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About gun brewery

Over the past few years, there has been a quiet revolution in the way people drink and make beer. Small brewers working with enthusiasm and great ingredients and without the constraints of large corporations are producing delicious beers once again.

We are part of that movement. Our aim is simple; Inspired by brewing styles both old and new, to make great beer, using the best ingredients. Most of our beer is vegan and a growing number are also gluten free.

In September 2021, we were awarded the coveted Great Taste Producer status by the Guild of Fine Foods. We are also a SALSA accredited brewery.


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brewed using sussex SPRING WATER


what's with the logo?

A hobo was simply a migratory labourer: he may have taken some longish holidays but sooner or later he returned to work. To help cope with its uncertainties, hobos developed a system of signs, which they would chalk on walls to provide directions, information and warnings to others.
Our sign means "Man With Gun Lives Here".