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MUSIC in sign language
This word entry shows how to sign music and how Deaf people view music.
ASL signs for MUSIC
How to sign "music" in American Sign Language (ASL)?
Meaning: Sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical instruments.
Similar sign for SONG, MUSIC, SING. This reflects a different value in Eye culture from Ear culture. Although, a slightly different movement of the sign and the position of the sign in a sentence structure can tell which word it is.
"Music. -- Raise right forefinger to ear; move both hands, palm down, out toward one side, with vibrating motion; wave right open hand back and forth before palm of left hand." (1910) Ref
Baby signing MUSIC
The video shows how the baby in a case study acquired the ASL word "music" in language development.
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For the baby Juli, the word "music" was one of the first ten-ish words prior to the one-word stage. It started with the open hand twisting at the wrist. It involves proximalization, which a baby learns to control motor from shoulder to fingers in a timeline. At age 2;11, the motor control became more mature.
Deaf culture
Some deaf people enjoy music and listen with hearing aids. Some deaf people without hearing aids enjoy listening to the vibrations of beats and rhythms. And, some other deaf people have zero interest in music. Zero, zip. It varies from one deaf individual to another.
Related vocabulary
Word associations: FRACTAL, VIBRATION, SOUND.
Topic posts: music in sign language and music through Deaf lens.
Written ASL
[Note: ASL writing is not an official standard. This sign language writing remains in a state of open space to allow room for experiment, evolution, and improvement.]