Postal Abbreviation: WY
Natives: Wyomingite
Population 2020: 576,851
Legal Driving Age: 16
Age of Majority: 19
Median Age: 36.8
State Song: “Wyoming”
Lyrics: Charles E. Winter
Music: George E. Knapp
Median Household Income:$56,322
Capital..... Cheyenne
Entered Union..... July 10, 1890 (44th)
Present Constitution Adopted: 1890
Nickname: Equality State
Cowboy State
“Equal Rights”
Origin of Name:
Taken from an Indian phrase, meaning “at the big mountains and valleys”.
AGRICULTURE: barley, cattle, hay,
sheep, sugar beets, wheat, wood, wool.
MINING: coal, natural gas, petroleum.
MANUFACTURING: chemicals, lumber,
petroleum and coal products, printed
Total Area: 97,819 sq. miles
Land area: 97,105 sq. miles
Water Area: 714 sq. miles
Geographic Center: Fremont
58 mi. ENE of Lander
Highest Point: Gannett Peak
(13,804 ft.)
Lowest Point: Belle Fourche River
(3,099 ft.)
Highest Recorded Temp.: 114˚ F (7/12/1900)
Lowest Recorded Temp.: –63˚ F (2/9/1933)
The state is very mountainous. The Rocky, Laramie, Bighorn and Tetons mountains cover most of the state. The highest peak in Wyoming is Fremont Peak with a height of 13,790 feet. The Tetons Mountains include the Jackson Hole Valley.
Cheyenne, 59,011
Casper, 55,316
Laramie, 30,816
Gillette, 29,087
Rock Springs, 23,036
Sheridan, 17,444
Green River, 12,515
Evanston, 12,359
Riverton, 10,615
Cody, 9,520
1834 Robert Campbell builds a fur trading post at what become Fort Larmie
1867 Gold was discovered at South Pass. Cheyenne becomes the first settlement.
1869 Wyoming becomes the first territory to give women the right to vote.
1872 The first National Park is established- Yellow stone National.
1890 Wyoming was admitted as the 44th state.
1929 Grand Teton National Park was established.
Dick Cheney
Buffalo Bill Cody
Harrison Ford
Jackson Pollock
Alan K. Simpson
James G. Watt
1) Devil’s Tower National Monument
This 1,300 acre site central attraction is Devil Tower. This volcanic monolith rises 867 feet about the surrounding terrain of Northeastern Wyoming.
2) Fort Laramie National Historic Site
The fort was first built in 1834 as a center for fur trading in the region. In 1849 the US army purchased the fought as a base of operations against the regions indians. Today the fort has been restored.
3) Fossil Butte National Monument
This 8198 acre park was once a lake. Today the site contains fossilized remains of the inhabitants of that lake.
4) Grand Teton National Park
Established in 1929 this park that covers 310,000 acres includes 12 mountain peaks above 12,000 feet. It has over 230 miles of trail to explore.
5) Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone is the worlds oldest national park. It was established in 1872 and covers 2,221,766 acres. Some of its most notable features are Old Faithful a hot spring geyser, and Yellowstone canyon and waterfalls.
6) San Juan Island National Historical Park
This is the site of a 12 year standoff between British and American troops that began in 1859 over the control of this border island. International arbitration eventually ruled in favor of the Americans.