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Drake Sisters #5

Safe Harbor

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One of seven daughters in a line of extraordinary women, Hannah Drake has been the elusive object of affection for Jonas Harrington for as long as the rugged sheriff can remember. If only the stunning supermodel was driven by a passion other than her career. But Jonas isn t the only one with desires for Hannah.

From the shadows has emerged a vengeful figure who stalks the beauty with one terrifying purpose: to strip her of all she is and destroy her. Only one man was destined as her protector. Now, out of a storm of danger, Jonas must guide the woman he loves from a sinister darkness that threatens not only Hannah, but the entire Drake family.

350 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 1, 2007

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About the author

Christine Feehan

187 books52.1k followers
Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 90 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, GhostWalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Shadow Riders and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.
Her series include:
The Dark Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/darkb...
The GhostWalker series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/ghost...
The Leopard Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/leopa...
The Shadow Series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/shado...
Torpedo Ink series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/torpe...

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me. I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (www.christinefeehan.com)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 388 reviews
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews272 followers
July 2, 2022
" Spend your life with me, Hannah. Grow old with me. We can sit on the porch in our rockers and I swear, baby, at the end of it all, you'll know no one could have loved you more or better. I can give that to you. I swear I can, baby. Love me back, Hannah." -Jonas


Seriously,i live my life for books like ”Safe Harbor”, the 5:th instalment in the ”Drake Sisters”-series.It`s a enchanting,stimulating and seductive read about the soulmates we all longed for to end up together.In the former books we watched the sexy sheriff Jonas Harrington and the beautiful free-spirited model Hannah Drake clash in a feud,which also didn`t hide the stark longing they feel for each other.

All their lives leads up to this moment where they finally stumble upon a black wall that forces them to finally surrender to each other. Hannah nearly got killed in this book,i cried over everyones grief,especially the destructive killing heart-breaking way it crushed Jonas insides apart-with Christine Feehan`s faultless and deep writing,Jonas pain was my pain…and i cried for him.Finally reading about his everlasting love for her-it shocked how much he really needed and craved her.I mean all heroes in this series have been over the moon over their heroines,but Jonas had known the Drake sisters ever since he was a kid..and he even knew that Hannah was born to be his when he was a barely 10 year old kid.His love for her was restless…painful and earth-shattering to read about,as he had denied himself of it for the last fifteen years. A great,strong fearless man at heart…his vulnerability towards Hannah swooned me even more,and i love the way Hannah blooms into the woman she was supposed be through Jonas tender support,care and love.


"You think I don't want to walk away?" He gave her a little shake. "You know damn well I can't. I can't breathe without you. I couldn't leave you even if I tried. I've accepted that you cast one of your damned spells and I'm lost--I'll always be lost. So if I'm a little angry with you when you take off your clothes for the world, then you can damn well put up with it." -Jonas

[image error]
Hannah and Jonas are one of the BEST couples i have ever read about!Bestfriends and passionate lovers,i love everything about them.The scene where they make sand-castles,hot love-making,hunting the bad-guys,simply loving and telepathing..i just love everything!I don`t know how the hell Feehan did this to my heart…but i am mind-blown with emotions that tugs at my heartstrings!This book is so good that i am tempted to re-read it all over again!

Ilya Prakenskii and Joley Drake in the same scene together,creates FIREWORKS offfff what a sexy assassin Ilya is and his jealous explosion just made me faint,cuz that was so hooot!Nice setup to Jackson`s and Elle Drake`s story too,these two have known each other in the past and i wonder how!?So many questions and expectations!I am loving this series with all my heart and already look forward to the next!
Profile Image for Jo Bennesch.
214 reviews14 followers
August 12, 2024

Jonas y Hanna 😍😍😍
Creo que debe ser el libro más esperado de la serie. Desde el 1 sabemos que hay tensión entre Jonas y Hanna.

Como en lis demás volúmenes la combinación de Romance y acción es adictiva. Tensión, enemigos ocultos y mucho para sanar son lis obstáculos de esta pareja.

Me gustó el romance y como van superando cada etapa, también la intriga, (aunque el desenlace no tanto).

Los protagonistas están muy bien, vemos más de sus temperamentos, cosa que ya sabemos de libros anteriores. Pero, también surge la ternura, el miedo, las dudas y aflojan muchos más sentimientos.

Como siempre la serie no defrauda.
Lo recomiendo.
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,704 reviews6,442 followers
March 22, 2014
I was torn on the rating for this book, because it was a little dry in some points, but it really won me over by the end of the book. I loved the connection between Hannah and Jonas. They truly are soulmates. Their lives are enriched by each other and strengthened by the bond that they share.

Both Hannah and Jonas suffered horribly, and yet still believed in their love for each other. In the end, this made the book a winner for me.

I really appreciated the intense bond of sisterhood that the Drakes share. They are different and unique but share a love and devotion that resonated with me because of my love for my sister. It's a theme that never gets old for me.

The mystical, magic aspects were intriguing. I'm not a big fan of witch books, but I do like what Feehan does with the theme. The parts with the house protecting the sisters were pretty creepy. I was sitting in class, reading my book illicitly and I snorted out loud on the part where Jonas gets a little freaked out at how the house deals with the assailants that come to attack Hannah, Jonas, and her sister.

One aspect of Feehan's writing that always impresses me is her ability to write action and have the violent aspects really impact me as a reader. Yet at the same time, they are seamlessly integrated into the plot, and don't overwhelm or repel me. The part where Hannah is attacked was very visceral and really affected me. Yet, the aftermath, and how it brings together Hannah's sisters and family, and Jonas, along with the deliciously enigmatic Ilya Prakenskii, to help to save her life balanced it so well because it showed the power of love in the face of the evil and horror in the world. It was quite well written.

I really liked Hannah and Jonas both as characters. Neither was perfect, but they were people that you cared about and rooted for. I liked that they didn't play emotional games with each other. Although initially they didn't grasp the fact that their future lay together, despite deep inside rested the knowledge that there was no one else for either of them, once they did come to realize that was the way the wind blew, they didn't act silly and do the makeup and breakup thing that drives me crazy in too many romances. Although I like a romance to be above the everyday annoying and mundane aspects of life, I enjoyed how this couple faced the obstacles that life threw at them united. They worked through the fears and anguish that each of the other faced together, and didn't turn their backs on the unique and wonderful love they shared.

Reading this book and seeing the interactions between Joley and Ilya makes me want to reread Turbulent Sea to revisit their relationship. I just love Ilya. He gives me the shivers. Joley is so passionate and outrageous, you can't help but love her. Similarly I want to read the other sisters' stories and see them meet and fall in love with their future mates, particularly Elle and Jackson's.

A deep, involving, and emotional story about the strength that lies in each of us despite the obstacles we encounter, as well as a story about the bonds of love between a man and a woman, and the invaluable connection that we share with family. There was no way I couldn't give Safe Harbor five stars.
Profile Image for Susan.
582 reviews83 followers
April 5, 2009
Safe Harbor is book 5 in Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters series. The story revolves around beautiful Hannah Drake and Jonas Harrington.

Hannah Drake is an internationally known supermodel. Born the fifth daughter in the magical Drake family, Hannah can command the winds and is a very powerful spell-caster. Despite being forced into the limelight by her impressive career, Hannah has been harboring an enormous secret her whole life long: she is painfully shy can have crippling panic attacks. It is only with the help of her six sisters that Hannah is able to function in the real world, but they are not her only strength.

Sheriff Jonas Harrington has always been like a brother to the Drake sisters. They all grew up together, and Jonas has unceasingly been a protective figure in the lives of the extraordinary women, but his relationship with Hannah is different. From the time they were children, Jonas knew Hannah was meant to be his. The danger in his job always kept them from being together, but when Hannah is suddenly exposed to deadly peril, Jonas will do anything to keep her safe.

I have to say, Safe Harbor is possibly my favorite of the series so far. The relationship between Jonas and Hannah has been building for the past 4 books, and I was so happy to see them finally together. After all the arguing and teasing between the two of them in the other books, I was very happy to see them finally get past the bickering. In the other books, I kept waiting for one of Hannah's sisters to clue Jonas in and let him know about her panic attacks - it was so irritating, they think of him as family, they know how much he loves Hannah, but they still don't tell him the truth. When he saw her hysteria for himself, he was so understanding and caring to her.

As in all of Feehan's books, the action was full of non-stop excitement from start to finish. I had a hard time putting it down to go to sleep last night. I couldn't wait to see who was behind all the threats, and how they would go about getting out of harm's way again.

I thoroughly enjoyed Safe Harbor. I felt that Feehan did an excellent job of resolving the tension between Hannah and Jonas from the previous books, and it gives me great hopes for books 6 & 7.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,018 reviews10 followers
April 25, 2018
**plot spoilers**
I thought this book sounded really interesting and cool. I thought it was going to be a very enjoyable book, because I'd never come across anything like this. But that I was before I read it.

We start off where Jonas is on a dangerous mission where he's been shot, despite his promising Hannah he wouldn't do any more. He's with Jackson and their lives are in danger; he thinks he won't make it out alive so he's looking at a picture of the woman he loves, despairing that he hasn't said the words to her before. In the pic he's staring up at her with longing as she stands on the balcony, and for anyone to look at it they'd clearly see he's in love with her.

He contacts Hannah telepathically and says he doesn't think he'll make it home. She of course reacts to this statement and stands out on the crosswalk where she's at her home far away, sending the wind to aid him. It comes forcefully through the alley, scaring off the bad guys, and helping Jackson and Jonas climb the ladder and jump to another building. Jackson comments that Hannah is royally pissed, and I'm just eating up the entire scene. It was an awesome display of power and love for him.

And then Jonas goes to her home to see her. It was right about this time that my opinion of this book and the characters began to unravel.

It quickly becomes clear that there was some tension between the two; she was upset because he went on another dangerous job after he said he wasn't going to. Her stuttering problem surfaces and he suggests for her to do that counting thing she does to help. She's a little embarrassed about because she didn't think he knew about it. And then in the blink of an eye they're kissing and he's taking her upstairs in her room so they can have sex. I've never encountered a book where they sleep together that soon.

Jonas is being a little pushy if you ask me, because Hannah is selfsconscious and unsure. And there's this completely infuriating comment about all the one night stands he's had trying to get over her. And I get a little confused. Because the author said that he's liked her forever, since he was a kid and she seemed to be stuck up in school. So I naturally didn't expect a comment that like that to surface. If you've loved someone since you were a kid why would you sleep with a bunch of people? Anyways, moving on. It becomes very apparent that Jonas is possessive in a domineering, controlling, completely unlikable way.

Hannah's asked him to go to her runway gig, but he doesn't go with her, instead stays behind while she's far away in another town. He's watching it on tv with her sister and Hannah gets slashed with a knife, damaging her vocal cords and all this other stuff. Wow, I didn't know this was like a horror film where the character just gets slashed so brutally.

Jonas is completely freaked out and in such a state of grief. It's always nice to see how the guy takes it when the woman is hurt. I absolutely loved when I found out that Joley asked Ilya to help Hannah out, despite their fear and mistrust of him, calling in a favor from him because he's so powerful. I really liked the scene where they're all in the waiting room together. Ilya says even with her throat cut she asked for Jonas.

And then this book goes downhill at an incredible speed. Hannah turns into a complete baby. She's wallowing in self pity and takes everything Jonas throws at her. He's "protective" and "possessive" which in reality was more like abusive and domineering. Feehan took two good things like a man being protective and possessive of his girlfriend to a whole level. The way Jonas treated Hannah was unforgivable and unebelievable. Maybe Feehan likes being emotionally abused by men, I don't know.

Hannah was self-conscious of her body and didn't want anyone to see her, which was understandable because of the accident and the scars it left, but OMG. She was getting on my last nerve. She stayed locked up in her bedroom and didn't let anyone in but Jonas (who bullied her into opening the door) and I think she thought about running away, but never got up the courage to do it. I wanted her to leave to get away from Jonas's insensitivity and everything, but of course she didn't. She had Joley cut her hair short, which I was not a fan of. It sounded like Hannah dressed a little frumpy, what with the long skirt that made her sound like a hippie.

I liked when her and Jonas were on the balcony watching Elle and Joley on the beach. Joley goes out admidst camera crews and the public and uses her voice to trick the corrupt preacher into admitting that he'd like to sleep with her and sexually torture her on video camera, and I loved when Ilya stepped in, causing her to feel cheap and embarrassed.

She goes home and tells her sisters what happened and then Ilya comes through the door and shakes her. Their conversation was fun to read. The chemistry between them was undeniable. I really liked the part where Ilya looks up before Joley even enters the room, and Jonas comments to Hannah telephathically that he knew she was near before he saw her. Ilya's head whipped to them, letting them know he knows when someone speaks telepathically. He stands when Joley enters the room, and she gets an attitude and says he doesn't have to, and he says it's unessecary but polite or something like that. He gets angry at the way she's treating him and a picture frame about falls. The whole scene was amazing, and the conversation Joley had where she admits she finds his voice sexy when he speaks to her in her mind at night.

Something that confused me was when Ilya gave Joley the cup that he had drank out of, and when Jonas is about to warn her he stops him from speaking by using his gifts. I didn't know what it meant that she was drinking out of his cup, if it had some meaning or not.

Those few shining moments, full of their unique abilities and the chemistry between the characters earned the 3 stars. But the rest of the book was pure torture to read through. 90% of this book will annoy the crap out of you and have you wondering at Feehan's pysche.

The comments and tidbits about the other characters were a breath of fresh air from Hannah's whining and overall sad-sack babyness and Jackson's domineering, overbearing forcefulness. But at the same time Joley and Ilya's budding relationhip and sparks were so much more interesting than Hannah and Jonas. Side characters shouldn't outshine the main characters we're stuck with for the entire book. Also, these sneak peaks into the others' relationships only enhanced my disappointment when I read their books and realized their entire story didn't live up to the small clips in this book.
Elle's making Jackson's cigarette's fly out of his hand and go into the water and Ilya getting mad at Joley for her stunt with the preacher should have given us a taste for what to expect in their own separate books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
395 reviews11 followers
March 6, 2017
This was even harder to get through than the last book and I despised it. I had to put it down several times to get through it completely. A lot of things bothered me with this and I don't want to overthink it, as these books seem to just drain me of energy and wasted time. Instead, I'm going to do something I normally don't do with reviews and simply list my annoyances with the book straight up without going into full on detail on why it irritated me.

The attack on Hannah was weird to read and unrealistic. Runway shows aren't televised unless it's Victoria's Secret, which it wasn't. The ones that are, are reality shows. Even if it was a live broadcast, her brutal attack would have been immediately cut off the air, not still filmed for viewers at home to see.

The sisters are always at the house and never home with their soon to be husband, they're not single anymore so it seems weird that they're still around late at night. Neither are they ever present. Once a hero gets his HEA, they quietly disappear in the background, almost never seen or heard from again unless someone is dying.

Jonas is controlling and temperamental to the extreme that it's creepy and a warning sign for an unhealthy relationship. His demanding and bossy demeanor is over the top and quite unnerving.

Hannah is weak and whiny. She's like a teenager trying to please her parents when no one is forcing her to do anything. She has the power to stand up for herself but doesn't. She's always complaining about what's wrong with herself and doesn't do anything to change it until she's forced to take control of her life for the first time.

The portrayal of her sisters babying her which was once completely normal, sweet, and welcomed in previous books is now considered coddling, annoying, and an upsetting burden to Hannah while she feels sorry for herself.

Her and Jonas place blame on her sisters for why she is so unhappy and proclaim that they obviously really don't know at her at all because she hates modeling. She is where she is today because of herself, she has control of her own life, and all she had to do was stop modeling and pursue something else.

The sisters are now trying to protect Hannah from Jonas and refuse him from seeing her when before they excused his behavior and allowed him to freely bully Hannah because really, deep down, they knew he loved her, despite all the times he made fun of her, criticized her, and knowing he hurt her yet still did it again the next day.

The scrapbook scene was unnecessarily long and boring. I skipped over the letters as they don't add anything to the story. It's just more of every sister reassuring her they love her and she's beautiful, she's important in their lives. We read this conversation every chapter, we don't need a letter rehashing their love for her and then a follow up conversation saying the same thing. It's so cheesy how they feel the need to tell each other they love each other every few minutes. It's not normal and unrealistic and a waste of time and dialogue.

They feel so fake to me, they never get mad at each other, they never get annoyed with each other, they're like the perfect sisters and that doesn't exist. The reason I enjoyed Abby's book is because the storyline was exciting, Abbey and Aleksandr were likable characters and displayed real emotions, and because Joley is the one that actually behaves like a normal sister that isn't a prim and proper perfect sister like the other five who seem to all act the same way. Abbey and Joley are the only ones that could be real people outside of a book because they don't behave like princesses playing tea time every day. I'm exhausted with the rest of the girls and I gave up trying to like them halfway through this book. Fingers crossed the author won't let me down with Joley's book.
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,132 reviews162 followers
February 7, 2017
Hannah Drake’s been in love with Jonas Harrington since...forever. But since the tall, dark and handsome sheriff can’t seem to lay off the insults and his overbearing attitude, she prefers to keep her mouth shut and continue loving him from afar.

Jonas Harrington’s been a part of the Drake family since he was little. And that’s how long he’s known Hannah Drake was the one. But first her elusiveness and then his dangerous lifestyle kept him away...Until now.
After barely escaping the Grim Reaper for the second time in weeks, Jonas can no longer keep his heart shut off, he’s decided to leave the moonlighting crime-fighting job behind and win Hannah’s heart forever... And she doesn't seem to object to the plan.

But both their lives are shattered by a brutal attack that leaves Hannah at death’s door. She slowly starts gluing the pieces of her life and heart back together, trying to keep Jonas at arm’s length, but he isn’t budging. They’ve shared their bodies, minds and souls, and he’ll be damned if he lets her get away again. But a dark and deadly enemy has different plans...

Although the pacing dragged slightly somewhere in the middle and the plot didn’t make much sense until the end (who would hate Hannah so much to want to destroy her completely?)—which was probably the point—this was a great read. Even better than the first time around.

We finally got the resolution to the “slow-burn” romance between Hannah and Jonas that’s been building since the beginning of the series (although Hannah has been a bit bratty at the start), and Hannah and Jonas are my second favorite couple in this series. The perfect example of “kindergarten love”, if you ask me. Boy likes girl, but doesn’t want to show it, so he teases her. Girl likes boy right back, but he’s mean to her, so she retaliates.

I loved Jonas with all his gruffness, over-protectiveness, arrogance and chest-thumping. He was who he was, didn’t offer any apologies, determined to protect everybody from everything (in Hannah’s case even from himself). But behind all the rage, pain, and torment, there was this deep, endless well of love for those he called family and friends, and for the one woman who could bring him peace. The one woman who could soothe him.
Hannah took a little time to understand, because of how her character was written...Beautiful yet insecure with her body image, low on self-esteem with panic attacks always imminent. It was tough understanding her and her reasons and motivations for wanting to do anything, even go against herself and her nature, to please others, but once she started growing into her true self (thanks to the attack and Jonas’s help after it), I finally got to know her and love her. In the end, I got the impression, her character was written the way it was, so the reader couldn’t really understand and relate to her at the beginning because that wasn’t who Hannah Drake truly was. Only Jonas understood her, only Jonas saw the true her, and only Jonas could help her understand herself, help the reader understand her.

They were cute and sweet and funny, and so in love at the beginning, I wanted to clap my hands in glee. Then, with all that happened to Hannah, that love could’ve shattered, but instead simply grew stronger (as they both did throughout the series and their own book), and I couldn’t help but cheer every time Jonas refused to be pushed away, and every time Hannah got a bit of her life, strength and resilience back...And every time either of them refused to back down and be bullied by her sisters.

The sisters were the major problem for me in this story. They were supposed to know everything about each other, read each other at will, and yet it took Jonas to open their eyes about Hannah, her nature, her problems and their own mistakes with her, how it was Jonas the one who knew Hannah best.
I hated how her sisters pitied her...I know they felt sorry for her, who wouldn’t, but instead of protecting her, offering her solace, being there for her, they merely drowned her in their own emotions, as if it was all about them, and never about Hannah. This “selfishness” was rectified somewhere in the middle, but still, the bitter aftertaste remained.

And now, to my favorite couple in this series...

“Perhaps it is as simple as Hannah’s sister is marrying one of the few men in the world I call friend.” His gaze strayed to where Joley stood rigid against the wall. “Or perhaps I wanted to see, one more time, whether the reason I can no longer sleep at night is worth it.”

I loved the small interlude (okay, there were two, but the first was the best) with Ilya Prakenskii in the middle of this story. That first scene finally gave us the first tangible proof as to what Ilya’s role in the series was, what the connection with Joley was.
The incident was a leftover from the previous book, Dangerous Tides, and it gave us a huge insight into the psyche (and heart) of the presumed hit-man (although the men already suspect what his involvement with the Russian mobster might truly entail). This short, intense, extremely revealing scene was a great preview of what his (and Joley’s) book will bring.

Back to the book at hand...Even with some seriously thrilling suspense and a few wonderfully gripping action scenes, this book was all about self-discovery and self-appreciation. It took an attack on her life to shake Hannah into reevaluating her life and priorities and make her see who she really is and what she wants from life.
November 1, 2018
I loved the first 3 books in this series, enjoyed book 4 but with this book, book 5, it took me three tries to finish it. Overall I enjoyed it but I felt like i really had to push through the first half. I think its partly because of the pairing. It was obviously from book 1 that Hannah and Jonas are going together so this came as no surprise so think it was partly that i found some of the journey there during the book a little tedious. That being said as it progresses and we get to know Hannah, and as Hannah gets to know herself better, the story improved and I finished up the book quite enjoying it in the end.

There was some good moments in this book, its just a shame that the storyline seemed a little flimsier in this book than the previous ones in the series.

Over all I enjoyed it enough to give it 4 stars
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews103 followers
May 28, 2020
After watching them bicker and gripe at each other for 4 books, it's finally time for Jonas and Hannah's book. Hannah, the supermodel, and Jonas, the small town sheriff with defense department or military background, finally admit how they feel to each other and Jonas quits being an ass because he doesn't believe he's worthy of Hannah (though he continues to be an ass, just for different reasons). They finally consummate their love and Hannah then flies to New York for a modeling gig as per her contract, despite Jonas's harping at her for it. While Hannah is at a party, an unknown assailant attacks her viciously with a knife, cutting her and stabbing her, putting her in the ICU. Jonas and the rest of the Drake family make haste to Hannah's bed side, and although she lives, thanks to Ilya Prakenskii, she still ends up with severe injuries. Hannah, whose body image was already crap, suffers even more confidence issues and tries to put a halt to her romance with Jonas. But Jonas isn't giving up on the woman he loves...and the danger is still out there for Hannah, so he won't be leaving her side ever again.

I was really looking forward to this book because I wanted to learn Jonas's excuse for lashing out constantly at the woman he loved...I mean, he's been a bully to her throughout the series, so much so that at times, the sisters have actually gotten angry at him and told him to leave...though apparently that sort of bullying doesn't blacklist him or anything. They excuse it with, "he's just arrogant and bossy." Except he belittles Hannah and her job pretty much all the time. I was hoping for some redemption here. I didn't get it. Instead, Jonas, the hypocrite, continues to slam Hannah's job and the danger it puts her in (despite his taking jobs for his former boss that get him shot) and act like he owns her...like she's not good enough until she's standing up for herself (as long as she's not standing up to him). In fairness to him, he does have a moment where he recognizes this bit of hypocrisy and opts to let Hannah decide for herself, but if she'd decided to end things for good because she didn't feel like she could handle a relationship, he would not have accepted her answer. So, just a token effort really. He's still a hypocrite. And I didn't like the contrast here with the other heroes...they were all "we belong together" and "I can't live without you." Jonas takes it to another level and says, "You belong to me." and "she's mine." He's creepy possessive and obsessed. I didn't like him. And on top of that, he never once apologizes for making her cry with his mean-ass comments all those years. Oh yeah...and that stupid ass double standard about how they've both loved each other desperately since they were kids, but she's a virgin and he isn't.

Hannah wasn't as bad, but she's still kinda annoying with her generally whiny disposition and doormat tendencies. Still, it's kind of her character arc as she grows out of it, so I can get past that. What we really learn about her though is that she's been doing things she hates (like modeling and traveling) in order to impress her sisters and make them happy with her decisions. They, of course, have no idea how miserable and unhappy Hannah is with her life (and barely recognize that she has an eating disorder). Now I'm to believe that these super-close, psychic and empathic sisters can go years without realizing that their sister is both unhappy and anorexic? Okay... The reason the author does this is to demonstrate how "meant-to-be" she and Jonas are, since he can see things and know her in a way that no one, not even her sisters can. Unfortunately, it puts me to thinking that her sisters are maybe not as close or caring as I was originally led to believe (and that was what I loved about this series...the closeness of the sisters). I mean, yeah, people miss this stuff all the time, but they know she has anxiety attacks and hates public exposure to where she needs her sisters help just to endure it and that she loves being at home, but then they don't realize that her job as a super-model must be a nightmare for her? This didn't make sense to me and I didn't like it. The loss of the sisters' closeness is not worth the soul mate bond between Jonas and Hannah. Also, why is Hannah suddenly telepathic with Jonas? Where the hell did that come from? Unfortunately, I see more of this coming...Joley and Elle are both equally mysterious and the heroes are no doubt going to know more about them than their sisters do.

So...so far this was my least favorite in the series. I'm not sure they're going to get better, but I'll finish now that I'm this far in. It's just not promising because I'm liking the characters less and less, the heroes are getting WAY more creepy possessive and all of this at this point is centering around Russian mob connections, which are not my favorite. So, we'll see how this goes...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paranormal Romance.
1,249 reviews45 followers
February 15, 2023
The hero has been in love with his childhood friend for his entire life. Not just any love but a desperate all-consuming love that he's hidden from her. He doesn't believe he's good enough for her and his habit of putting himself in dangerous situations deters him from bringing her into his world. But when he almost dies one night-he finally sees that the tsunami of emotions is held back by a crumbling wall and suddenly everything he's been containing for all these years comes pouring out. But just as they've finally found some sort of understanding, the heroine is brutally attacked-slices to ribbons by a psychotic fan and she almost dies. Only the life force and magic of the hero's love and her families love saves her but she's horribly scared.

Already having a bad body imagine despite being a stunning supermodel, she's now ashamed of her face and horrified at the monster she thinks she become. And the attacker, the one who's brutalized her life is coming back for more.

I had such a hard time with this book and though I can say that I enjoyed some elements of it I rated it an overwhelming 1 star. First off was the most pressing dislike about this book-the hero. He was...oh my god he was almost psychotic. I mean I read about werewolves and vampires and he-man alpha males all the time but the over the top obsession, the single-minded focus the hero had on the heroine greatly disturbed me. He just didn't let up! If you meet a guy like him and he treated you with the same possessive desperation as he treated the heroine-you'd call the cops. Honestly, it was beyond. I can't even. Second issue I had is the very odd pacing. The characters didn't develop-at least the hero didn't-the heroine did grow in confidence as the story went on. But they are in love with each other from start to finish. There was no growth there. Also, every single feeling and thought that went through the characters mind was repeated again and again and again. It came to the point where one conversation would happen at least twice each chapter. I grew so bored that I struggled to every feel the angst the author was trying to portray-instead I grew frustrated at having wasted my time reading a book that really could have been 160 pages. I find that I just can't love Christine Feehan books as much as other authors in my library. I have a few more of her books in my to read pile and this book as seriously put me off attempting to read any of them which is a shame.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,371 reviews29 followers
December 17, 2012
Paranormal romantic suspense with some disturbingly violent knifing scenes.
4.5 stars! Gripping, suspenseful, bittersweet and beautiful. I had almost given up on The Drake Sisters series, but since Freehan is such a popular author I decided to try one more book (I felt books 1 and 2 were enjoyable and sweet, but nothing special).

Based on this book, I can see why Feehan is beloved.

Hannah was violently knifed, and Jonas showed that he loved her regardless of her scars. That's basically the story, along with Jonas trying to figure out who done it, and trying to prevent another attack.

Jonas and Hannah's six sisters -- who are all witches, just as Hannah is -- helped Hannah recover and carry on, even better than before. Hannah came out of the darkness with a far greater sense of her self, deciding to stop living to please others. Jonas listened to her and loved her and showed her that she was still sexy and beautiful. Actually a bit moving.

On the down side, it rang false that her parents played such a minute role in all this. She almost died. They were given no dialogue at all, but they did come to the hospital.

Another flaw --Hannah's sisters gave her a scrapbook and she spent 16 digital pages (!!!) reading all their sugary sweet little messages. A bit much.

Best part: Very clever! I haven't described the suspense in any detail, but it was quite gripping. Nicely done!

I might read book 6; I liked Ilya, the Russian.

Profile Image for Sarah.
1,347 reviews26 followers
February 16, 2015
In my limited romance reading experience, most romance books are really bad at showing and really good at telling. Especially when it comes to characters. You learn that someone is trusting, not through actions or character development, but because you are told over and over.
There is no worse offender than Safe Harbor. I looked up some appeal terms for this book in NoveList and one of them was 'dramatic'. That is the Understatement of the Year (do you see what I did there?). Another one of the appeal terms was 'fast paced', which I would disagree with. There is so much telling, so much dramatic introspection that not very much really happens. Arguments go on for 20 pages, where the characters say the same things over and over.
Jonas is overly possessive - almost to the point of creepiness. And speaking of creepy, the over sexualization of Hannah was also strange. Physical descriptions of her super skinny model body and huge boobs went on through the whole book, with very little description of Jonas. Leaving me to wonder who this book is really for.
Profile Image for Monique.
151 reviews32 followers
March 12, 2011
This by far has been my favorite book by: Christine Feehan in the series so far...I mean I still have like five more books to finish, but, for the first time I really felt connected to the character of Hannah and loved Jonas despite his controling nature and cocky banter here and there...I could honestly feel that this man loved Hannah with every single fiber of his being, you know, mind, body, and soul. And that to me is the one of a kind love that I think most of us as humans aspire to have at least once in our liftimes...I thoroughly enjoyed watching and reading their beautiful love story unfold...

I also appreciate the elements of self-esteem; trying to be perfect in the entertainment industry despite what it cost you mentally and physically, as well as, taboos put on women who are models and singers (aka) Hannah and Joley. I love that despite all of the outer beauty Hannah had and if what I was picturing about the way she must have looked in person just from reading Mrs. Feehan's prose she was breath takingly beautiful yet she didn't see any of that...And Jonas helped her to become as she kept stressing throughout the book, whole again...Yes, he loved how beautiful she was to him, but, it went so much deeper than that...I could gush all day about there two and I like how we got glimpses into the other Drake sister's personalities as well....I personally want to see if Joley's story is going to be about Ilya Prakenskii and her and what develops...they seem to have a very strong connection....This was very evident in this book...

I still did not enjoy "Hidden Currents" as much as this one...I also, didn't connect with the character of Elle as much as I did with Hannah, but, I liked Jackson even more after reading this book...Elle I'm still not feeling...Even though technically she's supposed to be the most powerful of all the sisters....And she clearly loves her family very much, I guess I just don't gage with her personality...

This book had all of the elements I love in a good pnr novel, the psychic sisters, the leading men that have psychic gifts of their own..romance, love, magic, hot love scenes....And so much more to come in the other novels I'm sure...I love it and highly recommend this series to pnr lovers as well as fans of Mrs. Feehan's writing...On to the next one now....
Profile Image for Deirdre.
2,030 reviews77 followers
November 27, 2008
On the surface this wasn't a bad read. A story about a psychically gifted model (Hannah) who is one of the Drake Sisters, who is in love with Jonas Harrington for a long time but unsure about where their relationship would go. Ends up scarred and chased and unsure of her future. He steps in as her protector and tries to help her.

It's not a bad read on the surface and there are certain shining moments in the story but it shows a lot of what is cliched and bad about romance these days.

She's tiny, overwhelmed by his size. Okay, it's a given that she is going to be small given that she's borderline anorexic because of stresses from her agent. However the anorexia and agent are pretty quickly dismissed. This is not the way either of these things run.

He's prime abusive husband material. I'm not talking the "will strike a woman" type but he continuously talks about her being his "possession"; gets manic when she's not near him; talks about her future as if she had no choice and generally comes across as being both controlling and obsessive. Not generally good signs for a mature relationship! But that appears to be what Christine Feehan finds attractive in a man and what her fans want. Me, it creeps me out a bit, more than many straight horror stories.
Profile Image for Chris.
92 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2016
I just don't get all the great reviews about this book. Now, granted, this is the only book in this series I've read. Maybe if you have read all the others, you would be more into it.

I actually read 3 other books while reading this one. I would stop because I was so bored, read another book in a few days, then pick this one up again. Some parts were so bad, I was skimming through the pages and skipping chunks.

The book started pretty action-packed, but once Jonas was back in town, it went down hill. Since I hadn't read the other books, I did not have the background of Jonas and Hannah's relationship. I could not see how she was interested in him. Jonas was controlling, a jerk and very unfeeling. Hannah was pathetic, pitiful and a whiner. I disliked most of the characters in this book. This book was just not for me.
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
December 24, 2007
There was too much bickering between the h/h in this story for my taste. No sexual tension that had been building with the series, either. This book was chalked full of paragraphs that were all one sentence long. WTH?

Extreme amount of repetition which begs me to wonder if anyone even bothered to read through the finished product prior to publication. Very disappointing for This Reader and fan of Christine Feehan.

Where the hell was the mother in this one? Come on: daughter attacked and almost died and the mother can't make a single trip to visit.

A must read if you are reading the entire Drake sisters series. Skip it if you are new to this author as it may turn you off of some really great books from her.
Profile Image for Hannio J.
103 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2021
I demolished this book in a single day.

It was highly enjoyable and I really like the relationship between Jonas and Hannah. Also the foreshadowing of things to come was interesting as well.

Roll on the next book in the series
Profile Image for Zee.
751 reviews13 followers
May 29, 2024
Although I skimmed the first 4 books in order to understand the lore I did love every single character in this series. It’s no surprise that my favorite is Jonas. he’s such a MAN.

I might do a serious read later on especially since I’m excited to learn about Ilya and Jackson.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,131 reviews117 followers
December 5, 2020
I did like seeing how Hannah gained strength and how Jonas was able to support her. I also like seeing the camaraderie between the sisters and Jonas and Jackson. My main pet peeve is that as the sisters fall in love, they drift away from the next novel. Hannah, Joley and Elle were the only sisters with significant page time. I do also wish the other fiances would come in more. Overall, it was a decent romance, and I could see each book standing on its own, but they also weave together subtly.
Profile Image for Elle.
263 reviews41 followers
July 13, 2012
I won't even try to deny my love for this type of relationship. Jonas and Hannah have been fighting from the start. It never quite got to the truly hate each other stage but it definitely supplied me with my favourite trope and I could not wait for this book.

I'll start by saying this was not what I expected. I was expecting a book where they continued to fight and we saw a slow move to something more but it goes a completely different direction which in retrospect makes a lot more sense.

It's only really in this book that I've started to realise something. We already have a good idea of who is going to end up with each of the remaining sisters in book 4. There isn't going to be any surprise relationships because the men already appear in their lives, so in a way it makes perfect sense that each of the romances when focused on won't take a whole book to develop. It'll be quick, and yes, there will be problems but it won't have a slow build, because we've already seen it in previous books.

This is the reason I'm not an author. I didn't even think of this, and it's brilliant the way Christine Feehan has so seamlessly tied these books together.

Another thing I love about this book that I can actually talk about without going into flail mode is the idea that a woman can still be powerful and true to herself while staying at home and being family orientated. There is no denying that the Drake Sisters' are powerful and independent women but that is not the only type of woman there is. It was refreshing to see that Hannah could decide to take a different route with her life without being judged. There is people in this world that want to get married, want to have children and want to stay at home looking after their families. That isn't a bad thing and it shouldn't be said that the only type of woman that deserves respect is the one that goes out to have an insanely successful career.

If I had to give this book a criticism, I called the ending before the book had really began.

Overall, these books are simply wonderful. I absolutely adored Jonas and Hannah from the moment we met them in the first book, and over the entire series they continue to tease and amuse with their relationship. The topics touched on in this book are both saddening and inspiring and I can't say I love it enough!
Profile Image for Zaskya Benítez.
863 reviews25 followers
August 10, 2023
Realmente 4,5☆

Básicamente desde que comencé con esta serie estaba esperando el momento de esta pareja y me ha sorprendido de inicio a fin. Es mucho "menos mágico" ya que en esta ocasión el peligro es causado por personas de carne y hueso que sencillamente son malas, y durante todo el libro estamos bajo una amenaza que no tenemos ni idea de donde viene o por qué.

Jonas y Hannah no sólo tienen que enfrentarse finalmente a lo que sienten y ser sinceros consigo mismos, sino que deben conocer quien esta detras de la amenaza para neutralizarla, todo eso mientras van descubriendo quienes son y se atreven a salir sin caretas ante el mundo.

Ha habido 2 momentos en los que se me ha arrugado la vida: El primero cuando las hermanas le entregan el álbum a Hannah y el segundo cuando Hannah se enfrenta a Jonas y no tartamudea en ningún momento ♡

La relación entre ellos es muy especial y aunque Jonas puede caerte mejor o peor hay 2 cosas que te quedan súper claras, ama a Hannah con locura y es muy consciente del tipo de hombre que es, no va con caretas y la sinceridad siempre es su carta.

No solo tenemos detalles sobre su relación y la amenaza que enfrentan, sino que cada vez vamos descubriendo más cosas sobre las parejas de los siguientes libros y yo no puedo estar más ansiosa por lo que viene.

En definitiva las hermanas Drake tienen la capacidad de ponerme el corazón en un puño debido a la preocupación de que algo pueda ocurrirles en cualquier momento y estoy tan metida en la vida de esta familia que cuando me toque cerrar la serie estoy segura que un trocito de mi se quedara con ellas
Profile Image for Kandice Dover.
140 reviews42 followers
June 13, 2012
This book is very VERY lucky to get 4 stars. I say this because I have enjoyed this series thus far, but I wanted to throw this book across the room so many fucking times it isn't funny.

Going into this series I was anxious to read Hannah's story. I was so anxious I put Until I Die by Amy Plum down to read this book, and for what, complete and total disappointment. A heatbreak.

The thing I hated was the fact that Hannah was almost killed. Sure every other Drake sister was almost killed in the other books, but their situation was a lot better compared to Hannah's. Honestly, I wanted to cry after Hannah's near death experience.

What I did like, which is more than the dislikes, was the fact that Jonas was there the whole time. I liked that he stood up for Hannah when she couldn't stand up for herself. I also liked the fact that She didn't run from Jonas trying to keep him safe. Kudos to Christine for making such a great character!

What I loved the most was the scrapbook her sisters gave her. I literally fought tears reading the letters her sisters wrote Hannah. I also love the house. Seriously who wouldn't want a house that eats people? that'd be one hell of a house. Again, kudos to Mrs. Christine Feehan! And of course the ending.

Overall this book was a good book. Sometimes it was nearly impossible to put down. It is on the predictable side when it comes to romance but other than that it is a great mystery. I recommend this series to everyone.
Profile Image for Gina.
446 reviews138 followers
April 18, 2008
Part of the 'Drake Sisters' series and another awesome book!

I truly understood Hannah. I understood how she felt, before and after a traumatic event. But she held her own. A strong character, however insecure, she still pushes past it, learning who she is on the inside.

And Jonas... finally the man can admit what he feels! Long time coming, LOL! And it was terrific! You felt the sparks between them all along and it was just a matter of time. And finally they're together!

The action was great! The family together was great! And although the characters don't understand what's going on, the reader can figure it out. But it's how it all comes together that makes it special.

I can't wait for Joley and Elle's turn!
280 reviews
October 1, 2021
Jonas is the most annoying character in this whole series! Controlling, verbally & emotionally abusive masquerading as “love” - no other men should even be allowed to look at you, how dare you show off your body, she has to retire bc I’m uncomfortable and I don’t like it - Disgusting, not sexy! + bonus disgusting that the female characters just let him get away with it a la “good old Jonas, we let him talk to her like that bc he’s just part of the family.” {vomit!}
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,209 reviews
November 14, 2018
This was my favorite book of the series thus far. I loved Hannah and Jonas. I had been waiting for their story and it was great. The scene with Hannah reading the letters from her sisters was the very reason I kept up with this series. The sisters' closeness as a family which brings them together as one makes the series so special. Very good.
Profile Image for Vfc.
1,536 reviews
February 8, 2021
Hannah Drake, one of seven daughters born to the seventh daughter in a line of extraordinary women...of which, Hannah is number five. Hannah and Jonas are star-crossed lovers. For as long as he can remember, the Drakes have been his sanctuary...his family, his to protect. His heart belongs to Hannah.

The wind is Hannah's favourite medium to work and control.

Jonas is protective—it is what he did and who he is, above all, he protected Hannah—most especially from himself. He is conditioned to shield his emotions from her, upon realising that she was an empath and it hurt her to regularly read people. He's been hiding his feelings for so long it’s become second nature, using his job as an excuse to not get involved and put her in danger.

Jackson and Jonas had joined the sheriff's department until Jonas had gotten himself shot on the job and became edgy whilst recuperating. His old boss, Duncan Gray, from a special ops team buried deep in the defense department, had pled for his help

On a stakeout, Jonas captures a murder on film, their enemies detecting their presence, tries to intercept and apprehend them. Compromised their assailants shoot to kill. Wounded and bleeding, weakened from blood loss, he telepathically communicates with Hannah.

Standing on Captain’s Walk, at Sea Haven, Hannah conjures up the elements and channels the wind sending the churning sea, racing across the night to Jonas. Tiny pinpoints of light lit up the sky as she continued to gather and direct the force to do her bidding. Far below her, sea spray rose into the air as waves crashed against rocks. The ocean heaved and rocked, spawning small cyclones, twisters racing across the surface.

Building and controlling the wind to a ferocious pitch, a shattering fury that raced through the night to crash down like a hungry tornado in that backstreet alley so far away. The gale chased hapless men with puny weapons that were useless against the forces of nature. The violent gusts smashed windows and sent glass raining down. Boards were picked up and thrown as if an unruly child threw a tantrum. Sweet angelic Hannah directed it all, her flashes of fury sending Jonas's enemies crashing to the ground, helpless under the onslaught of wind and rain and even icy hail.

Jonas is seriously injured transmitting his struggle to Hannah. Swaying, he pulls out a photograph of them, the single one he carried, the one that mattered. He was staring down at a woman and the love on his face, was evident, there for everyone—even him—to see. His finger glided over the glossy paper, leaving a smear of blood. Hannah Drake. Supermodel. A woman with extraordinary, magical gifts. A woman so far out of reach he might as well try to pull the moon from the sky. Little did he know, this photo would have serious implications.

At a modelling show, Hannah is viciously attacked and stabbed ... at home, Sarah and Jonas fearfully witnesses events unfolding as Hannah’s life hangs in the balance. On the precipice of death, all her sisters and her mother’s sisters gather together to pool their spiritual powers. By sheer force of will Ilya’s power source continues to keep her breathing and connected as the women arrive from all around to save and heal her. After a second attempt on her life is thwarted, Jonas makes the decision to take her home to safety.

When the assailants breached their home, it was as if we were imagining an enchanted house as it went into protective mode. A house that eats people for snacks. The trees throw the threat into the ocean. The balcony comes alive and their windows repair themselves. She and her sisters are undoubtedly safe in their house.

Jonas leaned forward to see the mosaic as the intruders began to scale a tall, thick tree. Branches swept outward, long curving boughs providing a ladder for the man to climb. One branch reached toward the balcony on the second story. Joley's room. The man put his foot on the branch and began to ease across. The tree shuddered, bark rippling. Needles shivered. The man stopped, looked around him apprehensively. The branch dipped down hard and fast. The intruder's mouth opened wide with a scream as he clutched at several smaller branches to keep from falling. The thick limb rose fast, the smaller branches breaking, catapulting the intruder several feet into the air and over the bluff. He spun, arms and legs sprawled, like a windmill, before falling far below into the turbulent sea.
"Holy hell, Hannah."
"I know, it takes getting used to." She leaned her body close to his, offering shelter, protection, without ever breaking the link with her sisters.

Jonas turned his attention to two men scaling the walls of the house. At the same time two others were heading for the lower story. The mosaic glowed red-orange. He stepped onto the solid surface and paused, bending over, breathing hard.
Around him, the wrought iron began to bend and reshape, the railing forming into what appeared to Jonas as an animal with a spiked tail and a spiraled horn. The man backed up, pulling out a gun, his gloves burned and still smoking from touching the side of the house.

The animal reared up on hooves, rising above the intruder and then lowering its head. The man fired several rounds in rapid succession, but the animal pawed the ground and hurtled itself relentlessly forward. The intruder was fast, whipping to one side, grabbing the horn to give himself leverage in a desperate attempt to save his life. The tail struck, lashing around, piercing the man's stomach and lifting him into the air before dropping him onto the balcony floor. Beside him, Hannah let out a small sound of distress. Instinctively, Jonas started to let go of hands in order to comfort her, but Elle and Hannah held on tightly, shaking their heads. He frowned as he watched, in the mosaic, the balcony floor slide open and the body drop to the ground below.
At least he'd have a body to work with. Someone he could identify. The big man had moved in a way he was certain he'd seen before.

“This is an illusion, right? Tell me it's an illusion, Hannah, because this is crazy." He wanted to grab all the women and get them out of there.
"Part illusion, part real. They believe it, so it's so," Elle said. "They came to kill us, Jonas. The house is made up of the spirits of our ancestors. Did you think they would lie idly by while we were under attack?"
'Cuz, yeah, didn't everybody's ancestors rise up and destroy enemies? "Fine then. Tell them to save me a body."

“I'm not going to say I can at least collect DNA samples, because every time I open my mouth, the evidence disappears."
With a little sigh, he watched the droplets of blood absorb into the wood and the window reform. "I have to tell you, I've seen some freaky sh*t around you girls, but nothing like this. I have just one question. Have you told your fiancés about this? Because quite frankly it scares the hell out of me."
"You never have to be afraid, Jonas," Hannah assured. "The house judges intent.”
He'd watched a house consume a man and spit him out.

“Hell of a show," Jackson greeted him.
"You saw that? I thought maybe I was hallucinating. Makes me wonder what I'm getting myself into."
"You got yourself into it a long time ago."
"True. Nasty thing, watching a house swallow a man and spit him back out."
"I've got to agree with you there." Jackson peered through the wisps of fog at the walls, where foot- and handprints were burned into the wood. "Do you suppose we can take that in as evidence? We could cut out the sections."
Jonas snorted. "You can try taking a saw to that house, but personally, I'm not about to get anywhere near it with anything resembling a weapon."
"You have any enemies in the crime lab?"
Jonas grinned at him. "Jackson, you're such a mean son of a b*tch."
"Yeah, well. I try."

He never considered about what was involved when she sent the wind to save his life when he was in San Francisco. He would have died in that alley without her.
Someone was trying to kill him and she did whatever it took to protect him. Last night, he would have done whatever it took to protect them. And the house, and their ancestors, did whatever it took to make certain their lineage continues.

“And who's supposed to be making the tea?"
"You always make it," Kate said. "You know everyone's favorite and no one else can make it taste the way you do. I've never figured out what you do to it."
"She adds love," Elle said. "That's always been Hannah's secret."
To give herself a moment, Hannah waved her hand toward the kitchen and at once the tea kettle began to whistle. Her hands followed a familiar, graceful pattern as she wove a spell that would bring each of her sisters their favorite tea. Only when the mugs were floating out on a tray, and her sisters had chosen their brew, did Hannah look down at the bold, precise and very honest writing that could only be Sarah's.
The scrapbook of letters written by her sisters were poignant and a dedication to a beloved sister.

Kate waved toward the kitchen and a plate of cookies floated out. Hannah waited until everyone had one before she turned the page to Abigail's entry.

Joley attracts her own brand of crazy in Ilya, their chemistry undeniable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dasha.
1,406 reviews19 followers
November 13, 2019
He terminado con esta saga. La relación entre los protagonistas es ridícula y tóxica.


Para variar, nos encontramos con que él la “quiere” tanto que no lo soporta y, por supuesto, tiene que conquistar a otras mujeres. Ella es virgen 😒
Eso no es lo peor de la relación, estoy cansadísima de encontrarme variantes de este cliché en todo el género romántico. Lo pero es como él la trata. Que no haya violencia física no quita que haya maltrato psicológico. O es que, ¿querer dañar a una persona con las palabras no es maltrato? ¡Anda ya!

Estaba esperando a leer este libro precisamente para decidir si seguir o no. Si pudiera le pondría -5 estrellas...


Se me había olvidado comentar lo largos que me han parecido desde el libro 2 en adelante. Excepto el primero, que rozaba el exceso pero era aceptable, el resto de la saga peca de repetitiva. Vamos, que se hace pesada. Sobra un tercio de cada libro, en algunos casos hasta la mitad. No son tramas tan complejas como para necesitar esa cantidad de páginas.
Profile Image for Rebecca M.
725 reviews8 followers
July 3, 2023
Reminder to self, this was written in the early 2000's when a different kind of hero was popular...

If you can get past the hero's language towards Hannah initially, it becomes apparent eventually that it's part of Jonas's personal growth. But also, I feel it becomes part of the author's argument against Christian nationalism and toxic masculinity, themes that interestingly are current today.

But wow, on the way to getting to this place, I nearly DNF on a few occasions because I really hated the way Jonas spoke to Hannah in the first half of this book.

I kept at it because I'm into this world of magic and interesting characters. And I'm glad I did because I ended up liking where this author took this book, which explores the world of supermodels and rock stars and how the public perceives them.

It was also fun to read a book with famous women themes written back in the time before social media and smart phones, haha.

This book greatly set up the next book, which I'm looking forward to reading very soon.
Profile Image for Emily.
1,930 reviews37 followers
August 24, 2020
I was excited to finally get to Hannah and Jonas’s book because it’s been clear from the beginning of the series that they belong together. I wasn’t sure how much I’d like getting Jonas’s POV because he’s been very bossy and somewhat abrasive in previous books. It was a happy surprise that his POV gave the necessary backstory and look inside his head so I could really root for him. I didn’t need any persuasion to root for Hannah, but it was still eye-opening to get her POV. The sisters may all seem to live charmed—in more ways than one—lives, but they’re all struggling with something. Hannah’s physical and internal struggles were probably the worst so far, and I liked how things played out and were revealed in the aftermath of the attack.
I don’t know what Feehan’s thing with Russian mobsters is, but they sure take up a lot of the baddie space in these books. It’s not my favorite thing about the series, but we’d miss out on some good characters, especially Ilya, if she didn’t have these plotlines. Looking forward to his and Joley’s book next!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 388 reviews

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