
Information Obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law (E-Commerce Gesetz), §14 Austrian Commercial Code (Unternehmensgesetzbuch), §63 Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulatory Act (Gewerbeordnung) and Disclosure Obligation according to §25 Media Act (Mediengesetz).

BTG Media e.U.
Owner: Benjamin Grabner

Address:Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2/1.Floor – Entrance 2, 1190 Wien
Form of organizationSole proprietorship
Commercial Registration Number583740t
VAT numberATU77480307
Commercial CourtHandelsgericht Wien
Line of businessAnnouncement company, commerce with the exception of regulated commerce
Member ofthe Austrian Chamber of Commerce, specialist group advertising and market communication
Vocational lawGewerbeordnung
Regulatory AuthorityMagistrat Wien
Contactsupport [at] or

Complaints, Feedback & Settlement of Disputes: If you have any complaint or feedback about us or our service, please contact us via the e-mail address listed above. But consumers of course also have the possibility to address a formal complaint to the EU’s Online Platform for the Settlement of Disputes:

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