest to find her husband was intriguing for me. I also liked the Jack character in this book, and how Darci and Jack fight and spar and become friends in spite of themselves.

Without giving spoilers, there's a fair bit of action, some time-travel and plenty of opportunities for the characters to grow and develop, and as another review I read said: "the book was good until the two-page epilogue" which I agree with completely. The epilogue was completely out of left-field, and since this is a trilogy and presumably no more books about Darci are planned, I found the epilogue stupid and irritating.

I'm glad I found out how Darci's story ended, but for me, book 2 was a much better read overall.
Profile Image for Jena.
4 reviews37 followers
June 7, 2018
More of a 1.5. The ending ruined it for me & actually made me so upset I think about it still years later. This was the 3rd book (1st trilogy/series) by Deveraux I read and, because of it, it was the last.

I considered the ending a non-HEA: By changing the past she changes whether her husband would want to even be with her in this new time (b/c he was able to accept her magic BECAUSE of his past). The most damning part for me was, even if he did accept her & they fall in love, it’s almost guaranteed they would not have the same child (b/c what are the freaking chances of her in this new time getting pregnant at the exact same moment (& egg) with the exact same sperm). So in essence she’s given up her child and the man she loves (b/c he’d be so different in this new timeline), plus her father & sister-in-law’s relationship, just to ease painful memories for said husband.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allie.
7 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2009
After reading all three books in this series i was really looking forward to Darci finding out where her husband had dissapeared to.. but was severely dissapointed in the ending! She never finds out.. but has to recreate a scenario of re-meating her own husband! I was so let down because through out book 2 and 3 she was deturmined to find out where he was, and never did! I Love most of Deveraux's fiction, but i did feel like she was trying to speed things up towards the end of Always... makes me sad!
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,651 reviews
April 1, 2018
Perhaps the book that I liked the least in the trilogy, Darcy is so eager to change the ugly parts of Adam's past,that she makes the previous love story between them fade to nothing, like a dream. The epilogue left me a little lost for words, otherwise it is an entertaining book that is easily read.


Quizá el libro de la trilogía que menos me gustó, Darcy tiene tanto afán por cambiar las partes feas del pasado de Adam, que hace que la historia de amor previa entre ambos quede en nada, como un sueño. El epílogo me dejó turulata, por lo demás es un libro entretenido que se lee fácil.
Profile Image for Sheila.
671 reviews31 followers
June 21, 2008
I've always found Deveraux's exposition to be a little heavy-handed, but reading this book was like being pelted with anvils. And even in a romance (which this technically was but decidedly wasn't; I couldn't figure out who was supposed to be in love with whom until 3/4 of the way through the book) there's such a thing as being too in love with your characters. In retrospect, I should have taken the too-smug dedication at the beginning of the book as a sign, but no, I read on til the end, with the completely ridiculous "twist." And I am so, so sorry I did.
Profile Image for Stenelli Llauder.
26 reviews41 followers
January 13, 2015
I liked the part when they time travelled and when Adam and Darci met. I just didn't like how the book ended. I expected for her to find out what really happened to her husband and where he was the entire time.
Profile Image for Bookish.Midnight. and. black.
1,273 reviews60 followers
May 15, 2021
Whaaaaa...what was that? Paranormal, with time traveling and witchcraft and ghosts 👻
I went in blind and after I read almost 30%i found out that this book is the third in a series, but I kept going.

The plot: The heroine's husband is missing and she and Jack, a guy who is working for FBI, are working together, because Jack's Father is also missing. She sees that he is surrounded by a different aura and that he has around himself an angry spirit.

By mistake, they go back in time in 1843 when Jack is John, and he is engaged with Lavander, the girl whose spirit they believe,is surrounding Jack and making him always angry. In this time, Darci, the heroine, is Jack's sister. Jack /John is in love with Lavander and they find out that she will die in less than 24h, before their wedding. Jack wants to save Lavander and to stay in 1843 but Darci wants to ho back in 2004 to her daughter.

Spoiler alert

Darci meets Adam, a man who looks just like her husband, but he is not him.
By changing the past, they also change the future so Darci has to met her husband again,in the future, in other circumstances,but this is stupid because they had a daughter and that means that the girl was never born.

The epilogue was like a bad joke: two spirits, one of them with 4eyes, are watching Darci and they are speaking about a second returning, and other planets...
Profile Image for Maria.
2,226 reviews45 followers
October 13, 2018
Another time travel book, at least for part of it. I cannot get excited about travelling back in time, or forward, for that matter, or changing the past, even for the better. Jack is an angry man, who really put me off for most of the book. He seemed quite selfish to me. Darci was not her usual flippant self, and a serious Darci isn't quite as entertaining. The premise of changing the past also changes the character of people in the present. Hardship does a lot to forge a character and to take that away doesn't seem quite fair. Many lives are saved, but still . . . I felt as if everything I had read in this book and the previous two was no longer true, and that, in turn, was disconcerting and saddening.
Profile Image for Maureen.
698 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2022
#26 Montgomery/Taggert Series. Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romance/Mystery, Fantasy/ Mystery

Time 2004 and 1843

h Darci Montgomery clairvoyant. married to Adam Montgomery ( Maine Montgomery’s) daughter Hallie. Darci is looking for her husband Adam and his sister who have been missing for a year or more.
H Jack Rose undercover FBI agent. Assigned to work with Darci to find his father.
I liked this review https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Profile Image for Angie.
529 reviews
August 18, 2020
Thank goodness this is the last of this series!!! WOW!! This book was even worse than the last 2. Paranormal romance??? Not my thing.
Profile Image for Eva.
Author 1 book
October 3, 2011
Jude Deveraux’s Always is a fun, sexy little book even though no sex occurs in the story of Darci Montgomery, a woman with supernatural gifts. Deveraux deftly keeps the sizzle going by introducing dashing men who seem to be one thing then turn out to be another. A thief turns into a hero, a potential romance becomes more of a sibling relationship, a past incarnation of lost love becomes a protector. Through it all, Darci and others never give into their attraction. Normally, this would have bothered me, but the story has enough twists and turns to keep me interested.
Deveraux also keeps the story fresh even though it is late in a series of novels. Clues from the past are brought up when needed and only when important to the new plot. I never felt lost as I do with some series. I might even go back to the beginning of the series and see how Darci got here.
The world the book creates is detailed and richly populated. History seems accurate, but not heavy handed. The ending threw me off a bit with its fundamentalist Christian mesage which make me not want to read further if the series continues, but other than that, I really enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews.
4,318 reviews368 followers
October 23, 2017
This is the first Jude Deveraux book I ever read. I received this book as a Christmas gift, and I had never read this author before, much less the first two books of this trilogy.

I was not impressed with the writing style. There's some good bits, but overall, this book failed to impress me, especially with the ending. I didn't find out that this was a trilogy until after I finished this book, but after what happens in this book, I have no desire to read the other two. I hear they're better, but after this I really have no curiosity about the other books. It was just hard to care about the characters - nothing personal against Deveraux, of course. I hear that her other books are pretty good and I might pick up one, but after reading this, I don't know.
Profile Image for Cary.
2,152 reviews
March 9, 2010
MY rating is deceptive since I liked this book all the way till the 2 page epilogue! I wish now some one had told me just to skip those 2 pages! The book would have been better for it!! I mean, what on earth? How does that have to do with anything I have read in the 3 books? Is there to be a 4th? I doubt I will read it. But I was sucked into the story in book 1 and liked the characters enough to continue but enough is enough!

STILL I would recommend the book just skip the last 2 pages!
Profile Image for B..
2,322 reviews12 followers
January 13, 2018
If I had super secret psychic powers, this is not how I would spend my time. On top of that, throw in time travel and things just got plain weird. Wholly implausible, completely outrageous, but it was like train wreck that I just couldn't look away from. It's over now at least. So, that's saying something.
Profile Image for Mrs.Autery.
194 reviews
May 17, 2019
I was really disappointed in this book. I was hoping everything would tie together in a nice little bow. But I’m left more confused than when I started. The last two paragraphs by themselves have me shaking my head. I loved the first book! And the second was good too, not my favorite. This one....I have no more words.
Profile Image for Cecilyn.
99 reviews5 followers
January 21, 2010
I would love to have another story about Darci... I just find it hard to accept it ends just like that...

there is sooo much for her to do and I would like for her to grow in her powers. Pls...write another Darci Novel.....and not just make it a Trilogy....
Profile Image for Heather Caldwell.
41 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2017
Sadly this last book in the series was not my favourite. The first two books were entertaining and had good storylines. Book three was strange and the ending was disjointed. Adam and Darcie's love was thrown away in the plot and the great love was never returned.
Profile Image for Robin Brennan.
210 reviews
January 14, 2019
A stretch and not one of her better books. There was a brittleness and the characters were not quite believable. Was waiting for “something” more”, that never arrived.
Profile Image for Chiwei.
38 reviews2 followers
April 6, 2024
I picked this book up at a used book sale and thought it might be fun beach/travel reading. The premise is interesting and had potential - a bit of time travel, romance across centuries, a little paranormal mystery. I finished it, but ... 😬

First, this is the third in a series, but as I started, I didn't feel you needed to know previous events to follow along. I really had an issue with the choppiness of the writing. There was a goal - Jack to find his dad, Darci to find her husband - but the path to those goals were filled with literary potholes. The writing was decent at times, yet devolved into pretty childish middle school book report style writing at other times. The dialogue was choppy, making me feel I'm missing some part of the conversation. The ending. Oof, what a cop-out. Like she had all these ends to tie up and no time to do it. Quote "she thought about it for hours, and figured it out." That was actually what the book said. And those goals? Um, not really tied up.

This book made me think of A Swiftly Tilting Planet, with different souls in different bodies through time and the Butterfly effect of changing small details to change the future. But not nearly as well done.

Also, the back of the book synopsis said there was attraction between Darci and Jack, and I assumed this was a romance. It wasn't at all, so that was a bummer too.
710 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2022
What can I say? This whole series was extremely disappointing. From the dedication on this one that made no sense to me, to the ending which was extremely disappointing. I hoped this one would tie up all the loose ends across the series and make sense of the mess, but it didn't. It just added to it. For 3 books she searched for Adam Montgomery. It drove her. Do we find out what happened to Adam, where he and his sister had been held for all those years? No we did not. The decisions she made at the end just weren't the decisions of a woman who had given up everything to search for her husband and sister-in-law. It was definitely a cop out. If this had been the first thing by Jude Deveraux I'd ever read, it would have been the last.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 150 reviews

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