Why Take French?

What GVSU Has to Offer
Grand Valley State University offers the following for french Major and Minors:
- Students majoring in French choose one or more of three areas of emphasis: literature, linguistics, or civilization.
- Students can also pursue French for Secondary Teaching (teachable major and minor)
- Our Business course prepares students for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris Diploma of Professional French.
- Faculty-led summer program in Nice and Paris where students complete 6 credits in French Language and culture.
- Summer internships in France through EUSA. Students are placed in positions related to their future career.
- Access to our state-of-art Language Resource Center with outstanding cultural resources such as French music and fil collections.
- French Club Les Francophiles
- La Croisette Film Festival each semester
Fun Facts
- French is spoken in 51 countries
- French is the official language of 28 countries spread over 5 continents
- French companies alone have created more than 500,000 jobs for Americans while U.S. companies employ 600,000 people in France
- Approximately 300 French company operations are located in Michigan (source: Michigan Economic Development Corporation.)
- Most graduate schools require knowledge of at least one foreign language, and French remains the most commonly used language after English
- French is deemed one of the critical languages by the U.S. Department of Defense
- France has one of the most advanced systems of telecommunications in the world.