Kill Team UTC Weekend Recap and Preview: July 23-29, 2024

The Unified Tournament Circuit is a regional circuit for Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar which covers the area between Virginia and Newfoundland. In case you missed our announcement, you can find it here.

You can find the full calendar of UTC events here.

Last Weekend’s Events

C.U.L.T Summer Kill Team Tournament @ Titan Games CU

(Champaign, IL)

Hearthkyn Warriors. Credit: Rich Nutter

The Titan Games CU tournament returns with many of the region’s power players competing over 4-rounds with 16 competitors!

  1. Dylan G, Railsplitter Ruffians, Hearthkyn Salvagers
  2. Ryan L, Railsplitter Ruffians, Scout Squad
  3. Jacky L, C.U.L.T., Hunter Clade

Here’s what TO Daniel R had to say:

“Another great event and another strong showing for Kill Team in the Midwest. 16 players from all around the region came in and duked it out for 4 rounds with a reasonably varied meta with an Elite bend. We had a clean winner in first place with our one of our regional tournament end bosses taking it down, shout out to Dylan and his Salvagers. Hoping to have another tournament in the Fall so keep an eye out for more info if you’re interested in joining us!”

Goldmine Games Kill Team Mad Dok’s Summa’ Slamma’

(Richmond, TX)

Texas players showed up for a 15-person, 3-round tournament. Showing up at Goldmine Games to duke it out for glory, t-shirts, and a great time!

  1. Justin H, Da Waaagh Squad, Phobos Strike Steam
  2. Chase S, Engage, Party, Repeat, Mandrakes
  3. Benjamin K, EPR, Pathfinders

Local TO James G had this to say about Eric’s first time TO’ing the event:

“Wow, what an event! I wasn’t even there to run it and it was a busy day. While I’m being Dad with my newborn, my 2nd in command, Eric, TO’d his first event. We had some AWFUL rain the morning of and saw 5 of our 16 players drop, so while TOing his first event, Eric also got to play the filler role of the Ringer so we didn’t have any byes. We still had a great turnout with representatives from Dallas, College Station, San Antonio and Houston making the trek and playing some absolutely bonkers games for a chance at some of the awesome prize support. Looking forward to our next Texas events coming up in College Station in August and Houston in September so be sure to be on the look out for those BCP links so you too can have a chance at winning a Daddy Caddy!”

NYHC July monthly

(Dobbs Ferry, NY)

WCW attendee Mike C continues growing his local scene. Dobbs Ferry had a small monthly showing with 8 players, playing it out over 3 rounds.

  1. Mike C, Brood Brothers
  2. Matt O, Compendium Daemons (Plaguebearers, Horrors, Daemonettes)
  3. Atri R, Mortal Wound, Inquisitorial Agents

Instead of some words about the event holistically Mike C has this cute anecdote about the vibes for the Dobbs Ferry event!

“Jordan, a New York City player, visited and it was the first time we actually met. He was rocking a kilt. A regular of the Dobbs community, Sean, who has attended most of the events and plays tabletop games regularly at the shop, ended up swinging by to say hello cuz he wasn’t able to play in this one…rocking his signature kilt. Instant Kilt Team friendship was formed.”

Upcoming Events

 August 3rd

  • B.Strat August Monthly KT 2024: Nestor’s Vibe, (New York)

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