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Eine Familie voller Lügner. Doch nur einer ist ein Mörder.

Schon lange ist Saffys Verhältnis zu ihrer Mutter Lorna mehr als schwierig. Doch ein grausiger Fund führt die beiden Frauen wieder Auf dem alten Anwesen der Familie, im Garten des Hauses, werden bei Renovierungsarbeiten die Leichen zweier Menschen entdeckt. Alle Hinweise deuten auf einen vor Jahren begangenen Doppelmord hin. Der Fund sorgt in der idyllischen Kleinstadt mitten in England für Aufsehen. Während die Journalisten das Haus belagern, bleibt Saffy nichts anderes übrig, als die Recherchen selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Was ist vor all den Jahren wirklich geschehen? Ist sie bereit, das dunkelste Geheimnis ihrer Familie ans Licht zu bringen? »Gänsehaut garantiert.« Sunday Times Nach den sensationellen Erfolgen »Beste Freundin« und »Schönes Mädchen« garantiert Bestsellerautorin Claire Douglas wieder einen fulminanten Pageturner.

482 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 19, 2021

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About the author

Claire Douglas

21 books4,042 followers
Claire Douglas always wanted to write novels and, after many years of trying to get published, her dream came true when she won the Marie Claire Debut Novel Award in 2013 with THE SISTERS.

Her second and third novels, LOCAL GIRL MISSING and LAST SEEN ALIVE (Penguin), are Sunday Times bestsellers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,987 reviews
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,691 reviews54k followers
September 18, 2024
Woohoo! Multi POVs! A unique puzzle! Great characterization! Well executed, hooking, riveting, smart mystery!

I gave 4.25 : it was a little more from my usual 4 starred readings but I just solved the biggest mystery in the middle of the book: which a little ruined my jaw dropping revelation moment ( that’s why I cut some points) but this book was still a promising, making you pick up the pieces to complete the entire puzzle, hooking you up at the strong opening: Saffron Cuttler, close to her mid twenties, pregnant, living with her boyfriend Tom, moving to her new house located in 9 Skelton Place she’s inherited from her beloved grandma Rose who suffers from dementia, living in the nursing home.

When the couple decides to make some renovations for their kitchen : the builders found two bodies buried at their backyard. 30 years ago somebody might have killed them and buried to the ground. Unfortunately this time slot matches with the very same time slot that Saffron’s grandmother Rose lived at this place. She had a mysterious tenant named Daphne who has no trace to be followed.

Saffron’s young, eccentric, fiery, nosy, energetic mother Lorna leaves her young boyfriend and her adventurous life behind, flying from Spain to help her daughter to solve the mystery behind the dead bodies! She’s my favorite character in this book!

Only one person knows what happened 30 years ago and that person barely remembers who she is: Rose: the grandmother is the key of this mystery!

Three generations’ POVs and moving back and forth between 2018 and 1980 were great experiences. I felt like an amateurish detective to gather the clues and any information the author hides behind the lines! It was truly fun!

Theo was also likable character and I wish he and his wife have their own book ( I’m so sure there was enough material for that) but his character was crucial for bringing out one of the surprising revelations.

Overall: I truly enjoyed it. This is my first book of the author! And I absolutely need more works of her! I loved her talented writing style!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts .
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,485 followers
December 17, 2021
My first by this author. It's a complex plot with different POV's and timelines. I was intrigued at the beginning, but with all the interchanging characters and timelines, it became a little too drawn out and long-winded.

I think I enjoyed the synopsis more than the book. At 400 pages, I was ready for it to end. There are crumbs to follow, but the over telling had me wanting to accelerate the pace, I don't enjoy repetition or too many back stories.

There is a really good twist, it still felt formulaic for the most part. The characters and the story bored me.

Just okay for me, I may be in the minority. This one was just too easy to put down and I made myself finish it.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,303 reviews4,072 followers
July 25, 2022
Saffron and her boyfriend moved into a cottage passed down from her family.

And hello, renovations just uncovered something they never expected…a buried body!😱

As the police launch their investigation they are heavily relying on Saffys’ grandmother to assist with her recollection of the past. Problem is, Saffy’s grandmother has Alzheimer's! So how helpful can she really be?💁🏻‍♀️

I had somewhat of a hard time with this one. The fact that police were relying on a woman who is in a memory care facility to help them solve the crime!? Hmmmm. More than just a bit of a stretch for me.

From there I gradually disengaged, eventually losing interest in the mystery as well as the characters.

Lots of mixed reviews for this book, so I hope it works out better for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks.

Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,898 reviews12.6k followers
September 30, 2024
**3.5-stars rounded up**

When Saffy and Tom move to 9 Skelton Place, they're excited about the possibilities. The property once belonged to Saffy's Grandmother and it will take a little work to get the place just how they want it, but with their first baby on the way, they're willing to take on the project.

As they prepare for a kitchen extension, a construction crew begins digging up the back garden. That's how they discover the two bodies buried there.

Early analysis indicates the bodies have been buried there for about 30-years. While their presence isn't the result of a recent act of violence, it's quite clear that a crime, or crimes, was once committed there.

9 Skelton Place becomes a crime scene; a very unpleasant occurrence for the young couple just looking to nest.

As part of their investigation, the police ask to speak with the home's former owner, Saffy's Grandmother, Rose. Unfortunately, Rose is currently suffering from fairly advanced dementia.

Saffy frequently goes to visit Rose in her Care Home and can attest to the fact that some days are worse than others. It's unclear if Rose will be able to provide any reliable information to the investigators.

Hearing of her daughter's troubles, Saffy's Mom, Lorna, returns from Spain, where she lives abroad with her boyfriend. Lorna has always been a free spirit, with Saffy often feeling the more mature of the two. It's clear that Lorna loves her daughter though and she's here to help.

The more Saffy and Lorna dig into the mystery of 9 Skelton Place, the more ominous it all seems. There are entire chunks of Lorna's very early history that she knows nothing about. What has her mother, Rose, been hiding from her?

I liked this. It was a good time for me. It wasn't perfect, but I found the mystery, the characters and the family dynamics quite interesting.

Once I started down the rabbit hole of the bodies in the garden, I was compelled to discover the truth. I had to know!

This story is told through both past and present perspectives. You learn about the present by following Saffy, Lorna and a man named, Theo. In the past, you learn about Rose's time living at 9 Skelton Place.

I found both timelines interesting and like how each present section seemed to build off things discovered from the past.

Theo's perspective was confounding to me at first. I wasn't quite sure why it was necessary, but it did ultimately serve a purpose and I like how it all wrapped up in the end.

Overall, I thought this was an entertaining read. Douglas did a great job creating a puzzling little mystery and it was fun watching it all come together.

While this won't be the most memorable Mystery/Thriller that I read this year, I am still happy that I picked it up. This was my first Claire Douglas and I definitely enjoyed her style.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Paperbacks, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author!
Profile Image for JanB.
1,249 reviews3,740 followers
November 16, 2022
I’ll be completely honest. I started this and read to 70%. I set it aside while traveling, and after a few days I entirely forgot about the book and can’t recall a single detail of the plot. I have no desire or inclination to return to the story. So 2 stars from me.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,421 reviews2,033 followers
September 16, 2021
Young couple Saffron and Tom Cutler are absolutely delighted to have been gifted a cottage in the Cotswolds to ‘do up’ by Saffy’s mother Lorna who lives in Spain. Lorna had initially been given the cottage by her mother Rose Grey who has dementia and is now in a care home. The cottage has been rented out for many years by Rose and it is now in serious need of a make over. During preparation work for an extension the builders shockingly find a body, further police excavations reveal a second. Meanwhile in Yorkshire Theo Carmichael visits his elderly and very difficult father Victor. How do their stories connect? The story is told from several perspectives and over different timelines which works well with the strands connecting as the plot develops.

The pace of the novel is initially a bit slow but once it gets going it’s a good entertaining and easy to read book. The plot is well constructed and connects cleverly with the truth emerging a bit at a time. There are moments of tension and suspense with some unexpected twists and shocking discoveries. The characterisation is an especially good feature of the book. Initially Saffron seems a bit of a nervous wreck but the events that unfold seem to allow her to develop a strong backbone and she’s certainly kind and caring to Rose. Theo is a good character and an excellent contrast to his horrible father. Lorna is an interesting character and the progressing storyline helps us to understand and appreciate her wanderlust. My only slight negative is that some of the essential clues seem a bit convenient but they definitely help advance the plot forward.

Overall, this is good escapist reading and a compelling page turner.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially Penguin Michael Joseph for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews405 followers
June 19, 2021
Saffron and Tom.

That’s the couple.

This book is so well thought out, so fantastically structured with never ending anxiety leading me away from my every day life into The Couple At No.9. I literally (in my head) was living in that house!

I was anxious, I was scared, and I was worried. Yes worried. Saffron is pregnant and going through all these stressful times.

Skelton Place was an inheritance to Saffy. Saffy and her Mother knew nothing of this cottage until Rose, Saffys grandmother was moved into a home. She now has Alzheimer’s so she’s in and out of reality on her remembering things. Saffy adores her Grandmother.

Imagine this, there you are pruning roses with Tom, her husband, undertaking renovations and making No.9 their own little family dream cottage. Who wouldn’t be happy.

But bodies have been found in the depths of the garden. Of course, they report it.
Investigations take place, but it’s ok isn’t it? They’ve been there for 30 years or more! Oh my god, no, not ok. I’d be having the eebie geebies for sure! I probably wouldn’t sleep.

Hang on. Would Rose her Grandmother know anything about this? Was she living or renting out the cottage at that time?

Rose has Alzheimer’s.

My honest thoughts with this?
I read this on ebook I NEED this book physically on my shelf. I need to own this book.
It’s definitely a top 5 for me. It ticked all my boxes.

I couldn’t think of nothing else whilst reading this.
I stayed up later than I should have to try to finish this.
I didn’t see all the revelations in this story.
The plot was so well crafted.
The characters were so realistic.
Loved the way the follow on characters were introduced.

I can’t praise this enough.

If you love a good plot. Not exceptionally fast paced but definitely not boring or dipping in any way throughout. Have characters where some you love and some you shouldn’t but do because in a weird way you understand them, but you then wonder WHATS WRONG WITH ME, I should be angry, cross, not like this person at all!

That’s what made me understand Saffy. Yet I also understood Saffys Mom.

You need to read this.
Profile Image for L.A..
607 reviews250 followers
January 16, 2022
I loved this twisty thriller!!! And look at that cover ❤ Claire Douglas well-plots her books with the perfect intrigue and surprise elements that are sure to leave you anxious and tense. This domestic thriller is full of lies and deceit with some emotional, gripping scenes.
Introducing the residents, The Couple at No 9, is Saffy and Tom expecting their first baby. There is so much excitement having a cottage gifted to them from her mother Lorna, who also inherited it. Lorna never knew it existed until her mother, Rose, was placed into a nursing home with Alzheimer's. The excitement turns to uncertainty when 2 bodies are found during an excavation of the garden. Autopsies reveal they died 30 years ago. When detectives question Rose, her memory comes in fragments due to this cruel disease of the mind. This makes the story intriguing with each visit as bits of history are displayed. There are a lot of characters introduced but necessary to rebuild the past keeping you on the edge of your seat.
As new people make an entrance, be aware they are not all kind, leaving trust an issue and a trail of crime scenes. Some secrets are better left untold. A shocking ending and a devastating blow to some of the kindest people undeserving of their pain and just looking for answers.
Thank you NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait for her next book to surface!!!
November 26, 2021
One two buckle my shoe
Three, four don’t answer the door
Five, six you need to up-sticks
Seven, eight you might be too late
Nine. You are out of time. For two people at least !!!!

A gruesome discovery is made at Number 9, when the builders unearth the remains of two bodies, a man and a woman that have apparently laid undiscovered for almost 30 years.

Whilst the detectives try to solve the mystery and identity of the two-missing people, someone else is carrying out their own investigation and will do anything to prevent the truth from becoming public knowledge.

Meanwhile, Saffy and Tom, now owners of this quaint cottage are trying to piece together their grandmother’s history and relationships who had once lived in the cottage seemingly at the time these bodies would have been buried. As the secrets, betrayals, loves, and losses are revealed, Saffy doesn’t know who to trust but one thing is certain. Her life will never be the same again, even with the final confession…

“I had a terrible childhood. That’s no excuse, I realize that. Lots of people have terrible childhoods but don’t go on to become killers”

The story, told at an excellent pace, uncovers an abundance of hidden secrets and dark obsessions. There is no shortage of characters that are well drawn and relevant to the story and the suspense is very good as we enter the mystery of whodunit and why?

This is a very good every day read, or if you are heading somewhere hot, an excellent beach read. There is little to criticise the book for, except the plot, which is a bit too predictable but very good, nonetheless. I liked the book but did not love it.
Profile Image for JaymeO.
470 reviews473 followers
August 2, 2022

“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” -Benjamin Franklin

Saffron Cutler and Tom Perkins are the new occupants of Skelton Place cottage number 9 in the Cotswolds. When Saffron’s grandmother, Rose Grey moves into a nursing home after she is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, she gifts the cottage to her daughter, Lorna. However, Lorna allows her daughter to put it to good use while she is living in Spain.

Saffy agrees to start her life with her husband in the new cottage and makes plans to build out the kitchen. During the demolition, two skeletons are found buried in the garden.

Who is buried at 9 Skelton Place? Were they murdered? Does Rose know anything about them?

She can’t remember!

Told in alternating perspectives, the mystery of the dead bodies is revealed. There is a lot of questionable or non-existent work done by the police, so the investigation is left to the amateur sleuths to figure out. This part was not very believable.

However, while I initially thought for the first 50% of the book that the ending was going to be very predictable, I was pleasantly surprised by many clever twists. I am a fan of Claire Douglas and have read several of her thrillers, so I should have known better than to expect a predictable ending!

This twisty domestic thriller deals with real life issues. Themes of sexual assault, domestic abuse, and LGBTQ relationships are explored.

3.75/5 stars rounded up

Expected publication date: 8/2/22

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks for the ARC of The Couple at No. 9 in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for  Teodora .
437 reviews2,261 followers
March 12, 2024
4.45/5 ⭐

I am extremely pained to say that even though I wished to give this a 4.5-star rating, I just couldn't. And I will explain why in a few paragraphs later.

But first - I enjoyed this very much. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that at some point I felt like I was watching a movie and not reading a whole bloody book, that's how visual the whole writing was.

It had everything - suspense, drama, great characters, great story, great background stories, great visuals, atmosphere. Exceptional plot-twists. I could recommend this book solely thanks to some very well-placed twists in the plot.

Now, I will talk a little bit about these plot twists. They exist because the action is so complex, happening on so many plans, with a bunch of characters intertwining, crashing and combining all over the story, that your brain is simply caught off-guard when something enlightening happens.
Your brain is so caught up in finding out who? where? why? how?? did something happen and then BAM! You got played. PLOT TWIST!

I liked that the characters were nicely individualised, you could actually see and understand what kind of personalities they had, and what kind of typologies were they representing and I think that is great, especially when it comes to a thriller.

However, there was something I simply couldn't completely get over and that's why this review isn't sporting a 5 golden star rating right now. It's because even though I love multiple POVs in books and I also love time-lapses with stories that go back and forth through decades (and this book had them both!), I can't really deal with multiple-person narratives. I hate when the POVs switch and they also change the person of the narrative. From first to third to first again and then third again. Or maybe it's gonna be first again? Who knows!!
Sadly, this was the one minus this novel had and for me, it weighed heavy enough. Changes of perspective are alright but not mixed with first-third person switches and time lapses. It just gets confusing.

I don't want you to let this little thing that bothered me get in the way of any of you picking this up because everything about the story itself is great and I will keep recommending it even so. Just give it a try!
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,426 reviews698 followers
August 10, 2021
I have not found a Claire Douglas book that I have not loved. I was super excited to get an advanced copy of the Couple At No.9, thank you so much Michael Joseph UK. Once again we are taken on a journey with the characters, as Claire slowly reveals enough information to pique our interest and make us read that one more chapter, continuously. I love how invested I became in these characters and what was happening. There is a massive surprise that I did not see coming and it was brilliant!

Saffron and her husband Tom are renovating her Grandmothers house that has been gifted to them. The last thing that they expect to find in the backyard is human bones. How did they get there, who is it and does her beloved gran know anything about it? And so begins a family mystery that will change them all forever.

You have to read this book. It is twisty, clever and tense and you will not want to put it down. Released August 19th, add this to your wish list now.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,304 reviews1,351 followers
March 22, 2023

Featuring ~ multiple 1st person POV, dual timeline, 4 part story, dead bodies, murder mystery, Alzheimer's

Our narrators are:
Saffy/Saphie (spelling in book vs in audio) ~ daughter to Lorna
Lorna ~ mother to Saffy
Rose ~ mother to Lorna (unreliable in present due to Alzheimer's)
Theo ~ you'll have to find out his connection to the story on your own

I really like that this one was written in dual timeline in the present following Saffy and Lorna, and in the past with Rose. The story flowed along nicely and had some nice twists! I like how it was wrapped up.

I was able to listen to the final version as well, so I went back and forth reading and listening. It was narrated by Kenton Thomas and Nathalie Buscombe for 12 Hours 43 Minutes 56 Seconds, mostly easy to follow at 2.25-2.5x. Kenton had such a heavy accent that I had to slow his parts down. It was interesting that when there were on phone calls there was sort of an echo.

*Thanks to Harper Perennial and Paperbacks, Claire Douglas and NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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Profile Image for Debra.
2,833 reviews35.9k followers
August 1, 2022
Saffron "Saffy" Cuttler and her boyfriend, Tom have moved into 9 Skelton Place, a home she was given by her Grandmother Rose, who is suffering from Dementia. Saffy and Tom are expecting a baby and are in the process of making renovations to the home when their builders find two bodies buried. Further investigation shows the bodies have been there for almost 30 years.

Rose might have lived there at the time, but she has Dementia, and her memories might not be the best to go by...…

This was an enjoyable mystery, but will I remember it in months to come? I'm not sure. This book moved at a nice pace and was well written. The mystery was good, the twist was one I did not see coming and yet, it didn't really stand apart from other books in the genre. My main issue was that I didn't really feel for any of the characters. None really stood out for me but I enjoyed the mystery of the identify of the bodies and what happened to them.

Enjoyable with a nice twist.

Thank you to Harper Paperbacks and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Denise.
509 reviews406 followers
April 21, 2022
This appears to me my first introduction to Claire Douglas (although I swear I've read other books by her but not according to GR 🤷‍♀️), and I must say, I am a fan. I'm already on the hunt for more of her books!

Saffy and her boyfriend Tom have moved into 9 Skelton Place, an English cottage given to them by her grandmother, Rose, who is suffering from dementia. Saffron is pregnant, and she and Tom begin renovating and expanding the cottage. They are shocked when the builders unearth two skeletons in the garden. Police say that the skeletons have been there for approximately 30 years - exactly the timeframe in which Saffy's grandmother lived in the cottage. Saffy, who is very close to her grandmother, never even knew about the cottage until Rose developed dementia, which makes her question Rose's secrecy. Saffy reaches out to her mother, Lorna, who is somewhat estranged from Saffy and Rose and lives in Spain with her much-younger boyfriend. Lorna has only vague recollections about the cottage but as a media circus has descended upon Skelton Place, she leaves Spain and comes to England to help Saffy and Tom. Saffy and Lorna set out to find out from Rose what she might know about the bodies but unraveling the truth affects all 3 generations of women and jeopardizes the entire family.

I really enjoyed the dual timelines - 2016 and the 1980's - but I must admit I enjoyed Rose's story in the past the most. The book is told from the POV of Saffy, Lorna, Rose, and Theo (although Theo seemed almost like a throw-in character). I honestly loved Lorna and Rose - they were strong-willed, resilient women, with a tenuous bond that felt believable. Saffy, eh, not so much. Her actions annoyed me much of the book - especially her reaction to the "big twist". I thought her mother was a much more interesting character! Were there a few unbelievable moments? Yes. Did Lorna remember a bit too much as a 3-year old child but then did not recall the most important thing of all? Yes. Did I guess the twist before it was revealed? Yes. Did any of it take away from overall enjoyment? No. I thought the writing was phenomenal, and I raced through the book in two sittings.

In the end, a twisty mystery with a fantabulous ending. It's one of those books that I finished several days ago but still remember every single thing about it - always a sign of a winner in my book! 4 stars.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,895 reviews14.4k followers
September 24, 2022
A house inherited from her grandmother Rose, Saffron, now expecting and her boyfriend Thomas, set out to make improvements. While digging up the patio, two bodies are found. Who are they and how long have they been there? Her grandmother Rose, has dementia and now living in a memory care unit. Her own mother hasn't lived in the house since she was three. Getting answers will prove beyond challenging, as her grandmother is only aware in bits and pieces and for short periods of time.

This was a slow unraveling of a story but one that kept me interested. I enjoyed the characters, the clues revealed along the way. The look into the past of Rose and a glimpse of life in this town. Despite all the clues, I was fooled more than once and surprised at the denouement. I'm not very good at guessing the who doner, so it's a good thing I never became a detective.

Loved the narration by Kenton Thomas.
Profile Image for Chantal.
845 reviews720 followers
August 21, 2022
Family secrets; entertaining story; twisty with a good ending.
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
687 reviews598 followers
August 20, 2022
Have you guys met the new couple over at 9 Skeleton Place? I have!! They are just the cutest couple! 😍Saffron “Saffy” and Tom are just the nicest… and they are expecting! 🤰

What a shock it must have been to be in the middle of renovating their new place… and finding bodies…😳…buried in the garden 🪴 🪦 OMG…😧Who is buried in the garden?? Who did it??? How did the nosey neighbors… not see a thing??🤔🤔🤔

Certainly grandma 👵 Rose 🌹.. the previous owner wouldn’t have had anything to do with this heinous crime?! Did she know bodies were buried in her backyard? Will we ever know??? Gran Rose can’t even remember her own daughter.😥

I loved this slow burn 🔥 … creepy vibe mystery..it was sooo TWISTED!!! The further we get into the story.. the more twisted it got! 😳

So many twists… and of course… the bodies in the backyard..🪦… made for a fantastic read!! I really enjoyed this one and definitely recommend it!! 4.2 rating on Goodreads!! Just saying… it’s a good one!! I mean I was sold at bodies in the garden.😂🤷‍♀️

Thank you Bibliolifestyle and Harper books for my gifted copy!
Profile Image for Nicole.
494 reviews243 followers
December 31, 2021
I could not put down this this nail biting thriller. I was on the edge of my seat as I devoured this book in one sitting! Plot twist after plot twist had me in shock and the last one blew me away!

Saffron Cutler and her boyfriend could not be more excited to move into the cottage on 9 Skelton Place. With a baby on the way, they quickly begin renovating the outdated property. As you can imagine there are numerous things that can go wrong during a home renovation. However, I bet they didn’t expect to find the remains of two people in the garden!

The couple find out that the bodies have been buried at least 30 years. It is ruled a homicide and the police immediately begin their investigation.They ask to speak to the cottage’s former owner, Saffron’s grandmother Rose.

Rose suffers from Alzheimers and resides at a care home. Her memory is fuzzy and she is often confused. At first it seems she will be no help to the police. However, it becomes increasingly clear Rose knows more than what she is saying.

As Rose pieces together the fragments of her memories and the police continue their investigation Saffron fears that she is being followed.

Who are the people in the garden? What happened to them all those years ago? The answers lead down a rabbit hole of questions, the answers will shock you!

I loved this book! I don’t give five stars unless a book has absolutely blown me away and this one did just that.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,134 followers
October 3, 2022
Per usual I didn’t read a blurb or any reviews before requesting this from the library. The title was good enough for me and the cover made me think it was going to be a horror story. I was wrong, but that’s okay because I like a whodunit even more so than the scary stuff.

The story here is about soon-to-be-parents Saffy and Tom who are trying to get their fixer upper up and fixed prior to the birth of their baby. All construction gets put on hold, however, when a couple of dead bodies are dug up in the garden . . . .

Okay now that I’m finished with this I am completely boggled by the 4.18 rating. The only thing I can say about The Couple At Number 9 is . . . .

Talk about Dullsville. And oh my word could it get any more predictable???? Even more than I’m not a blurb reader I’m not an author’s note reader. I accidentally swiped past the last page of the story and saw this was yet another Covid creation. The more I read these lockdown books the more I think authors should have maybe just drank heavily and binged all of the prior Housewives and 90 Day Universe episodes like I did rather than attempting to pen new books.
Profile Image for Francesca (pavisfrancesca).
221 reviews2,801 followers
May 3, 2024
5 ⭐️ fantastic domestic thriller. Lifelike characters, SO many twists and a gut punch romance sub plot - highly recommend
Profile Image for Darla.
4,103 reviews960 followers
July 26, 2022
Two excavated skeletons have the garden renovation that Saffy and Tom have planned grinding to a halt. I wanted to tell them to call Dr. Ruth Galloway, but she lives in another book series. (Check out the Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths if you like to learn about old bones.) This title was full of surprises. The police seemed quite incompetent. Saffy's mom Lorna seemed to gather more intel on her own. And the conversations the police had with Grandma Rose in the Memory Care Unit. More confusing with each visit. This one did seem to falter a bit in the middle, but at about 66% it took off. There were plenty of surprises to keep my interest in that last bit. I'm rounding up for the cute little Westie named Snowy and the well-rounded Epilogue.

Thank you to Harper Paperbacks and Edelweiss+ for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Erica⭐.
386 reviews
January 16, 2022
Tom and Saffron Cutler have the chance to have a new life away from Croydon near London when Saffron's grandmother Rose Grey transferred the deeds to a Cotswold cottage to her daughter Lorna: Lorna who is enjoying life in Spain and in turn gifted the property to her daughter Saffron. They have the builders in preparing the land for a large kitchen extension when work stops because human remains have been found. The police treat it as a crime scene and of course want to interview all the owners/tenants of the cottage. Lorna thought she never knew her mother owned the cottage - she'd lived in Bristol; but when Lorna flies home to be with Saffron she begins to remember the cottage in fleeting flashbacks.
Rose Grey is suffering with dementia and is in a nursing home in Bristol. She can only give the detectives, as well as Saffron and Lorna, snippets of names and events which seem disconnected.

Meanwhile, in Yorkshire, Theo checks in on his father - a retired doctor still living in his mansion and as obnoxious towards Theo as ever. However, Theo notices a newspaper cutting on his desk relating to the Cotswold find - marked with the words "Find Her".

Saffron scours the village for information; Lorna goes off investigating, and Theo and partner Jen are determined to investigate as well. Gradually all the investigations come together - with Rose Grey at the centre of it all.
Profile Image for Lori Elliott.
802 reviews2,192 followers
April 5, 2022
What a nice surprise!

This was a rollercoaster that I wanted to immediately jump back in line to ride again. I was totally engrossed in this audio from the first page. The plot was well developed with a twist that I absolutely did not see coming. One of the best I’ve come across in a long time.

Claire Douglas and Kenton Thomas did a good job with the narration. Thomas’s voice, as Theo, was unique/odd, but I did end up getting used to it.

I highly recommend to anyone looking for a suspense/thriller you won’t want to put down. 4.5 stars.

***ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Heather~ Nature.books.and.coffee.
806 reviews194 followers
December 31, 2021
2.5⭐ The synopsis of this book sounded so good. I read some great reviews for it too, so I was really looking forward to it. This one unfortunately didn't work for me. It started out really good. I loved the mystery of the 2 bodies being found in the garden behind the old cottage. I wanted to know who they were and what happened to them, but as it got further into the story there were so many characters, and the back and forth between the two timelines...it just was dragging on for me. I think others may like this but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Mary.
1,924 reviews577 followers
December 27, 2022
Claire Douglas never ceases to surprise me when I read her books and The Couple at Number 9 was no different. I loved the premise with Saffron finding human remains in her backyard, and since that is the first thing that happens it really set the tone for the rest of the story. There are multiple viewpoints and while I won't say who, I definitely had my favorites. I really enjoyed the blend between past and present and Douglas created a very lovely ominous feeling throughout the story. I was shocked by all of the reveals, and I didn’t have anything guessed which is something I always appreciate. I thought it was a very original storyline as well and I loved the mystery.

The audiobook is where things got a little dicey for me and while I loved Nathalie Buscombe’s narration for the female viewpoints, I found it hard to understand Kenton Thomas who narrates Theo. I would be able to listen to Buscombe at a faster speed but whenever Theo’s chapters hit I would have to slow it way down to be able to understand Thomas and he also sounded a little muffled. For some reason, Buscombe isn’t mentioned as a narrator on Audible or Libro.fm either, and I don’t understand that since she narrates basically the entire book. Either way, the audio for The Couple at Number 9 was not my favorite thanks to Thomas, and I would personally recommend reading Theo’s chapters since I ended up following along in the book for those myself. Minus the weirdness of the audio, the book itself was very twisty and enjoyable, and I loved this newest release from Douglas!

Thank you to the publishers for my complimentary listening and reader copies of this book. All opinions and thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for daniela weber.
347 reviews92 followers
September 5, 2022
slow burn nicely put together
with many surprises built in
the background: loved the
creepiness, drama and
social commentary. ♡
Profile Image for Maren’s Reads.
829 reviews1,301 followers
August 17, 2022
This book had a bit of a slow start, perhaps because there were quite a few characters that needed to be introduced, as well as different timelines, and the author wanted to lay a good foundation for the crazy twists to come. And wow were there some twists in this book!

I struggle so much with connecting to characters when a story is told in third person narration which it tends to be in a book with so many characters. I loved how the author, Claire Douglas, kept the narration to first person throughout the story, even when switching back and forth between several different characters. This helped me to stay connected to each of them, as if I were in their heads at any given moment. This became especially important leading up to several big reveals.

Douglas also did a phenomenal job at creating a creepy and intense atmosphere, right from the start as we are introduced to our main characters as several buried bodies are discovered in their garden. I found myself wanting to finish this before nightfall to prevent any nightmares from finding me, and yet the book overall, was not very scary.

The only thing I disliked about The Couple at Number 9 was that it was a bit of a slow burn up until the midway point. Like I said, I think this was probably pretty necessary to set the scene; however, thrillers that begin on the slower side, are sometimes harder for me to get into. Had it started off at a quicker pace, this would have been a five star read for me.

I did an immersive read of this book, going back and forth, and at times simultaneously reading from the text, while also listening on audio. All in all, this was great on audio, narrated by Kenton Thomas and Nathalie Buscombe, and if you are inclined to listen to audiobooks, I would say to give this one a try.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Natalia Luna.
322 reviews160 followers
October 9, 2022
Un domestic noir con algunos giros muy buenos que no me esperaba.
El libro tiene los elementos suficientes para terminar enganchada y conocer la verdad sobre lo que le ocurrió a la auténtica protagonista, la abuela Rose.
Interesante propuesta, estaré atenta a más libros de esta autora.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,987 reviews

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