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Agatha Raisin #7

Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death

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Agatha Raisin's neighbouring village of Ancombe is usually the epitome of quiet rural charm, but the arrival of a new mineral-water company - which intends to tap into the village spring - sends tempers flaring and divides the parish council into two stubborn camps.

When Agatha, who just happens to be handling the PR for the water company, finds the council chairman murdered at the basin of the spring, tongues start wagging. Could one of the council members have polished off the chairman before he could cast the deciding vote?

Poor Agatha, still nursing a bruised heart from one of her unsuccessful romantic encounters, must get cracking, investigate the councillors and solve the crime.

184 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

M.C. Beaton

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Marion Chesney Gibbons
aka: Ann Fairfax, Jennie Tremaine, Helen Crampton, Marion Chesney, Charlotte Ward, Sarah Chester.

Marion Chesney was born on 1936 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and started her first job as a bookseller in charge of the fiction department in John Smith & Sons Ltd. While bookselling, by chance, she got an offer from the Scottish Daily Mail to review variety shows and quickly rose to be their theatre critic. She left Smith’s to join Scottish Field magazine as a secretary in the advertising department, without any shorthand or typing, but quickly got the job of fashion editor instead. She then moved to the Scottish Daily Express where she reported mostly on crime. This was followed by a move to Fleet Street to the Daily Express where she became chief woman reporter. After marrying Harry Scott Gibbons and having a son, Charles, Marion went to the United States where Harry had been offered the job of editor of the Oyster Bay Guardian. When that didn’t work out, they went to Virginia and Marion worked as a waitress in a greasy spoon on the Jefferson Davies in Alexandria while Harry washed the dishes. Both then got jobs on Rupert Murdoch’s new tabloid, The Star, and moved to New York.

Anxious to spend more time at home with her small son, Marion, urged by her husband, started to write historical romances in 1977. After she had written over 100 of them under her maiden name, Marion Chesney, and under the pseudonyms: Ann Fairfax, Jennie Tremaine, Helen Crampton, Charlotte Ward, and Sarah Chester, she getting fed up with 1714 to 1910, she began to write detectives stories in 1985 under the pseudonym of M. C. Beaton. On a trip from the States to Sutherland on holiday, a course at a fishing school inspired the first Constable Hamish Macbeth story. They returned to Britain and bought a croft house and croft in Sutherland where Harry reared a flock of black sheep. But Charles was at school, in London so when he finished and both tired of the long commute to the north of Scotland, they moved to the Cotswolds where Agatha Raisin was created.

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Profile Image for Anne.
4,394 reviews70.2k followers
April 16, 2024
The funny thing about these is that Agatha is a pretty shit detective.
She consistently guesses that the killer is whoever has insulted her or has their eye on James Lacey.
And she's almost been killed how many times now?
Girl, go back to London where it's safe.


But for whatever reason, I can still identify with her terrible qualities and can't seem to stop reading these.


The gist of the mystery in this one is that someone has murdered a small-town councilman. Was he murdered to stop him from voting one way or the other on allowing a spring to be used by a bottling company? Or was it just everyday village shenanigans that got his head bashed in?
And since this is an Agatha Rasin book, it doesn't really matter.
No, the only thing we're here for is to see if she eventually stops feeling bad about having casual sex with all these men who are into her, and finally gives Lacey the heave-ho in her headspace.

Recommended for fans.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,248 reviews20 followers
May 5, 2019
Book seven in the series has all of the author’s dry wit and manages to be actually quite exciting in places, particularly at the conclusion. I do find it hilarious that Agatha can’t seem to go six months without stumbling across a corpse.
Profile Image for Frenzi.
72 reviews9 followers
November 3, 2023
Agatha Raisin, the sharp-tongued amateur detective with a keen sense of sarcasm, has just returned from Cyprus, where she tried to mend her relationship with James Lacey, her enigmatic and elusive neighbor. In an attempt to move on from this disappointment, she takes on a freelance public relations consultancy role for a company looking to market water from a spring located in Ancombe, a quiet and nearby English village. In this seventh book, Agatha finds herself embroiled in a dispute between the village council members, some in favor of commercializing the water and others against it, until one of them is murdered before expressing their opinion. Agatha must juggle her PR work with investigative efforts to find the culprit, all the while not neglecting matters of the heart.

Agatha is a petulant and irascible character who often drives away the people she cares about. Her character is real, unique, insufferable, but precisely for these reasons, endearing! Despite her strong personality and direct demeanor, Agatha dreams of finding true love. Her ongoing quest reflects her imperfect yet very human nature. Her romantic adventures are often a source of humor, but they are also an essential part of her personal growth.

5,516 reviews6 followers
March 23, 2024
Entertaining mystery listening 🎶🎎🎉

This kindle e-book novella is from my Kindle Unlimited account book 7 of 35

Agatha and James have fallen apart. Then there is a murder at the spring. Then another, what is going on. Then Agatha finds the killer leading to a great ending.

I would recommend this series and author to readers of British mystery novels. 2024
Profile Image for Ivy_Lost_inside_Pages.
129 reviews18 followers
May 11, 2020
Cost little english village and a character aka Agatha which is just not that normal but quirky and unusually. Falling over a murdered person quite often ...sometimes I need this kind of books to get me distracted and it was the right time reading it. 7. Book of a series ...I didn’t even read all. I enjoyed it as it last.
Profile Image for Mitticus.
1,095 reviews228 followers
March 30, 2023
Bueno, no puedo decir que no sabía en qué me metía después del desastroso libro anterior en Chipre. Agatha es una mujer en los 50s , jubilada, y obsesionada con el vecino del lado (que es un sujeto machista y detestable), y que cuando se aburre -y quiere pasarla con James- se dedica a investigar asesinatos.

(Bill:)―Lo que quieres es que me saque un crimen de la manga para que lo investigues. Pues bien, no voy a hacerlo. No puedes ir por ahí esperando a que asesinen a la gente a modo de pasatiempo.
―Es un poco grosero llamarlo pasatiempo.

Parafraseando a una amiga de GR, estos libros son como comerse un superocho, un ratito de agrado que te deja con dolor de panza.

Esta vez el caso transcurre en el pueblo vecino cuando se abre un debate con el concejo parroquial para dar venta a las aguas de un amantial que pasa por una propiedad particular y a Agatha le proponen trabajo de publicista (su especialidad) y el paso por la campiña y las pequeñas imágenes que da dan un aire pintoresco que te da un descanso breve de todas las relaciones tóxicas en la vida de Agatha Raisin. Las únicas buenas personas en ella son Bill, el policía, y la sra. Bloxby , la sra del pastor.

Deseaba no haberse acostado con él otra vez. Pero James llevaba demasiado tiempo fuera y los dos habían bebido bastante durante la cena de la noche anterior.

(Por favor, ¿otra vez sexo alcoholizado, Agatha? Esto es muy perturbador)

A pesar de que algunos podrán reconocer muchas malas decisiones en esto, no deja de dejarnos asqueados ese amor/obsesión por James; y como llama al tal Roy , su excompañero de trabajo, cuando éste sólo se le acerca por hacerle la pata a su jefe. Su autoestima es subterranea, en serio.

James. ¿Volverían a estar juntos alguna vez? ¿Podría quitárselo de la cabeza? ¿Por qué xxx le importaba tan poco? Tal vez porque el sexo no significaba intimidad. Hablar con confianza, sí la implicaba; ser amigos, también. Tal vez si ella hubiera tenido más amigos en un periodo anterior de su vida, sabría cómo estar con él. «O dejarle en paz ―clamó una voz cínica en su cerebro―. Esto es enfermizo. Necesitas un exorcista.»

Resulta algo extraño leer si acerca de ideas acerca de turistas y extaños, y el debate con los ambientaliestas c0n 'un pequeño grupo serio' y todo el resto pagando por hacer destrozos de acuerdo a sus intereses. Una idea que es francamente algo insultante.

Lo que sí es cierto es eso de que no hay mala publicidad y el que el morbo atrae.

Una de las mayores verdades también es esta:
―Oh, por lo que más quiera ―gruñó Agatha―. ¿Es que no puedo mantener una conversación con nadie en este pueblucho sin que me insulten?
―Si usted se mete en las vidas privadas de los demás buscando lo peor, es obvio que los demás pensarán lo peor de usted ―dijo Angela

James es como siempre detestable, celoso, controlador, y denigrador. Yo le daria de bastonazos. Ug. Para muestra un botón: «xxx era probablemente un empresario tramposo y un violador, pero eso no lo convertía en un asesino. Y, en cualquier caso, pensó con amargura, no le hacía falta violar a Agatha para conseguir lo que quería.» <--Cerdo.

Pero bueno, como me ha sacado de mi bloqueo de lector (aparte de leer fanfiction) voy a ver si puedo con el siguiente.
Profile Image for Alan (Notifications have stopped) Teder.
2,381 reviews172 followers
July 19, 2021
Agatha and the Water Company
Review of the Blackstone Audio Inc. audiobook edition (August, 2015) of the original St. Martin's Press hardcover (August 1998)

The Wellspring of Death finds Agatha Raisin involved with the marketing of the water from a spring in the nearby village on Ancombe which finds the village council divided over the venture. This marks a return to home territory after book #6's visit to Cyprus in The Terrible Tourist and the banter with the regular gang, especially Roy Silver, makes for a return to form for the series as well.

Most (28 of 32) of the Agatha Raisin audiobooks are free on Audible Plus. Book 32 Down the Hatch is yet to be released, and is expected to be published in October 2021.

The Wellspring of Death was adapted as Episode 3 of Series 1 for the currently ongoing Agatha Raisin TV series (2016-). A trailer can be seen on YouTube here.
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,825 reviews551 followers
December 31, 2018
Agatha langweilt sich. Im Dorf ist es ruhig und friedlich, und James zieht sich auch von ihr zurück. Da kommt Agatha der Streit im Nachbardorf gerade recht. Ein Mineralwasserhersteller will sich aus der örtlichen Trinkwasserquelle bedienen. Agatha als PR-Agentin soll für entsprechende Werbung sorgen. Doch dann treibt ein toter Mann in besagter Quelle!

Mein Leseeindruck:

Auch dieser neue Fall hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen! Ich hatte Spaß und Freude an der Geschichte und mag die teils schroffe, teils herzliche Art von Agatha Raisin einfach sehr gerne. Auch das Hin und Her in ihrer Beziehung zu James ist interessant zu verfolgen! Der Kriminalfall war wieder spannend und fesselnd, und doch lebt diese Reihe auch von den zum Teil recht speziellen Charakteren. Ich finde die Mischung einfach super gelungen und freue mich auf den nächsten Band!
Profile Image for Pauline Reid .
404 reviews144 followers
June 20, 2022
I listened to this as an audiobook via BolindaAudio, duration time 5 hrs, 46 mins.

.... and Agatha Raisin is just as good as ever, I wished though that she would stop smoking! Bad for the health! Speaking of which, she's still going on about her weight, what is with that?
Profile Image for Gerry.
Author 43 books111 followers
March 26, 2023
Here she is again. Retired London PR executive Agatha who lives a quiet and secluded life (???) in a Cotswold village gets back into the business with a water company. And, surprise, surprise, a coupld of murders take place under her very nose. Flirtatious, jealous, cigarette-smoking, outspoken she may be but her charm remains and her penchant for sniffing out a villain is still there! With the aid of a friendly detective, an ex-colleague and her ever-present, or as the case may be, absent, heartthrob she eventually solves the mystery in the nick of time. Will she and James ever get together? Maybe, only time, and possibly future volumes, will tell!
Profile Image for BeccaJBooks.
434 reviews36 followers
February 20, 2021
A water company is coming to the quiet, tranquil little village neighbouring Agatha's. They are there to tap into the natural wellspring and make some money from it. And then... of course... there's a murder. Agatha is the one who finds him, as per usual, so she raises the alarm and then the detection starts.

I liked this one. It's the usual Agatha Raisin story, and has all the great things that we've come to expect. Agatha is frosty and curt, she's also lonely and needy - but she'd never let you know.

I enjoyed listening to this one as an audiobook, they are read by Penelope Keith and she is perfect to narrate.

For the first half of the book, it seems that the murder case take s a bit of a back seat compared to catching up with Agatha and her pals. There is a lot of emphasis on Agatha's relationship with the director of the water company, her ever-longing for James Lacey and her annoying sidekick Roy. As usual there are a million characters to get your head around, but eventually you work it all out.

The animal rights group scenes were interesting, Agatha's chats with some of the older ladies in Ancombe are laugh out loud funny, and her 'sleeping around' is just very Agatha. She's constantly worried about the way she looks 'for an older lady', but she's quite capable of catching the eyes of younger men.

Loved it. Onto the next!

Recommended to Agatha Raisin fans and those looking for a cosy mystery.

Profile Image for Jolene.
129 reviews35 followers
August 5, 2016
I love cozies, but usually after book 5 or 6 in a series I get bored with it (really how many villagers can be killed off before everyone leaves?). That is not the case with the Agatha Raisin books. I love the characters, the village, and I haven't been able to guess the killer in any of the books. Every time I think I've figured it out there's a new twist. This title was a nice addition to the series. The only thing I didn't care for is how Agatha keeps letting Roy into her life. He is no friend I'd want to have.
Profile Image for Rachele.
410 reviews108 followers
July 16, 2017
Come sempre i libri sull'investigatrice un pó anomala Agatha Raisin non deludono mai!!la storia è avvincente e ti coinvolge fino alle ultime pagine. Ritroviamo i personaggi di sempre più alcune new entry davvero spassose!non vedo l'ora di leggere la prossima avventura
Profile Image for Julie.
547 reviews3 followers
November 5, 2021
3.5 ⭐ = Quite Good.

Another in a series that I really enjoy. This one didn't quite get 4*, as a little more miserable than others I've read so far.
Good old Agatha Raisin....always a good tale. 😁
Profile Image for Yvonne.
1,221 reviews256 followers
May 17, 2015
A new mineral water company invades Agatha Raisin’s neighboring village of Ancombe and everyone is angry that it will tap into the village spring. When Agatha stumbles upon the murdered body of the council chairman, who hasn’t yet cast his vote for the water company, she puts herself right into the middle of things. First, she accepts a PR job for the water company and then she starts asking questions. As usual, she sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong making everyone angry.

Still mooning over her former fiance, James Lacey, she has an affair with a much younger man. James isn’t quite as uninterested as he pretends to be. In fact, he decides to conduct his own investigation into the murder. It’s almost a competition between James and Agatha as to who solves the crime first. Honestly, they both act like teenagers most of the time.

The mystery is another light-hearted one and it’s easy to listen to. Once again, I’m more interested in the characters. I still can’t believe Agatha is so smitten with James, but to each his or her own :) What’s starting to get to me is that other characters are making such horrible remarks to Agatha about her age. You’d think she was in her 80’s instead of in her mid-50’s.

The other thing is that she is retired from her public relations job and that’s why she moved to the Cotswolds in the first place. Yet, each book has her being talked back into another PR job. Seems to me like she should have kept ownership of her PR company and just work when she wanted to.

Anyway, yes I’m still listening to them. I can’t seem to turn away so M.C. Beaton must be doing something right.
Profile Image for Bill.
1,808 reviews103 followers
February 2, 2021
Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death is the 7th book in the Agatha Raisin mystery series set in the Cotswolds by M.C. Beaton. I have tried to read the stories in sequence but there are some gaps in the books I own so it's not always possible. It's useful to try to do so, I guess, just to keep track of Agatha's on and off again relationship with neighbor James. (Not critical though)

This story finds Agatha angry and upset because of her failed wedding with James in an earlier book. Agatha is finding it difficult to enjoy her life in the village of Carsley and is just basically angry with everyone and with herself. She craves James (who is off on some sort of vacation) but at the same time questions whether they will ever have a relationship. Her ex-business 'partner' Roy, from London, tries to goad Agatha to take a PR job in a nearby town of Ancombe. A business venture, bottling water from a local spring, is starting up and wants to promote it. Reluctantly, Agatha agrees but immediately, she discovers a body at the wellspring.

This starts a new mystery in her life, even though she even seems to be finding difficulty motivating herself to get involved. Without her partner James helping her, she is frustrated and irritable. There are many suspects, all of the Ancombe town council in fact, and Agatha goes through the motions of questioning them, on her own, with some help from the newly returned James (James begins to investigate on his own), and even Roy.

Agatha continues to work on promoting the bottling company, organizing events. Her interactions with the locals of Ancombe introduce many irritating, unlikeable characters. Agatha begins a relationship with one of the owners of the bottling company, a man years her junior, to James' chagrin and also to Agatha's embarrassment.

It's not a cheerful story in any way, unfortunately, although there are moments where Agatha manages to smile. Most of it, she is inconsolable and angry. Will her relationship with James resolve? Will Bill Wong, her friend and the local cop, solve the crime with Agatha's assistance? It's an interesting, if dark, wobbly tale. My favorite character is Agatha's best friend, Mrs. Bloxby, the vicar's wife; kind, level-headed, comforting. It was an interesting mystery, not perfect but still a nice, easy read. (3 stars)
543 reviews
January 31, 2018
Wellspring of Death is a little thin on plot with the water company vs. environmentalism and landowners in a neighboring village. However, for me, it's all the things going on around feisty "get stuffed!" Agatha Raisin that I enjoy so much in this series.

Agatha's friend (with friends like Roy Silver, who needs enemies?) gets her to take on a PR case with his firm for a bottled water company. Unfortunately, there's a dead body in the spring leaking blood and brain fluid. Death sells, yes, but is this a little too much?

Loved all the shenanigans Agatha got up to in this one, but, like I said, the plot leaves a lot to be desired. Just isn't very interesting.

Profile Image for Shiloah.
Author 1 book186 followers
May 23, 2019
I loved this one! Agatha is a brash, loveable, imperfect woman. She keeps trying, though. I love these books during my high stress times. She keeps on keeping on despite all odds (and her age) and I’m trying too. An upcoming wedding for my second daughter, son leaving on a mission, an intercontinental move to Korea all in the same month has “got me like” stress queen keeping on. I need more pitbull Agatha energy in my life to get things done.
Profile Image for Andy.
1,227 reviews91 followers
March 6, 2019
Agatha ist der Hiob der Todesfälle. Da wo sie erscheint, stirbt man. Auch dieses mal eilt ihr Ruf ihr voraus.
Profile Image for Thomas Stroemquist.
1,587 reviews141 followers
August 13, 2023
I must stop writing my reviews on the phone, this is the 4th time the app crashed and discarded one…

The book is more of the same (as expected), but perfectly enjoyable. I’m stuck in having to find out what future brings for Agatha and the regulars.
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,290 followers
March 15, 2024

Si bien el libro anterior tuvo partes que no me gustaron demasiado (especialmente la actitud de cierto personaje masculino), este ha vuelto a cautivarme por completo. Agatha está lejos de ser perfecta, pero es una mujer mucho más fuerte de lo que ella misma cree, que sigue adelante a pesar de lo mal que le vaya o lo mal que la puedan tratar. Está buscando su lugar y encontrando poco a poco a su gente, todo ello aderezado con una saludable afición por resolver asesinat0s. Y esa es justo la fórmula necesaria para engancharme.

Os confieso que cada año espero con ansias el momento en el que una nueva entrega de esta colección llega a mis manos. Sé que estos libros son una apuesta segura para mí. Y quizá haya quien no disfrute de saber cuál va a ser la fórmula del libro que tiene entre manos, quizá haya quien no se sienta atraído por esa atmosfera acogedora (o tan acogedor como puede ser un pueblo en el que los crímenes se suceden sin parar). Pero para mí y mi ansiedad, saber cuál va a ser el resultado, saber cómo se van a comportar los personajes, saber lo que puedo esperar de estos libros, es una bendición.
Profile Image for Carlota (thehatingcouple).
387 reviews228 followers
July 11, 2024
4 estrellas

A donde Agatha va, el asesinato va con ella. Es nuestra Jessica Fletcher, pero con problemas de autoestima.

Con el moreno cangrejo de Chipre llega a casa, un paraíso rural en el que te descuidas y liquidan a uno. El número de habitantes fluctúan dependiendo del aburrimiento de Agatha.

En este caso, llega al pueblo de al lado una empresa de agua mineral que pretende aprovecharse del manantial. Esto divide al consejo parroquial, un grupo de yayos con la media de edad de los jueces del Tribunal Supremo, y acaba con el presidente criando malvas.

Agatha es la encargada de las relaciones públicas de la compañía (sí, está jubilada, pero como se aburre entre ruptura-no-ruptura con James, algo tiene que hacer) y decide hacer para la empresa lo que peor se le da: investigar.

Esta señora no ganaría al Cluedo ni aunque le diesen las respuestas en bandeja, pero es parte de su encanto, supongo. Caerle mal es sinónimo de ser culpable, y fíjate tú que las cosas no suelen salir por donde ella quiere, ni en el asesinato ni en el amor.

¿Podría uno de los miembros del consejo haber dado pasaporte al presidente antes de que pudiera emitir el voto decisivo sobre vender o no el agua?
Profile Image for Sharon Barrow Wilfong.
1,130 reviews3,958 followers
July 14, 2020
A couple of murders and a town full of really unpleasant people, whom Raisin hopes to pin the murder on, because they are so rude and mean to her. But did they? If so, can she prove it? Being a nasty person doesn't necessarily make one a murderer? Then again, maybe one of them did.

I thought this mystery traveled at a good pace and if you can overlook the fact that Agatha Raisin has the morals of an alley cat, I enjoyed the book.

Ironically, I found myself agreeing with her politics and I want to know if it is true that the UK has passed or is trying to pass a bill where smokers can be refused treatment.

Also, I must say I really appreciated the respectful way she presented the Vicar's wife. Most modern writers enjoy lampooning religious characters, but the Vicar's wife has quite a bit of sage wisdom to impart to Raisin and she is instrumental in saving the day.
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,605 reviews34 followers
December 30, 2019
3 ½ Stars
Not as funny as the first 5 books in the series but a definite improvement on the sixth book. This was my favorite scene in this book.

"Can't you steer a straight course?" asked Agatha. "You nearly banged into that rowing-boat."
"We're doing fine," said Roy. "You just dig the pole in, Aggie, and thrust--"
To Agatha's horror, he pole-vaulted and landed face-down on the grassy bank while Agatha and the punt went shooting off in the other direction.
The punt hit the opposite bank with force as she instinctively rose to her feet, and Agatha was catapulted into the river.

Roy and Mrs Bloxby are prominently featured and Roy while still a conniving sycophant is really starting to grow on me. James remains as stubborn and clueless as ever.
Profile Image for Ali.
1,241 reviews379 followers
March 27, 2010
Not sure why but I didn't enjoy this 7th Agatha Raisin as much as the previous ones. I don't think it is as funny, and Agatha still seems a little sad and vulnerable - just as she was in the last book. She makes several disastrous romantic decisions, which I found frustrating. A light undemanding read, but it lacked something that the first few books had, not sure what that is though. as a character Agatha is brilliant though, and I will still be reading the rest - in time.
Profile Image for Marilyn.
1,305 reviews27 followers
March 8, 2019
One of the duller Agatha Raisin books. I am so tired with her obsession with James Lacey - she has to move on! He is maddening and possessive and yet dismissive of her - I don’t see the appeal. And the mystery itself didn’t help anything, being rather dull too. No one really cared about the dead people, their death didn’t cause any woe or much issues for anyone or anything beyond a PR issue for a water company.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 791 reviews

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