Your great big smile, your kindness toward others--there are so many things to love about being you. This special junior edition of The Things I Love About Me--with its simple, meaningful words and beautiful illustrations--is part of a series that is perfect for introducing little ones to positive thinking about everyday situations.
Trace Moroney is an energetic and dedicated professional with an extraordinary passion for publishing. After many years of being employed in corporate management with international publishers, she found herself in the highly desirable position of being able to follow her heart and establish her own business.
Trace is an internationally acclaimed author and illustrator specializing in children’s books for the international market.
Her best selling series When I’m Feeling Series has been a worldwide success with 1.5 million copies sold, and translated into sixteen languages.
Her latest series The Things I Love Series, released 2009, has been met with extraordinary enthusiasm. This beautifully produced series introduces the concept of love and gratitude, and shows examples of creating positive thought.
Focused on creating ‘books with a conscience’, Trace Moroney embraces the principles of positive psychology - in other words . . . focusing on what is good in the world!
Bendrai visa Trace Moroney knygelių serija ("Kai jaučiuosi piktas", "Kai jaučiuosi geras", "Kai jaučiu pavydą" ir t.t.) yra puiki ir labai gerai tinkanti mažų vaikų susipažinimui su emocijomis. Tačiau būtent ši serijos knygelė mane nuvylė.
Nežinau, ar mano pastabos susijusios su vertimu, ar originaliu tekstu, bet: ši knyga skirta visai mažiems vaikams ir remiasi pozityvios psichologijos principais, todėl labai nustebau radusi joje tiek neiginių ir prastai suformuluotų sakinių, kaip antai: "man NEBLOGAI sekasi", "esu tikrai NEBLOGAS vaikis", "NIEKAS kitas visame pasaulyje NESUGEBĖTŲ būti manimi" ir (labiausiai man nepatikęs) "LABIAUSIAI TIKIUOSI SAVIMI NENUSIVILTI"... Jeigu skaityčiau šią knygą savo vaikams, tikrai keisčiau jos tekstą - kai vaikai buvo maži, aš taip dažnai darydavau, norėdama perduoti jiems TEISINGAS mintis. Pavyzdžiui, skaitydama šią knygelę jos frazes keisčiau į "man sekasi GERAI" (man visai gerai sekasi), "mes visi skirtingi ir aš esu vienintelis toks / vienintelė tokia pasaulyje", "aš esu / būsiu LAIMINGAS / LAIMINGA" ar pan....
Žinoma, knygelėje yra puikių žodžių, pavyzdžiui: "Aš patinku sau toks, koks esu. (...) Mėgstu būti linksmas ir šypsotis. (...) Būdamas geras kitiems ir pats jaučiuosi puikiai. (...)"
I think the book was definitely a good book made for younger children. One of the things I think the book was about was to always show confidence in yourself and know there’s something special about you no one else has and to always remember that. That’s an important message to send to children. They’ll need to remember that as they go through their ups and downs. As we all know, childhood is a very rough time of life. I like the content and purpose of this book.
An excellent follow-on to the book When I'm Feeling Lonely (or Sad), this volume can help the child (or even the adult) reader focus on the things they are good at, that people like about them, or that they can share with others. Lovely illustrations as always.