Jan 12, 2022 · Lotrec is such a generic tableau prover. It aims at covering all logics having possible worlds semantics, in particular MDLs1. 1 Behind Lotrec ...
Lotrec: The Generic Tableau Prover for Modal and Description Logics
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Lotrec is such a generic tableau prover. It aims at covering all logics having possible worlds semantics, in particular MDLs1. 1 Behind Lotrec is the work on ...
LoTREC allows to check whether a given formula is true at a given world of a given model and to check whether a given formula is satisfiable in a given logic.
Lotrec: The Generic Tableau Prover for Modal and Description Logics. Authors: Luis Fariñas del Cerro.
The last years have seen a renewed interest in modal and description logics. (MDLs). Better algorithms, coding, and technology have led to e ective systems.
In this paper we describe a generic tableaux system for build- ing models or counter-models and testing satisfiability of formulas in modal and description ...
May 21, 2017 · Bibliographic details on Lotrec : The Generic Tableau Prover for Modal and Description Logics.
A generic tableaux system for building models or counter-models and testing satisfiability of formulas in modal and description logics and is implemented in ...
LoTREC Generic Tableau Prover. LoTREC: possible worlds finally made ... Download the LoTREC 2.0 executable package.
Missing: Modal Logics.
The tableau method can also determine the satisfiability of finite sets of formulas of various logics. It is the most popular proof procedure for modal logics.