Difficulty posting here

I submitted a post about key's but it didn't appear.  I posted it again with the same result.  I wan't able to find it by searching either.  The message included some characters that might have caused a problem but I didn't get an error when I post -- just unable to find the post afterward.  😞

P.S. My message was to Q & A.

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Check the drafts on your profile page. Sometimes I've found there something that I thought I had successfully posted.

Thanks!  I didn't even know that I could find drafts on my profile page.  This time the issue seems to be different.  I'm going to try to post again but without a list of characters that may have caused the problem.

I was able to post:


I'm going to try to post the problematic set of characters that seem to have caused that problem in a response on this thread.  

Here's the list of characters:


Hmmmm.  Seems fine here.  I'm not sure what happened.