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My Life

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My Life was written in Moscow in 1921–1922, when Chagall was thirty-five years old. Although long out-of-print, it remains one of the most extraordinarily inventive and beautifully told of all autobiographies. The text is accompanied by twenty plates which Chagall prepared especially to illustrate his life story. Together, the words and pictures paint an incomparable portrait of one of the greatest painters of this century, and of the now vanished milieu which inspired him.

224 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1923

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Marc Chagall

336 books36 followers

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Profile Image for Ilse.
514 reviews4,019 followers
July 9, 2021
I often said: I am no artist. What then – a cow?

Chagall's memoir is as lyrical, colourful and dreamlike as his paintings - pure poetry.

(I and the village)

Review under construction.
Profile Image for Cherry Jeffs.
Author 5 books5 followers
October 30, 2013
My Life By Marc Chagall is an autobiography of the first part of the artist's life, written when Chagall was only 35 and illustrated with 50 sketches and prints also by the artist.

With the intimacy of a diary, Chagall reminisces about the period of his childhood in the Russian 'shtetl' of Vitebsk, his art studies in St Petersburg, his first contact with the art world in Paris ending with his return to Russia – including his period as Commissioner for the Arts in Vitebsk after the Bolshevik Revolution.

Chagall is a born story-teller and the apparent naïvety of his writing style is as deceptive as that of his painting. With consummate skill, he plunges into the heart of his narrative with the first lines, confiding the joys, political turmoil and human tragedies of his early life with humour and poignancy and, in the process, giving us first-hand insight into the motivations and thought processes behind his paintings.

"In the dark of the night, it seemed to me that there were not only smells, but a whole flock of blessings, breaking through the boards, flying into space."

Nostalgically fixing for eternity the people and places of his past using a literary style more akin to Magical Realism than factual reporting, he imbues both his characters and the objects and landscapes around them with a vivacious life proper of his whimsical, surrealist paintings.

"...Papa dozed over the table, the lamp rested and the chairs grew bored..."

If you like Chagall's art, you'll love this book; if you don't, reading his autobiography might just help you see Chagall's art with new eyes.

Profile Image for Jale.
120 reviews43 followers
February 27, 2016
Vincent Van Gogh, Abidin Dino, Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu gibi ressamların mektuplarını okuduktan sonra ressamların yazdıkları metinlerin de edebi açıdan iyi olması gerektiğine dair bir yargım var. Chagall'ın biyografisi ise edebi açıdan kötü, resimlerini daha iyi anlamak ve hayatına tanıklık yapmak açısından iyi.
Profile Image for Naim.
91 reviews23 followers
April 18, 2022
"Their father ate grapes the way mine ate onions; and poultry, which was sacrificed no more than once a year in our house, on the eve of the Day of Atonement, was always on their table."
Profile Image for N..
15 reviews11 followers
March 10, 2022
"Con chẳng cần danh vọng, mà chỉ mong là một người thủ công im lặng như thầy, giống như những tấm tranh treo trên tường của thầy. Con muốn được đem theo chính mình lên gần chúng, gần thầy, ở nhà thầy, trên những con đường thầy đi. Xin thầy cho phép con."
Profile Image for Ruud.
147 reviews17 followers
February 13, 2021
This Life of Chagall covers the earliest period from his youth to his teaching in an orphan colony in Malachovska (1921). So youth in Vitebsk, study St. Petersburg, Paris, Berlin, Vitebsk, Petrograd, Moscow, Malachovska.
Enchanted by Chagall's incomparable painting I bought a number of books, including this personal work. Because Chagall's work is so original, cannot really be captured in any movement, I was extremely curious about his motives, his inspiration. From his earliest creations, probably still unaffected by education, he has a very own style, what he portrays and the way in which. Where does that come from? What were his very first expressions of art, what works were there before he was taught by Pen and attended the St. Petersburg Academy of Art, how were his talents recognized? I was very curious about his own story.
This book is almost as poetic as his work. Strange performances as a child. Like during a wedding his head detaches from his body to continue crying at the fish in the kitchen. Things like that explain his imagery from which he draws his inspiration. The way he perceives the world around him, that is pure happiness. The saying goes, "The wonders of the world are there for everyone, but not everyone sees them."
As a boy he floats in the river Dvina that flows through Vitebsk: “I am alone in the river. I take a bath. I hardly stir the water. Around our peaceful city. The milky sky, blue-black, is a bit bluer on the left, further upwards heavenly happiness radiates downwards. Suddenly smoke rises on the opposite bank from under the roof of the synagogue. As if you heard the cries of the burning Torah scrolls and the altar. The windows pop. Quickly, out of the water! In my naked I run over the tree trunks to get my clothes. I love burnings.”
In addition to his infectious childhood memories, it contains many of his etchings and drawings that are inspired by it, but those who expect a certain chronology or even a date, which drawings are free and which have already been influenced by his education, are disappointed. It is true that you see the characteristics of his descriptions of family members and people in general in the bizarre figures he portrays: “Everything is hiding in me, writhing and floating as a memory of you. Your pallor, the thinness of your hands, your parched skeletons grab me by the throat.”
I found it a wonderful book to read, especially his very first childhood memories give a good picture of life in a simple Jewish community. Not a literary tour de force, but almost a regional novel.
Profile Image for Jenny.
28 reviews11 followers
October 25, 2013
A poetic autobiography unlike any I've read before. It's an interesting insight into Chagall as a person and artist (emphasis on the latter) but also - with so much time that has now elapsed - into the state of Russia/Soviet Union and Europe during the early part of his life.
He wrote this in 1922, when he still had another 60+ years to live and one wonders what a sequel would have looked like.
Wonderful, simple drawings by Chagall illustrate the book.
Profile Image for Tuna Turan.
373 reviews52 followers
December 19, 2020
Hayatım, okuduğum diğer otobiyografi kitaplarına hiç benzemiyor. Chagall’ı bir şair olarak kim düşünebilir ki? Chagall gençliğinin, ailesinin, sanatçı olma mücadelesinin sözlü resimlerini çiziyor. Sanatçı olmak isteyen herkes için okuması gereken bir kitap. Kitap çok hızlı bir şekilde okunsa da uyandırdığı dokunaklı duyguların etkisi çabuk geçecek gibi durmuyor. Chagall’ın acı veren gençliği, yaşadığı yoksulluğu beni gerçekten okurken rahatsız etti.

İlham verici bir hatay hikayesi!
Profile Image for Mind the Book.
911 reviews66 followers
August 8, 2017
Att vara ung och längta till Paris, we've all been there. Med sitt solgula omslag - till bokbingot - blev den här en av sommarens finaste läsupplevelser.

Ett försök att förmedla något av tonen, som påminner om Pessoas - universell och existentiell. Här drömmer den unge Chagall om att ta sig ifrån den trista, vitryska lilla orten (med judisk härkomst var det knappt möjligt att ens resa till Sankt Petersburg) och ägna sig åt konsten, inte åt att bli "a clerk or an accountant" enligt moderns önskemål:

"But a word as fantastic, as literary, as out of this world as the word 'artist' - yes, perhaps I had heard it but in my town no one ever pronounced it."

"You know, my parents, I'm already a different man - sad and disillusioned of many things!
But enough! A u r e v o i r !"
Profile Image for Mehmet.
71 reviews14 followers
August 14, 2019
Sevdiğim ressamlar arasında Chagall yok. Yine de otobiyografi okumayı çok severim, üstelik kitap Jaguar’dan ve çevirmen İsmet Birkan. Benim gibi bir okur fazlasına gerek duymaz.

Daha ilk satırlardan itibaren sıcak bir el yakaladı sanki beni. Kimi cümlelerde bir Platonov romanı okur gibi büyülendim. Çok ama çok zor bir hayat var ortada ama tam tersine kitap şiirsel ifadelerle dolu. Arada inanılmaz güzellikte cümleler var. Anlatım biraz dağınık gibi olsa da aslında ressam tıpkı resimlerindeki mistik hava gibi bir yazım tarzı tutturmuş.

Ve kitabın sekizinci sayfasındaki üçüncü cümle hâlâ hafızamdan çıkmış değil.
Profile Image for Elaine.
Author 5 books31 followers
March 14, 2013
This was written when Marc Chagall's life was not even half over, so if you are wanting to find out about his whole life -- especially his work in the international art world -- this will not satisfy. On the other hand, this is his own voice, with lots of stories about his childhood and youth in Vitebsk and discovery of Paris -- plus it is illustrated with his own pen-and-ink drawings. Worth a read, but not a thorough study. He kind of wanted to be a poet -- but his paintings are way better!
Profile Image for Katya.
185 reviews24 followers
April 19, 2014
Отличная книга, прочитав ее просто невозможно не влюбиться в картины Шагала. Как написал сам Шагал: "Писал эти страницы как краски по холсту. Если бы на моих картинах был кармашек, я бы положил их туда..." Эту книгу можно использовать как лекарство для души, она буквально пропитана любовью к родному городу, к близким людям, к жизни. А образы такие яркие и по��тичные, что не перестаешь удивляться как в простых явлениях жизни можно увидеть столько красоты.
Profile Image for Daniel Sevitt.
1,298 reviews131 followers
November 28, 2021
A fragmentary, stream-of-conscious autobiography written in 1922. We follow the emerging artist as he leaves the ghetto, makes his way to Paris before returning to Belarus to marry his fiancée. At every stage he describes the drive to create and the certain knowledge that he was an artist.

We get snapshots his life as a young man, his parents, his uncles. It's a Jewish life, but it's also just life. We see him not really fitting in with any of the recognized artistic traditions. He tries to learn to do the things artists are supposed to do, but he is compelled to follow his own muse.

But alongside this free-flowing artistic sensibility, we also get some of the practical problems of patronage - finding patrons, being abandoned by a patron - living at the mercy of the wealthy.

I would have to read an academic biography of the man to know more about his life and achievements, but as an insight into the mind of a working artist on the brink of global recognition, this was a pretty special read.
Profile Image for Kaplumbağa Felsefecisi.
454 reviews71 followers
August 21, 2017
Sürrealist ressam Marc Chagall hiç bıkmadan seveceğim, renklerine mi tablolarındaki insanların uçuşuna mı kapılacağımı şaşırdığım benim için ayrı bir kefeye koyduğum nadide insanlardandır. Bu kitabı da hayatının üçte birini kapsayan bir otobiyografisi. Ben ki biyografi okumayı sevmediğimden mektup ve otobiyografileri daha çok önemsiyorum. 35 yaşındayken yazdığı bu kitapta onun çocukluğunu kendi dilinden dinlemek inanılmaz heyecan vericiydi. Belki sürrealizm söz konusu olunca biraz daha otomatik yazım beklemiş olabilirim ama böyle de güzeldi.. Renkli basımla kitapta sözü geçen resimleri ekleyebilselerdi daha keyifli bir baskı olabilirdi. Sonuç olarak, ben Marc Chagall'ı sevdiğim için kitabı sevdiğimi düşünüyorum sizi bilmem.
Profile Image for Aaron Benarroch.
214 reviews5 followers
July 13, 2012
Well, it was one of those selfbiographies who disappoint you because you see that your myth is real, it's alive and it's... just a human as you, he suffers like you, he ages like you, he goes to the bathroom like you. It's interesting to see how one of your favourite artist became who he is, on the other side I have the feeling that beside incredibly gifted for painting, he was just like me and my neighbour. And I haven't yet decided if this should comfort of discomfort me.
Profile Image for Michelle.
209 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2008
Chagall's autobiography is almost as hallucinatory and psychedelic as his art work: vibrant, optimistic, and mystical. I loved reading this account of his life, from his childhood in a conservative Jewish family in Russia to his poor years in Paris to the loving relationship he maintained with his wife Bella.
Profile Image for Claire.
60 reviews
March 17, 2019
Chagall paints his life with words as he does in pictures. Gathering dreams and memories by their subjective associations, he transforms feelings into colours. Humanity, love, and the soul all demand to be heard in his personal language.
Profile Image for Mikey.
63 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2020
So much about fainting and stuttering and rose-petal rouge and loving his momma and Bella. Such a big ego for such fragility!

'My son,' she said, 'talk to me.'
I am a little boy and mama is a queen. What shall I say?"
Profile Image for Miri Villerius.
25 reviews2 followers
March 1, 2024
A vaguely abstract read where specific meaning is left between the sentences at times. It gives an emotive overview of Chagall's early life in a way that reflects his art style. Wonderful read for an intersection who are fans of Chagall's paintings and poetic ramblings. I enjoyed it.
5 reviews
August 29, 2018
I loved this book. He wrote like he painted. Whimsical, magical, poetic.
Profile Image for elektrospiro.
209 reviews20 followers
October 15, 2020
Wunderschöne Ausgabe vom Insel Verlag. Zwar winzig-kleine, was bei den Graphiken etwas stört (mit Lupe angeschaut), aber alles sehr elegant: der Einband, Papier. Wenn man die unnützig wiedeholte Akapite des Buches im Nachwort von Schneider ließt, erkennt man aber, daß die Chagalls Texte gekürzt wurden - warum?? Der Maler ist viel besser im Skizzieren mit der Nadel, anstatt mit dem Füller. Sagt auch viel. Er hat so viel Zertlichkeit gegenüber seinen Eltern, seiner Frau und der Heimat... Kein Strich ist unnötig. Sehr schön zu sehen, wie einzigartig er den Realismus der Darstellung mit der kubischen und fauvischen Formen koppelt.
August 29, 2021
I absolutely love this autobiography. It is full with such life and love! the writing style is ethereal like he is and isnt there, he is correct when he says he lives in his memory. Marc Chagall as one of my favourite artists, endeared himself further through this personal text. May his memory be a blessing!
Profile Image for Helena.
2,164 reviews20 followers
July 21, 2019
Olen joskus käynyt Chagallin näyttelyssä ja kokenut, etten täysin ymmärrä hänen kuvakieltään. Tämän omaelämänkerrallisen kirjan jälkeen tuli tunne, että ymmärrän kuitenkin Chagallin kuvakieltä enemmän kuin sanallista kerrontaa. Vaikeaselkoinen, irtonaisia väläyksiä ja "kuvia" esittävä kirjoitustyyli ei tuntunut omalta tai läheiseltä.
Profile Image for Natasha.
114 reviews10 followers
March 16, 2024
I have not read anything quite like this book! Memoir en medias res, on how to find strength as a young artist when a stranger in one's own land... all in his singular folk style. Thank you Leo for lending to me and I'm sorry I spilled water on it
Profile Image for Seher Andaç.
345 reviews21 followers
September 18, 2017
Chagall 97 yaşında veda etmiş dünyaya; ama otuzlu yaşlarında (36) otobiyografisini yazmış. Yani ironik ve fakat sempatik bir yazım olmuş:)
Profile Image for Julia.
6 reviews
October 6, 2020
"The only thing I want is to paint pictures, and something more."
Profile Image for Raya.
4 reviews
July 30, 2022
This book is really Interesting, but The end is boring
Profile Image for Em.
163 reviews4 followers
May 31, 2022
“Although I liked travelling, all I dreamt of was being alone in a cage.”
Displaying 1 - 30 of 124 reviews

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