... lil Louis (Mail en quel- que sorte le IIPI-OS du pays. Ou s'en moquait bieu un pen parce que. n'est- ce pus. qa vous tourne un pen la tPie lino gloire paroille. el puls, parce que P'tit Louis prenali veritablement son rule au sorieux.
... LIL LOUIS AND THE WORLD "From the Mind of L/l Louis" (Epic. * * >/2) On his debut album, Chicago mixmaster Lil Louis has found a novel approach to the beleagured beat streams of house music. Rather than sticking to bouncy dance tunes ...
... lil.; Louis Phifer, Peoria, III; Jacob Phifer. Pcoria, 111.: George Poole, Red Bank, N. J.; Emma H. Doughty, Holly, N. J.; Fred Traverse, Mich.: Ira Johnston, Chfcaso; Farrington, city; Cater, cily; C E. ^lorse, «ty; J. Alvord. cirv ...
... Lil, Louis resolve deixar Oliver para tocar com outros musicos, como Earl Himes (jazz- piano) e Jimmy Noone (elarinete). Em Nova lorque Fletcher Henderson se destacava como chefe de orquestra e ar- ranjador, colocando em destaque nomes ...
... lil Louis, more and more, f Del Ennis as a 100 RI "They might," said a sf second-division G i "move m front of the Ri take third place. Thi could place only thn y r. with all that powe Cards, however, wi games behind Cmcy las Seems like ...
... James Listen To Your Heart "'..*,. , ...Sonia Lambada , Kaoma Dear Jessie ......to.: Madonna Twenty Seconds To Comply Silver Bullet No More Mr Nice Guy Mega Death Hey You .....The Quireboys I Called You ' «...,., Lil' Louis.
... Lil Louis) and maybe even some rock-leaning Terry aficionados (David Bowie, Annie Lennox). Caught by surprise: His success and longevity has caught Terry, 29, by surprise. For him, house music — the beat-heavy descendent of disco — was ...
... LiL Louis et N. Qaltnrc* St Louu et N. Prtear,. XMeorllle et K. DertXfTSp Biun-ville et N. Jobowo, Canal et N. BocbeWave, Cwnal et N. Dupe* CXtxti.et N. Broad. O&sal et N. G^axJU. C&b?.l.et N. Aieandn Bi«sivUle et avenue BT Dotu:O£ ct ...
... lil. Louis Triinelicmontagno, 6v«ltio la foulo H 5,000 personnel), nj plus nl moln*. Cinq millo six cpntx pcrsonncs do- vnnt lo cundldat connprvaljur A I^ thlcr? Blgro! la population s'csl incrvolllenspincnt mulllplKc. Sornlt-<\. uno ...