Our framework for analysing value compatibility as a prerequisite for IT adoption emphasises the concepts of organisational structure, practices and culture, ...
We propose a framework to determine value compatibility analyzing the organization's and information system's structure, practices, and culture and to explore ...
We propose a framework to determine value compatibility analysing the organisation's and information system's structure, practices and culture, and explore the ...
We propose a framework to determine value compatibility analysing the organisation's and information system's structure, practices and culture, and explore the ...
Mar 5, 2007 · Value compatibility refers to the suitability of the innovation with the norms or values of the potential adopters. For example, if the ...
The higher the compatibility with value compatibility in IT adoption, the lower the potential uncertainty adopters perceive [63] . Meanwhile, compatibility with ...
Compatibility has been recognised as an important element in the adoption of IT innovations in organisations but as a concept it has been generally limited ...
People also ask
What is the role of technology adoption?
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What five characteristics influence the rate of adoption of an innovation?
Bunker, D., Kautz, K., & Nguyen, A. L. T. (2006). The Role of Value Compatibility in Information Technology Adoption. In B. Donnellan (et.al.) (Ed.), ...
While security concerns pose a barrier to the initial adoption of telecommuting, value compatibility takes on increasing importance as telecommuting is diffused ...
We conduct a quantitative survey-based study to examine the interrelated role of compatibility in predicting BI&A use intentions.