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Walleye Fishing 101

Walleye Fishing: The ultimate guide to catching trophy fish

Walleye Fishing 101: How to Catch Walleye

The walleye is a cold water fish that has brilliant and outstanding features that differentiates it from other fish. People who engage in freshwater fishing stand the chance of seeing and perhaps catching the walleye because it is a freshwater fish belonging to the perch family. Taking a critical study on the lifestyle of the walleye, it is not hard to decipher some features it has. Do you know that the walleye can live up to 20 years? Do you know that the female walleye can lay as much as 600,000 eggs in a year? Sounds intriguing right? That is the walleye for you!

Now, considering all these features, you may want to know the tips and tricks that can make you a better angler and help you catch that trophy walleye. Walleye fishing is fun because the harder it becomes to catch a fish, the more fun the fishing activity becomes. The walleye likes not to be seen when eating. They eat in a dark because they have a very high visual acuity under low illumination levels, meaning they eat when the light passing through the water column is hampered.  The walleye hangs out around underwater structures when the sun is out and feed almost throughout the day.

The nature of the walleye makes it relatively hard to fish. It is fun to do because there are several tricks and techniques that can be useful in catching the walleye. Understanding the walleye is the first step to knowing how to catch it, otherwise you will find yourself clueless about walleye fishing. When you follow the tips and techniques that are apt for walleye fishing, you could be a renowned angler.

Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Catching the Walleye

Below are some helpful tips that will skyrocket as well as make your freshwater and walleye fishing expedition yield results.

Finding the Walleye:  

Walleye can travel many miles to meet their needs, but despite this knowing where you can get them is always a secret of making a wonderful catch. It has always seemed that you spend much time locating where the walleye are than the time you use in catching them. The bigger the number of walleyes in a location, the higher your chances of catching them. Walleyes prefer to stay in waters with a temperature of about 22.7°C, and may not go down very deep during spring.  During summer, the walleye tend to move deeper in water due to their light-sensitive eyes. To get the best of walleye fishing during this time, you have to fish deeper. 

Using Loten Walleye Rig

Are you looking to score big on your next walleye fishing expedition? Then you wouldn’t go wrong by using by using the loten walleye rig. This fantastic tool allows you to fish deep. The loten walleye rig makes it right to the bottom of the river making sure you do not miss those big walleyes that may be hiding deep under water. This all important rig is named after Greg Loten a renowned professional fishing guide in Ontario. Greg loten has a knack for catching monster walleyes in places not known to naturally harbor big walleyes.

Loten Rig

The lotten rig combines features of a Joe and Lindy rig. This rig needs a floating jig head, a trailer hook on 2.5 inches of line, a worm, a small split-shot sinker, slide sinker and syringe. To deploy this rig, you will need to slide the slide sinker with your line then proceed to tie the floating jig. After this, take the jig and slide the worm into the hook. Furthermore, connect the trailer hook to the jig’s hook while allowing the trailer hook to dangle. However, endeavour not to stick the hook in the tail of the bait (worm). Proceed and inject air into the tail of the worm using the clean syringe while deploying your rig under water. Leave for some minutes and watch out for your incredible walleye catch.

Early Spring Techniques:

Another powerful technique to capture the walleye fish is to fish for them during the early spring. This is because, during early spring, walleyes tend to come very close to shore or camp around areas popularly known as wild rice bed or sand bar with a very sandy bottom. Similarly, walleyes would also be found around rocky points and weed areas. For those who are already used to scouting for walleyes, you would agree that location is crucial when fishing for this highly intelligent creatures. Also, walleyes tend to spawn around river current. However, you have to be careful when fishing for them during early spring.  Walleyes become aggressive during this period and would hit just about any bait set in place to lure them.

One vital tool that will skyrocket your walleye fishing expedition during spring is the walleye jigs. If set up correctly, walleye jigs would provide you with a catch you will no doubt be proud of. Here is how you deploy the walleye jig for an excellent walleye catch:

Walleye Jigs:

While fishing for walleyes during early spring, it is imperative you understand that smaller male walleye stay on shallow grounds close to the spawning area while the more mature females operate quite deeper during the day. Hence, if you are looking for a catch that would impress you during the day, endeavor to jig in the shallow water. To catch bigger walleyes, try to go a few feet deeper, but then stay in the same area.


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