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Famous #2

More Than Famous

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*New Adult HOLLYWOOD Romance. Book #2 in The Famous Novel Series*

Fame is a bitch... And a half.

Being a big star has its perks, but Caden Carlisle is in love with his costar, Brooklyn Halloway, and the movie studio demands that they keep it under wraps to ensure big box office success.

Cade always disliked the spotlight, preferring to focus on the work, but coupled with the ruthless stalking of rabid paparazzi, the secrecy forced upon his new and fragile relationship, and the vindictive games of others, celebrity status turns into a curse.

Can the roller coaster of emotions bring them closer still, or will jealousy and distance rip them apart forever?

Kahlen Aymes turns up the heat and cranks up the angst in FAMOUS Novel Two; the continuation of Cade and Brook's incredible love story... Because there's more to fame than meets the eye.

*For readers 17+ due to explicit language and sexual situations. *

354 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 30, 2015

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About the author

Kahlen Aymes

34 books2,077 followers
Kahlen is an award-winning author of sizzling hot, deeply moving contemporary romance. Her stories are filled with intense love, passion, angst and emotion that breathes life into her characters and leaves her readers captivated. She lives near Omaha, Nebraska with her daughter, Olivia and their three dogs. Creative by nature, she enjoys the arts, music and theater... But the love of her life is writing!

She has three finished series, and two stand-alone angst-filled, super hot novels; One Step Closer, a Stepbrother romance, and Trading Yesterday, the story of a soccer player who leaves behind the love of his life to follow his dream of playing professionally, only to realize, maybe too late, what really matters.

Representation: Hershman Rights Management

All books available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes &n Noble, Kobo, Smashwords and BAM!

After Dark also on iTunes and Audible.
The Remembrance Trilogy and Prequel & The Famous Novels available soon on audio.

Follow Kahlen on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kahlen.aymes...
Join her book club: Kahlen's Book Babes on Facebook
Sign up for her newsletter: http://eepurl.com/RuW4X
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews322 followers
August 30, 2015
More Than Famous (Famous #2) by Kahlen Aymes
4.5 stars!!!

“He was capable of taking me to heaven or sending me to hell and there is nothing I can do to stop it.”

When I dive into a Kahlen Aymes book I know I am going to get three things:-

1) It will be a hopeless romantics dream
3) Angst

And this book had all three in spades. This book carries on from Famous and continues Brook and Caden’s story.

“He was everywhere. Over me, under me, all around me, and inside of me; yet it wasn’t enough.”

Brook and Caden still have to hide their romance what with the film production company setting all the rules and trying to make it as difficult as possible for these two to continue their relationship. It seems that the world is against them and it is proving more and more difficult to keep their love for each other on the down low. What Brook and Caden have is on par with Ryan and Julia, the characters that they are portraying in the film. It is that all-consuming, extremely passionate and I cannot live without you kinda love and when two people feel that strongly about each other you know that even the smallest problems become mountains.

“If you drip any more testosterone, I’m afraid I’ll grow a dick, so cool it.”

Brook was sometimes frustrating but I found myself taking into consideration her age, I sometimes forgot just how young she was. I think that because I read Ryan and Julia’s story soooo long ago you automatically place them a lot older than they are and her thought processes and actions were definitely indicative of her age but sometimes I just wanted to jump into the kindle and shout at her, HE LOVES YOU!! Brook still has self confidence and self esteem issues but slowly but surely you could see her get more comfortable in her skin and stronger in her relationship with Caden.

Caden as usual was adorable, this guy just pulls at my heart strings and you cannot help but fall in love with him. He is confident without being cocky yet still shows that vulnerable side and he definitely wears hi heart on his sleeve. He is so passionate, so romantic and is head over heels for Brook and he doesn’t care who sees. His patience is running thin and he will fight tooth and nail for them. He believes in them and he wants the world to see. Who has the power? Caden and Brook, or the production company?

“Either you help us be together quietly or we’ll be together loudly.”

Hiding from the paparazzi, smoke and mirrors, lies, deceit and deception aplenty this book has it’s fair share of angst to keep you heart pumping, but this is perfectly balanced with that all-encompassing love fest that continues between these two. As I said above Kahlen Aymes writes romance like a killer queen, she nails it every time, she is the demon of emotions and you feel it all reading their story. You live their lives, you get so emotionally involved that you cannot help but feel their love, pain and confusion. Through some masterful words, paragraphs and chapters you are whisked away on a passionate yet tumultuous love affair that will have you smiling one minute and crying the next.

“Dear God, please let me die…because to keep on breathing hurts too fucking much.”

I cannot wait to see where these two end up. Will it have the fairytale ending like Ryan and Julia or will it all go to pot? If these two were left to their own devices they would succeed, no questions, but with fame getting in the way, will the outside pressures prove too much? Gah, the wait is going to kill me, hurry up, I need Beyond Famous!!

“You’re burned on my soul, always and forever.”

Profile Image for Natasha.
255 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2015
I LOVE this series!!! Beyond Famous can't come soon enough. I can’t wait to see what comes next for this couple.
Cade and Brook go through everything this time. There are characters I love in this story and two I hate!!! If I could slap David and Wendy I would.
Cade and Brook have to fight for their relationship, aside of two people who can’t take “NO” for an answer and always being sneaky and underhanded, Brook and Cade have to deal with the studio who want to keep them apart.
It's an emotional roller coaster ride and you’ll feel every bit of it. Kahlen does an amazing job of sucking you into the story making you feel every bit of sadness heartache and happiness.
I love this series!!!

Merged review:

I LOVE this series!!! Beyond Famous can't come soon enough. I can’t wait to see what comes next for this couple.
Cade and Brook go through everything this time. There are characters I love in this story and two I hate!!! If I could slap David and Wendy I would.
Cade and Brook have to fight for their relationship, aside of two people who can’t take “NO” for an answer and always being sneaky and underhanded, Brook and Cade have to deal with the studio who want to keep them apart.
It's an emotional roller coaster ride and you’ll feel every bit of it. Kahlen does an amazing job of sucking you into the story making you feel every bit of sadness heartache and happiness.
I love this series!!!

Profile Image for Books Laid Bare.
2,275 reviews37 followers
August 31, 2015
4.5 out of 5
This is the continuation of Brook and Caden’s story.
Desperately trying to hide their relationship, both Brook and Caden are feeling the pressure that the production company and their fame seem to heap upon them.
They’re struggling to keep the passion that they have hidden but they are both completely aware that if they were to be discovered what they have is likely to be tested to the limits.
Brook and Caden were playing the roles of a lifetime, they were cast as Ryan and Julia but this had transpired into a case of life imitating art and they were living a life that was almost as passionate and intense as the characters they were bringing to the big screen.
I liked Brook, I liked the fact that she was a confident young woman, I could see Julia in her, even though at times, he age gave her away and her insecurities were a little more irritating that I would have liked. She was definitely comfortable in her own skin and willing to fight for what she wanted in life. She was devoted to Caden, even though she was sometimes influenced by external forces who were doing everything they could to come between the two of them.
Caden, well this man was Ryan personified!!
He oozed charm and charism, he was confident, although at times, I think that confidence skirted very close to the edge of arrogance but I was under no illusion of the fact that he loved Brooke and he didn’t care who knew it. He was determined that they would not be beholden to the production company and that they would be together, come what may!
But was it that simple?
Would the production company help them to keep their relationship quiet or would they force their hand and take the love they have public?
The shenanigans that ensued was written with absolute perfection, they were all so enamoured with keeping the news of the fact that the two stars were seeing each other that the lies and subterfuge that was to come was enough to keep me on the edge of my seat.
The author gave me a story that was completely engaging, it was charming and passionate, each word was made to count, each word added something to the intensity of the story, nothing was wasted, no emotion was excused, everything was drawn to perfection and it was undeniably sensual, evocative and endearing.
That is not to say that everything went their way, there were others around that were determined to make sure that what they had didn’t last but I am certain that if life would just butt out, the two of them were destined just like Ryan and Julia to go the whole way but this famous duo have more to contend with and I am now left with my fingers crossed that the outcome I have my heart set on, doesn’t just get to live inside my head.
I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Marie Vasquez.
1,598 reviews78 followers
October 30, 2015
Angst. Passion. Heartbreak. Frustration. True love...

More Than Famous had it all. This was much more of a roller coaster than Famous and every word had me feeling the struggles that Brook and Cade were facing.

The forced separation by the studio continues for Brooklyn and Caden. As their love grows and deepens, they still have to sneak around just to spend time together.

I don't understand why the studio feels this is a good marketing ploy. As a moviegoer, I would love to see that the characters on screen are portrayed by a real life couple. It's conveys so much more to the audience by allowing us to actually see that love.

I was so frustrated on their behalf as I read their second book. At times, I just wanted to pull my hair out. And my poor Cade...for an enormously famous and extremely sexy actor, he's so down to earth and kind hearted and even just as insecure as any other person walking down the street. The celebrity status he has and the status that Brook is building only exacerbates those feelings; which caused so much gossip, speculation and misunderstandings to get in the way of this young love.

I was frustrated at Brook's naïveté on many occasions. Wendy has had her own agenda from the beginning of Famous (book1), so I don't understand how she could allow Wendy any credit or believe any words that came out of her mouth. And David, I feel bad for him but he is not not making it hard on himself by holding on so tight.

With so much more looming over their relationship and and impending separate ruin that could truly get in their way, I'm looking forward to book 3 and seeing how the next phase in their relationship plays out.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
September 1, 2015
I freakin LOVE this series, the next book can't come soon enough!

Caden Carlisle wants to tell the world of his love for Brooklyn Halloway, his costar, but the movie studio demands they keep it secret to ensure big box office success. He's never liked the spotlight, and would rather just focus on the work. Between the ruthless stalking by the paps, the secrecy stress of keeping his new relationship quiet, and the evil games of others, it's becoming more and more a curse. Will it bring them closer together, or tear them apart?

Even though Brook was a bit annoying due to her age, I love these two. Caden is amazing and I have fallen hard for him. Kahlen Aymes is doing a great job continuing their development in this book. She has done such a fantastic job in captivating me that I'm 100% invested in the story/characters. Her talent for writing angst is brilliant, and I NEED the next book like yesterday. I'm so excited to see the direction she takes Brook and Caden next, and I happily recommend!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
404 reviews8 followers
August 24, 2015
4.5 stars
Given this book as an arc for an honest review by the author.

I am absolutely addicted to Cade he to me is so much more than Ryan was. This story is seriously so beautiful and very emotional. You watch as they pour everything they have into this relationship. I do love Brooklyn but she really frustrates me because she is so immature. I know she's young and that's why but it's as if she doesn't think sometimes. But then you finally see this growth in her that amazed me. I really want Wendy and David to get caught by the paparazzi being together ahhhhhhhh I hate them and their drama. I love that this series is about the movies but it's such a magical feeling between these two characters it just draws you in. I can't wait for more I really need this last book like yesterday lol. Thanks for letting me review. Reviewing for Night and Day book blog http://ndbbr2014.com Stephanie Powell
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,050 reviews90 followers
September 8, 2015
* A review copy was provided by the author for the Blog Tour *

~ 4 Stars ~

If you're looking for that really sweet and romantic love story between two actors who will do just about anything to overcome the obstacles and hurdles that come their way just to be together, then this is the book for you!!

More Than Famous is the second book in Kahlen Aymes Famous Series. This book was filled with a lot of love and romance, but also a lot of drama and angst (Almost too much in my opinion)

This story takes off right where the first book ended. This is the love story of two actors , Cade and Brooklyn, who are actually filming together in the Remembrance Trilogy movies. To say that Cade and Brook's road to happiness is a tough one is an understatement. These two face a lot of challenges along the way, mostly by people who are trying to separate them.

As with the first book (Famous), Kahlen does a great job drawing you into Cade and Brooklyn's world. There is a reason why I will read anything Kahlen Aymes writes. To me her books are what fiction and fantasy are truly about. She creates a story and a Hero that we would all love to live and meet ;) She knows how to draw out every emotion a reader has. You will laugh, cry, yell and fall in love while reading this book. I thought this was a good middle book in the series.

I only have a couple things that I wish were different. One is I thought that this book could've been a little bit shorter. The real drama began around the 40% mark of the book and never really let up. Only the players in the drama switched up. I thought that once things got cleared up in the Wendy scandal that things would get a little better, but really they didn't and David was then the instigator for the drama for the rest of the book. I truly felt that all this drama could've been shortened and something else could've been the focus of the story. I have never been a huge fan of drawn out drama and angst. Plus during this time, I really didn't like Brook much. I felt her age really showed through during all the drama, (She is 18 in this story). My only other complaint was that I felt the storyline mimicked the third book in the Remembrance Trilogy a little too much, I didn't feel this storyline was much different or unique. I would've liked to see something else cause the drama besides a scorned person.

Now even though it seems like I may have not liked this book, I really did!!! I always get sucked into Kahlen's writing world when I read her books. I had a hard time putting this one down and when I wasn't reading I was constantly thinking about Cade and Brook and the turmoil they were going through.

As with the first book, More Than Famous ends with Brook and Cade in a good place but with a too be continued ending. There is definitely more of their story to come. I just hope that book three (Beyond Famous) isn't full of all the extra drama this one was. I really hope Wendy and David are out of the picture too!!!

So if you are a fan of Kahlen Aymes's, then you don't want to miss this new series!!! Or if you are a fan of those over the top mushy, lovey, dovey, fairytale romances, that have a lot of drama and angst, then this is the book to read!!!

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Profile Image for Sinamen Reads Romance.
242 reviews29 followers
September 7, 2015
More Than Famous is the second book in Kahlen Aymes Famous Series. The series centers around Brook Holloway and Cade Carlisle, the actors playing the characters in the film adaptation of Ms. Amyes Remembrance Trilogy. This book is not a standalone, so it is highly recommended to read Famous prior to diving into this book. At the time of this review, Famous is FREE on all retailers. More Than Famous continues to follow Brook and Cade’s struggle to have a relationship with so many working against them. They are facing an annoying ex, a conniving co-star and the studio’s contract that prevents romances between co-stars. Will their love survive?

I read Famous and then jumped directly into More Than Famous. I loved the originality of writing about the film production of the author’s earlier series. This concept is fitting, especially in a world where storylines are sometimes overdone. Ms. Aymes writing style pulled me into the story sometimes resulting in me yelling at my iPad and wanting to slap the characters. I loved the use of dual POVs, which allowed me to understand the characters reactions to events without repetition of the entire scene.

My only issue with this story was Brook’s lack of maturity. Throughout the story, it’s reiterated how strong she is but when that strength is REQUIRED, she runs and hides. I needed her strength to show. I wanted her to be strong, bold and fierce, but she was childish, weak and cowardly. She became the victim. When Cade would ask what happened, Brook’s replies caused me to cringe. Instead of explaining she wanted to avoid. As a reader, this was especially frustrating because I knew that a simple conversation would have resolved the issue.

Overall I found More Than Famous to be a good addition to the series. Fans of the Remembrance Trilogy will want to read this. If you're a reader looking for a sweet romance with an original plot, drama and angst then this series is for you. I can’t wait to read Beyond Famous to find out how Cade and Brook’s story ends.

I received this copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Visit my blog at Sinamen Reads Romance for reviews, news, and other spicy stuff!

Profile Image for Lola Bell.
1 review
September 8, 2015
Love-sickness. Frustration. Passion. Jealousy. Angst. More than Famous has it all.

The FAMOUS novels give you a great insight into the life behind the big screen. Next time I see another Hollywood celebrity couple in the news breaking up or getting together, I will forever say to myself ~ the studio created that story.

More than Famous is the continuation of Brook and Caden epic love affair. They fell in love in Book 1 while filming the movie The Future of Our Past based on the book written by Kahlen Aymes. That is the reason why I was drawn to this story. It’s an original idea I had never come across while reading. The author creates a love story around the making of a movie based on her previous works: BLOODY BRILLIANT I SAY!
Caden declares his love to Brook. “I love you, Brook. More than anything” This is what makes books swoon worthy. Our hero, Caden, declares his love to Brook every chance he gets. He wants to shout it to the world. But he can’t. There lies the rub!
Brook and Cade are living a lie. A lie orchestrated by the movie production company, Pinnacle. The studio execs want to keep the relationship under wraps out of fear it will have a negative impact on box office receipts. And to make matter worse, their contracts stipulates no relationships are allowed with co-stars.
Caden hates Brook’s relationship with her ex-boyfriend. The studio execs have created this fake relationship. Brook’s frenemy, Wendy, is jealous of Caden’s desire for Brook. She pulls a Bitch 101 move that creates a major separation between Brook and Caden which leads to many moments of angst.
Frustration Part Deux
Brook decides to punish Caden. The heartbreak that ensues is so painful, I was beginning to wish Caden did commit the ultimate betrayal. However, I remember that she is only 18 years old. So she gets a pass.

Brook and Caden are so in love, they are determine to live openly and still maintain a degree of discretion by the studios standards. With 2 other movies set to produce, Caden decides to throw the hammer down and make an ultimatum to the studios.

“Either you help us be together quietly or we’ll be together loudly”

That was my redeeming moment for him. His tears were beginning to make me a little uncomfortable.

I was gifted this book by the author for an honest review. I love a celebrity/Hollywood romance. Each time an author writes drama that makes you want to pull hair out; throw your Kindle away, you are in for an intelligent read. Hair pulling will happen!

If you like a mushy, tearjerker, sappy, saccharine romantic romp story, this is the book for you. There are many moments of “I love you” “I want you” “You are the world to me” throughout the book. There is never a moment whereas Brook and Caden do not profess their love to each other. What more can pull them apart? To be determine in Beyond Famous #3.
Profile Image for Ria Alexander.
2,368 reviews44 followers
September 14, 2015
Cade and Brook - love eternally theirs.

I absolutely love the first book in this series - Famous. When I finished it I thought to myself "How on earth is Kahlen going to better that?" Well she did and not in a small way.
The story of Cade and Brook's love continues in this second book of the series. And once again it is magical.
These two people were brought together filming a movie - their love mirrored those of the characters the they were portraying.
Reel life became real life - and a special story has ensued.
The way Brook surprises Cade at Christmas and her present to home brought a huge amount of tears to my eyes - it was just heartwarming.
Kahlen has brought back the love, angst, doubt, mistrust and secrecy of Famous, but has enhanced it.
Cade and Brook are so much in love with each other that it physically hurts when they are apart.
There are misunderstandings between the couple thanks to both Wendy and David, but eventually these are sorted out.
The conclusion of the book is not a cliffhanger, but it does leave the reader wanting more of sexy Cade and gorgeous Brook.
This series is addictive, just like Kahlen's other series, and I cannot wait to read the conclusion.
Kahlen Aymes is definitely one of my go-to authors - she should be one of yours too!!!
Definitely worth more than a 5***** rating.

Merged review:

Cade and Brook - love eternally theirs.

I absolutely love the first book in this series - Famous. When I finished it I thought to myself "How on earth is Kahlen going to better that?" Well she did and not in a small way.
The story of Cade and Brook's love continues in this second book of the series. And once again it is magical.
These two people were brought together filming a movie - their love mirrored those of the characters the they were portraying.
Reel life became real life - and a special story has ensued.
The way Brook surprises Cade at Christmas and her present to home brought a huge amount of tears to my eyes - it was just heartwarming.
Kahlen has brought back the love, angst, doubt, mistrust and secrecy of Famous, but has enhanced it.
Cade and Brook are so much in love with each other that it physically hurts when they are apart.
There are misunderstandings between the couple thanks to both Wendy and David, but eventually these are sorted out.
The conclusion of the book is not a cliffhanger, but it does leave the reader wanting more of sexy Cade and gorgeous Brook.
This series is addictive, just like Kahlen's other series, and I cannot wait to read the conclusion.
Kahlen Aymes is definitely one of my go-to authors - she should be one of yours too!!!
Definitely worth more than a 5***** rating.
Profile Image for Jennifer Marie.
191 reviews
September 20, 2015
More Than Famous by Kahlen Aymes

Review by Jen (BestSellers & BestStellars)

More Than Famous was amazing! This is the continuation of Caden and Brooklyn’s story, so you need to read FAMOUS (book one) first. I loved the first book of this series and I knew it was going to get even better with this book! Kahlen is great at bringing romance, love, and angst into her novels, and this book was no exception. I love reading books that make you feel like you’re part of the story. You get a little bit of everything ... drama, romance, and angst. Kahlen has done another wonderful job!

Caden Carlisle is a huge, sexy Hollywood A-Lister: he’s hot, British, and incredibly sweet. He is in love with his co-star, Brooklyn Halloway, but they can’t be together the way they want. The movie studio demands that they keep their relationship a secret because they want huge box office numbers. Cade hates being in the spotlight and just wants to focus on his work, but now with being forced to keep his feelings for Brooklyn hidden, he’s starting to think this celebrity status is one big curse.

“I’ve never been this emotionally raw or confused about anything before and it’s shaken me up quite a bit. I feel so fucking helpless because so many things are out of my control, especially my feelings. I can’t stop loving you even when it hurts so much, it’s like I’m drowning and I ... I can’t save myself.”

Then we have Brooklyn Holloway. She is a smart, up and coming actress who is in this business for the art and messages of the movies, not the fame and fortune. She never expected to fall in love with Caden, but the heart wants what it wants. Between the studio forcing her and Cade to keep their relationship a secret, and people playing games and starting trouble, things start to crumble, which causes a lot of drama and Brook’s feelings to be put to the test.

“Dear God, please let me die ... because to keep on breathing hurts too fucking much.”

I really enjoyed this book. The connection between Cade and Brook continues to be amazing and only intensifies. I love a book that makes me feel so connected to the characters. I loved every minute of Cade and Brook being together. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.
The quality of writing was great. The story was well-written and very enjoyable to read. The story kept me interested and I found myself looking forward to the next page. I could not put it down!

5 Diamonds for this wonderful story!!
Profile Image for Andrea.
227 reviews
September 7, 2015
4*5 stars!

*ARC received in return for an honest review

The mad, mad love is back between Cade and Brook but this time it's even hotter!

The synopsis says that Kahlen Aymes turns up the heat and cranks up the angst and she certainly delivers on BOTH counts.

The story picks up a few month where Famous left off with Cade and Brook trying to process their growing and deepening feelings for each other while being back in the bubble of the movie set once more to film the second book in the trilogy. They're also coping with the added pressures of premiers and probing press interviews for the first movie and going through the motions of pretending not to be a couple in accordance with their contract with the movie studio.
Throw in more meddling from a so-called friend of Brook's, David, her ex, wanting Brook back and you have a recipe for lots of misunderstandings, angst-ridden moments between the couple and lots of tears. Of course, those misunderstandings led to hot make-up sex and boy, they certainly set my kindle alight!

I really enjoyed catching up with Cade and Brook as they struggled to hide their feelings for each other from their employers and fellow cast members, while trying to work together professionally and remain indifferent to each other in public. Not so easy when every touch and look between them is enough to send their pulses racing and make the flames of their passion burn hotter.
Although I do love Cade and brook as a couple, I have to say they did frustrate me at times. I wanted to bang their heads together and yell at them to get their act together, stop listening to others out to destroy their relationship and just trust each other.

If you loved Cade and Brook in Famous then you're gonna want to read their next instalment. Can they continue to keep their love for each other a secret until filming ends or will they allow outside influences threaten to come between them? Go 1-click now and find out.
September 7, 2015
A great continuation of Cade and Brook's love story. OMG these two are so amazingly in love as I said for the 1st book if anything I am more than jealous of it !! The romance , the sensual feelings , the true love and the honesty they convey is just above and beyond. BUT in this book we add in some major angst , miscommunications and of course assumptions. None of these things are good for a relationship but here we have a relationship kept secret , 2 famous people and tons of people trying to control and ruin lives. Hang on tight , this ride is way more bumpy than the last. Having said that there is no lack of hot steamy Cade and I was loving every minute of that. David and Wendy are slithering snakes and I honestly have no clue who I want to hurt when it comes to production , managers etc etc !! I did enjoy the time they spent with each others families. They are both ready to risk it all to be together publicly, will they get that chance or will there be more reasons to keep them a secret ?? How much can one relationship take when it comes to misleading pictures and forced appearances with others ?? Both Brook and Cade are brought to their breaking points more than once in this story. I was in tears and on the edge of my seat waiting to see the outcomes of some of the scenes unfold. It was scary at times and I just about lost faith. BUT Cade and Brook prove many wrong and will now go on to tell even more of their story !!!! I look forward to what comes next and seriously hope it won't be as exhausting of a ride !!
Profile Image for Michelle.
3,074 reviews36 followers
July 10, 2016
3.5-4 stars. Cade and Brook are still navigating the tricky dynamics of having a relationship, but appearing to have a non-relationship in public because of their contracts. This requires them to see each other on the sly and act indifferent towards one another in front of other people. Because they are both movie stars with expectations, they also have to make appearances with other people as their dates and there's also exes to deal with, too. Needless to say, it's always a stolen moment here and there.

Brook and Cade have that once-in-a-lifetime love that would be the envy of many. While I really like Cade and Brook, I felt bad for them with how many obstacles they have to deal with when they should feel free to be with one another whenever they choose to without hiding it. They have the kind of love that is sappy and mushy and all consuming.

This story was a bit angsty, dramatic and passionate. I admired Cade for his constant devotion and even possessiveness. As for Brook, I watched her mature a bit more and stand up for herself finally. In the entertainment industry, they are dictated by their work and management teams, but watching Brook and Cade fight for what they want demonstrated that they wouldn't be everyone's puppets forever, regardless of the fine print. I'm curious to see where their relationship will go next with the most recent developments in the final installment.
Profile Image for Marissa.
3,324 reviews41 followers
August 27, 2015
Kindle copy for Review

Love is never easy especially when you are a famous movie star. It is even more difficult when you fall for your co worker and there is a no dating clause. Paparazzi are always ready to capture your every move.

Caden Carlisle and Brooklyn Halloway fell in love on the movie ser, and the movie studio demands that they keep it under wraps to ensure big box office success. Brook had to keep up appearance having her boyfriend around despite wanting to get rid of him when she started having feeling for him.

After the movie, the started to go out but has to keep it a secret from everyone. Along the way, they must deal with misunderstandings and a fellow co worker wanting to cause trouble between them since she wants Cade.

Can these two manage to survive a world of cutthroats who are willing to do anything for what they want? Will love last among these two people, where relationships are fleeting? Can they trust each other completely? Nice story of getting past obstacles on the way to love.
Profile Image for Stacy Hahn.
772 reviews10 followers
August 31, 2015
More than Famous is the continuation of Brook and Cade’s story and it just gets better and better. I fell even more in love with Cade and Brook as I read. It is hard to find a love as true as theirs. No matter what obstacles get in the way they are determined to be together. And let me tell you it doesn’t get any easier in this book. David and Wendy are up to no good as usual trying everything in their power to pull Brook and Cade apart. With another separation looming with both starting new movies, jealousy is an ugly beast that just might continue to pull them apart. It is getting harder than ever to hide their love from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. The heat and angst are at an all-time high in this book. You can literally feel it rolling off the pages. I am more than in love with this series, so if you haven’t read Famous, then do so quickly so you can dive into More than Famous and feel more of the heat and love!
Profile Image for Lynn Smith.
2,681 reviews8 followers
September 9, 2015
Caden hates having to pretend him and Brook aren't together. Especially when Brook has to be with David for the media. It's to much. Caden loves Brook and wants everyone to know it. Brook keeps insisting it has to be done this way. So the studios don't come back at them. Wendy is trying to cause as much drama as possible.

Caden is so much in love with Brook, he tries to show her anyway he can. He goes out of his way for her. A lot of the times Brook seems so immature. She is young but it seems like she wants Caden to make all the effort and she just goes with the flow. Granted the one times she tries to surprise him it didn't go as planned. Brook does grow in this book, which is a great thing. This is the second book in the Famous Series. I received and arc of this book in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Shelly.
26 reviews
September 4, 2015
"More Than Famous" is the second book in the Famous Series by Kahlen Aymes. Cade & Brook's love story continues in this excellent, emotional, sexy and sometimes heartbreaking series.

In Famous, Book 1 of the series, Cade & Brook finally give in to the feelings they have been holding back. Here in Book 2, Kahlen shows us that while falling in love can be effortless, staying in love is much harder. Between the studio heads telling them to keep their relationship under wraps to the ever present paparazzi to jealous and hostile exes causing trouble and trust issues, will Cade & Brook be able to defy the odds and come out more in love and stronger than ever?

Love love LOVE these books and cannot wait for the next one.
Profile Image for I Love Story Time .
859 reviews13 followers
August 23, 2015
Looking for a super sweet love story? If so, then THIS is it! More Than Famous picks up right where Famous leaves us. Cade and Brooke continue to explore their new relationship while trying to hide from the ever watchful eye of the paparazzi. Bound by their contracts, they are unable to publicly declare their love for each other. As forces work against them, Cade and Brooke must whether through lies, deceit, and betrayal in order to stay together. Their journey is that of a fairy tale filled with lust, love, and devotion. This is a perfect novel/series for readers looking for a light, easy, swoon worthy read.

♥ Review by Lys
Profile Image for Theresa Natole.
1,076 reviews17 followers
September 3, 2015
You find the person you want to be with forever but no one can know. Add to that an ex who will not let go. With so many obstacles against you how can you make it. LOVE.... You realize the love you share is strong enough to keep you together and not let anyone or anything tear you apart. Honesty and Trust is what Cade and Brook have and as long as they have no secrets they will be fine. Kahlen does such a great job in how she portrays the love and trust between these two characters. Yes there are obstacles and people who do not want them together but their love is so strong, nothing can keep them apart.
Profile Image for Jodie D..
569 reviews13 followers
September 4, 2015
I think I have fallen more in love with these two if that is at all possible. It just seems like the world is against them and they need someone in their corner for support. I could feel the love these two feel for each other. It's rare that I feel such intense emotions while I'm reading, but the author has an amazing talent and allows me to experience their emotions. My poor heart has been on such a roller coaster ride of emotions I'm going to need a break before I read the next book on my TBR list.

You'll need to read Famous before reading this one. Believe me, that book is just as amazing. I can't wait to read more from Kahlen Aymes.
Profile Image for Jamie Casey.
769 reviews3 followers
September 18, 2017
This one was better I thought.

I really enjoyed this one. Much much more than the last. Their relationship is just so much more believable for me than in the first.

I loved when Caden goes and talks to Pinnacle. I'd been waiting forever for that to happen!!

And what the hell Pinnacle?!? Such double, odd standards!

Not a fan of David. Not a fan of Wendy.

What happened to Caden's parents coming on set and surprising Caden for his birthday? Where was that?

I liked that Brook explained things to Caden's mom. And it was done in good taste. Way to go Brooklyn.

I'm excited to see where this goes next. Especially now that they can "slowly come out".
Profile Image for Nancy Ward-keys.
283 reviews3 followers
September 16, 2015
Lights, Camera and Paparazzi. The life of a movie star and the reality of what Cade and Brookyln face daily. No privacy, no PDA just sneaking around and hoping not to be caught together. There just seems to be many obstacles in the way of the life they want together. But with very different schedules and sometimes an ocean away from one another will their love last? Will Brooklyn and Case get their happily ever after as Mr. and Mrs.? I was drawn in from the very start and cried along with the both of them at times. If I had only one word to describe this story it would be simply Incredible.
Profile Image for Renata SG.
502 reviews12 followers
October 7, 2015
Profile Image for Zoë Braycotton.
697 reviews7 followers
July 6, 2019
Hot Romance

If you want a hot romance look no further.

British actor meets America actress, working together on a brilliant book trilogy, being made into a movie.

Cade and Brooklyn are desperately in love, yet obligations and contracts are getting in their way. Throw in an Ex and a pap-whore and you get fireworks.

This is a rollercoaster of a love story, will they ever get a break. Kahlen really knows how to give us angst in her books.
This is no exception.
This is also some Mad Mad Love 😍
Profile Image for Susan.
51 reviews
September 4, 2015
Something I know for certain is Kahlen Aymes will deliver a story that will draw me in, tug at my heart and make me feel. More Than Famous proves it once again. It continues where Famous left off and will leave you wanting more. I can’t wait for Beyond Famous to see what challenges will be thrown their way, and the struggles they will overcome on their journey to forever. I love Cade and Brook’s story!
Profile Image for Judy.
1,751 reviews
November 3, 2015
Cade and Brook's story continues in More than Famous and it just gets better and better!! Famous was amazing and I love how this book just picks right up where Famous left off! Love/hate the characters in this book! They are lovable, as well as frustrating!! The love being for Cade and Brook and the hate being for David and Wendy!

Can't wait to read Before Famous!!

Great book, but make sure you read Famous first!!
Profile Image for Denise Anderson.
319 reviews3 followers
October 14, 2016
I absolutely love this series. You have to read Famous 1st to know what is going on between Cade and Brooklyn. In MTF you go on more of a roller coaster ride with emotions and them trying to be with each other than we did in Famous, but it is well worth the read. I can't wait to read the conclusion of their story in Beyond Famous. **ARC provided for honest review***
Profile Image for Cocktails and Books.
4,113 reviews325 followers
September 3, 2015
3.5 Cocktails

Brook and Cade drove me a little nuts in this one. I get they love each other and they're in a crappy spot having to hide it, but the over the top emotions and professions of love were a bit much at times. However....I am still invested in the couple to read the next installment when it comes out later this year.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 44 reviews

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