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La Casati: La musa egoista

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Chioma fulva e indomabile, trucco marcato e splendide forme avvolte in audaci mise: Luisa Casati Amman poteva presentarsi in lamé, coperta da piume di pavone, celata in costumi maschili o, semplicemente, nuda. Fu una delle donne più strabilianti della Belle Epoque, famosa per i memorabili exploit - come le passeggiate con un ghepardo al guinzaglio - per le feste faraoniche e per l'incredibile numero di artisti che si lasciarono ispirare dalla sua bellezza. Egoista ed egocentrica, dilapidò un immenso patrimonio inseguendo il desiderio di stupire e trascorse i suoi ultimi anni in povertà, restando però sempre fedele alla leggenda che era diventata. Ma la marchesa Casati è stata in primo luogo un'artista, un'autentica "body performer" ante litteram, il cui unico obiettivo fu, per tutta la vita, quello di trasformare se stessa in un'opera d'arte. Idolo pagano del suo tempo, Coré rivive con lo stesso fascino tra le pagine di questa biografia, a conferma che "l'età non può appassirla, né l'abitudine rendere insipida la sua infinita varietà". Prefazione di Natalia Aspesi.

96 pages, Hardcover

First published April 1, 2013

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Vanna Vinci

71 books35 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for [S] Bibliophage.
950 reviews873 followers
July 10, 2018
I never knew who Marchesa Casati is and thanks to this graphic novel, I was introduced to the bizarre yet very interesting life of this prominent person in the early 20th century. Casati's eccentric and extravagant fashion and way of living will engross those who will read this memoir of hers.
Casati maybe vain, but we could learn a lot from her life, especially on how dauntless she is and not imitate her carelessness especially on financial matters. She always lived in the present and never mind what her future would be, thus she was left with literally nothing when she got old. This memoir is a great read that will not only entertain readers but also will teach a lot of lesson in the end.
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
963 reviews183 followers
February 28, 2018
This is the weirdest book i have read this year and the year has just started but I doubt I'll read anything weirder than This!

Me: I didn't understand why she didn't stay with Gabriel if she loved him so much?
Again me: I think she was free soul and didn't want to tie down to anyone else again....maybe I don't know....

And there are characters who says, I met with her and died after 2 days because of fever!? O_o dude, what's wrong with you? Oh wait, you're dead....still doesn't make any sense....

I think this could have been an amazing muse but the way it is narrated, it is very very strange...peculiar, self destructive, heart breaking, funny story....now I'm going mad...
Profile Image for Suni.
509 reviews45 followers
November 28, 2019
Se vuoi scrivere (e/o disegnare) la biografia di una donna eccentrica, esagerata e ai suoi tempi famosissima dovresti fare qualcosa di più che una semplice e piattissima carrellata di brevi episodi narrati da chi l'ha conosciuta. Noia.
Profile Image for Rosa.
226 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2018
This review is also posted in my blog : La Casati: The Selfish Muse"

I got this book from Net Galley in trade for an honest review. Thank you Europe Comics for this opportunity.


This is an interesting graphic novel to read. I’ve never heard of “The Marchesa” Luisa Casati Amman until I read this book. And it lead to another Google search (yap…curiosity got the hold of me). Apparently she was dubbed Lady Gaga from the 20th century and her style inspired some big designers in the haute couture world.

I think it’s a good idea to make someone’s autobiography in comic style, especially with lots of images to feature in the book. It makes it less boring especially with someone as interesting as Casati.

The one thing is confusing is the way the narration is done by each character. Sometimes by Casati, sometimes by the other characters. I tend to read the statement first then the character name. It’s quite unusual and I’d rather have 1 narration throughout the story. Good thing that the characters didn’t just tell their story but also interact with Casati. The weird part is when Casati’s dying. She told it in her own narration, which is quite ghost like.
Other than that, the story itself is well research. All the important images and people that involved in Casati’s life is pictured. Include her lovers, painters, photographers and a wax figure artist. It’s quite fascinating how 1 person could be a model of so many media during her lifetime.


I like the illustration style with uneven lines and water color blending. I also like the color of Casati’s hair. It’s so vibrant and the way it’s pictured, it’s so wild like her personality. I don’t quite like the eyes. Somehow it’s a bit much…compared to the real images of Casati. I think it’s a bit exaggerated. But all in all, the style of the illustration fits the story. It got that “old” aura that makes you feels like watching an old movie.

Love the expression on Casati’s faces. Especially when she’s upset, it’s so expressive. With her big eyes and wiry hair, it’s so energetic. When she grew older, the wrinkle around her eyes and mouth are quite detail. I could see the difference when she was young and old.

Recommended for those who loves artwork done in watercolor and pen, historical fiction and autobiography of an interesting character.

Profile Image for Elia.
1,157 reviews25 followers
January 19, 2018
This was a biography of an extremely interesting personality made very difficult to read by a constantly changing narration. It is often difficult to tell who is speaking because the narrator can literally change from one panel to the next. There are also WAY too many characters who are introduced, make one statement on one panel and then are never heard from again, which seems incredibly pointless. If the author had just stuck to one or even two or three narrators this would have been a much more enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Kristine.
3,245 reviews
February 14, 2018
Casati: The Selfish Muse by Vanna Vinci is a free NetGalley e-comicbook that I read in mid-February.

Marchesa Luisa Casati, an eccentric, smoky-eyed, and otherworldy muse/model to many artists between 1900-1935, models out of boredom from being a housewife and mother in Milan. The dialogue, shared openly between characters, is similarly musing and complementary to an event, much like a Wes Anderson film. It alternates between being gossipy, besotted, and admiring, with a mixed-media style of watercolor, colored pencil, and perhaps oil pastels.
Profile Image for Elisa.
754 reviews12 followers
January 30, 2024
Non conoscevo questa donna e mi è piaciuta.
Anticonformista per i suoi tempi.
Una vita di eccessi per nascondere quello che aveva dentro.
Interessante la parte sui suoi artisti (di cui era la musa) e sulla moda, soprattuto parigina.
Non male!
Profile Image for Sarah.
368 reviews
February 12, 2018
Although her story isn't the happiest, I loved reading and learning about Casati. Looking at portraits and photographs, the illustrations capture her perfectly.
Profile Image for Celyn.
21 reviews2 followers
January 11, 2018
Thank you to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing me with an e-ARC of this work, in return for an honest review.

I have long been inspired by the life and personal style of Luisa Casati and this graphic novel/biography served as a much needed reminder as to why. As few documents of Casati's life survive today, Vinci has utilised the myriad portraits of Casati created by artists and writers during her lifetime to piece together her astounding life story. Castai's story is a fantastic means to explore themes as diverse and complex as artistic expression and personal freedom, often at odds with society's expectations (especially for women), the role of art and self expression. I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Profile Image for Jim.
1,789 reviews64 followers
January 24, 2018
I’m fascinated.

I hadn’t even heard of Marchesa Luisa Casati Assan before I read this book.

But now I’m fascinated.

What makes someone live a life to stand out like this? Is it an insatiable need to be seen?

This graphic novel seems to do her life justice. It seemed to start out a bit slow - but as her eccentricities grew, so did the compelling-ness of the book.

Take a peek at this if you have a predilection to discover peculiar and provocative people of the past.

Thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,104 reviews28 followers
February 3, 2018
'La Casati: The Selfish Muse' with story and art by Vanna Vinci is a graphic novel based on the life of Luisa Casati Amman, otherwise known as "The Marchesa." I wasn't familiar with who she was, but her face was immediately familiar to me.

Luisa Casati spent her life and fortune trying to transform herself into art. She is known for her pale features and overly made up dark eyes. She was the subject of numerous paintings and photographs in the 20th century, many of which are recreated in these pages. Her obsession with the strange ended up bankrupting her and alienating her from friends and most of her family.

The story is told by a series of the real life people who show up in the book, including La Casati herself. I found this a good way to tell the story and keep the narrative balanced. I really liked the art in this book. The style matches the flamboyance of the subject.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Europe Comics and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
Profile Image for Dustyloup.
1,154 reviews8 followers
January 16, 2018
cette dame m'intéresse parce que jhabite dans la même ville que son palais rose. elle est à admiré parce qu'elle a cassé des tabous avec son style vestimentaire et ses actions mais quand même c'est dégoûtant de penser à tout l'argent qu'elle a dépensé et son dédaigne pour les autres. pour l'art, je donne ce BD 5 étoiles, pour le narratif moins parce que c'est pas très fluide et des fois c'est un peu difficile de comprendre pourquoi ça change de"moi" à "elle" - la narration change d'un façon abrupt/soudain. mais c'est mon goût personnelle. si vous aimez les BD instructifs mais aussi créatifs, ce livre va vous plaire.
Profile Image for Nia Ireland.
405 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2018
I didn't realise going in that this is a biographical comic - it tells the story of a famous heiress who lived like a rockstar.

She was a strong personality and an aesthetist - she liked things to be beautiful, expensive and a little bit dangerous. And a bit of cocaine.

The illustrations in this graphic novel are striking, very precise watercolour pencil work. I think that Casati herself would have liked so see herself rendered in an unusual style, standing out from the crowd.

The narrative itself is a little unusual, with figures from her lifetime popping up all over the place and giving little testemonials as to how they knew here and what she was like. This is a great way of finding out the kinds of people she spent her time with and how she was regarded, but it's a little bit distracting to the overall reading experience.

This book has introduced me to a historical figure I had never heard of before and now I'm looking forward to finding out more about her - so mission accomplished!

**Thank you NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review**
Profile Image for Mindy.
321 reviews35 followers
January 30, 2018
If you thought that reading "The Great Gatsby" taught you about excess, clear way for Marchesa Cavati! This is an interesting glimpse into what we know of her life, told in graphic novel form. Honestly, there's not much that we really know about her since so much was destroyed in the wars in her lifetime. The format was pretty unique. You are introduced to someone and told what part they played at that point in the Marchesa's story, and then you rarely see them again (only one or two exceptions to that). Also, while this may seem like a great book for a kid to do a book report or research on the Marchesa, it's not a book for children. It's all drawings but there is nudity throughout the book and even a couple of frames of racy acts. The Marchesa was also a drug user and this is also demonstrated throughout the book. So definitely not one for kids. With that warning, it was quite interesting to hear the exploits of how this woman squandered a fortune in her lifetime all for no apparent reason other than to be art.

I would like to thank the publisher, author, and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Abi Pellinor.
698 reviews70 followers
February 3, 2018
Thank you to NetGalley for an eCopy of this graphic novel in return for an unbiased review. I genuinely did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did, I thought it'd be a little interesting 20-minute read that ended when I read the last page. It was a short read, and it was interesting, but it definitely did not end when I reached the last page. I had never heard of Casati before, and now I have she is definitely someone I want to learn more about. She is such an interesting character, and her life seems so surreal and ends so sadly that it is almost hard to believe this is a biography and not a work of fiction. 

I really liked the artwork within the graphic novel, and the writing style was very immersive and enjoyable. I was genuinely sad when it finished. You may have never heard of Casati, or you may already be familiar with her, but either way, I definitely recommend picking this graphic novel up and giving it a read. Definitely something I'd like to own in person one day.
Profile Image for Letizia Loi.
Author 27 books36 followers
June 29, 2018
Forse l'avrei amato di più se avessi scoperto questo fumetto prima di leggere quello che la Vinci ha creato su Frida; il confronto non regge, "La Casati" ne esce sminuito. Non aiuta il fatto che la storia resta molto superficiale. Forse per la forma di narrazione o forse perché - come accennato anche nella prefazione - è difficile ricostruire la vita della Marchesa. Fatto sta che non riesce a entrare nell'intimo di Luisa Casati, vediamo di lei solo dei ritratti.
Vanno riconosciuti, però, la bellezza delle tavole in acquerello e l'idea interessante di far parlare ogni personaggio come se fosse ancora vivo. Ognuno di loro, compresi D'Annunzio e la Marchese, ci raccontano di lei fino alla loro fine. Una scelta singolare, ma funzionale.
Profile Image for Jason Brown (Toastx2).
332 reviews17 followers
October 4, 2020
Europe comics and Vanna Vinci released a pretty great graphic novel biography about Marchesa Casati. Casati was not a person I was familiar with before reading this work. I was mainly drawn to the artwork and the general premise. As the pages unfolded, I was astounded by how fascinating her story was.

This graphic novel is perfect for those as clueless as me- Marchesa Luisa Casati was an Italian heiress who squandered her fortune in a whirlwind lifetime of debauchery, extravagance, and artistry that set the stage for modern show women like Madonna and Lady Gaga. Casati was a muse for 100+ painters and artists with a desire to live opulently and without reserve

Probably not the best choice for children as it is filled with lots of nudity.
Profile Image for Marta.
896 reviews9 followers
March 10, 2020
La casati - La muse égoïste (2013)

Ho scoperto la marchesa Casati in un altro fumetto di Vanna Vinci (Gatti neri, cani bianchi. Lungo la strada) ed ero curiosissima di questo nuovo incontro tra le due. I disegni sono bellissimi e non sfigurano a fianco di dipinti e foto originali. La trama è stringata, ma non per questo poco significativa o chiara; anche abbastanza ironica.
Una buona raccolta di immagini di fotografie e dipinti per cui la marchesa ha posato: http://www.marchesacasati.com/gallery...
A causa di questa graphic novel sono andata a vedere la mostra sulla Casati a Palazzo Fortuny a Venezia, in una memorabile giornata di acqua alta e a un certo punto neve.
July 14, 2021
Per quanto ami pazzamente la mano di Vanna Vinci, quella sua immensa capacità di cogliere su carta l'universo goth glam; la narrazione assente appiattisce la vita della Marchesa Casati: perfetto soggetto di infinite historical fiction, trasformandola in una sequenza temporale di tableaux, belli ma noiosi.
Non dubito che potesse essere negli intenti dell'autrice, la vita esagerata della Casati sviscerata in tanti cartellini è esasperatamente grottesca, non di meno il risultato, sulla lunghezza, diventa oltremodo noioso.
Profile Image for Ruth Frampton.
82 reviews
February 13, 2018
This graphic novel retelling of the life of the Marchesa, an Italian born noblewoman of the 19th Century whose aim was to become a work of art. The illustrations are good but the narrative feels repetitive and forced in places. The recreation of familiar images will leave you feeling that you know Casini, and well you should, often portrayed with her dark eyes, this is a face you will most likely know.
Profile Image for Wendy B. ☃️.
142 reviews12 followers
February 15, 2021
Premesso che adoro i graphic novels di Vanna Vinci, "La Casati: La musa egoista" è uno di quelli che mi sentirei di consigliare particolarmente. La qualità dei disegni è ottima come sempre. Inoltre, la narrazione della vita eccentrica della marchesa che voleva fare di se stessa un'opera d'arte è davvero intrigante. Il suo modo, del tutto fuori dagli schemi, di vivere la vita risulta ancora più incredibile quando, proseguendo nella lettura, si scopre che in realtà era una donna molto timida e poco incline a parlare di sé.
7,658 reviews106 followers
February 6, 2018
DNF - this is a hagiography of a conceited, vain, and incredibly ugly woman, where every panel, dialogue or not, is exposition. The woman has been cast out of modern art history as a response to the vacuous mistake of ever letting her into it, on this evidence.
Profile Image for Alan D.D..
Author 33 books77 followers
March 1, 2018

A curious characters, this Casati. I was more than interested in her life, but the way this comic is written and drawn wasn't what I expected. So simple and linear... A shame. Yet, the misserable glory of this woman was fascinating.
Profile Image for Anna.
124 reviews14 followers
May 8, 2021
Gli acquerelli della disegnatrice sono splendidi e dettagliatissimi e la storia è stata pure raccontata bene ma non trovo questo personaggio straordinario o anche semplicemente piacevole, per cui mi sono comunque annoiata
211 reviews
January 19, 2018
I love getting history this way! Great art, showing the wonderful outfits and locations. Thanks to Netgalley!
Profile Image for MusokaSakebi.
679 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2019
Mah, mi ha lasciato perplessa. Ho fatto fatica a finirlo, non mi ha preso...
Profile Image for Giulia.
131 reviews
October 6, 2022
Disegni stupendi e storia raccontata in modo intrigante. Ora vorrei saperne di più della Marchesa
1 review
May 20, 2024
Beautiful artwork. If I were to die tomorrow, I would like my life to be shown in such a beautiful way.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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