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Textbook of Medical Physiology

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The new edition of this classic Physiology textbook continues to provide comprehensive coverage of basic physiology and its relation to clinical medicine. It has been thoroughly revised throughout to improve clarity of the concepts and to include new physiological principles where necessary. New coverage of principles that have emerged in the areas of metabolism and endocrinology Several figures in numerous sections have been modified to improve presentation of the physiological principles

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First published January 1, 1969

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About the author

Arthur C. Guyton

25 books24 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews
Profile Image for Adrian Anderson.
91 reviews13 followers
March 26, 2011
An excellent textbook for STUDY not REVIEW. This is not the book to read two days before an examination. It is far too in depth for that. Where Review Of Medical Physiology explains a topic in two pages - Guyton and Hall explain it in twenty.

This is the book to use DURING the course to gain a THOROUGH understanding. When end of course examinations come around, you can look back to check on stuff. But another text might be more apt. Expect to do a lot of highlighting in order to filter out extraneous material. Other than that - an excellent book!
Profile Image for Amirography.
198 reviews121 followers
February 18, 2020
disclosure, i didn't read the whole book, just the first few chapters and then the nervous system chapters, which are great! The book is extremely detailed for those who want to be informed about the nervous system's physiology. It is not great on anatomy or cognitive neuroscience, but in doing what it advocates to do, it does a splendid job,
Profile Image for Thomas Ray.
1,272 reviews449 followers
November 29, 2023
Textbook of medical physiology, Arthur C. Guyton, 1986, ISBN 0721612601

“Treatment of obesity depends simply on decreasing energy input below energy expenditure.” (p. 866)

This is a dangerous falsehood.

When you lose weight by eating less than you burn, the weight you lose is muscle.

It is muscle that burns calories 24/7, just by being there.

Your body is very good at keeping you alive. When you aren’t eating enough to maintain your body tissues, your body knows it is starving. Your body consumes its muscle first, to keep you from spending any more calories than necessary. You also, when you consume very little food, immediately feel like doing nothing physical. If you keep up a starvation regime for significant time, you train your body to be very still—to conserve every calorie.

It is essential, when losing weight, to vigorously work all your muscles every day. That is the only way to preserve muscle and burn fat.

This is pretty basic physiology.

That physicians are teaching each other, and their patients, these damaging lies, is criminal.

What very fat people have in common is their complete stillness. They got this by doing as doctors said: eat less. The ones who got the fattest are the ones who had the most amazing willpower, to keep to the diet so long they lost massive amounts of weight—mostly muscle. And trained their bodies Not. To. Twitch. And, with so few calories coming in, adopted the most extremely sedentary habits.

Success: starvation works. Weight is down. Congratulations. Now you have minimal muscle, you don’t fidget, you don’t twitch, and your body has been screaming at you for a long time, “I’m starving! I’m hungry!” You finally have to pay attention. You eat. Restore the tissues. Now the muscle is gone, what you eat you don’t burn. Now you’ve trained your body not to twitch, you burn very few calories. Now you’ve lost the habit of regular physical activity, you’re eating again finally, you gain fat.

Satiety is another casualty of following medical advice. Your body is very good at matching how much it tells you it needs to eat, to how much energy you burn—over a wide range of levels of activity. Only at the most sedentary level—where your body tells itself, “OK! We aren’t walking much now! Now’s our chance to put on fat for the lean times ahead!” And at the most physically exhausting level—where your body says, “You tapped me out. I don’t have strength even to eat much right now. Let me rest.” Only at these extremes does your appetite not match your energy needs. You can, deliberately, eat a different amount than your body tells you it needs—at least for a while. But a starvation diet will increase appetite and destroy your ability to burn much fuel.

The advice the medical profession has been, and still is, teaching itself and its patients, is criminal.

Gary Taubes, in /Good Calories, Bad Calories/, explains that eating carbohydrates floods the bloodstream with insulin, which whisks all the fats in your blood into fat cells, and tells the body's cells not to burn fat. Only by abstaining from carbohydrates can we release fatty acids from fat cells, and burn them for fuel. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
January 2, 2020
و أخيراً خلص!
رفيقي الثقيل طوال فصل دراسي، وزنه يزيد عن خمسة كيلو!
ما زالت يدي تؤلمني لحمله معي في كل مكان، صفحاته لا تنتهي، بحرُ علمٍ تنهل منه فتُروى..
فيه تدرك عظمة خلق الله ودقيق صنعه.

على الهامش:
قضيتُ فصلاً واحداً في كلية الطِّب كطالبة ماجستير، و كما يُقال أنَّ كلّ شيء يحدث لسبب فإنني أعتقد بأن هذا الفصل بأكمله قد قضيته هنا لأقرأ هذا الكتاب، ما كان لي أن أقضي هذه الساعات الطوال لولا التزام جامعي بقرائته، خاصة بأنه ثقيل و مفعم بالتفاصيل العجيبة.

عند تسجيلي في الكلية التقيت بدكتور هذا المساق: د. نايف غرايبة، فتفائلت باسمه و هكذا كان، محاضرات غزيرة بالعلم، يتخللها بين الحين و الآخر ندائه لنا "أبنائي" و يجعلنا نفكّر بمنطق الفسيولوجي و لكن بمنطق الإنسان المتفكر كذلك: لماذا الخالق جعل لنا كذا و كذا؟
فنتفكر بطريقة علمية و لا ننسى عظمة الخالق.

و أما أنت أيها القارئ فإذا كنت مهموماً أو حزيناً أو مريضاً فلا تقلق الHemeostasis سيجعل الأمور على ما يرام.
Profile Image for ahmad  afridi.
139 reviews156 followers
February 21, 2022
arguably most complete book of physiology . if you have this book in hands you don't need a teacher notes or other helpful material, Guyton(this book) alone is enough . everything is explained in most possible details on undergraduate level. the only problem you face is reviewing this book for exam.
although during studying one of its sentence "although the exact cause is unknown but few possible explanations are " was very irritating
Profile Image for Saleh Khalid.
63 reviews34 followers
June 10, 2013
I have this book for three good years now. I know it is the greatest
book in the field of Physiology, wouldn't argue that. My problem with it
is that of size and how it is really written.
You can't know which is essential and important in a specific subject and the way the mechanisms presented is sophisticated and memory-intensive which make it hard to grasp the concept.
In my third year I bought the pocket version, it's better and quit sufficient. But then I discovered Linda S. Costanzo!
June 9, 2024
OMG COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN! I was SO captivated about the Krebs cycle! I was like what’s gonna happen??? What’s gonna come out?? What all this ATp for??? How is the powerhouse of the cell managing this!?? And Spoiler alert it was 36 ATP and it was the perfect ending to a perfect cycle! 10/10 life is made
Profile Image for P-the book nerd .
308 reviews11 followers
June 4, 2013
This is the best physiology book I have used, I
Personally love physiology and this book is just great
Profile Image for Gabriela Almeida.
145 reviews60 followers
June 16, 2023
This book gave me the worst headaches 🫠
But at least now I am free

The best quotes:
“Insulin controls glucose metabolism;”
“The nervous system is composed of three major parts: the sensory input portion, the central nervous system (or integrative portion), and the motor output portion.”
Profile Image for Foxthyme.
331 reviews35 followers
January 12, 2010
Well...I haven't really ever used this textbook more than once. To me it feels unapproachable. Small text? Dense writing? Layout? Not sure. I ended up bringing down an old second hand pathophysiology textbook because I can totally jump right into it.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
2 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2012
this book very helpfull for medical student, whoever they occupation as doctor or scientist. this one, make me easier to understand phisiology. beacuse its general, you can use it to animal and human. oh, I forgot to say it's easy understanding.
Profile Image for Tamara.
274 reviews
April 29, 2019
One of my proffesors said Guyton is like a good thriller. I would disagree.
Profile Image for valen ✰.
23 reviews
Want to read
January 6, 2024
Mi sueño más grande es tener este libro a color y no las fotocopias en blanco y negro que te dan en la facultad en donde el encéfalo es una cosa negra indistinta.
Profile Image for Roma.
774 reviews26 followers
June 2, 2019
Physiology is not an easy subject. It requires a good discussion and this book did that. It is organized and direct to the point. In fact, I understand Physio topics not because of my teachers but because of this book. I owe Guyton and Hall. They're good.
Profile Image for Eva Donlon.
26 reviews1 follower
November 4, 2023
The BIBLE of physiology for medical students and just about the only thing getting me through second year. In great detail but also manages to tell you the information clearly. Loads of diagrams and tables to summarise, and case studies where we see the info presented in practice.
Profile Image for Eva.
16 reviews
December 20, 2013
it's too basic, it simplificates everything to a level that is unconvinient for students.
Profile Image for Safa Kursun.
4 reviews
December 17, 2017
Fizyoloji icin temelden baslayarak herseyi oldukca basitten baslatan bir anlatimi var, fakat Profesor Edremitoglu'nun derslerine yetisemiyor :)
Profile Image for Samra Faruki.
112 reviews2 followers
January 25, 2022
This book made me fall in love with the medical profession. So detailed and so clear. I would enjoy studying from this book.
Profile Image for Yuri.
243 reviews
October 31, 2023
A great textbook, with pretty complete and well-delimited chapters that were a comprehensive review of each topic, sometimes it indulged on itself, but overall it is more objective than most textbooks I know, while at the same time not being so direct as to never repeat important points (which is good, at some level repetition in text books helps the student remember the information)

overall this is one of my favorite textbooks I have used so far during med school

(of course, I didn't read it back to back, because that is not how you are supposed to study with a textbook at med-school, so even if I didn't fully complete it, I read it enough to think it deserved to be marked as read on Goodreads
March 24, 2017
In my opinion it's not good Physiology textbook for today
I want mention some reason that I think it's not good
1- the text are very old with old description pattern
2- the pattern of book is very bad because at each chapter each paragraph learn something with very hard language and when you finished a chapter if you ask a question from yourself what you learn from this chapter find of answer of it I think is very hard
3- Question ! Yes Question many textbook such as Guyton at end of each chapter and some of them at beginning too have Review question direct question but at this book you can't find any self assessment or Q that I mention above too

At all it's good resource but not the best one that most of people say ( People that never read this book too!) Today market have very nice chose for reading and studying Physiology with better results
Profile Image for Mohamad Karima.
13 reviews18 followers
January 24, 2018
i came across this book by coincidence while i was looking for some medical textbooks and it reminded me of my 2nd medical year, but that one was 12th edition
well, i didn't read it fully because it's exaggeratedly detailed and deep for a 2nd medical student level, but it's definitely a must-read textbook, since the materials will overlap with other courses such as Anatomy, pathology and later on, clinical clerkships !
Profile Image for Nuno.
20 reviews44 followers
December 25, 2016
Amazing cardiovascular, renal and hormonal approach; slightly basic neuroscience section, though very clear and sharp neuronal electrophysiology chapter. 2015 edition devotes half a page to cerebellum's role in learning and that's unacceptable.
Works well combined with Kandel's Neural Science if to get a less vapid and more refined scope of Physiology and Neurophysiology as a whole.
Profile Image for Hotma Lestari.
5 reviews
May 23, 2020
As a medical student, this book is a 'must' book for medical student. The book is quite complete but the language is a bit difficult to be undestood. I prefer to read sherwood physiology than guyton. But sherwood is not as complete as guyton. So i just read guyton when i didn't find what i was looking for in sherwood.
August 15, 2020
Excelente livro para uma doutoranda em fisiologia, como eu, montar aulas. É dos mais aprofundados para nós da pós-graduação, mas traz uma linguagem muito adequada/didática, ao aprendizado dos nossos alunos.
Profile Image for آلاء تمام.
23 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2020
تعلمت المادة في الجامعة السنة الدراسية الأولى الفصل الثاني 2012 والجزء الثاني بالسنة الدراسية الثانية الفصل الأول كان أستاذ علوم الأعصاب السيد بلال رحال مدرسا، لم يكن مرجعنا هذا الكتاب تحديدا لذلك سأعود إليه عند حاجتي لمعلومة تنقصني.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews

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