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Slide Notes

This slideshow is from a blog on the same topic:

At the end of the slideshow, there is also a related YouTube video:

4 Keys To Walking Out Deliverance

Published on Nov 19, 2015

This slideshow talks about four keys to walking out victory after receiving deliverance ministry


4 Keys to Walking
Out Deliverance

This slideshow is from a blog on the same topic:

At the end of the slideshow, there is also a related YouTube video:

Deliverance Ministry

What is that?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

It is the "driving out" of demons

Jesus did it, the disciples did it and we are to do it too! (Mark 16:17)

Deliverance is an event and...

There will be good fruit; more fruit of the Spirit
(Gal 5:8) but..

Photo by ecstaticist

Everyone is different and some fruit may take time to appear.

Photo by Marinyu..

Some will show quickly but deliverance must also be walked out.

Photo by mescon

It can take up to 6 weeks to develop new habits

Key #1
You must be delivered!

Key #2
You must discern when the spirits seek to return to the house!

Key #3
You must learn how to win more mind battle victories !

Photo by illuminaut

Key #4
Give yourself grace (and time) to develop new habits!

There are not demons behind every problem but...

Photo by Lst1984

If you don't see fruit after 6 weeks you should consider...

Getting some more deliverance ministry!
Need help?

We minister in deliverance worldwide!

Photo by somegeekintn

Check out our website for services and client success stories

Check out our website for services and client success stories

Call us today.

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