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Sharpless 293-295 "Falls of Blue"
The Chamaeleon complex Ced 110
NGC 2467 "Skull and Crossbones Nebula"
NGC 2018
NGC 2070 in Doradus Tarantula Nebula
Title: NGC 1871 The Portuguese Man O' War
LHA 120-N55 emission nebula
NGC 6960 The Witch's Broom Nebula (SWO)
SH2-234 - IC 417 - Spider Nebula (SWO)
Ced 90 or Sh2-297 in the Seagull Nebula
Veil Nebula Simeis 3-210 (SWO)
PP 81 Cometary Reflection Nebula
X marks the spot
NGC 3293 The Gem Cluster
RCW 85 HII region
Wolf-Rayet 23 (HD92809)
Sandqvist 111-112
NGC 6357
Wolf-Rayet 102
NGC 6188/6193 “The Cluster of Chaos”
RCW 89
CG 30 and 31 cometary globule
Sh2-301 or Gum 5
NGC 3576
V1025 Tau
The Carina Nebula and “The Lost Relics”
NGC 3247 – RCW49
Nested Bubbles of the Northeastern SMC
Vela Super Nova Remanent
NGC 2014
NGC 6729
Gum 46 RCW 71
Messier 78 Reflection nebula in Orion
Small Magellanic Cloud 16-pane Mosaic
Loop cascade” in the middle of the SMC in HOS colors by Zaytsev and Hanson
A "little spindle" nebula complex in the SMC in HOS colors by Zaytsev and Hanson
IC 4706-4707 the “Brain Stem Nebula”
IC 446 - The Coyote Cloud
RCW 104
N44 Supper Bubble in LMC
VDB 4 - NGC 225
Cocoon Nebula, IC 5146
RCW 103 Supernova Remnant
RCW 75 (Gum 48a) HII region in Centaurus
M 17 Surfing the swan
NGC 6888 The Crescent Nebula
Sharpless 132
NGC 1914 Labyrinth nebula
IC 405, Flaming Star Nebula
IC 2948 Running Chicken Nebula
NGC 4601- Reflection Nebula in Scorpius
NGC 6164
Henize 70 in LMC
NGC 3324
NGC 5367
The Crab Nebula
NGC 3603
NGC 2626
NGC 1788 in Orion
LDN 1622 Boogeyman Nebula
IC 447
RCW 58
NGC 1966
IC 2631
Orion Region
The Witch Head Nebula
M45 The Pleiades Cluster
CG4 is a Cometary Globule
NGC 2077
NGC 1760 in LMC
NGC 249 Delta Rho 300
NGC 6559 Chile
LDN 43 “The Cosmic Bat”
Rho Ophiuchi
VDB 123
IC 1274
Eta Carina “The Lost Relics”
M42 In the heart of Orion
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet
NGC 6559
Messier 17: Omega Nebula
Messier 22 or M22
The Lagoon Nebula - M8
NGC 6357 War and Peace Nebula - Lobster Nebula
NGC 6334
NGC 6726
The Cone Nebula
NGC 3324- Gabriela Mistral Nebula
NGC 2327
NGC 6334- Cats Paw Nebula
The Trifid Nebula (M20)
NGC 2736
IC 1284
NGC 5367
Wild Duck Cluster
RCW 86-SN 185
NGC 2170 From Chile
NGC 1760
The KeyHole Nebula - NGC 3372
IC 2220 Toby Jug Nebula
NGC 2020
Puppis A, supernova remnant in Puppis
NGC 2174 Monkey Head Nebula
NGC 1949 IN LMC (Large Magellanic cloud)
IC 434(horsehead Nebula) and NGC 2023
NGC 249 in SMC
LDN 43
Tulip Nebula
DWB-18 DWB-16
Cassiopeia A
47 Tucanae or NGC 104
NGC 2170
NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula
SH2-239, LBN 821
Hubble's Variable Nebula (SWO)
IC 348 - IC 1985
CTB1-Supernova Remnant
NGC 654 & The Dark Serpent
IC 1871 and SFO12 deep within the Soul Nebula
NGC 6992 - The Eastern Veil
IC 1795
IC 1311 in Cygnus From SWO
SH2-82 from SWO
NGC 7538
The Eagle Nebula, M16
SH2-278 From SWO
SFO 11 in the Soul Nebula (SWO)
Running Man Nebula (SWO)
NGC 1999 (SWO)
NGC 1579 (SWO)
IC 1805, Pillar of Creation (SWO)
LBN 762 (SWO)
Iris Nebula-NGC 7023 (SWO)
Gum 20 from SSRO
VDB 38 from Stellar Winds Observatory-DSNM
NGC 2023 from SSRO in Cito, Chile
NGC 346 (SSRO Cito, Chile)
NGC 281 LRGB (SRO-California)
IC 5067 The Pelican (Narrowband)
NGC 281 Narrowband (SRO-California)
IC 5067 The Pelican
NGC 2237 Bok Globules in the Rosette Nebula
IC 410 The Tadpoles
Melotte 15 (Rancho Hidalgo-DGRO)
NGC 6823
LBN 777 The Baby Eagle
M 17, The Swan or Omega Nebula
M20, Trifid Nebula
NGC 1333
NGC 1555, 1554 Hind's Variable Nebula
LDN 1622 Dark Nebula
Cave Nebula, Caldwell 9, SH2-155
NGC 7000, The Wall
VDB 142, Elephants Trunk Nebula
Cone and Fox Fur Nebula, NGC 2264
Fox Fur Nebula, NGC 2264
IC 59 and IC 63 in Cassiopeia
The Cone Nebula, ngc 2264
VDB 75, IC 444, DG99
NGC 5067 The pelican nebula
NGC 1027 adn IC 1805
NGC 1027 and IC 1805
NGC 1499 The California Nebula
NGC 1499 The California Nebula
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