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In Focus #1

Trust the Focus

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With his college graduation gown expertly pitched into the trash, Justin Akron is ready for the road trip he planned with his best friend Landry— and ready for one last summer of escape from his mother’s controlling grip. Climbing into the Winnebago his father left him, they set out across America in search of the sites his father had captured through the lens of his Nikon.

As an aspiring photographer, Justin can think of no better way to honor his father’s memory than to scatter his ashes at the sites he held sacred. And there’s no one Justin would rather share the experience with more than Landry.

But Justin knows he can’t escape forever. Eventually he’ll have to return home and join his mother’s Senate campaign. Nor can he escape the truth of who he is, and the fact that he’s in love with his out-and-proud travel companion.

Admitting what he wants could hurt his mother’s conservative political career. But with every click of his shutter and every sprinkle of ash, Justin can’t resist Landry’s pull. And when the truth comes into focus, neither is prepared for the secrets the other is hiding.

222 pages, ebook

First published March 17, 2015

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About the author

Megan Erickson

48 books1,843 followers
Megan Erickson is a USA Today bestselling author of romance that sizzles. Her books have a touch of nerd, a dash of humor, and always have a happily ever after. A former journalist, she switched to fiction when she decided she likes writing her own endings better.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her very own nerdy husband and two kids. Although rather fun-sized, she's been told she has a full-sized personality. When Megan isn't writing, she's either lounging with her two cats named after John Hughes characters or... thinking about writing.

For more, visit meganerickson.org

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 621 reviews
Profile Image for Jenn.
424 reviews230 followers
July 16, 2015
This will not be a popular opinion. Clearly.

I buddy read this book with high expectations and tons of excitement. We ALL were so looking forward to this book, but sadly, it fell short in so many areas, and all of us would have given this...well less than stellar ratings or reviews.

This might be stated as NA, it might have aimed for NA, but it felt really YA. The characters, the arguments and the entire experience read like two 17 year olds rather than two college graduated twenty-two year olds. I think the book shot for transformation but it didn't feel authentic to me.

I had so many irritations and some of them are really petty, I realize.

*I HATED the nickname Jus. Is it really so hard to just say "Justin"? Nails on a chalkboard hated.

*Cowboy Jud - that whole plot line was kind of silly and the conclusion made me feel like it was unnecessary.

*I really thought photography would play a more interesting roll that it did, and some dude sees a few shots and offers him a job? I just feel like it had a promising introduction, the title, and then it kind of got wrapped up in the end.

*Reading those blogs was soooooooo goooooooodawful boring. I unfortunately laughed at the

*Speaking of the blog, I was very disappointed in that road trip. The purpose for it was to celebrate Justin's dad. To go to twelve locations and really appreciate his dad, soak in his love, and in a way, let him go. But to me, the road trip felt like a ploy. If you take out the RV/trip, this book could have happened in any location and been exactly the same. The RV served as a way for Landry and Justin to not be able to escape from the other. They had to keep coming back until...well.

*Why do they like each other?? Don't tell me they are friends; show me how they fit. They weren't believable as childhood friends.

*A lot of things were summed up in extensive inner monologues, like pages and pages of Justin reflecting on his youth and relationships. It would have helped develop their relationship for those moments to come out in interactions with Landry and Justin.

*That said, the sex scenes felt like they came a bit too soon or I guess without any of the awkwardness that might happen with a delicate transition from friends-to-lovers.

*That blaming and fighting arguments were debated ad nauseum. Round and round FLEEING in a huff - I couldn't take it. It got to the point where I just didn't care if they were together, I just wanted the book to end. And ALSO,

*The fighting also felt a bit out of place because Landry should understand on a gut level why Justin would have a problem with coming out. Statements Justin said like "I'm not like you...I didn't have the support of my parents," were all things Landry should have already known and understood. Landry seemed to have unrealistic expectations, at times only giving Justin a second or two to think things over.

*I couldn't wrap my head around the mom's transition and to quote my friend,"DRAGON LADY SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE to OMG SON GET ON MY GAY PRIDE PARADE FLOAT AND BRING UR HOT BF".

*But she does this because, & here is where I can't get over this, It was without a doubt unnecessary.

In summary, I think everything in this book happened really fast, and I wasn't able to appreciate moments. The relationship happened fast, the sex, the fighting blowing up and then settling and repeating, the twelve locations, the mom's transition, etc. Here is a quote from the book: "I wanted to be that passionate about something. Something other than Landry."

One of my fellow buddy readers had this to say about that quote:

This line kind of sums up what's missing from the book, for me. When we started off, I thought Justin's photography was going to be a major focus and a running motif. I love passions. But I feel like that aspect has been downplayed since the early chapters, and the whole plot's been subsumed by Justin's coming-out angst and his fights and negotiations with Landry. Even the stuff with his dad is way on the back burner now. I do love a good coming-out story, and I absolutely think we still need them, but I like them best when other parts of the story are fleshed out, too. <--- I agree a 1000%.
Profile Image for Heidi Cullinan.
Author 47 books2,837 followers
March 17, 2015
I keep trying to write reviews lately but my brain is not present to win, so we're sticking with bulleted highlights.

• Sweet. It's sexy, but it's SWEET. This is the book for when you want to snuggle, to have feels but with cushions around you.
• Friends-to-lovers. As in, friends since sixth grade lovers. It's not gay for you, it's one guy out & the other trying-not-to-be-out-but-I-can't-say-no-to-you gay.
• Very firmly new adult. I know we're all still working out what the genre is, but the story is less about romance and less about coming out than it is GROWING UP. That it's about a closeted to himself young man falling for his best friend is the foreground for Justin's exploration of himself and how he fits into the world. For readers in, approaching, or recently departing that place, it will resonate loudly. For those of us remembering that crazed, red-haze period of life, this is a beautiful way to process a time which in real life is largely chaotic, heartbreaking, and raw.
• Suitable for comfort read status. This will be for many of you a book you can pull out when you need a friend to hold your hand.
• Recommended for all my readers, particularly those who loved Love Lessons & Fever Pitch. To a degree those who loved Special Delivery, though it's not even a quarter as racy. It's a road trip book, completely with distributing ashes and sexual awakening. But much more cuddly, and Landry is the same age and more grounded than Mitch.
• Excellent crossover book. For readers who haven't read much or any gay romance, this would be a wonderful gateway drug. It has a lot of feel of heterosexual new adult while also having feet firmly in gay new adult, as much as we have conventions (which I don't think we have many yet). Probably most people following my reviews are already full ambassadors, but if you're looking to recruit somebody? This is a good book to pass them.

Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,602 followers
March 30, 2015
3.75 STARS


“Trust The Focus” is a sweet and romantic friends to lovers story about life, friendship, growing up and accepting who you are. I didn’t know what to expect since Megan Erickson is a new author to me and especially since this is her first m/m novel, but she really surprised me with this one. A well written story, told entirely from one of the main characters perspective, Justin, “Trust The Focus” was a great debut novel.

Justin Akron is a 22 years boy who lives a lie. He lies everyone about who he really is – that he likes boys, that he is gay. He figured out he is gay since high school and he is aware of the fact he was silent about it too long. He doesn’t want to loses his mother, a conservative woman who plans to run for Senate and he doesn’t want to hurt her conservative political campaign, so he pretends that he is straight. That doesn’t mean he never wondered about what would have happened if he took a different path. Justin’s mother not only controlled without knowing his decision to remain in the closet, but she controlled other aspects of his live as well. Justin loves photography, but to please his mother he's now a graduate in Political Science with Photography just as a minor.

For the first time in his life Justin stands up for himself when he decides to take a road trip, a road trip that means everything to him. This road trip is not for fun, is for his father, a talented photographer who died some time ago. Justin wants to visits twelve important sites for his father’s life to spread his ashes and he plans to do this with his best friend Landry in his father’s Winnebago Brave RV Camper. Needless to say his mother was not pleased when she found out about Justin’s plans, especially since these plans involve Landry, a tattooed, pierced, gay boy. Landry had been left at a hospital as a baby. He had some serious health problems so no one wanted to adopt him. He spent most of his childhood in a group home of boys until a nice family decide to take him.

Justin and Landry know each other from 6th grade when Justin save Landry from some bullies. They were friends since then so they know each other very well. But they don’t know everything about each other. Justin never told Landry that he is gay and he never told him he likes him more than a friend. Landry has his own secrets and one of them is the fact that he's in love with his best friend since forever. Time passes, the two guys fallow the plan visiting different sites, they grow closer to each other as friends, but everything changes when Justin is forced by certain circumstances to admit to Landry that he is gay.

“I’m like you,” I repeated.(…)
“You’re like me how? What are you talking about?”(…)
Fuck. Fucking fuck. I’d never said it out loud. I’m not even sure I ever said the words in my head. But I needed to. I was a twenty-two-year-old man. Time to act like one. Own up.
I took a deep breath, and I willed that roller coaster over the crest. “I’m gay.”

It goes without saying everything gets complicated. They start to communicate, they are honest with each other and eventually get involved in a relationship. But none of them forgets Justin will start working for his mom’s political campaign in a couple of months and that she doesn’t know the truth about who Justin really is.

Will Justin allow his mother to dictate him how to life his life or he will grew up and really stand for himself, for who he is and for what he wants?

“This was us. Landry and me. Together in a way I’d dreamed about more times than I could imagine. It was more than just the feeling of being inside him, it was the feeling that being with him, this way, was right. His head thrown back. His legs and stomach quivering with effort. His lips red and shiny. We were always meant to do this. This had always meant to be us.”

I really enjoyed this one! Despite the premise, the angst and drama are low and I must say the plot was pretty solid and well done. Overall I liked the two main characters, even if at times I wanted to punch them in the face. They were a little immature at times, but let’s not forget they are 22 years old, so they are young and inexperienced in many ways. Both of them are characterized well enough in a very realistic way, which I really enjoyed.

I really felt for Justin. Even if he knows who he is and he accepts it, he’s scarred to admit it to his mother and to his friends. He’s not only scarred, he’s angry as well. Angry at himself because he knows he is a coward. And I like the fact he admits that. At least he knows who and what he is.

Landry is a great guy. He is there for Justin when he needs someone, he’s supportive as much as he can be, because he is impatient as hell at times. He really pissed me off one time or two with his impatience, but overall like I said he was great. He is fun and carefree and he’s a great friend. I totally understood why be can be with someone who’s in the closet and I like the fact he shows maturity when he doesn’t judge Justin for his anger.

I liked how they are with each other as a couple, but most of all I liked how they are as friends. Even if they were not honest with each other, their friendship is genuine and their connection is fantastic and palpable. I enjoyed all their interactions, both as friends and lovers and also their banter. As a couple they were great together. It’s pretty obvious they are great for each other and the fact they complement each other very well.

I loved 'the note' - very sweet and emotional and Justin's coming out and I also enjoyed Landry’s blog and his funny posts.

Like I mentioned above, the angst and drama are pretty low, but some drama in the end felt a little OTT. It didn’t bothered me too much, but I can’t say I understood its purpose. Also, the plot was very convenient at times. Needless to say the story felt a little rushed.
There are some interesting twists, but overall the story was a little predictable. I didn’t care too much about this aspect because the story was enjoyable and I liked how it progressed.

All in all, “Trust The Focus” was a great friends to lovers story with likeable characters, enjoyable storyline and great writing.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,034 followers
March 26, 2015

I absolutely adored this story of MC Justin and MC Landry's tour across America in Justin's RV "Sally".

Best friends Justin and Landry are off for a summer of visiting Justin's father's favorite photographic landmarks. Justin's beloved father died and willed his Winnebago to Justin and Justin feels the best way to honor his memory is to visit the landmarks and scatter his father's ashes in each of these US locations. Landry tags along and blogs their adventure for their friends and family to enjoy along the way. He uses the hashtag #JusLan in his blog posts.

Justin, in the closet because of his conservative mother who is a State Senator, has been in love with his openly gay best friend since puberty. During their journey, mutual feelings come to light and the boys begin a romantic relationship that is lovely and filled with love and romance, but also with hot-as-hell sex. Yummy!

Of course they run into some bumps along the way and Justin has a pretty big decision to make about his future, but the HEA was magical and worth every moment of angst.

I can HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend this enchanting tale to every M/M romance lover on the planet. It will play with your emotions (in the best possible way!) and you WILL fall in love with these boys.

#JusLan Forever

Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books138 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
March 9, 2018
5 amazing stars!

I love this book! I love it so much, I’m not sure why I didn’t read it sooner.

Trust the Focus can be frustrating at times. It’s angsty. And drove me a little crazy at times. But it felt real. Everything from the friendship between Justin and Landry to the struggle Justin had with coming out and finally, the eventual romantic relationship that developed between them.

Justin isn’t the easiest character to like at times. He says some things that really hurt Landry. But I found it impossible not to like him. This story is told in his first person POV and I loved it. I loved reading his struggles with his sexuality and the relationships he had. And I loved seeing him grow.

And I adored Landry. Even though we don’t get his POV, his presence in this book is very strong and he was such a great support to Justin. Just as Justin was to him.

Now I was the only one who could bring Landry back from the brink. When his nerves sent his mind into a tailspin or his anger lit a fire in his gut, I’d grab his hair and slam our foreheads together, forcing him to use me as his anchor.

There are a lot of great secondary characters in this. From friends of the boys to Landry’s parents. And then there was Justin’s dad and Sally, who were both a huge part of the story and the reason these boys were taking the trip.

“It’s like he’s here,” Landry said, eyes soft. I squeezed his hand. “He is here. And he’s smiling.”

Justin’s mom wasn’t exactly likable. But she was believable and felt real.

Justin and Landry are the perfect couple! I was rooting for them from the beginning, through the good and the bad. I knew they needed to end up together. I knew I was desperate to see them as a couple. And they were perfect. And their HEA left me grinning.

“You’ve always had your hooks in my heart. You just finally let me into yours.”

“I get that, and I deserve it. But I’m telling you, Landry Jacobs, I have loved you, I do love you, and I will love you for the rest of my life. And if you can’t believe that yet, I’ll spend every minute of our lives proving it to you.”

I’m so glad I finally took the time to read this book. Meeting Justin and Landry was an amazing experience and I’m really glad I took this journey with them. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series and more from this author in the future.

 photo Potential-OTDU-Banner-9-Smaller2_zpsf0878d67.png
Profile Image for Kade Boehme.
Author 35 books1,047 followers
April 12, 2015
I liked this so much. I loved the friends-to-lovers, i liked that even though it was a road trip book, I didn't feel like I was reading a travel brochure for each stop--a common mistake with these books--and I liked that when the inevitable 70% hiccup in the story occurs, it wasn't all dumped on the closet-case (as is also common in these stories) and Landry was adult enough to accept he pushed too hard. We have such a shame culture that we dump on closet cases and I like when an author is understanding of the process. Well done. This really hit every right note for me. Major kudos.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
September 9, 2016

I don't even know what to say here. But I didn't much care for this one. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that either

(a) this was this author's first MM book? Because...hello Strong Signal and Fast Connection...LOVED those. And I even liked books 2 and 3 of this series.


(b) because I read books 2 and 3 first this one wasn't as good for me? Maybe had I read the series in the proper order I would have liked it more.

And I didn't hate it, it was okay. But there was some definite skimming going on.

My three main problems with the book....

(1) The dialogue:

CHEESY! Some of the stuff they said to each other. Just no.

(2) Justin:

His reactions several times throughout the book, made me rage-y. Especially because ten seconds later he realized what a dumb-ass he was being.

(3) The melodrama at the end:

Hate that plot device. That was so not necessary.

So yeah, this was a miss for me. Still...I'm a big fan of this author. I've liked all of her other books. And I'll continue to read the books in this series.
Profile Image for Vanessa North.
Author 42 books518 followers
February 8, 2015
I am a terrible buddy reader. I was just going to read a couple of pages because it was five in the morning and i couldn't sleep, and I read the whole book.

Sure, i felt guilty. A little. Sorry, Boo. I really did mean to wait.

But i couldn't, you see. Because i started reading, and then i started crying, and then i couldn't stop. Either. I read and i cried and i cried and i read until the very last page. I loved justin and landry and their stupid mistakes and everything.

Megan Erickson, i am so, so glad you wrote this book. <3

Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
March 19, 2015
I went into this book with really high expectations...

But unfortunately they were not totally met. Now that doesn't mean it was bad- far from it. I had just hyped up this book in my head too much, I think. I was so excited- a road trip, best friends to lovers, OFY! HOT DAMN!

Sadly, for the first 75% of this book this was a 3 Star read. 3 Stars isn't bad- it means I like it, but I wanted that giddy awesome feeling, and I actually did get it- from 75% to 88%.

. It was beautifully written. There was so much feeling. I loved it- it's what I was waiting for! 5 Stars.

Then, the . It just felt like been there done that. So from 88% to 94%: 2 Stars.

Now 94% to the end 5 Stars- that ending:

There were some serious moments of greatness here but some just "ok" moments also. So how do you rate a book in which your heart is all over the place? With math, I guess.

1-75%: 3
75-88%: 5
88-94%: 2
94-the end: 5
=3.75 which will be rounded up to 4.

Now I know I'm nit picking, but like I said after reading some of the ARC reviews, I just built it up too much. And please don't get me wrong- this was a good book. It was really sweet, and I would recommend it- I also can't wait to read the next book in the series. I was just expecting a little bit more.

I don't want to dissuade anyone with my ramblings cause it's probably just me. Please check out Todd's review so you get another perspective.
Profile Image for Ami.
6,043 reviews491 followers
March 10, 2018
Profile Image for Sheziss.
1,364 reviews489 followers
April 4, 2016
***DNF 78%***

I want to finish it but I don't feel like it now.

I'm very a little frustrated with this book. At first it was beautiful, that raw longing, that hidden love, that desperate and hopeless emptiness. The author was so good in her style of writing. The characters were so well defined and interesting they could tell a hundred stories together. There was magic and mystery there, and a pain for fulfilling the space with light where nothingness ruled. Seriously, I thought this would be one of those books.

I loved Landry, this openly-gay friend-since-forever of Justin he can't stop thinking about. Landry is cynical and mysterious, when he used to be cheerful and carefree. Justin is head over heels for Landry but he will never say it. So this is a bidirectional I-love-you-in-silence story and that sounded so good. And it definitely was.

To a certain point. Since the moment of the great revelation and the understandable arguments on things became ordinary again. Not bad, just like any other story. What enchanted me in the first pages disappeared, whatever it was. Instead, I almost had the vision of Landry's funeral. I felt Landry's death. He was not the distrustful and hardened youth anymore and I mourned for him. He was happy-go-lucky, boyish and stereotyped character I have seen a thousand times before. I didn't notice it at first but when the Big Misunderstanding (AKA moment for truth) came, I realized I was annoyed and tired of the book. I was getting my hopes too high when I began reading and I was developing the story in my head even before finishing it and I was disappointed that the author didn't agree with me.

So I'm very sorry for myself as I can see why so many of my friends liked it and it only add insult to injure because this could have been awesome for me, too. But it was not.

Note: Matéo/Téo does not exist. The Spanish name is with no accent: Mateo/Teo. On the other hand, I liked the word "zurdo" included here, and I love Antonio Banderas. So, not everything was lost.

Some photos I found when I was inspired:
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews789 followers
June 27, 2016

***4.75 Stars***

"I wouldn't change it, you know. The girls, the other boys, everything we experienced before this moment. Because that was all wrong. And I think we needed to feel what was wrong to know what's right."

That gif pretty much says it all.

Since I'm one of the last people to read this, I'll just give you some quick hits (well as quick as my wordy ass knows how to be).

♥ Justin & Landry - I can't even tell you when's the last time that I read a book where I was so connected to the MC's. I felt like I knew them. I felt every emotion they felt. I was 100% invested in every day, every moment, every conversation, every act....they were such beautifully developed, multi dimensional characters. They truly were the epitome of soul mates.

And Justin...my God, did I run the rollercoaster of emotions with him. Told entirely from his POV, I felt every ounce of turmoil that flowed threw him. Even in those times when he angered me with his actions, I understood the cause. Megan Erickson relayed so honestly and vividly the weight sitting on Justin and energy buzzing through him of wanting to break free, and the overwhelming fear of figuring out how to take that first step.

♥ Megan Erickson's writing - It was effortless and evocative. The brutal honesty that poured off the page was magnificent. Megan drew you into the story immediately and I truly felt like a voyeur looking into Justin and Landry's journey. I felt the confusion, hesitancy, elation, intimacy, anger, trepidation, shame, fear, love...it was all there and flawlessly executed.

♥ The roadtrip. Watching Justin say goodbye to his father in this beautiful way was so cathartic for him. He was remembering his father while saying goodbye. Throughout the trip, you see that Justin's dad may not have been conventional, but he loved Justin unconditionally. Seeing him go through the grieving process, having honest and heartfelt conversations with his father as though he were still alive, slowly gave Justin the strength to take those fearful steps.

"Mom created a home where I couldn't tell her what I am. Couldn't be it. Could barely think it. And you created a relationship where I knew you were just waiting for me to be myself."

I don't really think there's anything I can say that would give this book justice.

It's honest and raw, a little sad but a lot hopeful, it's tender and passionate ...but above all, it's a beautiful story of learning to love yourself, learning when to let go....and most importantly....learning when to hold on.

I don't know why I waited so long to read this book, but I know it's one I'll be revisiting again and again. So, if there's one thing I want you to take away from this review....

**So all this gushing and why not 5 stars? Well there's one thing that happens towards the end that I felt was a throwaway cliche and I have no idea why it was included because it didn't really add anything. I don't know if it was because of drama (even though it was short lived) or what....but it was unnecessary in my opinion.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,325 reviews591 followers
May 23, 2021
Rating removed


Original review:

Not to sound dramatic or anything but Erickson's writing, here, spoke to my soul. This story and the emotions it evoked were breathtaking. There were so many passages that moved me. I highlighted like a mad woman and often reread sections twice (or more) before I could read on.

I reacted on instinct and grabbed Landry’s hair, pressing our foreheads together while I clamped my other hand where his neck met his shoulder. I stared into his eyes and willed his breath to match mine. He gripped my wrist and locked onto my stare. I didn’t say anything, but kept myself present in order to bring him back from the brink, anchor him to the ground before he took flight. The taunts from the kids faded into the background until the words were white noise, and the only sounds were our breaths.

I love friends-to-lovers stories that span from childhood into adulthood and this was one of the best I've read with this trope. Witnessing these two coming together was a beautiful journey that I really enjoyed taking.

We didn’t talk because there were no words to say, nothing to describe the moment where we grew from boys who were best friends to men who were lovers.

I'll admit that Justin made me ragey on more than one occasion, but I've decided that his flaws made him more real, so I won't let my issues with his behaviour and often assholish treatment of Landry let me get bogged down in anger. I absolutely adored Landry, though, and I kind of wish we had been gifted with his POV also.

In truth, there was nothing particularly ground-breaking about the story itself, but I feel like the way it was executed really showcased a very special talent Erickson has with words. I look forward to delving deeper into this Erickson book reading rabbit-hole.
Profile Image for Santino Hassell.
Author 36 books2,830 followers
March 23, 2015
This is one of the sweetest books I have read since How To Repair A Mechanical Heart by JC Lillis. Sweet and refreshing in a way that is often rare in M/M Romance.

I loved the affectionate nature of the friendship between Justin and Landry. I loved the brutal honesty between them, the love they both had for Justin's father, their history, and the bumpy ride they had on the way to finding common ground and a shared future.

This is a road trip book that gave me the itch to explore this beautiful country i live in, and a book about friends becoming lovers that reminded me why that trope will always be my favorite.
June 3, 2015
This book was super sweet, like my teeth hurt by the end. That isn't a criticism because I really enjoyed reading it, but I kept thinking that it was like a sanitized YA/NA take on one of my all time favorites, Heidi Cullinan's Special Delivery. Again, not a bad thing.

Both Landry and Justin were endearing in their own ways. Best friends to lovers is always a pleasing story for me and it wasn't all that easy for the two to make the transition. They've grown up together, but their pasts are very different and neither can imagine the secrets they have kept from each other. While the story is told from Justin's POV, and he is the one who has so much to work through, I enjoyed getting bits of insight from Landry through his blog posts.

It always boggles my mind when parents expect a kid to follow the path they've set out and I can understand the difficulty of fighting that when Justin is still, for all intents, a child at 22. As I was reading, I didn't have a clear picture of why the mother had him so afraid as her character really wasn't there much. It was cleared up somewhat, but having not had much contact with her in the book did make her actions toward the end a bit more believable for me where otherwise I think I might have just been rolling my eyes.

The story moved quickly and I enjoyed it. I would absolutely recommend it if you're in the mood for a feel good sweet read with a side of angst.

Profile Image for Alisa.
1,836 reviews198 followers
March 8, 2018
Review removed because the author may have supported/encouraged another author who may have misrepresented themselves as ownvoices and accepted cash gifts from fans under potentially false pretenses.”
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews101 followers
March 9, 2018
Rating and review removed.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,443 reviews506 followers
September 29, 2024
4 Stars

A road trip. A homage. A chance to defy the rules and ultimately break them.

Justin has barely been living under the thumb of his well intentioned mother. He’s been in the closet and in love with his best friend Landry for years, and he’s scared shitless to do anything about it. On said road trip to honor his dead father, stress and grief come to a head, and the truth comes out with unsurprisingly, a lot of consequences.

Despite some upsetting angst, the writing here is what gives this extra points. The way Erickson conveys how Justin and Landry fit perfectly - always did, always will - was the best part of this book. So yes, this wasn’t the easiest read - but the poignancy, the intimacy - all won me over.

Admittedly, Justin has a shit ton of growing up to do - finding, owning, and embracing himself so he could be with Landry who btw, was a wonderful character to experience. Overall this was touching and very romantic. Of course, it was sweet and sexy too. These two meet cute when they were young and immediately connect. There was never a question as to whether they were meant for each other - they just had to take a journey to realize and embrace that possibility. Really, all the rest is inconsequential, and that my friends, is the way love should be.
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books98 followers
March 20, 2015
All the stars, this book gets all the stars.

It is fair to say I devoured this book, after reading a couple of BDSM orientated books this was exactly what I wanted to read. My favourite ever storyline in any book, show, film etc is friends to more. There is something so special about two people who have that basis of friendship, of trust and love, to letting things - or needing things - to move a step further. I can't explain how much I love it. When the friendship is there first and it's not all just crazy wanna get in your pants lust, it turns me to marshmallow. I've always, always wanted friends to fall in love - or admit they're in love maybe..Anyway, this book completely fulfilled my FTM urges.

*happy, happy sigh*

Justin is taking one last trip - bid for freedom really - with his best friend Landry straight after graduation. Justin is retracing the steps of his father from years earlier and spreading his fathers ashes on the way. This is more than just a trip though, it really is that junction in Justin's life where he has to decide whether to follow the path that has been decided for him or to follow his heart, his gut, and choose the life he actually wants.

On one hand everything is clear-cut, he'd be the person his mom wants him to be, make her happy and follow the narrow little path set out for him. It's all so...certain and definite and it is what he has been working for the last four years. It could be considered the easy option (if you think going against what you wan,t to keep those you love happy, easy), it is probably the safe option...but it's not what Justin wants. On the other hand is the possibility of everything he desires, if could just have the guts to admit it. The fact that he's hidden who he really is from everyone, including - especially -his BFF, does not make for an easy decision.

The story line here was pretty perfect as far as I was concerned. Justin had his decisions to make, but he's not the only one. Megan Erickson writes in such a way that I fell so into the story, into the lives of these two men that I couldn't put it down. I had that feeling inside when my stomach tightens and my heart squeezes. I so wanted an HEA but the journey was truthfully bumpy. It felt like the forever the characters got was a real forever and the right choice.

Simple truths are sometimes the hardest to acknowledge. They can be the most fragile, the ones kept closest to the heart and therefore the ones that can hurt the most. I felt this with Justin - how much he wanted to tell Landry everything and yet how scary that prospect was. To carry on as he is, he might not be happy but (as far as he could see) he hadn't lost anything. To admit to the truth, well then he really could lose everything and end up alone. And it wasn't just Justin who had these choices, but Landry too. As the story develops it is equally hard for Landry. What is the price of love? How do you know if you'll both end up unscathed?

Of course his mom is portrayed as a bit of a mini monster...I think by the end she has redeemed herself but I always have to remind myself when I read stories like this that there are people out there who can't accept their son or daughter as gay. As a mum myself I truly can't imagine how anyone can cut off their child because of who they love or chose to have sex with. I think this is why I find these story lines so difficult to comprehend and they are the ones that hurt me the most. It could have been so easy for the mom in this story to have grown into an even bigger monster...but the author didn't let that happen. Although I didn't like the woman to start with I appreciated her own journey and liked who she had become at the end.

I can't think of anything I didn't enjoy about this book...I suppose all I would say is that, at times, they felt a little younger than their twenty-two years. I'm not sure why, maybe it's just a reflection on my own life and that by that age I had a mortgage etc already so...yeah, they felt more eighteen/nineteen to me but it didn't detriment my enjoyment of the story in any way, shape or form.

If friends to more is your thing this book IS for you. At about 90% my heart stopped. It really did and there was definitely tissue needed. Just when I thought everything was sorted...it was a...twist I didn't expect, but I still adored this book. Looking out for more from this author for sure.
Review previously at BMBR.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dalia.
280 reviews93 followers
August 27, 2015
Two friends, one road trip and twelve important sites to visit. #JusLan

Justin and his best friend Landry just graduated from college. They go on a road trip across the country to spread Justin's father, Charlie, ashes and take photos of him at all twelve locations from his calendar.

Justin has been living in the closet for years, because of his conservative mother. He never wanted to dissapoint her nor hurt her political career, so he let her pressure him to study in a major he detested and acted straight. Now he regrets his decision and can't help but fall more and more in love with his friend, who he secretly loves since high school, every day.

Thanks to the road trip, Justin finally finds the courage to decide what kind of future he wants.

It was sometimes frustrating and sad to see the boys lying, arguing and saying hurtful things to each other, but it also kind of made the story feel more realistic. Justin and Landry experience a lot of ups and downs during their journey, but everything they go through is worth in the end. These two are just perfect together. And it's impossible for me not to love them.

I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Megan Erickson.
Author 48 books1,843 followers
February 16, 2015
Frankly, this is one of my favorite books I've written to date. #JusLan Forever

If you want to read a blog post where I share a little bit about this book, as well as the Pinterest board and a playlist, you can find that here: A Little about #JusLan

Thank you so, so much to everyone who is taking a chance on this book.

If you want to be notified when this book releases and get up-to-date news on all of my books, you can sign up for my newsletter here. You'll also have the chance to enter exclusive giveaways for my books and others. Thanks!
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,638 followers
January 23, 2016
This is a story about two young guys, one gay and out, the other in a closet so tight he can't see a way to escape it. Justin has always done what was expected of him - by his conservative, political candidate mother, by his baseball teammates in high-school and college. And that never included being anything more than a good buddy to his best friend Landry, who has been out and proud since junior high.

In his silent moments, Justin has imagined what it would be like to be out, to be with Landry as a boyfriend, to look forward to a life in a profession he really wants, not just as his mother's campaign manager. And then every time he's stood in front of his mom, or a friend joking about sex, he's caved. And played the straight boy. What's worse, he's never let Landry see even a hint of the fact that he's not just the straight friend.

He's planned to come out, more than once. But the death of his photographer father was the latest upheaval, stealing from him the parent more likely to be on his side. He's turning that pain into an opportunity, though. He's convinced Landry to come with him on a pilgrimage to spread his father's ashes along the trail of the sites where his dad took his most iconic photographs. And he's hoping. Hoping that this won't just be a summer interlude, before being trapped in the crushing straight life he's expected to resume. Hoping somewhere, somehow, he'll find the guts to reach for what he desperately wants.

Unfortunately, courage is not his strong suit.

This is well-written although I seriously wanted to smack Justin at times. Landry is a great character, and I did come to have sympathy for Justin too. It's easy from the outside to say "he should just tell the truth" but there are kids selling their bodies on the street because they told their family the truth. There are athletes shunned in the sports they love for telling the truth. So it's not that simple, even if I dream of a world in the not too distant future where it will be.
Profile Image for Mare SLiTsReaD Reviews.
1,165 reviews66 followers
February 5, 2015
I keep staring at my screen trying to come up with a review that will show my feelings towards this book.
Megan Erikson is a great author. The way she spins her words left me feeling in awe. I mean at 12% in I cried.
There is so much to like in this book and some people will even love love love this book.
And I did, love some aspects of this book.
Other aspects left me torn.

Maybe it's because it should be college age but I felt like I was reading a YA book.

I'll sit on it for a few more days....


Profile Image for Karen Wellsbury.
820 reviews38 followers
March 8, 2018
I have removed this review, I loved this book. But I won't support enablers

Profile Image for maria.
597 reviews355 followers
September 30, 2024
Big City Bookworm

Now, I definitely wouldn’t describe myself as someone who enjoys reading New Adult novels. They are just not typically my cup of tea. However, once in a while I just feel like reading something a little fluffier, that doesn’t require too much thinking. A quick, enjoyable read to break a heavy reading slump.

I have definitely been going through a bit of a slump and I decided to look for something a little more fun and upbeat, such as a new adult novel that could potentially break the spell. As I was browsing through different new adult novels on Goodreads, I found that all of their synopsis sounded too generic and boring or just altogether unappealing. That is until I stumbled across Trust The Focus by Megan Erickson.

I have read quite a few novels that centre around a gay main character and these novels have been some of my most favourite books of all time. That being said, I had never read a new adult novel that dealt with gay main characters.

For those who are unaware, new adult is a genre that is one step above young adult. The new adult genre still contains the cute and fun moments that you would find in a young adult contemporary, but also includes a few sexier scenes that you might find in an adult romance novel.

I was unsure how I would feel about Trust The Focus, not because of the LGBTQ+ themes, but because I just simply am not that that into reading new adult. That being said, I really did thoroughly enjoy this novel! Sure, Trust The Focus had its fair share of sex scenes and maybe just a little bit of fromage, but it also taught some amazing life lessons. It was a coming of age story, a coming out story as well as an extremely heartfelt story.

Trust The Focus tells the story of Justin, a young man who has just graduated from college and decides to go on a cross country road trip with his out and proud best friend Landry to spread his recently deceased father’s ashes at the locations that he loved to photograph before he passed away. What Landry doesn’t know is that Justin has been in the closet since high school and has been too afraid to come out.

I enjoyed the way the story was written as, for the most part, the new adult genre can be quite a bit cheesy for my tastes. In the very limited amount of previous new adult novels that I have read, sex scenes are thrown in left right and center just for the hell of it and the dialogue has mostly been cringe worthy. That was not the case with Trust The Focus. The dialogue was believable and it felt quite real and genuine. The sex scenes were limited and included in the story where it felt right.

I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this novel as much as I did and it was actually quite the pleasant surprise. I know there are sequels to Trust The Focus, which are more like spin-offs as they deal with different main characters. I’m not too sure if I will continue with reading them all, but I wouldn’t completely eliminate the possibility. Overall, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed reading this story and I suggest picking it up if you are looking for something a little different when it comes to the new adult genre.


Initial Post Reading Thoughts:

Now, I'm not huge on reading the New Adult genre, but I had never read a M/M New Adult story before and I decided to give it a try! I must say, this was pretty damn good! It wasn't too cheesy, it wasn't just a bunch of sex scenes thrown in for no good reason and it delivered an amazing message. I enjoyed it A LOT more than I thought I would!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 621 reviews

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