Milan, (Milano!) was an anticipated destination for me! The fashion, the frenzy, the food, the glamour……the very feminine trip highlight for me in my all-boy family. Right after Zurich, we railed down to Milan for a day of shopping. The guys all went to the Duomo which they found impressive because of the fascinating architecture and also because it housed “preserved hierarchs” as my son said.

The hotel we stayed at could not have been more glamorous!–The Milan Sheraton Diana. We had two hotel rooms b/c there were 5 of us. We pampered ourselves right away in all the fun luxury items; bathrobes and rose petals on the bed! The hotel breakfast dining hall was even glamorous!
It seemed that most of the crowds were in the courtyard by the Duomo, enjoying the sunshine and view. I strolled up and down the avenues of shops enjoying truly spectacular window displays and the way the shops were arranged inside. Milano was an easy overnight stay with an evening dinner of decadent pizza.
We shopped even more at night. I spent time alone walking through the many streets of stores. I jokingly call the high-end boutiques “clothing museums”.
The boys were a part of the action, too, for a while because they had heard so much about Milan from me ahead of time so, naturally, they were curious….even if they didn’t buy anything!
After dinner, we shopped some more to make sure we didn’t miss anything! I don’t have any daughters to share this experience with
but I do love my sons for trying to join in my fun and excitement! They are troopers and my husband is amazing for teaching them patience while a woman shops. This is a life skill if you ask me! haha…..

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