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Boys Don't Cry #1

Boys Don't Cry

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This is the explosively page-turning new novel for teenagers from the author of the award-winning "Noughts and Crosses" sequence. You're about to receive your A-level results and then a future of university and journalism awaits. But the day they're due to arrive your old girlfriend Melanie turns up unexpectedly ...with a baby ...You assume Melanie's helping a friend, until she nips out to buy some essentials, leaving you literally holding the baby ...Malorie's dramatic new novel will keep you on the edge of your seat right to the final page.

302 pages, Hardcover

First published October 1, 2010

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About the author

Malorie Blackman

139 books4,254 followers
An award-winning children's author, Malorie Blackman was honoured with an OBE in 2008. Her work has been adapted for TV and stage.

More information available at:
British Council: Contemporary Authors
British Council: Encompass Culture
Channel 4 Learning: Book Box

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 928 reviews
Profile Image for Jo.
268 reviews1,056 followers
May 12, 2020
“How could ten forgettable minutes of not much turn both our lives inside out and upside down like this?”

Initial Final Page Thoughts.

High Points.
Dante. Adam and his story. Let’s hear it for the boys! Daddies. Different perspectives. Acceptance. Sleepless nights. Walks in the park. Taking responsibilities. Hiccupping hearts. ”Just bringing up wind.”. Living life out loud.

Low Points.
I would really have loved to see more of the social implications that Dante faced. What was covered- his friend’s reactions, the social workers, the exchange in the doctor’s surgery- was done incredibly well but I just think having a bit more of an insight into those side of things would have made it even more realistic than it was. Sometimes I felt like these things were overlooked for the bigger picture and eclipsed by other issues that feature later on in the story.

Completely Unrelated Point
Re: The Cover.
I didn’t know Bruce Springsteen was starting his own baby-sitting club….

First up, I just have to say how refreshing it was to read a book about teenage pregnancy from the boy’s perspective. Whether it’s on TV, in books or even in the news, people assume that the dads always do a runner. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it doesn’t always happen. The dads who stick around never seemed to get mentioned and they’re all painted with the same brush, so it was really great to read a story from a perspective that gets ignored too often.
Oh Dante, you poor little lamb.
If I had found out that I’d had a child on the day I got my A-Level results (not entirely sure how that would’ve worked) I would have been a jibbering wreck. And you should’ve seen me sans unexpected child; it wasn’t pretty, I assure you.
What I loved most about the character of Dante was that he went through a true learning curve and not just in how to look after an eleven month year old girl. This book is a crash course in learning to be selfless, learning to be compassionate, learning that life doesn’t always go as planned and learning to take responsibility for your own actions.
In the hands of another author, this story could have stumbled blindly into the preachy trap, but it never did. I never felt like I was being lectured or that she was making a political statement about the levels of teenage pregnancy in modern day Britain.
It’s always so satisfying to see a character start off a bit unlikeable and completely useless and watch as they mature and learn from their mistakes with little to no whinging. I hate characters who start off perfect and end just as perfect, where’s the fun in that?
Also, Dante’s a brilliant big brother. But I’m not saying anything else about that for fear I will cry The Ugly Cry.

I have so much love for this lot. I love how they interacted because it felt natural and funny without being forced. They had their problems and their skeletons in their closets but you could tell that they all really cared for each other and it was really special to read.
Also, Aunt Jackie was a firecracker.

Theme Tune.
I have to do it and I’m not even sorry.
If a song mentions the author then it’s pretty much a given it’s going to be the theme tune, right?

Written in the Stars by Tinie Tempah ft Eric Turner.

Also, I may or may not have developed some kind of knee-jerk reaction that whenever I say ‘Malorie Blackman’ out loud, I have to follow it immediately with “Where the hell’s all the sanity at? Damn.”

Because I’m a ridiculous person.
But anyway, I don’t care because I have a lot of time for Mr Tempah and his crazy sun protectors.

Also, this one is for Adam.

Survive It by Ghostpoet.

I know
Times are hard
You’re against the wall, and
Your head is down, but
I think
You’ll get there soon
Just have a little faith, mate
It’ll turn out great.

Sadness Scale.
I think a lot of people will be put off from reading this book because it seems like it could either be an “Issue Book” or full of LOLZ and so many hilarious stories that Selleck, Danson and Guttenburg will be hammering on your door so they can get in on the action.
And even though it does deal with issues and it is full of LOLZ and hilarious stories, it’s so much deeper than that.
I can’t tell you the reason why this book is getting such a high sadness scale (spoilers and all) but I had a lump in my throat for most of the second half. *sob*
In this book, Ms Blackman has created a story that is just as much about being male in modern day Britain, what it takes to be masculine, taking responsibility for your actions, family and, above all, staying true to yourself.

Recommended For.
People are looking for a book that offers a different and fascinating perspective on an, arguably, overdone subject. People are looking for a book where the boys take over. People who are reluctant to take their Beyonce posters down. People who want to live their life out loud.
Profile Image for Liz* Fashionably Late.
434 reviews431 followers
Want to read
August 29, 2014
My sister is reading this.
If I find sexy time scenes here, she's gonna hear it from me...

Profile Image for Amina .
876 reviews548 followers
May 22, 2023
✰ 3.5 stars ✰

“I don’t know what Dad was expecting. Did he think I’d look down at it and decide that flipping burgers for the rest of my life was a small price to pay for having this thing in my life? Did he think I’d hold it in my arms and suddenly realize just how much I loved it?

Well, I didn’t. I felt nothing.

And that, more than anything else, scared the hell out of me the most.”

It's a rare thing to find a book like Boys Don't Cry that shows teenage pregnancy from the boy's point of view and how a moment in the protagonist's, Dante's life - that he never considered or thought about again - would come around and forever change the direction of the path he was aiming for his life to take. 😔

“‘Did you love Melanie?’ asked Adam unexpectedly.

There was no pause before I shook my head.

‘That’s a shame,’ said Adam.


‘Well, someone as special as your daughter should’ve been . . . made with love.’

‘She shouldn’t have been made at all.’

‘Coulda, woulda, shoulda,’ Adam pointed out. ‘She’s here now and she’s not going anywhere.’”

I mean, just imagine - you're on the way to bigger and better things - your career path is set - you have a future, a goal, a destination, a purpose - one that doesn't involve changing diapers and staying awake at the forsaken hours of the late morning - when suddenly, this little bundle of joy is dropped into your lap without preamble - without warning. She's been left behind by the mother who had to endure the early months all on her own and just needed some time and space to herself to sort herself out - left behind at the mercy of a young seventeen year old boy, who's not emotionally or mentally prepared to be given this hefty responsibility of caring for the life of another human being.

And yet, he had to do it - he had to step up to the challenge - not for his own sake, but for the sake of someone who shared his DNA and was a part of him. And he was most fortunate to have the help and support from his father, and the care and affection given by his brother, that through time, he, too grew to love and care for his daughter, Emma - putting her well-being above anything else. I loved how supportive his family was; at first, his father lectured and scolded him for his ineptitude (for reasons later disclosed), but rose to the title of grandfather and lending a hand whenever needed. Dante's narrative also let us see the subtle changes in his behavior. How his reluctance and guilt and shame slowly changed into acceptance and admittance - how his overall attitude to life, his general feeling to the mundane details that once were everything to him, were now of the past - and his only focus was ensuring that Emma was safe and cared for - and most of all, loved.

“‘First of all, Logan, no one looks at their ever-loving best when they cry. And second and more importantly, if you ever call my daughter ugly again, I’ll punch your face in.’”

I went through such a whirlwind of emotions reading this - at times, I would be so moved by the small moments of gradual tender affection shared between Dante and his daughter and chuckle inwardly at the lighthearted yet natural humor of teasing moments the family shared with each other at their abrupt sudden change in their lifestyle. And then I would be thrown into a train-wreck of feels as I read through Adam's pain of his own personal ordeals that he was experiencing. 💔 From being ridiculed for his sexuality, rejected and scorned by someone he trusted and loved, then beaten up and so broken and bruised that all the happiness that shined from within him - that spark that Dante and his father were in awe of - it slowly faded away.

Malorie Blackman told a realistic and believable story - the characters were flawed but not above change. Apart from Dante growing and maturing as a person, who steadily realized the importance of responsibilities, care-giving, and genuinely working to improve his relationship with his father, it was also another major step to see how his mindset towards his gay brother, It changed, when he witnessed a horrific bullying incident that was both traumatic and hauntingly portrayed - not only violent but harshly realistic that made life even more painful for them to be a part of. 😢😢

“How is it possible to be so happy and so miserable at the same time? I’ve met someone...

I wish . . . I wish he wasn’t quite so ashamed of me.

And if he could stop feeling so ashamed of himself, then maybe we might stand a chance.”

What I would have preferred is if Malorie Blackman had chosen ONLY to focus on Dante's storyline, instead of including Adam's own issues into the narrative. By trying to balance out both their struggles, I felt as if Adam's story was not given as much importance as it could have been - nor, was there enough weight to the effects to the ordeal that he had to endure. 😟 That left a slight imbalance for me in terms of writing and pacing, which prevented me from really feeling the true impact of Adam's side to the story.

Especially as the chapters dedicated to his POV did not give enough insight to how much of his own pain he was sheltering and carrying as a burden - the slurs and insults of his sexuality - the doomed relationship with a closeted boy - the vicious attacks that broke him - and the thoughts that haunted him when he felt like there was no way out. We didn't get enough into his mind to see them effectively portrayed and for me to really connect to him - and he deserved that attention. Dante's story was important, but so was Adam's. And still, to see how the brothers grew closer after, how Dante got to see life through his brother's eyes and all he had not been open to see was what the story all the more rewarding.

“‘Don’t you know that boys don’t cry?’ Adam grinned.

‘Shall I tell you something I’ve only recently discovered,’ I replied, not attempting to hide the tears rolling down my face and not the least bit ashamed of them.

‘Boys don’t cry, but real men do.’”
Profile Image for Aly (Fantasy4eva).
240 reviews122 followers
October 11, 2011
After reading NOUGHTS AND CROSSES, the author quickly became one for me to look out for. So I was thrilled to receive this book.

It was freaking awesome.

Just imagine. A 17 year old boy (Dante) that has his life all planned out. He is just about to receive his A Level results and is well on his way to University to study Journalism. But then your ex girlfriend pops up. She has a baby. She claims this baby is your baby. Goes out for a few minutes, promising to return. She never comes back.

I was a little gob-smacked when it happened. Of course the synopsis gives it away but it's baffling nevertheless.

In the midst of all this there are family problems. His mother passed away and his father has never quite been the same. He doesn't have much of a relationship with either of his sons and struggles to show emotion - which really pulls a strain on the whole family dynamic. You then have his brother Adam. A young boy that has to live with his family denial every day. With his family turning a blind eye to what he is, and by him getting bullied by his big brother, Dante' friends, things are really taking their toll on him.

You then have Dante, this boy, who struggles with the anger, guilt and confusion of a baby he never wanted or planned. You watch on as the anger resides and he starts to worry about how he can be a better father. This transition is remarkable. I also really loved how his father was a little harsh towards him. He didn't sugar-coat things. He let him have it. He explained that this child is his, therefore his responsibility and making sacrifices are one of the many things that he will have to do.

It's a thought - provoking read,a learning experience and an eye opener - quite inspiring also. BOY'S DON'T CRY is definitely a novel that all of us can learn from.
Profile Image for Ana Banda.
482 reviews
December 12, 2015
Wow! cuando leí la sinopsis esperaba a un tipo de 30 años mujeriego pero ¡Oh Sorpresa! Nada que ver!
Dante representa al típico chavo que no tiene idea sobre lo que implica ser papá y que en el día a día con su bebé van dándose cuenta de lo maravilloso que es! Me encantó la forma en la que se volvio gracias a Emma; más maduro; un hombre real!
Adam mi vida; no es el único que ha pasado por esas cosas! ): Malditos ignorantes -.-
Emma es una belleza de niña! amé cuando ya hablaba :3 aw quiero una bebé así de lista, y lo que es mas maravilloso es que se convirtió en la unión de esa familia :')

Libro gracioso; impactante & con una enseñanza muy grande! :)
September 5, 2022
I had very high expectations for Boys Don't Cry when I started it (I've read the author's Noughts and Crosses series and loved it), but I still ended up enjoying it! It was short, meaningful and tackled important issues.

The book focuses on the issue of teenage pregnancy, one which I haven't really read about before. It starts when Dante discovers that his ex-girlfriend has had a baby without his knowledge and that he is the father. Melanie, his girlfriend, asks him if he can look after the baby for an afternoon and then does a runner, leaving Dante with full responsibility of their child.

I thought that the book tackled that issue well, showing how having a child at such a young age completely upended Dante's life. It also highlights both the positives and negatives of having a child. I enjoyed reading about this topic, as it is definitely a relevant one today.

Moving on to the characters. Most of the chapters were from Dante's POV, with a few short ones from the perspective of his brother, Adam. I thought Dante was a good protagonist, as he felt very well-developed. His narrative helped to make the story interesting while also making sure the reader understood the gravity of what he was going through.

At the beginning of the book, I didn't really connect with Adam as a character. The chapters from his perspective were extremely short and added nothing to the story, making them feel very unnecessary. However, I started to connect with him more by the end of the book and by then the chapters from his POV were better and helped me to understand his motivations for doing certain things.

Emma, Dante's daughter, was also absolutely adorable. So cute!! :)

The dynamic between Dante and his family was portrayed very well in my opinion and I liked how the relationship between Dante and his father developed throughout the story. This made the story feel very layered and realistic.

To be honest, I enjoyed Malorie Blackman's writing less in this than in Noughts & Crosses, but it was still good. The simplicity made the focus on the characters and the issues. The plot was quite slow, but it sped up near the end.

Overall, I do prefer the Noughts and Crosses series, but I still enjoyed this! Would recommend.

*3.5 stars rounded up*
Profile Image for Istefani Marcos.
100 reviews33 followers
January 13, 2016
Estou tão apaixonada pelo livro que o que mais quero agora é abraçar todos os personagens, principalmente o papai Dante.
O plot do livro é muito diferente, nunca havia lido nada igual. Geralmente o que a gente tem nesse universo literário é o cara dando no pé e deixando a mocinha com um filho para criar. Aqui temos a situação contrária. O Dante, aos 17 anos, fica responsável pela filha, já que a mãe da bebê some.
Gostei muito mesmo do livro, foi incrível ver a transformação do Dante de adolescente irresponsável para um super pai. Os personagens secundários também são muito bem construídos. É um livro sem romance, sem drama. Apenas mostrando a realidade de muitos jovens que têm que abrir mão de seus sonhos para cuidar de filhos não planejados.
Profile Image for Anna.
509 reviews133 followers
November 28, 2011
What an amazing read! I still can't keep my mind out of it.

I am still bemused that as much as I want to tell the tale I'll try to keep it super vague and not let you miss all the action.

BOYS DON'T CRY is, as the last time I checked, the first book I read about young, single parent/s. Dante is just your 17-year-old dreamer, achiever, and typical teenager who parties and went out with friends. But then in the middle of the biggest moment he's been waiting to turn up in life, he was startled to know that he became a father. And so, the story go on...

As I read, I was so sad and so happy at the same time. The characters, especially Dante, Adam, Dad, Aunt Jackie, and Emma are so very likable. I love how everyone of them are flawed in their own way and that whatever they want to do or what they want to be, they held to that with pride. I realized it is never easy raising a child but, heck even thinking of taking care of one is hard. But life's little surprises makes it more fun and exciting that it'll be part of your life that you don't want to be apart from it. That was what this book has taught me. Dante had never thought what has come his way with Emma, but he's was trying his best to cope, care and nurture her and really let her feel that she's his own. It's actually made me tear everytime he regards Emma as "my daughter", so cute! Just when you thought a family will never have a chance on a harmonious, happy life since the loss of someone very special, think of it as "You lose some, you win some." And on Dante's case, they lost their mother over her death but they were rewarded with a very lovely, beautiful angel that turns their life upside down and makes their world go round.

The characters relationship to one another is very touching. How they are very concerned with one another it make me cry every time. I wish my big brother would be like that! I just realized that Emma is the only female in the household full of men. And I mean men in physicality, if you know what I mean. ;) She's the rose among the thorns, the moon among the stars, the light in the dark (yeah, I should probably stop) :)

I really liked this one, scratch that, I love this one. I love how real and relatable they are that proves us nobody is perfect. I especially love the ending and that's how ending should be. They left you with your imagination to go wild and wild as want it to be. The verdict is it'll turn out great in the latter.

P.S. I thought I won't like that much but ended up loving it. ☺

Profile Image for Laura V..
734 reviews60 followers
January 18, 2015
"A veces las cosas que estás seguro de no querer se convierten en las que más necesitas en este mundo."

A veces, MUY de vez en cuando, me gusta leer este tipo de novelas para recordarme que no siempre hay finales felices con lluvia de arcoiris y ponis voladores.

"¿Pensaba que miraría hacia abajo y decidiría que mover un tirón de hamburguesas para el resto de mi vida sería un pequeño precio que debía pagar por tener esta cosa en mi vida? ¿Pensó que el que yo la sostuviera en mis brazos iba a hacer que de repente me diera cuenta de lo mucho que la amaba?"

Dante pierde su perfecta vida planeada, la tarde en que Mel lo deja con un bebé en brazos y un "Tú eres su padre, yo no puedo hacerme cargo". Él tiene que procesar en ese suspiro de tiempo entre la noticia y su posterior partida que ha sido padre, que la niña que ahora grita en sus brazos es suya y que, aunque quiera negarlo, ya nada volverá a hacer lo mismo. Mel ha tenido casi dos años para hacerse a la idea, él tiene un suspiro, y lo único que quiere es meter la cabeza bajo la almohada y rogar porque todo haya sido una pesadilla.

"-Dante, te ves cansado.
-Lo estoy, -admití.
-Acostúmbrate a estarlo."

Nunca pensé que leería un POV de un padre soltero semi adolescente. No creí que tal cosa fuera posible. Ver a este chico lidiar con sus miedos (y tiene muchos), con sus inseguridades (y cada día son más), con una niña que crece a cada instante, y que roba su corazón a cada minuto, ver que su vida ya no es suya, es de ambos, que ahora le pertenece a Emma, es conmovedor.

"Pero aún así, la vida era algo que estaba pasándole a otras personas. La mía había sido puesta en espera. Pero yo tenía a Emma."

Un personaje del que me hubiera gustado leer más en este libro es Adam, sufrí un poco con él, pero quiero saber más de él.
El final me gustó bastante, el hecho de que no hay soluciones mágicas, que todo no puede arreglarse de la noche a la mañana, que no hay un sueño americano del padre soltero al que aspirar, Dante no la tendrá fácil, ni con Emma al año, ni a los dos, ni cuando cumpla treinta. Emma es un para siempre en su vida.

Por cierto, siento mucho que Mel se sintiera obligada a dejar a Emma con él. Sé que la quería. Sé que volverá por ella (leí la sinopsis del próximo libro). Pero Emma es su hija, y por mucho que Dante sienta derecho sobre ella, no pasó ni tiene idea del esfuerzo que tuvo que hacer Mel para conservarla el tiempo que estuvieron juntas. Ojalá lleguen un acuerdo para ambos con respecto a la niña.
Espero no estar defendiéndola de gusto. Pero es que no creo que por muy irresponsable que haya sido Mel, la haya abandonado de buen modo. De ser así se la hubiera dado cuando Emma, no era más que una molestia.
De nuevo, espero no estar equivocándome con ella.
Profile Image for Alice.
60 reviews35 followers
October 16, 2011
This novel caught my interest because I thought I was in for a unique read on the overworked teenage-parent theme, and in some ways I wasn't wrong. Emotionally charged and morally engaging, the story takes us on a journey not only of unexpected fatherhood, but of the whirlwind of family in all it's colours and shapes. Dante, our protagonist, takes to sudden parenthood like a bird to the ocean, and his initial reactions and reasonings are easy to relate to. It was a nice change to witness the father being left to tackle the struggles of an infant rather than the mother, and to follow the process of having to learn to interact with, and even love, a child from the perspective of a young-man.

Blackman uses a duel-first-person format, switching between the point of view of new-father Dante, and his eccentric brother Adam, flipping frequently (at first) to give a coin toss view of a family dynamic. In my opinion, Blackman either needed to remove Adam's chapters completely, or go the whole-hog and include his story in its entirety; as it is she does neither, and we're left with surplus chapters that really add no depth, and act solely to encourage pity. It would have been interesting if the sole focus had been on Emma; I didn't really feel past the first few chapters after her introduction there was much tension surrounding her, and Adam's story (which slowly takes precedence) was ridiculously over-exaggerated, and hard-to-believe. Even Adam himself is presented as a stereotypical homosexual, which made his plight even less interesting to follow. There are some genuine moments of brotherly bonding between the two sides, and the different view-points with regards to their father were engaging.

I didn't make much of the writing. During the beginning, the book is very preachy, using dialogue between father and son to determine an understanding that a child changes a life forever, but the whole interaction was cliché and over-stated. There are several cringe worthy examples of this before the novel loses it's focus and drives into other teen-issues with no time to look back. The dialogue is clumsy, unfunny where it means to add humour, and often unrealistic. By the end some chapters read like an information pamphlet on homophobia and suicide, and the initial baby problems are stuffed in willy-nilly almost just to remind us Emma is still an important aspect of the story.

I wanted to enjoy this book far more than I did; I think I would have been better engaged reading more about a boy struggling to get-to-grips with being a father, and perhaps some of the social and legal aspects of the issue. This would probably be a good read for younger-teens, to gain a better understanding of responsibility and childcare, while also introducing other social issues that come with growing-up.

Shamless plug time :). For more reviews please visit http://alicereadsbooks.wordpress.com/ and let me know what you thought.
Profile Image for Zorana.
53 reviews
November 24, 2014
This is EXACTLY the book I needed after Mockingjay!!!

It was SO GOOD! You clearly need to read it guys. Boys and girls.
It's a pretty light written contemporary but dealing with hard themes which is amazing.
Malorie Blackman is so talented and funny this was just a great read!

It's written in Dante and Adam's point of view (more of Dante's). They are brothers, and the story begins with Dante waiting for the mailguy to come and give him his uni admission letter,and once the bell rings he opens the door and see his ex girlfriend Melanie standing in front of him with a baby.

And this is how his whole life just changed from A to Z.

Oh my days it was awesome. I love Tyler the father and Jackie the auntie, Adam is such a brother and Dante is fabulous like why don't we have some Dante around here :'( and Emma of course <3
It's clearly dealing with parenthood when you are young,and when you have to take care of 2boys after your wife's death but also homosexuality!
I think there isn't any slow parts at all. First because the chapters are pretty short (there is like 49 chapters) and that's what I personally love about a book! Short chapters are life when they are well written.
The characters were fantastic even the bad ones (like the woman at the grocerie store and Colette who's kind of a bitch but you understand why she's like this)
I cried like 4times just because of some simple moments. When Emma grab Adam to kiss him and just hug him or when Bridgeman daddy tell Dante that he loves him and some simple family stuffs like this.
I'm emotional and I think we could all be while reading it because family is the main topic of this book actually.

You all need to read this,It's really funny and so cleverly written,I swear!

Now I need to give this book back to the library but I so don't want to :( that's why I'm gonna order it for myself because this is definitely one of my 2014 favourites and I need it to be on my shelf!!

I'm definitely going to read Noughts and Crosses trilogy by this author too.

5/5 stars for me It totally worth it!!
Profile Image for J. Taylor.
1,541 reviews29 followers
March 24, 2021
I loved this book so much. I wanted to read it for ages and kind of forgot down the line then I eventually got it and it was amazing. I am a sucker for single fathers, let alone a teenager one and I loved every moment.

I do wish we had more from Adam, instead of a half of a page from him though most of the time or all Dante, there just wasn't enough that he shouldn't have had his perspective or should have had more of it.

Truly amazing, a must read.

Re-read: I love this book so damm much and it makes my list of faves of 2017 even as a re-read since I didn't do a fave list for the year in which I first read this book.
Profile Image for Chloe Reads Books.
1,032 reviews460 followers
October 6, 2020
Think this is 4 stars. Not the most amazing thing I've ever read, and definitely not as great as 13 year old me remembered it. But a hint of nostalgia turned this into a 4 star from a 3/3.5!
Profile Image for Paperback Mo.
403 reviews93 followers
August 18, 2024
LOVED this story, especially from the fresh perspective of a single dad.
Lots of topics to unpack here, worth reading as a buddy read or book club.
Profile Image for Dhai.
105 reviews
August 16, 2021
Okay first of all I want to hug all the characters especially daddy Dante. I picked this book because of the title and I will not lie I had many thoughts about ‘ Boys don’t cry ‘.
The plot of the book is very different, usually what we have in our world is the guy giving up and leaving the girl with a child to raise. Here we have the opposite situation. Dante, at age 17, is responsible for his daughter, after Mel the baby’s mother disappears. I really enjoyed the book, it was amazing to see Dante's transformation from an irresponsible teenager to a dad who’s trying his best. The secondary character Adam is also very well built, I loved and I wished there were more about his story. It’s a book without romance, without drama. Just showing the reality of many young people who have to give up their dreams and deal with what life gives them.
It was almost four stars read 🌟.
Profile Image for Liam Owens.
22 reviews39 followers
June 18, 2018
I read this book as I'm researching how modern masculinity is represented in contemporary teen fiction as part of my Masters degree in Children's Literature. This is the first book I've read by Malorie Blackman, though I had pretty high expectations as I know she's a celebrated author who has received considerable recognition for her contributions to children's fiction.

In short, I thought this was a fantastic book. Teenage pregnancy isn't exactly a new topic in YA, but the decision to approach this issue from a male perspective was, I thought, refreshing. When we think of teen fathers, we automatically assume their parenting is inadequate and that they aren't able to raise a child as well as a mother. The book plays on these stereotypes - as well as other assumptions surrounding masculinity - and does an excellent job exposing just how superficial and unfounded they are. It also raises some interesting questions about a father's rights, some of which I felt could have been explored in more depth (for example, the scene towards the end of the novel where Dante reveals he's terrified that Melanie might come back and take Emma away from him and how that won't be a problem because she's her mother).

Whilst we follow Dante as he comes to terms with fatherhood, we also see life through the eyes of his younger brother, Adam, who is openly gay but has a difficult time trying to convince his family and friends to accept his sexuality. I found Adam's narrative to be just as interesting as Dante's, and I thought the two contrasting storylines did a good job of interrogating what it means to be male from two different perspectives. Adam's storyline takes a considerably darker turn towards the end of the novel (which I won't go into because of spoilers), but I felt it did an excellent job of exploring the inner-struggle of teenage boys who don't seem to conform to conventional standards of masculinity.

My only criticism is that the writing was a little simplistic at times, which makes me think this book probably leans towards the younger end of the YA spectrum. I also found some of the plot twists a little predictable, but this is probably because I've read quite a few novels that centre on gay and/or non-stereotypically male protagonists.

Favourite line: "Boys don't cry, but real men do."
Profile Image for Tara.
40 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2013
I really don't get what Blackman was getting at with this book. She starts well, illustrating the issues faced by Dante as he's thrown into the world of being a single teenage dad and showing how he learns to cope with it... but that's it as far as that part of the book goes.

The latter third or so if the book is preoccupied with his brother Adam and homophobia. Did Blackman start writing one book and then decide halfway through she was out of ideas so let's just entirely change the central plotline?

And what happens to Melanie? We don't hear from her at all after she's dumped baby Emma. I'm sure there's a LOT more to her story than we're given in this novel. My worldview tells me it takes a lot for a mother to abandon her child, her child who she decided to keep despite her family's wishes - to the point she's kicked out.

I was hoping to see a story where the single father prevails and is able to build a stable career over time and support his daughter despite all the hurdles. I wanted to see Blackman telling the story of how becoming a young single parent doesn't mean the end of your aspired life. The story just comes to an abrupt and unsatisfactory ending - sure, the family are all happy and united... but they were anyway before Adam gets beaten up by his ex-partner. That's why I say it's as if the homophobia thing was just crowbarred in as filler and to provide an excuse for a conclusion.

I made a note while reading that I didn't realise until towards the end of the book the family were black - which says a lot about the description that goes into the characters. I realised then I have no idea what any of the characters look like (all I knew formerly was that Emmahad black hair and Dante looked similar to her).

So yeah, in all, unimpressed and disappointed.
Profile Image for Muffinsandbooks.
1,411 reviews1,048 followers
January 20, 2018
Une superbe lecture ! C’était émouvant et touchant et les sujets abordés sont vraiment importants. J’ai tout aimé dans ce livre, aussi bien le style que les personnages et leur évolution. C’est mon deuxième roman de Malorie Blackman et j’ai hâte d’en découvrir d’autres !
300 reviews139 followers
May 31, 2012
I am a huge fan of Malorie Blackman and advocator of her work ever since I first read Noughts and Crosses many years ago. Not only does Blackman create extremely well written books with relatable characters, but she also tackles difficult, sometimes controversial, subjects for YA literature, in an honest and thought provoking way. Boy’s Don’t Cry is a powerful and unexpected novel. I couldn’t put it down and ended up reading through until 5 in the morning, and then I couldn’t sleep for thinking about it.

Boys Don’t Cry is told from two points of view, Dantes’ and Adams’ – to begin with the reason for this is unclear and though I liked Adam’s upbeat narrative in contrast to Dante’s, I couldn’t figure out why we were switching between the two. This lasted for about 70 pages and from then on I was hooked. I hadn’t realised when I started reading Boys Don’t Cry that this was a book about much, much, more than just teenage parenthood – Blackman has blended together two stories that deal with two very different topics. I’m not going to spoil it for anyone by telling you everything this one book manages to cover, and cover well. I will say that though, that while I loved both stories, it was Adam I grew particularly attached to as a character, and it was his voice and his journey that struck me the hardest and stayed with me long after I had finished reading it.

Boys Don’t Cry takes a unique look at being a teenage parent, as it is told from the boys point of view. I have to applaud Blackman for choosing to do this as it is a topic that young male readers should be able to read about and because too often (in life and in books) the father is either forgotten, or considered less important in a child’s life. Then there is the stereotype that if anyone will walk away, it will be the father. In typical fashion, Blackman disputes all these assumptions (and more) in Boy’s Con’t Cry. She is an author you can depend upon to challenge the every day stereotypes all around us – her writing makes you think and I love her for it.

A few scenes that stood out for me were when Dante takes his daughter out for the first time and has to deal with strangers’ prejudices and judgement once they learn Emma is his. I see and hear people dismissing young parents all the time, always assuming they are lazy and exploiting the benefit system. By experiencing this type of public reaction with Dante, Blackman really hits home just how hurtful and wrong it is to judge people without knowing them – reminding us that just because someone is a young parent – doesn’t mean they are a bad one.

Though Boys Don’t Cry focuses on the prejudices young dads receive in our society, here Blackman briefly touches on how young mothers are looked down on and treated by society as well – you can almost see the word ‘slut’ forming in this woman’s mind as she looks at Collette. It is a sharp reminder not to judge Melanie too harshly for running out (another stereotype – it is considered pretty normal for the father to leave, but unforgivable if the mother does), as this is doubtless what she would of dealt over and over again, on her alone, for the past 18 months.

Blackman also writes some fantastic scenes surrounding the local social worker. We immediately feel as defensive towards her as Dante does and assume she is not only a busybody poking her nose in but also that she is out to trick Dante and wants to take Emma away from him. Why do automatically feel this way? It seems not a day can go by without the papers reporting something derogatory about social workers. I loved that as we, and Dante, got to know her a little better, we see that this woman only wants the best for Emma and is, in reality, there to help Dante keep his daughter. It was great, for once, to see a social worker portrayed as someone who cares, who has a difficult, at times impossible, job, and who has to deal with an unfair reputation. I think society in general forgets what an incredibly hard and incredibly amazing job these people can, and do, do. Once again we have another character who, in their own way, has to fight against society’s opinion of them, a character who has been judged unfairly; prompting the reader to confront their own reactions and their own prejudices as they read.

Watching Dante fall in love with his daughter is heartwarming without being overly sentimental – the tone in this book is just right to appeal to young male and female readers. What’s so great about Boys Don’t Cry is that it isn’t a cute story. It deals with the harsh reality of life as a teenage parent and doesn’t shy away from difficult and, at times, shocking truths. Dante doesn’t love his daughter immediately, or choose her above his own desires – it is hard, he has to make many sacrifices and deal with a lot of pressure from everyone around him. He comes close to breaking down and almost hits Emma – a feeling/moment I’m sure a lot of stressed out parents can relate to, but one that no one really talks about. We come to understand that coming close to snapping doesn’t make Dante a bad person, but walking away from the situation and asking for help does make him a good father. Throughout there is a lovely family dynamic and I enjoyed reading how certain events bring this family closer together and how they come out all the more stronger for it.

If Dante’s story is touching, Adam’s story is hard-hitting and heartbreaking. Already a strong piece of fiction, this is what made Boys Don’t Cry unforgetable for me. Both Adam and Dante are obstricized by society but for very different reasons and watching them deal with that, and reading about what happens them, is both upsetting and uplifting – particularly in Adam’s case. I loved his character from the start.


It was refreshing to read about a character who is unashamed of his sexuality and Blackman makes a vitally important point that some younger readers may not yet understand: that Adam doesn’t choose to be gay, it is who he is and more importantly, he is happy with who he is.


What made this novel so brilliant for me were the characters. All of them, even the secondary characters, felt very real – we can identify with them. Reading this story and experiencing things from a different point of view makes us question our own opinions and prejudices. Boys Don’t Cry tackles many important subjects. It shows us the importance of understanding, compassion and acceptance – and the power of words. The courage to be yourself and to confront ignorance and hatred in all its forms. A stunning book that every one should pick up, regardless of age or gender – because I think you will learn something about yourself and others by the end of it. Beautiful story, beautiful characters and beautiful narration. And yes – it made me cry.
Profile Image for Irina Villacis.
565 reviews27 followers
January 25, 2018
reto L-I-B-R-O-S
grupo lecturas conjuntas

8.c. Leer un libro cuyo título o primer apellido del autor empiece por la letra “B”.

lleva este libro esperandomé desde hace mucho tiempo como 5 o 4 años . aunque su trama me atraia no veia momento y aveces hasta me olvidaba que lo tenia. esperaba algo entretenido no sé . algún hombre de edad media que tenia unas dos o 3 novias y que un dia vino diciendome toma a tu bebé.

Me ha parecido bien entretenido. Dante es un chico de 17 años menor de edad que tiene sueños y aspiraciones. es una persona centrada en sus asuntos pero no tan centrada porque un dia tuvo un desliz con su novia. la primera vez de ambos teniendo sexo. la historia inicia con que Mel le deja a Dante a su hija de un año y medio o un año con ocho meses. resulta que Dante vive junto a su hermano ADAM un chico parecido y a la vez diferente a su hermano Dante . y el padre de ambos. un hombre que se ve maduro por momentos y joven por otros ( todavia no llega a los 40) .
Emma es una niña que de tan joven edad me hace estar emocionada por vivir.

Al finalizar la lectura
la historia mas que tratarse del cuidado de Emma se trata de las relaciones familiares. antes de amar a alguien debes amarte a ti mismo. hermano con hermano. hijos con sus padres incluso la tia metiche también es amor. sucede cosas fuertes con la familia de Dante. no tiene un final feliz pero para mi es tan realista y me gustó como se llegó a ese punto ya que Dante los dos primeros dias le molestaba su hija pero al tercer dia la amaba. la amaba y aprendió amar-reconocer que siempre ha amado a los demás .
Profile Image for Agnès ☾.
318 reviews144 followers
March 17, 2018
Tellement émouvant cette histoire! J'ai adoré! J'avoue avoir eu plusieurs fois les larmes aux yeux et Emma est tellement adorable! J'ai adoré le personnage d'Adam. Ainsi que toute la famille en réalité.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
October 10, 2010
Dante is just seventeen years old and is anxiously waiting for his A level results to see if he can get a place at university to study journalism. He is an intelligent young man - proven by the fact that he has taken his A levels a year early - and he is looking forward to a glittering future. Everything changes the day his results arrive, but not in the way he was expecting. When his ex-girlfriend turns up out of the blue with a pushchair he is shocked and horrified - especially when she tells him the baby is his. Melanie asks him to look after baby Emma while she does some shopping and disappears before even giving him time to reply. When she calls him to say she won't be coming back Dante finds his life has been turned upside down. Although he scored top marks in his exams it looks like university is no longer an option - he is a single father now and his daughter needs him.

Boys Don't Cry is the first book I've read by Malorie Blackman but it definitely won't be the last. I've heard such good things about her Noughts and Crosses series and after reading this book I can't wait to get stuck into those books too. Boys Don't Cry is an amazing read and one I would recommend to anyone - adults and teenagers alike - it will turn everything you've ever thought about teenage parents on it's head. This book made me laugh a lot and cry a little - it really was a roller coaster of emotion and one I couldn't put down - I read it in just one sitting.

Dante is a great character - he is smart and ambitious, the last person you would expect to become a teenage father but that just goes to show how easy it is to get into a situation like this. After just one drunken, very forgettable sexual encounter at a party Dante now finds himself a single father - something he definitely wasn't planning and isn't at all prepared for. The emotions he goes through are so realistic that this book could easily be a personal account of a true story. At first he is shocked and then comes anger - he didn't ask for this & it shouldn't have happened to him - but his feelings for Emma gradually turn into love and he comes through for her in a big way. Yes he makes mistakes along the way but that just makes him more real in my eyes, I don't think anyone can say they've never done something they regretted in life. Human nature is flawed and it's how we cope with the challenges along the way that shows what kind of person we really are and as Dante becomes a man he becomes the kind of person anyone would be proud to know.

The story shows just how hard it is to be a parent at any age but it must be particularly difficult when you still feel like a child yourself. Dante is lucky to have the support of his father and his younger brother, both of whom throw themselves into helping him care for Emma. Although Dante's father is disappointed with his son he is an instant support and dotes on Emma from the beginning. Even with the support of his family Dante finds out just how difficult it is caring for a baby and gradually comes to realise how hard it must have been for Melanie who was completely on her own. Dante also has to face prejudice wherever he turns - he can't even go to the shops without people criticising him for being such a young father and he is treated even worse because of the fact that he is a single father.

Although I loved Dante I think it was Adam that stole my heart most - he is such a sweet character with a sunny attitude that you just can't help falling for. Adam is openly gay and proud to tell the world about it - a character to admire for sure and the challenges he faces along the way really were heartbreaking to read about. I just wanted to climb into the book and protect him (I'd have given Emma a massive hug while I was in there because she was just too adorable for words!). I was routing for Adam the whole way through and just wanted him to be happy.

Boys Don't Cry in no way glamorises teenage pregnancy, quite the opposite in fact as it shows just how hard parenting can be. Although it also shows the joys of parenthood I know this book would have made me extra careful as a teenager because I wouldn't have wanted to end up in Dante's situation. I really think this book is a must read for all teenagers and their parents - it would be a great way to start a discussion about using protection and being careful. I love the way the story shows that it isn't just up to the girl to take responsibility for using protection. This coming of age story may be written from the male perspective but it is relevant for both boys and girls and I think anyone would find something they can relate to in the characters. I found this was a heartwarming read that really shouldn't be missed and I'd strongly recommend you order yourself a copy of this book now.
Profile Image for Anthony Buck.
Author 3 books9 followers
March 7, 2023
Really enjoyed this. Its not the most complex book in the world, but its a really nicely written story with very relatable characters. It's somewhere between 4 and 5 stars, but it gets rounded up because it made me cry.
Profile Image for James.
448 reviews
September 19, 2016
Whilst primarily a novel aimed squarely at the 'young adult' market - as with all good books, this transcends the confines and limitations of that genre.

Ostensibly a simple, straightforward and unsurprising coming of age story of contemporary family life and dynamics - this is powerfully, emotionally and movingly told.

The standard of writing and the quality of characterisation ensure that this story avoids becoming what could so easily have been a two dimensional, patronising and stereotypical tale of teenage 'life by numbers' - resulting in what would have been an insubstantial and forgettable read.

Malorie Blackman tackles important issues here and does so with skill, respect and without passing judgement. This is a very human story about growing up fast - which comes highly recommended.
Profile Image for K..
4,266 reviews1,151 followers
February 27, 2021
Trigger warnings: homophobia, assault, unexpected parenthood, mental health, mentions of suicide.

3.5 stars.

So here's the thing: I loved the idea of a teen pregnancy story that's about the father and how his life is affected when his baby is dumped in his lap. I loved the idea of getting the perspective of his brother as well, especially when said brother is struggling with being gay and the way he's being treated by his brother's friends.

But. I didn't particularly like Dante as a protagonist?? Like, I felt for him and the fact that he's had this baby handed to him out of the blue just as he's finishing high school and meant to be going off to university and now his entire life has changed. But. He was kind of an asshole teenage boy, you know? And being in his head so much was a struggle a lot of the time.

That being said, I liked the journey that the two boys and their dad went on together regarding toxic masculinity and the "boys don't cry" mentality. So...there's that.
Profile Image for Jane Branson.
134 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2016
This is excellent. As you would expect from Malorie Blackman: a pacy, intelligent, emotionally-charged, contemporary coming-of-age story, which focuses on young and unwanted fatherhood but also deals with issues around sexuality, bereavement, family and relationships. Maybe it's a tad predictable - but even while Blackman is presenting harsh realities she is sensitive to young readers' needs, and the sentimentality is woven with a couple of loose threads left for tying up later. Indeed, there is noise about a second novel (Heartbreak Girl) in this series, due this year, but even Blackman's own website (at the time of writing) fails to provide firm info about this.
37 reviews
April 25, 2020
This book suprised me ,because I didnt think I would like it but actually it was really good.It isnt cliche .It challenges stereotypes and is about a boy who gets left with a his baby,that he didnt even know existed.He has to change his plans about university .It has ups and downs,including violence and injury but I recommend it to 13+everyone
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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