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Dark Angel #1

Dark Angel

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Tania's heart belongs to Orlando. Nothing can rip them apart. Until the seduction begins in a flurry of glamour and magic, music and parties all orchestrated by the mysterious and mesmerising Zoran, an iconic rock star who has retired to a remote ranch in the nearby mountains. And there Tania meets the dark side. Can she resist temptation?

398 pages

First published August 4, 2011

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About the author

Eden Maguire

17 books331 followers
Eden Maguire graduated from Birmingham University with a PhD in English Lit and now lives in the Yorkshire Dales with her two daughters, her horse, Merlin, plus a dog and a cat.

She spends part of each year at a ranch in Colorado, where she rides alone in the mountains – her idea of perfect happiness.

Whenever she can, she loves to indulge her passion for travel and take in the world's major cities, from New York to Nairobi – where she can be found in the churches and temples, the galleries and sculpture parks, and occasionally in the designer boutiques of Fifth Avenue and the Champs Elysees.

Back at home, Eden's interests include cinema and theatre, plus art history and painting.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews
Profile Image for Donna.
1,052 reviews585 followers
September 10, 2011
I’d be looking forward to reading this book since I first heard about it on Goodreads. So you can imagine my excitement when I managed to get it for review. I have to admit, after reading the book I’m no longer excited about this series, which is a shame because I believe it has great potential. But unfortunately this story just isn’t for me.

For the first 80 pages or so, I was really confused. It didn’t really know what to expect with the story or even much about the story other than it was about Angel’s. However, I was in for a surprise when the story line finally reveals itself and it just wasn’t what I was expecting. Maybe that’s my own fault for mis-judging a book but I was instantly let down. The confusion came because the main character is experiencing dreams of wildfires and wings, then she attends a party and everyone is acting weird and I honestly couldn’t work out what was going on. I couldn’t see where the story was headed and how it all fit in, and even when I did find out, I couldn’t understand the concept of the story. And honestly, if I have to say….I much preferred Daniel over Orlando. The problem being….Daniel is the bad guy.

Despite my feelings, I still think this book will be a hit with the paranormal romance fans. For me, I believe had the story of been set up different I might of enjoyed it. But just because I didn’t like it as much as I would of hoped, I’d still urge you guys to read yourselves and make your own minds up.

Thank You to the publishers for giving me the opportunity to review this book.
Profile Image for Jenna.
958 reviews42 followers
August 3, 2012
I would like to think this novel had potential but it just fell flat. The plot, on a very basic level, could have been good - Who is Zoran? Can he be trusted? Can Daniel? However, it is so slow and drawn out that by the time anything happens I could not have cared less.

The characters had no personality at all and that made it hard to feel anything for them when Grace left them for Ezra. All that apparently matters is how good-looking they all are, *sigh*. I could partly forgive this short-coming because, fine, they're angels but it still didn't sit well with me. The relationship between Tania and Orlando is about the only funny thing in this book. They argue about the most pointless, childish things I was suprised they actually knew what sex was - seeing as, apart from arguing, this is the only other element to their "relationship".

Finally, the grammar was shocking. Whoever edited this book should be tried for crimes against literature. I can forgive a few mistakes but to get the spelling of the main character's name wrong half way through the book a few times? That is just ridiculous.

Highly disappointed.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
764 reviews9 followers
October 24, 2015
This book was very different to what I was expecting as well as what I’m used to reading; what I thought would be an easy and non-thought provoking read has left me dumb struck and doubting real life. I am almost at a loss of what to say after being completely and utterly stunned by this enchanting and gripping read.

The main character is Tania a girl living in a mountain village that often suffers from forest fires; which she unfortunately has a fear of. When a famous musical idol of hers moves into a house near her town and she is invited to a welcoming party she is introduced to a life she never knew existed as well as a danger she couldn’t possibly imagine. With some beautiful both boys and girls enticing friends to join the local stars cult she has to fight an impossible force to prevent her soul being ripped from her. Tania was a fairly strong however not entirely convincing leading lady, she constantly doubts her actions as well as what she believes is going on.

The most noteworthy secondary characters I thought included Daniel, Grace, Orlando and Zoran. Daniel is an enticing member of Zoran’s cult that is used to try to get Talia involved in the goings on, I do feel that he had a great chance of being successful being not easily deterred. Grace is Tania’s best friend who gets dragged into the cult and cuts herself off from friends and family ultimately getting Tania to join to try and force her out. Orlando is Tania’s boyfriend and although they have their issues in the book they also come together in a great way and I feel like it will be a relationship that lasts. And finally Zoran is the amazing musical icon who moves to town who harbours some secrets of his own he uses his friends to get more people to join his cult.

The storyline is really original and almost hauntingly striking as if applied to everyday life and current superstars I feel could be an extremely likely scenario. The pacing I though was brilliant building up an eerie picture and tension before dropping the bombshell.

A great read 4.5 stars only losing out because I didn’t think the main character was entirely believable.
Profile Image for Five Star Book Reviews .
13 reviews13 followers
August 16, 2011
"In that moment, with Orlando's arms around me, everything was perfect"

REVIEW- This book is one of sure genious...it is nothing like I expected and it truly took my breath away. I hadn't expected the main character Tania to be gifted with such a terrifying ability, I hadn't expected the villain in this fiery town to be so blood chillingly gruesome and I hadn't expected these angels to be so dark...

The story of this novel is very compelling and so it didn't take me long to fall completely head over heels in love with it. I was entirely taken aback by how much I enjoyed this read. Eden not only created characters in which I completely connected with but made these characters each with their individual spark that made me feel so strongly for them in such a horrible situation...

Although I loved every moment of this novel I couldn't help but notice it was a little slow at the beginning...but as soon as it began to pick up I was utterly amazed at how good the story was and so for this I awarded it a full 5 out of 5 stars.

Overall, this was one extremely marvelous read in which I would highly recommend to all...well done to Eden Maguire for creating such a fearful masterpiece that not only made me realise that not all rock stars are as nice as the seem but also made me loose sleep due to the chilling nightmares I had filled with forest fires and dangerously hot strangers ;) ♥
Profile Image for Mitchii.
802 reviews262 followers
August 13, 2011
1.5 / 5 - I’m pretty proud of myself, I finished this book even though I’m so close to falling asleep. With will power and hope that with the book concluding it will turn out good, so I forced myself to finish it. But sadly, even with my optimism, it didn’t happen. It’s so boring from the start ‘till the end. I know, I saw positive reviews of this book but sorry, I really can’t see the good in this book. I just can’t. It’s so confusing, it’s not confusing a la Burn Bright. It’s baffling in an annoying way. And for the life of me, I really can’t grasp the concept of angels in this book. I already read a handful of books that deals with angels but this one… I just couldn’t. I also didn’t like the flow of the story, it’s hopping from one event to another. It wasn’t fluid for me, it felt disconnected. As for the rest, it didn’t impress me. I didn’t enjoy it, so I might not read the sequel after all.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Angelica Ong.
39 reviews3 followers
October 14, 2012
Well, let's just say this was a disappointment.
When I read the title and saw the cover, I thought the content would delve deep into fallen angels and stuff. I got really excited, 'cause I love the paranormal. The introduction was...what's that word? Oh yes. Long-winded. I was reading and reading and reading, and I was thinking, "When are the fallen angels coming out to play?"
I just find it weird for fallen angels, so mighty and so powerful, to prey on helpless, powerless lovers. I mean, I get that they wanna rid people of joy and lovers have the most joy of all, but it's just...weird. I was expecting them to go after people because of - I don't know - special powers or strong life forces or something like that. So... yeah. Real disappointed.
Profile Image for Samantha (A Dream of Books).
1,244 reviews117 followers
August 7, 2011
Eden Maguire is the bestselling author of 'The Beautiful Dead' series. I have to say that I wasn't a huge fan of these books (although I might give them another try) but when I saw the cover of 'Dark Angel' and read the synopsis, I knew that I wanted to read it. I'm a sucker for a pretty cover and this one is gorgeous! Plus the story sounded really intriguing so I got started on it as soon as it arrived.

The story centres around main character Tania, who seems to live a pretty charmed life. She has fantastic friends, a gorgeous boyfriend called Orlando and parents who treat her like an adult and give her the freedom to make her own decisions and choices about her life. One night, Tania, along with her best friends Grace and Holly attend the party of well known rock star Zoran Brancusi. The party is wild, their host hypnotic and at the end of the night they return home with strange gaps in their memories. From that moment on everything seems to change as they're sucked into Zoran's mysterious world. Only Tania may have the necessary strength in the forthcoming fight against an evil presence which seems to have penetrated their world.

I loved the mystery which surrounded Zoran and co. At no point did I guess their secret or even have an inkling about the direction in which the story was going to go. Some of the events throughout took me completely by surprise and kept me on my toes and I enjoyed seeing the plot twists and turns unravel up to the point of a completely epic conclusion to the story. This was definitely not another formulaic paranormal romance.

Eden Maguire has a really fast-paced and engaging writing style which kept me immersed from the word go. Some parts of the book had me on the edge of my seat and I was totally gripped by Tania's story which really has something for everyone. There's a swoonworthy romance, a battle between good and evil, magic and mystery and a fantastic heroine who must make some major decisions to save not only herself but the lives of her friends and family.

I would just say that there are some adult themes in this book, so I think it's more suited to slightly older teen readers. I thought that overall 'Dark Angel' was a fantastic read. I curled up in my favourite chair to start this one evening and found myself finishing it in one sitting because it was that good!

The second book in the series, 'Twisted Heart' is due out on 3rd November and I'm looking forward to revisiting Tania once more and seeing what will happen to her next.

Profile Image for Darkfallen.
259 reviews47 followers
September 27, 2011
First I want to start by saying that this book was WAY, times ten, better than her previous Beautiful Dead series, or which I am beyond grateful! When I first received this from the publisher and recognized the authors name I instantly was hesitant. I mean I own all four Beautiful Dead books yet I could only make myself suffer through the first two...and really I shouldn't have even done that.

But this? Oh yes I will be reading the sequel. Job well done to Eden Maguire!!

Tania is basically your normal teenage girl. And these teenagers are actually teenagers. They go to parties, the drink sometimes, they worry about things like college and what should I wear tonight?. They are young, reckless, and real. Which I loved. Tania has grown up in a town that is plagues by wild fires her whole life. Living there kinda makes everyone an expert on forest fires. Where as we talk about the rain, they talk about things like smoke off the mountain. But the neighborhood she lives in was once burned down to the ground, killing the family that lived in the lot her house now sits on. So when Tania spends her life having nightmares/visions or fire everyone just says it is because she is "over sensitive". In fact that is what she has been hearing through-out her life about just about anything. Every Time she gets upset over something they all say she is just being sensitive. But then a retired rock stars comes to town and everything changes. Now sensitive takes on a whole new meaning. What was once considered a weakness is now her greatest strength and her only hope at defeating the darkness that is devouring her friends.

While I do have to admit Tania's mood had me questioning rather or not she was actually bi-polar at times I still really loved her. I mean you get an inside look into her thoughts and her quirky self banter made me laugh on more than one occasion. This is a slightly different twist on the whole angel scene that has been sweeping through YA lately. Her the fallen angels aren't the guys you should be falling in love with. They are in deed the bad guys. I did like Maguire's take on the whole "a devil who has a name is powerless" theme. It made the book really interesting and hard to put down.

The only reason why this didn't get 5 stars from me was because, while it started off great, it kinda fizzled by the end. I mean the action was there but it just needed a little Umph. All in all I can't wait for the next book and see if love can conquer all or if Tania will fall into the darkness.
39 reviews36 followers
March 23, 2012
After having read the beautiful dead, and loved it, I really wanted to like this. I truly did. The Beautiful Dead series had that rare blend of Paranormal and murder mystery, which was interesting, I I felt for the characters in them. Unfortunately, this can't be said of Dark Angel.

Where do I begin? From the beginning, Tania is whining about her boyfriend being missing. In the Beautiful Dead, Phoenix is dead so this works -here it doesn't. On top of that, the characters are one dimensional and very hard to even try to like they whine, complain, and go through so much realtionship drama that by the time you've dragged yourself through the tedious arguments and angst to get to what happens, you really don't care enough. For example, Grace is apparently the nicest girl in the world, yet we never see her do something from the beginning that makes us care about her, and her actions with Ezra, even though she's not herself, hardly make us love her. Tania, our main character, seems to spend most of the time moping about her boyfrind, running to Daniel, arguing with Orlano in response, making up with Orlando, and starting the whole cycle again! What's the point?

So, overall, I'd love to like this, but I really can't and won't be finishing the series. 2 stars.
Profile Image for  Soph - Lock&Key.
991 reviews58 followers
October 11, 2012
More like 1 star, but I could not bring myself to give it something so low. It was not that bad, but I did not enjoy reading it.

There was nothing that could save this book for me.

The writing was to formal, but to laid back in its dialogue.

The characters were lifeless and boring.

The storyline had so many holes, and did not add up.

And it draged on way too much.

I dont know what to say really. I know I am being harsh, but I wanted so much from this, it sounded so good and I was so excited to read it. I guess, it just was not all I hoped it would be.

This book was not my cup of tea, but it could be yours......
Profile Image for Heather A.
688 reviews18 followers
December 16, 2013
Very disappointing. Flat uninteresting characters and dull repetitive plot that got stupid after the half way point. Initially the whole Zoran thing was quite intriguing but it took so damn long to get to the answers I didn't care. And most inexcusable the spelling of the main female characters name changed. Even if it was only for a few pages for the main character, how can an editor miss something like that?!

Not bothering with the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Sharon.
22 reviews
Want to read
July 21, 2011
The photo on this is the same as the one on The Vespertine and the Aus version of The Goddess Test...publishers obviously really like it.

It's also similar, though I'm not sure if it's the same model/dress to Forgiven by Janet Fox.
Profile Image for Rasuna.
97 reviews
August 12, 2011
it's an okay book. why does all the paranormal book has to be like this recently?
I want something big, heart-stopping, has-to-finished- in a night- book. is that too much to ask? *sigh*
Profile Image for basiki.
224 reviews289 followers
September 28, 2020
Ależ to jest słaba historia. Bohaterowie mało charakterystyczni, mało rozwinięci emocjonalnie, jak na swój wiek, mało interesujący. Wątek romantyczny beznadziejny, nie czuć chemii pomiędzy bohaterką a jej chłopakiem i tym bardziej nie ma jej, gdy pojawia się chłopak nr 2, więc cały ten trójkąt miłosny i rozterki bohaterki są trochę absurdalne. Relacje niedopracowane. Pomysł... nie jest zły, może nawet niewykorzystany potencjał. Mam wrażenie, że historia pisana na szybko. Pewne ruchy fabularne trochę wzięte znikąd. Cała akcja rozgrywa się na dwóch stronach, jakby nagle autorka podjęła decyzję, że nie ma ochoty dalej pisać. Momentami przeciągnięta i nudna.
Profile Image for Gosia.
59 reviews
January 23, 2023
To był trip i to niezbyt dobry.

Wydawało mi się jakbym czytałą scenariusz niemieckiego filmu. Pourywane sceny, które praktycznie zawsze są zakończone jak główna bohaterka mdleje albo się z kimś kłóci.
NIby fajny temat, ale styl napisania zostawiał wiele do życzenia.

Orlando niby ważny bohater pojawiał się najczęściej tylko w rozmowach i był tak dziecinny czasami, że w ogóle nie rozumiałam czemu główna bohaterka z nim jest.

taka typowa 2011 książka i pewnie może być fajna z nutą rezerwy i z żadnymi oczekiwaniami.
3 reviews
October 8, 2018
This book was pretty good, but I believe that the overall book should have circled around the main character more. The supporting characters were taking too many parts of the book hence the reason why it got such a low rating. If the buildup of the climax was better, the I would have enjoyed the book even more. Otherwise, the details truly pulled the reader in.
Profile Image for Joanne.
374 reviews5 followers
August 11, 2016
This is actually the second time I've attempted this book, and I managed it this time round.

I actually liked the premise of the story which is why after dragging myself through the 397 pages I have given it 1.5 stars. It lost the other three and a half because of:

1- poor character development. There were a lot of central characters and so the character development suffered. Orlando was Tania's (MC) established love interest; other than being told several times that they made love, there was no relationship development between them. There was no opportunity for the reader to fall in love with Orlando and see what Tania saw in him, so what we saw instead was a brooding wet lettuce that managed to rise to the challenge of hero at the end. Not convincing at all. Daniel was Orlando's rival and I have to say I felt absolutely no sparks at all between him and Tania, more like a wet fart.

2- lack of plot development. As I said, I did like the premise of the story, but it just failed to realise its true potential. The only chapter which created any sort of tension or interest was where the girls go up to the party and things start getting tense and weird. There were a lot of unexplored threads which at first seemed like they were going to be a major plot strut, but then just stopped being anything at all e.g. the loss of hours in their consciousness after the party. For a whole chapter we were treated to 'Oh no- we lost some of our lives we'll never get back and we don't know what happened!!!!' ....and then....nothing. Another example is the hint of mind reading that never gets verified, explained or even explored beyond Tania thinking something and then one of the other characters answering her out loud. If something like that is going to be put in a paranormal novel for any age, then flaming well explore it!

3- Completely and utterly unbelievable parental relationships. Tania is an only child, first generation Romanian immigrant. Her father fled Romania as a child after his father was assassinated (no back ground on this) and came to America illegally. Her mother is a top notch lawyer who travels the globe for work. Given her father's history I found the complete lack of care as to where and what their only child was up to, utterly unbelievable in parents. Her mother actively encourages Tania to go to the reclusive rock star's house party, then as the sinister levels rise (or supposed to) surrounding the said rock star, her parents have no problem with her continually going back up to his house with and without various friends. I also didn't believe that parents would leave their teenager all alone in the house for a week to go off and do their work commitments when there is the real threat of forest fires and a sinister group up on the mountain trying to lure teenagers to join them. I don't care how mature a teenager might be, I don't believe loving responsible parents would leave their child in the midst of all that, and especially with no ground rules like DONT GO BACK TO THE SINISTER MAN'S HOUSE.

4- an established sexual 'mature' relationship of someone so young. The author's stamp of Tania's supposed maturity seemed forced. I also thought that the author's voice through Tania's confession "I know it's not usual, but I've only ever slept with one person (Orlando)" (thereby making her virtuous and good) was really condescending and simply inaccurate. Added to which, her parents don't seem to care at all about her intimate relationship with Orlando. Sorry, not believable, and I think the author only put this in to the story to make it edgier than the normal teenage/ YA novel. I don't think it didn't add anything to Tania's boring relationship with Orlando, or the story as a whole.

5- too much talk (not enough action). There's almost a whole chapter dedicated to the friendship group and some outer circle friends having a long conversation about what to do about one of their friends who they suspect is being brainwashed into the sinister man's possible cult. It wasn't a short chapter either. Over all, there is a distinct lack of action as well as repeated scenes. The 'action' scenes at the end were simply idiotic and, well, a bit boring. Actually, there were many of the scenes were boring which made the 397 page book seem like walking through treacle. I think the reason why I never warmed to Daniel (the rival love interest, remember) is that in his attempt to nefariously win Tania's affections, all he ever does is try and get her to go for coffee. I might have felt a bit more for him and believed he actually wanted to win her affections, if he had purposely sought her out in her everyday life- turning up at her school and stealing her away (for a coffee!)/ going to her house while her absent parents were absent again etc. If a guy had only ever asked me out for coffee then I'd find it easy to resist him too.

I think younger teens circa 13-15 might find this an interesting read because of the shallowness of the characters and plot wouldn't be so much of an issue. Anyone else I suggest tracking it down at your library before you invest in a home copy, just in case.
Profile Image for Josie.
70 reviews13 followers
May 13, 2017
i wanted a quick enjoyable read. i liked a different series by Eden Maguire I read years ago and this took me forever to get into. it wasnt great and i dread the next one of this series.
Profile Image for Maram.
67 reviews
May 17, 2017
Can't even remember reading this book, but I KNOW I read it. I think I have to re-read it soon. Honestly, if I can't remember the plot, then it mustn't've been worth it.
173 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2020
Niespójna, nudna i mało wciągająca. Do tego irytująca i niezdecydowana główna bohaterka. Nie ciekawa pozycja.
51 reviews
May 12, 2024
I couldn’t finish this book. It just didn’t grip me and felt incredibly boring. I’d barely made it halfway through before I gave up entirely
Profile Image for Emma .
2,506 reviews390 followers
August 9, 2011
If you thought The Dead Beautiful series was good then hold onto your shorts cos Eden Maguire just raised the Barr. This book is awesome -

I have been anxiously awaiting the publication of this book since it came onto my radar some months ago. I adored Eden Maguire's Beautiful Dead series and when I found out that this book had a Rock Star as a central character, you should have heard me squee.

Written in first person narrative from Tania's perspective. From the very beginning you can tell that there is a lot going on under the surface with Tania, although she seems very laid-back and a bit of a daydreamer, there is far more to her than that. She has a wonderful family unit even though her parents at absent for a large part of the time due to their jobs. She has grown up independent and level headed, she knows exactly who she is OR does she? She is a wonderfully supportive and loyal friend, and has a fantastic mutually caring two-way relationship with her boyfriend Orlando. At first I was unsure if he really cared for her deeply or if she was some sort of trophy girlfriend; but as the plot unfolded the depth of their relationship really shines through the narrative.

I really loved how an English language 101 lesson was incorporated into the narrative comparing and contrasting with Tania's Fathers use of language and his Eastern European heritage ( my quest for education via osmosis achieved [ : D ] ). The use of different religions and philosophies within the story was a stroke of genius, adding depth to the plot. I am a sucker for the giant battle of good versus evil and the way in which this one was portrayed was ingenious. Although the use of snake imagery really does make me *shudder*.

The writing style is sensory encompassing and so beautifully descriptive, making it very easy to conjure up Tania's world within the imagination. The comparisons of the fire descriptions and their use within the story brought to mind images of Hell on Earth. The use of the Pheonix rising from the ashes brought thoughts of re-incarnation, both a good thing and a bad thing when looked at via this storyline. The action and pacing of the plot were very smoothly controlled. Background details, interesting realistic elements and random fascinating facts were all woven together to give a dynamic storyline. Amazing use of analogues to fairytales within the book expand the plot further, a piece of writing brilliance.

As I have already stated one of the main characters in this book is a Rock Star so I can’t do this review without mentioning the awesome use of music references and original song lyrics within the book, not only did they re-enforce the plot but they developed it further. I am sure we can all relate to the mesmerising effect that some music has. Alongside the wild abandon of a live concert, incredibly portrayed in the narrative.

This book really is a brilliant start to a new series for Eden Maguire. I cannot wait for the second book to see just what happens next. Although there wasn’t a cliff-hanger of an ending exactly I just feel as if I have to know what happens to Tania next, where the characters themselves are heading.

So if like me you love an epic battle of good versus evil this book is the one for you.
Profile Image for Kim.
524 reviews95 followers
June 1, 2024
I’m a fan of the Angel genre. It’s something that is growing in popularity these days and with the title ‘Dark Angel’ I was expecting something very angel focused. I will tell you now, if you’re looking for a book that has a strong angel storyline, this isn’t the book for you. While angel imagery and the “dark” side come through loud and clear; the actual appearance of angels is sort of lacking.

I had a few issues with the plot of this book. While it had an extremely interesting concept, it just didn’t seem to go far enough for me. A retired, mysterious rock star (Zoran) moves into a mountain district and attract the attention of the entire teen population to the point where the main character (Tania) considers he is a cult leader, drawing all her friends to the dark side. It is obvious from the start that there is going to be a supernatural element to the story too; so you start asking yourself if this is actually a supernatural cult or is there more Tania must try to uncover?

Sounds really dark and uncertain; But Tania takes almost the entire book to grab onto this need to find out the real meaning behind Zoran’s appearance in her town. Despite having concerns and voicing them every second page; she spends too much time pushing them aside and ignoring her instincts – to avoid Zoran – to run away. While part of this avoiding issue gets explained throughout the end of the book, it made Tania come off as weak; to have all these thoughts and want to do something about them, but to do nothing (eg. She’s aware for most of the novel that something is not quite right with Zoran and his residence, and yet knowing she has to stay away, knowing her parents and boyfriend are telling her it’d be better to not go near Zoran, Tania decides on multiple occasions to visit his home alone.

I was drawn in by the mysterious Zoran. You don’t quite know who or what he is for so long and you wait impatiently for Tania to stumble across the answer. While I’m not desperate for the next book, I will be looking out for It to see what happens with Zoran; the ending left me wondering.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
234 reviews43 followers
May 11, 2012
This book was pretty intense, but I'm not entirely sure why. There is not really a lot of action (until the very end), so maybe the slow build up of tension and evil made for the nail-biting pace.

Orlando is the first worthy boyfriend I have seen in a really long time. He works through his jealousy issues like an adult. I was rooting for him and Tania the whole time and was pleased that Tania was a strong enough female character to step back and remain true to her heart. I also liked that although Tania has mild paranormal powers, for the most part she was just plain human. It was refreshing to read a story about fallen angels, demons, and the battle between good and evil that had a human being at its core. The reality of forest fires in their small town was also kind of cool. Can you imagine growing up and being intimately familiar with the world of forest fires and firefighting?

My only real complaint is that Tania's waking nightmares and dark visions about past and future fires were great, but I felt that once Zoran and his cast of characters were introduced, Tania's paranormal powers vanished from the plot. It was also very difficult to know how old Zoran and his crew were. They had an awful lot of power for teenagers, but as adults they seemed creepy.

Nevertheless, I am a huge fan of Eden Maguire. There is something really tender about her writing and her characters that hooks it claws into me. I tore my way through her first series, Beautiful Dead and loved it. Stay tuned for reviews of the second and third book in the Dark Angel series, to come!
Profile Image for nikorachan.
30 reviews4 followers
January 16, 2012
Taken from http://nikorachan.blogspot.com

This story was different, with a cult theme it seems to evoke various sensations. One more than others, creepy. You don't really know what's going to happen next, and when it does, it wasn't what you were expecting. You think it's going to go the usual YA way, it doesn't though.

We get introduced to Tania, a girl who is seemingly in love, along with her friends, all having a partner. A party is the event where the book really starts, you would think the three girls, including Tania, would go there with their boyfriends, but somehow they go alone because of various happenings, which wasn't the plan. There, Tania experiences things she isn't sure are possible, things that only drugs could create. Her and her friends, after meeting three rather gorgeous and strange guys, get swept away into a dark world which is beyond what they know. There is more to Tania than meets the eye and she quickly catches on to what she thinks is going on at the Black Lodge, the rock singers house, where the party took place. But it's more intense than she could imagine. To save her friends and her love life, she has to realise who she is and learn to resist temptation.
At first it might seem a bit slow, i wondered why Tania would keep putting herself into the situations, it's obvious something's going on, and although she wants to save her friends, she walks so easily into these situations. However, as the twists and turns reveal themselves and Tania learns she is the only one to stop this, you will want to keep reading.
Profile Image for Arjun Thakrar.
Author 3 books39 followers
November 6, 2011
Dark Angel is one of those books that is both thrilling and different. I was really up for this book as I adored Eden's previous series, Beautiful Dead. But this was better, by miles. The book spins a new twist on paranormal romance that hasn't been done yet and keeps you on the edge for the whole novel, just waiting to find out what will happen.

The plot is a basic good vs evil, girl discovering a alternate world theme but the way it has been done completely draws you away from that and this is what makes the book so special. It's a well structured strong plot, balanced in every perspective, and I thing it is so wonderful!

The writing was blunt yet so whimsical and it gave all the info it needed to give short and snappy not droning on and on. It's a really compelling novel, and the writing is just what it needs. It's not too much of anything, just right.

I have to admit, I did struggle with the first few chapters, but once i was in i was hooked. The characters, are pretty much set in stone. There aren't many, which is nice, because it makes it an easier book to read and build up a larger profile for each one, getting closer to them.

My favourite character would have to be Zoran, only because he is the main mystery of the novel, and you just want to know more about him, and when you do, at the end, it's so crazily, scarily, awesome that you just love him and hate him at the same time.

This book is definitely the art of twists and mystery put onto paper with a supernatural twist and I really enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Sana Noor.
140 reviews48 followers
December 21, 2011
This book took my breath away!

While reading the book there was something about Tania, the main character, that just drew you in. Eden created her in such a way that you immediately felt like you could relate to her, become her and then put yourself in her shoes. There were times when i wanted to stop reading because i felt really uncomfortable, which i now realise is how i hauntingly felt everything that Tania was going through. Good thing i didn't stop reading because this book was amazing!

The story is based on how the Satan was banished from Heaven and vowed to lead every human astray. Only you have to read in between the lines you actually find this information out. In this story however, the devil is in the body of a human and instead of leading humans astray through sins, he separates them from their significant others and feeds on the weak who fall under his trap and 'dare to believe'.

Tania was strong, confused, stood her ground (even though there were many moments where the temptations were strong) and never once did she give up on her friends who fell prey to the devil. Albeit her journey was a tough one and she could have easily given up, she was a force to be reckoned with!

This book was nothing like i've read before and it was truly a treat! Grab your copy! You won't be disappointed.
1 review
December 15, 2014
this story is an amazing good vs evil fight for life in which spiritual creatures try to take away your love. tania is given a chance to go to a party by ex pop star zoran and takes it, but there is something odd, and a buy is purposely trying to get tania away from orlando, her boyfriend. she knows somethingnis going on, but wiol she figure it out before its too late? can tania resist temptation?
this story suprised me but in a good way. i expected it to be mostly about the love between tania and orlando, which it is, but not in the soppy romance kind of way i dont paticarlly like. this story still has a lot of the love going on there, but most of the story is about tanias struggle to try and figure out what is going on before its too late. this story is abut dark angels, like the title, taking away your love. they feed off it. in an effort to save her friend, tania attempts to figure out what is going on, suffering from seizures, fits and visions along the way.
sorry about mistakes in grammar here my computer is playing up.

i love this story and if you love romance and also action and mystery, this book is for you, as is the other two. this is good for readers who love that little bit of good vs evil fighting.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 104 reviews

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