Roosevelt High School senior Hunter Young is a bass clarinetist who recently earned a spot in the Oʻahu Band Directors' High School Select Band. After one of the Select Band's after-school rehearsals, we spoke with Young about his journey in band, the audition process to play in the Select Band, and the teachers who supported him along the way.
Every day after school this week, the Oʻahu Band Directors Association's Select Band has been rehearsing for their concert on Saturday. After rehearsal, in a busy student pick-up area, Classical Pacific's Sharene Taba caught up with guest conductor Professor Jay Gephart from Purdue University, OBDA Select Band Chair Mr. Rory Onishi, and Roosevelt High School senior and bass clarinetist of this year's Select Band, Hunter Young.
The Honolulu City Council is once again considering a tax on vacant housing units; Does educational technology really help kids learn?
Dozens of palm trees along Oʻahu’s shoreline have been cut down to prevent further damage caused by invasive coconut rhinoceros beetles. A city spokesperson said the situation will get worse before it gets better. As HPR's Mark Ladao learned, an infestation of one or a handful of trees results in an issue for an entire neighborhood.
The Honolulu Emergency Services Department will use an outfitted city bus to provide services to homeless individuals.
The City and County of Honolulu just updated one of Oʻahu’s incentives for developers of potential affordable rental housing. HPR's Mark Ladao has more.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Livability Index analyzed 173 cities worldwide based on 30 categories of living standards.
A HECO funded project creates firebreak at Leihōkū Elementary in Waiʻanae to help with fire preparedness. This comes after various wildfire scares near the school over the years.
Hawaiʻi Energy is offering grants of up to $9,000 to assist local businesses and nonprofits with energy efficiency projects. The organization accepted 200 projects last year.
Kūpono Solar is the largest solar, plus storage, project on the island and can generate enough energy to power 10,000 homes, according to its developer Ameresco, Inc.