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ギヴン [Given] #7

ギヴン 7 [Given 7]

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柊の「好き」は綺麗だな。俺のはもう、灼け焦げてるけど。 プロへの誘いを保留し、立夏や柊に頑なな態度をみせる真冬。そんな姿を目の当たりにし、彼を傷つけたと焦る柊に、「お前も、由紀のことが好きだっただろう?」と玄純が切り込む。違う。俺が好きなのは! 勢いで告白した柊を待っていたのは――。柊と玄純の恋が夜を超える、瞬き禁止のオルタナティヴ・ラブ、第7巻!

157 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2021

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About the author

Natsuki Kizu

16 books609 followers
Natsuki KIZU (キヅナツキ) is a Japanese manga artist.

She draws dōjinshi under the name Gusari ぐさり and circle Sashikizu.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 337 reviews
Profile Image for daph pink ♡ .
1,118 reviews3,030 followers
September 14, 2022
I'll be honest with you guys. Past few volumes had been a major letdown but I don't wanna leave the manga in between maybe something good is cooking up who knows??
3 reviews29 followers
September 18, 2022
I am not sure what to think about Given at this point.
The first volumes were very good and I've been a big fan of its bittersweetness, and the story flowed magnifically until the end of volume 5. But after 2.5 years and two more volumes, the drawing style has changed, there are too many close-ups, the main plot line is all over the place. Also, the last pairing was promising (it has been for a lot of time so I had expectations) but when I read the developement it felt kind of... scary.
Keeping up with a BL series that has long (long) wait between chapters and volumes can be difficult. Most BL are short, and long ones need to have a good planning to keep the grip. Drawing the end line of a good story when it is right, is the best favour an author can do to the story and to its readers. Being a fan I am very sad to say it, but maybe the right time for Given was two volumes ago.
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
December 17, 2021

I feel bluer than before I started it.

It's just disheartening to see Ritsu and Mafuyu like that. They have to communicate!! But the problem is that they don't know how they will approach the subject. It's just that Mafuyu is being haunted by his past traumas and Yuki, now he's getting afraid to move even a single step. He's afraid if he does something even in the slightest, it might be a mistake and the past will repeat itself. I just want to scream, boy, that's the mistake right there. You're running away again!

And Ritsu! He doesn't even know the whole story, he's only scratching the surface, that's why he doesn't know how he will open it up to Mafuyu. He's ignoring it! Boy, communicate!! Just freaking ask alien boy already what the hell's going on! You have a right to. YOU'RE THE FRIGGING BOYFRIEND!

If I'm there, I'm gonna smack both their heads before I lock them in a box! COMMUNICATE, IJITS. (Lol, kidding I know how hard it is to open up. And their subject is pretty sensitive, with suicide and ex boyfriend on the plate; hard to chew, hard to swallow in one go)

But it's so saaaad. I wish one song can make everything better again, right at that moment, but even music is faltering, unable to connect them with each other. And to think that it's Mafuyu's only way to convey everything he wanted to say... but he's having some sort of music block... It's freaking killing me!

Waaa, I feel so lost and incomplete right now. I need a breather!


P.P.S. I forgot, Ugetsu!! Thank you so much for opening his window. I feel so happy when I saw him looking at the clear sky. It will be okay. Dang, some thorns vanished from my heart. It's relieving. Tysm.

Take care always!
Profile Image for L Ann.
630 reviews137 followers
August 27, 2023
These last two volumes (volumes 6 and 7) don't have the same feel as volumes 1-5. I'm not saying I disliked them, but I didn't experience the same after-reading glow I felt when finishing the others. Plus, I don't like the way Akihiko looks anymore. His face has gotten too round or something. 😕

Anyway, this volume was a little better than volume 6, I guess, but I was still left feeling frustrated. Why aren't Mafuyu and Uenoyama spending any time together? Or if their schedules aren't lining up, why aren’t they talking to each other? How is it that Uenoyama still doesn't know anything about him? Mafuyu literally talks to two other people about his insecurities concerning going pro when he has a(n alleged) boyfriend just a phone call away! Uenoyama is hurting him, making history repeat itself because he doesn't know anything about it. It drove me crazy while reading it.

Now let's talk about Shizu. That dude is crazy obsessed with Hiragi, and I know that he loves him, but damn is he scary. What the freak was all of that in Hiragi Mix 11?! Hiragi was already offering himself to him. He didn't have to get all creepy and forceful about it!

"Here I am, soaked in tears and he's laughing like a jackal. For what? What's he feeling right now?"

What he's feeling is years and years of pent-up desire being unexpectedly released and he doesn't know a less creepy way of expressing it. 😂And that whole thing about doing the things he felt sorry for doing to him even as he did them? LOL! I want to know what Hiragi was thinking the next day. Did he like that aggressive shit or did it freak him out? I can't wait for the next volume. 4 stars
Profile Image for Marureviere.
1,254 reviews168 followers
November 23, 2023
Kizu Natsuki really loves her childhood friends to lovers and I love her for it. 😩

And Shizu is HOT OH BOY. The way that he owns that obsessed boy trope like he's so unhinged and exudes that "I would burn down the world for you" energy for Hiiragi UGH. PLEASE I NEED MORE OF THEM.

Plus Ugetsu finally moving on MY BABY someone love him!!!! And domestic (and horny) AkiHaru ahshajhdjsjs.

But Mafuyu MY CHILD what is happening?!?! Uenoyama MY SON 😭
Profile Image for billy.
28 reviews
June 21, 2022
The Given volume that brought the whole manga down.

As much as I love Given and the art, the questionable get-together scene(s) between Hiiragi and Shizu will always be a problem for me. Heartbreaking to see my favourite manga turn into another BL that fails to show a relationship with proper consent.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews8 followers
July 4, 2022
Considerando seriamente abandonar este manga, la vdd. La idea comenzó muy bien, pero ahora ya no me emociona. La ejecución deja mucho que desear.

No creo que debuten como Given. Lo cual no tiene nada de malo, hay proyectos que no prosperan. Cada uno lleva rato en sus asuntos y proyectos personales y aunque, en teoría, les emociona la idea de ser profesionales, no les creo. A diferencia de Hiiragi y Shizu, quienes han sido constantes con sus prácticas (hasta donde se muestra), Given lleva ¿días?, ¿semanas?, ¿meses? (El tiempo aquí no se mide, por cierto, esta gente existe en escena y nada más) sin practicar y un proyecto musical o de lo que sea requiere mucha constancia, disciplina y compromiso. Sin embargo, como hacen hincapié en que todos están a nada de graduarse de distintos niveles académicos, espero que se den el tiempo para consultarlo entre todos y de forma individual para saber qué quieren lograr con su banda.

La trama se apoya demasiado en el personaje menos activo en ella y la prueba está en que las historias individuales han avanzado y hasta superado la narrativa original sin mayor problema, por ejemplo, la de Akihiko. Los personajes admiten que no se han visto en un buen rato a pesar del proyecto que se supone tienen juntos. En serio necesito que Mafuyu tenga más escenas y diálogos porque me parece irreal lo poco que aparece e interactúa con los otros. Como Yuki, es más una entidad a la que basta mencionar para avanzar la trama que un personaje. Su duelo y problemas para encontrar su voz y sus letras son aspectos que ya se mencionaron y a los que se les ha dado largas para explorarlos y permitirle a Mafuyu crecer y avanzar.

Este tomo se enfocó en su mayoría en la relación de Hiiragi y Shizu, la cual me parece que tiene el potencial de volverse algo en extremo codependiente. Shizu es extraño, mucho. No tiene motivaciones, sueños y no existe para otra cosa que no sea estar a lado de Hiiragi, porque así está escrito y ya. No hay otra razón. Hiiragi vivía embelesado viendo a Yuki y a Mafuyu, como bien ejemplifica la escena de la obra, hasta que despega los ojos de ellos y ve a la persona que llevaba años a su lado. No obstante, Natsuki Kizu hace de la escena de la confesión algo tan tétrico que me dio más miedo que gusto y hasta pensé que derivaría en una escena sin consentimiento. Darle esa lectura a algo que en teoría es mutuo me sorprende, pero así es. De nuevo, esto es consecuencia de la rarísima personalidad que tiene Shizu.

Como sea. Con el próximo tomo decidiré si abandono o no esta serie. Estoy muy desencantada por cómo se han abordado las cosas.
Profile Image for g..
210 reviews32 followers
January 17, 2023
i adore given and i enjoy getting a glimpse of the other characters but for the love of all that is gay and precious i need uenoyama to step the fuck up and be with his boyfriend already
February 3, 2024
i can't believe how in love i am with a side couple. I'M BEING FED CRUMBS HERE BUT I'M EATING THEM UP

it is breaking my heart to see what uenoyama and mafuyu are going through tho and i hope they talk it out soon
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,502 reviews41 followers
July 29, 2022
En serio me encanta esta historia aunque no voy a negar que me hace sufrir mucho.

Cada una de las parejas tiene sus momentos y sufren o se aman con tal intensidad que a veces da miedo. Así mismo piensan en el amor de una forma extraña como si tuvieran que manchar a la persona que aman para ser felices...pero a la vez cuando se sienten correspondidos ven la luz al final del túnel...extraño pero me gusta.

Necesito saber más de ellos
Profile Image for ~ bri ~.
304 reviews40 followers
August 2, 2022
Fajnie wrócić do Given, ale wolałabym pogłębienie dotychczasowych wątków niż tworzenie nowych. Co nie zmienia, że i tak koooocham🫶🏼
Profile Image for Sa’Je.
227 reviews6 followers
June 7, 2023
“It’s like you’re offering a sip of water… to somebody dying of thirst in the desert. Get it?”

Ooooh Kizu! This one took a tad bit of a spicy turn which I was pleasantly surprised with considering how tame this series is! Two more volumes before it ends and my heart is already in so much pain from how gripping it all is!
Profile Image for anđela.
239 reviews10 followers
January 12, 2024
ja sam samo šokirana što me je u ovom serijalu dočekao non-con seks, to se najbukvalnije nisam nado, smučilo mi se u sekundi.
Profile Image for squirrel_reader.
86 reviews1 follower
February 14, 2024
Toujours un plaisir de suivre cette histoire ! J'ai adoré que l'intrigue se concentre davantage sur la relation entre Shizusumi et Hiiragi. Les personnages de cette œuvre sont si attachants.
May 15, 2023
Primero quiero hablar de la evolución que ha tenido la autora desde el primer volumen hasta este sobre el estilo de arte que tiene. No es una queja, de verdad given tiene de los estilos más bellos, por no decir de mis favoritos.

La historia en este volumen a grandes rasgos es sobre mafuyu y uenoyama entendiendo que los dos llegaron a situaciones que se pueden malinterpretar y dañar al otro, ya después de este tomo espero que ya por fin hablen de todo de lo que se han guardado pls.

También se centró bastante en los dos amigos de la infancia de mafuyu y como también les afectó la muerte de Yuki en sus vidas. Además en como influyó en eso en la relación de ambos. Son muy lindos la vrdd y Hiiragi me cae muy bien, sus expresiones fueron de mis favs.

Pd: Mi highlight fue el extra de akihiko que está al final, me encanto.
Profile Image for zoe.
101 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2024
omg this one was spicy 🤭
Profile Image for Andrea Vega.
Author 6 books518 followers
January 13, 2022
Los capítulos de Hiragii me parecieron muy intensos. Me gustaron mucho.
Me gustaría además que Mafuyu hablara más pero confio en que Ueno llegara a él a través de la música.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 337 reviews

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