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主役級が勢揃いした屋上で、カイドウ&マムに挑むルフィ達。最強同盟に対し、勝つ術はあるのだろうか!? 真っ向勝負の極限バトルに待つ未来とは!? 鬼ヶ島に超激震!! “ひとつなぎの大秘宝”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!

224 pages, Paperback

First published September 3, 2021

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About the author

Eiichiro Oda

1,782 books4,121 followers
Eiichiro Oda (尾田栄一郎, Oda Eiichirō) is a Japanese manga artist, best known as the creator of the manga and anime One Piece.

As a child, Oda was inspired by Akira Toriyama's works and aspired to become a manga artist. He recalls that his interest in pirates was probably sparked by the popular TV animation series titled Vicky the Viking. He submitted a character named Pandaman for Yudetamago's classic wrestling manga Kinnikuman. Pandaman was not only used in a chapter of the manga but would later return as a recurring cameo character in Oda's own works.

Please also see:
尾田荣一郎 (Chinese, simplified)
尾田榮一郎 (Chinese, traditional)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews
Profile Image for Alan.
636 reviews296 followers
May 23, 2023
This review has been in the making for 17 years. One Piece began in 1997. I didn’t really know how to do anything as a human being at that point. I was drooling and filling up diapers. 9 years later, on the shores of a new language, I stumbled across manga. The format of reading was oh so familiar to what I knew (right to left). The action was impeccable. The characters were better than anything I had read from Western literature. Along came One Piece, an ongoing manga that did not promise to end at any point. It’s still going, and the best estimates have it going on for at least another 6-7 years.

This volume is symbolic for me. For one, I have never read a manga which had 3 digits in the volume number. If you estimate it at 10 chapters a volume, and you estimate each chapter as coming out once a week (give or take ten or twenty weeks for holidays and hiatus and whatever else), you can see why that’s insane – the longevity alone. More importantly, I remember being in the 6th grade and being excited to gather a couple of stacks of Naruto, Dragon Ball, and One Piece that I had taken out from the library. I had just discovered that my limit of books was 50. FIFTY WHOLE BOOKS. I took out the maximum, as I rip-roared through manga. I took about 30 to school with me in a tote bag, because I was equally excited to show off to my friends. We all just wanted to flip through to the two-page, Playboy-style centrefold fights, where the main character would be landing a saga-defining punch. I put all 30 books in two neat stacks of 15 on my desk and went about class. Little did I know that the other boys in class wanted to see what was going on in between those pages, while the girls rolled their eyes at us being… well, boys. In the middle of a math lesson, 3 of my friends reached for the stacks at the same time, prompting our teacher (bless his soul) to lose his shit. He used to walk out of the class when he was angry, opting for the count-to-ten cooldown method as opposed to the whole yelling thing. I remember it so well - he made a little squeaking noise, walked right out of class. You could hear a pin drop. I was red with shame. He came back in and walked over to my desk, grabbed the stacks, took them behind his desk, and stood there for a few seconds before calmly saying “Use your brain guys. Think. Please.” But Mr. P! Come on! It’s One Piece!

Back then (I’m about to make an estimate that will be wildly off, but I don’t want to fact check) I was about 100 chapters in, so proud of myself, thinking hey – this can’t be too bad! I have another few hundred chapters to go and boom. We’re there. Life had other plans. Over the years, I started and gave up on One Piece about 5 times. A few years ago, as the pandemic raged, I began again. I got to the usual pitfall, pushed right through. I crossed chapter 1016 tonight. I’m feeling all sentimental because I’m so far off from where I used to be back then, but this story is a fibre that connects me in time to that chubby kid who just wanted to see what other magical powers the new characters in this story would have. And you know what? The magic is still there. Earlier in the day, I was eating and reading (couldn’t help it) and spilled rice everywhere because I gasped and got excited. Legends never change.
Profile Image for Seb.
260 reviews20 followers
March 18, 2022
I feel I should say a few words now that I've read 100 volumes of this story. One Piece is far from over but here at this point, the seeds of the end are beginning to show. This is the most excited I've been about any fictional world in a long time, with so many incredible mysteries yet to be solved in this truly epic story. Oda really is a master storyteller. And to those who are curious about OP but aren't sure about making the commitment of over a thousand chapters. Trust me when I say as someone still relatively knew to this medium. It's worth taking the leap. For every incredible moment you take along the way.
Profile Image for hotsake (André Troesch).
1,035 reviews19 followers
February 18, 2022
Things are gearing up but there is so much happening that it's hard to keep track of all the moving parts and as such my enjoyment was slightly lessened.
Profile Image for Juho Pohjalainen.
Author 5 books344 followers
August 8, 2022
The great milestone volume is, sadly, not as perfect as it by all rights should have been. There's some good moments for a number of characters, Chopper perhaps my favourite - but it's also where the raid really starts to drag, with a number of fairly arbitrary complications thrown in seemingly just for the sake of giving every character some screentime and spotlight.

It's a tried-and-true story mechanic for Luffy to get his ass kicked by the villain a few times before he finally gets the win, but something about the pacing here feels off. We get to see too little of it - just him grinning and cracking his knuckles as he gets ready to return to the fray with a new technique, then the next time we see him, he's falling off the island. Something's missing.

But it does also have the best SBS section in recent memory, so there's that. A good half-star just for this.
Profile Image for Andrea.
485 reviews21 followers
April 23, 2022

Por si no había quedado claro antes, Kaidô es un personajazo, una bestia y, a la espera de su tan deseado flashback, ya se posiciona como el mejor villano de One Piece (lo siento, querido Doffy). Cuando menciona a Joy Boy y todo lo que se puede teorizar de ahí 🤯 uuff!! Cuidadito con la criatura más fuerte del mundo y su pasado.

Por si los capítulos 1000/1/2 parecían épicos, no le llegan ni a la suela de los zapatos al 1010 (luego llega el 1044 y CAPITULAZO NO, LO SIGUIENTE, pero de ese ya hablaremos).
Zoro y Luffy vs Kaidô es 🛐 Es un capítulo, pero no recuerdo que un intercambio de golpes me pusiera la piel de gallina como lo ha hecho este.

Este tomo, como en todo Wano, nos regala momentazos con Robin, Marco, Chopper, Kid y Killer y Kinemon, que ojalá este se hubiera quedado como está en el 1015; pero tengo que destacar dos:
-Zoro y Sanji: él no va a perder. Oda: lmao.
-La aparición de un nuevo yonkô: Roronoa Porro.

Pd: Ace en la portada sobra. Ese sitio tendría que haber sido para Momonosuke.

Profile Image for Sara Bakhshi.
1,442 reviews387 followers
June 2, 2021
هر وقت فکر میکنم اودا از این دیگه خفن تر نمیتونه باشه، باز شوکه میکنتم.
از طراحی ها و داستان گرفته‌
تا رفرنس های خفنی که این چپتر ها راجع به تاریخ و افسانه ژاپن و جاهای دیگه داشتن

جنگ زورو
وای شمشیرش
ضربه ش

همه چیش عالی بود

و لوفی
نکته ی مهم و کاراکترش اینه که همیشه میدونی قرار نیست یهو بره جلو قوی ترین ها و معجزه بشه ببره
یعنی فکر کنم بیست تا چپتره کاراکتر اصلی مانگا رو داره نشون میده هی بلند میشه میره هی میبازه هی میره چیز جدید یاد بگیره هی باز میاد له میشه

البته خب هزارتا چپتره اودا داره نشون میده همینو خوب واقعن توقع نداشتم لوفی مثلن با دو سه بار شکست خوردن پاشه بره کایدو رو بزنه

و چقدر مناسب تمشه.
تعریف لوفی از پایرت کینگ اینه که اون کس شخصیه که آزاده
و می‌تونه هرچقدر خواست با آدم ها خوشحال باشه و وقت بگذرونه
قشنگ میدونه این آزادیه به کسی میتونه برسه که جا نزنه و معنیش این نیست همه کارارو باید خودش کنه یا اصلن می‌تونه کنه
هرجا نیازه کمک میگیره و اعتماد میکنه

و چیز جالب تر این سری، بعد اون قسمت های زورو
این بود که جوی‌بوی انگار یه شخص خاص نبوده، یه چیزه مثل پایرت کینگ
بعد منظورش چی بود "پس تو هم جوی‌بوی نمیتونی باشی"؟؟؟

بله بالاخره بعد از هزار چپتر داره یکم از چیزای مهم رو برامون واضح میکنه.
حالا طبق معمول پنجاه چپتر دیگه معلوم میشه همه چیزای مهم رو تو همون ده تا چپتر اول کشیده، ما نتونستیم دربیاریم.

چقدر نوشتم:))
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for anne⁷ .
571 reviews64 followers
June 10, 2021
i finally caught up to the latest volume after yeeears of not reading just so i can binge everything in one go. i have a lot to say but i can't arrange my thoughts to form coherent sentences. anyways, random stuff i want to say:
-one piece has the best world-building in all of fiction. everyone can go home now.
-it's amazing how oda can keep track of all the characters, plots, and subplots considering that there are thousands of characters that have been reappearing throughout the story, some with more than a decade gap, but still, their initial stories still hold importance to the current plot. just mindblowing.
-there's this feeling of excitement and dread knowing that we're getting closer to discovering all the mysteries in one piece.
-trafalgar law.

Profile Image for seen the bluest tranquility.
592 reviews264 followers
April 20, 2024

The scene where Sanji asks Robin for help is a powerful moment that showcases his growth— how he learns to stop sacrificing himself, voice his needs, and trust his crew to help him. This demonstrates a significant improvement in his self-worth and willingness to rely on others. It also shines a light on Robin, and lets her take the savior role for once, highlighting her power and agency.
What makes it even more remarkable is how their relationship dynamic and past trauma add depth and beauty to the scene.

You don’t know, and don’t need to know what it means that Sanji relied upon me for help.

It is not about a coward weak man asking a woman for help—oh poor you who missed the point of it all—but rather a portrayal of complex emotions and growth.

(Sanji and Robin are my favorite characters ever. Oda’s writing is crazy good and well detailed. This scene lives in my heart.)

Profile Image for José.
486 reviews270 followers
September 30, 2021
Al fin me puse al día con One Piece y vaya que valió la pena.

Sin dudas se convirtió en uno de mis mangas favoritos y por suerte todavía me queda ponerme al día con el anime.

El arco de Wano fue de menos a más. Estos últimos capítulos con el asalto a Onigashima fueron impresionantes.

Lo único malo es que ahora voy a tener que esperar cada semana para leer un nuevo episodio xD
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,195 reviews168 followers
February 1, 2024
black maria is forcing sanji to call nico robin to her.

chopper made the antibodies in time before hyogoro turned into an ice demon. he saved both friends and foe. the pleasures in kaido's crew are now fighting with the pirates and samurai because chopper cured them and because queen told them that they were replaceable after not even attempting to cure them.

the samurai were treated by oden (HE'S BACK?!) ashura was the one who pointed out that the oden is a fake. he was stabbed by fake oden = kanjuro. kanjuro's drawing was carrying a bomb. ashura covered the detonation with his body and he's dead. the rest managed to escape.

”Even the sharpest sword becomes dull when pointed at a friend.”

together, zoro, kidd, and law locked up zeus, sliced up prometheus, and pushed big mom down into the ocean. but prometheus managed to save big mom. zoro managed to cut kaido with conqueror's haki. luffy coated himself with conqueror's haki and landed blows on kaido.

while usopp, nami, and tama are trying to reach to a floor in the castle, they met up with big mom who was really nice to tama because the little girl took care of her while she had amnesia. after big mom found out that kaido's underlings burned down the village that took care of her, big mom got angry and beat them up. uturi slapped tama and that pissed nami and big mom off.

zeus was abandoned by big mom who created hera (prometheus's girlfriend). big mom told hera to absorb zeus so that she can become more powerful.

kidd came in time to help nami, usopp, and tama to escape.

luffy was knocked unconscious and fell into the ocean. kanjuro appeared in front of kiku, shinobi, and momonosuke as oden, but kiku informed them that it's fake. however, kanjuro still managed to stab kiku because she couldn't bear to cut down a man wearing her shogun's face. kinemon sliced kanjuro but was beaten up by kaido. the other samurai were knocked down too. kaido announced that luffy has fallen but momonosuke had other words to say.

”Luffy entrusted me with a message. Luffy is still alive. He told me he would definitely make it back. So please, keep fighting. Even if it hurts, even if you have nothing left. I implore you to keep fighting until your very last breath. Because Luffy is going to win.”

law's submarine found luffy sinking into the ocean. zeus went into nami's weapon.

volume 100: chapter 1005-1015
Profile Image for Armando.
345 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2024
Its been well over a decade since I read a One Piece Manga, and I've only lightly followed the anime through the past decade, mostly catching up on the big moments, so it was a blast to jump back in with the panels.

Oda's art style and just general composition-well messy and clustered at times-is still some of the best I've read in manga. When I first got into One Piece it was middle school and I was reading it in Monthly Shonen Jumps, and it was definitely in my top three favorites. The fight scenes in particular really stood out to me. They have such intensity and weight to them. The fight scenes involving Luffy are still where the manga fights shine the brightest. You can tell Oda has a pure joy when it comes to depicting his protagonist throwing down.

This volume was definitely a bit jarring to jump into after all these years, at this point there are so many players on the board with so much history inbetween them, and just so many random (to me) characters popping in and out, it was sometimes hard to keep up, especially since this whole volume is just one big gigantic battle throughout an entire city. But even still, the many deaths and moments of self sacrifice, and deep character moments, were still powerful for me, just barely getting to know these new characters for the first time. So that shows that Oda can still bring the emotion, even when you have no idea who these people are.

Overall, this was a great jump back into one of my favorite Mangas as a teenager. There is a lot of things that happen in this volume, so I can only imagine what it would have been like reading this if I had kept up with it all this time. But even now, having been away from it so long, its still a fantastic read and some of the best art in Manga.

Also want to say that I'm thankful for my local library for providing me the access to read this. I stumbled upon a table of different Japan literature and this was one of the selections on it. So I was very grateful for that opportunity. Libraries are awesome!
Profile Image for Ashley (Red-Haired Ash Reads).
2,964 reviews168 followers
March 24, 2023
Series: One Piece #100
Rating: 4 stars - It was really good

The battle on Onigishima continues with Luffy, Kidd, and Law fighting Kaido and Big Mom. They deal some blows but the first wave of the battle is over for the moment. While that was happening, Chopper makes the antidote and saves everyone from the ice plague, Kanjuro continues to cause problems for the samurai, Big Mom creates a replacement for Zeus, and Yamato takes over the battle against Kaido. I am really enjoying the many battles happening in Wano and can't wait to see how it plays out.
Profile Image for edy.
426 reviews
September 19, 2024
100 volumes, dang.

over the years i've tried to read one piece several times, always picking it up and giving up after a while. that's not gonna happen this time. i started again back in june, and four months later i'm reaaaaaally close to catching up, which is kinda crazy if you ask me. but anyway, i'm getting a bit emotional as i write this so i'll just say that this never-ending story is totally worth it and everyone should give it a chance.

ace and yamato on the same cover is something that makes me incredibly happy <3
Profile Image for Léa.
114 reviews4 followers
December 4, 2022
Comment Ace parle de Luffy, le combat contre Kaido, Momonosuké qui communique avec Luffy par la pensée, Kaido qui demande à Zoro s'il utilise le fluide royal je AAAAAAH
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emi.acg.
589 reviews216 followers
September 5, 2021
Volumen compuesto por los capítulos del 1005 al 1015. Me gustó la portada 💜 mi pequeño Ace 🥰
Y volví a ponerme al día xd probablemente acumule un par de capítulos antes de seguir leyendo otra vez. Me gusta mas leerlos seguidos que de a gotera y me di cuenta que necesito una relectura, hay cositas que se me han olvidado o que ya no recuerdo tan exactas.

Cap 1005

Cap 1006

Cap 1007

Cap 1008

Cap 1009

Cap 1010


Cap 1012

Cap 1013

Cap 1014

Cap 1015

Cap 1016

Cap 1017

Cap 1018

Cap 1019

Cap 1020

Cap 1021

Cap 1022

Cap 1023

Cap 1024
Profile Image for Raven Reads.
157 reviews18 followers
October 13, 2021
Read up to chapter1028! Wano Kuni is hype AF. Can't wait for future chapters.
Profile Image for Ben.
132 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2024
100 Volumes of the best adventure fiction has to offer.
I loved binge watching the anime. I love watching it weekly.
I loved binge reading the manga. I’m sure I’ll love reading it weekly.
Sadly one piece is starting its final phase and will probably end in the next few years.
People always say it’s way too long so they don’t read/watch it. But let me tell you, once you catch up it’s way too short. Idk how I will feel once it’s over.

My plea to anyone. Read or watch one piece. Catch up before it’s end to be part of this grand voyage. Once the one piece is revealed I’m pretty sure nobody can evade spoilers.
One chapter or one episode per day will suffice to catch up, yet…
Sometimes the hype is justified.

The One Piece is real.
Profile Image for Mik.
631 reviews49 followers
June 1, 2023

Definitivamente este arco se va a terminar convirtiendo en uno de mis favoritos porque la cantidad de cosas que están pasando son tremendas. Amo que en este tomo hayamos tenido varios momentos tremendos de distintos personajes, pero Zoro??? DUDEEEE, la rompió mal. Encima Al inicio tenemos el momento de Sanji y Robin y AAAAAAAAAA SHORO. Después Chopper también :') y el último capítulo de este tomo me dejó sin palabras, Kin'emon y Kiku la re rompieron también.
Profile Image for K.
864 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2024
Can we talk about how crazy it is that I’ve read 100 volumes in a month??? I’m so close to being all caught up. I just can’t wait to see more answers. My brother slightly spoiled stuff but I’m still invested. I can’t wait for kaido and big mom to go down!! Also what happened with the former warlords??
Profile Image for cami.
147 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2022
I finished this volume originally like less than a year ago but but i reread it today. Missed reading op sm..
Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews

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