TEAM Lab Membership

Want to get involved?

Welcome to our new membership program, designed to offer you a space not simply to learn about our community, but to be a part of it.

Harvestworks boasts a thriving community of artists, project consultants, and digital media professionals – the oldest community of its kind, in fact. Nearly forty years into the business, New York’s first independent digital arts center still supports an ever-growing family of artists. Now, we’re extending the invitation to you.

We’ve created a program exclusively for our members – to study, experiment, design, and create in an atmosphere of innovative art and technical expertise. How does open studio space, scheduled access to our equipment, discounts on workshops, and opportunities to meet and work with similar artists strike you? We’re trying to hit all our bases.

The new membership program is designed for artists who prefer to work within a community of other artists, for those artists visiting from abroad in need of workspace during their stay in New York City, or simply for parties interested in our mission at Harvestworks. Meet the new TEAM Lab; let us show you around.

We’re thrilled to offer:

  • Secure workspace and web connection in our newly-renovated TEAM Lab at Harvestworks, centrally headquartered at the intersection of Broadway and Houston in Manhattan
  • Consultation and engagement with our experienced, rotating staff assistants, fresh from graduate and PhD programs, offering the most up-to date insight in digital art
  • Scheduled access to our in-house Walters-Storyk sound booth
  • Discounted access to our professional 7.1 audio editing and listening studio
  • Discounted access to our extensive collection of video equipment
  • Discounts on full studio rentals (all equipment included)
  • Discounts on Harvestworks classes, workshops, and certificate programs
  • And the opportunity to join our community of international artists, engineers, and programmers at the living center of our operations.

Furthermore, we know that many of our members are emerging artists, the kind of people we want to see apply to our residency programs and with whom we’d love to work in the future. Membership with us provides you the opportunity to submit creative portfolios to our artist database. Moreover, any projects created in the TEAM Lab will be eligible for selection in curated art exhibitions that we hold each semester. We’re all about providing visibility. Who wouldn’t want to catch a curator’s eye?


How do I sign up?

To apply for membership, please send a cover letter, a project description if applicable, and links to relevant work to [email protected]. Don’t forget to tell us how you would benefit from being at Harvestworks, and how our community would benefit from getting to know you.

Pending availability, our new membership program runs as per the rates below:

Beginning January 1st:

1-month membership : $350 per month
3-month membership : $325 per month
6-month membership : $300 per month

Interested in joining our donor-oriented Circle of Friends, instead? Click here to be redirected to traditional membership information.

If you have any further questions, feel free to call or email us, and we’ll be happy to help you out.

Carol Parkinson, Executive Director – [email protected]

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