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Librarian Note: Alternate Cover Edition for ASIN: B01FPJ0DFC.

Jake McKallister might have been a rock star, but he was no ordinary one. Surviving an unspeakable crime as a young teen had shaped him into a guarded workaholic, and he now lived his life trying to forget. If it hadn’t been for music and the redemption he found through it, he might not have survived. Career success came easily for him. Personal connections did not.

When outspoken, vivacious college student Casey Caldwell was paired with the famously reserved rockstar for a friend’s wedding, she was prepared for the worst. What could they possibly have in common? She was a bubbly talker; he was a reclusive loner. His life was filled with music; she couldn’t carry a tune. She’d enjoyed a happy childhood; his was a well-publicized nightmare.

Yet despite their obvious differences, Jake and Casey found each other, and her light balanced out his darkness. Would their love be strong enough to survive the weight of his tragic past?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a *full-length* standalone romance. Cake is a love story at heart but does deal with a sensitive topic and may not be for all.
Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of eighteen.

*This novel was professionally re-edited on June 28th, 2016*

611 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 14, 2016

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About the author

J. Bengtsson

13 books1,565 followers

J. (Jill) Bengtsson is the bestselling author of the Cake Series. She writes contemporary novels focused on love, humor, passion, and family. Her heroines are strong, nurturing, and quirky while her heroes are what dreams are made of - gorgeous, committed, and in need of a little saving. A native Californian, Jill’s novels are set under the glittering lights of the West Coast entertainment industry.
They are for the dreamer in all of us.

Jill resides in Ventura County, California. She’s married to the Swedish boy she met as an exchange student her junior year in college and they have three children, a golden retriever, and two ragdoll cats.

Be sure not to miss new releases and sales by J. Bengtsson by signing up for her newsletter https://jbengtssonbooks.com/newsletter

For more Cake experiences, check out the audiobooks.

The audiobook series feature top narrators by Andi Arndt, Joe Arden and Zachary Webber.

*Cake A Love Story was nominated for an Audie Award for Best Romance of 2018.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,752 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,827 reviews6 followers
November 6, 2020
I didn't enjoy this book. It was very repetitive and cliché.

This is more of a rant not a review, so I've hidden it in the spoiler tag. Please don't read it if you are easily offended. I felt it disingenuous if I deleted it as it was my original thoughts on this book.
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,118 reviews2,567 followers
February 10, 2017
*Audiobook generously provided by the author for an honest review*
Full review posted 12/22/2016

I decided not to go in blind and read a few reviews before requesting a copy of this book. Man…they were all over the place, so I felt the need to go for it and formulate my own opinion.

Jake McAllister and Casey Caldwell are twenty somethings who meet at his brother’s wedding. As fate would have it, they’re paired up as bridesmaid and groomsman.
Jake is a wildly successful rock star, but struggles with intimate interactions in a group of people. He suffered a tragedy in the past that still affects his responses to people.

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Casey is a hoot. She’s smart, funny, quirky, and crass. I loved her character instantly and her initial interaction with Jake is funny as hell.

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She reminds me of myself at that age - socially awkward and sometimes inappropriate.

Their story progresses effortlessly from their meeting through the ensuing romance. It’s a sweet romance, but not without challenges. They struggle through issues stemming from Jake’s past trauma, his current fame that comes with legions of fans, to a medical crisis. This is definitely an emotional story with dark notes. While it’s not overtly discussed in the dialogue, abuse and sexual assault are a recurring theme. If those are triggers for you, you should probably avoid this book. I feel the author handle the subject matter expertly. The tragedy is sad, but there’s hope for healing.

Here’s what I loved: Jake! Sweet, handsome, down to earth, hot-guy rocker, with a man-bun. Umm, yes!

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He’s broken and hurt, but gives his all to Casey. The relationship development is impressive. The reader gets to see the progression from the initial uncomfortable meeting to the first “I love you”. Casey family is Crazy! Those scenes were so funny! I particularly enjoyed the emotional punch of the story. The ending nearly killed me. I was so invested in these characters that I felt all the feels.

Here’s where things get dicey: I think the biggest issue for me is that Jake isn’t the stereotypical rocker I’m used too. He’s uber rich and famous, but has no bodyguards, travels alone, and doesn’t live in a mansion. Yes, he’s down to earth and doesn’t want fame to go to his head, but I struggled with the believability of the situation.
The other small issue is that the book reads more like a YA title with a smidge of sex. It feels like it should be geared towards a younger crowd in several places. There’s steady dialogue and interaction with their parents. Both MC's parents are front and center. I’m also a fan of YA so I didn’t hate it, but I can see how that would be an issue for some.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. For a debut release, it’s impressive. The storyline is interesting and the writing sufficient. I connected with both MCs and genuinely wanted to see how their story progressed. I rate it - 3.75 Stars.

Audiobook review: The narration is excellent! Andi Arndt and Joe Arden perform this dual POV read. They are both fabulous and added to my enjoyment of the story.

Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,062 reviews15.7k followers
May 3, 2018
5 Scrumptious Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I devoured this book just as I would a piece of cake....
Casey was such a fabulous character, she reminded me a little bit of a younger me... always having a little too much to say.... Jake was just a good guy... with a very tragic past, a lot to overcome....

Even though a few things didn't quite ring true with me( I just can't imagine a huge rockstar not having more security) this was a very real love story.... I also really appreciated that both characters had a very strong family presence throughout the book..... definitely looking forward to more books from this author, in fact I've already started the second book in the series.....
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews609 followers
August 23, 2016
4 Surprising Stars

Was it really possible to meet someone and just know they are the one for you?

I'm not sure what I expected when I started reading Cake but I can say with certainty it wasn't to get sucked into the cuteness vortex that was Casey and Jake.

From the moment college girl Casey meets famous rock star Jake, I absolutely adored these two together. The dialogue was so good, I couldn't help myself. It did slow down a little in the middle and I could've used a wee bit more heat but I enjoyed my time with the Cake duo.

As a warning, Jake deals with a horrific and tragic event from his past, but I thought the issue was handled with sensitivity.
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,590 reviews111 followers
June 17, 2018
3.5 Cake Stars

New author to me, one I will be on the lookout for more.
I enjoyed this book a lot actually.

Jake and Casey are fabulous together. I loved getting to know each of them and how they fell in love.
Jake is a rock star and Casey is a senior accounting student. Two very unlikely of people you would think would meet and hit it off. But that’s what happened.

Jake has a pretty upsetting past that isn't hidden per say but it’s not all hanging out there either and we learn about why he is so graded with himself and with letting others get to close.

Casey is an open book; she is fun and witty and doesn't let life drag her down. She is a go with the flow kind of girl. And I really liked how these two bring out that fun side. Casey's family is awesome, I loved the interaction between herself and her mother.

Here is why I didn't rate it higher, I felt the story dragged to much in some parts and skipped the parts I really wanted to learn about. I found my mind wondering and when that happens especially with an audio-book, I tend to stop and do something then I dread going back to it. But I stuck it out through the slow spots and it did pick up, but again I felt it a little choppy in the parts that mattered.

I wasn't a fan of the epilogues; sorry I wanted to know more than we learned in them. Over all I really enjoyed this book I defiantly recommend it, it fun and witty a old fashion love story for sure.

I looooved the narration! I am a fan of both narrators and loved how they brought these characters their own unique style. I will defiantly listen to more by both of these narrators.

*This Audiobook was given for an unbiased review via Audiobook Boom.*
*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for namericanwordcat.
2,440 reviews434 followers
September 4, 2016
This book is almost good. If the parts that are summary and telling were rewritten to be action and dialogue there would be a fine love story.

The hero and heroine are both good people. The romance has a fantasy quality of running off with the band and they do feel very young.

The dynamics of both families are well explored.

It just needs more storytelling work.
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,932 followers
May 20, 2017
My initial draw to this was definitely Casey. She was just nine kinds of awesome wrapped in no-nonsense goodness. I loved her sense of humor and her steady good sense. And I particularly liked that she was studying to be an accountant and made no apologies or excuses for it.

It took longer for me to accept Jake, though most of that was fear that Bengtsson would go one of the dozen or so stereotypical routes that were possible to divert into as this story progressed. His setup is fairly standard famous/rich boy meets "normal" chick who treats him like he's human. The "victim of serial killer as kid" angle was new and felt kind of tacked on until it finally sunk in how large a part that played in his character (in both the writing and personality sense). And then I got worried he'd go the "I'm so damaged" route. I'll know in future to give Bengtsson the benefit of the doubt when it comes to going the easy or stereotyped route. And there will be more Bengtsson books in my future.

By midway through I had enough trust in the author that I knew we were headed for high four and possibly five stars. That never waivered from then on as I was not only engaged in the story, I couldn't wait to read more. And that through the growing appreciation for some of the weaker aspects of Bengtsson's writing. The main weakness was that Casey is a little too perfect, really, and some of her reactions/responses in tense situations were maybe too spot-on. The second weakness might have bothered me more if I had been reading instead of listening to this story. As it was, it took me a while to notice all the said-bookisms larding up the dialogue. Once I noticed, it was nearly painfully bad. By that time I was so engrossed in the story that I mostly just smiled through my wince, though.

Anyway, it's hard to say how charming I found Casey and Jake. I loved how well Casey's light heart reminded Jake of his best self and how close they grew together. And I loved how they actually talked about stuff when one of them was bothered. Okay, Jake had to learn that part, but Casey gave such a great example and he was smart enough to roll with her on that front. I could also have done without about the last hour or so (of the nearly 13 hour book, so last 8%?) where extra drama was added that skirted the edge of melodrama (external to the relationship, but with impact there). I loved how well they handled it, mind, but I felt like the best bits of the story had already been told at that point and extra drama just delayed the epilogue, really.

Anyway, I'm going with the five stars just on how well this suited me, despite flaws and things that sometimes throw me out of stories. It might not hurt to bear in mind that your tolerance for the weaker parts may vary from my own...

A note about Steamy: I was a bit surprised to find there's really only one explicit sex scene (though it's one of those that others may call two or even three as it continues with negligible breaks). So this ends up on the light side of my steam tolerance. Which was a nearly perfect call with this story as all the interesting developments were emotional intimacy based.
Profile Image for Shannon.
475 reviews152 followers
March 1, 2017
Wow. This was one crazy ride! Nothing like your average rockstar romance but I loved it just the same.

The first half(ish?) that takes place over one weekend I was in love with. I was practically gushing! Then things slowed down and dragged a bit - I think part of it is this is just super long. A scene or two less might have kept the pace going a bit better.

But then that ending. HOLY CRAP! This author is definitely one to play tricks on and mess with her readers. But the end of that epilogue is my freaking favourite, I was so happy and had the biggest smile ever. I may have even done a little fist pump or something, I don't know. I can't confirm nor deny it. Jake and Casey are just <3.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,812 reviews536 followers
June 23, 2016
New author with a fabulous debut book. It had a few rough spots -- nothing outlandish and certainly didn't distract me from the intriguing and unique storyline. I absolutely loved both characters. This one had lots of feels, great chemistry, great dialogue, and a slow and captivating journey to a love that was so believable. Two such different people - just perfectly matched. Of course, the fact that the male lead is a drop dead gorgeous rock star didn't hurt any either. But his female lead can certainly hold her own - she's beautiful inside and out!

92 reviews
September 13, 2016
I'm so sorry, but this book was boooooooring. It had so much potential with some potent underlying darkness, but issues were solved in a page with way too much filler in between. And the same events were rehashed/recounted several times. Some cute conversations and banter but an editor with a big red pen could have made this a better/more engaging read.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,286 reviews958 followers
April 1, 2019
With all of that fanfare for this book, I am really looking forward to another great read. This is my first book by J Bengtsson. And I am listening to the audio book. 12 hours long

On the beginning I sense some similarity of this book to other author such as Kylie Scott, Mariana Zapata, Giger Scott. All of my favorite authors. The fun banter between Jake and Casey is so cute and refreshing. With a hint of promise a dark broken and heart wrenching past from Jake. However the more and more I dwell into the audio book, I become very annoyed and frustrated. The whole 11 hours is just on and on about the life under fame and how Casey adjusting to Jake's light.

I feel like I am living on Justin Bieber world and in desperate need to get out. And what makes it worse is Casey. She is miss knows it all. When Jake down or having flash back, there she is. Always with the right words to soothe him. Not to mention how her friends be jealous and envy of her that she is dating Jake.

Jake is also unbelievable character as a rock star. He is gracious and always knows what to do with his fans. Even though he is a very private person and all... Jeezz...

I want to see more of Jake's past. How it is affecting her character. But through out the book he is just feel so lucky to have meet Casey because Casey just knows what to say to make everything better. I do not like how the conversation not taking a topic such as kidnapping and sexual assault with proper research.

In summary, this book is a total disappointment. And it is 12 hours long. Way too long.

2 stars
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
February 23, 2019
Although this is a romance it also deals with some tough stuff. Our hero is an actual rock star. Fans hounding him, girls attacking, etc. But his scars cover a horrific abuse that occurred when he was kidnapped and tortured as a young teen. Now he’s the broody loner. Flashbacks prevent him from opening his heart. Meanwhile our heroine is vivacious. She’s honest and loving. Nothing fake. Her honesty and bright light starts to shine through his dark places.
Good romance that foregoes the usual heartbreak of breakups and suspected cheating. Now and then her self esteem lags but he quickly helps her ti build it back up again.
Profile Image for Robin Hill.
Author 3 books295 followers
June 27, 2019
“I really like you, Jake… and it’s not because you’re a rock star.”

“Well, I really like you, Casey,” he replied. “And it’s not because you’re an accountant.”

Cake is one big rock star romance swoonfest. I'm a sucker for the broken man trope, and sweet baby Jesus, that poor Jake is broken in every way. His tragic backstory ripped my heart out and had me completely consumed. Maybe that's why I devoured Cake so quickly (pun intended). A friend told me it was over 600 pages and I thought, there’s no way. It certainly doesn't feel that long.

Despite the heavy subject matter, Cake has a light-ish feel. A few of the more traumatic scenes happen off-page, lessening the intensity and making for a more comfortable read. The banter between the MCs is fantastic and adds necessary comic relief right when you need it. Casey’s a trip. Smart, funny, determined—she’s not about to let Jake run over her, nor will she let him give up. Even in her most insecure moments, she’s a pillar of strength. The perfect mix of vulnerable and fierce.

“Don’t you ever get tired of it? Being stared at and chased?”

“Yeah, sometimes, but I get to do what I love every day. It’s a tradeoff that I’m willing to make.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I feel the same way about accounting.”

Jake laughed. “I’m sure you do.”

I think what I loved most about Cake were the moments when Jake interacted with his fans. Admittedly, I’ve only read a handful of rock star romances, but fan interaction isn’t something I’ve noticed before and it’s what took Jake over the top for me. I hardcore swooned during those scenes!

I stumbled across Cake when Audible did a freebie giveaway for Valentine’s. I downloaded the e-book as well, and while I listened to some of it, I preferred reading it. Listen, read, or jump seamlessly between the two—just don’t miss out on this incredible debut. Yes, debut. *mind blown*

Cake is a standalone in a series of interconnected standalones. Please tread carefully if you have triggers.

Despite Jake's clear-as-day description (including his shoulder-length hair), Shawn Mendes cast himself in my head and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. Probably because I binge watched this video like a hundred times when it came out. 🔥🔥🔥
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Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews236 followers
April 11, 2018
This was an awesome discovery for me when I was looking for a new audio book to listen to. I love a good rock star story and this was great because it wasn't too focused on the band.

Casey meets Jake McAllister when she is paired up with him as a bridesmaid and he a groomsman at her best friend's wedding. She was initially nervous to meet him and he was not easy to talk to but eventually her wit and humor broke through his brooding mood. Jake is usually quite intolerant of meeting strangers, especially girls but there is something about Casey that just captures his attention.

You see, Jake is a very famous rock star, known all over the world. He is used to girls falling at his feet and trying to get his attention. Casey has managed to attract his undivided attention just by being herself. Both of them feel this incredible connection, like they have known each other all their lives. They just click and Jake finds himself wanting to spend every moment of the wedding weekend with Casey.

When it is time to part ways they both feel overwhelmingly sad about being pulled apart. Casey has a summer job she desperately needs to help her finish out her last year in college and Jake is off to Europe to continue on with his world tour. One month later and Jake makes Casey an offer she can't refuse. Turns out he can't live without her in his life just as much as she wants to be with him.

That is where this story really just begins. Jake's back story is incredibly painful and he is very careful about who he trusts to share his personal life with. He has no qualms about opening up to Casey. These two are falling for each other and I absolutely loved the banter between them.

There is so much more to this story than what I have mentioned so I highly recommend you dive in and enjoy the love story of Jake and Casey.
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews155 followers
July 5, 2019

I really don't know how this book came to my library, some Audible sale? Sleep deprived shopping spree? Confusion? Not sure. In any case ... my 15 y.o. self would've liked this, but even she would agree that this needed to be pared down by half. At least. It's 12:40hrs. and about 600+ pages. I got through maybe half in audio, listening to it piecemeal, and only because Andi Arndt is a rock star narrator. Joe Arden does the male POV, and though I didn't hate I didn't love it. Andi could've narrated the whole thing. However my interest waned and I just wanted to finish, which required "reading" or in this case lots of skimming.

The story isn't bad, but it isn't riveting either: Ordinary (read gorgeous but doesn't know it) college girl meets, mysterious, brooding, super hot rock star at a wedding. She treats him like a regular person, they spent an inordinate amount of time together, he's smitten, he flies her to Europe to tour with him, and they fall madly in love. The End. It's fine. The characters are likable, there aren't any major miscoumunication problems etc. but ... I really don't need what amounts to an almost word for word transcription of every conversation between Jake and Casey or Casey and everyone else. Less would've definitely been more. Or maybe it just me. YMMV

The one thing I flat out didn't like or buy was . IMO the story would've been fine without it or treated in a different manner.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,273 reviews13.4k followers
June 2, 2023
I always wondered why this rockstar romance was called Cake..now I know 😫. I went in blind with this story and man what an emotional, heart wrenching, but fun loving also. I love Jake & Casey so much. Book two audio is downloaded and ready to go!!
Profile Image for RentasticReads.
699 reviews183 followers
September 24, 2018
Oh. My. God. This book was... let’s just say, now I know why tons and tons of people loved it and have been raving about it tremendously. It kinda blew me away... Okay, it totally blew me away.

Cake was the perfect blend of sexy, romantic, emotional and gritty. It wasn’t at all what I expected diving into this book—especially with how much the story took hold of my emotions and just gripped me right from the get go—but it’s the absolute whole package you can hope for in a crazy good and epic rockstar romance. It’ll hit you right in the feels, pierce through your soul, and have your ovaries exploding over a broken and troubled, yet one of the sweetest and most famous rockstars ever—Jake McKallister.

Jake has a darkness in him that only one certain girl can cure. He’s haunted by a past no one should’ve ever gone through. And although he has his family and his music, sometimes even they’re not enough to keep his demons locked up. He might’ve risen to fame and became one of the hottest and most sought after rockstars, but once he stepped off the stage and the limelight, Jake still liked to keep to himself.

Casey Caldwell was the exception to all that. She brought out the light and happiness in him—a fact was so evident right from the moment these two met. She opened him up, charmed him with her wit and humor, and best of all, she made him feel normal. These two might not come from the same world and they might be the polar opposite of each other, but their chemistry and compatibility was definitely off the charts. They just got each other on a level no one else could ever reach.

I absolutely LOVED this book something fierce. I loved Jake and Casey together. Their story just melted me all over and gave me all the feels. I loved the smooth flow of the compelling storyline, the riveting characters, and the relationships everyone developed with each other. This book just gave me so much more than what I thought I’d be getting, and it was nothing short of phenomenal.

I’m sure this won’t be the last time I’ll be listening to this audiobook either. The narrators really did quite an amazing job in capturing Jake and Casey’s characters and laying out all of the emotions on every scene. It’s certainly worth the listen and a definite must read!

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Profile Image for Jessy.
475 reviews72 followers
June 11, 2019
DNF @ 30%

I was debating whether to rate this book or just leave a review without a rating, since I gave up on it so soon. But I'm quite disappointed with it, given that I bought the book based on good reviews/ratings in order to support a new author.

The writing is really bad, honestly. Very short, superficial sentences, full of grammar mistakes. I didn't get invested in the characters or the story despite my best efforts, so even though it pains me not to finish a book I actually paid for (instead of borrowing it or something), I see no point in forcing to read a not-so-good book. Plus, it's as instalove as it gets.
Profile Image for Tracy  C.
541 reviews39 followers
April 11, 2019
I loved this story so much as an eBook. I loved it even more as an audio book. This narration was awesome!
Profile Image for maggieandteddy.
1,155 reviews139 followers
September 2, 2018
I have this on ebook, but I listened to this on Audible
I've been meaning to read this since it came out. A lot of my friends reco'd it to me.
This is a true New Adult romance. Casey and Jake are in their early 20s.
Dual first person POV. Andi Arndt and Joe Arden do a great job. It took a few chapters to get used to Joe's Voice (Jake). He's kind of raspy. I would rather he have a deeper voice.

There is a lot of flirting and wonder if the other feels the connection.This goes on for quite a few chapters.
Jake is attracted to Casey's sense of humor. They meet at her friend's/his brother's wedding.
Casey thinks that Jake is way out of her league. She repeats this a lot. She also constantly points out out loud and in her thoughts: "Oh Jake is a rock star, he's such a great guy", and "What is he doing with me?"
This kind of talk wore on me. Fortunately, it leveled off in the second half of the book.
Jake and Casey have really cute and funny banter between them. They really seem to "get" each other.
Jake had a horrible trauma when he was 13 y/o. It impacts him to present day. He has injuries that Casey asks him about, but he won't share. He keeps a lot to himself. He's aware of how the media twists things around.
Jake cares about his fans and knows that if he shows weakness, it could lose respect from the public.

I really don't read too many NA books. I was almost meh about this one. Jake and Casey were starting to grow on me- little by little. I listened to this on my drive to and from work. There's a lot of dialogue-Casey's reminiscing mostly.
The serious side of this story is in the last 20% or so. Jake has a real battle. It was very well done IMO.
I would give this 4 stars. I really like a strong finish. I wish that there was a little more peek to their future.
I noticed that there are books 2,3- for his siblings.-- and book 4 is more Jake and Casey aka "Cake"
I recommend this book for NA fans and readers in the 20s
Profile Image for Ryanne.
270 reviews
January 10, 2023
Overall, this book was a solid 2/5 stars. Wasn't terrible, wasn't mind-blowing. I liked Jake's character- damaged boy becomes rock star with still down to earth attitude, but he was almost too perfect. He was kidnapped as a 13 year old boy and for 36 days was sexually assaulted and physically abused by an older male serial killer then 3 years later is on tour for being a one-hit wonder... WTF?!? How does that even happen... Where the heck did the author come up with that S**T and why is he not more damaged?!? Enters Casey, a normal, middle-class girl focusing on getting her accounting degree at a local university. I get that she centers him, she treats him like a real person but come on... their relationship is almost too perfect. They fall in love, she goes on tour with him, its hard for her to "get" his history and life, they have sex, he asks her to stay blah blah blah... The only thing that redeemed it for me was the connection to family which you only saw at the end of the book and, of course, the ending which I did NOT see coming! It would be nice to read some other books about the siblings, but I think they would totally pale in comparison....
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,955 reviews1,522 followers
January 7, 2020
4.5 Stars

I’ve been wanting to read Cake forever because of all of the good reviews. I 100% think if you had to do any version of this book, you will have to do the audio version.

I love Andi’s voice and Joe is okay. I did have to speed up the narration to 1.25x to have more of a normal pace for myself.

I think what I enjoyed so much about Cake is that it had the right balance of tension, storyline and slight angst (I’m not a big fan of angst). It’s a highly descriptive book and usually that would bother me, but this one wasn’t so bad. It’s a long book, but the audio version is the way to do it.

I kind of wished the rest of the series is about the couple, but they will be back.

I love a rocker / normal girl troupe, so it had everything I wanted. It had great banter, I liked the slow progression of the relationship and it just seemed organic. They could have talked about anything and I would have listened to it on and on.

I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Karen.
5,384 reviews73 followers
October 19, 2022
Amazing debut book!! Just so many layers to the story and characters. Jake had extremes to his life...larger than life rockstar and extremely talented/musician and having survived captivity from a serial killer. Yes, extreme!

Casey is a normal college student who gets paired with Jake as both were attendants at a wedding. A very fun meeting drew Jake to Casey. Casey is so damn funny and to Jake it is quite refreshing.....

I laughed like a lunatic at some of Casey's antics or the banter between Jake and Casey and luckily no one was around because I think I snorted and tears appeared.

It's got a real up and down and all around story...across Europe to Phoenix and California. Very much my read of the year!!!

Second read was still so special. 1/10/17
third read because #3 is now out and I wanted refreshing.

Reread again..12/31/17 Just wonderful
Profile Image for Jillian.
1,053 reviews79 followers
March 28, 2017
This is my first "6 star book" of 2017. Of the 58 books I've read so far this year, this is probably my favorite. It blows my mind that this is the author's debut book. It is fantastic.
I found myself reading with a huge smile on my face more than once. Seriously...my cheeks hurt from my big kool-aid grin. I swooned hardcore at several moments throughout this book. I got butterflies as Casey and Jake were first getting together. I had tears during the emotional parts. This book brought out the best emotions and it all flowed so well and was so genuine. I wasn't really sure what I was going to think about this book based on the blurb but it got a high rating from a friend and I decided to check it out. I'm so glad I did. This is not a book that I would want to miss out on.
I loved the main characters and I also really liked the secondary characters. I can't wait to see more of all of them in the future books. One of my favorite things about this book was that the characters didn't allow for misunderstandings or poor communication. They were straight with each other and honest from the beginning. There were guarded subjects and things that weren't discussed right off the bat but they always knew where they stood with each other and what was going on. I liked that a lot. I also really liked that this is a story about a rockstar who was loyal from the beginning and never allowed for any confusion when girls were throwing themselves at him. He would shut it down and say straight out that Casey was his girlfriend and he wasn't interested. That is a refreshing change of pace from many other books about musicians and rockstars.
I highly recommend this book. I will continue on with this series and keep an eye out for future books by this author. I am also purchasing the paperback so I can have a hard copy for my home library.
AUDIBLE: I also added the wispersync Audible narration to this Kindle book. All together, I probably listened to around half of this book. There was a male narrator for Jake's POV and a female narrator for Casey's POV. They were both wonderful. This is a book that was narrated so well, that I would be totally fine listening only and not reading even though I am really big on wanting to be able to read along and switch back and forth as needed. I definitely recommend this Audible.
Profile Image for Angela (Reading Frenzy Book Blog).
1,004 reviews479 followers
June 9, 2019
Cake is on the longish side, but I still enjoyed it very much. This is one of those rock star romances where you have enough time to get a true sense of what daily life is like for one of the world’s most famous musicians—from glamorous things such as dealing with super fans and headlining a European tour, to ordinary things like going to family barbeques and shopping at Target.

This has an old school romance feel, with much of the story devoted to Jake’s wooing of Casey and the nurturing of their budding relationship. The relationship seems a bit lopsided sometimes since Jake is reluctant to share much of his private life, but fortunately Casey is very patient. Her bubbly nature blends nicely with Jake’s compassionate heart, and I enjoyed their fun and easy rapport.

While there is great chemistry between couple, unlike most other rocker romances I’ve read, you won’t find any heat. There is exactly one bedroom scene, and the wording is so awkward I could have done without it. All other intimate acts are simply alluded to. Frankly, it didn’t bother me once I adjusted my expectations.

There is a darker side to the plot, and I would have appreciated more time spent exploring that. I didn’t understand the negative press angle that is haphazardly tossed in toward the end of the book, but it’s a small hiccup in an otherwise heartwarming love story.

This is a standalone; however, I plan to continue reading the series.

Recommended for fans of:
Rock star romances
Tormented heroes
Extroverted heroines

Reading Frenzy Book Blog
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,837 reviews451 followers
July 14, 2019
I listened to this one on audio and the readers; Andi Amdt and Joe Arden read well, as usual.

It's a nice easy read, especially for a rock star trope. The only angst is about his tortured past.
They meet at his half brother's wedding to one of her BFF's. After an awkward start they totally hit it off and one thing leads to another. Next thing you know they are an item, then they are an item to the press. It's really just a 'getting to know each other as they fall in love', type story.

I enjoyed it more than 3 stars, but I doubt I'll revisit it, so 3 stars is it.
I smiled, I sighed, but I was never truly engaged. It's a long book and there are times in the second half where it felt long.

Still, I would read this author again, and check out other books in this series.

Safety is good
safety warning of violence
Profile Image for Sherwood Smith.
Author 155 books37.5k followers
May 23, 2017
Ordinary girl meets rock star with a horrific past, and romance and heat blossom into not just hot sex but healing. Bengtsson makes those elements work in a terrific story, full of banter, emotional complexity, and moments of gut-churning tension. Ordinarily when I start a book with a similar lack of copyediting--grammatical mistakes, POV bobbles, and especially grating said-bookisms--I get tossed out of the story. I did get blipped out but the rest was so compelling I dove right back in.

What a talent!

Profile Image for Stacie.
2,296 reviews257 followers
May 15, 2023
This books was fantastic! Completely adorable. You could even say adorkable. But it was unbelievably tragic too. Good thing light breaks through darkness. This was not the average rock star romance.

I love the reason for the name Cake. Short and sweet... Happy reading!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,752 reviews

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