Finish these lyrics (From 80s to now)

Hello, quiz fans! This will test if you're a a big fan of music, or not! Will you know all the answers to these questions? Take the quiz to find out! Just, TAKE IT!

I really hope you get all the questions right. Maybe you're a music fan. Who knows? Just take this quiz, and you'll be AWESOME! Everyone will love you!

Created by: I'm crazy for music
  1. Finish this: Skin head, Dead head...
  2. Finish this: She says,...
  3. Finish this: Oh, baby? Why don't you just...
  4. Finish this: Your so gay, and you
  5. Finish this: Look at me now! I bet you're probably sick of me now! Ain't you, momma?...
  6. Finish this: So I got my boots on,...
  7. Finish this: I want your ugly..
  8. Finish this: Constantly, boy, you play through my mind...
  9. Finish this: Who is it?
  10. Finish this: Keep on with the force don't stop..

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