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When We Cease to Understand the World

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One of The New York Times Book Review ’s 10 Best Books of 2021

Shortlisted for the 2021 International Booker Prize and the 2021 National Book Award for Translated Literature

A fictional examination of the lives of real-life scientists and thinkers whose discoveries resulted in moral consequences beyond their imagining.

When We Cease to Understand the World is a book about the complicated links between scientific and mathematical discovery, madness, and destruction. 

Fritz Haber, Alexander Grothendieck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger—these are some of luminaries into whose troubled lives Benjamín Labatut thrusts the reader, showing us how they grappled with the most profound questions of existence. They have strokes of unparalleled genius, alienate friends and lovers, descend into isolation and insanity. Some of their discoveries reshape human life for the better; others pave the way to chaos and unimaginable suffering. The lines are never clear.

At a breakneck pace and with a wealth of disturbing detail, Labatut uses the imaginative resources of fiction to tell the stories of the scientists and mathematicians who expanded our notions of the possible.

193 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2020

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About the author

Benjamín Labatut

5 books1,721 followers
Benjamin Labatut was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He spent his childhood in The Hague and Buenos Aires and when he was twelve years old he moved to Santiago de Chile, where he lives today.

La Antártica empieza aquí was his first book, being published in México, where it won Premio Caza de Letras 2009, delivered by Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Editorial Alfaguara.

His second book is titled Después de la luz, appeared in 2016, published by Editorial Hueders. After a deep personal crisis, Labatut wrote this book, conformed by scientific, historical and filosofical notes about the void.

His third book Un verdor terrible, was published in spanish by Editorial Anagrama and also several countries such Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Portugal

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Profile Image for Adina (way behind).
1,110 reviews4,594 followers
March 6, 2023
Update 2 2023
I wanted to add the endorsement of my father. He devoured the short novel and he was mesmerised by the ideas and writing. In case you missed it, I am my father’s personal book advisor ( and shop assistant).

Update 1: I wanted only to add the nation Book Award shortlist but also decided to give this novel 5* instead of 4*. I recommended it to quite a few people and I still think about it with pleasure.

Shortlisted for 2021 National Book Award for Translated Literature
Shortlisted for 2021 Booker International

First of all, do not feel intimidated by the blurb if you are not on good terms with physics. I loved this novel and I am crap at the subject. In school, I was good at math, statistics and chemistry but Physics was my nemesis. I only know about Quantum Physics as an elusive term and I only heard about Schrödinger’s cat because I read about it in a not very complex Sci-Fi novel. So, if you are like me and enjoy literary fiction with a bit of essay structure in it then do read this.

If I were to choose a subtitle for this novel it would be: The wonderful and destructive world of science. Most of the scientific discoveries presented in this novel have done both good for the humanity but also brought destruction (or might do so in the future). It either made the creator go crazy or affected/killed other people. However, the writer said in an interview that the main theme is the following: "This book is about what happens when we reach the edges of science; when we come face to face with what we cannot understand. It is about what occurs to the human mind when it pushes past the outer limits of thought, and what lies beyond those limits"

The 1st chapter, Prussian Blue, tells the story of the best known poison in the world, Cyanide. At some point we are introduced to the Nitrogen fertilizer who saved the world from famine. However, its inventor upgraded his creation to also develop Zyklon B, the gas that killed millions of Jews in concentration camps during WW2. There were many fascinating details in this chapter I did not know.

The author stated that the 1st chapter is 99% fact. As we continue with our reading the fact/fiction balance shifts more and more towards fiction while we explore different quantum physicist/mathematicians and their struggles with their creations. Sometimes the novel verges towards surreal as many of the scientists have visions and strange dreams.

The ending rounds up the whole book quite nicely. A 1st person narrator, maybe the author, meets a retired mathematician and discuss about some of the people and facts in the previous chapters.
All in all, it was a fascinating and a very well written book about science, its incredible role in our development as a species but also about its perils.

As a final thought, this book and especially the 1st chapter, reminded me of A Musical Offering. Although the subject is different, the way the fiction and fact is mixed together is quite similar. I highly recommend that book as well and you can read my review here, if you are interested. It has similar aspects with Sebald as well but more with Ring of Saturn which I haven't read yet and cannot comment.
Profile Image for BlackOxford.
1,095 reviews69.4k followers
February 28, 2022
No One Does Evil Willingly

Is life on Earth getting more or less humane? Are those we consider heroes of humanity really worthy of adulation? Do our ideals of professional excellence, choice informed by scientific fact, and intellectual progress stand up to scrutiny? It depends, of course, on the criterion used to measure what’s going on. But whatever measure employed, it seems there is always another lurking in the wings of history to bite our collective ass. Here are summarised several examples provided by Benjamin Labatut in this marvellous little book of factual fiction in the manner of Borges.

The Jewish scientist Fritz Haber won the Nobel Prize for his 1914 discovery of a chemical process for the extraction of nitrogen from the air. This process provided synthetic fertiliser for crops and thereby promoted a dramatic increase in world population. Haber also directed the creation and use of chemicals for warfare, including that of a cyanide-based pesticide, known as Zyklon B, that was used to kill millions of Jews, including Haber’s own relatives.

Karl Schwarzschild, also Jewish, was an astrophysicist. He was also a genius who was first to provide a complete mathematical formulation of Einstein’s theory of relativity. He predicted the existence of black holes a quarter century before they could be confirmed - incidentally, while he was an artillery officer in the German Army. Inspired by intense patriotism for the Fatherland Schwarzschild had abandoned academia in order to calculate trajectories for barrages of poison gas. He died on the Eastern front, convinced that black holes were a cultural as well as physical phenomenon, and that he and the rest of the German people had fallen into one.

Alexander Grothendieck (only half Jewish) was arguably the most important mathematician of the 20th century. He was incarcerated in Vichy France and at one point escaped with the intention of walking to Berlin in order to kill Hitler. He failed but survived his ordeal. In 1958 a mathematical research institute was founded in Paris devoted solely to him and his students. During the next twelve years this group revolutionised much of mathematics and created the entirely new field of algebraic geometry. But in 1970 Grothendieck abruptly stopped not just his research but also any involvement with mathematics whatsoever. He had come to consider mathematics to be the single greatest threat to human existence. His reasoning was impeccable: “The atoms that tore Hiroshima and Nagasaki apart were split not by the greasy fingers of a general, but by a group of physicists armed with a fistful of equations.”

These and other equally fascinating vignettes in Labatut’s book are moral tales. They are also empirical evidence of the arbitrariness of human judgment. The existentialist philosophers were right: human life is absurd. Hegel was right: the world is built on contradictions. Jesus was at least partially right: the first are often last, and vice versa. The Buddha was probably right: the world is illusory; good becomes indistinguishable from evil. And Qoholeth from the Hebrew Bible was without question right: all is vanity.

Socrates believed that no one willingly commits acts of evil. Hegel thought that even the worst acts have good reasons.* Another way of expressing the same sentiment is that human beings are capable of rationalising any behaviour, thought, or desire as beneficial to the world at large. If there is any human trait that can be considered as downright sinful it is this ability. Yet we continue to confer Nobel Prizes, FA Cups, knighthoods to the likes of Jimmy Savile, and high political office to people of the caliber of Donald Trump, clearly hoping that all the accumulated wisdom of our culture is wrong.

* To quote him exactly: "You need not have advanced very far in your learning in order to find good reasons for the most evil of things. All the evil deeds in this world since Adam and Eve have been justified with good reasons."
Profile Image for Nataliya.
886 reviews14.7k followers
July 4, 2022
No, I don’t quite know what this book was supposed to be.

A gripping nonfiction about dangerous chemicals and their discovery? A story about humanity taking discoveries and using them for wars? A fascinated look into the strangeness of human mind trying to embrace the alien idea of quantum world? An exploration of how tightly genius and insanity are intertwined?
“According to Schwarzschild, the most frightful thing about mass at its most extreme degree of concentration was not the way it altered the form of space, or the strange effects it exerted on time: the true horror, he said, was that the singularity was a blind spot, fundamentally unknowable. Light could never escape from it, so our eyes were incapable of seeing it. Nor could our minds grasp it, because at the singularity the laws of general relativity simply broke down. Physics no longer had any meaning.”

All these were there, in an odd mix that had me fluctuating between loving it dearly and raising eyebrows in irritation. At the beginning it is almost pure nonfiction, written grippingly. Nazi sanctioned meth use, Haber, Prussian Blue and Zyklon B and Nazi suicide capsules and World War I gas attacks. Then we go on to Schwatzchild (yup, that name from the black hole Schwarzchild radius), and Heisenberg (of that uncertainty principle) and Schrödinger, featuring de Broglie, and a few mathematicians of whom I knew nothing (Mochizuki and Grothendieck, mostly fictionalized, apparently).
“We can pull atoms apart, peer back at the first light and predict the end of the universe with just a handful of equations, squiggly lines and arcane symbols that normal people cannot fathom, even though they hold sway over their lives. But it's not just regular folks; even scientists no longer comprehend the world. Take quantum mechanics, the crown jewel of our species, the most accurate, far-ranging and beautiful of all our physical theories. It lies behind the supremacy of our smartphones, behind the Internet, behind the coming promise of godlike computing power. It has completely reshaped our world. We know how to use it, it works as if by some strange miracle, and yet there is not a human soul, alive or dead, who actually gets it. The mind cannot come to grips with its paradoxes and contradictions. It's as if the theory had fallen to earth from another planet, and we simply scamper around it like apes, toying and playing with it, but with no true understanding.”

Labatut admits in his afterword that the first chapter is mostly fact, but as we go on he keeps the science but starts extensively fictionalizing the lives of the scientists, focusing on insanity and mysticism.
“The case of Shinichi Mochizuki, one of the protagonists of “The Heart of the Heart,” is a peculiar one: I did take inspiration from certain aspects of his work to enter into the mind of Alexander Grothendieck, but most of what is said here about him, his biography, and his research is fiction.”

I absolutely loved it until the Grothendieck, Heisenberg and Schrödinger chapters where the pleasant comfort of almost nonfiction gave way to extra artistic touch with way more supposition than I felt necessary. I do feel a bit odd taking the real lives of people who lived in the relatively recent past (and some still alive) and shrouding those in mysticism, blending conjecture and fact a bit too much. Once those fiction and nonfiction lines get blurred, initially quite subtly, it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, actually, wishing Labutat had stuck a bit more to the lovely way he treated nonfiction at the beginning of the book, or created fictional personae for his more fictional sections.

And yet despite these reservations I liked it. It flowed so easily and effortlessly, captivating my attention and making me push all my other books aside while I was feverishly reading it. And even with my discomfort at the way artistic license was taken among actual facts, and a bit of confusion as to why exactly more sensationalizing than necessary was used, I was still mesmerized.

The intersection between science, destruction and madness is a scarily fascinating place.

Rounding up to 4 stars.


Also posted on my blog.

Recommended by: Barbara K
Profile Image for David.
301 reviews1,260 followers
April 30, 2023
This is a fantastic mashup of form and genre from Benjamin Labatut and translator Adrian Nathan West. Labatut weaves a story that is part short-fiction(s), part essay to explore the psychological impact of scientific advances, focusing on developments in the 20th century that led to widespread changes in how we understand the world. The novella at the heart of this work, for example, explores the development of quantum mechanics and the philosophical challenges posed by an abandonment of Newtonian physics to understand the molecular world. Einstein in particular is an interesting character, opposing Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg on philosophical grounds. This is such a great work that plays with form and genre. It's also one of the most interesting works about scientific development I've come across in awhile.
Profile Image for Lark Benobi.
Author 1 book3,098 followers
November 6, 2022
There are a lot of authors experimenting just now with ways to combine the real, and the fictional, and the historical, and the personal all together into a narrative. What I've vividly discovered for myself, now that I've read When We Cease to Understand the World, is how much I adore those authors who plumb the depths of history, and then weave a unique mythology of subjective meanings from the facts. Sebald, Labatut, Stepanova all do this. It's quite a different kind of thing from the kind of writing called "auto-fiction' just now, which dives deep into just one person's history, the author's personal narrative, and adds fictional or subjective elements to that very narrow personal experience. Unlike the auto-fictioners, who put themselves at the center of their stories, Labatut and his counterparts efface themselves almost entirely from their stories. They're interested in a bigger picture. Each detail they choose adds exquisitely to the whole and the result is a Bayeux Tapestry of a novel. I love this way of writing, this way of storytelling. It's a gift to read this book.
Profile Image for Ilenia Zodiaco.
274 reviews15.9k followers
February 20, 2021
Commistione riuscitissima tra invenzione e saggistica, la storia della scienza moderna - tra le meraviglie della scoperta e gli abissi spalancati dalla mancanza di senso - attraverso aneddoti biografici dei suoi protagonisti. Tutti ossessionati, geniali e furiosi. Forse l’unica pecca è che, malgrado la scrittura raffinatissima, manca una nuova prospettiva al racconto dello scienziato brillante, tra solitudine e follia, impossessato da un’idea spaventosa e sublime. Tanto è vero che i racconti sembrano tutti molto simili. Comunque un’ottima prova che solletica l’intelletto, sulla scia del filone editoriale di Rovelli&co.
Profile Image for Paul Fulcher.
Author 2 books1,641 followers
October 24, 2023
Shortlisted for the 2021 International Booker and National Book Awards for Translated Literature

When We Cease to Understand the World has been translated by Adrian Nathan West from Benjamín Labatut's Un Verdor Terrible.

The best overview of the book comes in the author's own words on his German publisher's website - https://www.suhrkamp.de/images/sonder... - and thanks to my friend Neil for introducing me both to the book and pointing me towards this overview of it. His review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

This is a fascinating blend of essay and fiction - as the author says:

"The book starts out with an essay which is 99% non-fiction, followed by two short stories and finally a novella. As the book progresses, the fictional content increases, but all the stories are based on hard facts." (apparently just one paragraph in the essay is fictional - I am intrigued which one)

The essay Prussian Blue is based around hydrogen cyanide: "by following that tiny –yet utterly deadly– molecule I found a thread that wove together science, art and history, assassinations and suicides, and that lead me to some of the greatest chemical discoveries, war crimes and massacres of the 20th Century." This part of the novel felt very Sebaldian, and it was interesting to see his The Rings of Saturn listed in the references alongside more factual books. Labatut's manages to make the ideas flow seamlessly but with a wide range:

"An ingredient in Dippel’s elixir would eventually produce the blue that shines not only in Van Gogh’s Starry Night and in the waters of Hokusai’s Great Wave, but also on the uniforms of the infantrymen of the Prussian army, as though something in the colour’s chemical structure invoked violence: a fault, a shadow, an existential stain passed down from those experiments in which the alchemist dismembered living animals to create it, assembling their broken bodies in dreadful chimeras he tried to reanimate with electrical charges, the very same monsters that inspired Mary Shelley to write her masterpiece, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, in whose pages she warned of the risk of the blind advancement of science, to her the most dangerous of all human arts."

This sense of the danger of advanced science / mathematics, both to mankind, but to the mental state of those practising it, is a key theme.

Schwarzschild's Singularity tells how "a German soldier on the Russian front of the First World War was the first person to solve Einstein’s equations of the theory of general relativity, which are astoundingly hard. He did so while suffering a blistering skin disease and died soon after sending his results to Einstein. The strangest thing of all is that in his calculations there appeared, for the first time, a monster that was not to be recognized till decades later: the black hole."

Schwarzschild himself is quoted as saying:

"Often I have been unfaithful to the heavens. My interest has never been limited to things situated in space, beyond the moon, but has rather followed those threads woven between them and the darkest zones of the human soul, as it is there that the new light of science must be shone."

The next short story, The Heart of the Heart, focuses on pure mathematics and begins:

"On the morning of August 31, 2012, the Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki published four articles on his blog. Those six hundred pages contained a proof of one of the most important conjectures in number theory, known as a + b = c."

a 'proof' that still today bewilders the rest of the mathematical world. The story also tells of Alexander Grothendieck, a Fields medal winner and brilliant mathematician, who, in his later year, retreated into reclusion and mysticism.

The final piece, the novella When We Cease to Understand the World (from which the English title of the whole book is taken), focuses on the rival discoveries in quantum mechanics of Erwin Schrödinger and Werner Heisenberg. Per Labutut "what really interested me was the conditions under which each one of them had their particular epiphany" and it is here the fiction really kicks in as he takes what is known ("for example, we know that Schrödinger spent a week in Arosa with a lover, but we do not know her name, her age, we really know absolutely nothing about her") and adds a detailed and imaginative fictional story around it.

But this is also a story about how the advances of quantum theory made the world both more explainable, in a purely mathematical sense, but much less comprehensible.

"Take quantum mechanics, the crown jewel of our species, the most accurate, far-ranging and beautiful of all our physical theories. It lies behind the supremacy of our smartphones, behind the Internet, behind the coming promise of godlike computing power. It has completely reshaped our world. We know how to use it, it works as if by some strange miracle, and yet there is not a human soul, alive or dead, who actually gets it. The mind cannot come to grips with its paradoxes and contradictions. It’s as if the theory had fallen to earth from another planet, and we simply scamper around it like apes, toying and playing with it, but with no true understanding."

(from the 'secret gardener' in the final chapter)

Although the focus is on the Schrödinger/Heisenberg rivalry, perhaps the most interesting contrast for me was with Einstein, who found Heisenberg's theories particularly confounding:

"The father of relativity was a great master of visualization: all of his ideas about space and time had been born of his capacity to imagine himself in the most extreme physical circumstances. For this reason, he was unwilling to accept the restrictions demanded by Heisenberg, who seemed to have gouged out both his eyes in order to see further
Einstein became the greatest enemy of quantum mechanics. ... “This theory reminds me a little of the system of delusions of an exceedingly intelligent paranoiac, concocted of incoherent elements of thoughts,” he wrote to one of his friends."

This section also finishes, in a change of style, with a shorter, much more personal chapter, which stands in an intriguing relationship to the rest of the book.

A wonderful book - a hybrid of accessible science and novelistic imagination, and highly thought provoking, one that leads the reader down many interesting areas of further reading.

Thanks to the publisher via Netgalley for the ARC.

4.5 stars rounded to 5
Profile Image for Katia N.
644 reviews901 followers
May 2, 2021
This book has reminded me of a sandwich, the moment when you cut your teeth into a very attractive piece of gourmand bread enjoying the flavour, but suddenly it is mixed with a taste of the filling. And this filling is somewhat iffy. Possibly, it contains too much spice or just lacking the sophisticated ingredients the bread made you to anticipate.

Enough said, I think. There is a lot to like in this book. He explains the underlying ideas pretty well. He also shares the list of the books he has read in his research. But “this filling” in the middle has significantly diminished my enthusiasm. The enigma of the scientific epiphany has remained unresolved. And in terms of “the world we cease to understand”. I dare say we have not ceased just yet as we never did understand it at the first place.
Profile Image for Henk.
990 reviews
February 13, 2024
Shortlisted for the National Fiction Award for translated fiction & Shortlisted for the International Bookerprize 2021, my favourite from the ones I read.
Very interesting how the IB judges have nominated so many works reflecting on history and scientific developments, with An Inventory of Losses and The War of the Poor having the same blend of non-fiction and fiction as this work.

Brilliant and sweeping, effortlessly sweeping the reader to scientific breakthroughs of the the early twentieth century
We rise, we fall. We may rise by falling.
Defeat shapes us. Our only wisdom is tragic, known too late, and only to the lost.
Guy Davenport (quoted in the foreword)

Benjamín Labatut takes the reader on a journey of scientific discovery, from cyanide, to potassium extraction, to quantum physics. It’s very clear that scientific inventions are often conceived with the best intentions (or accidentally), but are later on put to "unthought" when they are used against other humans. The story of cyanide, first leading to Prussian Blue as a pigment and later as a disinfectant against rodent, to the suicide capsules of the Nazi’s and the Zyklon B used in the gas chambers, is striking. Fritz Haber who contributed greatly to the development of poison gas in the First World War, was of Jewish descent and had his wife committing suicide in reaction to his experiments in this regard, while he himself needed to flee from the Nazi regime later in his life.

Karl Schwarzschild, the astronomer and universal man of science who theorized the existence of black holes, dying from poison gas exposure at the front, is also a fascinating story. One wonders how much more physics could have advanced if he hadn’t died at 42.

Shinichi Mochizuki is a more recent mathematician who posits the interuniversal Teichmüllertheory of numbers; here the Benjamín Labatut does not take the effort to illustrate what exactly that should entail but weaves his story with an other eccentric mathematician: Alexander Grothendieck. He seems to be paralyzed by the transformative powers his theory could have and dies as a hermit, possibly visited by Mochizuki.

The largest part of the book is dedicated to quantum physics, with fascinating tales about Heisenberg in Helgoland, Louis de Broglie, a French prince who subsidized Art Brut and pursued a doctorate and earned a Nobel prize and Schrödinger, who seemed to live in a real life version of the The Magic Mountain of Mann. Transcendental moments of obsession, neglect of the body and ideas that can’t yet be substantiated by logic alone take a centre stage.

The advancement of science in such a time of economic uncertainty and upheaval is fascinating, and seems to say something that also comes back in a science fiction novel like Seven Surrenders: does human knowledge really advance in times of peace and prosperity or is conflict and war an essential and required catalyst? A fascinating and truly thought provoking read.
Profile Image for Oni.
63 reviews39 followers
December 27, 2021
I take books very personally. Even more so, books that weave all of my passions and interests together: literary modern fiction, science, ethics and science history. Unfortunately, “When We Cease to Understand the World” left me feeling offended and cheated.

The book is ambitious, clearly researched, seamless in its blending of fact and fiction, (mostly) eloquent in its explanation of complex scientific concepts and riveting because the texture of the subject and the individuals it deals with are riveting themselves.

So why did it leave me feeling offended and cheated? To some extent, this must have to do with my own background, but only to some extent. As someone with close friends doing hardcore research in physics, as someone with a PhD of her own in a STEM field, as someone who has at least witnessed the discipline and rigour and sacrifices that a career as a young scientist entails, I am sickened beyond words by the “mad-male-genius-tormented-soul” cliché that has been overused and abused to the detriment of us all. That cliché that both fences in and bars out and ultimately, does us all an enormous disservice. Labatut builds his entire book around this dangerous trope and in 2021 I think it is high time we demand more and take active steps towards expelling such a trite and harmful Romantic notion.

OK, OK! But how is the book besides this? Frankly, mediocre. For the physics part, I think Labatut does mostly a decent job explaining complex concepts. However for anyone with some interest in the topic of quantum mechanics and the figures who shaped it there will not be much to learn or to discover reading this book. Is that a problem in itself? No, not at all, yet I cannot help but wonder what he actually adds to the topic. Other recent books dealing with science and the figures behind it and blending fact and fiction - for instance, Radioactive: Marie and Pierre Curie, A Tale of Love and Fallout by Lauren Redniss, The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sydney Padua, and my favourite of recent years, Murmur by Will Eaves - did so with creativity and enthusiasm and a deep respect for the ideas and scientific work under discussion. This is of course subjective but I cannot say the same about “When We Cease To Understand The World”. Also, as another reviewer* (see Barbara’s review) perfectly described it before me, when it comes to mathematics, Labatut is out of his depth and reading his musings on the subject feels like being explained colour by a person who lived their entire life experiencing only black and white.

And cheated? Why cheated? Well, because “When We Cease To Understand The World” operates under the guise of sophistication and refined, elegant treatment of complex ideas and individuals but ends up - once stripped of its outer eloquent layers - having a treatment that is trite and frankly, “Daily Mail”-esque in its oversimplification and pursuit of melodramatic sensationalism.

There are however two valuable lessons to be learned from the success of this book in my opinion. The first one is that the dangerous notion of the “tragic genius on the brink of madness” pushing us a step closer to destruction is sadly deeply rooted in the collective psyche. The second lesson is more reassuring: there is a real thirst for books dealing maturely and elegantly with topics of science and hopefully in the coming years this thirst will be assuaged by works venturing into such subjects with more respect and depth and creativity.
Profile Image for Orsodimondo.
2,332 reviews2,261 followers
July 5, 2023

Mi sono illuso leggendo il primo capitolo, Blu di Prussia, che Labatut – olandese di nascita, ma trasferito sin da bambino in Sud America, ora considerato scrittore cileno, infatti scrive in spagnolo – mi avrebbe raccontato una di quelle storie che io prediligo: partendo da un punto qualsiasi mi avrebbe condotto in un viaggio fatto di curiosità, aneddoti, storie vere, elementi disparati che la sua bravura avrebbe connesso. Come i puntini delle eterne vignette sulla Settimana Enigmistica. Collegare fatti distanti, tra lo storico, lo scientifico, il politico, il sociale, il geografico, l’aneddotico, ecc. Trovando un filo comune, sapendo quando è il momento di passare da uno all’altro. Farlo con piacevolezza di lettura, un filo d’ironia, senza sfoggio, senza appesantire. Ecco.
Ma così non è stato. Mi sono trovato davanti a – per esplicita ammissione di Labatut nei ringraziamenti - un’opera di finzione basata su fatti reali. La quantità di finzione va aumentando nel corso del libro.

Yves Klein (Nizza, 28 aprile 1928 – Parigi, 6 giugno 1962) autore delle opere qui inserite.

Dal secondo capitolo ho scoperto con mia frustrazione che si trattava di biografie di geni matematici, fisici, forse anche astronomi. Gente mai sentita nominare prima, dati i miei limiti sull’argomento. Teorie che ignoravo – e ignoro tuttora – che pur se spiegate – ma lo sono davvero? – in maniera piana, a me risultano ostiche. Bravo Labatut a sottolineare i momenti e i passaggi di queste vite più curiosi, più speciali.
Ma, alla fin fine, si è trattato di un viaggio attraverso una serie di “beautiful mind” – e mi riferisco al titolo del film premio Oscar dove Russell Crowe interpreta un genio matematico, John Nash, che oltrepassa i limiti della sua mente. Un viaggio che tutto sommato mi ha lasciato freddino. Pur se intelligente e scritto piacevolmente.
D’altra parte se quando leggo Heisenberg, invece di focalizzare sul genio della meccanica quantistica, io penso d’istinto al personaggio interpretato da Bryan Cranston nella magnifica serie Breaking Bad, personaggio che si chiama Walter White, ma che ha scelto lo pseudonimo di Heisenberg – dando vita a un florido merchandising – in onore proprio dell’uomo che io continuo a confondere, allora probabilmente questo è il libro sbagliato per me.

Johann Konrad Dippel, Alexander Grothendieck, Fritz Haber, Shinichi Mochizuki, Karl Schwarzschild, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Karl Heisenberg… un alchimista, un chimico, ma principalmente matematici e fisici, forse ancora di più filosofi, se non del tutto mistici… Hanno tutti cercato di capire e spiegare il mondo. Sono più o meno finiti tutti fuori di balcone.
Che forse è l’unico modo per capire e spiegare il mondo.
Oppure, è quello che succede a chi si accanisce a voler capire e spiegare il mondo.

Il titolo originale, Un verdor terrible, si traduce più o meno in un verde terribile. Il titolo scelto dall’editore - quello che ha il racconto più lungo, da solo metà dell’opera – è sicuramente più evocativo.
Il verde terribile però non si riesce ad accantonare facilmente: da quando nel 1782 Carl Wilhelm Scheele rimestò un recipiente di blu di Prussia con un cucchiaio su cui vi erano residui di acido solforico, creando il veleno più importante dell’epoca moderna. Un verde smeraldo così abbagliante e seducente che divenne il colore preferito di Napoleone: il verde di Scheele tingeva la carta da parati nella camera da letto e nel bagno dell’ex imperatore imprigionato sull’isola di Sant’Elena. E sappiamo che Bonaparte morì avvelenato…
Così, dalla necessità di generare l’azoto per sfamare la popolazione mondiale, attraverso il colore blu di Prussia – quello della copertina di Yves Klein – passando per cianuro, arsenico, il verde Scheele, si arriva al gas tossico usato dai tedeschi a Ypres nella Grande Guerra, per scivolare in modo più che infernale allo Zyklon B, alias il “ciclone B” usato nelle camere a gas.

Profile Image for Benjamin C.
42 reviews
December 28, 2022
I give this book 1 star, out of hot-blooded principle, because Labatut perpetuates the “mad scientist” trope in a very damaging way. He takes factual material about the lives of famous scientists and fills the (large) gaps with utter fiction from his imagination. He turns cogent scientists into tortured animals who belong in the insanitarium. I think it's bullshit. Science is a very sane process, a matter of taking the time to understand a subject and a matter of asking the right questions. These mad eureka moments are fiction, and I speak as an academic who spends his life in pen and paper. The eminent mathematicians of our time would agree (e.g. see Terence Tao’s blog). The gauntlet must be thrown: science is not the work of tortured artists.

Certainly, there are creative people who do science. Some have gone off their rockers. But they are not crazy *because* they did science. I doubt Heisenberg did much more than take long walks and think to himself in Heligoland. Einstein is no god. Schrodinger’s sexual dreams? I don't think Labatut condemns them enough (if at all); Schrodinger was a serial pedophile (let us not romanticize that). And reality reflects the sanity of progress: quantum mechanics is at this point well understood, the same way science understands that the Earth is round (and children do not). Science is not exclusive to mad *men*; in fact, the opposite. I claim that although we cannot hope to understand everything in the universe, to wrap the unknown in myth and prejudice—as does this book—contradicts the fundamental principle of science. Let us not idolize the unknown by concocting fiction!

Labatut deeply misunderstands the scientific process, conflating reality with his own romanticism and prejudice. This book is his view, and his alone: Labatut has ceased to understand the world. This shouldn’t prevent the rest of us from understanding it the best we can.
Profile Image for Gumble's Yard - Golden Reviewer.
1,986 reviews1,623 followers
May 18, 2023
With thanks to the Colophon Books blog for featuring my review here



This book is about what happens when we reach the edges of science; when we come face to face with what we cannot understand. It is about what occurs to the human mind when it pushes past the outer limits of thought, and what lies beyond those limits.

This book has now been shortlisted for the 2021 National Book Award for Translated Fiction having previously been shortlisted for the International Booker Prize (where it was one of two books by Pushkin Press – who publish “the world’s best stories, to be read and read again” - the other the eventual winner).

I was already well aware of this book and very keen to read it - as one of my closest Goodreads friends Neil had picked it as one of the best books of 2020 (for a Mookse and Gripes discussion/ranking – where it ended up ranked first for 2020) and my twin brother Paul had suggested it as the clear deserving winner of the 2021 Booker (well before the longlist).

I was also aware that it is a book which draws heavily in its initial chapter on WG Sebald’s “Rings of Saturn” which I re-read recently and for much of the rest of its content on quantum physics and mathematics (which I studied and loved at University - quantum physics in fact being the only part of applied mathematics/mathematical physics that I really loved as its more theoretical and probabalistic nature much more matched my love of pure mathematics and statistics).

And this is not a book that disappoints.

As both Paul and Neil have pointed out the author (a Netherlands born, Spanish language writer now living in Chile) himself gives the best introduction to the book in a detailed English language interview with his German publisher – and I would recommend reading it in full (before and after reading the actual novel).


The book starts with a almost entirely non-fictional chapter “Prussian Blue”, which has heavy overlap with Sebald (for example starting with silkworms) and takes in (largely via the German scientist, Noble Prize winner but also alleged war criminal) Fritz Haber such ideas as German end WW2 mass suicides, artifical pigmentation, WW1 gas attacks (including Hitler as a victim), the amphetamine dependency of the Nazi war machine, Zyklon-B, nitrogen-based fertilisers both natural/historic and artificial (via the synthesis of ammonia), poisons and so on. The author has the section contains only one fictional paragraph which I think could be the last one – where Haber’s true lack of remorse for his War actions (which in WW1 even lead to the suicide of his wife) was said to instead have regretted his role in allowing the risk of fertiliser enhanced nature to take over the world.

The second chapter concentrates on Karl Schwarzschild and his remarkable work on solving Einstein’s General Relativity Equations while posted on the Russian front (my pun – he could have been said to have solved the Field Equations while in the field), and despite suffering from a completely debilitating genetic auto-immune disease which may have been triggered by a gas attack (linking of course to the first chapter). Symbolically though the many different ideas in the chapter are inexorably drawn to one central idea Schwarzschild first originated – the Black Hole. A physical singularity which is a necessary consequence of the mathematical equations of space-time but which is difficult if not impossible for us to really conceive of in any conventional terms; and something which at first – and particularly to Einstein - seemed a paradox, an anomaly, a consequence of either over-simplification or of applying a formula beyond the limits and bounds where it can be correctly parameterised – but which in science has gradually accepted as being real and fundamental to our understanding of physics. The even greater power in this chapter though is the corollary drawn (I am not clear if really by Schwarzschild or by Schwarzschild interpreted by Labatut that human psyche (if sufficiently warped and concentrated on a single purpose) could perhaps produce an equally terrible singularity “a black sun dawning over the horizon, capable of engulfing the entire world”, something even more terrible than WW1 – which is of course a prophecy of the rise of Nazi-ism.

The third chapter in my view was the weakest – about the Japanese mathematician Mochizuki and his predecessor the master of abstraction Alexander Grothendieck. Thematically the chapter fits well – with the idea of mathematical concepts which while seemingly true seem impossible for most people to understand, and the idea that at the centre (for the few who do comprehend them) is something terrible and dangerous; but I just did not feel it came to life as well as the other chapters or had particularly strong mathematical descriptions (a quick Wiki look up helped me grasp A+B = C much better than the chapter). Here I think a largely factual basis has a number of fictional elements (particularly I think around Grothendieck’s last days).

The fourth section is the longest – by now the gradual blending of fiction and fact has come to something of a balance.

The factual scaffolding of this section is the two rival schools of interpretation of Quantum mechanics – Erwin Schrödinger and his Uncertainty Principle, and Werner Heisenberg and his Copenhagen interpretation as developed with his mentor Niels Bohr - rival schools which were not just about different mathematical formulations but about different mathematical/physical worldviews as explained in a preface “while Schrödinger had needed only a single equation to describe virtually the whole of modern chemistry and physics, Heisenberg’s ideas and formulae were exceptionally abstract, philosophically revolutionary, and so dreadfully complex” – further Heisenberg we are told (in a return to one of the author’s key themes) had “glimpsed a dark nucleus at the heart of things”.

Much of the rest of this section is then a fictional imagining of (quoting the author’s interview) “the conditions under which each one of them had their particular epiphany”. Schrödinger’s sensuous time on a ski resort, his “lover’s …..pearls inside his ears to concentrate”, Heisenberg’s solitary time with horrendous hayfever on Heglioland – scene of course post-war of one of the largest ever man-made explosions, a non-nuclear and peace time explosion by the victorious British of surplus armaments. Now of course (partly my link partly the author’s) had Heisenberg not failed in his development of the German WW2 Atomic Weapons programme (in contrast to Haber’s success in the German WW1 Chemical Weapons programme) a very different explosion (nuclear, war-time, by the Germans) may have taken place instead and the history of the World been very different.

These fictional sections – Heisenberg’s in particular, mix dreams and visions with quantum physics – returning to another recurring theme of the book, that many great mathematical and mathematical physics discoveries (particularly those relating to the mysterious world of higher mathematics and quantum mechanics) begin with a literally imaginative and visionary leap beyond conventional thinking with then the harder work being to put the mathematical framework behind it (this very idea of a factual scaffolding holding up but also inspired by an imaginative piece also mirroring the very structure of this fourth section).

And one of the key visions that Heisenberg has ends in a nightmarishy way – when he later meets with Bohr he tells him everything that lead up to his developments of his quantum theory other than this part.

but for a strange reason he could explain neither to himself nor to Bohr, for it was one he would not understand until decades later, he was incapable of confessing his vision of the dead baby at his feet, or the thousands of figures who had surrounded him in the forest, as if wishing to warn him of something, before they were carbonized in an instant by that flash of blind light.

And we of course see know that this vision is linked to and maybe even acted as a warning to Heisenberg not to contemplate the German Atomic weapons programme. I was of course reminder of Michael Frayn’s brilliant play “Copenhagen” which tells and retells the story of Heisenberg and Bohr’s meeting in 1941 and what it meant for both the US and German programmes.

The last chapter rounds the book off neatly – a first party and entirely fictional account, where the narrator, in Chile, meets a night-time gardener, an ex-mathematican and the two discuss many of the ideas in earlier chapters and the book’s overall themes.

The book is translated (extremely naturally I have to say) by Adrian Nathan West

The only criticism I could aim here is the usual bugbear of title – the Spanish language title being effectively I think translatable as “A Terrible Nature” (although literally translated in this book as “ a terrible verdure”) which is taken from the very last words of the first and important chapter, in my view encompasses the key ideas the middle sections explore and then identifies directly with the last and very different chapter of the book; whereas the English title is taken straight from the longest section of the book and perhaps gives that undue primacy in an English reader’s mind.

But that is a small criticism of a brilliant book.
Profile Image for Adam Dalva.
Author 8 books1,914 followers
November 7, 2021
Swirling fractal of a book, as facts about important 20th century scientists mathematicians slowly transform into a fictional surreality of quantum mechanics and atrocity, with beautiful writing all the way through. Labatut is new to me, and he has a fan now - I've seen the work compared to Sebald, and I do understand it, but to me there's a bit of Calvino here, a bit of impishness, as we skip between genres willy-nilly.

An accomplishment.
Profile Image for Prerna.
222 reviews1,803 followers
May 26, 2021
Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize, 2021

It is hard to define beauty in physics or mathematics. Beauty is not a measurable quantity. But that hasn't stopped physicists and mathematicians from pursuing it for centuries now. The notion of 'beauty' has come to be associated with truth and symmetries in science. (Physicists, physics students and physics enthusiasts: I do not, I repeat, I do not want to see snarky comments on quarks here. That's not what I mean, and you know it.)

Schrodinger was fascinated by life because it did not act like 'any piece of matter.' In his 1944 paper 'What is Life', Schrodinger expressed astonishment over his observation that in living systems order and complexity seem to increase over time, even though 'life' is governed by the same laws of physics which dictate that in closed physical systems, entropy - a measure of disorder, increases with time.

In When We Cease to Understand the World, Labatut beautifully explores the lives of Schwarzschild, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Fritz Haber, Schinichi Mochizuki (of the a + b = c conjecture fame), Grothendieck and de Broglie. He writes about their eccentricities, their quests for beauty, truth and order that often intersected and changed the very fundamentals of physics and mathematics. He does it by taking only enough creative license to fictionalize their emotional lives, which was necessary in my opinion.

Where is the colour that might tame the sky? / The grey mist leaves me blind / the more I look, the less I see.

My only qualm with the book (and you've probably noticed this already) has to do with its stark lack of female characters. The only prominent female character was a 16 year old tuberculosis patient whom Schrodinger tutored and had sexual fantasies about. She was your typical underage manic pixie dream girl with no character arc of her own. What I don't like about general public reactions to the flaws of famous physicists and mathematicians, especially to those of physicists (and I've seen this in my peers too), is that it's often a feigned ignorance and sometimes even a glorification. I don't like how people in science sometimes pretend as though commonplace rules of morality and ethics don't apply to them because they are pursuing a 'higher truth.' And I'm saying this as a woman in STEM.

The scientists written about in this book are extremely popular and much talked about. I would have loved to read more about the unfairly lesser known female scientists - Emmy Noether, for example. Her contributions to both physics and mathematics have been phenomenal, yet I'm sure most of the general populace hasn't even heard of her. I don't mean to say that it was a personal duty on this author's part to write about female scientists. I'm just saying that there are women in science too, you know. And it's time we acknowledge this. Oh, and I expected more representation in a book shortlisted for the International Booker.

We can pull atoms apart, peer back at the first light and predict the end of the universe with just a handful of equations, squiggly lines and arcane symbols that normal people cannot fathom, even though they hold sway over their lives. But it’s not just regular folks; even scientists no longer comprehend the world. Take quantum mechanics, the crown jewel of our species, the most accurate, far-ranging and beautiful of all our physical theories. It lies behind the supremacy of our smartphones, behind the Internet, behind the coming promise of godlike computing power. It has completely reshaped our world. We know how to use it, it works as if by some strange miracle, and yet there is not a human soul, alive or dead, who actually gets it. The mind cannot come to grips with its paradoxes and contradictions. It’s as if the theory had fallen to earth from another planet, and we simply scamper around it like apes, toying and playing with it, but with no true understanding.
Profile Image for Libby.
598 reviews156 followers
July 6, 2023
"They might be too good to be true, but they’re not too good to be real.”
Benjamin Labatut in an interview with Constance Grady on Vox Book Club

What a strange and wondrous book. A book about great men and their discoveries. Benjamin Labatut blends fact and fiction in a totally absorbing and engaging way. He explores the divide between science and madness, and how we’ve used the knowledge we’ve gained for the betterment of mankind, and how we’ve used it to kill, maim, and destroy. I find it fascinating now that we’re on the brink of destroying our planet through the technology that’s allowed us to pump 43.1 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 2019 alone to reflect on how few times a major figure stops us in our tracks to tell us that science/technology is killing us, slowly at first, but at some point the frog boils in the water. But Labatut’s stories have nothing to do with climate change. Or perhaps they do because they show us a dark side of humanity, our obsessive need to know, prick, and do whatever can be done regardless of the cost. In the history of mankind, foresight has not been a prevailing characteristic, and the further away from nature we go, the more eclipsed our precognition becomes, or at least our ability to care about what we can see as an inevitable future.

Labatut has a startling way of stringing his ideas together, one that will make you sit up and pay attention. These are lines from the first story, Prussian Blue:

Decades before, Zyklon A–a precursor to the poison employed by the Nazis in their concentration camps–had been sprayed on California oranges, as a pesticide, and used to delouse the trains in which tens of thousands of Mexican immigrants hid when entering the United States. The wood of the train cars was stained a beautiful blue, the same colour that can be seen even today on certain bricks at Auschwitz; both hearken to cyanide’s authentic origins as a by-product isolated in 1782 from the first modern synthetic pigment, Prussian Blue.

As soon as it appeared, Prussian Blue caused a sensation in European art. Thanks to its lower price, in just a few years it had all but replaced the colour that painters had used since the Renaissance to depict the robes of the angels and the Virgin’s mantle–ultramarine, the finest and costliest of all blue pigments, . . .

In the space of a few lines, he relates a cautionary tale that is a major theme throughout. Here specifically, it is . . . look beyond beauty, the angels. What is lofty may bring you low, even to death. Other stories reveal the obsessive nature of scientists, to the point of madness, fevered dreams, and nightmares, the eternal curiosity, the need to know, and the release of that information into society, where it becomes a tool of political and economic power. There is awe here as well, wonder at the things we’ve learned, a grandness that filled me as I read. Labatut says, "This book is about what happens when we reach the edges of science; when we come face to face with what we cannot understand. It is about what occurs to the human mind when it pushes past the outer limits of thought, and what lies beyond those limits"

Because the stories are fact and fiction, I was constantly looking things up. There’s enough fact, bones even. The fiction then becomes an interesting choice or pathway that the author has taken. Labatut has made his choices thoughtfully, dressed the stories in clothing that fits them well. For example, Schrödinger appears in the story entitled ‘When We Cease To Understand The World.’ He’s diagnosed with tuberculosis and goes to Villa Herwig, a sanatorium in Switzerland. In this story, he tutors Dr. Hewig’s young daughter (16) in math. In all other subjects and maturity, she is well advanced, possibly due to her own isolation due to the tuberculosis she has contracted from her father’s patients. Schrödinger develops an obsessive attraction to the girl, convincing himself that he is in love. He’s 39 years old. This was disturbing enough for me to look up the facts. Indeed, Schrödinger, according to an article in Forbes, became enamored of a 14 year old girl, Ithi, that he was tutoring in math. Before Schrödinger died in 1961, he admitted that Ithi became pregnant at age 17 and then became sterile after an abortion. The article in Forbes is titled, ‘Schrödinger’s Pedophilia: The Cat Is Out Of The Bag (Box)’ and written by Rebecca Coffey. The gods of science have clay feet and they walk in the mire.

I was utterly transfixed by this series of stories. I hope that Labatut’s next novel, ‘The Maniac’ is as compelling as this one. His new book, 'The Maniac' is due out on October 3, 2023.
Profile Image for Roman Clodia.
2,682 reviews3,856 followers
March 30, 2021
Longlisted for the International Booker 2021

The physicist - like the poet - should not describe the facts of the world but rather generate metaphors and mental connections.

Labatut, like Sebald (and The Rings of Saturn connects in multiple ways with this book) has written a peripatetic text that comprises a series of what look like essays but include an increasing amount of fictional elements: what holds them together are an interest in scientific knowledge and the dangers and responsibilities that understanding should impose on us.

The most obvious connection with Sebald is the subtext of German Fascism: Nazi silkworms (yep, Rings of Saturn), the use of amphetamines by Hitler's troops, various characters who end up in the camps, the development of Zyklon B, all make an appearance. There's also the spectre of Hiroshima that haunts the development of theories of quantum mechanics. Ideas of the monstrous and monstrosity return, as well as the image of a dark heart, though whether that's in the world or in humankind is left floating.

It's worth saying that I am probably one of the least scientifically-minded readers and yet I loved this. The wonder of quantum mechanics fascinates me though I can't begin to get my head around all those equations and theories - but that doesn't matter here and it's precisely the paradox uncovered by Schrodinger, the idea of a universe of potentialities and possibilities that evade the common sense of physical science that excites my imagination. It makes me think of a closed book, a text which contains a whole spectrum of meanings and interpretations contained within it which will be released by each individual reader as the book 'travels' through its readerly history and reception.

The writing and translation here are outstanding, this never reads like a translated text and there's a pliable texture to the prose that eases the transitions from topic to topic: what could have been jarring jumps in the hand of another author, here flow seamlessly and fascinatingly - the mode of writing thus seems to be making connections that parallel the programmatic stance of the text itself.

A clever but, importantly, humane book.
Profile Image for Matthew Ted.
898 reviews907 followers
October 20, 2022
16th book of 2022.

4.5. A real masterful piece of work this is. Sublime, stunning, and so intelligent. It's a shame this is his only book translated into English, he's brilliant (and looks almost too cool to be a writer [1]). The book is comprised of five parts which in a way read like separate pieces. The first, "Prussian Blue" is the most interesting piece of writing I've read in a long time, all circling the creation and use of cyanide. The next three parts ("Schwarzschild's Singularity", "The Heart of the Heart" and the titular "When We Cease to Understand the World") are about numerous mathematicians and scientists from Einstein, Schrödinger, Schwarzschild, and others. The final part, "The Night Gardener", of the novel suddenly shifts, a very short auto-fiction chapter, of just 10 or so pages, about Labatut's hometown in Chile. This, as all other chapters do, links back into the narrative, about madness, cyanide, war and genius. This honestly is one of the most fascinating and impressive books I've read recently.

"Prussian Blue" blew me away, in 24 pages. It opens with the medical examination of Hermann Göring on the eve of the Nuremburg Trials, describing his fingers and toes stained a 'furious red'. Labatut then describes the Pervitin that all of the Wehrmacht were borderline addicted to, receiving it in their rations, so that the troopers 'used to stay awake for weeks on end, fighting in a deranged state, alternating between manic furore and nightmarish stupor'. He then reports that in April 1945 alone 'three thousand eight hundred people killed themselves in Berlin', and talks of the suicides that rocked Germany rather than facing their defeat. We then read about Hitler's beloved German shepherd, Blondi, who was given cyanide first on Hitler's orders because he was 'so convinced that his dosage had been tampered with'. Next we hear about the Indian goldsmith, M.P. Prasad, who is the only person to write about cyanide's flavour, writing three lines before he died. The liquid form smells slightly of almonds, 'which not everyone can distinguish as doing so requires a gene absent in forty per cent of humanity', and Labatut comments, that a significant number of Jews murdered in the concentration camps would smell nothing at all as the cyanide filled the gas chambers, 'while others died smelling the same fragrance inhaled by the men who had organised their extermination as they bit down on their suicide capsules.' Then suddenly we zoom out, and Labatut explains that certain bricks in Auschwitz were stained a 'beautiful blue', this is because of 'cyanide's authentic origins as a by-product isolated in 1782 from the first modern synthetic pigment, Prussian Blue.' Thus begins the history of the colour and its creation, which later oscillates into describing silkworms (for those who have read Sebald, how Sebald [2]) and the Nazis planting millions of mulberry trees, into a short biography of Johann Conrad Dippel, who, without, Prussian Blue would never have existed, into, then, Carl Wilhelm Sheele, who first realised the danger when he 'stirred a pot of Prussian Blue with a spoon coated in traces of sulphuric acid and created the most potent poison of the modern era'. This moves into another colour, a green, which Napaloeon loved, so Labatut's narrative takes us there to the Emperor and his bedroom, and his final days where his skin took on a 'cadaverous grey tone', and then we follow the narrative onto Rasputin and the failure to kill him, then onto Alan Turing, and Labatut describes what he was like as a man, and how he died by cyanide, which then leads us to reading about the children during the war and their gas masks, then into Ypres, where the 'first gas attack in history overwhelmed the French troops', and Labatut quotes a first-hand account of the gas and its effects which killed everything, all men, horses, birds in the trees, insects, mice, everything came from their holes to die, which leads us to Fritz Haber, who first obtained nitrogen 'from the air', as before, Labatut tells us, Englishmen would 'despoil the tombs of the ancient pharaohs, in search not of gold, jewels or antiquities, but of the nitrogen contained in the bones of the thousands of slaves buried', and how they did the same, unearthing bodies from the battles of Austerlitz, Leipzig and Waterloo, which then gets us to Adi, or Adolf Hitler, with a two page biography on how we went from aspiring artist to hateful war survivor, and finally the chapter ends with Haber's death and the letter written to his wife. This is 24 pages, the first part of the novel.

And though Labatut says in the Acknowledgements that the 'quantity of fiction grows throughout the book' because "Prussian Blue" contains 'only one fictional paragraph' (he doesn't say which), it's clear that the man knows his science and his scientists. I didn't understand much of the quantum mechanics and whatever else but what prevailed wasn't the science at all, it was the genius and the madness. All the scientists in this book go pretty much 'insane' at certain points in their life, with recurring near-starvation and sleep deprivation (mostly due to obsessiveness of work), self-exile, talking to themselves, not washing, shaving, the usual. They were tormented souls and Labatut gives us full portraits of all of their madness (and genius). Somehow they all link too, scientists appearing in one another's chapters, ideas strung together ('standing on the shoulders of giants' . . .), and themes recurring and recurring. Of course as well as the madness and the genius, Labatut shows us that above all, maths and science are the most dangerous things to humanity; and, did these great men foresee that their inventions and ideas would be used for mass destruction, genocide? So it's also a reflection on the cost of genius.

How the novel is only 188 pages is utterly beyond me. I'll say again, masterful.



[2] The Rings of Saturn is placed comfortably within the acknowledgements.
Profile Image for Alan.
636 reviews296 followers
April 16, 2023
5th book from my reading challenge with Ted.

#16 - Read a book written after 2000.

There is pure energy contained in this book. I was surfing through the subjects that I had come across at some point or other since high school. I was one of those kids that took all of the science classes in high school and continued on to pre-med in my undergrad, thinking that I would be going on to medicine and a role as a doctor. No, that didn’t work out. But here I am, with all this latent information in there, banging and begging to come out. It has proven useful here, as I was able to weave them in to get the max out of these vignettes.

You wouldn’t necessarily expect these stories (about mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology) to have quite the pace that they do. Prussian Blue plays with new chemical discovery, the benefits that science can have for the arts, but also the horror that their downstream effects can have - thinking of the ways in which Zyklon B was employed by the Nazis during WWII. Schwarzschild’s Singularity, again showing the madness of war and its effects on human progress, but bringing out an equation that would ultimately come to lead to the understanding of black holes. The Heart of the Heart had me devouring the pages, realizing that the theme was one that I had within me, this latent wish to study patterns, dynamics, and systems, get to the bottom of “the thing” that is underneath “it all” - a privilege to learn about Grothendieck and his dance with the abyss of all-encompassing knowledge that is the base of humanity. Not many go after the documenting of this knowledge. Anyone who does (and most who do ultimately lose) is fascinating.

The title vignette, When We Cease to Understand the World, meant a lot to me personally. For years, I had butchered Heisenberg's uncertainty principle in various discussions with friends and family, all to make tangential references to school, love, football, and yes, books. To see it come about (however much of it fiction and however much fact) was mesmerizing. I particularly liked this passage, and it will come as no surprise to anyone (long quote coming up):

Sweating from head to toe, he spent the day memorizing the West Eastern Divan, a book of poems by Goethe that a previous guest had left behind in his room. He read the poems aloud, over and over, and certain verses echoed from his room and through the empty hallways of the hotel, to the bafflement of the other guests, who heard them as if they were the whispers of a ghost. Goethe had written them in 1819, inspired by the Sufi mystic Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī, known simply as Hafez. The German genius encountered the great Persian poet of the fourteenth century in a bad translation published in his home country and came to believe he had received the book at the behest of the divinity. He identified with him so closely that his voice changed completely, melding with that of the man who had sung the glories of God and wine four hundred years before. Hafez had been a drunken saint, a mystic and a hedonist. He devoted himself to prayer, poetry and alcohol. When he turned sixty years old, he traced a circle in the desert sand, sat down in its centre, and swore not to rise until he had touched the mind of Allah, the one and only God, mighty and sublime. He spent forty days in silence, tormented by the sun and wind, and when he broke his fast with a cup of wine given to him by a man who had found him on the verge of death, he felt a second consciousness awaken within him, superimposing itself over his own. That other voice dictated more than five hundred poems to him, helping Hafez to become the pinnacle of Persian literature. Goethe also had help writing his Divan, but his inspiration was not divine, rather the wife of one of his friends, Marianne von Willemer. She was as fanatical an admirer of Hafez as Goethe himself, and they wrote the book together, revising the drafts in letters rife with eroticism, in which the German poet imagines biting her nipples and ejaculating in her mouth, while she dreams of sodomizing him, in spite of the fact that they met only once, and there is no evidence they were able to fulfil any of their fantasies. Marianne composed the songs to the East Wind in the voice of Suleika, lover of Hatem, but she kept her co-authorship a secret until the night before she died, reciting those same verses Heisenberg read aloud, quaking with fever: Where is the colour that might tame the sky? / The grey mist leaves me blind / the more I look, the less I see.

Heisenberg insisted on working on his matrices even when ill: while Frau Rosenthal covered him in cool compresses, hoping to lower his temperature, and tried to convince him to call a doctor, he would rant about oscillators, spectral lines and harmonically bound electrons, convinced he need only hold out a few more days for his body to overcome the illness and his mind to find the way out from the labyrinth in which he had imprisoned it. Although he could hardly turn the pages, he continued reading those verses of Goethe, and each of them seemed an arrow aimed directly at his breast: I only treasure those who long for death / in flames love has embraced me / in ashes every image of my mind. When he managed to fall asleep, Heisenberg would dream of dervishes spinning in the centre of his room. Hafez pursued them on all fours, drunk and naked, barking at them like a dog. He threw his turban at them, his glass of wine, then the empty jug, trying to dislodge them from their orbits. When he could not wake them from their trance, he pissed on them one by one, leaving a trace of yellow spots on the pale fabric of their tunics, a pattern in which Heisenberg thought he could glimpse the secret of his matrices. Heisenberg stretched out his hands to grab them, but the spots became a long chain of numbers that danced all around him, girdling his neck in a tightening circle until he was scarcely able to breathe. Those nightmares were a welcome respite from his erotic dreams, which grew more intense as his strength failed him, and made him stain his sheets like an adolescent. Though he tried to prevent Frau Rosenthal from changing them, she would not let a day pass without cleaning his room from top to bottom. The shame he felt was nearly unbearable, but Heisenberg refused to masturbate: he was convinced that all his body’s energies must remain bottled up so that he might devote them to his work.

Most nights he fell prey to insomnia. In his delirium, his mind would establish strange connections that allowed him to achieve direct results, forgoing any intermediate steps. He felt his brain split in two: each hemisphere worked on its own, without needing to communicate with the other, and as a result his matrices violated all the rules of ordinary algebra and obeyed the logic of dreams, where one thing can be many: he was capable of multiplying two quantities together and obtaining different answers depending on the order in which he proceeded. Three times two was six, but two times three might be eight. Too weary to question himself, he continued working until he had reached the final matrix. When he solved it, he left his bed and ran around his room shouting, “Unobservable! Unimaginable! Unthinkable!” until the entire hotel was awakened. Frau Rosenthal entered in time to see him collapse on the floor and recoiled at the stench of his soiled pyjama bottoms. When she managed to calm him, she put him back to bed and ran off to fetch a doctor, paying no attention to his complaints, as he was passing in and out of his hallucinations.

Sitting at the foot of his bed, Hafez offered him a glass of wine. Heisenberg took it and drank it in long gulps, letting it run over his beard and chest, before realizing it contained the blood of the poet, who was now masturbating furiously while bleeding from his wrists. All this food and drink have made you fat and ignorant! Hafez hissed. But if you give up sleep and nourishment, you will have one more chance. Don’t just sit there thinking. Go out and submerge yourself in God’s sea! Wetting a single hair won’t bring you wisdom. He who sees God doesn’t doubt. His mind and his vision are pure. Woozy and confused, Heisenberg tried to follow the ghost’s instructions, but his fever had flared up again, and his teeth would not stop chattering. He recovered his lucidity only to feel the prick of a needle and to hear Frau Rosenthal crying on the doctor’s shoulder while he assured her that everything would be all right, that it was nothing more than a badly neglected cold, yet neither of them could see Goethe there, straddling the corpse of Hafez, now drained of all its blood, and yet still capable of maintaining a glorious erection, which the German poet attempted to invigorate with his lips, like a man blowing on the embers of a dying fire.

Heisenberg woke in the middle of the night. His fever had broken and his mind was exceptionally clear. He stood up from the bed and dressed mechanically, feeling himself totally alienated from his body. He approached his desk, opened his notebook and saw that he had finished every one of his matrices, though he did not know how he had constructed half of them. He took his coat and walked out into the cold.

Heisenberg and Hafez. Nothing better.

I’ll say a few words about the final vignette, The Night Gardener. It may come as a jarring transition from one prose/content style to the next, but it’s a perfectly put metaphor that sums up the theme running through this amazing book – science’s limits are manifest at the edges of its abundance. Scientific proliferation for the sake of scientific proliferation alone can bring about unexpected changes to our dynamic, chaotic system of a world – changes that we would never have dreamed of in our wildest fantasies.
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
November 7, 2021
Geeeeezzzzz…..right out the door ….
at the start of this book killings and horrific deaths were reported as nonchalantly as eating jellybeans.

Adina’s review is MAGNIFICENT…. I couldn’t touch what she did…..READ HERS!!

It’s possible one needs to be a genius to fully comprehend these vignettes — or at least have gotten a passing grade in your college Physics class. ….
have been stoned on weed enough times to have experienced the universe through the mind of quantum mechanical genius.

Given how many times I spaced out listening to this short audiobook— it’s surprising how much I still found it fascinating.

I walked away - mostly thinking about the life and death - of our planet - TRYING to imagine (as horrific it would be)… if I/we were the last generation on planet Earth —

Profile Image for Hugh.
1,278 reviews49 followers
April 23, 2021
Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2021

An extraordinary book which almost creates its own genre. I don't have time to write a long review now, but thanks in particular to Neil for nominating this book for the Mookse and the Gripes group's best of 2020 poll - it fully deserves its place there. He and others have already written detailed reviews that I won't try to emulate.

Labatut starts of with an almost factual chapter on Haber, nitrogen and cyanide poisoning. The pieces that follow contain a lot more inventive liberties, and the title novella about Heisenberg, Schrödinger and their creative disagreements about the nature of quantum theory is both educational and at times almost unhinged. The final short part gives the reader some clues about the genesis of the book and how the author was alerted to its scientific and mathematical ideas.
Profile Image for Wulf Krueger.
426 reviews108 followers
April 10, 2022
This is one of the very few books I’m not finishing. Let me explain why: The problem with this one is that Benjamín Labatut introduces the history of an invention to us. Let’s take the first story on “Prussian Blue” as an example:

Labatut starts by shortly describing the invention itself and what lead to it. He then proceeds to tell us about the inventor(s) and how they relate to each other and the world. Labatut does this, and that’s my first issue, at break-neck speed. He drops name after name after name and forms connections between them in rarely more than a single sentence. It’s exhausting and not very illuminating.

Much worse, though, whenever there’s insufficient historical evidence Labatut chooses the most lurid and raciest possible explanation. For example Fritz Haber’s (Haber played a most prominent role in chemical warfare) wife, Clara Immerwahr, did commit suicide - but the reasons are unclear. Immerwahr’s marriage to Haber was unhappy on many levels and she may or may not have been against World War I - there are conflicting accounts.

Labatut, though, decides to paint her as condemning Haber for perverting chemistry and killing herself about that.

If there are two possible conclusions, it’s always the sensationalist one Labatut chooses. Even in that first story, in which the author claims is only one fictionalised paragraph, there are a lot of instances in which Labatut takes great liberty at recounting the details of his subject.

Last but not least, I do not like the ambivalent form: Labatut writes as if presenting established historicals facts but on the other hand takes literary freedom especially in later stories without clearly marking such occasions - what’s true and what’s his artistic license? Unless you take the time and actually research the subject matter yourself, you won’t know. And you’ll never know at which points Labatut overly simplifies the facts or goes on to embellish them.

»The quantity of fiction grows throughout the book; whereas “Prussian Blue” contains only one fictional paragraph, I have taken greater liberties in the subsequent texts, while still trying to remain faithful to the scientific concepts discussed in each of them.«

This book isn’t really about scientific concepts, though, but about the societal and historical implications of those concepts and how they influenced their inventors and the world. That - without embellishments and fictionalised parts - could be a truly interesting read.

The way this book is written, though, is just a wild, high-speed ride through selective and partly fictionalised history. That’s not for me.

One star out of five.

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Profile Image for The Artisan Geek.
445 reviews7,363 followers
July 5, 2020
What a splendid piece of Chilean fiction! As a stem girl this book was so up my lane - WOW. The way in which Labatut managed to merge fiction with non-fiction had me completely floored -- especially in the first story Prussian Blue. Another favourite of mine was The Night Gardener which I felt was the perfect ending, bringing the entire story full circle :) I will be sure to review this on my channel when it gets closer to the publication date :)

Pushkin Press kindly let me pick some of their books that piqued my interest in their catalogue and this was one of them. Honestly, I had no idea what this book was about except for the fact that it contained a lot of chemistry and physics -- so far I feel like I was so right on the money with this one. I'm 30 pages in and it is wildly interesting!

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Profile Image for Nathan Shuherk.
323 reviews3,539 followers
July 20, 2024
Obsessed with this story. Obsessed with this style. One of my favorite things I’ve ever read. Truly marvelous.
Profile Image for Neil.
1,007 reviews715 followers
August 18, 2020
In an interview with the author which can be found at https://www.suhrkamp.de/images/sonder..., the first question is “Could you summarise your book in two sentences?” Labatut’s answer is:

“This book is about what happens when we reach the edges of science; when we come face to face with what we cannot understand. It is about what occurs to the human mind when it pushes past the outer limits of thought, and what lies beyond those limits.”

The whole of that interview is well worth reading and it does a far better job of reviewing this book than I can do.

I picked the book up on NetGalley in the Literary Fiction section. I mention this because the first part of the book, Prussian Blue, is “99% non-fiction” (the author’s phrase) and traces the rather unpleasant history of hydrogen cyanide (with a lot of digressions into related thoughts). After that, the fiction content gradually increases as the book progresses. All the way through, we are tracking real people and real events as various mathematicians and physicists wrestle with quantum theory and the meaning of reality (e.g. the second story follows Schwarzschild who solved, for the first time, Einstein’s equations of general relativity whilst simultaneously fighting on the Russian front in WWI and dying from a deadly disease), but gradually Labutut introduces more and more flights of imagination. Some of the time, it feels as though we are reading a kind of horror story where the scary ideas at the heart of quantum theory are forcing their way into humanity against the wishes of the physicists exploring it: Labutut is interested in the ideas of epiphany and, again and again, it seems that breakthroughs come in a way that the person concerned cannot afterwards explain. And some of the ideas at the heart of quantum theory are extremely unsettling.

Just over 40 years ago, I picked the university I attended because it was one of the few (that I stood a realistic chance of getting into) to include options to study general relativity and quantum theory as part of the mathematics course. Needless to say, I have forgotten virtually all of the mathematics that I enjoyed so much four decades ago, but my fascination with quantum theory has remained. This might be part of the reason that I enjoyed reading this book so much. That said, it doesn’t go into a lot of detail about the underlying maths or physics because it is more interested in speculating about what was going on in the minds of several men who changed the foundations of science in a thirty year period at the start of the last century.

And then there’s a little story called The Night Gardener to make you stop and think at the end.

Lababtut ended the interview I have referenced like this, and it is how I will end this review:

”But I do not offer answers in this book; on the contrary, the ideas that fascinate me are those that we simply cannot understand. Schwarzschild’s black hole, quantum mechanics, Mochizuki’s proof of the a b c conjecture, these are all ideas that seem to be more than we can handle, and that had ravaging effects on the people who first approached them.

What we can know and what we can never know; I believe that thinking deeply about those two things is a necessity, more than ever before. I think we need to ponder such things if we are to survive the wilderness of the 21st Century.
Profile Image for Barbara K..
544 reviews137 followers
August 8, 2023
While I was reading it, and even after I’d finished, this book had me wondering. Where was the line between fiction and non-fiction? And was my reading of the book consistent with the author’s intentions?

Before I pursue those questions, I should say a few words about the book. It’s a series of five vignettes, hybrids of fact and imagination, about actual scientists and mathematicians. Although it begins by reaching back a few hundred years, for the most part these men worked in the 20th century. In Labatut’s interpretation, their revolutionary work stemmed from, or triggered, deep personal crises. On another level, Labutat describes how much of this work also contributed to catastrophic consequences for mankind as it was adapted for military purposes.

I found a straightforward answer to the first question online. The initial piece, an essay about the scientific pathways to the development of cyanide, ending with Fritz Haber, is non-fictional except for one paragraph. From then on the balance changes. The factual framework remains in place, but there is a substantial amount of conjecture by Labutat about the inner lives of Schwarzschild, Schroedinger, Heisenberg, and Grothendieck. Einstein, Bohr and others make appearances as their work and opinions intersect but they are not center stage.

And what is Labutat’s message? Not, I think, simply that scientific and mathematical advances don’t necessarily equate to progress, although he’s clear on that point. No, he seems more interested in that gray space between genius and insanity. And of the sometimes terrifying potential of those advances to disrupt our sense of the logic of the world, leaving us unmoored, staring into the abyss.

Beautifully written. A worthy contender for the National Book Award and International Booker. It reminded me in structure of Tokarczuk’s Flights, a far more positive book, and one which rates a half-star about this.
Profile Image for Lungstrum Smalls.
336 reviews13 followers
October 10, 2020
2.5 stars, rounded up.

Mustard gas, The Bomb, zyklon B, and other nasty business. That's how this book begins, with the (mostly) true horrors of science, and the personal histories of the architects of all this 20th century death. It's fascinating, even if the reader senses the selectivity of the history it describes.

As we get further along, the (mostly) true horrors turn to (mostly) true academic squabbles and (not very) true personal journeys of various famous mathematicians and physicists--Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Einstein, Grothendieck, and others. For anyone interested in quantum mechanics, the morality of math, and the edge between brilliance and insanity, it's a stimulating read.

But at the end of the book you might end up feeling like a mathematician looking at an elegant, powerful equation that somehow just doesn't add up. Something in your intuition might say: it's almost right, but something is fundamentally missing here. And that thing, you might discover, is women.

This book does not pass the Bechdel Test. Passing or not passing the test may not, ultimately, say much about a book. What's more revealing maybe is that the one real, named, female character in the book is just an adolescent manic pixie tuberculosis-ward girl who helps inspire (or something) the pedophilic desires of one of our math-heroes. It sounds bad when I put it that way, and maybe it's not as bad as it sounds, but, all the same, the equation is off. The math doesn't add up.

In short: this book taught me a lot of interesting history and left me intrigued. But (and as someone who loves magical realism, I hate to say this), every time it veered into the weird, untrue, speculative moments of its history I felt like it only distracted from what was a well written explanation of complicated scientific concepts. Perhaps I need to seek out another, dare I say, more conventional book on the subject.
Profile Image for Ken.
Author 3 books1,093 followers
January 22, 2024
By rights a book about scientists and mathematicians should hold zero appeal for me. Or, as Bret Easton Ellis' writing talent would have it: Less Than Zero.

Still, against all odds and their profit-makers, this book and my eyes ran off for the weekend. The opening salvo, titled "Prussian Blue" proves that science, like the internet, giveth and it taketh away. Only in science's case, the stakes are much larger. We read of Carl Wilhelm Scheele ("a genius unjustly forgotten"), the chemist who discovered cyanide, an efficient killer.

It moves on to other interesting sorts -- Alan Turing, the father of computing, who killed himself by biting into an apple injected with cyanide. Or maybe the British Secret Service killed him (you can ask James Bond). Then there's the father of gas warfare (see Ypres in the first World War), the Jewish chemist Fritz Haber. His methods of extracting nitrogen from the air led to untold horrors, yes, but also to advances in fertilizer that helped to feed the world (bringing us full circle to that giveth and taketh away stuff).

The other big section I enjoyed focused on previously unknown (to me) names like Alexander Grothendieck and Werner Heisenberg, then the name well known to me (thanks to a cat that's in a box -- there and not there, alive and dead), Erwin Schrödinger. Alas, the cat gets but a few brief words at the end of the longest section in the book, but the STORIES preceding its maybe meow, they are another thing entirely.

And that may be the secret sauce. Author Labatut brings a fiction writer's grace to the book's proceedings. The tale of Schrödinger's infatuation with a turberculosis sanatorium doctor's too young daughter is science kidnapped and held in plot's laboratory. I was, well, spellbound.

The final, very short section, "The Night Gardener," is just Labatut showing off (and I mean that in a good way), as he ties all these disparate, mad geniuses together (with Einstein as a bit character on the side) in a way that you barely expect.

All in all, fiction high on nonfiction to the point where you gladly get lost between the borders of the two.
Profile Image for Aletheia.
321 reviews147 followers
April 7, 2022
Una mezcla de ficción y realidad tan adictiva que la he leído de una sentada. Es una historia breve y emocionante de la física del siglo XX a ratos tierna y desquiciante; muy bien narrada.

Me ha parecido un libro muy original en su planteamiento y muy bien llevado a cabo, resulta una lectura muy complaciente porque al final todo se cierra y nos hace conocer más a las figuras que definieron la física en el siglo pasado más allá de la pequeña nota biográfica en el libro de secundaria:

"Lo que me estimula no es la ambición ni el afán de poder. Es la percepción aguda de algo grande, muy real y muy delicado a la vez." Grothendieck

Le falta un punto de atrevimiento o profundidad (¿de genio?) para llevarse las cinco estrellas, pero que no os engañe la nota, es todo lo que le podemos pedir a un ensayo.
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