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Here and Gone

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Here and Gone is a gripping, wonderfully tense suspense thriller about a mother's desperate fight to recover her stolen children from corrupt authorities.

It begins with a woman fleeing through Arizona with her kids in tow, trying to escape an abusive marriage. When she's pulled over by an unsettling local sheriff, things soon go awry and she is taken into custody. Only when she gets to the station, her kids are gone. And then the cops start saying they never saw any kids with her, that if they're gone than she must have done something with them...

Meanwhile, halfway across the country a man hears the frenzied news reports about the missing kids, which are eerily similar to events in his own past. As the clock ticks down on the search for the lost children, he too is drawn into the desperate fight for their return.

304 pages, Hardcover

First published June 20, 2017

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About the author

Haylen Beck

7 books291 followers
HAYLEN BECK is the pseudonym of acclaimed, Edgar Award-nominated author Stuart Neville, whose crime fiction has won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and made best-of-year lists with numerous publications, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Boston Globe. His first Haylen Beck novel was Here and Gone.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,531 reviews
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
May 8, 2017
My reviews can also be seen at: https://deesradreadsandreviews.wordpr...

4.5 Stars

After reading just a few sentences of the description for "Here and Gone", I knew it was a book I wanted to read. The plot sounded intriguing and I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy it.

I was right. After reading only a few pages I was totally engrossed in this story. It was INTENSE.

The book opens as Audra Kinney and her two children are driving through Arizona on their way to California. The land is so beautiful that she can almost pretend they're sightseeing. But this is no pleasure trip. The farther away she gets from New York and her abusive husband the better. Traveling with her eleven-year-old son, Sean and three-year-old daughter, Louise. She's keeping an eye out for any law-enforcement vehicles. Audra's not sure if they are looking for her yet but she doesn't want to take chances.

If only she hadn't had to run.

Technically she hadn't had to run....yet. Waiting to see what the courts decided in regards to custody of her children. But in the end she just couldn't wait. She packed up and headed for safety in California.

It's only five more miles to a motel where they can stop for the night. A good night sleep and a shower is all Audra wants. But when she looks in her rear-view mirror her heart jumps into her throat. A police cruiser is behind her. She hopes he just wants to pass her but those hopes are dashed when he flashes his lights and indicates that she should pull over. It's the local sheriff. What starts as a routine stop ends up with Audra being taken into custody.

The Sheriff calls a female officer to come and take care of the children. I could feel Audra's panic, the children's panic.....what is going on? As Audra was trying to calm herself by taking deep breaths, I found myself doing the same.

The story is told from multiple points of view. We hear from Audra's son, Sean. This kid was impressive. Sean is eleven years old but wise beyond his years. When the Sheriff puts his mom in the back of the cop car, Sean tries to keep it together for his little sister. But when the Sheriff tells him everything is going to be alright....Sean just doesn't believe him. He sees something in the sheriff's eyes when he looks at him and Louise, something that terrifies him.

There are also emails and reports in between chapters. These add more to the story and give readers an idea of where things are heading.

Audra feels helpless and alone, but she knows she has to be strong for her children. We learn more about her past and just how diabolical her husband is. But she may not be as alone as she thinks. Across the country someone sees the TV coverage about Audra and her missing children. Something similar happened in their own past which makes them want to reach out to help.

I really liked the authors writing style and the plot kept me in suspense the entire time. The characters were very well written and I liked the pace of the book. Some of the content can be very difficult to read. It's dark and disturbing, but I felt that the author handled it well and didn't overdo it with too much detail.

Here and Gone was the kind of book that had me thinking about it even when I wasn't reading it.

A thrilling and compelling read, that I highly recommend. I look forward to reading more from Haylen Beck.

Thank you NetGalley and Crown publishing, for providing an advanced readers copy of this book for me to read in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Paromjit.
3,065 reviews25.6k followers
June 8, 2017
This is an absolutely gripping thriller by Stuart Neville, whose books I adore, here writing as Haylen Beck. This is a story delivered through multiple viewpoints, and interspersed with reports and emails in the narrative. It has the frightening premise of an abused mother losing her precious children, facing condemnation and accusations, and her hunt to locate them. Audra Kinney is on the run from a nightmarish, controlling and abusive husband, Patrick, and the pending court custody hearing. Fleeing New York, she is driving through Arizona with her smart and clued up eleven year old son, Sean, and her three year old daughter, Louise. Its a beautiful day, the eventual destination is San Diego, California, where Audra hopes to be safe.

She is pulled over by Sheriff Whiteside who finds a bag of marijuana in the car. He calls in Deputy Collins, a woman cop, who takes charge of the children. On being taken to the station, a worried Audra asks about her children and is met with the response of what children? Audra's life tips into panic stricken and terrifying territory. We learn the details of Audra's history with her rotten husband, and his ghastly mother. Audra's life slips into a world where she faces accusations from Patrick, child services, the police and the FBI. The media coverage results in a man from another part of the country seeing the TV reports, he just happens to have come up against similar horrific experiences to that of Audra and makes the decision that he is going to do all that he can to help. As Audra frantically searches for her children, she has no idea of just how devastating the truth will be.

This is a tense, beautifully written, superbly plotted, and fast paced read. The characterisation is done really well, you feel and root for Audra, a flawed and strong woman, whose world collapses when her children are taken. Beck captures the atmosphere and fear that results in a missing children case. A wonderful and thrilling read that I highly recommend. Many thanks to Random House Vintage for an ARC.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,303 reviews4,074 followers
July 25, 2017
A traveling sister read with Norma, Brenda and Lindsay! We’re on a roll with yet another fantastic, heart- pounding thriller.

Audra is escaping a violent husband with her two young children in tow. Driving across the blistering, Arizona desert in seemingly the middle of nowhere, she’s pulled over by the local sheriff. With no explanation, she’s handcuffed and tossed in the back of his cruiser. Her children are whisked away by yet another officer. As Audra makes a desperate plea for her children, the sheriff just gives her a cold, blank stare …"What children?"

And so Audra's nightmare begins!

Tension-filled. So hard to put down! The characters were strong. Audra was your typical mama bear when someone attempts to mess with her cubs! The 2 kids were portrayed as good, strong and loving to each other and of course to their mother.
The only shortcoming was the portrayal of the all the coordinating authorities (FBI, State Department and of course the local sheriff). It just didn’t ring true.

Overall a great thriller that was filled with edge of your seat excitement.

To find this review along with our Traveling Sister Review, please visit the Traveling Sister Review section of Norma and Brenda’s fantastic book blog:
Profile Image for Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS).
1,597 reviews7,001 followers
March 26, 2017
Law enforcement officers wouldn't have anything to do with your children going missing would they? Well the corrupt officers in 'Here And Gone' would, as Audra Kinney is about to find out!

Audra is stopped by the local sherriff whilst travelling through Arizona. She and her two children are fleeing an abusive marriage, but she's about to face what can only be described as a mother's worst nightmare.

The sherriff takes her into custody on a flimsy jumped up charge and calls for another officer to take the children somewhere safe while he deals with Audra. When they get to the station Audra demands to know where her children are, and that's when it all starts to go terribly wrong.

Oh boy, this was edge of the seat stuff as the race begins to find out what happened to Audra's children, and it takes us to some very dark places along the way. It was a cracking thriller where the pace never let up. It's not difficult to experience the gut wrenching fear that Audra has to endure, not least that the finger of suspicion points to her, the consensus being that she's harmed her own children.

The author has created a nerve jangling storyline and by the time I'd finished, I felt like I'd been through the washing machine and thrown out on full spin!

Very dark and scary theme but very good!

*Thank you to Random House UK, Vintage Publishing for my ARC in exchange for an unbiased review*
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,409 followers
June 11, 2017
I've never read anything by Stuart Neville, I have no clue why he choose to write under a pen name for this one...but dammmmnn.
Now I want to read all his books.

I'm sure if you've seen my reviews you are seeing that I get a tad ticked off when all the newer thriller authors think that they have to have shocking twists in the story to make the reader stay interested. This book shows that you don't need that crud if you have the writing chops to just tell a story and keep the reader turning pages. You tell a good (or even better a great) story and we will come.

This one is hard to review and not spoil so hopefully I won't tread there. It starts off as an abused woman running from her husband story. Audra is hoping to just get away with her two kids when she is pulled over by a small town sheriff in Arizona.
Things go very wrong during that stop after the sheriff 'finds' a bag of drugs in the trunk of her car. He calls a deputy to take her two children to a 'safe place.'
Once at the jail Audra realizes that things are much worse than she originally thought when she asks where her children are and gets the reply "What children?"

This may seem like a told and retold storyline but it wasn't for me. I started this book and didn't stop reading until the very end. I HAD to know how things were going to wrap up.

And that wrap up wuz good. Sometimes you just mess with the wrong woman.

Booksource: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for review. Thank you!
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
August 16, 2017
Here and Gone by Haylen Beck is a 2017 Crown publishing group publication.

High octane-edge of your seat- suspense!!

Audra, with her two children in tow, is fleeing from her abusive husband. She’s riding through Arizona, basically in the middle of nowhere, when she’s pulled over for a minor infraction.

Before she knows it, she’s in handcuffs, and is being taken to jail, while her children are left in the care of a deputy.

Yet, when she arrives at the station, and her official questioning begins, it becomes clear her children are missing and she is being blamed for their disappearance.

Meanwhile, when the news picks up on the story, it sounds all too familiar to Danny Lee, who had an eerily similar experience, prompting him to head to Arizona to help search for Audra’s missing children.

The desert isolation tweaks the suspense level, where the sparse population and lack of accountability can provide opportunities for clandestine, undercover crimes, as well as crimes of opportunity.

This atmosphere sets the stage for an agonizingly taut race against time scenario that kept me nearly paralyzed with dread.

The novel is perfectly paced, with terrific characterizations, from the brave and determined Audra, to her equally heroic son, to the desperate and sociopathic bad guys.

This isn’t really a mystery, since we know right up front who the bad guys are. However, this knowledge did not dilute the intensity one iota. In fact, the bad guys had a chance to really display their diabolical wickedness, which is truly despicable.

There were one or two downers, unfortunately. I would have liked for Danny to have had a more satisfying wrap up, and I thought the ending was a little abrupt.

Other than that, this was a fast-paced, suspenseful, and enjoyable thrill ride.

One other interesting tidbit- is that Haylen Beck is the pen name of Stuart Neville. It's an open secret, but I didn't realize that until I had finished reading the book. No wonder it was so good!
4 stars
Profile Image for Fran.
730 reviews848 followers
February 7, 2017
Audra Kinney with her children in tow; son Sean, eleven and daughter Louise,six, clutching stuffed bunny Gogo are on the run. Travelling from New York en route to new beginnings, the family stops at a roadside shop in the Arizona desert for drinks and snacks. Eighteen months ago, Audra had fled from abusive husband Patrick and is constantly looking over her shoulder. Patrick has now enlisted the help of Child Services in an attempt to obtain custody of both Sean and Louise. It is understandable that Audra is nervous when she notices a police vehicle parked at the roadside shop.

On the desolate Arizona road, Audra is followed and pulled over by Sheriff Robert Whiteside. He states that her car is overloaded, possibly causing it to veer out of control on the bumpy road. He insists upon carrying some of her possessions in his cruiser to the nearby town of Silver Water. While transferring boxes, Whiteside finds excessive amounts of marijuana in her vehicle and arrests her for possession. Deputy Collins will be called in to watch Sean and Louise while things are sorted out. He assures Audra that, "Everything will be alright". After being booked Audra asks the sheriff, "Where are my children?" His answer, "What children?" Audra's nightmare has begun.

Author Haylen Beck has created a tense, fast-paced thriller. From the get-go, the reader sympathizes with Audra, fearing for the safety of the children. Her uphill battle is wrought with continual accusations by her ex-husband, child services and law enforcement. "Here and Gone" is a gem of a thriller.It would play well on the big screen!

Thank you Crown Publishing and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review "Here and Gone".
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,297 followers
July 21, 2017
4+ Stars.

Creepy....Terrifying....Unsettling....are words that come to mind when describing the start of HERE AND GONE.

With Audra on the run from her abusive, control-freak husband, one nightmare turns into another when she is stopped for a traffic violation in rural Arizona and her children are abducted. (no spoiler here)

Fear soon turns to anguish and crime-mystery turns thriller as lies and brutality from the sheriff begin and a helpless mother's screams fill the air.

HERE AND GONE kept me hooked from page one with a fast pace, intense, but straight forward storyline, and a killer of a finish-line!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Crown Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Dem.
1,228 reviews1,335 followers
May 24, 2017
Here and Gone by author Hayley Beck is what I would describe as a really good back to basics thriller that manages create suspense without the any gimmicks which for me is how a good thriller should read.

Audra has taken the plunge and finally made a decision that she thinks is best for her and her children after years of turmoil in her life she makes a long car journey to find a safe haven and to create a fresh start for her and her children, but stopped by a police car on an empty road in Arizona her worst nightmare is about to begin.

I loved the shocking opening scene in this novel, well written and plotted and while we learn quite bit in the first few chapters the author very cleverly still creates quite a bit of suspense in the story and I found myself totally caught up in the dark secrets and nightmare scenario. A well written and enjoyable thriller which I think many will enjoy as it doesn't rely on gimmicks or graphic detail or sto grab the readers attention.

This is my second novel by this author and I look forward to reading more of his books.

My thanks to Penguin books for an advanced copy in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,602 reviews11k followers
June 5, 2017
I really wanted to love this book because it sounds so good! I thought it was okay and the only reason for that was too many things were pretty obvious to me. And that's saying something because I'm not all that bright!

In the beginning, Audra is on the run with her kids, Sean and Louise. Audra has had enough from her husband and she's getting them out of there.

She is going down old country roads trying to keep off the main roads but then ends up in it when she runs into Sheriff Whiteside. He pulls her over and says some junk about the car and then wants to look in the trunk and some other stuff happens.

Suddenly, Audra is going to jail and this Deputy Collins is taking the kids to a safe place.

Audra doesn't understand anything that is going on and is afraid for her kids.

Then there is that moment in the police station. . .

"Please," she said, unable to keep the quiver from her voice. "I've done everything you said. I've been cooperative. Please tell me where my children are."

Whiteside held her gaze.

"What children?" he asked

Well, you can imagine right there how the rest of the story goes and how scary and traumatic it is for everyone involved.

Overall, it is a decent enough story and one that will make you wonder who you could ever trust.

*I received a print copy through BloggingForBooks*

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Norma.
558 reviews13.5k followers
July 25, 2017
4 stars for another enjoyable and entertaining novel read with my Traveling Sisters Brenda, Lindsay and Kaceey!

HERE AND GONE by HAYLEN BECK is a gripping, intense, terrifying, and fast-paced suspenseful thriller that had me racing through those pages as fast as I could with my heart palpitating quickly all the way to that killer ending.

HAYLEN BECK delivers an extremely angst driven read here with an unsettling storyline that had me totally panic stricken for Audra and the safety of her children, Sean and Louise. Although, I really enjoyed this story I thought some of the scenes from the FBI was a little unbelievable in the way that the case was handled. I wanted to jump into the book and say listen to her already! Please….lol

To sum it all up it was a compelling, enjoyable, suspenseful, fast-paced, quick and easy read with an intense, heart pounding, and a killer ending! Would recommend!

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Haylen Beck, and Crown Publishing for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

The full Traveling Sisters Review can be found on our Sister Blog:
Profile Image for Lisa.
900 reviews
October 3, 2019
Audra Kinney has left her husband Patrick who is a psychopath, he abused her & finally Audra has packed the car with her children Sean 11 & Louise inside, she sticks to the back roads as she doesnt want to draw attention to herself, when suddenly a police van stops her the Sheriff searches her & finds some cannibis which she swears is not hers.

Then her worst nightmare begins her children are kidnapped she is taken prisoner but her sanity is compromised. Will she ever see her children again, i won't give anything else away but this is one ride that takes you into darkness , you are wanting to see the light again but will you?

This is an intense twisty thriller that takes you into the darkness of a kidnappper that will do anything even murder to get what is theirs. This is fast paced well written & the characters were well developed this went 100 miles an hour, sometimes i had to go back & re read some parts. I felt for Audra the pain of not knowing where her children were would be heartbreaking she was a strong character who would do anything to find her children.

We do find out in the book about Audra & patricks relationship breakdown it was quite distressing but i had full admiration for Audra even though she was on weed & booze but gave it all up, highly recommended.
July 24, 2017
Traveling Sisters NetGalley Sister Review by Brenda with Norma, Lindsay, and Kaceey’s thoughts.

Here and Gone was a surprise and last minute read that we were able to come together and read as a Traveling Sister NetGalley Read.

Here and Gone is a haunting, unsettling and chilling story that drew us in shortly after meeting nervous and desperate Audra who is fleeing on a country isolated road. We were drawn into her life and her fears and then into her nightmare of losing her children in a heart stopping moment as they were here and then they were gone.

Haylen Beck does a great job bringing on a parent's worst nightmare not just with the missing children but with the dangers lurking in a place where things can be bought and sold and where some of the “worst expressions of humanity” can be found. He cleverly leaves it lurking in the background of the story and leaves out any disturbing descriptions. We all were very happy for that.

In some ways Here and Gone read like a crime and action movie for us with the villain and the kick ass hero and in a way that was entertaining. After reading the book we found out the rights have been acquired for a movie. We found that interesting.

We found the FBI agent, and the sheriff were somewhat unbelievable and not so convincing for us, making them hard for us to connect with. We did find Audra a well-developed character and loved her strength and liked how she fought for her children and not take on the role of a victim. We all really liked how strong and protective Sean was for his sister Louise and seeing into Sean’s perspective added some suspense and tension to the story and left us cheering them on.

Not too many surprises or twists to this one however the tension did build for us as we read the ending together. We all absolutely love reading the ending together. We all held our breath except Kaceey who was yelling again, right to the end, leaving us all satisfied with the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley, Crown Publishing and Haylen Beck for a copy to read and review.

Our Traveling Sisters Review can be found along with Norma, Lindsay and Kaceey's thoughts on our Sister Blog:
Profile Image for Malia.
Author 7 books642 followers
October 2, 2017
This was a fast-paced, clever thriller that was a quick, though not easy read. I usually stay away from books where children are the targets, but with this one I had heard it was such a page turner, I thought I would give it a try. I found it difficult and frustrating at times, because I didn't completely warm to Audra as a person, though I obviously wanted her to get her kids back! I thought it was clever to tell the story from multiple POVs and Beck did it well. I will definitely keep an eye on this author!

Find more reviews and bookish fun at http://www.princessandpen.com
Profile Image for Suz.
1,368 reviews733 followers
August 25, 2017
Another hold onto your seat fun ride. I have been reading a lot of books lately where the husband does deplorable things. This one takes the cake with some horrible abuse, providing pills and alcohol and creating one of the most horrible dependency you could imagine. Throw in a bitter, horrible mother in law (I guess that sets up for a typical Mummy syndrome) and you just want to strangle these horrible people!

Audra finally gets away from this monster mother and son duo, but her escape takes one hell of a twisted road. This determined mother does not fold lightly, and it is quite the ride that we take with her. I enjoyed the character that jumped in to help her and the horribly crooked enforcement personnel that make her journey hell.

Riveting reading, brand new via my public library. Give this one a go!
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
765 reviews1,467 followers
July 25, 2017
3.5 stars. This was a quick, gripping and fast-paced novel that I read along with my fantastic “sisters” Norma, Brenda and Kaceey. This story had an intensity to it that had me turning the pages as quickly as possible, curious to find out how it would all wrap up.

The storyline is frightening and highly disturbing! It is a terrifying, creepy, unsettling and nauseating plot that would be one of my worst nightmares as a mother. While reading thriller-type books together, my “sisters” and I often question why we read scary stories like this - I was happy I had them along with me on this crazy reading journey!

I enjoyed this novel, however, it isn’t one that stands out for me. The start of the book was excellent and drew me right in, however, the novel slowly lost its edge for me as I continued on. The scenes including the FBI and local sheriff lacked believability for me. I didn’t fully connect with any characters other than the two young children, Sean and Louise, who stole a piece of my heart along their journey. Even though the story lost its spark for me, I still found myself flying through the pages to find out how it would all end so the author did a good job keeping my curiosity piqued.

This was another wonderfully enjoyable Traveling Sister reading experience! They are so much fun – we have so many great chats and laughs along the way! Overall, I enjoyed the novel and reading experience, but it wasn’t a stand out book for me.

To find this review, along with our Traveling Sister Read Review, please visit Brenda and Norma's fabulous blog at:

Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,481 reviews698 followers
July 16, 2017
Can you imagine driving with your children and being pulled over by the local sheriff on a lonely Arizona road, taken into custody for a trumped up charge, your children not permitted to stay with you and then at the police station when you ask "Are my children safe?" being told "What children?"

This is the chilling nightmare that Audra Kinney finds herself living in Here and Gone. Locked in a cell she is unable to look for her children, make any phone calls or contact anyone. When the police discover she is running away from New York where her abusive husband is claiming custody of the kids because of her past addictions and history of mental illness, they leak the details to the media and Audra is instantly labelled as a mother who has killed her children. Eventually the FBI get involved in the case but no one will believe that her children were in her car when she was arrested.

Although we, the reader, know where the children are and what is going to happen to them the suspense is highly charged as Audra tries to get someone to believe her. Told from several points of view, including Audra's 11 year old son Sean, the story is a tense race against time and the fate awaiting the children. A great thriller with great characters and an excellent ending!

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher Random House for a copy of the book to read and review.
Profile Image for Maria Espadinha.
1,084 reviews455 followers
April 20, 2020
Mais um Inferno da Vida Real

Audra, uma mãe em fuga com filhos menores no banco de trás, é detida por posse de marijuana, ficando os filhos temporariamente a cargo duma delegada da polícia:

“Audra aproximou­-se das barras de metal e apertou­-as. Olhou o xerife nos olhos; ele estava já ali do outro lado, apenas a centímetros dela.
— Por favor — disse­-lhe, incapaz de evitar a tremura na voz. — Eu fiz tudo o que mandou. Cooperei em tudo. Por favor, diga­-me onde estão os meus filhos.
O xerife encarou­-a, sem desviar os olhos.
— Quais filhos? — replicou.”

Tráfico de Crianças, Polícias Corruptos, Imprensa Sensacionalista e uma Mãe Desesperada!
São estes os ingredientes base duma história arrepiante que aborda temas suficientemente reais para não permitirmos que nos passem ao lado!

E o resultado foi um page turner de arrasar os nervos -- mergulhamos de chofre num inferno improvisado que bem poderia ser real, mas esperamos sinceramente, que nunca venha a sê-lo!

E que faço eu entretanto?

Roo as unhas e UAU, roo as unhas e UAU, roo as unhas e UAU...

Impossível virar a cara a um thriller com tanto de enervante como de empolgante!!!

P.S: perdoem-me os spoilerzitos, mas asseguro-vos que são mesmo "zitos", pois o que vos conto não vai além das páginas iniciais. 😉
Profile Image for Feyre.
102 reviews266 followers
September 15, 2018

Wow, What an amazing read !
Audra is fleeing an abusive relationship, going down old country roads with her two kids Shawn and Louise, she gets pulled over by the local sheriff, and arrested for drug possession.
At the police station, Audra is afraid, and asks about her kids, but the sheriff claims that they were no children with her when he arrested her.

"Please," she said, unable to keep the quiver from her voice. "I've done everything you said. I've been cooperative. Please tell me where my children are."

Whiteside held her gaze.

"What children?" he asked
Profile Image for James Thane.
Author 9 books7,018 followers
December 4, 2017
This is a suspense novel written by the Irish crime writer, Stuart Neville, using the pen name "Haylen Beck." It's another of those cases where the author's real name and picture are featured on the cover, raising the issue of why the author even bothers with the pen name. Perhaps Neville wanted to distinguish between his other books, which are set in Ireland, and this one, which is set in the U.S, but I'm not really sure I see the point.

This is one of those books that's especially difficult to review without giving away significant plot points, and I would argue that even the tease on the book cover goes too far in this regard. Suffice it to say that a troubled woman leaves New York, driving to California. She fears that the authorities may be looking for her, and so she's sticking to the back roads which are less traveled. She gets as far as a very small town out in rural Arizona, where everything goes terribly wrong. For my own part, I don't want to give away any more than that, except in a spoiler alert. Read the dust jacket if you wish, and do so at your own risk.

I've read several of Neville's Irish crime novels and have enjoyed them very much, but this one didn't quite work for me. I had a very difficult time buying into the underlying premise of the novel and the story really didn't seem to pick up much momentum until about halfway through. Once it did, I was turning the pages one after another, as quickly as I could; I only wish it hadn't taken quite that long to ramp up the action. It's certainly a fairly good read, but I didn't think it was quite on a par with the author's earlier work.

Profile Image for Brenda.
4,606 reviews2,883 followers
July 1, 2017

With Audra in her car were her ten year old son Sean and six year old daughter Louise. They had been driving for some time; taking the back roads – fleeing Audra’s abusive husband – would she ever know peace? As they neared a turn off to settle for the night, Audra was pulled over by a local sheriff for a misdemeanour – and from that moment on, things went downhill fast. Before Audra knew it she’d been thrown in jail and her children had disappeared. But then the sheriff declared she was alone in the car when he stopped her…

Suddenly the FBI and missing children advocates, plus the media were on the case; in Audra’s face. Everyone said she had something to do with her missing kids; was Audra going mad? But no, she was stronger than that – she was determined to find Sean and Louise if it was the last thing she did.

When Danny heard the news reports of the missing children, chills ran up and down his spine. It was so reminiscent of what had happened to his family five years prior. Before he could think it through, he was on a flight to the small town which was the centre of the latest major event. Danny was sure he could help this poor woman locate her missing children. And just maybe it would give him some answers as to what had happened to his own family.

What would happen to Audra? What had happened to the children? And what was the dark evil that was lurking throughout the quiet little town?

Here and Gone by Haylen Beck is a breathtaking psychological thriller that held me fast in its grip until I turned the final page. The build-up of tension was incredible – the suspense; the heart-in-your-throat feeling was intense! An incredible novel, Here and Gone is one I highly recommend.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my digital copy to read and review.
Profile Image for  Li'l Owl.
398 reviews271 followers
August 6, 2019
Here and Gone was nerve wracking from the first page to the last with no chance of catching your breath in between!

Just when I thought all was going to be okay, Audra and her two children would be reunited,
another wave of OH!! NO NO NO! would come rolling in! I spent the whole day curled up in my chair reading it cover to cover!

If you are looking for a book that will put your heart in your throat, over and over and over again, this is the book for you!

This is the first novel I've read by Haylen Beck and if any of his other books are like this one I'll be reading many more.

I highly recommend it!
135 reviews195 followers
Want to read
December 21, 2017
The Kindle edition is currently on offer: 0.99p in the UK, $1.32 (possibly) in the States and ..$14.99 in Canada.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,595 reviews1,058 followers
February 19, 2017
Oh I LOVED this one. Well, you know, I use the word loved to mean it destroyed me and stole a few hours of my life then spat me out ragged the other side. One sitting, totally immersive, bang on the money thriller with heart. Just load up on the sugar and dive right in (the slight sugar rush might be running this review too)

So Here and Gone has a hugely emotional core, missing children, now in danger – of course its going to get you right by the throat. What helps that along and makes it so darned addictive is the near perfect pacing, the highly intriguing and resonant characters and that indefinable something that means you just CANNOT put it down.

I always think its clever when an author manages to make a book fairly rock along, but still keeps the heart and soul in it. Here and Gone is a book that you feel – from the opening pages when Audra is making her tentative but determined escape from an abusive marriage you just get enveloped right into it. Then the heart stopping moment when she loses sight of her kids stays with you from that moment and as events unfold you spend half the time wanting to clap your hands over your eyes, wondering what fresh hell Audra will face next. The plotting is tight, intense and utterly riveting, the final few chapters I barely drew breath for and in the end you let out a huge sigh of…well you’ll have to read it to find out but the whole thing was completely traumatic – reading trauma. Its what I live for.

Oh that Sheriff, I wanted to poke him with red hot pokers. Danny I adored. Audra was a particularly strong character because her flaws were on display for the world to see but she had that tough inner core that just resonates so you are with her all the way. And she wasn’t stupid. You know? Sometimes in thrillers like this the main protagonist is so stupid you want to throttle them, but Here and Gone has a healthy dose of reality that just feeds into the wider drama.

Things I wish would happen now.

Danny would get his own book series.

I could see what Audra does next.

Patrick’s mother falls down a well and Lassie never comes. (remember the whole sugar rush thing)

Seriously though, Here and Gone is a very clever, very emotive, highly charged read that will mess with your head and keep you up at night. The themes running underneath the thrill ride are hard hitting and distressing. None of it is impossible. All of it is compelling. Overall Here and Gone is a purely dazzling read.

I thought I would probably like it, this being the pseudonym of an author I’m already a fan of – but you can never be quite sure when these authors go rogue and write something different whether they really should be doing that or not. In this case the answer is a hugely resounding YES. So do it again please.

An edge of the seat full on emotional blast of a novel.

Highly Recommended.
Profile Image for Frank Phillips.
587 reviews305 followers
July 13, 2017
Now that's how you write a fast-paced, edge of your seat thriller! Lately I've found that I've been picking up a lot of books that have been dubbed thrillers but have fallen more into the horror/mystery categories so I was pleasantly pleased when I finally picked up a book that was as intense as advertised!
This book reads like one of my favorites, Harlan Coban, basically written almost conversationally which equals fast read & very hard to put down. The chapters all end on mini-cliffhangers so it's hard to stop after one chapter because you cannot wait to see how the next chapter starts! That's how I like my thrillers to read! I generally like to take my time with books and enjoy but this one I gobbled up in two sittings. I understand that Harlan Beck is a pseudonym for a writer from Scotland and this is the first of his American crime series, so I am very eager to see what he does with the rest of the series. I'm thinking that each book will have different characters and not a reoccurring protagonist, mainly because I can't picture any of the characters from law force especially in this book that was worth the extra soft toilet paper they probably wiped their rear ends with! If I had to hand out one criticism about this book it would be that, law enforcement was completely worthless in the resolution of this thriller, but then again is that a realistic portrayal? Interesting point of discussion, I think.
Anyway, solid 4.3*read and I'm sure that I will continue to read this series as previously mentioned. Beck may be one of my new favorite thriller authors!
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,134 followers
July 12, 2017
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

2.5 Stars

This one is set to disappear from the ol’ Kindle any second now, so I better puke something up real quick.

Here and Gone begins with Audra driving cross-country with her two young children in order to start a new life in California, far away from her controlling ex. When Audra gets pulled over by Barney Fife in the middle of BFE, her first concern is that she’s been reported for kidnapping. Her worries are put to rest when the trooper explains he was simply concerned with the way the car was riding due to being overloaded. When he starts helping redistribute the weight and discovers a “good-sized baggie half full of dried green leaves” – leaving Audra stating . . .

The local yokel is having none of that B.S., however, and pulls Audra in for questioning. Once she finally gets released on her own recognizance, Audra’s only concern is comforting her children. But when she asks if she can collect them and go, the response is . . . .

“What children?”

It then becomes a race against time, as well as a battle amongst the court of public opinion led by a reporter who will seem familiar to many . . . .

For Audra to find the kids before it’s too late.

So obviously this isn’t a real fresh plot. If you like stories like these, you’ll probably like this just fine. I appreciated knowing who the bad guy is right away and a dual narrative that kept me in the loop of what was happening to all of the main players. “Knife Boy” could be the star in one of the scientific journals I’m sometimes fond of reading and I’d want to make lots of science with him, and the dude in the cameo referenced in Shelby’s review was a delight. Speaking of Shelby – I’m counting down to when she makes her appearance in order to tell me I read this wrong. I’m not scurrrrred, though, because . . . .

The main problem I had with Here and Gone was Audra. She was a real turdburger of a human. Obviously I didn’t want her children to die, but I was pretty much A-Okay with her husband or ex-mother-in-law taking them away from her. 2.5 Stars because in a book like this, it’s pretty much necessary for me to like the MC and not want to punch her in the throat.
Profile Image for ELLIAS (elliasreads).
508 reviews41k followers
August 13, 2017
Then you do what you have to do, she said.

My freaking mind is fucking 'HERE AND GONE'.

I cannot tell you how riveting, furious, and explosive this book was. It was a genius thriller from start to finish. A plot twist hits you early on barely a few chapters in and not all is as it seems....

Fair warning though, I advise you that once you start, you better sit your ass down because BOI....You won't be wanting to do anything else!!

I honestly can't tell you how tight the strenuous and vigorous grip this book had on me.

I couldn't breathe.

It was like being trapped in an enclosed tank full of water, with only a penny sized hole on top to breathe through. It was such a great and enjoyable experience.

I finished this racing thriller in one night. I had to know what was going to happen next; I read so fast I had to reread soooo many passages over again. Here and Gone, I think, would make an exceptional thriller/suspense film.

Going in, I thought I knew what to expect, only to come out brutally surprised and mind-fucking-blown. Easily as one of the best and surprising thrillers I have ever read, I HIGHLY recommend if you're looking for an extremely fast paced and a viciously driven read.

Here and Gone is the key phrase here.
Figuratively and literally .

Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,485 followers
September 16, 2017
An abused wife, Audra McKinney has decided to leave her husband and take their two children with her. Not having a long-term plan, she loads the car up and sets off to San Diego to stay with a friend.

This road trip is the beginning of every parents worst nightmare! She is pulled over by an evil and corrupt cop. He convinces her she has done something wrong and arrests her. He promises her the kids will be safe and a patrol officer is on her way to take them to a safe place.

After she is locked up behind bars, she asks about her children and the officer replies, "what children"?

There are many themes running through this chilling story involving child abduction, trafficking, and immoral, corrupted law enforcement officers. Some of the characters were interesting, but I didn't like how the media also abused this poor mother. It ended up being predictable and not very suspenseful for me.

Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,232 reviews1,665 followers
February 18, 2017
Audra Kenney has escaped the abusive marriage she was in and is now trying to build her relationship with her children. En route to a friends house, while crossing Arizona, Audra is pulled over by Sheriff Whiteside. When searching her car he finds a bag of marijuana. He radios his colleague, Deputy Collins to come pick up her kids while Audra is taken into police custody, and her car is taken away for forensics. But when Audra asks later to see her children......

We explore a very serious subject matter in this story. With its fast pace set from the beginning it quickly had me caught up in it. It's characters are believable. I found this gritty, well written book hard to put down, and the ending did not disappoint. Highly recommend.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Random House UK, Vintage Publishing and the author Haylen Beck for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,531 reviews

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