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Tiffin is a slave boy, branded and chained, trained to serve and eager to please. That’s all he knows; his past life is a mystery, wiped from his mind. Sold to a grim fortress and facing a bleak future, he seeks comfort where he can find it, in the arms and at the feet of Sergeant Zander. He’s happy to give over control of his body to that dominant, delightful man -- but someone else keeps stealing into his mind, taking over.

Tiffin doesn’t know how or who. All he knows is how much trouble he’s in, and how much worse it’s going to get...unless Zander can help him discover what's going on, before he literally loses his mind.

122 pages, ebook

First published November 1, 2010

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About the author

Thom Lane

12 books84 followers
Author Thom Lane is an English writer who has published romances and erotica as well as fantasies and other books under other names. In his tales of Amaranth, he is combining as many of those genres as possible…

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Profile Image for Elena.
914 reviews70 followers
April 16, 2017
5 steamy, rough stars!

This is book 3 of the Tales of Amaranth, after Dark Heart and Healing Heart, my reviews of which you can find here and here.

Hidden Heart keeps the level of the previous parts - it's dark with a little sweetness/affection and it's a bit kinky and, of course, mysterious as, again, there is a magical conundrum to be solved.

This time the plot takes place in a mountain fortress - the High Hold:

The MC in Hidden Heart is not a Master Mage. This time it's Sergeant Zander - a strict and brave guard of the High Hold - a keep famous for the harsh treatment of its slaves...

Sergeant Zander

Tiffin is a slave freshly bought and brought to the High Hold. He's sweet and brave and on his very first day in the keep... he draws the Sergeant's attention... ;)


Tiffin is a strange one - his slave brand is quite fresh and his seemingly ingrained obedience and fear not very familiar to him... You see, Tiffin can't remember anything from his life from before he woke up in a slaver's pen... :(

What's even more unusual, from time to time, Tiffin loses control over his own body and in that strange daze he tends to wander to the keep's library...

The relation between the Sergeant and Tiffin is somewhere in between Lucan/Tam and Coryn/Raff's... Zander is strict, demanding and rough but, when Tiffin gets in trouble, he can be thoughtful and as affectionate as he dares in such a grim place.

In book 3 of the Tales we have both POVs once again, but the changes between them are more swift and generally the book reads very quickly.
I really enjoy Thom Lane's writing style and his mix of mysterious plot, kinky and rough sex and the usage of various sex/punishment "implements" is delicious! Another 5-star read for me!!!

Highly recommended for all of you who are fond of some Master/slave dynamic with some mystery and magic involved! ;)

And! I almost forgot! We DO get to see Lucan and Tam again - they seem to be the couple "bridging" all of the Tales of Amaranth :)
My only complaint is that they didn't play as important role here as in Healing Heart, but you can't have everything, right? ;)
Profile Image for Kassa.
1,117 reviews113 followers
December 10, 2010
Hidden Heart is the third book within the Amaranth universe. You don’t need to read the previous books to understand this one and the books are mostly connected within the same world rather than connected characters. Once again the fantasy story deals with real life slavery and the slaves are taught to accept their slavery. The story coaches the real life slavery in BDSM terms, which is not exactly correct, since BDSM is consensual and the “submissives” in this story have no choice. I’d recommend this more for those that enjoy fantasy slavery stories only.

The plot is an interesting twist where a man’s mind and memory’s been erased to make him into a vessel for a power hungry mage. The man turned slave has no idea who he was or his past and only knows that occasionally something comes over him and forces him to take actions he doesn’t understand. Predictably in a society where slaves are treated worse than animals and their life has no worth, this kind of action isn’t going to end well for the slave. Thankfully for said slave there is a harsh but handsome Sergeant to take the slave in hand.

Hidden Heart is perhaps the most blatant of the three books in its attitude towards slavery. In the previous books the submissives were legal slaves but they were pretty happy with their lot in life, mostly. Here there is Tiffin, someone used as a pawn and then basically discarded. He has no idea about his past and he’s not even sure why he’s a slave. His mind has been erased so he can be used by a powerful mage in a grab for power. Tiffin isn’t aware of this, only that he’s often confused and lost. The free people of course don’t respond well to this and Tiffin is often beaten for his lapses. No one really cares why though because after all, he’s just a slave. Tiffin meets a young military man and emotionally grabs hold of the idea that he can stay with someone who is at least not outright cruel.

This is problematic because well its real life slavery, not BDSM even if the story coaches the fantasy like it is. Some readers will be able to enjoy the sex and fantasy world created while others may be more upset by the use of BDSM in wrongful conjunction with slavery. On the one hand since it’s a fantasy I could get by it somewhat yet what bothers me is that Tiffin isn’t actually submissive. He’s nothing really but an empty slate to be whatever he’s told to be, which takes away his personality, individuality, and any choice he has – even if it’s mentally. Furthermore, he’s not emotionally a slave. He doesn’t crave harsh treatment and dominant personalities. Instead he reacts to them and craves safety, the arms of the one man who shows him some small bit of kindness (in terms of an affectionate kick in the ribs versus a stomp). The story is also incredibly dismissive and careless about Tiffin. No one in the story cares where he came from or his past, instead he’s ordered to be happy as a slave because no one cares about who he was.

One the one hand the story is clearly a fantasy and no one would condone real life slavery. Yet fantasies exist and the writing knows how to play to those. The sex scenes are not that graphic and the abuse is very perfunctory and quick. It’s definitely not dwelled on and instead the confusion and longing Tiffin feels to discover what’s happening to him is the real focus. I found this particular story more obvious though and unfortunately more disturbing in the sense that Tiffin never has any personality or even mental choices. He can’t choose anything, in the quiet of his own mind, due to his mind wipe and this eliminates any real complexity to the character. It’s an interesting idea and well executed but in conjunction with his life as a slave, beaten on a daily basis and his ordered acceptance of that when he doesn’t really crave that control defeats the fantasy unfortunately. At least for me.
Profile Image for Bookwatcher .
746 reviews118 followers
March 13, 2011
Sleepwalking slaves can be dangerous to the master

Well, after the GREAT and tough master Lucan of Dark Heart (Tales of Amaranth, #1) by Thom Lane and the strong but gentle master Coryn of Healing Heart (Tales of Amaranth, #2) by Thom Lane in this #3 book of the serie you will know the brave but severe Sergent Zander.

This book share a lot of similarities with the first of the serie... all narration is the slave point of view. Tiffin is a very submissive slave, not like Tam (from the first book) but almost like him... why not like Tam? Simple: Tiffin is much more complex slave, and I ADORE the mysterious aura that surround him.

Tiffin don't know why he is a slave... can't remember anything... and worst of all, sometimes he lost control of himself, and can walk or do strange things losing control of his body... like go always to the library. He was someone important? It's his old self, waking from the amnesia? That's why he is interested in book? What's happening to him?

Well, it's a great mystery, and only the Master (Sergent) Zander can help him.

So, if I liked it so much why I took off one star? Simple: I like BDSM and have no problems with hardcore BDSM, but I've some limits. One of the things that bother me very much is a master scaring a slave and being proud of his work... scarring a slave, with knife or burning... nope, it's very personal taste, and I don't like it.

So 4 stars and certainly if there will be more I'll keep reading! This serie is soooooooooo good!
Profile Image for Reflection.
355 reviews62 followers
May 2, 2016
Full guest review (of Tales of Amaranth: The Boxed Set) to follow shortly on Boy Meets Boy Reviews

'...Head up, eyes down: it’s a trick you have to learn, not to slouch and not to stare around you, not to catch anyone’s eye. If you’re born slave, you learn it by instinct, growing up; if not, your first owner will usually beat it into you. Me—well. Who knew? I had the art of it now; that was what mattered...'
A much briefer story told from the perspective of Tiffin who finds himself learning life as a slave in a military fortress.

Tiffin has no memory of his former life or what brought him to this place. The fortress guards a great source of magic, and Tiffin may be the unwitting pawn in an attempt to seize power.

What is exceptionally unsettling is that the concept of slavery allows an individual no autonomy over their body, but this goes one stage further.

Tiffin does his best to be a good and obedient slave and yet even this intention is removed from his control when he loses track of time and location.

Meanwhile Tiffin falls under the sometime protection of Zander one of the soldiers at the base, but their relationship is in jeopardy if Tiffin cannot give his complete devotion.

A short story with a great deal of complexity hidden in some really artful writing and of course elements of kink just waiting in the wings to lighten the load...

This is interesting plot full of twists, my only complaint is that it is very short and I would have liked more.

There is a welcome glimpse of characters from the first book Dark Heart.

As ever, the delineation of slavery is unremitting, so for those who find non-consensual liaisons problematic this book may not be a good fit.
40 reviews5 followers
February 23, 2013
It's too bad that the "realistic" slavery of this story seems to have alienated some readers, because it quite enhanced the allure of the setting for me. For one thing, a more conventional, "inoffensive" form of slavery frankly would have felt out of place in this fictional feudal society; the stricter, ignoble slavery of "Hidden Heart" heightened the tone of this universe in a tactile way.

For another thing, I feel like the nonconsensual nature of Tiffin's slavery was something done deliberately to heighten the erotica, which it certainly did for me personally. I can't tell you just how pleasantly satisfied I was that the story didn't end with

At the very least, we can call it a change of pace from the more vanilla BDSM, where masters will trip all over themselves to coddle their slaves and the slavery in question is so benign that it might as well not be called at all. Obviously, I have my own turn-offs and limits when it comes to my erotica and the abuse/nonconsent of "Hidden Heart" crosses that line for many here...but for this here sicko, they were definitely pros instead of cons.
Profile Image for Oco.
Author 9 books224 followers
November 19, 2010
I was eager to pick up this book because I've read Thom Lane's others and enjoyed all of them. I love rich, flowing prose, enjoy submissive kink, and am partial to a certain style of 'gritty' fantasy (as opposed to 'pretty' fantasy). Thom Lane's Tales of Amaranth (this is the 3rd in the series) combines all three of these beautifully, so he's really become an auto-buy for me.

The third of the series is different from the first two, with characters and personalities that are easily distinguished and a storyline that is fresh. I frankly loved both of the first two; the second, to me, was actually a more interesting story than the first, with more complex and ambiguous characters. Having said that, those who preferred the first of the three (most readers, I think) will probably feel that Lane got back with the program with this one. Captain Zander, while not as cold and hard as Lukas, is certainly a much more...erm...confident owner than Coryn was. And Tiffin is quite the sweet submissive.

One of the big questions in the story was left unanswered at the end (by design, not negligence), and like another reviewer, I was disappointed by this. Not a major issue for me, but a niggling one.

Oh. Lovely lovely writing.
Profile Image for ~nikki the recovering book addict.
1,248 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2018
3.5 stars

This one was intriguing but it fell a tad short of my expectations. I had high hopes for Tiffin’s lost memories...what panned out though, was so very different from my expectations. Perhaps I shouldn’t take it out on the author for my crazy expectations. I just felt like the story could have been a little more exciting 🤷🏻‍♀️

100 reviews2 followers
August 10, 2015
I want to preface that I loved the first book in the series, and I like slavefic I general, so it isn't the genre that dragged this story down for me.

What dragged it down was how repetitive it felt. All the masters in this world are the same. All the slaves are looking for the same thing. Luke and Tam had a hint of originality to them, but all the subsequent couples feel like a weaker version of them.

This book is no exception. I wanted to see Tiffin try to stand up for himself, even if he ultimately failed. I wanted to see the sergeant use different methods of discipline. I wanted somebody--anybody-- to care about Tiffin's past. Instead, it's he same story as before: already broken slave looking for love in his master's arms.

If I had to guess, I would say my suspension of disbelief was running thin. I can believe Tam being truly submissive and happy -- but that was harder with Raff in book 2, who had only been a slave for three years and mistreated, and hard in this book, with poor Tiffin lacking all of his memories. For a society with institutionalized slavery, I found everything too idyllic. I know it's idfic, but after a while I start questioning the world-building.

And for this book, specifically, I don't really feel the connection between the main two.

If the author wanted to keep writing the same dynamic, I feel he would have been better served by continuing Luke and Tam's story. Instead, by writing a new couple each time, it feels like the same story is told over and over and over.
Profile Image for Beck.
893 reviews48 followers
December 22, 2014
This series is some of the best M/M fantasy sci-fi that I've read ... the world of Amaranth has been meticulously developed by Thom Lane ... even though there is plentiful smex, I wouldn't call it erotica because the casual brutality of the slave/master dynamic robs the books of any sensuous pleasure ... the sex is rendered almost as benign as chores by the world created in this series ... I wouldn't describe the reading experience as pleasant, but if you enjoy fantasy/sci-fi, you'll get a satisfying read from these novellas.
Profile Image for Em.
648 reviews137 followers
January 6, 2017
An enjoyable story but I was a bit disappointed with the ending, I wanted something more for Tiffin.
Profile Image for Kari Gregg.
Author 29 books665 followers
November 18, 2010
Tiffin is a slave whose memory was wiped clean when he woke up in a training pen as a slave and was later sold to High Hold, a barren and isolated fortress located high on the cliff face of a mountain. There, he meets Sargeant Zander -- the master he craves. Tiffin isn't a normal slave, though. He loses time and finds himself riding along in his own mind as someone else takes over his body, moving him through the castle. When he's caught and taken far away (with Sargeant in the role as caretaker/guard) to the Mages...Oh my.

The 3rd book of the Amaranth series, to me, has a different feel, a different vibe than the previous two books. It was VERY good. But 2 points knocked a star off what would've otherwise been a five star rating.

Tiffin's memory is never restored to him and he is (albeit mildly and affectionately) criticized for hoping that it would be. Yes, I know, it's a function of the storyworld, but as a reader, I needed to see that. I needed to know who he'd been, where he'd come from and how he'd ended up in the slave market. I think the story would've been richer for it. I needed to see Tiffin come to terms with this in his heart and in his own head; that just didn't happen.

The second point is that Sargeant Zanders doesn't become Tiffin's owner. At story's end, Tiffin remains a High Hold slave. He is a slave that Sargeant has laid claim to, yes, and he is, for all intents and purposes, Tiffin's master. But he isn't Tiffin's owner. Zander explains that he has no desire for a body (pleasure) slave and that working in High Hold while Zander is seeing to his own duties would be best for Tiffin. But I see no reason why Tiffin could not be assigned duties by his rightful owner to work in the keep. To me, Zander not owning Tiffin left the relationship too unstable and insecure. He's in the army for pity's sake. What if he's transferred as soliders quite frequently are? What becomes of Tiffin then? To me, in this storyworld, commitment = ownership. A slave is commited to his master, yes, but in owning a slave, the master makes a commitment as well. Buying a slave commits the master to protecting his property and caring for that slave. So while I see Tiffin wholeheartedly committed to Zander, Sargeant Zander has not committed to Tiffin, IMO. I did not like that. At all.

Still, a good addition to the series. An intricate storyworld I love to visit. I'll highly recommend it with the caveat that given the two points above (no returned memory & lack of true ownership), I'd call this one a shaky HFN instead of the HEA I love.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karin Wollina.
151 reviews2 followers
November 17, 2010
I am not sure what to say to this story. The Writing was good and I kind of liked the world building and I`ve read the first 2 of the Amaranth-stories and liked them okay.
But I am not so sure if they all are really BDSM-Stories. I like to read this kind of stories and found some very good and really bad ones. But in most of them the people participating in these things even in the most hardcore one hadt o give their acceptance. How can this be possible if one is a real slave ? It seems to be like rape to me. There was slavery in the history of men, and yes, the slaves didn`t have a say what happended to them. I never found this very sexy at all, but maybe thats just me. Maybe what disturbed me most in these books is the easy acceptance the slave and their owners had about their fate. Shouldn`t they want to get out of their lot ? The book left me with a queasy feeling (but at least it was book I thought about afterwards..)
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews501 followers
November 8, 2012
The Amaranth books are set in an interesting world - feels somewhat feudal in nature. Historical. The slavery in the world is harsh and unforgiving. Here the slave, Tiffin (he doesn't remember his name), has a hidden secret that magical. It makes for an intriguing story but it keeps you a bit removed from him. Since the story is told from his viewpoint that distance hurts the connection. Tiffin didn't strike me as particularly smart - more cute - and his thoughts tended more towards puppy than person. Not all the time - and you do get more in depth thoughts as the story moves. I guess I'm supposed to "like" the Sergeant/Captain...I didn't really. There were these little things that I felt like should demonstrate to me a rudimentary caring on his behalf to Tiffin but I just wasn't feeling it. I did like it - but not more than that.
Profile Image for Cookie.
556 reviews4 followers
February 12, 2023
Way better than book 2 in terms of plot : here we at least get a story that keeps you hooked until the very end thanks to the mystery surrounding the memory loss of Tiffin the slave.

In addition, we are back to a better working dynamic between our master and slave. However, while the relationship does not flatline like in Book 2, we are back to a relationship that is pretty much the one of book 1. Yes, the master is a bit different from Lucan, a bit more severe and uncaring, but the slave has the exact personality and thought patterns as the ones from the two previous books. I’m starting to think that once you’ve read one of these, you’ve read all of them ; not a good thing for a series with 8 books! The only thing keeping me going is that the writing is better than most other stuff you find on Amazon and that, having skipped to book 6, I know Thom Lane is capable of writing more interesting dynamics…
Profile Image for Suzanne Irving.
2,265 reviews17 followers
June 16, 2020
Fun m/m book

A series of tales of a place where slavery is legal and various young men have adventures. This one was particularly fun as you have no clue what is going on until you are well into the story.
Profile Image for Don Bradshaw.
2,427 reviews100 followers
January 23, 2013
Reviewed on Hearts On Fire... http://heartsonfirereviews.com/

Tiffin is a slave new to the hard life at High Hold. He finds a measure of comfort in spending his nights pleasuring Sergeant Zander because a slave is never pleasured. High Hold is a warren of passage ways which are not easily learned but Tiffin has an even more difficult time because somehow someone is taking over his mind for short periods of time. Only the mages in Amaranth can save Tiffin and High Hold from an evil plot.
I did not find this story as compelling as the first two installments in the Amaranth series. The writing was still very good and the story flowed well but I with so much of the story focused on the hidden mage I didn't get the chance to know Tiffin. This could have been the author's plan as Tiffin's memories had been wiped clean. It seemed to me that he was too submissive for a new slave. The only time that he ever bucked authority was when he called Zander "Sergeant" instead of master. Tam and Raff from the two previous books were much more sassy and confident in maneuvering their masters. Tiffin may grow into this in time as the relationship between him and Zander grows but I doubt it. The interesting twist in this story was that Tiffin had one master during the day and another master at night so he was trained by two different men with the story written from Tiffin's POV. The trend that I'm finding in most master/slave books which I find amusing is that the master is always so thickly well hung that the slave almost always has the thought that he is going to be split in half. The slave almost always learns to love the huge dick quickly though and Tiffin is no exception. This was still a good story with Lane bringing magic into this story in a different way. I definitely recommend this third book in the Amaranth series.
Profile Image for Merith.
216 reviews20 followers
March 14, 2011
This third book in the series follows the same line as the first two: slave boy falling for his master (of the moment) and his master reciprocating...eventually. In all three books, the reader sees and experiences what it's like to be a slave. In each story, the flavor of slave is a little different, as different as each master.

Hidden Heart is at once the best of the series, and not quite as good as the first. I love all three, but this one feels more real. Maybe because Sergeant Zander is more real than either Master Lucan or Healer Coryn. I loved the mysterious element of what was happening to Tiffin, and wished he'd been able to speak of the presence taking over his mind. But then, who would listen? By the time Tiffin figured out what was going on, his master wasn't involving himself with him any longer.

I would have liked to know what and why Sergeant Zander didn't come to claim Tiffin for several days. Was it only because Tiffin had been found sleep walking? Or was it because the Sergeant had been promoted and had other duties to attend and couldn't come claim Tiffin? It could be implied that the Sergeant realized what happened, and understood it wasn't Tiffin who was running off at night, but the implication isn't clear.

Like the preceding books, the story ends happily enough; Tiffin is safe and just where he wants to be. And it's always nice to see a bit more of Tam and Master Lucan. Now, it's a matter of waiting for the 4th book to be released!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
67 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2012
This story was still an entertaining read, but I didn't find it nearly as good as the first two stories in the series.

I liked the introduction of the city on a cliff, and how it was wary of magic.

I liked the main characters and liked the fact that the author chose to explore a story with characters unattached to the Mage's.

I also liked that fact that the Mage's could discover some of the truth in the story, but they were unable to totally fix everything. I like the fact that even in a world with magic some things are even beyond the ability of those who possess it.

Once again it was nice to see an appearance from Luke and Tam, although I wish we could have seen more of them, and I think the book ended kind of abruptly. I was actually quite interested in how Luke was going to solve the main problem in the story for the city.

Profile Image for MC ☠ Older & Wiser.
1,590 reviews27 followers
December 16, 2023
(Read June 2021)

This short story was mostly Tiffin's inner monologue. No idea what Zander was thinking, as we didn't get his POV. I found myself skimming my way through it, quickly tiring of hearing Tiffin's thoughts repeated over and over again ad nauseam.

The small amount of "romance" to be found in a master/slave relationship, is sadly lacking. There's a lot of corporal punishment, but little steam. Thankfully, it was a quick read.

The story wasn't as interesting as the first two books. What bit of intrigue there is, fizzled out quickly in the end. I was hoping for a more exciting conclusion.

This will be my last read in the series.
Profile Image for Violet.
87 reviews
October 3, 2011
After reading Dark Heart (Tales of Amaranth, #1), I went on reading this. This isn't so bad as the world building is good. But it was not as good as Dark Heart. The protagonist is too submissive and he does not have any real skill like the protagonist/slave in book one. BDSM theme is heavier and more graphic in this book. I normally won't mind as long as the story is good. However I think the story itself was kind of slow. I got a feeling that I was mislead that the slave might transform into someone important and didn't. Thus my dissapointment.
Profile Image for Tamela.
1,828 reviews26 followers
March 19, 2012
Each book has such a unique set of characters that it's hard to call this a series. Each story is set in this strange world where both slavery and magic are real.

I enjoyed the characters in this story. Sargeant Zander is a harsh task master, and I feel so sorry for Tiffin, being used as a pawn by a mage to secure access to the library at the Hold. But at least Zander helps save Tiffin and they are able to remove the bad influence and get Tiffin back to his new "Captain" Zander.
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,449 reviews17 followers
December 13, 2013
By far my least favorite of the series and I didn't even like the second one.

The one big issue I had with this one was the whole book was from Tiffin's POV. Whereas the other books at least incorporated POV's from master and slaves.

Plus the story was resolved way to quickly and pieces are missing because Tiffin is either bound, gagged or unconscious so the second POV could have helped a lot.
Profile Image for ~riaria~.
85 reviews13 followers
January 6, 2011
A bit more interesting than the second volume I think. I liked the dynamics between Master Xander and his slave-boy Tiffin more. The story takes place in the same fictional world of Amaranth as the first 2 books, it had potential,but I was personally kind of let down toward the end. As always the way the author writes is beautiful. My fave book in this series remains the first one *sigh*
Profile Image for Clover.
574 reviews
January 3, 2011
I'm in love with this serie. the stories are dark and hard but even with that there always hope and love for the slaves. even if it's a master/slave sort of love.
I still can't choose my favorite couple of the 3 books even if I have a particular fondness for the 1st couple.
I can't wait to see if there will be a 4th book to add to the serie !
Profile Image for Wendy❤Ann.
1,757 reviews48 followers
October 28, 2016
I was able to easily get re-immersed in the slave world of Amaranth despite having read the prior two books quite some time ago. I loved the mystery/mystical element to this story and the slight little hint of spice in Tiffin’s reaction to his Master. I’m definitely looking forward to more in this series!
Profile Image for Ingrid.
281 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2010
Some will not like this series because it is about a slave (real not BDSM. although it has BDSM's overtones) who finds his new master. The plot was original and I loved the fact that Lucan and Tam made a short appearance in the story.
Profile Image for Ayanna.
1,632 reviews61 followers
October 28, 2012
The idea of the mage was rather interesting but I thought it progressed a little too fast. Lane gets you caught in the twists and turns and subtle nuances but rushes you through, ends it before you really get lost in it. That's my only objection.
Profile Image for Shadowsword.
706 reviews4 followers
August 15, 2013
better than the second book cause of the mystery revolving around tiffin. would like to see a part of the serie where the slave isn't already so submisdive and in his role
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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