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    Featured News

    Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde to Deliver Inaugural Robert N. Bellah Lecture on April 9

    The Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, will deliver the inaugural Robert N. Bellah Lecture on Religion and Public Life, hosted by the Graduate Theological Union. The lecture will take place on April 9 at the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley.

    Featured News

    Mourning the Passing of Dr. Dorsey Blake

    The Graduate Theological Union joins the wider community in mourning the loss of Rev. Dr. Dorsey Odell Blake, a revered faculty member, prophetic leader, and steadfast advocate for justice.

    Featured News

    Dr. Christopher Ocker Formally Named Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Dr. Christopher Ocker will continue serving as Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs and John Dillenberger Professor of the History of Christianity, a position he assumed on an interim basis on July 1, 2024. Given his status as a long-standing member of the community with a deep appreciation for the GTU's traditions, Centers, and member schools, Ocker’s leadership is needed at this time of intense challenge and unprecedented opportunity for graduate education in theology and religion.

    Featured Event

    Borsch-Rast Book Prize Lecture by Julia Watts Belser

    GTU Voices

    Jennifer Rycenga (PhD ’92) Talks Abolitionists, Holy Hill, and the Music of Interdisciplinary Thought

    In a recent conversation, Jennifer Rycenga (PhD '92) spoke about interdisciplinary and ecumenical learning at the GTU; abolitionist history and feminist scholarship; and the intersection of nature, art, and spirituality.

    Featured News

    Dr. Kamal Abu-Shamsieh Interviewed for NPR’s All Things Considered

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GTUx — Where Religion Meets the World


Scholarly Institutions

Combining to form a diverse community for religious study


Faith Traditions

Available for study through GTU's many programs, centers, and schools

200 +

Faculty Across the Consortium

To guide your academic career

A Diverse Institution of

Groundbreaking Religious Scholarship

The GTU is the most comprehensive center for the graduate study of religion in North America, bringing together scholars of the world’s great religions and wisdom traditions. Discover the more than twenty schools, centers, and affiliates that form this one-of-a-kind union.

An Educational Community to

Pursue Your Deepest Intentions

The GTU supports intensive scholarly inquiry and deep personal engagement with religious tradition and practice. Students pursue their interests within a diverse community composed of many smaller communities, in an atmosphere of multi-religious freedom, curiosity, respect, and dialogue.

A Graduate School Where

Religion Engages the World

Whether your studies involve interreligious topics or in-depth inquiry within a particular tradition, the GTU offers exceptional opportunities for critical and creative scholarship. Through four interdisciplinary departments and more than thirty specific concentrations, our master’s and doctoral programs invite innovative study of religion in a twenty-first century context.

CJS Open Beit Midrash


Come join us for our weekly CJS beit midrash (house of study) on Wednesdays this spring from 12:00-1:00, led by Professor Sam Shonkoff!

Collaborative Tables 1&2, GTU Library

Masculinities and Religion –Traditions and Transformations

The Women's Studies in Religion Program invites you to join us for an online panel discussion facilitated by Dr. Kirsi Stjerna: Masculinities and Religion – Traditions and Transformations 

Online Event
5:00pm to 6:30pm

Masculinities and Religion – Traditions and Transformations

The Women's Studies in Religion Program invites you to join us for an online panel discussion facilitated by Dr. Kirsi Stjerna: Masculinities and Religion – Traditions and Transformations.

Explore the complex intersections of gender, religion, and society in our thought-provoking panel discussion...

5:00pm to 6:30pm