We found significant effects of notification placement and task on how notifications are perceived in VR. Insights from our study inform the design of VR ...
Oct 22, 2019 · We found significant effects of notification placement and task on how notifications are perceived in VR. Insights from our study inform the ...
We found significant effects of notification placement and task on how notifications are perceived in VR. Insights from our study inform the design of VR ...
The Effect of Notification Placement, Task, and Environment
visvar.github.io › rzayev2019notification
We found significant effects of notification placement and task on how notifications are perceived in VR. Insights from our study inform the design of VR ...
The Effect of Notification Placement, Task and Environment
www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Notif...
This study compared placing notifications using a Head-Up Display, On-Body, Floating, and In-Situ in open, semi-open, and closed VR environments
Oct 15, 2019 · Notifications using the On-Body and Floating placements result in the highest understandability, usability, and feeling of presence. Considering ...
Dec 1, 2022 · We investigated the effects and impacts of four visual notification types in AR environments when the main task was performed (1) in AR and (2) the real world.
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The placement of notifications and prompts in VR game tutorials also significantly impacts user experience. Rzayev et al. [Rzayev et al. 2019 ] investigated the ...