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The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day

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How do you know you really exist?

It's Maisie's birthday and she can't wait to open her presents. She's hoping for the things she needs to build her own nuclear reactor. But she wakes to an empty house and outside the front door is nothing but a terrifying, all-consuming blackness. Trapped in an ever-shifting reality, Maisie knows that she will have to use the laws of the universe and the love of her family to survive. And even that might not be enough...

A mind-bending mystery for anyone who's ever asked questions. From the author of The Many Worlds of Albie Bright and The Jamie Drake Equation.

161 pages, Paperback

First published April 5, 2018

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Christopher Edge

50 books134 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews
Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,923 followers
May 20, 2020
This was extremely bizarre but in such a good way.

Maisie wakes up on her 10th birthday to an empty house, and in fact, an empty universe! Outside of her house, there's nothing - just blackness. Then in the next chapter, Maisie wakes up on her 10th birthday, and everything seems fine, normal even. But it's the same day!

For some of this book, I was so unsure what to think of it. The first couple of chapters I wasn't feeling it too much, but then it got to chapter 3 and from that point on, I was super, super intrigued. This is a very short book (around 150 pages) but it packed quite a good story into it. I wasn't quite expecting what was happening and then when the penny dropped before something major did happen, it was a bit of a revelation. I did enjoy this little story about Maisie Day. It was touching and strange - a rather bizarre mix but it fits this kind of story well.
Profile Image for Rachel DuBois.
43 reviews23 followers
November 10, 2018
I get why this book is highly praised as its highly original use of physics and unusual storyline is gripping. But I didn't actually *enjoy* the book, which is why I've only given it 3 stars.

Two reasons: 1) It has a very upsetting part of the plot which I can't talk about without giving too much away and 2) I was really, really bugged by a small scene where one of the characters faces sexual harassment and is forced to give in to it.

Post-#metoo, it's time we started rewriting the old narratives around sexual harassment. If you're going to write a story that borrows heavily from theoretical physics and aims to push the boundaries, why not do the same for social norms like sexual harassment? I'd love to see the author show the characters finding a way to stand up to the bullying they face, or perhaps have other characters who interfere to show this is no longer acceptable. Let's show a new kind of story, especially when we're writing for children.

For most people, this scene won't even register, but I had to write about it because how will our stories ever change if we don't ask that they do?
Profile Image for Eliasdgian.
432 reviews125 followers
December 18, 2022
Στο αριθμητικό σύμπαν της πυθαγόρειας φιλοσοφίας η δεκάς, ο αριθμός 10 δηλαδή, εθεωρείτο ο ιερότερος όλων, γιατί ακριβώς όλοι οι αριθμοί περιέχονται σε αυτόν. Είναι ο αριθμός που, κατά τους Πυθαγόρειους πάντα, συμβολίζει την αιωνιότητα, το άπειρο και το σύμπαν.

Η νεαρή Μέιζι Ντέι είναι «χαρισματική στις ακαδημαϊκές επιδόσεις» και σπουδάζει στο πανεπιστήμιο Μαθηματικά και Φυσική. Κι όμως, είναι μόλις 10 χρονών! Για την ακρίβεια στις εννιά Ιουνίου ξημέρωσε η μέρα που θα γιορτάσει τα δέκατα γενέθλιά της, τα οποία, όμως, όπως πολύ γρήγορα θα συνειδητοποιήσει, δεν θα είναι όπως ακριβώς τα ονειρεύτηκε.

Γλυκόπικρη ιστορία για το σύμπαν και την απεραντοσύνη του (ό,τι ακριβώς συμβολίζει ο αριθμός 10 δηλαδή), τη σχετικότητα του χώρου και του χρόνου, και τις άπειρες δυνατότητες ύπαρξης άλλων, παράλληλων κόσμων που δεν μπορεί παρά να δίνουν διαφορετικές εκδοχές της πραγματικότητας – σε κάποια από τις οποίες τα δέκατα γενέθλια της νεαρής Μέιζι θα είναι η καλύτερη μέρα της ζωής της…
Profile Image for ΑΝΝΑ.
271 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2022
"Κάποιοι λένε ότι όλα ξεκίνησαν με μια Μεγάλη Έκρηξη, όμως εγώ είναι το τελευταίο πράγμα που θυμάμαι.
Μια έκρηξη τόσο δυνατή που με έκανε να ξεχάσω τα πάντα.
Τα πάντα εκτός από ένα κόκκινο μπαλόνι που αιωρούνται στον πεντακάθαρο ουρανό.
Και μετά σκοτάδι."
Η Μέιζι Ντέι είναι ένα ιδιαίτερο χαρισματικό κορίτσι. Στα δέκα της χρόνια, ήδη έχει ξεκινήσει να φοιτά στο Πανεπιστήμιο. Όχι, δεν είναι μόνο ότι είναι τρομερά έξυπνη, αλλά ότι έχει μεγάλη αγάπη για το σύμπαν και πως αυτό λειτουργεί. Αυτό την ώθησε να προχωρήσει τόσο μπροστά.
Από το οπισθόφυλλο :
Είναι τα δέκατα γενέθλια της Μέιζι, και ανυπομονεί να ανοίξει τα δώρα της, ελπίζοντας να πάρει ότι χρειάζεται για να φτιάξει έναν πυρηνικό αντιδραστήρα! Ξυπνάει όμως μέσα σε ένα άδειο σπίτι και έξω δεν υπάρχει τίποτα εκτός από ένα πυκνό και τρομακτικό σκοτάδι.
Παγιδευμένη μέσα σε μια πραγματικότητα, η Μέιζι ξέρει ότι, για να σωθεί, θα πρέπει να βασιστεί στους νόμους που διέπουν το σύμπαν και στην αγάπη της οικογένειάς της. Όμως ακόμα και αυτά μπορεί να αποδειχθεί πως δεν αρκούν ...
Από 10 ετών.
Αρχικά το πήρα για την βαφτιστήρα μου. Επειδή όμως κάτι με έτρωγε, το διάβασα εγώ πρώτη. Τώρα πλέον σκέφτομαι ακόμα αν θα πρέπει να το δώσω στο δεκατετράχρονό μου.
Μια ιστορία φαντασίας, με επιστημονικά στοιχεία μέσα της. Αναφέρονται τα γλουόνια, τα ηλεκτρόνια πως κινούνται, η θεωρία της σκουληκότρυπας. Αν και ειναι σχετικά απλοϊκά, ωστόσο θα πρέπει και να έχει το παιδί το μικρόβιο του ψαξίματος, γιατί έχει υλικό μέσα για να ανακαλύψει, όσον αφορά το σύμπαν. Θα βρει ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα, αν όπως προείπα, έχει το μικρόβιο μέσα του.
Όσο για το τι έγινε στα δέκατα γενέθλια της πρωταγωνίστριας, αυτό θα το ανακαλύψετε μόνοι σας. Το βιβλίο είναι πολύ μικρό και αναπόφευκτα θα γίνει σπόιλερ.
Όσο προχωράει και ξετυλίγεται η ιστορία και αποκτά μια κάπως γλυκόπικρη γεύση, αναλύοντας και τους οικογενειακούς δεσμούς, κυρίως των δύο αδελφών.
Στο σύνολό του μου άρεσε αρκετά, διαβάζεται σχεδόν μονοκοπανιά.
Profile Image for Maritina Mela.
459 reviews94 followers
March 30, 2020
This middle grade book, combines familiar love, sci-fi and an ambiguous ending. I could elaborate a little more on the plot, characters, writing and my feelings towards this book, but I feel I can't do it without spoiling it. And that's something I don't want to do because, in case you decide to read it, I want the plot and the twist to hit you right in the feels.
Also, my feelings can pretty much be summed up by this: That bastard made me cry.
Profile Image for Seema Rao.
Author 2 books60 followers
March 14, 2019
Intellectual ~ Compelling ~ Amusing

tl:dr: Logic is for girls (and everyone else)

Maisie Day is a smart, very smart girl. She out of step with her older sister, who gifts lay elsewhere, but she's pretty okay with that. This is a great middle-grade book that combines science with literature without feeling mass-produced or forced. I don't want to say much about the storyline, as I loved going into the book with only the reputation of the author in my head. But, think adventurous/ nerdy a la Doctor Who, and well-written, like Holes. But, I want to say a few other remarks that only touch on the storyline. First, the protagonist is unapologetically smart. Girls need that. Second, the book doesn't assume the reader is dumb. This is the hardest thing about middle-grade math/science related fiction. Writers need to honor their readers, and this book does that well. Totally enjoyable read that does justice to the science and coding without sacrificing readability.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children's for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sophia.
404 reviews60 followers
February 16, 2021
B.R.A.CE. 2021 Ένα ενδιαφέρον βιβλίο για ένα δεκάχρονο κορίτσι που καταλαβαίνει την φυσική και τα μαθηματικά και το σύμπαν και βρίσκεται σε μία περίεργη κατάσταση την ημέρα που γίνεται 10 χρονών.

Ενώ το διάβαζα αναρωτιόμουν έαν ένα 10χρονο παιδί θα το έβρισκε έστω κι ελάχιστα ενδιαφέρον ώστε να αναζητήσει έξτρα πληροφορίες στο διαδίκτυο. Χμ... δεν ξέρω. Επίσης έχει ένα δύο σημεία που διαφωνώ αλλά δεν κάνω spoiler
Profile Image for Laura.
2,980 reviews88 followers
April 23, 2019
Maisie wakes up to find that everyone is gone, and the world is falling apart.

But she also wakes up to her 10th birthday, and everything is wonderful, and she is going to have a wonderful party.

So, there are two timelines going on, and Maisie has to work out what is going on, and how to fix it.

And while I agree with some of the other reviewers that using math and physics to solve the problems of this book, and to have Maise be 10 years old and female, and smart are all good points, the book never clicked for me. I never felt that involved win both versions of her life. I completely agree with her sister, who felt as though she could never match up to her sister.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.
Profile Image for Erin.
131 reviews133 followers
September 17, 2020
I did not expect to be so captivated by this especially when considering its length. This book was wonderfully strange but also highly emotional. I expected the mind-bending sci-fi elements and I have to say these aspects did not disappoint I loved reading about a child genius I thought that idea was really fun and fascinating to read about. However, this book was so much more than a thought-provoking sci-fi, it had. heavy focus on family and sisterhood. This was unprecedented for me but I loved it and it really elevated my appreciation and connection to this story.
Profile Image for Katy Kelly.
2,310 reviews98 followers
June 22, 2018
Clever logic-bending maths-heavy children's sci-fi... you don't say that very often!

I didn't know what I was in for, and even for much of this, I still didn't appreciate the astuteness of this. This really is a very intelligent science/maths story for children, and one bright children will relish.

Those who aren't keen on maths may lose interest early on, but if it hits a nerve, they are in for a cerebral treat with Maisie, the birthday girl in for a rough day...

Maisie is a very uncommon girl, adroit at mathematics and building a nuclear reactor, she is hoping for parts as birthday gifts. In one plotline, we follow the progress of her day. In another, Maisie wakes up also on her birthday, but is alone in her house and outside of it is literally nothing... blackness.

I was puzzled, intrigued. And not at all disappointed as the plotlines continued towards a great ending. The science/maths of the book is not overly tricky but even if a reader didn't follow it, the main ideas are within reach.

The narrator is a mature female actor, but the voice sounded spot on for a pre-adolescent girl, she was well-suited to the character of Maisie. The only time the audiobook grated on me was in the 'nowhere' storyline as Maisie panics and the shrillness of the voice was a little annoying.

It's very short (only 3 hours to listen to) but like nothing I've read before, and certainly unique amongst children's books. There is juvenile fiction with similar protagonists but not a story like this one. I'll look forward to listening to it with my son (aged 7) when he's older.

I would say ages 9-14 are the ideal age range for this.

With thanks to Nudge Books for providing a sample Audible copy.
Profile Image for Hannah | thebookwormsfeast.
313 reviews50 followers
May 24, 2020
Some people say everything began with a Big Bang, but for me, that's the last thing I really remember.

I'm not really sure how I feel about this book, truth be told. Endings like that always conflict me, and at the beginning, I wasn't feeling it too much. But this story is so different from anything I've personally read before - and it did keep me guessing as to what had happened.

Maisie wakes up on her 10th birthday to find her house empty, and a gaping black void outside - but also Maisie wakes up on her 10th birthday and everything is like it always was. The two contrasting days play out side by side, often interwoven, as the book marches on to provide you with the answers.

There are bits I liked, and bits I really didn't. But overall, it was a story I wanted to know the ending to and grew on me more and more as I read on.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Mellen.
1,655 reviews62 followers
April 9, 2019
This was one of most anticipated books this month, and it did not let me down. This was cute, and surprisingly hard-hitting in a way that I was not quite ready for. Easy enough to follow that I think my 5 year old would like it as a read-aloud, but not monotonous or boring to read as an adult. It was compared to A Wrinkle in Time which I adored as a kid and tried to reread recently and had trouble getting into because I found Meg so darn annoying - Maisie was precocious like Meg, but I didn't find her as obnoxious and this was small and easy to read in one sitting.
Profile Image for Nicola.
14 reviews
January 30, 2018
I got an arc in exchange for an honest review.

My full review will go up nearer to publication. I just need to tell everyone how wonderful Maisie Day is! I know i’m not the target audience, I had so much fun reading it though! I laughed, cried and learnt a lot about science along the way. It’s brilliantly written and I can’t recommend it enough!
Profile Image for Nicole :).
30 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2021
didn’t realize this was a children’s book when i bought but i still liked it suprisingly although i would have liked it better when i was 8 or 9
Profile Image for Karen Barber.
2,896 reviews71 followers
May 24, 2018
Maisie Day. Ten years old. Academically gifted, but frustrated by her parents’ determination to mollycoddle her. All she wants is to be like her big sister.
On the morning of her birthday Maisie wakes up and discovers she’s alone. There’s nothing outside her house. Dark matter starts to encroach on her space, and Maisie is left to work out what’s happened.
What follows is a pacy read, packed full of scientific information, with a character full of charm that you can’t help but develop a soft spot for.
There’s one or two moments where you think this is veering into rather miserable territory, but all is good in the end.
37 reviews
March 6, 2020
Overall its a good book .I really enjoyed trying to figure out what the black could was and what had happened to her however it could be a bit confusing at times . Its was Maises birthday and she was turning 10, she has a university degree and us homeschooled , however she wakes up to an empty house.All around her is an endless black space (void )and she keeps trying to figure out whats happened to the universe ,using her knowledge of atoms and elements.She is clueless .During the book we get flashbacks /memories of the past about her sister and family .Lily and her dont always get on and she then finds a door that's lily room and she opens it and finds lily, only to see that's she now has grey strands and wrinkles. Lily explains about the morning of her birthday and about how she got hit by a train and their parents blamed lily.She had lived maises life for her and she created this almost like video game , universe for maise.She explained how their dad had died of cancer to .But she goes back and tries to stop herself but lily pulls her out the way and they carry on with there life
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephen Connor.
380 reviews7 followers
April 5, 2018
Maisie is an academically gifted girl celebrating her tenth birthday - a party is being planned and she is looking forward to starting work on cold fusion.

The chapters alternate between what we perceive to be Maisie’s real world and some sort of alternative universe, a place where dark matter is swallowing everything around Maisie.

The chapters continue to go back and forth between Maisie’s reality and ‘other’ world, and then you’re hit with the truth - the final few chapters are brilliant. Sit down for them.

Maisie is a terrific character, intelligent, curious and proud of it. The book’s themes are obviously based in science fiction, somehow being both educational and intense at the same time, but it has a huge heart too. Wonderful stuff.
Profile Image for Babbity Kate.
193 reviews137 followers
March 27, 2019
Full review can be found here, but here's what you need to know:

Other reviewers mentioned that there’s an awful lot of science in this book, and I didn’t really take them seriously… but wow. There’s a TON of science in here–I mean that in terms of quantity, not density.

This is obviously what the book is going for– a riff on the major breakthroughs of the last 50/100 years in physics, seen through the eyes of a 10-year-old prodigy having the weirdest day. It’s a great idea, and some of it is executed very well. Edge does a great job boiling down some of the more complex and theoretical concepts to a paragraph and using MG-appropriate language.

In my opinion, however, there are just too many different concepts crammed into this one book. The story would have been much stronger if he had picked two or three of these ideas (say, relativity, infinity/Mobius strip, and black holes) and given them more room to breathe. The book jumped to a new major idea every couple of pages, and if I weren’t already familiar with these terms, I wouldn’t have had the stamina to follow them.

This book will likely be appealing to a young reader who is on the verge of jumping right into adult sci-fi but would just as soon read something with a more relatable character. I worry, however, that many will be turned off by the protagonist (why is she a next-level prodigy? wouldn’t the story work just fine if she were a garden-variety genius?) and the sheer volume of mini science lessons.

I also want to mention that the story has a dark edge that I wasn’t expecting. There’s some emotional weight to the last quarter of the book that will probably fall on readers who aren’t ready for it (in fun twisty ways and in jarring, horrifying ways). By the end, however, it’s all come together into something rather sweet and uplifting.

A final note: This book might have gotten four stars from me if it weren’t for a baffling scene of street harassment inserted halfway through the story apropos of nothing. While walking with her young teenage sister, Maisie sees some boys catcall her sister. One even goes to far as to physically block their path until the sister obeys his demand to smile. Maisie is taken-aback by the incident, but her sister doesn’t really discuss it; the implication seems to be that Maisie is getting a glimpse into growing up and that capitulating to bullying and sexual harassment is just the price of doing business. The incident is never addressed by the book. I was floored. This single scene brought the book down a whole star for me, and I wavered about going all the way down to two. In 2019, I don’t understand why this is acceptable.

I received a free eARC of this book from Delacourte Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Les McFarlane.
168 reviews11 followers
April 18, 2018
I absolutely loved this! I adored Albie Bright and didn’t think this could hold up against it but, boy oh boy, it certainly did not disappoint.
It’s the morning of Maisie’s tenth birthday and the day starts with the alarm and the excitement of what lies ahead. Maisie thinks that aside from the presents, cards and party, now she is ten her sister lily might take her seriously.
Our little child genius has mastered so much knowledge-GCSEs, A levels, degrees - but struggles with relationships and, as she doesn’t attend school, finds she really has no friends. What she does have, however, is a big family who love her and they are coming over for the party later. Maisie wonders where her mum, dad and sister are, the house is in silence. She opens the front door to find nothing...not just nothing happening, completely nothing. She recognises the blackness as Vantablack, the complete absence of anything-including light. Her day just started and it’s about to get even scarier.
The story is a master class in the flashback. We watch Maisie replay memories and gain a complete sense of who she is and the space she inhabits/ inhabited. You can’t help but be completely taken with the lead character, completely formed in one of the cleverest ways I’ve come across. Not a word or phrase wasted, or indeed, omitted.
I am most certainly not what you would call a sci fi fan but Christopher Edge has created a world - a mash of of science & ordinary day to day- that is just an absolute pleasure to read.

Go and read it, in fact read the series!
Profile Image for Silea.
228 reviews14 followers
March 10, 2019
Wow. VERY well written, an utterly absorbing page turner, BUT roughly the emotional equivalent of Old Yeller but the kid gets a kitten at the end.
Profile Image for Kirsty .
3,606 reviews344 followers
January 14, 2018
The infinite lives of Maisie Day was a really lovely read which I enjoyed.

What I liked about it was that it had a young female lead and was completely focused around science and coding. There's not enough fiction focused on science that is female led and I loved it for that. The story is exciting from the outset with lots of twists and turns including time jumps and perfectly brilliant in that regard for keeping young readers engaged and excited from the outset.
Profile Image for Abigail.
16 reviews
May 21, 2018
The Infinite Lives Of Maisie Day is one of Christopher Edge's best books (which is pretty hard-he written loads of amazing books-actually, all of his books are the best :) .) It is the perfect book for lovers of sci-fi and infinity. Every chapter it changes from what would have happened if she hadn't done something and the other chapter what happened if she had done something. There should DEFINITELY be a SEQUEL to this book. Christopher Edge, you are the best sci-fi author ever!
Profile Image for Alyssa.
Author 8 books117 followers
April 28, 2018
Great book to make you sob on a plane in front of strangers. A+ highly recommend. 👍
Profile Image for Dana Cristiana.
554 reviews242 followers
August 21, 2023
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Phew, this story! Edge is, undoubtelly, one of the best skilled authors out there.

It's Maisie Day's birthday and she turns 10. Her biggest sister, Lily is 15 years old and hates her younger sibling.
However, Maisie is sure this is going to be the best day ever!
Until she wakes up and soon realizes that no one is home. And when she's opening the door, all she can see is darkness.

Next chapter shows us her day starting normal, her parents getting ready for her birthday and preparing food, the gazebo outside and interacting as they usually do.
So what is actually happening?

Each chapter is alternating between these two realities until we discover the shocking truth.
The action takes places mostly at their home, and we are told about some of Maisie's life before this day, how she is academically gifted and knows so much about science.

The end is happy, but bittersweet.
I didn't expect that reveal and once again the author amazes me.

I like that in each book (at least this and The Longest Night of Charlie Noon that I read so far from him) Christopher is teaching us about life stuff, like time and space and science and the universe through the eyes of a child.

So although I liked this one pretty much, it wasn't as amazing as Charlie Noon, in my opinion.
But it was a great book whatsoever and I'm looking forward his other books.
December 12, 2021
☄️ "The infinite lives of Maisie Day" is written by @christopheredge . Maisie Day is an autistic 10 years old girl who experiences weird and strange events on her 10th birthday. she is "academically gifted" and is genius daughter compared to her elder sister "Lily". On her 10th birthday when she wakes up she finds her house empty and her parents and Lily has been disappeared. Maisie is experiencing two contrasting days on her birthday which puts the reader in curiosity.
☄️In her two contrasting days she is dead and she is alive. interestin? 😉 It was my First read of Christopher Edge and i did enjoy Reading it. perfect book for the age of 5+ or primary school kids. A very informative book about science,physics and maths. i got to learn a lot from it. the events shown in the book were fictional events but not a boring one.
☄️ Different story and quite creative book I'll say. light and good read. a bit of humor was also present which i liked. ☺️ the book could be a good movie for kids no doubt. 💕
☄️ "Some people say everything began with a Big Bang,but for me, that's the last thing i really remember" ( read the book to get this phrase) 😉
Profile Image for MBenzz.
880 reviews2 followers
March 18, 2019
This was such a crazy little story! When we meet Masie, she's just woken up on the morning of her 10th birthday. However, the chapters alternate between two different realities....one where she's home with her Mom, Dad and sister Lily, and another where she's home alone in a place that LOOKS like her house, but seems to be in the middle of a black abyss.

This book would be perfect for children who enjoy science and the ways of the universe. Kids who have an interest in physics and alternate realities. The ending was satisfying if not just a bit confusing...which reality is real? Is the ending real-life, or is it just another version of what 'could-have been'? I hope it was real life, because Masie deserves a wonderful birthday. Regardless, I really enjoyed this book. Definitely recommend for middle-grade readers.

**I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Odette Brethouwer.
1,650 reviews293 followers
April 26, 2022
Ten eerste: dit boek vind ik heel eng, heel angstaanjagend. Hopelijk heb ik vannacht geen nachtmerries over dit plot.. Niet heel erg middle-grade geschikt dus haast.

Ook wist ik de eerste 2/3 van het boek niet goed wat ik ervan moest vinden. Wederom heeft Christopher Edge heel mooi natuurkunde in het boek verwerkt, ik zag het plot nog niet.

Maar zodra dat eenmaal in elkaar klikte.. wauw.

Ik heb wel een traantje weggepinkt. En het boek geknuffeld, even, toen ik hem uit had.

Ja, ik ben wel dol op het werk van Christopher Edge, gelukkig heb ik nog twee ongelezen boeken van hem in de kast staan!
Profile Image for Zaczytana książkami.
23 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2021
Co tu się wydarzyło.... 🤯🤯
powiem tyle, coś niesamowitego, naprawdę, jakby
Ta książka zaskakiwała mnie od 1 strony, trzymała w napięciu od pierwszego słowa do ostatniego, a już nie wspomnę o zakończeniu, o ostatnich 2/3 rozdziałach, po prostu geniusz
Jedynym małym minusem było to, że niektóre słowa były dla mnie trudne do zrozumienia, bo jest to książka z wplecionym tematem fizyki, matematyki i kosmosu, ale mi to jakoś bardzo nie przeszkadzało
No polecam każdemu, wydaje mi się że każdy musi ją przeczytać serio 🤩

Rozwaliła mi ona głowę, i to chyba dosłownie 🙈🤯
Profile Image for Joel.
64 reviews7 followers
November 29, 2023
I love this book’s focus on the concepts of time and infinity. The sense of being trapped in a reality ‘bubble’ or a time loop keeps the reader engaged.

Family dynamics and sibling rivalry add an emotional edge with a couple tear-jerking moments.

The sharp focus on scientific concepts along with its relatively short length (~150 pages) make this a great suggestion for middle school reluctant readers with interests in science or science fiction.
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18 reviews
July 13, 2019
I thought this was creative and interesting, and it was a quick read so I could finish it in a day or two and try to prepare for longer books. I was a bit surprised by how dark it was at times, but I think it added well to the story- I just wouldn't really want to give this to a nine year old or younger.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews

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