This paper studies the Boolean (Static Voltage) and the I/sub ddq/ (Static Current) detection of Floating Gate faults due to large opens on transistor gate ...
We propose the twin-transistor .tructure as a basis for a general analysis of the Boolean and Iddq. +ptection of FGT faults. Using this analysis, optimal ...
This paper studies the Boolean (Static Voltage) and theIddq (Static Current) detection of Floating Gate faults due to largeopens on transistor gate ...
This paper studies the Boolean (Static Voltage) and the Iddq (Static Current) detection of Floating Gate faults due to large opens on transistor gate ...
It is shown that existing electrical models describing the behavior of FGT faults fail to allow the prediction of the floating gate potential due to the ...
Optimal conditions for Boolean and current detection of floating gate faults. Renovell M., Ivanov A., Bertrand Y., Azais F., Rafiq S.
It is shown that an FGT fault can induce abnormal logic values, additional delays, or increased power supply current, and the concept of a detectability ...
Rafiq, “Opti- mal conditions for boolean and current detection of floating gate faults,” in IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), 1999, pp. 477–486. [6] ...
Analysis of the Floating Gate ... Optimal Conditions for Boolean and Current Detection of Floating Gate Faults ... Testability of floating gate defects in ...
This paper focuses on the detectability of defects causing the gates of transistors in CMOS integrated circuits to float (open), i.e., on floating gate ...