Google recently released ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, providing bi-directional, real-time integration between SA...
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a wide range of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Prod...
In the dynamic realm of software development, the ability for applications to communicate seamlessly and effic...
This article demonstrates the remarkable ease of calling a Vertex AI Foundation Model directly from ABAP. Imag...
In today’s interconnected digital landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to seamlessly integrate...
Event-driven architecture is a software design pattern in which components communicate with each other by broa...
The article “Bridging the Gap: Google Cloud Pub/Sub with SAP using ABAP SDK for Google Cloud” showcased the po...
In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly relying on event-driven architectures to streamli...
CloudEvents is an open specification for describing event data in a common way. It provides a standardized for...
ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, is a Google Cloud product that enables native bi-directional and real-time integrat...
ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, is a Google Cloud product that enables native bi-directional and real-time integrat...
Google Maps Platform features now available to ABAP developers in the latest release of ABAP SDK for Google Cl...
Google Cloud recently released the ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, a tool that allows SAP developers to easily inte...
What is Data Loss Prevention API The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API provided by Google Cloud Platform offers t...
Many API’s which are part of Google Library use API key as a credential for execution. As best practice, we sh...
Google Cloud recently released ABAP SDK for Google Cloud, providing bi-directional, real-time integration betw...
In our previous blog posts (1, 2, 3 and 4), we explored how Agent Builder can intelligently answer questions from BigQuery and unstructured data stores via chat or search bot. However, things get trickier when we need to address analytical queries that involve aggregations, comparisons, and more complex conditions.
Building and scaling your own AI agent can seem complex, but it doesn't have to be! HuggingFace’s smolagent library provides a lightweight framework to build powerful agents.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight, text-based data format designed for human readability and easy machine parsing. A big advantage of using JSON data in BigQuery is that BigQuery treats JSON as semi-structured data, meaning you don't need a fixed schema upfront.